10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 2, 1968 ‘I'E I.I. I'I' M. FOR SALE (Continuec) SEED POTATOES, Kanobeck, early variety. C. Mashlnter. TU. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lat insertion 5e each word. min. charxe 75o Second and subsequent Insertions If wording unchanged, 5e per word, min. charge . . . . . . 65o 4-2549. *3w44 FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per Insertion of We â€"â€"‘â€"â€"TRAILER BOX‘â€"tâ€"‘â€"ype with cow 50 per word: min. Chaf‘. 75. 61-5. Ideal for campers. Phone TU. 4-3493. c1w44 ANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ____________ CARDS 0F TH PROPANE GAS stove, 4-burn- er, table top. Suitable for cot- tage. Reasonable. TU. 4-1765 evenings. c1w44 USED CAR radios from $5 up, 6 and 12 volts. J. Fox & Son, Stop 24 Yonge St. TU. 4-1610. c1w44 USED TV sets from $49.50 and ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. per insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 1.00 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in an early In the week as possible but not later than 10 mm. on Wednesdays, Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 and you will receive Invoice. up. Antenna kits and parts. (Continued) Math's TV, Radio Service. 125 FOR S EONVERTIBLE deep_shanow Pemberton Rd., TU. 4-7903. c1w44 MOFFAT 30" electric stove, automatic oven; Crosley Shel- vador 9 cu. ft. refrigerator. Ex- cellent condition. Owner trans- MOST HOMES ARE LISTED well pump. Cost $145, for $95. WITII DAVID McLEAN LTD. Almost new. AV. 5-5390. c1w44 “928 STOVE $75, frig $65, both in CANVAS Teepce tent, $5. TU. excellent condition. TU. 4-4631. 0 RENT (continued) ' 891m ,, . BMW" 3001 MAI‘éJ MJ. 4 4 MISCELLA N EOU S (continued) 'I‘HORNHILL AREA Large well furnished room, suit one or two gentlemen, parking. AV. 5-4115 after 5.30. c1w44 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, parking. 16 Lorne, lst house east Clarke’s Drug Store at Yonge. *2w43 HOUSE seini-detached, High- way No. 7 near Bathurst Street, $90.00 monthly. Must have ref- erences. ME. 3â€"8880. c1w44 SELF CONTAINED apartment, 3 rooms and bath, Centre and Yonge. $75 monthly, May lst. TU. 4-1853. c1w44 4 ROOM apartment bathroom, self contained, balcony, garage, abstainers only. Phone 886-5341_ c1w44 CENTRAL self-contained apart- ment, sun deck, could be furâ€" nished, parking. Adults, second floor. TU. 4-1204. clw43 ELECTRICAL work. All types of wiring. J. Antram, 884-4102. *3w43 EUROPEAN landscape garden- er. Planting, pruning, shrub- bery, rock gardens. Free estimates. 884â€"7953. A*4w43 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms, floors and walls tiled, at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 CUSTOM plowing and discing. Larger acreages. Apply Samuel Winger, RR. 2, Maple. AV. 5- 2451. *lw43 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 “649‘ CW“? Mg? ferred. AV 5-3520. c1w44 REFRIGERATOR, excellent x , op . . _ condition, reasonable. TU. 4- Smith, slate tiles. 294-2275. gecgggigitiï¬ 51:39; 44 c1w44 ’ ’ . U â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_â€"â€". walk bicycle $15; Simmons 34 DESK, flat top, 24 by 50 lns., SEED POTATOES forsale.Ap- bed and springs $8. AV. 5-4233. 