Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 May 1963, p. 12

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‘ ., Lynda Gail / leffer, daughter of : age by her father. Mapl "The Liberal" Is Concord. Mrs. Ruth Kefier. Anniversary Pot Luck Supperi ' The lst Maple Boy Scout. 143-. - dies’ Auxiliary will be holding. their annual anniversary celeu bration in the form of a pot‘ luck supper" in the Lions‘ Den. community centre on May 22nd at 7:00 p.m. The leaders and members of the group committee will be - special guests. ‘ "Fun and games‘ will follow “the supper. For the “penny - sale" o which has always proven "such a successful highlight of ." previous meetings - collect any ‘ small type item for the white . elephant table you may have a around - knick knacks, jewelry. 'powders. creams. plant snip- ". pings. toys. linens. men's shav- -ing lotion. tools. just about " anything you figure might, . bring in a penny (you‘re Drag: ‘ bably tired of looking at it ,‘ anyway and would not miss it!)- ~ and drop it off at the home ‘ of Brigitta Weidenfelder. 22‘ . Clemson Cres.. or Bev. Houses ‘ 14 Keele Street South. or takcj it with you to the meeting. This is the last meeting of the auxiliary for the summer. The members have all been wonderfully tic-operative when asked to assist on any given project and indeed it has been ful- ly appreciated. However. more than ever. you are urged to make your pres- . once known at this special ‘ evening. , Your executive has worked hard in their positions to en~ . courage support and liaison be- . tween your cub or scout groups and their leaders. Now you are f asked to make that extra ef- - fort to attend at this last meet- . ing thereby showing, in part . and in person, your apprecia- tion of the voluntary services freely given by these same - men and women. We’ll expect ‘ you! iReside In North Bay Alter Southern Trip -... St. Andrew's United Church: North Bay was the scene of a recent wedding between Miss u......,, Mn. and Mrs. Stanley Keffer and Mr. Rodney Clarence. ,Wickett, son of Mr. and Mrs.l ~Clarence Wickett. North Bay. Rev. C. W. Cope officiated and the bride was given in marri- For the ceremony Miss Ket- fer chose a full length gown of flowered organdy designed with fitted bodice and full skirt. Her headdress was ai pearl tiara with shoulder veil and she carried a cascade of pink sweetheart roses and white baby Chrysanthemums. Maid of honor Miss Marsha Sneddon. bridesmaid Miss Carole Keffer. the bride's cousin were gowned alike in blue nylon chiffon and lace with flower headdresses and cascade bouquets of pink car- nations. THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontar always willing to publish interestin districts. Our representative In Maple ls Mrs. Len Short. ALpine |together 285-4040. Have You Heard? It's finally about to happen: Maple is to have its own dent- ist -- and by all comments and sighs, it can't happen too soon. rThose long treks - not to ment- ion long awaited appointments- with that nagging ache, and lack of handy trans- portation, has paved the \ch- come road for Dr. V. N. Diren- feld right down to his newly planned dental office in Maple Plaza. V We found out that Dr. Dircn- feld comes from around our or- iginal stamping grounds. Win. yard. Sask.. and so at least have a conversation lead for when he “opens for business“ to- wards the latter part of June. It i it! Ill Winners at York Music Festival Maple was represented in the annual York Music Festival held in Woodbridge Public School. In the piano class. 14 years and under, Jeanne Va- Ietln. aged 11 came 2nd. She has been taking les- sons for five years and is working in music grade eight. At the same festival. David Martin 12. in grade séven came 3rd in the poetry speaking class. 