THE LIBERAL, Richmgppi Hill, 0nt_a_.ri9, Thursday, May 9, 1968 School News Nelson Thompson and later Last Wednesday the grade 8 they Went to visit Miss Hobbs. ltudents from Jefferson Schoolgmother’s Auxiliary made‘ the trip to the York The mother‘s auxiliary held County Forest _at Vivian 23109:; their spring tea and bake salc with students from schools in‘ Markham. Whitchurch and King‘ Townships In spite of the un- ceasonably wintry weather, the pupils had an enjoyable day and learned about forest man- agement and the planting of trees ,York County Forest was es- tablished in 1924 to reclaim worn out farm land and to stop erosion of sandy soil. Now land once regarded as useless is pro- ducing a valuable crop of trees. which also provides homes for birds and animals and is bene- ficial in controlling water run- off and conserving water. The forest is managed by the On- tario Department of Lands and Forests and covers 3.816 acres of land â€"â€" 2,539 acres in Whit- church, 641 acres in East Gwill- lmbury and 636 acres in Georâ€" ulna. .1 The students learned about “‘1 the tree plantations, how 1,210 “'3 trees are planted to an acre ‘30 Ind gradually thinned out tol‘cr 150 of the straightest, healthiest; trees on each acre as the final?“ crop. The trees which are'“ nned out over the years, 0“ starting when the trees are 9 about 25 years old, are used “'1 {or pulpwood, poles and logs. a“ They were told about the unemies of the forest â€"â€" fire and Insects, shown how to tell the different kinds of everâ€" greens and to tell the age of a tree. In all It was a very ed- ucational and interesting trip and the students are very [or- tunate in having an opportun- lty to visit the' York County Forest. Congratulations to former students. Bob Safruk and Tony Crack on their achievements last Friday in the Pickering College-Richmond Hill High School track meet, held at Pick- ering College. It. John's Church News -The evening branch of the Woman's Auxiliary met at the} parish hall last Thursday when1 the main subject of discussion was the annual meeting of the York Deanery to be held at St. John’s Church this week. Plans were completed for the duties to be undertaken by the branch during the meeting. I Mr. and Mrs. Ross Prender- gust and Stephen of Montreal. attended the morning service at St. John's on Sunday and were warmly welcomed They had lunch with Mr. and Mrs. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON With all the new fang- led ideas we hear about education these days, it is very refreshing to hear thlt one old tradition. Ar- bour day, is still observed. Last Friday afternoon the pupils did a spring clean up Job on the school grounds. For Service: We Render & General Information Call Mrs. Gordon Purves Richmond Hill area Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle Mrs. W. J. Lennox Mrs. S. G. Phillips 884-4070 Mrs. W. C. Armstrong Thomhill Area Mrs. E. Percival RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Victoria Square area Mrs. C. Nichols Unlonvllle Area Mrs. E. Stiver Markham Area Mrs. O. S. Stalter Gormley Area Mr. George Brand This is I new device designed to help you hear your favorite hievision program better and clearer wiihout annoying any- one in the same room. '. A. T. Crosler NAME TELEPHONE NO CENTRAL HEARING SERVICE «:3 YONGE 51., WILLOWDALE. om. Yes, I want to hear my TV befler. Please send me I TV aifachment for which I remit $1.00 (eifher check or money order) YHIS IS A Evening Branch St. John’s Anglican Church TU. 4-3375 For the hard of hearing only 5495 Value... HEAR TV BETTER AV. 5-1839 884-5501 297-1186 884-3348 884-4821 884-1034 886-5525 297-1585 294-1450 886-5200 Lplaose p The mother's auxiliary held their spring tea and bake salc on Saturday at the Jeffersor School and report a fairly suc- cessful afternoon. Mrs. McDow e11 and Mrs. Corless were i: charge of the bake table; Mrs R. Bell, Mrs. A. McFee, Mrs F. Waters and Mrs. Dicemai looked after the attractive to tables and Mrs. T.Thomasse' was in charge of the ticket: The winners of the prizes wer: Mrs. Rose Cappy lst prize. Mrs. A. McFee 2nd prize, am Mrs. Bourne 3rd prize. The Cubs had a plant tabl where Mrs. Ends was assistei‘ by Bruce Greig and Lawrencr! Meikle. They would like to} thank Mr. C. Jones, of Jones‘ Gardens. Mr. Charles Hanson and Coral Bell Nurseries for their donations. The group committee met a! the home of the president, Mr. B. Corless on Sunday and the main subject on the agenda was the York Summit District good turn day to help the Crippled Civilians. Bags have one please have these ready by 9 am. this Saturday [1‘1" ) when thoy M" ‘ Any clothes you have the Crip- pled Civilians can. _. would be appreciated. Anyone wishing further information is asked to call Mr. A'. McFee at AV. 5-5315. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. George Patton! and Lynda attended the wed-‘ ding of Mrs. Patton's niece, Mrs. Dorothy Steed-of PinE- grove. to Mr. Alex Shaw of Kleinburg. which took place recently in the United Church at Kleinburg. The reception was.h91d at the church and attended by many friends and relatives. Mr. Bruce Waters went to Capreol last Thursday and spent the weekend at Sand Lake at the Todd’s cottage. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Chambers of Hamilton and Miss Anne Chambers of Kaspuskasing visited with the Passmore family on Sunday. Miss Judy Kerwin spent the weekend in Guelph and visited Macdonald Hall of O.A.C. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Black‘; entertained friends and relat- ives on Saturday when Mr. Black’s mother. Mrs. Anne Pull celebrated her 84th birth- day. Among those present' was .Mrs. Frances Pickering, a life tlong friend of Mrs. Pull’s, who lalso celebrated her 84th birth- ‘lday recently. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Troyer and family visited friends in the district on Sunday. Billy Homer of the Orange‘ Home,_ Barney Corless and David McDowell were enter- tained by their hockey coach, Mr. Herb Plewman, at the Town Inn last week. Mr. Ian Walker of Ottawa visited his sister Mrs. D. Corkin and her family last week. Mrs. Corkin and Kelly went with him to Ottawa last Wednesday, visiting M r s. Corkin's new grandchild in Kingston enroute. Many happy returns of the day to Mrs. W. R. Cappel who celebrated her 90th birthday on Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Connie Mun- shaw. Toronto. Over 50 relatives from far and near gatherEd for the occasion to congratulate her and wish her well. Three members of the local hospital auxiliary. Mrs. F. Snell, Mrs. Wm. Black and Mrs Bruce Lock8, are busy those days selling tickets on a quilt for the benefit of thei auxiliary. Anyone wishing fur- ther information please contact one of these ladies. Our hearty congratulationsl to Mrs. D. Corkin and Mrs. Ted Lavender who last Tuesday took part in the capping cere- mony at the Registered Nurses Assistance School in Toronto. after eight months of hard‘ work. Mrs. Corkin is at present at the Women’s College Hos-l pital as the final step in her‘ training and Mrs. Lavender1 will be starting her practical work soon. | Many happy returns of the day to Elaine Morris and Gloria Lake on th?‘ 7th. the district for repairable Only $1!)0 llMlTED TIME OFFER East Richvale Mixed Bowl-i ig team held their banquet on‘ May 4 at the Lions Community! Hall, Richmond Hill. John} Hills team won the league‘ championship. Players werel John Hills, Irma Paltanin, Reg Oakins, Peg Longstaff and Ron, Mannonen. Play off winners were Joe Boyd, John Vos, Colleen Breedon, Eileen Gaynorl and Charlie Jones. Runners up‘ were Pat Maheu, Dick Colvin,l Mary Basham, Norm Brettell! and George Case. Trophies were; awarded to June Phillips high: average, Val Carter high single,1 Pat Maheu high single with“ handicap. Irma Paltanin highi triple flat and Mary Colvin- high triple with handicap were{ for the ladies. .Men trophies} were John Hills high average} John Vos high single flat, Ross Tripp high single with handi- -cap. Lyle Breedon high triple flat and Hank Vos high triple with handicap. All players who didn’t win a trophy were presented with glasses. Next year we hope to see many of the same bowlers. {Yearly Meeting United Church A.O.T.S. Hold More than 50 members of', the United Church AOTS at-E .ended the York District Coun-‘ :il, United Church AOTS ban-i met and annual meeting in tichmond Hill United Church Ihristian Education Building ast April 29. Hosts for the .ccasion were the Richmond Iill United Church AOTS and '1e evening. conducted under he guidance of Clare Atkinson. vas declared to have been a omplete success. Following the banquet pre- iared and served by the Rich- .lond Hill United Church Wo- 1en the evening‘s program alled for a sing-song which was led by Dr. Gard Marlin. A thort devotional period then followed which was conducted by Alec MacGregor. A film strip entitled ‘Chain Reaction‘ littingly prepared the way for the workshop that followed. Vern Plant told the gather-1 ing that the presidents and vice‘ presidents knew their jobs and Bill Schurman asked the mem- bers to submit ideas for the workshop program. On the matter of workshops, George Fumerton stated that thought- ful consideration should pro- vide some new subjects. Jim Richardson, provincial vice-president who came from Scarborough installed the fol- lowing officers: Honorary president, Rev.