Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 May 1963, p. 6

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"’1-‘Pm-b-1--!-45-D-I-II"b>-D---V .lHll (III THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, TELL IT TO TE OLD wrrI-I §W CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lat insertion So each word. min. charge . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent Insertions it wording . . . . . . unchanged. 5c per word, min. charge . 65c FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c COMING EVENT NOTICE: 50 per word; min. charge 75c ICARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, per Insertion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 10.30 am. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. ARTICLES 2 FOR SALE FOR SALE (Continued) MOST HOMES ARE LISTED 54539 WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. tic-28 AUTOMATIC Sump Pump. Like new. 285-5570. _c1w47 MOWER. reelâ€"type. gas driven. d CH. $35 TU 4 clw47 fer. TU. 4-2912. chi-47 5238 m" “on' ‘ 01'..." ONE almost new English hand 1500 FENCE RAILS. also some --â€";â€"- W â€" -.~ ~ lawn mower. $4.00. 884-7629. cedar posts. C. L. Knappett PIANO. Hemtlman UPl‘lght 1" clw47 Phone 834-3089. lfc41 excellent condition. AV. 5-. MI. 4. .- -.- 2917_ chm-71 SEI‘ OF 131 Tom. reel type . I - -~--r mowers (golf links stylel. comâ€" matlc. in excellent condition. SMQLL Cglfll‘a" 336913153“: plete with tractor hitch. TE. 3- $100. TU. 4-1904. c2w47 5‘51}. C0" Hon' ' Ci...“ 5.5_3..6-_,..,, .. __..- ....°1“’47 ONE WINDSOR deluxe g cub-I __..-_-..-.--.-. a .. CAR RADIOS, 5 and 12 volt. ic ft. fridge $50; one Viking REFRIGERATOR and washing $5 J_ Fox & Sons machine. good condition. Rea- Sta 24 Y H St. TL, 4-1610 ,sonable.884-3376. P 0 89 . . . c1w47 1 BAEWEUG'GY.~“Réliable". I, I VACUUM VCLEANERSfpolishâ€" cots with spring matti'esses.l 1“ 30"“ cond‘tmn' AL' 7'24?“- ers. all makes. all models. maple bookcase. AV, 5-2917. ;_.L__._._.. . ..__ 9‘1}? Guaranteed one year. G. F.. clw47l DUNCAN PHYFE dining room Battler. TU. 4-7427. tfc47 WEST'INcfiOfiSE'EMthéS' dfie’r. table. mahogany. excellent con- STOVE: ' dItIOII, after 6 p.m. General Electric _-_-._... .._- ..A _ .._ _ “94? $20. Broom 19" PORTABLE TV Adinirâ€" TU. 4-5594. :1. 1962 model. a bargain. .I. ""“‘ Fox 8: Sons. Stop 24 Yonge St. TU. 4-1610. c1w47 EfiCTRIC STOVE. Moffat ap- artment size, perfect condition, $45 or best offer. AV. 5-3119. - c1w47 GOOD used furniture for sale. Call Frank’s Movers and Stor- age, 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 2613. tfc3 2 POWER lawn mowers. 1 Tam- per Va horsepower electric mo- tor. All in excellent condition. 285-5002 after 6 pm. clw47 ELECTRIC room heaters. 1000 watt. $15 up. J. Fox & Sons, Stop 24 Yonge St., TU. 4-1610. c1w47 SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. Norman BoneI 34 Elizabeth 5., 61113 MATTRESS and chiff- drobe $20. plus cherry crib and The only mattress, $8. Phone AL. 7-1448. c1w47 ALUMINUM railings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 colour. $20. 1402. *1w47 ANNUALS. tomatoes. plants“. Hughes Gardens. Ruggles Ave- nlle. 2nd street east of Yonge. on No. 7 Highway. trailer. pole equipped » mattress. and up. Best offer. MOFFAT stove. Rest one}; AV clw-t’l SABI‘I’CRIE. large. adjustaban AV. 5-2657. TOOTH BED.“ new spring-iillcd' $25.00. Av. c1w~l7 5-3619. c1w47 Westinghouse 820. refrigerator cupboard $2.50. c1w47' 3 PIECE home workshop. Jig saw. drill press. belt and disc sander. Unused. $25 complete. TU. 4-5081. 