14 years and under. So our congratulations to] both contestants. iii ’11 Iii II! More Festival Winners For the 25th cunsecutive year. the Danforth Festival of Sacred Praise and Bible Read- ing was held and this year again some Maple youths won awards. Brien Thurston won a gold and a silver medal as did David Martin and his brother Richard Martin won a bronze medal. Inscribed Bibles were also presented to Brien and David. Best man was Mr. Murray Wickett. the groom's brother and ushers Mr. John Ash and Mr. Marvin Wickett. cousin of the groom. At a reception at the Golden Dragon the bride’s mother re- ceived in a sheath of beige ny- lon over lace with brown ac- cessories and a corsage of yel- llow roses. The groom's mother wore a pink suit with white accessories and a white cor- sage; her costume. For a short trip south the bride travelled in a beige dressmaker suit. beige accessv ories and a corsage of yellow roses; they will make their home in North Bay. Out-of-town guests attended from Concord. Ciarkson. New Liskeard. Sudbui'y. Cooksvillc. Priceville and Markham. Rev. Harry Lossing a former pastor of Zion Lutheran Church. Sher- wood. from Renfrew also at- tended. How They Voted In Vaughan ‘ ON THE LIQUOR OUTLET PLEBICITE V a mink stole completedl 10. Thursday. May 23. 1963 5 items regarding people and events 7-1150; in Edgcley and filter; Amos Busy Representative l l l l l l l l l l l l Retail Dining Eligible Outlets Lounges i Poll No. Area Voters Yes No Yes No i 6 Lower Ninth School 223 24 31 19 36 7 Edgeley 185 22 20 ‘13 19 8 Concord 231 42 49 43 48 9 Thornhill 236 34 49 ~10 ~13 10 Thornhill 1315 62 42 63 42 11 Powell Road School 284 51 16 46 22 12 Powell Road School 236 ‘29 19 29 19 177 Twin Elms School 2:24 53 68 52 68 178 Lower Niiiili School 237 63 35 60 35 179 Kleinbcrg School 256 56 55 59 52 180 Kieinbui‘g School 267 7-1 50 72 51 181 Purpleville Pub. Sch. 201 2 63 18 65 182 New Pine Grove Sch. 308 79 70 81 68 183 New Pine Grove Sch. 265 89 47 83 53 184 Vellore Com. Hall 22 47 42 43 43 185 Roy Cooper. Teston 203 35 77 33 77 186 Masonic Hall. Maple 239 91 T 91 8'3 187 Municipal Bldg. Maple 279 77 84 Ti 88 188 George Bailey School 290 123 36 119 40 189 George Bailey School 235 9:1 36 91 38 ‘190 Edgeley School 94 17 30 19 2" 191 Patterson School 158 29 1‘. 34 14 192 Mrs. Bert Middleton 108 16 ii 1.3 1.3 193 Concord School 330 51 83 5': 80 194 Jefferson School 185 46 1.0 42 23 195 Wm. Espey. Elgin Mills 160 42 15 41 16 196 Wm. Espey, Elgin Mills 293 67 16 to 1:1 197 Ross Doan School 314 11.3 :6 s3 23 198 Cari-ville Pumping Si. 27. 73 4o 73 39 199 Ross Doan School 143 47 1?. 43 ‘21 200 Richvale School 1.53 31‘» 16 at 13 ‘ 201 Richvale School 237 7.1 15 ".3 16 202 Chas. Howitt School 283 92 4‘3 9‘: $2 203 Chas. Hewitt School 244 73‘ :o 59 3; 204 Chas. Howiit School 33's 71‘. in '71 i‘. 205 Chas. Houitt School 183 31 '11 :i‘.‘ in 206 Langstaff School 191 34 It 3'1 SH, 207 Langstaff School 34? 9-” 51 11?; 50 208 Langstaff School 130 45 S” 4.8 :8 209 Thornhjll Public Sch 3]“ 17 ,7 31 G: 210 Villa Private Hospital 36 21 6 23 t ADVANCE POLL ll 4. if 4 TOTAL 9413 2291 ;606 2292 1600 'coming along nicely at While looking through the ads in “The Liberal" you may recognize a neighbor of yours. Marg Amos has been taking lessons from former represent- ative Lil Brown ~ as to how to ring that bell just 'so'. so it will chime out. “Avon Calling" to let the Maple girls know she is prepared at 84 Keele Street - or by calling 257-2672 - to add that certain special . make up touch. stone Sharing Your Garden If you have cast an envious look at a next door garden and wistfuily _wished for that cer- tain color of flower or sprig of shrub. to go into a special corner - come along to the l‘CC- tory grounds of St. Stephen‘s Church. June lst at 11.00 am. Members of the WA have been pruning. sniping and splitting their favorite plants and shrubs in order to share their perennials with you and hope to add some other var- ieties you may have to spare from your garden. All proceeds will be placed in the WA work- ing fund. it w- w it Sick List Mrs. Fred Cooper is In New- market York County Hospital taking it easy and being well looked after. Mrs. Oliver (Ellal Rouse is the Maple Manor Nursing Home under Mrs. Hayden‘s competent care. We noticed Zelma Lund out shopping