§ Frank Shuttleworth. Calvary} United Church; past president,| John Aspin, Aurora United} president; president, Arnoldi McNaughton. Richmond Hill' United, 3rd vice-president. All Robinson. St. Paul’s United.‘ Oak Ridges; secretary Al Smith,‘ King - Teston - Laskay United, ‘ treasurer, Don Barker, King-t Teston-Laskay United, corre-l spending member, W. Jimf Richardson, provincial vice- president; member at large, Bob Dowse, Unionville. The Richvale branch of York‘ Central Hospital Auxiliary, are holding a bazaar at Emmanuel Church, McKay Drive on May 29 from 2 pm. This is a money raising fund for the hospital. Any donation for the bake and |sewing table, please phone Mrs. G. Bickerstaff at AV. 5- ; 4230 The meeting was brought to a conclusion with benediction by the Rev. C. G. Higginson, Richmond Hill United. Hospital News Bowling News Socials Mr. and Mrs. K. Woods and family recently visited relatives in Delhi. Mr. Ernest Wade, Carrville Road, is home from Branson Hospital after breaking his leg. Mr. and Mrs. G. Bowden Birch Ave. recently celebrated their wedding anniversary. Richvale News Mr. and Mrs. E. Harvey, 16th Ave, celebrated their eighteenth wedding anniversary on May 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Breedon, 16th AVE, celebrated their sixth wedding anniversary on May 4. Congratulations go out to all of you. '1e took his marriage vows on April 29. Although this is late we welcome Mrs. A. Kehrli to our neighbourhood. Birthday greetings go out to Misses Judy and Janet Gods- 'nan, Duncan Road, who cele- brated their sixth birthday on May 4 Deborah and Billy Hewitt, 16th Ave, celebrated their ninth birthday on May 6 by taking their guest out to the miniature golf course. School News June lst there is going to be a combined rummage, bake sale and a school fun fair to be held at 16th Ave. and Duncan Rd. area are asked to hold on to their rummage. On April 29. 16th Ave, School boys soft ball team defeated Woodland School by ‘he score of 6-5. On May 2, 16th Ave. School girls softball team were defeated in their first game. More news of this evelit will be in next WEek’s column. Mr. Al. Kehrli, 16th Ave, *ecently became a groom when Correspondent Mrs. Anne Hewitt 78. 16th Ave. TU. 4-7645 Question N0. 1 (the white ballot) provides for the es- tablishment of Government Stores for the sole of liquor and beer in commercial areas in the Township where these outlets are needed. Residents of Vaughan Township over 21 years of age will be en- titled to vote on two questions on Saturday, May It Question N0. 2" (the bull ballot) will permit the licens- ing of approved dining establishments to serve beer, wine and liquor with meals. Please keep in mind that you are definitely not voting for cocktail lounges or beverage rooms â€"you are voting only for the two issues described above. A word about banquet permits. As you know, under the present local option by-law, banquet permits are only permitted for wedding parties. A favourable vote on May ll, will allow clubs or 'other organizations to obtain banquet permits which provides for serv- ing liquor on a strictly legal basis. Banquet permits are not granted to proprietor thus derives no profit from banquet permits. The-y are merely a convenience and a service to clubs or other groups that patronize his premises. Vote Yes Vaughan Plebiscite Committee FOR CARS AND INFORMATION: 285-7303 Mari Kenney, Chairman Register Your Votes For Personal Freedom On SATURDAY, MAY 11 Greatly improved restaurant services New construction to provide additional assessment rev- enue Additional revenue from rebate to Municipality from sale of beverages ‘ A more mature attitude towards the use of alcoholic beverages Creates many more full time iobs for local citizens Brings Vaughan Township into line with neighbouring communities that have approved these outlets by vote Gives all citizens equal rights and freedom of choice POLL HOURS ARE 9 A.M. TO 8 P.M. BENEFITS RESULTING FROM A YES VOTE the proprietor of a restaurant or public hall. The