Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 May 1963, p. 21

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Klember of the Court of Re- vision $10 for each half-day he is employed, and 10c per mile at allowance. By-law 2012, to um 1d bylaw 1692, governing uc‘ payments, contained these pro ’sions as of last January lst and was carried on the motion of Councillors Rumble and Sumner. COURT OF REVISION , Markham Township has auth- rized the treasurer to pay each Swimming (modern pool), Nature Lore, Camp- ‘craf’t. Canoeing, Creative Arts & Crafts, Riding, . Sports & Games, Singing, Story-Telling, ; Overnights (for 8-14 year olds) This fine lot of nationally advertised merchandise, comprised of iadies’ and men’s fine watches including Elgin, Longines; diamond rings, some with larger diamonds and others with smaller diamonds; ladies’ and men’s rings set with various stones. Also in this sale silverware sets, electric shavers, and many other items. Every item carries a written guarantee. This is your opportunity to come to an auction sale which is a lot of fun and bid your own price on the fine merchandise. (Free Draw â€"- Ladies’ Genuine Diamond Ring) _ALVIN S. FARMER, Auctioneer Phone Gormley 886-5311 Coffee Counter will be open for business Mrs. Gordon Purves Mr. A. T. Crosler Richmond Hill area Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle Gormley Area Mr. George Brand For Services We Render 8: General Information Call Mrs Mrs Mrs Thornhill Area Mrs. E. Percival Victoria Square area Mrs. C. Nichols Unlonvlfle Area Mrs. E. Stlver Markham Area Mrs. O. S.. Stalter Wednesday Evening MAY 15th. OF 200 LOTS OF UNREDEEMED PLEDGES UNDER INSTRUCTION OF PROMINENT ONTARIO PAWNBROKER RICHMOND HILL 8; DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY AND BURNER SERVICE TU.4-436l RICHMOND HILL HALL'S DOMESTIC FUEL OIL RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT RED CROSS BRANCH 5 r ANNUAL MEETING ’ MAY 7, 8 PM. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY, AT 8 RM. SHARP AT VICTORIA SQUARE COMMUNITY HALL 0 Presentation of Blood Donor Award 0 Demonstration Mouth to Mouth Artificial Respiration 0 Film on use of blood in open heart surgery OFFERS 4 CAMP PERIODS FOR 1963. ' JULY 1 to 12 JULY 29 to AUGUST 9 .JULY 15 to 26 AUGUST 12 to 23 Chartered Bus Transportation Provided. Fees are only $25.00 per camper for each two- week camp period. CALL 884-2844 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION W. J. Babcock 9 Director W. J. Lennox S. G. Phillips 884-4070 W. C. Armstrong KETTLEBY, ONTARIO A Day Camp for Boys and Girls « 4-14 YEARS OLD RICHILDACA CAMP AUCTION SALE UNREDEEMED PLEDGES EVERYONE WELCOME AV. 5-1839 294-1450 on Don Mills Road 297-1585 297-1186 884-3348 884-4821 886-5525 886-5200 884-5501 884-1034 They also agree to pay a $1,600 contribution toward new 'fire equipment, and since this has been purchased on a ten year debenture, council mem- bers suggested they would pay $160 per year over a ten year ‘period, instead of a lump sum. The above agreement may be terminated by notice of not jless than six months. it t It I! PROTEST GRAVEL PIT A newly re-opened gravel pit on 16th Ave. east of 48 highway, near Markham, is causing distress to homeown- ers there. ‘ This week, Mrs. Wm. Will- iamson. whose home borders the gravel pit property reached the point of desperation. and appealed to council again. A stiff east wind blew up clouds of dust from the gravel pit road where the heavy trucks sped back and forth. She was pre- vented from hanging out laun- dry. and her house was filled ‘with layers of dust. on NEW FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT A new agreement on fire protection between the town- ship and the Village of Mark- ham, provides that the town- ship shall pay a $600 yearly retainer fee, as well as $100 for the first hour of service on a call, plus $60 for each suc- ceeding hour. Earlier this year a group of ratepayers from this built-up area appealed to council to prevent the re-openlng of a pit on the land owned by Grove Brothers, claiming it would be a fund Would devalue their property. The township brought a charge against the owners. but the case was thrown out of court because of a prior judg- ment brought down on a sim- ilar case in Pickering Town- ship. (Mrs.) Jean Babcock Secretary VAUGHAN ASKS MARKHAM FOR. WATER Vaughan has requested that Markham supply water to 150 consumers on Crestwood Road, in the Steele’s Ave. area, be- cause of a high iron content in their own water supply which will necessitate treatment. In ‘ the past Vaughan has sold wat- er to Markham for the Rich- vale area, but at present Markham say they cannot com- mit themselves to supplying Crestwood Road. Recently, she told councfl, windows in her home had been