THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, May 16. 1953 0 II KING CITY, OAK RIDGES “Hysterlcs g i 3 "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of ln- A News from King City Composite School 4 rding people and events in the Oak Ridgesâ€"Lake ,(g tBy Roger Orton) é; -. terest rega . Wilcox and King City districts. Our news correspondent w ‘ l ‘ t . J- I TEmple 3'5457' and m oak Rldges'l‘ake wucox' Mr" Friday evening. as the gym was 4.5 secs; shot-put 1 D. Douglas} Lima†Nehesonl W‘ldWOOd Ave" PR' 3'5479 the scene of the “Sadie Haw- 2 .1. Ball. 3 G. Pate. (listancel kins" dance and the girls had.33'9â€; Discus l D. McLorinan. their choice of partner and al2 G. Pate. 3 J. Ball. distant-c chance on the paying end torl85‘2â€; Rclay 1 9i) 2 9A.! 3 9H. . C.t N t a change. How lucky can you‘time 54.3 secs. l y 0 get! Intermediate Perhaps the dance should " l have been called the “Seedy 100 “5' 1 ‘1' “mm?†2 G- ‘5'“ jun“ Suppef Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. GordonI G. Pate convened the event.while Mrs. Jack Fraser. Mrs. Hawkins" dance for as you derson. 3 P. Rolllnson. lime Orr. lalded by Mrs. John Ball and Barry Collard and Mrs. John looked around me floor you 10-9 Seconds: this was a new! 'rFollowing the official sod- o a o is ers. Vernon MacKay, who Herring will be in charge of the would have had to notice seme record. 220 yds. 1 .l. Rlishton,l turning ceremony for the new Fabric Sale designed posters; Mrs. Victor antique treasures. ralher seedv looking characl_ 2J.Hutchinson.3 D. Scottiime‘ King City united Chum“ 0“ A few local households are.Carroll, Mrs. Albert Snell. Mrs. Emerson Wallace and ers in lheln hard limes outfit 24-4 5805.. new lime also. 440: Elizabeth Grove. more the“ 40 being spruced up With uphol-ers. Tom Arlidge. Mrs. Donald Mrs. J. A. McBratney are con. Mllle was provided by rec; yds. 1 Dave Scott; 880 yds. 1‘ thurch workers were Sues“ at stery efforts. as a result of the McClelland and Miss E. D. vening the luncheon break. ends. MC was Lois Jellnlngs D. Scott. 2 P. Rollinson. 3 P,‘ I bUfiEt Slipper at the home 0f sale of fabrics held by the‘MaCKay- ‘ ers. G. B. Phair is treasurer. Staff Attending were Mlqs' Christoffsen. time ‘2 mins.. 2ll alludll'lg COmmlttee Chalr‘ King Group of North York: The few members are hoping‘ A Parisian mural for the Chamberlalm Mr_ Ga‘V‘ Dn Secs, again a new rccordMilel «Pym mm ,. m_ ' ‘lnan William T. Heaslip. and Humane Society at the Masonic‘to have another sale next refrcshmenls section has bee o 1 R. Herrln . 2 R M [)0 1d Mrs. Heaslip of Martin Street. Hall, Spring, when they plan to prepared by Mrs. Verna: ITvflzstd agliléwr' hdler‘ 3 D. Scott. gtime micnsnllsdi ‘- While a few dress lengthsloffer dress lengths as well as MaeKay. . secs another record l 1d. ’Am‘mg those present were were sold at the group's earlier‘furniture fabrics. P d we hope Wllh Several 0f the Sh t I . op}: e “ gay. and Mrs. R. J. McNaught. rummage sale this was the ., ,, l ,, rocee s from what is new records set al our school .0 -pu D. KllChCn.. .. E.' 39". and Martin R. ï¬rst all_fabrlc 'sale‘ Girl Guides Banquet expected be the group‘s track meet We will be able to Mlllfrd. .3 J. HLIlChll‘lS. distance: Jenkinaon.Mlas Annie McBride, P d t be usedâ€"1 Representing King Guidcsl most ambitious sale to ante glve a good account of cup 343 ; Discus D. Kltchen, 2 Mrs. Pearl Wilson, Mr. Alfred t "Serbs-l 