[8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 23’ 19“ SOLID GLASS CASTING RODS A. MERMAID "EASY-CAST†1-Plece tapered fibreglass blade. Red aluminum handle. Cork offset INSTALLED CHEVROLET 1951-53 (most) SEE How-vou SAVE INSTALLATION TERMS Mote-Master "Extra-Life†Mufflers â€" Designed to give more power, greater gas economy, ‘onger life. Don't take chances, your exhaust system INC. grip. S-it., overall with guides and 1.95 tip top my be defective without being noisy, so have it check- CHEVROLET 6 77 ‘ a i. . .' ’ ' _ l951-5] (most) ................. - B. MERMAID “SUPER-FLEX†.d by Canadian The experts Without cost or obligation 1954.“ an Pom. (mom Full ï¬ï¬‚ilnch rod with plated guides _â€"â€"-â€"_m â€"â€" © shrontlpo't?g,etst;gngiy \Ehlppedtlg _LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE PLYM. a. DODGE (6-Cyl.) 8 17 - ' n e. OI'I'LI a e - - - n'bbe' grip ------------------------------------ g --------- You get a brand new muffler If it blows outâ€" 1’" 5’ ("w") """"""""" ‘h v I ' ' C, MERMAâ€) "BROWN_B°YII ever. The replalceénent muffler is yours free, :35: a. ME'TEOR 7 77 All the features you look for in a no quesupns as \e I I ("105) """"""""' 8 good rod! Metallic bronze finish. 1955-56 (most) '17 Graduated guides and tip Shaped , . cork grip. Offset handle. Locking . BIG SAVINGS for other cars Including Imports. l957-59 (most) , 7 chuck and micro-closure reel lock. CLAMPS (it required) each ....... 19¢ 5-It. overall , SAFE BRAKES .. SAVE LIVES ; See Us For One Stop Parts & Service BRAKES Shock RELINED Absorber: As Low A: High Winds Destroy Hangar Flying instructor William H. Mears, of Scarboro, views the wreckage caused by the collapse of a storage hangar Saturday evening at Button- ville Airport. Two planes were crushed by the falling barn, and the same gust which dropped the hangar also flipped a third private aircraft over a low fence. Replacement costs are estimated at $25,000 by Club President 4 LEVEL-WIND [TASTING HEELS "SPARTAN" MERMAID MODEL 33A Joseph Gerace- 9 Features smart, tear-drop- Super-smooth adjustable ' 5 1 0 shapzddbakehtebcind glat- drag. On-oif click button, I ' ALL 4 ' es. J u s a e rag. smart anodized ‘ Smooth run- aluminum end Name Four Masters ‘ WHEELS EACH «’f iflgï¬gwj Certified Mech. “34" ‘ anics will care- fully check entire brake system â€" PLUS many safety extras. MOST MODELS â€" Chev., Pontiac. 1951-58; Prevent side sway and shim- my, skidding and “wanderingâ€. Mote-Master shocks put you in control of your car for a smoother, safer ride. ning gears with loo-yard I '3 5 line capacity .. plates. Chrome trim. Rust-2‘49 A. N. Murch New Langstaif Principal Ford, Meteor, 1949-59; Dodge, Plymouth, “NEW CAR†QUALITY -â€"- GUARANTEED 1949-56. (Big savings for other cars). 1-year . . . or 12,000 miles At their meeting last week the York Central a small profit._ but it .was ' CASH and (ON ALL District High School Board confirmed the appoint- expecgedsthatt thgsrwoum mm)" o O CARRY ’ PARTS) ment of Mr. Arthur N. Murch as principal of the pear y ep em 9 ' new Langstat‘f High School. Mr. Murch has 17 MTAIEI tsecretary,t glrshhAé _ . years teaching experience, holds specialist certifi- 0 15 er “For 6 a T t Y I f T E - . ' - approval of the Depart- e cates 1n Flench, German and Physmal Educat1on mam of Education had been O r and is presently principal of Stayner High School which he opened as a new school. He was also at Earl Haig and Bathurst Heights Collegiates and was vice-principal at Collingwood High School. Mr. Murch will commence his duties in September of this year but as the Langstaff school is not scheduled to open until September of 1964, he will be acting vice-principal at Thornhill Secondary School where the present Vice-principal, Mr. Thomasson has resigned. received of the revised sketch plans of the Lang- staff school and that the grant for the school would be up to a maximum of $475,000. The preliminary working drawings are to be ready at the end of the month. FISHING FUN FOR LESS! 6.25 1.35 Steering And More Comfortable Riding with our famous "BEAR" WHEEL ALIGNMENT THE BANNER SAEETI ' N. A. "BLUE-MERMAID" Eli-it. combination spin-cast rod. 2-piece solid glass metallic blade. (graduated guides and tip. Na- tural cork grip ................................ B. MERMAID "ULTRA" Full 6~ft.' combination rod, fast tip action. Grad- uated guides and tip. Hollow glass blade. Natural cork grip ................ It was noted that a letter of thanks had gone to the prin- price of Mr. Chapman cipal and staff of for noted that at the present time the {We work they did in impossible to seat the organlzmg the open house there very well" with 42 new entire student body for assem- 0“ Mag 331d Mr' Chapman teachers hired. Of these blies and the new seats will repmiteh at at same 1300 42, 26 have had teaching help rectify this. They will 1390198 3 attende - experience. Seven have fold up against the west wall Trustee Redelmeier made the completed O.C.E. training of the gymnasium and can be suggestion that it would be this year and nine will be pulled out in two or three more useful if the manage, attending summer school. minutes. ment committee were to meet Superintendent Mr. S. Chapman reported that “the hiring picture is going it is W \5. RMID cLOSED-FAoE REELS " Mr. Chapman expressed him- self as particularly happy about the calibre of the four “Master†teachers who have been hired. The mathematics master, Mr. H. E. Totton was head of the mathematics department at Forest Hill Collegiate for many The board also agreed to a change order for Bayview Sec- ondary School for extras in the electrical shop which will cost a further $18,821. This will cover shop equipment and a power panel. They also agreed to a change order for an additional $701.25 the week before the regular board meeting instead of the week following and moved a motion that the by-laws be amended to allow the manage- ment committee meetings to be held on the second Monday of each month and the board meetings on the third Monday. SAFETY SERVICE FRONT END AND COMPLETE STEERING INSPECTION "BEAR" The Banner Of Safety When You Drive M W‘â€" MODEL TIT SPIN-CAST REEL . Easy push-button operation with smooth QUALITY SPIN-CAST REEL years and in the opinion of Mr. for changes to the A “reel†value for the junior or occasional wirino - - Chapman. is one of the two bThe other members belng ln structure in the electrical shop agreement, the motion was car. running preciston cut gears. Fitted with tor- fisherman. Lightweight aqua-green enamel- best mathematics teachers in and t 129 50 f . pedo shaped handle.Ad- led body with chrome the province. He has written additioangl giagirie: an'd hart; “ed‘ Justable drag. Finlshed plated head cover. Push- several text books. ware. ‘ The next meeting of the board will be on June 17th. The meetings are held at the board office, 25 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. and are open to the public. in ebony-black enamel ‘ with chrome trim; plus . ‘80-yards, 9-1b. test line. I r button control, external drag adjustment. C0m_ The science master, Mr. George Domina is the head of the science department at Bloor Collegiate in Toronto and has been teaching at the summer school courses for several years. The property committee also recommended that the architects call for tenders for lighting and heating alterations at Richmond 3.95 2.19 plete with line ................ . - - T Thouï¬wtshbu 1335? l,“ $1h“‘il‘$°?§°".h? ‘27; Bla D t Mote-Master FRONT END PARTS Save up to 40% . oc c as aso . . . i r W . .__ .D_.. ".35" . taught the summer course for wmg' . the Ilghtmg was â€" . BALL mm“ TIE ROD Sims; ‘ 50 was several years and is at present b°°°mmg hazardous as the ; MAKE and YEAR um, l Lm, ENDS P l NYLON . .. . head of the English depart- muck were Overloaded and L ‘ d M k t___ _‘ __ _ _ V _ __ _ r )r w ' ‘ ‘ ment at Vincent Massey Col- ï¬gï¬'ï¬dgt-mg'sfh '31: 0:15; an ar Chhvnohsra PONTIAC; 5.80 6.40 , 3.45 p. I10_60 i . nmn legiate in Etobicoke. The , 19-,67 ‘ I I . . . . . _ . . l _ I r. , pr- ‘ moderns master. Mr. David “"3 hafi “0 contmls 0" A disused barn, reportedly‘ 192332 . _ . I . _ . _ _ . l p --\ ‘_/ Shapiro also comes from Vin. them {Vlth the result that more than 100 years old, bum_ R ifâ€! 7 W ‘07 m 7‘ ‘ r ,. cent Massey Collegiate, where the wmdows had '0 P3 ed to its foundations early last, I‘ORD ahd METL R I pr. ‘ p . “ i he is presently head of the opened freql'enuy' w'ih Thursday morning. ‘ 1950-06 . . . . . . . . . ' 3 Dr. A pr' .moderns department. :sglsec‘lo‘hiitmpt'gimases “‘ Located on the Don Headi 1957-62 . , , , . . . 