2 of the 7 drawers deep filing, Ply to Forrest Jones, phone c1w44 good hardware, newly painted, AL. 7-8915. c2w43 (mm-£11; $50' TU‘ 4'7623' aw“ 1500 FENCE RAILS, 3150 some $20; one 17 cubic foot freezer USED portable T.V. set, G.E. cedar posts. C. L- Knappett- $125; plumber's standing vise, model, 17â€, $75. J. Fox and Phone 884-3089. tfc41 threaders and cutter $16; large Son. Stop 24. Yonge St. TU- MODEL TRAINS, Mal-km; and six volt battery 36; two 16" 4'1610- Clw‘“ Reg. 110. Cars, power, etc. TU. suburban tires- like new $12; CHESTERFIELD, arm chair, 4-5791. *4w41truck signals $7; 5 gallon pine 4 piece sectional suite, suitable m dismfectant $12. Sale or trade. summer cottage, best offer. ms small to medium person' 8846452- c1w44 TU- 4-5317- clw44 $100, after 5.30 p.m. TU. 45 MOVING. Must sell 24" Moffat TWO-piece Chesterfield, Que- 1723. c1w44 Deluxe stove, fully automatic, bec heater, double bedspring,mlike new. 3-piece brown see- good condition. AV. 5-1693, ant beaded model. size 30x40;tiona1 chesterfield, air foam. after 4:00 pm. c1w44 also fireplace screen and brass Three piece bedroom suite, cof- fâ€"â€"â€â€"â€"â€"â€"* - d . 4_ _ 4 fee and end tables. Commercial ITON G.M.C. tow truck With 02s 88 7353 c1w4_ 2_needle elastic sewing mach_ power winch, floor jack, wheEI USED Frigidaire'“â€"8 cu ft 1. _ , ' ‘ . - . 4 balance! me Changer: coke frigerator, a real bargain, $45. ELIEâ€"c1 dispenser- 64047853 *1W4E J. Fox and Son, Stop 24, Yonge TWO WHEEL trailer with steel GARDEN TRACTOR, c1w44 frame, suitable for boat; wood- rake, St., TU. 4-1610. _ disc, plow and snow pusher. mmâ€"orhedgï¬g en wheelbarrow With balloon ’ tire; combination power mower Sell or exchange for garden white bu. h cum 5 nd su at Rototiller. PR. 3-5320. c1w44 maples to: shade pm; Loin, and rototiller: hand lawn mow- ~â€"_'â€"â€" 5 _ er; lawn swing; compressed air ROTO TILLER, English Ban and manure. Landscaping. C. sprayer; broadcast seeder; tam, like new, reasonable. L. Knappett. Phone 884-3089. . Phone 0. L. Knappett, TU. 4- tfc41 53233 and “"0 Chair5~ A21“; 3039. c1W44 USED Admiral 9 cu. ft. 1'6- _-â€"'â€"_ GOOD used furniture for sale. frigerator, push button defrost. TRADE HI yo‘Ir old fumlture Can Franks Movers and stop across the top freezer. $35; a for new, With highest allowance age, .28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- bargain. J. Fox and Son. Stop â€" 0’ â€" we W1“ buy 3’0“? fl‘r‘ 2613' “c3 24' Yonge Street, TU' 4.1610 nlture for our new. trade-in de- ... c1w44 partment. Free estimates â€" no obligation. Call Powell Furni- ture, 85 Yonge Street North. ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and PROPANE GAS & railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4.1514 APPLIANCES Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2922. tfc36 summon PROPANE LTD. c1w44 MAPLE WATER SOFTENERS For sale and installed. TU. 4-5176 The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- “039 tion. call Av. 5-1145. tfc29 TO RENT WASHER, Monitor Electric, m APARTMENT. three rooms and compact, holds 5 gals. of water, mans Sena heely and' other bath, refrigerator and stove. hand wringer. Ideal -for baby Spï¬n'g mattfesses repaired. re. Central. TU. 4-3294. c1w37 Xilshegbztsélome or cottage. $22.tumed just like new, medium 5 ROOM house, oil furnace, - ' - 01W44 ï¬rm, extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- Richvale area. Phone AV. 5- BUNK BEDS SPECIAL vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- 4021- c1w44 New and used. All reasonable tarlo Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. m offers considered. Call Frank's tfc44 ' Movers and storage. TU. 4-2613 enable rent' for appomtment or Av. 5-5101. tfc38 SUMMER COTTAGE phone TU. 4-3757. tfc41 W COMFORT 7 ROOM house, 171 Elm Grove. trailer. sleeps 2. Ball of Fire Call PR. 3-5286 after 6 pm. lots at cupboards and storage. Stove oil radiant heaters â€" no new tires, guaranteed immacu- late, $400. 