MacKillop School Grade Seven Choir Wins Music laurels Police Take'gNu.‘ l8YearOId1Tl‘f Richmond Hill Police Thurs- day took into custody a youth‘ about 18 years old who at- tempted to rob a Yonge Street barber. Fred Wilson told police the youth came into his barber shop and demanded money. Mr Wilson said when he told the‘ youth he didn't have any, he pulled a small kitchen paring knife from a coat pocket but finally left the shop. He was stopped by police while he was walking along Yonge Street within 10 minutes of the at- tempted robbery. me: the inéident, Mr. Wil- son said he felt “very nervous". MacKillop Memorial School grade seven choir under the direction of Miss Florence Thomson (pictured back row extreme right) won a first in competition with other Metro area choirs at the York Music Festival held recently in Wood- Also winner of a first at the York Music Festival was the MacKillop School’s grade eight choir directed by Miss Thomson. They scored an 85% with their music. The combined school choir also took a first in the competition with a mark of 87%. Mr. Hodgins praisedmthe winners‘. 1 an “1 First For Grade Eight Choir In Festival JTheatre Nights Nurses from Richmond Hill are sponsoring a theatre night May 27, 28 and 29 with pro- ceeds towards equipment for the York Central Hospital. At a meeting held recently by the York Chapter, Register- ed Nurses Association of Out- ario with chairman Mrs. E. McNabb. president, it was an- nounced the annual dinner meeting will be held June 4 at the Summit View restaurant. Speaker will be Mr. Thor Han- sen, public relations director for British American Oil: tick- ets at $2.75 each must be ob- tained by May 29. A brief report on the annual convention was given; York chapter delegates were Mrs. H. Wright, Mrs. M. Scott and Mrs. E. McNabb. urses Sponsor Susan Larine Allen Is Bride 0f lloyd Golen A wedding of much local in- terest was solemnized at Brown’s Corners United Church on May 18, when Susan Larinel Allen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Allen. Gormley, and Lloyd Donald Rae Gohn, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin B. Gohn. Brown’s Corners. were married. Yellow and white floral ar- rangements made a pretty set- ting for the ceremony which was performed by Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington. Miss Joy Fuller played the wedding music, and Mrs. Clayton Jones sang two solos. Toronto. bridge. The choir was marked at 86%. Adjudicator was Mr. John Hodgins, choirmaster at Grace Churgb-on-theâ€"HilL . A- -- skirt swept to a graceful train. Her fingertip veil was caught to a pearl-encrusted tiara, and she carried a cascade of red roses and white carnations. Mrs. Clifford Goodman was matron of honor for her sister, and a younger sister, little Miss Regina Allen, was flower girl. Bridesmaids were Misses Ruth Trumble and Elaine Griffiths} They wore similar dresses of chartreuse taffeta fashioned on princess lines, small white flow- ‘ered hats, and carried yellow and white carnations in cas- cades and nosegay arrange- ments. The best man was Ron- ald Tucker, and ushers were Reginald Crawford and Mirvln Cohn,‘ brother of the groom. Following the ceremony, guests were entertained at Little Switzerland, and Mrs. Allen received wearing a beige wool double knit suit with brown figured blouse, brown accessories. and corsage of yel-l low roses. Mrs. Gohn assisted in a green lace sheath over taf- feta with small petal hat in blending shades and bone ac- ‘cessories. Her flowers were yyeliow roses. When the bridal couple left for a short motor trip, the bride travelled in a powder blue wool suit with white hat and accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Gohn will live in Don Mills. The groom, who is a grand- son of a former warden of York County, is a member of the staff of the East York Board of Education, and has been ac- tive in young peoples' and boys' work at Brown’s Corners United Church. Among the guests were mem- bers of the bride's mother's family from Hamilton: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gohn. Dr. David Gohn, and Miss Lillian Philâ€" lips of Acton; Mrs. Reva Smith, Islington; Mrs. Edith Hamil- ton, Markham; the groom's grandmother, Mrs. David Ful- ler, Thornhill; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fuller