and on the go again following her stay in hospital. Measles. mumps. flu. etc.. and etc. seem to be still on the loose. Hanne Fynbo has missed scads of school days at R. H. High. before and after Easter and is still “not in the pink!" Come on gal. let's have away and done with' this sick busio mess. it! it! it- it Watch for Bulletins Those pro-winter rumors re a pre-summer ‘nature walk” along the wooded grounds of some of our Dufferin St. North neighbors, has been rekindled. Watch for news from the Maple and district branch of the York Central Hospital volunteer aux- iliary members. The date will e, Concord and Edge istrict ew contributed by its readers in MIME. Concord 5e Edgciey Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart, A\‘. 5-1931; and in od 'i'hcm conservation tours arc Bcsi \iislic~ to Mr and Mrs. “‘9 SONNY 18 Frank H. you. 1_\1ir‘s nl Ioiii,K aic oiâ€" planned to arsl>l in the cdiica- Bodkci'. Ma) ~l. Mr. and Mrs Bm‘m 0' \va'lcU‘l‘elV fercrl h} the Metropolitan ’l'oin llUll ol school children and Ewart Burns. May 5 and Mr. CM‘WIIW‘ VICE-president onin and chion Conservation oihci youth groups in natural and Mrs llomcr \Vhiimol-e‘ D17 li- 3i TH.VIOI‘ Authority to its various areas, resource manageman May 19. The Nation“ Cam-9r ll‘hcrc are two "hall-claw" IOU)“ .\ teachci's' guide to nature During the period April 15 Institute of Canada Yam] h... “;ill_(lai' mun" hiking 1S available to assist in to May 13. the Metropolitan Mm“. up of youngster will tell me that the"saw their name in the paper“. and their expression shows that they are so pleased. Let's have some more news of all ages. births. anniversaries. holiday trips. parties. ctc., from our “Liberal” readers Drop a note in to 24 Richmond St. opposite the fire hall. or phone 257-1150. Christian Family Day All the organizations at Maple United Church took part in the May 12 Christian family day. Mr. Norman Lund was in charge. Scripture was read by Steve Shore and Calvin Yoke. Mr. Morley Kinnec spoke on "Zacchaeus" to illustrate the theme “God's presence in the home." The Sunday school garding the news. In order to do justice to the importance of the Queen Scout Ceremony lwhen lst Maple's Kirby Brock "Jr. was the only representative of York Summit District. we'll hold the story over until next »‘issue. . e is vii w Annual M.M.H.A. Meeting ; ‘ President Dalt McArthur re-i lminds all minor hockey enthu- ‘siasts that the annual meeting ‘is on May 27 in the Lion's Den, community hall at 8.00 pm. An invitation is extended to those in surrounding towns in Vaughan Township. who have a ldesire in seeing minor hockey expand to include their boys -. to bring their ideas and views ‘to this open mceting.‘ Everyone who is hockey minded. is \vel- choir directed by Brien Thur- come, .5101] With Ml‘S. W. Woods at l r r r * lthe organ sang at both Sunday ‘ school service and special ser- vice. Miss Margaret Kneisel sang "Gentle Jesus. Sweet and Mild.“ Taking part in the special service were Mr. Bob Douglas. Mr.» Marvin Yoke. Miss Lynda Rose. Mr. George Douglas. Selections were given by the kindergarten under the leader- ship of Mrs. Curlew with Mrs. 11. Murray at the piano. There was a ceremony of dedication to missions when Messengers, Girl Explorers and CGIT pre- sented gifts of money to Mr. J. Darlington. treasurer and Mr. Bob James. Mission of the Church. The sermon was given by Miss Evelyn Palmer and Mr. Bruce Payne using the theme. "The Spirit of Love.“ Members of the Young People’s group did the usher- ing. Rev. Ralph C. Williams pronounced the benediction. WI 101 1- iii Dorcas Unit Meeting Hope 5.5. Anniversary The musical portion of the Hope Sunday .school anniver- sary meeting. May 26. 