166 S rin hill Road, King City. p g c1w44 3:38;: and Sizes' see them of modern kitchen and bath- SEWING MACHINE, SingeT, CARL WALKER SALES We}?! repossessed portable or cabinet; Victoria Square Ph- 385-5413 2 ROOMS and .kltChen' furmSh‘ 8150 washers, dryers. typewrit_ tic 41 ed or unfurnished. Parking ers. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A WE HANDLE only ..TOP..TU- 4-3257- tfc44 tfc44 smoke, odour or pipes. Seven m Yonge St. N. tfc42 brands of equipment to assure 2 BEDROOM modern apart- MATCHED chesterfield and future parts and service. ment- 5° Ben-i0“ Ave-v TU- 4' chair, maple bed, dresser and Wheel Horse - Ariens - Spring- 3581' czw‘u night table, pair wall to wall field - Yardman - Toro - Jacob- APARTMENT for rent. 350 green. drapes. $50 will buy ev- sen - Hahn Eclipse - Lawn Boy. erythiilg. Good condition. TU. Tractors, Riding Mowers, Rot- 4-3584. c1w44 ary and Reel Mowers and Till- Ch 1 I FENCING ers(i Bel-liggs & Stratton, Lauson an ink fencing 42x13 an e a" into“ engine parts and - $16 per 100 ft. roll. 3%"xI3 service'- 5 3333‘ may†gauge $14 per 100 ft. roll. Full CARL WALKER 2 FURNISHED -r00ms’ Smar- line garden gates in Stock 6 Lawn and Garden Equipment, ate bathroom, suitable for busi- ï¬' Steel posts $1 each. 7 ft. Don Mills Rd" Victoria Square. ness person, Yonge at Markham steel posts $1.15 each. Also full Phone 886'5413' “C43 Rd’ TU' 4-2902' aw“ line farm fence materials in 4 ROOM SEE-contained aPaR- stock including cedar posts. TYPEWR‘TERP ment. furniture optional. park- Norman Bone, 34 Eulabeth 5L ADDING MACHINES ing. Thornhill AV. 5-3333. Southâ€"TLM Sales Service Rentals _ c1w44 CHESTERFIELD, 3 piece sec- Authorized Dealer RICHMOND HILL, 6 “" ~ . I'OOI'II tional. with beautiful loose A“ POPUIRP makes for sale “1- house. double garage. finished qwers: rug 9x12, an wool; bed_ eluding new and rebuilt stand- recreation room, occupancy Sideb table with drawers and afd gflta'blle and lelecmc mOd' June. TU- 4.2137. Clw44 cup onrds; hostess servina cal-t; e 5- Decia renta rates avail- x antique high boy: main-orgy able to students» 2 BEDROOM house, full base- t 3 piece bath furnished drapes, horse brasses, etc. L. H- SIMS men, ‘ ' y ' Phone 884-1810 preferably ev- 88 Baker Ave' or unfurnished, in Richmond enings after 7 pm. and week- Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 HRH can TU' 3272' Châ€? ends. c1w44 “C49 3%ROOM spaCIous apartment. WRITE A GOOD AD 1. IT'S ALWAYS BEST to start your advertisement with the name of the article or service you have to offer. If you have an apartment or room for rent or property for sale, start. your advertisement with the location and city in which it is located. month part time light duties optional. 886-5772. c1w44 4 ROOMS self contained, priv- ate, parking, furnished. AV. Self contained. Adults. AV. 5- 5233. tfc44 apartment, ONE BEDROOM 102 Markham Road, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-7243 - RU. 3-6158. c4w44 6 ROOM house in Richmond Hill convenient to schools. Available from May 15. 884- 2. BE CLEAR. Readers respond more quickly and fav- 7922 *lw44 orably when given complete or deï¬nite details. Be sure 1 BEDROOM .