11.95 ‘ 11.99 ‘ . . ‘ \ ‘ Farms property, just west of‘ "‘ " W ’ 7 7 V pr. ‘ PF- » r » \xifl'flggw .. ' i ' ML Chapman fee,“ that i A tende fr m Romeo L-m‘t d Yonge Street and Vaughan OLDSMQIEILE i i . . . . .. as a result of the excellent I r 0_ . _ I l e Road the ham which was [,e_ 1951-38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 , 8 l 3 pr. ‘ pL staff he has been able to to supply 18 filing cabinets at v I _ W _‘ 19_9 . . I . . I i ' . . . I . . ‘ . acquire. the staff will be a price of $1,105.47 was accept- 316:2:llgso 3:11 1“ tusefoIgtll flnet‘ -0 - ~ '- . d: also a tender from Jackson o '35 59 0 Y “’13 ' Chrysler Windsor. Sturdy seamless-steel con- wate f, h .7 b -d d A1 » f V ., much stronger next year. 9 . V h T V h. P1. Ch. fl Do-dge an? Plymouth 7 . . 7 struction, neat rounded corn- blackriiiryfign. SOE-S'hi‘d slighte pl:;iii:n:?ip.rzlaéuey Sturd) 4 i A hlstory master has "t Metal Indusmes to supply 82 JianlingrIiidghngaig ugslcleikelliea‘ 19°7'58- “Ch D950†F'rmome lockers at a total price of 1957-58. Each â€" _ V ., to be appointed, but hist r . .‘ Ri ht and Left Side- gili'ucEu-rzlifenbakw on 15-") 5 20-â€. ETt i0le hide: Specialists are in betiiei 31‘949‘98- The Old lopkers will smoumermg fnecraCkor' â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"-'â€"â€"'â€"_g "' "-â€" enamel finiSh‘ TEST I TEST ' cora‘d 1c Slou ex . “9913- Mr. Chapman be 50m to 300th Ofï¬ce EQUiP‘ About 20 firemen attended w†I 11% X 51.3 X 4 O MER‘IAID NYLOV """""""""" " promised a full report on ment _at $2.50 eaChh Approval from the Maple and Richvale‘ high .................. CA‘srfIVG LINE‘ SPIN FISHER-“AD 5 staff for the next meeting. :‘Va: Elventlto tIhe tatklthfg otf 5%!) stations. Chief Donaldson said “HOLD_ALL" n _.b h . ‘ . LANDING NET I 95 5 0H 18 “ES 3 SI 9 y the blaze was under control in. 13%V61éx41r2 TACKLE BOX ,,;‘,‘,‘C,}?He‘;i§gbgï¬g‘;§_ M‘nln‘um 10.. ammmhm handle 5., The property committee HQ. Golder and Associates. a half hour. In pulling downt O 0 high‘ ' - ‘l 59~,\-ard. spool; ‘l lastic grip. 14" heop.‘| ‘report was given by Trustee. Trustee Yates in reportin: the larger beams, firemen {ound‘ ----------------------------- I Zo-lb. test .. .. .. I lastlc shoulder cord . I Yates on the recommendation I for the advisory vocational they had been constructed with ’ 0 lot" this committee. the board committee noted that there wooden dowels. Lagreed to purchase moveable‘u‘as some difficulty on the com- . 5 /0 & igym seating for 200 personsimittee because its members are A Spokesman for Don ,He.ad/' ’ ifor Thornhill High School not sure of the functions of the farms sald the barn wasnt m' WHY CERTAINLY ON ALL GOODS & SERVICES AT C.T.C. from E. A. Horton Sales at a committee. They have arranged sursdhand likely WOUIdn't bet '7’ ' ' for Mr. Morgan, superintend- re" “1 ‘ ent of secondary education for Four young boys uere spotted PICNIC TABLE ’ the Toronto schools to meet playing with firecrackers on thei . . ' install. Guaranteed. with the committee on May property late the previous af-‘ NO DOWN PAYMENT tees, and Mr. Morgan may be liam Knapp was elected presi-l able to clear this up. He asked dent of the newly-formed re- that all members of the board tail merchants association. Pur-l try to attend the meeting and pose of the association is to Only Eltiezreihariral‘iz-s ‘ . 2 eit'fiili" m? “it†EASY TERMS se some overlapping of commit-AURORAâ€"Paint retailer Wil- ‘(mm 6 m . _~ ' V \ . CLUTCH ASSEMBLY EXCHANGE We will exchange your clutch Dodge, Ply. 42-5! i G-cyl. {except , iluld drive) 15.50 7.95 Assembled and Delivered BOWDEN ,lUMBER Lists. saris... are:staggers.digitizing me “1,532,523,555, g: ,iiiiiirtii': 15.80 7.25 ON THE SPOT 930110.\GE ST. Morgan. promote Aurora as a whole mgtzhyedrassembly_,eadym Pontiac 46-54 RICHVALE 5-4922 - TU. 4-1121 Accounts totalling $143,000.00 shopping community. Mr. Knapp for ' (most) FOR ALL CAR SERVICES N0 DOWN PAYMENT, ON THE SPOT FINANCING TU. 4-1196 - CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE -AV. 5 p h install. Guaranteed. were payment. also owns a paint and wallpaper showed store in Richmond Hill. approved The cafeteria account s" H"! ï¬dfl (4’73... 4 t I I I ‘