11.00 a.m.. will be supplied by the Teston YOung People‘s Choir. Their organist is Mrs. W. Wil- liamson and the choir is dir- ected by Mrs. Lorna Robson ‘and Mrs. Clara Baker. As mentioned. Dr. Horner Lane. assistant secretary of the Board of Evangelism and Social Service, is to be guest speaker. I Hope United Church is north of Maple on Keele Street. on the west side, a short distance past the railway tracks. You are invited to attend and enjoy their special service. it ill it! #1 Local News on TV Quiz! During Channel 9’s program Sunday afternoon. “Educated Quiz". where students from 2 high schools vie against each other in answering tapical. loc- al and world-wide news quest- ions â€" one question was asked. I“Where did a petition of par- ents, "to substitute plumbing for oral French" overrule pre» vious discussion?" The correct answer sounded most familiar! l .i m as v the study book chapter on .As If Reminder Needed . Hong Kong; her travels there ‘ By now everyone is saving up made the topic more interest- for that annual strawberry sup- ing. MI‘S. R. C. Williams served per that the womenfolk of St. COffee. tea and dessert. Andrew's Presbyterian Church The good-will unit also met will be dishing out on June in the church parlor with Mrs. 12th in the community hall. D. Oliver presiding. The devot- Tell your friends to watch for ional was given by Mrs. N‘ further information in "Coming WOOdS- Theme 0f the meeting‘ United Church Women met re- cently at the church manse; presiding was Mrs. A. Bori‘ett. Mrs. R. A. Bigford discussed The Dorcas Unit of Maple Already school touis at tho Piouccr Village are solidly throughout Mav liicliidcd iii the liall-dav [our cori'clatinfl is a nature hike to one ol the \\illi the nature hikc. authority's pro‘iccts or a visit in the. Pioncci‘ Village. Lions céiebrai 15th Anniversary Maple Lions Club held its‘ ~15lh anniversary and ladicsl ‘nighi at the Old Mill. Among those present were District Gmrei‘noi‘ Earl Bagslcy and Deputy Governor Hugh Mac- IKay and their \v‘ivos. chon charter inembcrs present re- ceived their 15 year charter member chevrons. A number of awards for DCI‘ICCI attendance were presented. President Andrew Snider' (onducted a short business ses- sion. Lions Bruce Davis and Ross Knight conducted a draul for lucky prizes. Lion Brucel Murchison presented the toast‘ to the ladies which was rc-iy spondcd to by Mrs. Andrew Snider. Dancing to the music‘ iof Ellis McClintock rounded out a very pleasant evening. . Several weeks ago the Lions presented a film after their' ‘regular meeting for any whom they thought might be inter- ested. It was one of the resi- dents of Maple taken by Mrs.» Marion lWatsonl Burgess. who was at that time secretary to township clerk Jim McDonald. Though many of those in the film have passed on the older members of the community en- joyed the showing very much‘ and even newer residentsi seemed to get a kick out of it.l 1 Maple Branch of l MAPLE-WOOD UNIT ‘ of Canadian Cancer Society Women‘s Services Mrs. .1. James - 257-2443 Mrs. G. Robson - 257-2600 Transportation Mrs. C. Boake - 285-2421 Mrs. H. Miller - 257-1414 General Information Education and Publicity Mrs. A. Rutherford - 288-0959 Mrs. L. Shore - 257-1150 Edgeley Socials interesting and _pai-i of the nicciiiig Happy Birthdays .lolm liunlcr. informative THE Ma} '7. Ali’s. 0}; The general L’Ollst‘lldllol‘l tom I’l'lillk LOCkE‘ 31161 IlOlllCl' W111!~ any W.l. Mrs. Frccl Bodkei‘ “ill be lhc hostess at the June 5 meeting .of thc Edglcy Women‘s Insti- It, will bc held 318 o‘cloulv in the evening. and Mrs. Bod- who is convcncr oi home economics in charge of the program. 0118. Frank Lecke will discus: making and rug making display some of bail Den, community NOMINATION & ELECTION OF OFFICERS All Maple Residents Welcome iulc. I\'(‘l'. quilt and work. The roll ('all. “Do's and Denis using electrical cos." should prove to he ani when additional please call AV. 77â€"3425. will hoode lasts for a \\ hole day. as (loos a lllOl‘C‘. Ma} 17 and Percy L’slicv, ' . . and lULil‘ lo the l‘ioneer Village and 3131 19 ( ("1(0) June with 245 classes svhedul- the Boyd Conservation Area Wedding Aniiiicrsai'ics classroom studios Toronto and Region Conserva- infornmtionlhein; planted this spring. TO BE [I E LD and health will he in The applianr RICHMOND HILL “’0” Ofice carrier) with a full range of trust