0 e ‘1‘ mm and Browniesv ten leaders wul be used toward adding selves. The Eckhardt meet will MCD‘ma'f“ 3 “v Laubma“ ' We McBride. Mr. Glen Ferguson. {grille m3; [ï¬lms sï¬elter attended the recent York Com 2‘ molm’ Which can be "5“! be held at AUI‘Ora on May 14. a new dlstance of 107‘7n' Roda-l" the new Sunday school super- in Aurora came lo nearly tral Division Guidcs' banquet l3: storage and. housm‘ a Due to the rain which occurred 1 103' 2 10C- “me 53 eees- i when“? and Ill/ks. Fergsusmi’ $80 Mr .lack Hamny was at H0†Trinity Anglican prdividgr 318$? "aligning: at the end of last week we Seniors ‘ D K' - :lld J::::c§luccl?etrl responsible {or “meeting Ch’ll‘llllghchrlir’ghozllgiliarv catered for inscructors' At present 3:11: ogntllle 22;; t33riccllrirslplcleitse 2 ill/loDydg. 13:16:}1 lXHCDonald'; Land Mrs. Ga e Love. Mr. “H the “home.†samples ' ‘ - MTS- Ernest Cater lends - ‘ 5' ' aV‘s‘ ' 0 "ap' “met ,. . vmd M". Dough: Cl Render- "0m Toronto ï¬rms. Foam llillllfllghe‘géllgcrglegve; wills: 1:}: facilities of her kiln at taint running. shot. put and dis-11.4 secs; 220 yds. 1 DaVis.l lengs “0-year-old railway the CNR, announced the sta-reprcsentative of the early mn- Mrs' Arthur Wellesley_ rubber for padding furni- public relations and‘ the other home for firing pottery. thank 0 t M K _ 2_ R. Bellknap. '3 L. Nleuwland_,station wont likely begin a tion, built on the Grand Trunk agricultural picture bein'g Mr. and Mn John Dew. Dr. ture and a few cottons were illustrating different Guide and Recently Lady Flavelle, Mrs. f th Pl y u o r. night time 25 sec. tying the prevmuslncw role until autumn. Railway line in 1853. is being created there. lid M“. Glenn Sawyer and included in the piles of Brownie activmes Love and Mrs. Rowland were 0T e lys. Ed. Dept. for com- record: 440 yds. 1 L. Nieuw-. A CNR official informed donated to the committee. Most of the windows we .1†Glenn. Sawyer “om colouflul hbrlcs_ The 200 leaders. 10mm in a lmerelewed by Miss June piling these results for the land. 2 D. Natress, 3 M. Han-I‘The Liberal" the depot, which which is planning to launch a broken since the agent coin.- itby, Mr. and Mrs. Irving Lucky door prize of a large. sing_song around 'a campï¬re Pennls on the radio program, will?“ . nah, time 60.3 59%,; 330 yds. has been donated to the Railâ€" railway museum to attract eluded his duties February 28 I Show Mr. and Mrs. Harold decorated cake was won by scene. Agd‘lq‘n regarding Kingcmï¬s wm e remainder of the results 1 L. Nieuwland. 2 M. Hannahlroad Museum committeebf the tourists to Ontario. of this year. Doors and windows libel-t... Mr. John Layng, the Mrs. Harold Millard of King From King were Mrs, Harm, aCl‘VmeS- I. ll '1 ll umn appear "l "9“ weeks 901' gmepz mmS- 23 secs: Mile 1Egtag‘alggomimcflcoune“- “(in Before the fate of the are now covered with plywood Thrcbitect. with Mrs. Layng and City. Gonldln and Mrs. s. C_ Call ‘ - ennle. 