broken by blasting at the pit. and last week she found a truck driver taking rails from her fence. Council sympathized. but could only promise to send the by-law enforcement officer to interview the pit owners. Said Reeve W. R. Dean: ‘When the North York wells are in working order there will be plenty of water." But he intimated that until that time the water situation In Markâ€" ham would be tight. It was agreed on the motion of Councillors Sumner and Rumble that the request be re- ferrEd to the water and sani- tation committee for consider- ation. and Clerk E. Crisp was asked to write to the Water Resources Commission explain- ing the situation. Merchants are reminded that a by-law in Markham forbids the sale of fireworks in the township, except for one week prior to the Victoria Day hol- WIQDNESDAY. May 8th - Auction sale of farm imple- ments, MH baler. International 15 disc drill. lxé ton Chevrolet truck, farm. barn and garden tools, rotatlller, garden tractor, also household furniture, dish- es. utensils, glassware, many choice antiques. very old art- icles, etc., at Lot 27. Concession 6, Markham Township, 4 miles North of Unlonville, at Cashel. on the 6th line. Property of Harold Carruthers. Sale at 1‘ pm. Terms cash. No reserve, Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prena tice. Auctioneers. Markham. phone 294-3161 or 640-3686. iday‘ Sâ€"AL'EiR’EGISTERS TUESDAY. MAY 7 â€" Clearing Farm Auction at Cedar Hedge Farm, including Holstein Dairy Herd, Tractor Implements. 2 Tractors, Fertilizer Drill. Pow- er Mower, Bale Elevator, Side Rake (nearly new), Milker. Bulk Cooler. Deep Freezer, Re- frigerator. Household Furni- ture, Grain, 900 Bales of Hay, 1000 Bales of Straw; property of the estate of the late Geo. W. Carr. located at lot 7, con- cession 10, Markham Township, 1 mile south of highway No. 7, 3 miles east of Markham Vil- lage. No reserve. Faulkner and Woods. Clerks. Terms Cash. Sale at 1 pm. D.S.T. W. D. Atkinson, Sale Manager and Auctioneer. ( c1w44 SATURDAY, MAY 11 â€" Auc. tion sale of large lot of furnit- ure. consisting of mostly antique articles. dishes, antique furniture, ornaments, etc., in Buttonville Community Hall, SAT.. MAY 18 â€" Auction sale of high quality furniture. wal- nut dining room suite. 1 pair twin beds. walnut and mattress- es; electric refrigerator; 3 pce. chesterfield, like new; 21" TV. like new; full line of furniture, including dishes, cooking uten- sils, linens. In town of Rich- mond Hill at 67 Roseview Ave. The estate of the late Bernetta L. Hoover. No reserve. Prop- erty sold. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 pm. DST. Lloyd Turner, clerk; Alvin S. Farmer, auc- tioneer, phone Gormley 886- 5311. c3w44 on Don Mills Road in Village of Buttonville, North of No. 7 Highway. Property of Kelly and Hunt. Terms cash. No re- serve. Sale at 1.00 pm. Ken & Clarke Prentice - Auctioneers. SATURDAY. MAY 18 â€" Auc- tion sale of cattle, Ford tractor and Ford equipment and im- plements, other farm imple- ments. garden tools. household furniture, etc, property belong- ing to the Estate of the late A. Rittenhouse, on Reesor's Road, Scarboro Twp.. South from Ce- dar Grove and North of Finch Ave. Sale at 1.00 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Ken 8; Clarke Prentice - Auctioneers. c4w43 KENNETH SHEPHERD Ofl'ice, TU. 4-2391 3! Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phane Markham 724 mm: mm MUTUAL AUTO- mmwmrw. Use your headâ€"and SAVE! Check State Farm's low insurance rates for careful driversâ€"rates so low that on. out of two may save important doL lam Call today! 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone Gormlcy 5369 FIRECRACKER BY-LAW LLOYD HARVEY Office, TU. 4-2291 H. Bourne. While waiting for the guests to arrive, he spent a few' moments in the bright sun of his front lawn, reading “The Liberal”, a paper he has read faithfully almost since it began publishing. g!mullllllllllllllllllll“mlllllllmill)lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll“ll\lllllllllllllllllllll\lll\lllllllllllllllllllll“l“Illllllllllllllllllllllml ‘3: l l {The Cancer Society Volunteers are still Canvassing '1- WWW learned well and tests PLEASE BE GENEROUS. “nlnummnmmnmmnnnmnmmmum\Im\\m\nummmnummu\mmnmnu\m1mmnunmmmmmnmmlnmmnmmmm mm“ d'“ Honoured by instructions from the beneficiaries of the late Mrs. E. Hall, 23 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. The Fine An- tique and other furnishings of the estate will be offered for sale by Public Auction, at the above date and time, having been moved from storage at In Part: Fine Antique - Grand-I father Clock, ladies’ and gents’} chairs, Chesterfield suitE, beds, tables, dining suite, chest-of~ drawers, stools, rugs and car-‘ pets, lamps, dressers, bookcase, large quantity of FINE CHINA, semi-porcelain and glazeware, COLOURED GLASS and FINE CUT CRYSTAL, mirrors, lug- gage. FRIDGE, radio. Many Other Miscellaneous household goods. Also a few other fine consigned furnishings. 