Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 May 1963, p. 11

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ned for Septéhgeâ€"rt-Béi The Classical Ballet School of Judit Bubik gave a highly successful performance in the Loyal True Blue 8; Orange Home on Tuesday evening of last week. Warmly applauded were Vickery‘ Cook, Wendy McCormick, Paulette De La‘ Barre, Alice Kormendy, Chrisw tine Kormendy. Leslie Thorn-‘ ton for her cartwheels on one hand. Susan McLaughlin's graceful arabesques, and Jen- nifer Hopkins' and Dianna Wal- lace's artistic movements. These same solos will form part of the recital of the Clas- sical Ballet School which will be held on June 8 in the Lions' Club Hall at 7.00 pm. Ballet School To Test local Talent "Dancing for everybody" over 16 years of age at a very modest fee, is an Innovation for Richmond Hill. commencing‘ this Saturday night 8:00 to 11.30 p.m., in the dance hall of the Bayvlew Plaza Restaurant. An excellent range of food Is also available. 8 pm, Tuesday, May 28,1963 Mr. and Mrs. F. Redelmeler, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. 11. Rule]- meler, Mr. and Mrs. D. Doug- las-Crampton and Mr. and Mrs. 6. Holland attended the Athen- lan Ball held last Friday at the Toronto Art Gallery. I Mrs. Elizabeth Taylor is pro- gressing favorably after under- going surgery in St. Michael's Hospital and has been transw tel-red to St. John's Convales- cent Hospital. Admission 50c Visiting at the home of Mr. J. Fan-ow, Centre Street West, is his nephew, Mr-George Elld Ion, from Saskatoon. “Hydro Quick-Tricks" (Over 16 Years of Age) AT Bayview Plaza Restaurant DANCE HALL EVERY SATURDAY -- 8.00 to ".30 pm. ADMISSION: 70¢ PER PERSON 884-3785 A COOKING DEMONSTRATION FEATURING SMALL APPLIANCES Under the auspices of THE UNITED CHURCH WOMEN OF ST. MATTHEW'S UNITED CHURCH 333 CROSBY AVENUE to 63 Yonge Stréet 5.; we'll be pleased to hear {tom you. Keep our 'Llfe in the Hill’ columns up to date with your news ~ the ser- vice is free - call the Social Editor Margot Crack at TU. 4-1105. or drop a line DANCING for EVERYBODY COURTESY OF RICHMOND HILL HYDRO AND ONTARIO HYDRO In The Church Auditorium Editor Margot Crack This is a wonderful oppor- tunity to plck up some helpful hints on how to put your fry- pan to better use, or any of the other small appliances you may‘ have in your home. There will be door prizes and light re- freshments following the show.‘ St. Matthew's United Church Women, in conjunction with Ontario Hydro and the Rich- mond Hill Hydro Commission, will sponsor a small appliance cooking show, "Quick-Tricks", on Tuesday evening. May 28 at 8 pm. Tickets for the show, to be held in the church on Cros- by Avenue. Richmond Hill, are now on sale and may be obtain- ed from any member of St. Matthew's United Church Wo- men. St.Matthew's Will Sponsor Cooking Show On May 28,9 They will appear. with other groups displaying different types of dancing talent, in the yearly show produced by the‘ Mldmer Dancing Academy, tak- ing place by request at the Jewish Old Folks Home. Tor- onto, on May 22nd. and locally at the Bayvlew Secondary School on May 25th. A group from the Midmer Dance Academy. the Hungar- ian dancers, already acclaimed for their precision dancing, re- ceived an overwhelming ovation‘ from the capacity audience and their performance described as “magnificient”. They were the only group asked to repeat their dance. Gold medalists of the Peel Festival held their final show on May 4th at Brampton. There will be door prizes, spot prizes and refreshments, and tickets at $1.00 each or $1.50 a couple, may be obtain- ed by calling TU. +7254. Mldmer Dance Academy The Hultopers Parents Assoc- iation are holding a dance in the Lions Hall, Centre St.. this‘ Friday, May 17th, with all pro- ceeds going to assist in the purchase of uniforms for the boys and girls in the Hilltop- pers Drum Corps. Attending from the Hill were Joan Featherstonhauzh and Deborah Anderson. ; Following the Cadet Ball held at St. Andrew’s College on Frls day, a breakfast party was held at the home of Alastair Sweeny, Highland Lane. ‘Marietta Evans, age 10, pupil of Mrs. R. Markham A-R.C.T., won 2nd prize in class 4. 10 years and under, for her piano playing. in the York Music; Festival held in Woodbridge.