2 L. Nieuwland. a ‘e 00‘1"“ '5 deteriorating station was to discourage further vandal- .their daughter. Diane. from Mrs. E. G. Reade and Mrs, yen ofg the let King Gulde Arrivals “mo†time 5 mins.. 28 secs, another expense pmbably â€â€˜ the fa“ announced. several people in ism. Company; Mrs. Ray Rumney Mr. and Mrs. John Monkman 3 1g“) YdS- 1 J- Ball. 2 D. Burns. new record; Shot-put l J. Stone- Of 1963' King expressed hope the land- Local camera enthusiasts t ‘ I. _ ll . and Mrs. Everett Cowman of King Sideroad are the - Graham. time 12.5 secs; man. 2J. Collins, 3 B. Beecroft,l After advemslng Mle of the mark would be preserved at have been snapping pictures of 3‘ _- 2nd King Guide Company; pileased pargnts of a baby girl, 12120 NS. 1 D Burns, 2 B. Gra- distance 36'6" creating a newl24ts’2 foot by 401/2 foot one_ Pioneer Village. the. historical, faded red -...,l The organ plays the ageless hymns Mrs. R Molevelt. Mrs L) J. goomal‘rlll’i“? llt/lily at York am: 3 R. Smith. time 28.2 record. Discus 1 J. Stoneman. 2‘storey frame building, the CNR Mel H T . statlon .before it leaves Kl"! 1 Which came to birth through joy and pain; McCormick and Mrs. J. R. Grgndyparelffsp‘ali‘e-men‘s“??? 393’"ng2’8 Vail-1916839 Ga‘rdnsegrd J~ gal/Wod- dlslanre 98'10“.‘f0und little interest among neglorl°h°oh§elvaii§dmmtholflg Togllllmpl l " r The saint can sing them with delightâ€"-â€" Jones- representing the 3rd Tom Monkman of ‘ ' - ' ' secs'; ano 91‘ Change in the record prospective buyers. h‘ ' pans o erect ‘ small I . _ - . , lng City yds. l B. Burns, 2 J. Housto . b k . w ‘Ch operates the Vlnage at Shelter When th ’ The smner seekmg peace agam. ï¬igihcuiggdColl/Illigqynlgsénfl, and Mr and Mrs. Elias Bice of 3 J. Leslie, time 2 mins. 34113 1;): 5. Relay 1 12C. 2 11B. 3. On May 6. Mr. J. H. Splcer, Jane Street and Steeles Ave.. 8 site is cleared. I", Fink .3rd King Br-ownie PM? oak Ridges, formerly of King - » Mmanagcr of Toronto area for decided the station was not MARKHAM : Markham Town- _ 'llleforeï¬he eyes of little ones . and District Commissioner Mrs’. 022w†residents Mr and legp\vggc:::1::tsԤvag:;l Pail: “Pig?!giggl‘tlgaiitllgggoElngaï¬lalpg;rliitvs Alex Knight); * l * ltélrs. Jack 1 Lawd oi Elizabeth 0 o . inspector at a recent pconncu . rove, we come he arrival l meeting. He was chosen m, ’ They too can make their solemn tryst Scouts Good Turn of their first a son ei ' m . . . - ght applicants "3 ‘ Mutterings about “litter * * * * 9 e a a a .11 . Another scene it brings to view â€" “"55†We" “ewe†3’ ng City" “9ԠUnited MARKHAM = Council members " ' King City’s Rover Crew. Church. in process of bein .11 . all Of cooling stream and verdant sod; - g s i. N . . .W‘ Consider provisions regard- . .. mo Scout troops and two built bv Mr. F. a. Lutes on c 00‘ "V9 Ramsey: hospitalltv Mrs. R Murr 332 v - ~ . l . . i . . M -. a .Mr Fl :In re ct Where heath the heavenly shephe1dl100d cub packs undertook a Elizabeth Grove, ls by no The Oak Ridges school held Laing. .742 _y hm) Sinaglge Hialel‘ggï¬ sltgtrrlingLr/ln or aémut September angd costlieofw: sti'ï¬gongilllliltles Mankind becomes the Flock of God. Saturday morning clean- means the first designed by thgrlgeglsuauoql 0“ May 7th Four seleCtlons were Sung Newstead 3342' Ida Ransom Gormley :isderoaclraiigd Alli-20%, by Whieh Highways 8'; and ‘ ' up of village streets and Toronto architect Mr. John an new pm“ 5 were regis‘ by the bOY'S ChOil'. led by Miss 331 Cham ion h' t - ’ ~ ' ' r ' , . I lered to tat 1 . ,- p s m eam tro- E. Bland. King City are theior 48 only. Within the village «Unto the Hllla around look up», . loin: Layng. Mr Joan rA seam? thelfatll. Downes, grade . two 'teacher. phles were won by: Captain, president and secretary, res- Would be put into the category ,. The or an note d th t d - Tidylng half the village At the sod-turning ceremony ' -_ r; "C 9 W1 e Soloists were Brian Cairns andJerry Post Tom Biso Brenda t‘ l . of t- - "‘ And i? 3th H' bleeg- roa e cries â€" the first morning. the boys MrS- Layng told “The Liberal" the . new . “map†for the JOhn Larsen. lGibbs Audrey Middleton Ber- €1.13: lovre y. "am: hi?