-_ t0 mCIUd? Price In ads. whenever possible â€" it is the apartment’ a-‘all- consumer s “most wanted" information. able dim“ 13' . Stove' fr‘dge' 3. MAKE IT EASY for the reader- ros ect to rea h ma oom‘ “It young couple Insert telephone number and your ngmepand addreSs. onf Av' 5'1234' “C44 you do not have regular have prospects contact you. 4. THE GREATEST READER ATTENTION can be se- cured for your advertisement by using consecutive inser- tions. liou can stop your ad in the event of results, and then you pay only for the days it is published at the rate earned. 5. PLACE YOURSELF in the reader's position and ask yourself what you would like to know (about your offer). The answer you give will make a good classiï¬ed Want Ad. hours give a preferred time to CAP!" APARTMENTS 180 Bayview Ave., Richmond Hill New large 1, 2 and 3 bedroom ter-com, walk-in closets. parking. Built-in air condition I i l i i i i i i i i i l l i i i l ! “mm-“ 6. WANT ADS THAT FAIL to bring satisfaction do so, STleefgfï¬giecogigzd ougutlzlittii not through any lack of readership, but because they are D1. CI t 11 , > ' often carelessly worded and do not contain enough infor- apes' ose .0 a comm-len- matlon to get prompt action ces. Rental office on premises, FOR FAST RESULTS â€" PHONE LIBERAL WANT ADS 884-5917 TU- 4-5693 TU. 4-1105-6 AV. 5-3316 RU. 1,9532 Half block from Yonge bus.‘ apartments now renting. Fire-i proof. All suites equipped. ln-‘ Free: tress, 5-4767. ROOM AVAILABLE, suit one or two, 7960. mond Hill. TU. 4-1788. St. 4571. and transportation. 884- Must have references, smoker preferred. 285-1234. SELF-CONTAINED St., older couple. TU. 4-4891. LARGE ROOM, self-contained, second floor, parking. Business person. Lang- staff near Yonge. AV. 5-4190. 02w44 BASEMENT apartment, near Allencourt Plaza, 2% unfur- nished rooms, TU. 4-4500 or call at 415 Bent Crescent after 6.30 pm. *1w44 ATTRACTIVE upper duplex, 2 bedrooms, large living room, picture window, overlooking garden, equipped near Yonge. Adults. TU. 4-2149. tfc43 APARTMENT, central, two bedroom, large rooms, fully equipped, soft water, sound- proof, parking $105.50 Benson TU. 4-3581. c1w44 3 BEDROOM bungalow, oil heat, garage, storms and screens, close to Shopping, schools and transportation. Tenant will sell fridge and deep freeze reasonable. 222 Bayview North, 884-5452. clw44 WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€" pool elevators, FM music, large balconies, intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc27 RICHMOND HILL 42 ELMDALE COURT Upper 2 bedroom, $120, building, all conveniences, ideal location for children, one month rent free. Call Mr. Van Althen 884-2326, Mr. Devine EM. 2-6161. The Canada Trust Company. tfe41 BAYVIEW MANOR 451 ELMWOOD AVE. AT BAYVIEW AVE. RICHMOND HILL 1 & 2 bedroom apartments. Coloured tiled bath. Balconies. Free parking. Walk-in closets. Near everything. Reasonable. Apply Apt. 103. TU. 4-5693 RU 1-9532 tfc43 MISCELLANEOUS EXTERIOR painting - for free estimates call 884-3882. c1w44 SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. tfc4 estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. PATIOS, sidewalks and priva- cy screens installed - reason- able rates. 1384-3882. c1w44 REPAIRS TO all water well pumping equipment and sump pumps. 103 No. 7 Highway 15., Thornhill. 285-2973. c7w42 CUSTOM PLOWING. 