¢ ‘ Joanne was awarded a' schol- arship for post graduate study in Obstetrical Nursing at St. Michaela Hospital. A Miss Joanne Roy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Roy, Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill, graduated from St. Michael’s Hospital School of Nursing at} Convocation Hall on May 13th.] Preceding the banquet, Mrs. Callie Israel was presented with 3 “Director's Pin" for her work as cultural director. The new officers for the coming year were also Installed and as follows: president Mrs. Lib- by, vice-president Mrs. Step- hanie Barnes, recording secre- tary Mrs. Judy Smith, treasurer Mrs- Irene Dowden, corre- sponding secretary Mrs. Elsie Herridge, extension officer Mrs. Glenna Taylor. Guest speaker for the even- ing was Mrs. Joan Seager who gave an absolutely delightful talk on “Humour and the Hum- ourist." ' Members of Beta Sigma Phi, Delta Lambda chapter of Rich- mond Hill and Delta XI chap- ter of Aurora. gathered at the “Serbian Village" in Aurora, for the 32nd annual Founder’s Day Banquet. There were approximately 3,000 dancers coming from as far away as California, Flor- lda and other States. as well as many of the provinces in Canada. The dancers were televised on “On The Scene" on CBC. Afterwards in the parish hall, pictures will be shown by Mr. Doug McIntyre of his recent trip to New Zealand. All young people are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferg- uson, 29 Elizabeth Street, at- tended the Toronto Internat- lonal Square Dance Convention held on May 9, 10 and 11th at the Royal York Hotel. Members of the A.Y.P.A.. the G.A. and the J. A. of the parish will participate in the service. This Sunday, at St. Mary’s Angllcan Church. a special youth service will be held at 7 pm. Prior to her departure, Mrs. Bourgaize was presented with an Alaskan black diamond necklace and earring set from her many long time friends in the neighbourhood, who wish her many happy years in her new home. The presentation was made by Lieut. Col. Frank McEach- ren E.D.B.A. governor of St. Andrew's College. Mrs. E. J. Bourgalze of 202 Essex Avenue, a resident of the Hill for 12 years, leaves this Thursday, May 16th, to return to Stirling, Scotland. On Saturday ‘evening, Chris- tpher received the Queen Scout Certificate - the highest award given in scouting - at an im- pressive ceremony held at the college. Refreshments were served at the close of the business meet- ing. Christopher Miller with Miss Betty Lou McMurchy of Aur- ora attended the Cadet Ball at St. Andrew's College on Fri- day. Mrs. M. Docherty, convenor for the spring luncheon thank- ed all the members for their donations and help in making the luncheon a success. The Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church W.A. held their regular monthly meeting on May 6th. Greg Sheppard, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Sheppard, Colborne Street, is now making satisfact- ory progress following an op- eration at Branson Hospital‘ last Friday. J Every good wish is extend- ed for 1 quick recovery. Trophies for team and in- dividual winners were present- ed by Presldent Bob Kennedy The Country Squires Bowling League held their round up banquet for the season on Sat- urday last at the Richmond Heights Restaurant. Graduates Miss Joanne Roy w So ended a ver evening, with some a ers returning to the for cards. The winning team: - captain, Bert Cook; Dr. J. P. Wilson. Mrs. E. Masters, Mrs. E. Shea- .han and Mrs. F. Tomlinson, ‘was presented with the Hag- gart trophy, which will be on display at the day centre. A surprise gift of a picnic table was then presented to the Jack Sheahans by Fred Rose, in ap- preciation at their untiring work with the bowlers. The seniors extend to them both, sincere thanks. The lovely bouquet of spring flowers on the head table don- ated by Charlie Hanson of El- gin Mills was presented to Mrs. C. Brown who had helped with arrangements. Mrs. Gayle Powell recelved a surprise gift of the flower vase for showing the most improve- ment ~ this along with Jack Sheahan's speech was the cause of much laughter. Following dinner a bouquet of red roses was presented to guest, Mrs. C. Allen, proprietor of the Allencourt Bowling Lanes. in appreciation of the courtesy extended to the mem- bers for the use of the alleys. Mr. Ed Bellavance. manager, was then presented with a bar- ometer for his kindness during the season. The Senior Citizens Bowling banquet was held at the Hide- away Restaurant on May 8th with 82 members present. Hill. Senior Citizens The delegates came back re- freshed with many new thoughts inc} plans for the future Y.W. \ Among those representing iRichmond Hill at the Y.W.C.A. ‘conference on “Modern Ten- sion" at the Skyline Hotel last Friday and Saturday were staff member MrS. Grace Jackson,‘ advisory committee member Mrs. Joan Davidson, Mrs. Bar- bara Wright from Pleasantville and MrS. Betty Cowden, Mrs. Isobel Coulton and Mrs. Mar- garet Tyndall of Beverley Acres. Congratulations to all three pupils, with an extra hand for Suzanne and Janice, this being their first entry into festival. 