“ been doing connec mg links. 3" o e . 1g an s Of. our Falth gathered scraps in baskets. this was her husband’s 18th coming season. Mr. ArbE‘Ckle Mr. Noble gave a brief nice Murray. Phyllis Herbert to be ï¬gldflmm Ut llame'cungggâ€"E‘ r... We gladly 11ft our longing eyes. paper shapping bags, and church. has a B.A. degree, supervrsors address on the new setup of and Bill Friend 1 t d . an execu we will he ._‘ I sacks, which they emptied . .. . . certificate and has also taught home and school associations, consolation t‘eam trophieS‘ geect:kénand registrations Willl DEPARTMENT OF “EALâ€! Softly tellB us of that gloaming lnto barrels at the me After spending the winter ln physical education for two and Mrs. McKillop. guest Captain. Bill Newstead, Stan Mrs Dorothy Wood a l-‘ TOWNSHIP OF NORTH g, When darkness falls at God’s behest; hell. :‘heiri efforts netted Eorgntot. lllllrs. 1Louis Shatka is {S‘ggig‘g‘ gating-r33 $313159: Speaks; foll‘1 thiehevening. who is-Forster, Barbara Trainer, Ida fied nursery school, toggliei‘m YORK .. . . . . nne arre 5. ac 8 er ome on South V a DU 10 ea nurse, 5 k R - ‘ Where souls, weal-led With, life’s Journey «Maybe Dem,le are one, Keele street. years altogether. Prior to his on the work of the health pliJnil srflllméndpfgila Ecnxiï¬fg' Al whllld be “1.8 team-her for thel Read This ' . ~ Wlll ï¬nd at eventide there 5 rest. lee, about line, because * a all in new position at Oak Ridges he regarding immunization and The comm'tte f th' c 1 re“ Who mu be {our M051 Children begin we a. they know we,“ pick it Last year’s display of was teaching ill North York, also what to do in the Clase of season wm lbee Rea; 1:“:‘21? {ï¬zriegi age before the end of, with healthy mouths. It is In smm“. tone the organ tells up)" commented a weary ï¬reworks at King Memorlal and he and his family have communicable disease. Litera- president; Audrey Middleton, Classes wlll be h ld f. better to keep a, Chad" 1.; Us of a truth we often miss __ new cub, who sald he Park attracted a large lived in Richmond Hill for the ture is available to all in the treasurer; Bill Newstead. sec: mornings a week Home 9'l5 "gel moum In a State Of health ‘: ‘1 This earthly so'ourn is the We. thought grown-ups should Portion of the DODulation, Past seven yearS~ There W111 commumm iretary. 1145 and ther w'l] h' 9' rather than 311°w’d‘5e‘se A dG ad t J . y set a better example. Lake Marie and King be P0 Staff Changes for the Programmesy Commenoing in In the latter part of the transportatio : l d 8 tax“ to occur and later to apply l l. 11 _ul e O ouretemal bliss. o 2k at -l< Athletic Association has cgmlng year as all teachers are September, promises to be evening dancing was enjOyed :1 tal'raunge . rgmedies. ,The immediate :‘~. -‘ ‘ . To Televise Sale decided to repeat the event 5 “mg mOSt informative. The cash and several draws w ‘ 0 jeCtive Shoum be t° .l . . , . . . . . - ere made, , - ln‘ _,_ .And thensuchcherlshed moments come TeleVlsmn pletures were next Monday evenmg’ May At the Lake Wilcox school, award and banner for parents Bett Stuart d ew h ‘ Personals teaCh the ..Prln61ples of ’I . When 'fore our sad and wond’ring EYES taken last week at Kingcrafts 20, when “rockets! whizâ€" regIStrat‘O“ Will take place on attendance at this meeting was and yfirst one drawri fvaglclllzltd Birthday wishes to Bill Bll/E dental health and to "'51" ' veili lift (l (1 House for showing on Channel let's! cannons! spinwheels! May 23 between 3.30 and 5.30 won by Mr. Lorne Eckles','by Jerry Laney Adele Shearer Janet and Janice Marr who} encourage girls and boys to .l,‘ ‘The blessings if godfg’ePffadise 9. to publicize the big May 25 and many. many more†foothe Sftgrgaoon :llld between room, grade five. Mrs. Beelby Phyllis Herbert celebrated birthdays on, May. 9.3â€â€ systematically And ‘1' . sale in King City. will be {ll-ed. . ‘ an . in e evening. *- * * r and A d ‘ - 5th, and to Nan w inte igently for their teeth. ._ Wide interest in the products The elul,’ which operates Children born during. the year Guides prizes. uNleeabi‘ mulling]?! 1%: birthday was onclhe (lgtjhyhose If this is done, the child Father, bless the gifted ï¬ngers of Kingcrafts groups lS usually the park, reminds residents 1958 will become eligible for Since it’s formation. three evening another draw was Congratlflalions to Mr. and. will grow up .wuh 3 healthy .J: so richly schooled in music’s art) evidenced by the number that members will be can_ enrolment in the kindergarten weeks ago. the lst Lake Wilâ€" made and the ticket of Mm Mrs. A. Kennedy. Aubrey Ave] mouth and with a desire to TO satisfy the deepest longings 0f visitors who patronize the vassinz this week for Class- Wh‘Ch Starts september COX Glrl Guide Company haS‘Elva Ireson was drawn. 0" the arrival 0f their daught-. mamtam this condmm“ _; Vagrant in man. we h t showing and sale of crafts. funds to make possible 3’ 1963- almost doubled its attendance. Legion Bowling V or. born at York County Hosâ€"1 CARL E. HILL, . 5 m ear - This year while the sale is in this community event. Prtolff Of ege l5 reguired- 311d It has nofw increased t0 21 Celebrations were held for Pital- Nell/market ‘ MD MOI-1' h} . progress across the street, * * * ’l' a? ere ‘5 “memes .con'members mm only 12 Very the end of the Oak Rides The k -' ‘ l I, ‘ I . - ‘ . ’ "‘ * " " ‘ crafts including quilting. hook- The new nursery school start- Slderable .delay ln obtaining recently. Three girls were.Branch 570. Legion on 151a; over afï¬x? fiesgizzssesfgrreeylx M . ing, ceramics. leather. art and ing in September at St. John's but“ certificatesv "5 15 Strongly enroued on Monday. Leonore 4th. at the Masonic Hall Rich- weeks and most of the ladgi _~.--: (Rev. Martin R_ Jenkinson of King Cltv wrote gardening will be actively illus- Anglican Church, Oak Ridges, recommended that you make Hurd, Agnes Godd and Dar- mond Hill. Trophies, were are glad to announce that tings Tithe fdngoing poem for the April 21 dedication of a trated at Kingcrafts head- open to anyone interested in 3311932?“ “Stâ€? tnepar7t6 lye“: Tï¬ynor. and two girls awarded after a delicious have lost weight and a few 1_ ~ . , quarters. 6 King area. '1 13 815105. 