0n View: Morning of sale 10 am. to Sale Time at 1 pm. TERMS: No reserve. To high~ est bidder. Cash or cheque. Im» mediate removal and as stated at auction. Plenty of parking. Cartage men in attendance. FRANKS the MOVERS Auctioneer: Roy Ashworth. F.V.I. (Fellow of the Valuer’s Insti- tution, Incorporate Auctioneer. Appraiser, Surveyor. Estate Agent (Eng.)) ESTATE AUCTION Joseph Monkman, who was 91 on April 29, had a birthday party Sunday at the Bathurst St. house where he lives with his daughter, Mrsi C. Y ‘ Sat. Mn 5 These fuses are the right kind for your fuse box. They are offered in the interest of fire pre- vention for the home. These are excellent reasâ€" ons for you to accept them. So are the reasons for the appeal for funds. The Boy Scout move- ment’s aim is to help the boy to develop into a bet- ter citizen in his own com- munity; in his own coun- try; in his own world. No “Boy Sitting” service. The movement gives the boy training and knowledge not usually available from home, church or school. When these things are learned well and tests Door bells will ring throughout Richvale on Saturday. and on answer- ing, the householder will be asked by a smartly uni- formed boy to buy a card of three fuses. The appeal is a familiar one to aid Scouting. OTHER FURNISHINGS APPLIANCES PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT RICHMOND HILL l-‘use Sale To Aid Riclwale Scouts ANTIQUE Celebrates 9lst Birthday Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill AND AND But tents and rope, pots and pans and all the camp- ing gear needed to make a successful outing is not everlasting. Like every- thing else. it wears out and must be replaced. passed, a badge is award- ed. Scouting has always em- phasized camping and the outdoor life; what can be done with a map and com- pass; with rope and staves; swimming and water safe- ty; the unforgettable taste of campfire cookery; life under canvas. Winter does not deter some Scout troops and Rover crews, for they have learned to master the cold. Your generosity on Sat- urday to the boy with the fuses will have much to do in deciding whether or not he and his fellow Scouts enjoy that life in the outdoors or grow up without these memories. Our care, precision and thoroughness make a big DIFFERENCE in the lube job we do on your carâ€"a difference you’ll appreciate in smoother, quieter riding. Cost is modest! Your Car Is In Good Hands Here! Get Our Precision COOK'S BP Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Auto Service Lube Job.‘ ‘Dedication Ceremony ‘At Richmond Hill United Two memorial windows were unveiled and dedicated in the Richmond Hill United Church last Sunday. The first, repre- senting St. John. is the gift of Mr. John Spanner and his daughter Marguerite in memory of Laura Marguerite Spanner. The second. portraying St. Paul and the gift of Miss Flesherton: Mr. and Mrs. 0. Minnie Walker and other Richards, Lucknow. members of the Walker family. Mr. and Mrs. N. Richards. ls a memorial to Mabel Martha Guelph; Mrs. Wm. Melville, Walker. Mrs. J. Pollard. pres- Alliston; Mr. and Mrs. Peter ldent of the United Church McDougall. Owen Sound; Mr. Women. unveiled the first and Mrs. R. Richards. Flesher- panel and Mr. William Barker. ton; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hor- chalrman of the committee of ton. Huntsville; Mr. and Mrs. stewards, unveiled the second. E. Simpson. Barrie: Mr. and The church's recording steward. Mrs. W. Bray, Niagara Falls. Mr. Ralph H. Wood. presented Ontario; Mr. and Mrs. B. Bray, both windows on behalf of the donors; the minister. Rev. C. G. Higginson. received and dedicated them. In his sermon Mr. Higginson pointed out that the window as now completed expresses the timeless truth of the Christian faith. The centrality of Christ is expressed by the middle panel. “The Light of the World". while the side panels indicated that Christ's work issues in discipleship. Christ dedicated Himself for the sake of mankind - and His influence and work pro- duces dedicated men and women. Mr. Higginson saw also a local significance in the com- pleted window. which will be a reminder of the on-going faithfulness of this congrega- tion from the days when it was established about 160 years ago to the present time. The central panel. the gift of Miss Gertrude Grant, pays tribute to the Grant and Law families, families which played a part in the early development of this congregation. The present church, in fact, is built on land which once belonged to the Laws. The newly dedicated side panels honour two more recent