1 Geraldine Bruce received 77% at the Toronto East Music Festival - highest mark 84%; Suzanne Clayton 79% at the York Music Festival - highest: mark 85% and Janice Grainger 82% at the Oxford County Mu- sic Festival - highest mark 84%. ‘ Students of Miss Ruth Gar- son A.D.C-M. have recently participated in various music festival competitions with ex- cellent results. ‘ The next meeting. in the fall; is slated for September 12th. Adding to the enjoyment of the evening were Mr. Norman Anderson, ' former president of the Old Tyme Callers Associat- ion, and Mrs. Anderson, the callers, who with their enthus- iam encouraged one and all to take to the floor to swing thelr partners. A very successful wind up for the season â€" a square dance and box luncheon - was held by the Engineers’ Wives at the Lion’s Hall on Friday last. Her first customer was her 75 year old grandmother, Mrs. John Phillipsyfrom King City. The recent opening of Grace’s Beauty Salon on Centre Street East. was most successful, and her salon was filled with floral bouquets and congratulatory messages from her many friends in the Hill. The program, food and weather all helped to make the day a very enjoyable as well as historical one for all who participated. One of the local members, Mrs. Ev. Miller was selected secretary for the district. A beautiful cup and saucer along with best wishes for her future, were given to Mrs. Dick, who will be missed by her many friends in the Hill. On Saturday morning last, two cars with ladies of the L.C.W. of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, drove to Hamilton for the first assembly meeting of the central district, whlch was held in Faith Lutheran Church. Mrs. Doris Dick of Knoll- side Drive. who is soon to movej to the Kingsway, was entertain- ed by neighbours at a luncheon bridge at the home of Mrs. Bette Brown, Knollside Drive. Ann is a pupil at Our Lady of Fatima Separate School. 1 Ann Sullivan. eight year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sullivan, Trench Street, is at present a patient at the Hos- pital for Sick Children. Miss Lesley Webb and Miss Susan Gillard graduated from the Women's College Hospital School of Nursing. at exercises held last Thursday at Convoca- tion Hall. activities in Richmond V917 pleasant 1e of the bowl. the club room‘ The committee freshments which enjoyable meeting It is also the annual pot luck luncheon, so members will pro- vide their own cutlery, favour- ite casserole. salad or pie etc. Members are asked to re- member the “Bring and Buy Auction” to be held at the next meeting. Baked goods, candy,‘ plants ,or white elephants are‘ all needed and the executive would like a good responseto this popular project. Arrangements were made for the June picnic in Niagara Falls - members may secure their tickets at the June 13th meeting. Several members will assist at the blood donors clinic to be held in the library auditori-‘ um on May 16th from 2-3.30 pm. and 5 - to 9 p.m.. A trio of ycung girls sang two songs in delightful harmo- ny - Eve Harwood, Margaret Queen and Linda Ford - accom- panied at the piano by Janice Nicholls, an accomplished young performer who has won several awards at the recent musical festival at Woodbridge. Miss Stong and Mrs. Bayley each spoke briefly on safety ‘measures and gave some inter- esting statistics compiled by the government research auth- orities on accidents and their prevention. It is a disturbing‘ fact that Canada has one of the highest accident rates in the world. An authority has said that little can be done to re- duce this ever increasing toll until the public becomes more safety conscious. Mrs. Dewsbury was pleased to accept on behalf of the in- stitute, a citation from the Red Cross unit for “services render- ed". The conveners were Miss A. Stong and Mrs. J. Bayley - the special guest speaker, Miss‘ Grethe Dahl, who gave an in-‘ teresting talk (illustrated with pictures and commentary) on her experiences as a public health nurse in Ceylon. Miss Dahl also spent some time in Japan and survived the adverse conditions she experienced working in remote areas - it was indeed fortunate that her health was good, other mem- bers of the “Peace Corps” were not so lucky. Time unfortun- ately did not permit seeing the whole