884-5121 c4w44 PAINTER & DECORATOR Big Spring savings. Alex 884- 1782. tfc44 E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 , tfc43 CHESTERFIELD suites. and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- gentlemen preferred. Stonework. Fireplace, Close to transportation. TU. 4- Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. S.. c2w43 Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- BACHELOR apartment, stove, 5688- refrig., private entrance, parkâ€" CARPENTRY WORK, additions, ing. 130 Centre St. West, RiCh- renovations, garages, recreation “044 rooms, tile floors. No job too COMPLETELY furnished hach- small. Free estimates. T. Price. elor apartment, close to Yonge AVK 5'3553- MASONRY CONTRACTOR etc. V. tfc23 tfc28 CHIMNEYS c2w43 Chimneys built and repaired. MODERN 3-bedmom bungalow, Free estimates. Expert work- all conveniences, Oak Ridges mEWShIP- near Yonge and King Sideroad.M1t°he_11i AV- 52,536- _,, $110. PA. 7-9488, PA. 7-5046. CARPENTRY, painting and dec- tfc43 crating, 1 BEDROOM apartment, rent pairs and alterations. Prompt free, f0 em 10 able h nd man. service. Estimates free. r p y a y mm Webb, AV. 5-2546. and tfc15 Phone Walker custom building, reâ€" Les tfc38 MAHOGANY Pfï¬ï¬ODâ€" c1w44 V grooved 3/16â€. Cash and car- a artment ry price 4x7 $3.36, 4x8 $3.84 per in quiet home‘ close a, Yonge sheet. Butler & Baird Lumber suitable for business or Ltd" 191 Yonge St‘ N‘ tfc13 CUSTOM CARPENTRY c2w42 Kitchens remodelled, bedroom kitchenette. and bathroom vanities, stereo, hi-ï¬, china cabinets. Free estim- ates. Morris Harrison, TU. 4- 2838. tfc15 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE. 3â€"6321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery. phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms, kitchens, entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors, AV. 5-1960. tfc32 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRA .‘TORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service. WALKER & MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 tfc8 PAINTING, DECORATING, PAPER HANGING IT’S LIKE a dream come true! Spring savings for a limited time only. We guarantee our work 100 percent for service and quality. Alex. 884-1782. - clw43 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- den-ce, business, AV. 5-5345. tfc44 SOUND Hi-Fi - Stereo Dance Entertainment PA Service Indoor - Outdoor - Mobile METRO MUSIC SERVICES 884-7287 tfc20 FENCING pâ€"AINTI'N'Gâ€"‘ papâ€"crhanging. pm? Your privacy starts where your fence begins, 27 years in Rich- tfc15 mond Hill. We supply mater- ials and erect all types of fen- cing. Free estimates. Norman Bone, 34 Elizabeth St. South, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1443. tfe41 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, modern service. C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill tfc40 REPAIRS ALL MOWERS - TRACTORS Tillers & Small Engines All size mowers sharpened Speedex Riding Tractors 1And other equipment for sale. 103 No. 7 Highway E., Tllorilhill 285-2973 tfc38 DEAD STOCK WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call TU. ,ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. tfc51 4-2538 or ZEm'th 32800. License No. 204-62. 11031 tfc . llmrlees, TU. 4-2324. HELP WA NTED SALESMEN for established bread route. Phone 244-3571. FEMALE help for light factory work, 5 day week. Apply Box 157, The Liberal. c1w44 WAITRESS wanted, part-time, 4 p.m.