members, Mrs. Span- ner and Miss Mabel Walker, who, coming to Richmond Hill on retirement, made signifi- cant contributions to this church. Thus. in commemorat- ing both the pioneer families and the more recent workers the window praclaims the glorious truth of the gospel that we are all one in Christ Jesus our Lord. Present At Ceremony Members of Mrs. Spanner's family present were: Sisters; Mrs. David White, Mrs. Amos Mark and Mrs. J. P. Murray of Toronto. Niece: and nephews; Mr. and Mrs. Bruce White, Oak- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Murray White, Agincourt; Mr. and Mrs. David Cunningham, Scarboto; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Crowe, Willowdale; Miss Florence Mur- ray, Toronto; Dr. and Mrs. J. J. Armstrong and sons John and Richard. Streetsville; Mrs. Dr. Brock Walker of Toron- to, his daughter Mrs. Gordon Dodingbon and Michael, Brock and Nancy Dodington of Scar- boro. Mrs. E. M. Fergus of Toronto, and her son Mr. Alan Fergus and her daughter Shawn Fergus of Burlington. Miss Minnie Walker of Richmond Hill and her niece Miss Cathar- ine Van Duzer of Montreal. Members of Mrs. Walker‘s‘ family present were: Dr. Roy‘ R. Walker of Toronto, his daughter Mrs. E. E. Huff and sons John and Murray Huff of Willowdale; and son-in-law Mr. N. V. Martin and son Brian of Richmond Hill. Grant Compton, Weston; Mr. Oscar Armstrong. Bervie; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Currie, Ripley; Mrs. Herbert Sheane. Bervie; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tyler. Miss Bernice Richards. Toronto; Mr. Milbum Richards. Cavan: Mr. and Mrs. C. Stinson, Cobourg; 'Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Richards, Flesherton: Mr. and Mrs. O. Richards, Lucknow. Orillia; 7 Mrs. J Dedlrovir {Ric}; mond Hi1]; and Miss Edna Bray. Toronto. VACATING PREMISES MUST SELL OUT Good News For Our Residential Customers The Biggest NEW CAR SALE Ever Held In Ontario Effective from today, you will receive, WITHOUT COST TO YOU. special Oil Heating Equipment Service under our new Home Heating Comfort Plan. These services will be included in the price of the oil you buy from us. 0 ANNUAL FURNACE CLEAN-OUT AND TUNE-UP 0 MAINTENANCE CHECK-UP 0 SPECIAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Each year, we will give your oil furnace a thorough cleaning and tune-up. This work will be carried out by our Service Technicians. During the heating season, when necessary. we will make an inspection and mainten- ance check-up to insure that your equipment is operating efficiently and economically. If, at any time during the heating season, your furnace will not start. we will provide. WITHOUT CHARGE, emergency service to correct the failure. Our Service Department is,on call 24 hours every day throughout the heating season and is staffed by trained and competent Service Technicians. We would like to assure you that we will provide you with the best possible heating services in this community. They will be available to you so long as you continue to purchase your fuel oil from us on our Automatic Fuel Delivery Plan. The only cost to you will be for repair parts, when it is necessary to install them, and of course you will be advised beforehand as to their cost. We will be in touch with you to arrange a suitable time to make your furnace clean- RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL BY WEDNESDAY, MAY 8TH Contents of Service Station AND RADIO SHOP Everything To Be Sold At Cost 9190 Yonge St. (Texaco Station) Richvale 285-462§ Complete Line of Reconditioned Sets At Sell Out Prices GOMING Full Transistor, Push Button REG. $89.95 Thorndale Sales & Service Universal Radios REG. $49.95 CAR RADIOS To Clear $35.50 To Clear $62.96 LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. YOUR LOCAL FUEL OIL DEALER USED TV SPECIALS Admiral 10” . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $29.00 Westinghouse Portable 14” .. $69.00 GE 17” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , $39.00 Hallicrafters 17” console $49.00 Motorola 17” new picture tube $49.00 Philips 17” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $45.00 Electrohome 21” . . . . . . . . . . . $49.00 Sylvania 21” new picture tube $89.00 GE 21” new picture tube . . $89.00 Coronet 21” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.00 Fairbank Morse Radio and Record Player . . . . . . . . . . . . $75.00 TELEVISION RENTALS TU. 4-7456 Richmond Hill 'I'V INCLUDING â€" MAY 9th SPEAKERS - TUBES - AERIALS 1/3 OFF COMPLETE IGNITION PARTS 34 YON GE SOUTH 50 USED TIRES & WHEELS SERVICE STATION Equipment, Parts And Accessories ‘. May 2, 1963 PHONE TU. 4-1313 AV. 5-3756 $29.00 $69.00 $39.00 $49.00 $49.00 $45.00 $49.00 $89.00 $89.00 $69.00

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