services. New Account Opening Ellis Important Announcement... Guaranty Trust has opened (in office in Challenge cziiicci' problem, MAPLE MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION lst. Annual Meeting MONDAY MAY 27th. 3 PM. DEPOSIT $25 or more in a Savings Account (free chequing) at 41/496 interest and receive an attractive traveIIing bag or a beautiful 5-picce setting of stainless steel FREE on display in our window or INVEST $500 or more at Isl/2% interest in a Tcrm Deposit. Gift offer expires June 21st. I‘lbil. Call in and meet our friendly staff. note our [ONGER OFFICE HOURS... Monday to Thursday 9 to 5 â€"- Friday 9 to 9 â€" Saturday 9 to I. FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT THE REAR OF THE OFFICE CANADA‘S LARGEST INDEPENDENT TRUST COMPANY 'l‘hc national plPHi‘lGl’ll of protessional . _ Volunteers run“ ' c . ‘IlOll Authority planted 300.000 Canadian \lcltlii~:iilm\ns:odi: > School groups should be lllD-III‘CE‘S on their properties. tion the lilClll‘aI L lt’ iicd to no more than 40 pupils Also 33.000 shrubs for mid oi the Universities 2w] ' on each hikc. For i‘cscrvaiionsllite habitat improvement and othcr professio l~ 3‘ '3 pamphlets. icachci‘s' guides or streambank erosion control are tions coucoi'nclda “(Nix-“iii: 'l'he be June 8th, in the morning. Great things for the nature lover are being planned for your pleasure. The committee of Dottie Walters, Jennifer Large. Audrey Magee and Toby Shore are brewing a caul- dron of roots and herbs which spell out “something Events". ii iii as $- Your “Victoria Day” Holiday l your special way of enjoying your experienlzs whilst open- ing the cottage. taking a different" which is about ing trip. sending the small fry 0" H0112 Kong With MI‘S. P. to take place in our area. off to visit relatives while you Harris in Charge 8555th by. fiafififififififi§§§afiafifi You will be intrigued in- garden. etc. and etc. add great~ M1?» H- Murray. fififififiafififi % deed - Save the morning in of June 8th and watch for more details. at is It a Holiday Time Your reporter was away dur- ing the week before the Vic: toria Day week-end. and was‘ unable to contact anyone re- 1y to the interest of those .Well as in our area get a kick out of seeing your name along with your doings. in print. So often after having had their birthday or mention made ‘of them in Maple Notes. a To Add Four Firemen Four permanent fire- fighters will be added to Vaughan Township's volun- teer fire department. The township's Fire and Police Committee Monday night recommended the hiring to supplement the 45-man volunteer brigade. Reeve A. H. Rutherford told Council many of the men find it difficult to walk out on their business llClllal‘Iy when many oper- ate their own business. Our fire fighting record has been a good one." There are fire halls in Maple, Richvale and in Woodbridge at Robinson Cotton Mills serving an area of 116 square miles, Councillor McConkey said. Pumper equipment includes 350-550 gallon trucks and . . . . the township is in the dufri‘ngilhle day if time 15 precess of acquiring a a “e “‘3 large water tank truck to He said the permanent staff will be attached to SUpplemem the pumpers' the Maple fire hall because of its central location and Firefighters in the town- ship were called to battle because it receives most a rash of grass fires in of the fire calls. 1962 during a dry spring Councillor Ruth McCon- and there were several key said. “It has been a major property fires with- lot to ask of the men par- in the last year. ChoosesiPeriod‘Giown For Spring Ceremony Planning to make their home Dorothy Woods and Miss Lynda in Maple are recent newlyweds Lewis both of Richmond Hill Mr. and Mrs. Michael John wore matching gowns of Em- Pl‘lOI‘ married April ‘20 in St. pii‘e blue silk organza and lace John‘s Chapel of St. Michael's with matching veils and coro- Cathcdi‘al. Toronto nets of pearl, All carried bou- .quets of pink and white car- ’l'he bride. the former .nauom Diff}; Bfiffifefrzi Mr Richard \lacGillivra_Mr. and Mrs. Stan