11 y url‘ay and Heather chicken d' ' ll new electric organ at Laskay United Church, replac_ Hundreds of ltems will be Mrs G. E_ Bland of Humber Lombard Street, Toronto. Other Wood joined the company forcrant magi: ocfattlirgdmdgi wgfgshlelï¬â€˜l‘eatandhethï¬r: leastslfs sing the reed organ installed when the church was available to buyers in the Crescent. King City. and Mrs. f°rm5 0f Prof“ may be accep- the first time- Inn. ' Enunciation school awlytho M e lgbullt'm 1904.) auditorium of All Saints‘ Gerald Woods of Gormley Side- 331d! 6’“: a bllth certiï¬cate is There Will be a “Y'UP from The bowlers receiving tro- A. Jennings doing the lnstrugl' ' Church. where the church W.A. road are organizing the co- 9 es proo- Brownies on May 20 and this phies were- high avera ' - . . _ . . ge for mg. 0 a Will cater for luncheon. operative nursery for three and Home "‘5 Seheel Ceremony 15 Open to mothers of the m - N '- - ' '- _ V The three general convenors four-year-olds as an activity of * * * l the giTlS~ ladies; enMargorrrli‘rallBlï¬lii'lS’ faillï¬pgfthlluléheï¬â€˜tilggig gl- the z z ' Expert Auto Body Colllslon Repairs and Repainlin are Mrs. Ronald Fraser, in St. John’s Church. The Oak Ridges Home and * "‘ "' * high triples. John Shearer. le H v 055- ‘ ’ ° .. FREE ESTIMATES - G M A C FINANCING g 813ml: 1;; sail)th pgrsogmel; Mrs. Rig/[rs Dortlithy1 Wood of; Oak Schotol Assggiation held their Bowling 796; Marg Burns, 663; high sulddenllylt’inwlrigs ggflleileaarwaabt : : era am e, e emons ra- l ges. w 0 las taug t at mee ing on ay 6, and the main Members of the Lake W'l- ‘singles; Hudo Hemm‘la 322' ’ - ' " _ C- LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. tion of crafts; and Mrs. Robert Richmond Hill among her years business of the meeting was Bowling League enjoyed Ruth McFabdden, 3217;, high milietcflnllyra Hgtsï¬mil' Emmi : :‘ King City. G,M, Dealer TE 3,5301 Rowland, ticketsand publicity. as a nursery teacher, will be the election of officers for the banquet at the Graystones in triple HC; Jim Adams, 837:1eaves‘ behinll his r. L'lfnt‘ ° '1 Lady. Flavelle is in charge of ln charge of classes five morn- 1963-1964 school season. Aurora on May 3rd and after Anne Collins, 770; high single Florence Tremiane and ‘l‘il'llcl‘j : ' :! the displays. She and her ings a week from 9.15 to 11.45. Mrs. Noble, president of dinner tro hies were iven f r‘HC- Bus Tutt 330 M r He - ‘ c l 'l ' ll t a 'l I _ . , . p g o l . . as m ren Judy Nancy Albert Tom' daughter, Mrs. Gage Love. Mothers Will take turns York-Slmcoe Federation, instal- the year‘s efforts. mila, 331. “and, Douglas services ' w 1 : o president. will welcome patrons aSSIStlng Mrs. Wood and daily led _ the following officers; Mr. and Mrs. Hunter now’ Mai‘g Burns was the captain held in St. .Mark's Anglicezl: ‘ new home? ' a . during the sale. which will transportation is being arranged preSIdent, Fred Carl‘uthers: have matching trophies for of the championship team and Church, Oak Ridges on May‘: . b : open at 10.30 am. and last for the youngsters. . lst Vice-preSident. Vern Plante; high average as they both lead runners-up captain was Marg 9th at 3.30 pm Interment at. o .- l until three ‘ A minimum of 11_ children is 2nd Vice-preSIdent; Wm. Mit- the league for high average. Franklin. St John’s Cemetery : Y0†welc°m° welm‘ : Alt tlvo pill1 in}: grant willdbe :ï¬ededd :lnd till maleum 01115 115 311911; Kerresllondlng secretdary, Ray Hunter ended the season Dancing was enjoyed by all w ' - Hostess will call with : ma e. or a 00 e rug an a owe _or 1e nursery so 00, rs. ex oung; recor ing with 227 average and Mal'ion.for the rest of the evenin . e are glad to report that. ° ' ' TH TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY (will in Texas star deSlgn. which Will be operated accord- secretary, Bob Leslie; treasur- Hunter finished with 199‘, * r * * 