and Miss Joy Fuller, Mrs. Oscar Brooke, Miss Marilyn Magee, Mrs. James Smith, Joan and David Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stephenson, Miss Judith Hord, Fred Holden, Jack Boyington, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Boyington. James Boying- ton, Miss Margaret Patterson, Mrs. George Beatty and her family. SOMETHING TO SELL MORE “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS GET RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 (Staff Photo) Three Fires Mar iHoliday Weekend Three fires marred the holi- day weekend for the Richmond Hill Fire Department. At 7:10 pm. Frlday they‘ answered a call to Claire Atkin- son’s Machine Shop at 159 Cen- tre Street East. A leaking ace. tylene tank was blamed for the fire which caused from $800 to $1,000 damage from fire and smoke to building and equip- ment. The portable classroom at' Our Lady Help of Christians School, located on Bayview Avenue, was again damaged by fire Saturday afternoon. The alarm was turned in about 2:30 pm. and the fire is believed to have been caused by young boys playing with firecrackers. A member of the separate school board estimates that damage will be in the neigh- borhood of $2,500. The same portable was damaged in a fire set by juveniles about three months ago. Slight damage was done to a car at 403 Alper Street Sunday‘ afternoon. The wiring under the dash was burned out. and cause of the fire was believed to have been a ,short in the cigaret lighter. Owner of the car was Mr. Marcel Johnston. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reesor entertained Brown’s Corners Choir members following prac- tise last Thursday night. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson on the‘ birth of their fourth son. The four Stephenson children were guests of their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephen- son, while their mother was in hospital. Janet Craig and Patricia and Margaret Patterson participated in the musical programme pre-} sented by students at Thoma hill Secondary School Wednes. day evening of last week. All three were members of the choir, and the Patterson sisters contributed duets. Among the interested and!- ence at the high school pro- gramme were Mrs. S. J. English, Misses Kim and Eliza- beth Foster, and Mr. S. R. Patterson. Mrs. A. W. Miller attended a planning meeting for the York Central Hospital Gift Shop committee which was held at the home of the convenor. Mrs. W. G. Finlay. King, Monday morning of last week. Other‘ local women present were Mrs. William Brodie and Mrs. Arnold Guardhouse of the Unionvllle branch. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnlngton officiated at a baptismal service in Brown's Corners United Church last Sunday morning, and children christened were Lynn Louise daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard- Carr; Deborah Denise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Maguire, and Wayne Charles Turner. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Turner. There were graduation cere-l monies for neighbourhood families last week. At O.A.C. Guelph, Harvey Brown and his wife Nancy graduated with first class honours and Harvey received the Lieutenant (Trov-i ernor's award. Present for the occasion were his mother, Mrs. ‘John Brown, a sister, Mrs; James Wolfe of Unionviiie; his brother Gordon. Mrs. Norman Reid and Mrs. Mason. Harvey, who graduated in animal hus~ bandry. and Nancy. a B.H.Sc.. begin their careers this week- Harvey with Canada Packers in the Shur-Gain Division, and Nancy at the Consumer Gas Co. as a home economist. At the Ryerson Institute of Technology Mr. and Mrs. Don Arnott and Brian were present when Friday of last week Lynn graduated with top honours in the radio and television am (Staff Photo), BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. 1!. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlmter 3-6188 Brownies Monday eC'ening. May 13, was an exciting evening for the lst Gomiey Brownie Pack, when six Brownies were to receive 1their golden bar from the District Commissioner. Mrs. Gundy. With the help of some of the older Brownies, the golden bar Brownies acted out a small play illustrating the different tests of this award. At the end of the play the following Brownies received this well-earned badge - Ever- ille Davison. Joyce Gayman. Susan Hellman, Dianne Francis. Barbara Miller and Roberta Johnston. Girl Guidel On Thursday evening of last week. the lst Gormley Guide Company. accompanied by Captain Mrs. N. Johnston, Lieu- tenants Mrs. Homby and Mrs. Banns. several friends of the Guides and two of the mothers‘ went by the T.'l‘.C. bus from ‘Richmond Hill to the subway, then to King St. and the Globe and Mail Building. Here a tour was made of the building, where everyone saw how the Globe and Mail received its news, from the reporters, right down to the actual printing of the paper. At the close everyone received a copy of the Globe and Mail to take home with them. Rally The Guides and Brownies of Gormley - Unionvllle District, Markham District, Stouffville and Ballantrae District will have a rally on June lst in the Victoria Square Community Centre, from 1 - 5 pm. Approximately 350 girls are expected to attend. For the programme there will be a March past. games and dis- plays, finishing with a camp- fire. All interested in Guiding are invited to attend. Sr. Women’s Institute The May meeting of the Sr. Women’s Institute was held on Tuesday of last week at the home of Mrs. Earl Empring~ ham with 28 ladies In attend- ance. Mrs. Harry Barber was con- venor of the meeting. Roll call was answered by taking an antique article. The guest speakers were Mrs. Phillips and her daughter Grace from Mark- ‘ham. who gave a very interest- ing and informative talk on antiques. They also told how valuable some of the articles were that the members had taken to the meeting. Mrs. G. Brands, Mrs. S. Boynton and Mrs. Hill were appointed as delegates to attend the district annual of the Institute which is being‘ held on May 23 in Richmond Hill. Members were also ireminded to pay their dues. course. Lynn is launched at CFGM radio station as a copy- writer and general factotum. Friends extend warmest con- gratulations. The community was saddened last week-end to learn of the untimely death of Mr. W. H. Russell of Hughson Drive. Mr. Russell died late last week at the Brim-bush Hospital, Stouff- ville following an illness of several months’ duration. To Mrs. Russell and his daughters, Carol (Mrs. Barry McWhirter) ‘and Sandra (Mrs. Freddy Brown) we extend sincere sympathy. Buttonvllle WJ. Mrs. George Kelly. ButtonJ ville W.I.'s new president, was in the chair when the women held their May meeting at But- tonvllle W.I. Hall Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Gordon Purves present- ed a comprehensive study of the life and works of George Gershwin. and Gershwin music‘ was sung by Mrs. George Hooper with Mrs. Donald Reesor accompanying. Gersh- win's music which first gained popularity in the ’20’s has grown steadily in the affection of North American people, and Mrs. Purves' audience showed warm appreciation of her topic. During the business period, secretary Mrs. James Rodick noted several dates to remem- ber - June 19 - Teston Straw- berry Festival; June 20, picnic at Guelph. Following the Gohn-Allan wedding rehearsal Wednesday evening of last week. the groom’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin B. Gohn entertained the wedding party at the Turf Centre Restaurant. Don Mills. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CARLEmLLMD.MO.E TWP. OF NORTH YORK Teenage Elï¬n: Recent studies in Ont- ario showed that over half of our teenagers have poor food habits. Milk is ne- glected frequently although more calcium is required at this age‘ than at any other. Teenagers are fond of raw vegetables, but they rarely have them. General- ly, they do not get enough iron. Snacks provide main- ly empty calories. while chocolate and foods high in fat often make acne worse. Teenagers should remember that good food makes a difference in the way they feel, act and look! DEPT. OF HEALTH CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLI B. B. 2 Gormley â€" Telephone 886-5421 Refreshments were served at the close by the hostesses Mrs. J. Emprlngham. Mrs. C. Story and Mrs. L. Hart. On Sunday Mr. Idris Hamid of Trinidad was in charge of the service. On May 28. at 11.30 sun. the Rev. D. Harris will be in charge of the service as Dr. Binnington will be at Greenbank