â€"9 p.m. 285-0027. Peter's Restaurant, Thornhill. c2w44 YOUNG man, for garden work, Saturday, $1 an hour. TU. 4- 5489. c1w44 WAITRESS for modern rest; rant near Thornhill. AV. 5- 5998. c1w44 WOMAN for household work: three times weekly. Write Box 155 The Liberal. c1w44 GIRL WANTED, Oak Ridges area, part time. Maple Egg Grading Station. Call after one. PR. 3-5119. c1w44 TWO women for Pinecrest Speedway, Saturday nights, as washroom attendants. Call Mr. Smith, AV. 5-1094. c1w44 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN Opening for one salesman. Ap- ply to S. J. Carlisle, David Mc- Lean Ltd., AV. 5-1176. c1w44 TUITION BABY SITTING EXAMINATION tutoring for ENGLISH wmow would-“ll; high school mathematics, chem- istry, physics, by University of Toronto student. TU. 4-2850. c1w44 baby sitting. TU. 4-1210. c1w44 MOTHER’S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home- mal'er's service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. WANTED GIRLS' used sidewalk bicycle. TU. 4-4833. c1w44 SMALL BUSINESS wantEd‘. W1 d _1 LIVESTOCK Ligglealetal s to Box 1521:1412 WATER PUMPING system. HEIFER for sale. Close spring- AV, 5-3703, c1w44 6. She is half Jersey and half GYM SET, including gliderwand swings, 7 ft or over. Good con- dition. TU. 4â€"7989. c1w44 USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Call Maple Breeding. Vaccinated and blood tested. S. Clarkson, Lot 21, Can. 3, Markham. c1w44 THOROUGHBRED brood mare Reasonable. Call after 5 pm. erv due to fI‘CShen about MaY' Holstein, good size. She is from ' (Suffernâ€"Rosy Glow) chestnut, 15.2, sound, well mannered, reg- istered; producer of winners at the track and in the show ring. THOROUGHBRED filly, 3 yrs., chestnut, 15.3 (Royal Yearâ€" Frank's Movers and Storage. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 USED CARS MAN OR BOY for grass cut- ting, one day weekly. Power equipment supplied. TE. 3â€" 5253. c1w44 COOK-housekeeper, protestant home, 3 adults, daily kept, good wages, comfortable quarters. Maple AL. 7-1035. c1w44 EXPERIENCED waitresses, dish washer wanted. Apply at Pop’s Tavern, 194 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. tfc42 NOW is the time to look into the Avon opportunity. Write today for interview, to Miss Ziegler, Box 141, Guelph. clw43 BEAUTY Demonstrator, earn up to $5 per hour demonstrat- ing famous Studio Girl Cos- metics. Full or part-time. Phone AX. 3-4716. c4w44 BUTCHER for custom cutting shop in King City, good oppor- tunity for the right man. King City Cold Storage, TE. 3-5173. After 7, AV. 5-3814. clw44 FULL and part time waitresses wanted for golf club. Good wages, pleasant surroundings. For information call Mrs. McHarry, AV. 5-0006. c1w44 SALESMAN WANTED FOR Chrysler-Plymouth dealer- ship; ambitious local man pre- ferred; good commission and new car supplied. Call Man- ager, 285-4858. c1w44 WOMEN for light factory work, no experience necessary, 40- hour week. Apply in person, 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Dominion Circuit Breaker, 264 Newkirk Road. " c1w44 MAN for general help in club house at‘golf club. Sleeping ac- commodation available if re- quired. For information call Mrs. McHarry, AV. 5-0006. c1w44 SALESMAN or saleslady, some selling experience necessary. Company car supplied. Apply in person, Frank's Movers and Storage, 28 Industrial Road. c1w44 YOUNG MAN, age 16-18 for general work and training on research animal farm. Perm- anent position for suitable