8 Gary NiChOIIS is now on thei': S‘Jettfnzliffonï¬rtllincg: : E UNDERSIGNED UNTIL MAY 215t, In addition to handcrafts, mg to Ontario Department of er, Mrs. Bob McKee; program average. Nursery School mend after receiving severe}: gr . g z 1963 AT 1200 NOON FOR THE SUPPLY there Will be tables of home-[Welfare standards. convenors, Bob Leslie, Rev. G. High 3 flat: John Shearer; A nursery school l5 belng damage to his eye. and is now‘ a mumty‘ ' OF ONE LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR baking and antiques. Mrs. L» Opening September 16. lhc Winch. and incoming principal. 834: Brenda Gibbs 675 _ high organized for this community home. from Sick Children‘s : z. 7 To 10 HP WITH ROTARY OR B L . E. Johnston \k'lll convene thecenll‘e is planned to _functloner. John Al-buckle; mcmher- Single flat; Dave Neil 363-, Mary.alui will be held at St. John's Hospllali and 3150- lo Say tllall 0 ° TYPE Mow-ER 38" ROTARY RA‘Il‘IBD . baking and pantry shelf booth. until the following mid-June. Ship Roy Kingley, Mrs. Post 299 â€"â€"- high HC; Dong‘Anglican Church in Jefferson,ll‘lnhclforge Craig is feeling: : _ _ muc ctt r it ‘ .‘ 3-57†GANG MOWERS. d'll“‘“l‘ml“l‘“““““““““l““““‘““‘“ll““‘“““m“““l‘“l““““““““““‘‘“““‘““““‘l““‘“l““““““““““‘“l‘ll“‘“llll‘l‘llllllllllll“illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllll\lllllilmllllluulllulllllllllllllllllulllullllulllmlllllilllmlllllnlululmlmuuuuuuuumumnullmluullulmllluluulmumulmilminlllmilllillulnnlumllullllmlullln~11 fcring a alslgcalzdlicfélileilf l : :' LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT 0 0 Fire causcdx severe damage 2 : NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. ‘ to the home of Mr. and Mrs.': ' z ‘ . Cord Sutton and familyfl A. J. RETTIE, ‘l .Ll’lllFOXdAVeo on May 4th. It is COUNTY EN 1 oleve that the house is a G NEER' Q total loss. A fund has been] l l ‘ started to help the family. and. a euchre will be held at thel PO. BOX 296, f- l t I l t l c l. o t i l g NEWMARKET. ONTARIO. King City United 'Cllul‘ph Picture-taking was preva- Church congregation and centuries has used mclllodg dellly lUl-nlng portions of Lake Wilcox School to hclp l l congregation marked its 92nd lent on the warm. sunny said their prayers were with and materials of the day topsoil, Miss Scott and increase the fund I . talligilvfellzsatlry Miay :fi by turning Slilnlclay Sftellrllgon as.t e150 31‘s. Unitgd ctll‘ngregation in such as rlew communications Douglas ParsOns were child- ‘ 77 e A I s so 5 or a new a u s an c l ren WI n 55- eir un erta ing. to make the 05 91 knn . d nool su er- 1‘ ‘- : . $125,000 church on Eliza- ed the ceremony. The com .‘The church mun Speaking gfoFr) Balltrlst irlf-ltnerll'leit:1 allllilsllam AlTDFEd ll : FOR THE BEST TA m of a I a /5‘ m5 TIME 70 I l . First of 15 people to use Singing of "The Church's times" d l d C in said‘ u-rme rellglouS grandson of the late owners 0 e o ., - ‘ I the gold-coloured spade “as One Foundation-"_ and Castle“ ï¬fvae’em 33:: experiences do not depend of the once farmland. Her- I 5 . Mr. G'etlrge R‘smlblél £91k“. 3195‘" Be The Tle That our inspiratilm from the 0“. buildings." He had seen man and Elizabeth McBride. l . 1edv b} (1:11:15: .\‘rtllltllc eles- Brads. . 6 . past, but we can’t live buildings destroyed in the Elizabeth Grove. where the l ALL SIZES OF 1 Town &. Country's food-and-freeZer Ian 61 an .I- 1 arson ' rcetlnss “019 heard m ll. May this church, London blitz “and still we church is expected to open .