for the Sunday school anniversary service there. Neighbourhood Notes Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Birming- ton attended the spring convo- cation and Emmanuel College graduatlon in Convocation Hall. U. of T. recently. The measles’ are making their rounds among the homes in the community. Birthday greetings to Barry McWhirter, May 24; Colleen McWhlrter, one year, May 24; Karen Chadwick, 13 years, May 26; Mrs. Glenn Bolendet, May ‘28; Mrs. Morley Ryan. May 28; 12mm. John Empringham. May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rumney welcomed another grandson last week, a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ken Stephenson (Connie Rumney). Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Barry McWhlrter, In the passing of Mrs. McWhlrter’s father, Mr. W. H. Russell, after a lengthy illness. The Anglican Church will have ordained 19 priests and 16 deacons 1n the Toronto area by the end of May. or this number we note that one, J. Donald Beatty was ordained In St James Cathedral. He is a grand- son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty, and a nephew ‘of Mr. Lloyd Beatty. Mrs. Heber Mcngue visited} with her sister, Mrs. Ivan Sisler on Tuesday and attend- ed the Applewood Acres United Church Women's des- sert luncheon. Mrs. Shllton, wife of the Rev. James Shllton of Alliston was the guest speaker. The choir members enjoyed a social time last Thursday evening when Mrs. Wilbur Brumwell invited them to her home after practise, Serving dainty refreshments with Mark assisting. Mrs. and Mrs. Byron Tim- mermans (nee Betty Huston) 0t Falconbrldge called on Mr. and Mrs. Stan DeFoe and Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson on \Sunday afternoon. Mr. Clarence Huggins of Hampton spent the holiday week-end with his grandm mother, uncle and aunt, Mrs. A. Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ‘ard Frisby. Miss Belle Merritt of Toron- to spent the holiday week-end with Miss Mabel Sanderson. Mr. and Mrs. Gunther Abrahamson of Ottawa spent the holiday week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. Mr. Abrahamson later left by plane for Coppermine, N.W.T. to conduct a survey among the Eskimo people for the Department 0 f Northern Affairs for the summer. Miss Faye Nichols has recenh‘ 1y received news of her appointment as a community teacher at Frobisher Bay, Baf- fin Island, beginning in Sept- ember. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed} and David spent the holiday week-end with relatives in Ottawa. The Messengers will meet in the Sunday school room on May 25, at 2 pm. All the children 5-8 years are invited to attend. BOWDEN [UMBER CEDAR PICNIC TABLE Only Assembled and Delivered FREE PICK-UP w FREE PICK-UP “YOU WILL LOVE OUR DRY CLEANING" $15.95 JUST DIAL Turner 4-2162 9301 YONGE ST. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 23, 1968 RICHVALE 5-4922 - TU. 4-1121 P R O T E C T Your Winter Clothes You have good money invested in Winter clothes Let us protect your investment, moth damage can be expensive Just dial TU. 4-2162 and we will pick up, clean, store in our own vault, and return them in the fall, bright and ready to wear. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-l|05 GE. 21†Cornet 21†Console Admiral 21†Motorola 21†NEW PICTURE TUBE Spartan 21†Crosley 21†Sylvania 21†NEW prams TUBE Syvania 17†Portable NEW PICTURE TUBE NEW PICTURE TUBE NEW PICTURE TUBE $69.00 $69.00 $89.00 $89.00 $99.00 $79.00 $89.00 $89.00 Largest Display 0f Portable Television North Of Toronto TU. 4-7456 Richmond Hill IV Television Rentals THERE’S FUN FOR ALL IN DNTARIO'S Whether you enjoy modem resort. hotel or motel living or the rustic outdoor camping lite-Ontario has what you want. Whereveryou go. you'll ï¬nd plenty otflne beaches and refreshing lakes for good swimming. boating and ï¬shing. The whole tamfly will be thrilled with Ontario's historical torts. villages and monuments that so colourlully represent Ontarlo's exciting post. FREE geomagzeiawem“ HOLIDAYLAND ammo mm DEPARTMENT ,1. naummr BUILDINGS. TORONTO 2. ONTARIO ADDm USED TIC SPECIALS rte: ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF WAVE]. AND PUBLIC"? Hon. Bryan L Cathcart, Minister m 34 YONGE SOUTH PROV. JUST DIAL Turner 4-2162 FREE PICK-UP AV. 5-3756