per- son. High Oak Ranch Ltd., TU. 4-2580. c1w44 MALE clerk-typist required for construction firm in north end of the city. Experienced pre- ferred. Please write stating ex- pErience and references to Box 152 The Liberal. AREA SALES REPRESENTATIVE required for progressive mov- ing company Experience prefer- red in the moving field. Please forward resume to Box 156 The Liberal. c1w44 WANTED (part-time) for pri- vate house (2 adults), an ex- perienced woman capable of doing housework and serving at table. Must provide own transportation to residence 1% miles S. of Maple. Wages $10 per day. AL. 7-2303. c1w44 BOOKKEEPER RAPIDLY expanding manufac- turing plant requires book- ,keeper capable of taking charge of complete set of books; per- manent position. Dominion Cir- cuit Breaker, 264 Newkirk Rd., Richmond Hill. c1w44 EXPERIENCED male account- ant, able to assume full res- ponsibility of small office staff for established firm in Rich- imond Hill. Please reply in con-t fidence, giving qualifications, experience, age and salary re- quirements to Box 158 The Liberal. c1w44 DUE TO OUR CONTINUING Small or no down Payment lGROWTH large life insurance company offering lifetime op- portunity for aggressive and ambitious young married man age 23-45. For sales and ser- vice position Willowdale and North Toronto. High school ed- ucation real asset. Full training; program. Starting salary $100 a week. Future earnings unus- ually attractive. Contact W.‘ c1w44; 1954 OLDSMOBILE‘ Phone Pamela Rose), quiet and going TU. 4-4858. c1w44 green' 1961 AUSTIN 850, $500 cash. ESQROEGHBRED my‘ 2 "s" TU. +7835. c1w44: y, s ows a lot of quality M_. (How Blueâ€"Pamela Rose). 1956 DODGE Regent; ill-tone. ALL selling very reasonably. AL. 7-1110. c1w44 Phone Canter-By Farm, 729- ’mV-B 2487- Heston- automatic radio, good condi- tion. 1954 CHRYSLER coach, excel- lent condition. Call TU. 4-5037 any time. c1w44 1959 METEOR Rideau, auto: matic, radio, good condition. AUTO COMPOUND LTD. lxé mile west of Yonge Street on c1w44 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY CHINCHILLA BREEDING You can make money raising Chinchillas. Enquire Stonehouse . Chinchilla Ranch R. R. 1 Ux- No. 7 Highway - ’ Phone 285-3752 or 239_2027 bridge, UL. 2-3757, RU. 2-6806. c1w44| “C37 1955 FORD Fairlane V-8 auto- JEWELR‘,’ STORE 1" mOdem matic, radio, no licence, $325. plaza ‘ R‘Chmond Hm- MOdem Phone BA. 143855. nc2w42 store front, nice interior, fix- 1953 Ford 34m pick-up. $175 iiifssii’égbilefé‘r 5.23:3]: $13153 0" Swap for W'ton- AV- 5’5989- tric appliance centre. Excellent ¢1W43 potential. 884-4957. c3w44 1956 PLYMOUTH 6 cylinder standard transmission, radio, excellent condition, $475 cash. TU. 4-1215 after 6 pm. c1w44 1955 LINCOLN convertible, ONE LADY'S old fashioned full power, equipped, new top gold fob watch, $5 reward. TU. last fall. 884-5571 after 6 pm. 4-3818- clw44 c2w43 GENTLEMAN’S glasses, bi-' 1960 Cushman Motor Scooter, focals. in brown case- Vicinity with windscreen, buddy seat, A1 Moore's Feed Mill and Post etc., fully equipped, good con- Office, Maple. AL. 7-8740. dition. AV. 5-3117. c1w44 clw44 1960 CHEVROLET 2 door, ex- GERMAN SHEPHERD. 3 yeirs cellent condition, one owner, 01d. hany bund. blaCk arid tan. $1,400 full price. TU. 4-4626. name ngy weighs 75 lbs- Re- c1w44 ward offered. Please phone SPORTS C An Mrs. L. Brown. 257-8804. c1w44 1958 Karmann Ghia, may be MISSING from rear of movie seen at Sunoco Station, corner theatre. bOY'S mEdlum bicycle. of Yonge and Richmond, Tu, Red frame, white fenders. 