‘ ‘2 assures on t l. D As senior members the) from the presbytery chairâ€" is the old ever stand worshipped in basements." at Thanksgiving, was named ' NE‘V TIRES AT A ‘ l. . y . op‘qua lty name-brand foods were anlth by Rev. Martin man and mlnlstel‘s 0f the - ' l .a! "I do trust always this after Mrs. McBride and the l at lowest prlces your family ever enjOVEd. ‘ Jenkinson ‘0 represem “‘9 Villages other denon‘llna- . remmder ‘0 a] “ho house will be forwou a familv name is remembered l ' ll . If our H v v l church»s yeslerday in lurm “01K who were introduced IlJileeS tillat lg::addoeaslotll:t house of prayer," said Mr. by McBride Crescent I fl :4 . py- Wee .V [ndel‘our plan l mix-sleds. Tl I I byRMr. Jcnjkinson. “ay its miniélrallon; Cusdin. “We hope your bles- As Mrs. Sneath assisted -- _ .. 'mls.... ' ‘ ‘ - .- ~‘ ‘1 . . 2 ". Mm "3 W1“ be only: Scotl lalind Dtthrlrzzlills1 Prarsofl: tribfile To All‘.13:::igd]sto:a;g rFaCh out w every sec- 21:5: tl'ilalt1 tl'ellllanu'itllle llbalft; glideLuigkenhlr“lï¬gnkilihsgrli LIBERAL ALLOWANLE . i u . . _ I . u l l represented the youth. the first chairman of York ilsonlnoihéhe agfll‘mumly' special grace for “hat lies reminded. “In many ways, FOR YOUR USED TIRES. ‘ 5 . . . . . . _ Helped by thcuj leader. Presbytery and said. “You p ' ahead. May you go forward these are the ones for whom I l . , , , .._ l _ I _m $14.60 Mrs. Allan Sheath. little tots are adding to your whole Rev. Gordon K. Agar together." \\c are building the church." ' o . Joanne Hadwen. Brian Love. history In the community" velced the “understanding Welcoming the senior He invited the family | . .l- . . . . . . . . . .... Frances Harvey. Peter .lxlell Referring to the 901h and good wishes. not only of members to turn sods, sym- group which had donated r I "' . and Lisa Saunders typified Psalm. "0 God our help in St. Andrew’s. but of St. holical of the first steps to- the land as church site to I ' a . . . .m. . the churchs future. ages past." the present Paul's, Nobleton. which ward the new building. Mr. come forward. Mrs Pearl g . PHONE COLLECT ESTAB 1030 Sucgegdlnlg stods lwere chairman assure: the com went through a similar .lenkinson noted .1111 Rumble Wilson. Miss Annie McBride, I ' l ‘ " IUI‘ne .\' Ol‘ono arcnlecl grcgation. “You are agreat experience in the past two had worshipped in the .1112 Alfred McBride. Mr. 54; MADAWASKA AVE. WlLLOWDALE ONT ' . & lllll‘. John laai'né‘: Mr. “‘11- future as you had a great years. We wish you all God's original church as a little and Mrs. William Thomson ' ‘ ’ ' ' ilam Hcasllp. chairman of past.‘ He offered prayer richest blessings as you boy. He spoke of Mrs. \Vci- and their son. William. I "_'839 a . 210 Markham Rd; â€"’- RICHMOND HILL the building committee: F. for strength in the future. continue in this great lcsley as “a valiant worker" The minister greeted the ‘ ' a a I l AV. 5-5401 â€"- AV . 0-5402 â€" TVA. 4-0997 B- LUlrS- conll'aClor- and Dr. Rev. E: H. Costigan extend- endeavour." and introduced Mr. Carson mam representatives of the I 2ND STREET SOUTH OF STEELES AVE. . . Glenn Sawyer of l\lllll‘l_". rd greetings and good wishes Mr. Agar pointed nut, as honorary elder m'ncr congregations in his ‘ -F'~ former building chairman. from All Saints‘ Anglican "The church through the Of the three young people charge Laskay and. Teston. l!““““““““-