series of pictures. On May 9th the "Interna- tional and Safety” meeting was held in the library auditorium with a good attendance of members and visitors present. President Mrs. J. Dewsbury and four other members at- tended the anniversary dinner of the Maple Women’s Institute on May 8th. Richmond Hill WJ. Staying at the Hotel Com- wallis, a visit was made to Fort Henry on May 3rd, and the following day an interesting trip to New Town of Long Sault and Park Causeway to IngIe-‘ side and Upper Canada Vill- age. Following lunch at Mor- risburg and dinner at Bellevilie, they returned by coach to Cooksville. Mr. and Mrs. Court and fam- lly Doug, Shawn, Barry, Wendy and Lance are new residents of the Hill, moving to Bever- ley Acres last month. Miss Sharon Court, 14 year‘ old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Court, 312 South Taylor Mills Drive, and pupil of Bev- erley Acres Public School was one of the successful compet- itors in a grade 8 public Speak- ing contest held recently in Cooksville (sponsored by the Toronto Township Hydro and the Port Credit-Streetsville Public Utilities Commission) and was awarded a two day trip to Cornwall. including a tour of the St. Lawrence Power Project. Arrangements have been made to visit the gift shop at the new Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, the eary part of June in place of the regular meeting. A meeting of the Richmond Heights branch of the York Central Hospital Volunteer Aux- iliary was held on May 8th at the home of Mrs. John Griffin, Harrygan Crescent. Pictured in attendance at a recent dessert luncheon held at the residence of Mrs. W. S. Pocknell, 78 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill are (left to right) back row; (unfortunately obscured) Mrs. L. C. E. Bone, Mrs. N. P. Dean, Mrs. R. J. Miller and Mrs. F. Redelmeier. Front row (left to right) Mrs. G. H. Bye, Mrs. W. S. Pocknell and Mrs. E. A. Savage. The dessert luncheon was held in aid of the South West Branch of the York Central Hospital Ladies’ Auxiliary. Auxiliary Dessert Luncheon “131 D01: IUCR Serving at tables decorated 913 Will Pro- with spring flowers were Mrs. [em favour- Nelson Dean, Mrs. H. D. G. or Pie etc- Currie. Mrs. G. H. Bye. Mrs. served re A. E. Savage, Mrs. R. EdmundsJ brought an Mrs. N. Bone, Mrs. G. Kings" to a close. ton. J In a draw by auxiliary presi- dent Mrs. R. J. Miller. Mrs. Mar- go Angus, Bridgeford Street. won a hand-made bed jacket and Mrs. P. Bracey-Gibbons a hand-made handbag. 1 Spring luncheon More than 60 members at- tended the York Central Hos- pital Auxiliary’s South West branch dessert luncheon held April 8 at the Centre Street home of Mrs. W. S. Pocknell. Fr. F. McGinn, spiritual dir- ector, welcomed the new pres- ident, Mrs. C. Bettles, and her executive. Fr. McGinn spoke to the ladies regarding the spiritual aspect of the C.WL. Mrs. J. Coughlin was congrat- ulated on her award given by the Red Cross Society for her time and work devoted to this organization. It was reported that the Guides attended the annual church parade sponsor- ed by the Archdiocese C.W.L. at St. Michael's Cathedral on May 12th. Following the business port- ion of the meeting, Mrs. Fraser supervisor of Aquatic Services for North York, presented a film and gave an informative talk on water safety. The Guides, Brownies, and Scouts were present for this part of the program. The regular monthly meet- ing of St. Mary's Immaculate C.W.L was held May 13th in Our Lady of Fatima School. After an enjoyable dinner, President Les Shuttleworth presented the trophies.‘ Jim Anderson’s team winning the championship trophies and Jim McAlister’s team the consolat- ion trophies. High average tro- phies went to Grace Tapp and‘ Jim Anderson, high single flat trophies to Betty Easton and Ted Lavender and high triple flat to Marji Grasse and John Gillain. Bob Frater won the door prize and each lady pres- ent was given a silver pickle fork as a souvenier. After the banquet most of the bowlers stayed on for an evening of dancing. On Saturday last, Richmond Hill Presbyterian Bowling Lea- gue held their annual bowling banquet at Greystones Restaurr ant in Aurora. Also attending the ceremon- ies will be her brother Mr. James, M. Giles, M.S.A. and Mrs. Giles from Ancaster, Ont- arlo. Miss Sybil Giles, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S. Giles. Harding Blvd., will recelve her diploma on May 23rd from the Toronto General Hospital School of Nursing. To visit her on this occasionwill be her sister Pat (MrsJ L. Reiffer) of Vancouver, who is a graduate of the same school of nursing. Mrs. Reiffer is bringing her little daughter Barbara to see her grandpar- ents for the first time. ‘ Mrs. Helen Gavrlelldes (wife of the proprietor of Gabriel's Texaco stations) together withtheir two sons, Anthony and Johnny left Malton via BOAC 707-Jet for London England. Transferring to a Comet air- plane. they will then travel to Athens, Greece, then motor to Salonika, where they will stay with the parents of Mrs. Gav- rielides for three months. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Klncade of Oxford Street arrived home last week after spending the winter months in Florida. A wedding of local interest took place on Tuesday evening at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. when Miss June Coliings, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Collings, 386 Kerrybrook Drive, married Mr. Douglas Hopkins. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Hop- kins. The reception was held at the bridegroom's home on Pal- mer Avenue. He is sdrvived'by his wife and son Coulson. A champion plowman. he won a silver service at 18 and at 21, asilvercup presented by Mayor Clark of Toronto; a banquet was held in his honor at the King Edward Hotel. In later years, his hobby was horseshoe pitching. Before living in Richmond Hill, Mr. Malloy had lived north of Teston on a farm just south of his boyhood home. He was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malloy of Teston, and mar- ried Miss Annie Thomas of Hope in 1908. Funeral services were held May 6 at the Pipher Funeral Home following the death of Neil Malloy, 93, 21 Richmond Hill resident for the past 18 years. Interment was in Maple cemetery. Conducting the serq vice were Rev. J. N. Hepburn‘ and Rev. B. K. Andrew. 1 Employed by Camtred le- ited, Industrial Road, who man- ufacture heavy mobile crane carriers. it is Archie's job to road test and deliver these vehicles to various points in Canada. His last assignment was to drive 3 “0-516” out west, with stop-overs for engine and other checks at North Bay, Port Art- hur, Winnipeg, Regina, with de- livery to the purchaser, West- ern Foundations, Ltd, Saska- toon for use in the oilfields. Immediately after delivery, he boarded a T.C.A. plane and flew back to the plant in Richmond Hill, ready for the next test and delivery run. “Back to Richmond Hill" af- ter one of his delivery trips Archie Porteous, in one week has covered 4,000 miles, by land and air travel. The Ladies Shop Bayview Plaza. TU. 4-2214 1 Following the elections for the student council executive at the Richmond Hill High School last Friday, parties were held by Craig Petetkin, newly elected president. who entertained at his home on Sugar Maple Lane; Glen Samp- son held a victory party for‘ treasurer Wayne Zubeck, and‘ Wendy Ashkanase, secretary, entertained her campaign com- mittee and friends at her home on Leisure Lane. A recent visitor at the home of Mrs. W. Sayers. 35 Centre Street W., was Mrs. Evelyn Carter Brown of York Manor. During her stay, they, ac- companied by Mrs. E. Burnie, visited Mrs. Sayer’s daughter, Mrs. L. Chesney, at her home. in Winona, enjoying the mag-‘ niflcent blossoms en route. $49.98 Wyn-Dot USUALLY SOLD AT $67.98 OUR PRICE Neil A. Mall-oyl} Six Widths â€" Lined 95” Long Covers Window 144” Across DRAPES SPECIALISTS IN WALL-TO-WALL THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. mi (STAFF PHOTO! I; E mmmmmn unamumu 1 - v mmmmmmmmuunnmunmnmmmumlu .1; Richmond Hill Toronto I 24 Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St *I I 111I\u1mmimnuuunununumum1m\u\|uuummuu\u\\\mn\u\\\mu\mtlu\umummmmmnuumu\\\\\1\u\m\m\\m\mu\m@ Phone 285-1073 SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘nght’s Pharmacy’ Day or Evenings, TU. 4-1745 Siewing Beef lb. 45¢ Wieners 3 lbs. 89¢ Steaks Mince Beef 3 lbs. 95¢ figod eatinq sAvmesl BAYVIEW PLAZA LEAN BONELESS SIRLOIN 0R WING RECORDS A'I' HALF PRICE Presents "VARIETY SHOW TIME" At BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL SATURDAY, MAY 25th, 7.30 p.m. Tickets Available At Door 01' Phone 884-5496 RICHMOND HILL TUmer 44312 C. NELS GAGE MORTGAGE SERVICE L H. SIMS 73 Yonge St. South. TU. 4-5342 Come in - Look around SALE In order to make room for a larger stock of HERBERT R. BUTT We are clearing out our entire stock of DEPENDABLE Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmnnd Hill AND AT: popular makes on hand Special Students’ Rates 37 May 16, 1963 TORONTO. ONT. EMplre 2-3456 lb. 65¢ TU. 4-769!

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