4-7161, c1w44 Please call TU. 4-1066. PRIVATE -â€" 1957 Volkswagen custom, very good condition, front end and brakes have just been done. Asking 3495. AL. PETS FOR SALE U BUDGIES for sale. TU. 4-7346. PRIVATEâ€"1961 Lark, 2-door, 6-cylinder, OHV, heavy duty generator, brakes, springs, twin traction. Excellent condition. Asking $1,300. AL 7-1204. c2w43 TOY COLLIE, female, one year, $5. AV. 5-2379. c1w44 1951 886-5746 after 4 pm. 1952 1953 1954 1954 1955 1955 CHEV. hardtop $150 Chevrolet $65 Chevrolet $75 Plymouth Hardtop $95 Chevrolet $150 Pontiac hardtop $395 Meteor, automatic $495 1955 Chevrolet $195 1955 Chevrolet wagon $150. 1956 Chevrolet $495 1956 Dodge $125 Colonial Esso, 9052 Yonge St., Richvale tfc42 I VACATING PREMISES - cars must be sold by May 8th â€"â€" '57 Monarch Convertible $1095. '57 Dodge 8 cylinder automat- ic $250 ’56 Dodge 8, automatic $250 56 Dodge 6, standard, $125 '55 Dodge 6, standard $75 - ‘53 Dodge 6, standard, radio, ' $65 '54 Pontiac $75 '49 Monarch $120 '53 Ford Half Ton $265 '54 Ford, needs plates, $50 Thorndale Sales & Service, 19190 Yonge St. (Texaco Station) Richvale, 285-4628 c1w44 WANT TO GET BEHINDA NEWWHEEL? GET YOUR CAR NOW WITH A LOW-COST, LIFE-INSURED XXX XXX XXXX XXXX X XXXX X X X X X X X X XXX X X X X X XXXX X X X X X X X X XXX XXX XXXX X X X X XXXX X XXXX X X X X X x X XX X XXXX X XXXX X X X X X X X X XX X XXXX X X X X SIMPSDN'S 12 Yonge St. S. THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA HOMES FOR SALE HQ 7 ROOMS - $2.000 DOWN 4 Bedrooms solid brick bungalow in new condition situated on serviced lot near schools, shopping and transportation. Owner trans- ferred, price reduced from $17,900 to $16,300. Urgent. CALL MR. WILCOCK WEST SIDE, RICHMOND HILL $14,200 - Ideal home for re- tired couple, quiet street, handy to Yonge Street, shopping and transportation, on sewers, fenced and land- scaped lot. CALL MR. SLATER REDUCED $3,000 $20,900 - 1% storey, open fireplace in living room, garage with breezeway, 2 baths, on sewers, nicely landscaped lot, 2 blocks to Yonge in central Willowdale. A genuine buy. CALL MR. MICKIEWICZ 39 ROOSEVELT DRIVE OPEN HOUSE - 2to4p.m. this weekend, Roosevelt Dr. is 2 blocks north of Langstaff road - runs west from Yonge Street. Six rooms on two floors, open fireplace in liv- ing room - fully tiled base- ment - new furnace - 100 ft. - landscaped lot - attached garage - See Miss Clarke at the property. VICTORIA SQUARE 2 Bedroom bungalow on a picturesque corner lot. Drill- ed well and lots of shade trees. $2.500 down, one mort- gage back. CALL LARRY NEILL 8242 Yonge St., Thomhill AV. 5-1156 BA. 1-1102 MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD .m__ . WWMVXKSV‘W over 1.000 NEW 69 Everyone is talking about the chic chapeaux at Madeleine's. Fancy Swiss braids, light-as- air straws, glamorous organzas plus a multitude of gay flowers fashion spring ’63 silhouettes - - - featuring Spanish and breton sailors, sombreros, fed- oras, turbans soft cloches and pretty picture hrims. Colorful matching gloves and scarfs -â€" look so fresh, wash in a wink! Wade/elite Millinery & Accessories “W44 3319 YONGE ST. (at Fairlawn) mi; 2 bus stops below City Limit. c1w44 pups, easy monthly payments, 9 am. - 6 pm; Friday to 9 pm. *4w42 WWW Ladies’ SPRING COATS late arrivals newest styles Reg. $31.95 - $39.95 _ 52 4.44 each DRYGUDDS Richmond Hill