Precious ,“as be“ m.a‘n and ML Brian of “awe and the "mom Pl‘E‘ClOuS. biother of the bride ‘ " and Mr. Morris Prior. brother is the son of Mr. and Mrs. _ . . ‘ w ' sh 's. Maurice Prior of Richmond or me groom ele u 91 “in More than 65 guests attended ' a reception held at the Fran- Gl‘t‘l‘ in msiiiage hv her cxs Room of Fran's restaurant. father. the bride chose a period The biidc’s mother received in gown of “hue Chantilly lace a pastelâ€"printed silk sheath ovci‘ pcau de 5019. her finger with white aCC€:SOI'leS and a up veil “as cauglil to s tiara corsage of :ardemas and pink of pearls and borcalis and siic roses and the groom's mother carried a bouquet. of American chose a light green lace gown beaulv roses and orange blos- with beige accessories and a soms corsage of yellow i‘Oses For The bride 3 aisle: Rosemaijr her going-away outfit. the bl‘ldE 2.; maid of honour Chose 2. donned a daffodil Yellow en» group of {Neil pink organza semble with matching, vocl and lace and bridesmaids flisslcoat. How about helping us “jazz” ing “’35 51961“ Preparing 31‘1" up Maple Notes with news of icles for a bazaar in the fall. the Victoria Day long weekend. MI?- R~ Sherman DYESiding; d9" Again. may we say that sharing V0t10llal W35 Elven by MI‘S- Gd camp. Hasselfelt. our community who read “The arl‘angEd for the June meetingv‘ Liberal” and friends outside as the last until the fall. “Fellow Workers with Mrs. was God" The friendship unit met with Hutchinson assisted by Mrs. Sm Mission study was‘. Pot luck lunches are being CEDAR PICNIC TABLE Only $15.95 Assembled and Delivered BOWDEN [UMBER 9301 YONGE ST. , AdvancedThrustdesign reduces drive tunnel for more centre seat pas- sengers' foot room. RICHVALE AV. 5-4922 - TU. 4-1121 mm. NOTICE OF APPLICATION . The Liquor Licence Act. L . LICENSING DISTRICT NUMBER 6 l TAKE NOTICE that Branch 570 Royal Canadian Legion of‘ the Township of King in the. County of York will make ap- plication at a Special Meeting of the Liquor Licence Board; .of Ontario to be held at theX lOffice of the Liquor Licence" iBoard. 55 Lakeshore Blvd. E..l in the City of Toronto. in the County of York on Friday the 14th day of June. 1963. at the A boulevard-smooth ride with 4 coil springs and doubleâ€"action shock absorbers. A wide range of Wildcat V85 with surging accel- eration. steady depend- ability. lncredibly smooth no-shittTur- bine Drive transmission is standardonallfull-sizedBuicks. Give in to that! m New 7-p05ition steer- ing wheel is optional at extra cost. With Electro-Cruise you set desired speed, relax with your foot off the accelera- . tor. Optional atextra cost. hour of 19.30 o'clock D.S.T. in the forenoon for the issuance ‘of a CLUB LICENCE tRES'l‘RICT- “ED. for the sale and consump- tion of beer and wine with .‘ meals and beer without meals in an establishment classified as a club. for the following premises ‘l Oak Ridges Legion BR. 570 1 Lot No. M Pt. 8 ‘ Block Plan 202 First Concession . . a . I Any person i'eSidenl In the “MW/IL llicensing district may object. Morons VALUE to the application. and the grounds of objection in writing shall be filed with H. J Brov he the deputy registrar of the ll~ censing district. whose address is 55 Lakeshore Blvd. East. Tor- onto ‘2. Ontario. at least ten days before the meetin: 2’ Avhich the application is in be ’heard DATED 31 Oak Ridge: 15th dav of May 1963 it‘ll} 3 1‘ Swan. Applicant Box 444 ‘ Oak Ridges. Ont 96‘2 YONGE 51. Be sure to watch 'The Tommy Ambrose Show” on the CBC-TV SKYLINE PONTIAC -â€"- BUICK LTD. .w ' » network; Check local listingstor time and channel. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. AV, 5 = “28 ll New front-fender corner- ing light illuminates your path asyou turn.0ptional at extra cost. 1.184595 - mwcm - ELECTRA 225 RIVIERA - ind? Power seat adjusts with the flick of a switch. Optional at extra cost. 1 Noise-absorbing insula- tion. sound-softening rubber mounts. Body by Fisher comfort for 6. WILDCA' SPECIAL “4153' TU. 4 = 2864

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