3' - 4‘ CEDARS for hedging. white birch clumps and sugar 28 maples for shade trees. and manure. c1w47 Landscaping. C. new. L. Knappett. Phone 884-3089. tfc41 ” POOL TABLE, brand new. 50x 98. includes accessories. model. carry. c4w46 PROPANE GAS a; APPLIANCES MAPLE AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Brunsâ€" wick to Manitoba. For informaâ€" «- tion. call AV. 5-1145. H 36 spring mattresses repaired. re- TOP SOIL‘ FEAT LOADL ETCI‘ Cm turned just like new. BED CHES’I‘ERFIELDTâ€"wine firm. extra firm. Two-day ser- Broom. TE 3-5470 _ Large chest of vice. Eiderdowns recovered. On- - rm: - ~ -- . -- ' - drawers with mirror $10. 884- tario Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. CLEARING 3‘ fun hm 0f nur" tfc44 5911" SUMMER COTTAEE COMFORT Ball of Fire and 750x20 tires. Phone TU. 4-3511. now at CARL WALKER SALES c1w47 FLOOR‘POLISPIER.‘Dustbane. “"“m Squ’" new _ _ commercial. 12“ brush. condition. S75. TU. 4-7650. WATER SOF’I‘ENERS For sale and installed. i.- TU. 4-5176 a LLOYD BABY arid R991 MOWEI'S arid Till-Ilawns and flower beds We de-I Briggs 8; Stratton. Lauson sizes. _. ...- .. _ W _. ,04‘I‘46'Stove oil radiant heaters _ no Loam. sod. manure. 1 HEAVY DUTY dual wheeled smoke. odour or pipes. Seven your garden needs call PR. 3- with models See Ph. 886-5413 tfc ~41 WE HANDLE only “TOP” clw47‘brands of equipment to assure ” future parts and service. Wheel Horse - Al'iens - Springâ€" field - Yardman - Toro - Jacob- sen â€" Hahn Eclipse - Lawn Boy. ifc391'l'l‘actors. Riding Mowers. Rot- ’ T ’ ’ 81'." CARRIAGEIIePS' Loam chain guard Hom Cash and North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. 8-7911. ‘I e tfc29 Dom window I 1 d BEAUTYREST. Marshall, Sim- ' 5' “nngs' 8" mons. Serta. Heely and other medlum Reasonable them 5922 Thursday. May as. I903 Emm- tCOntinued‘l ' .-._.._ ..-l PIANO. beautiful Steinw’ay‘ baby grand. AV. 5-4203. c1w47§ 14 FT. cedar strip boat and trailer. 'l‘L'. 4-7346. EOY’SwRaceixW good condition: $12. TIT. 4-4770. c1w47' DRAPERIES'Ioi- sal’efreasonâ€" able. good condition. AV. 51 5198. c1w‘47l UPRIGHT PIANO. newly l,un-l ed. very good condition. $90. S.Il Kovacs. 79 Rugglcs Ave. *1w47 PRESSURE system. completei with tank. Oil burner. complete and controls. AL 7-1061. (‘1\\'471 l BOXED PLANTS. annuals. Apply B. Walk, 9205 Bathurst St. AV. 5-4098. clw47! BUFFET. dining table. sixl cllairs. walnut. medium sire. AV. 5-4203. e1w47 CROREMASTERI_Roio-tiilcr. ‘ good condition. $75 or best of-. , stove 25" $75; or will sell both for $110. 884-5292. c1w-17‘ WILTON RUG. 12x9. 2 camp; new. redliced. J. Fox 8; Sons. Stop 24 Yonge St. TU. 4-1610' c1w47 SEWING MACHINE. Singer. repossessed portable or cabinet; also washers, dryers. typewrit-l ers. Terms. TU. 4-2931. 18A Yotlge St. N. tlc42i clw'47‘ 7 . INGL‘IST 1'10" "stole? Iully’ auto-1RALPHVELMS'DECORATING LPainting. paperâ€"hanging. inter- GARDENSâ€"rototilled. lawns rolled. TU. 4-2838. c4w45 EXTERIORâ€"painting In; line estimates call 884-3882. tfc46 FLOORWSERVICE Walls. windows. Oak Ridgesflr PR. 3-5966. HEW-17 CUSTOMHPLOWING. 884-5121 €4w44 MAN- withwlightw truck avail- able for odd jobs and pickâ€"lips. TU 4-3162. c2w46 PAINTING. paperhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3â€"6671. tfclfi PAINTING & PAPER HANGING I R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2798. ‘ tie and carpentry rooms. floors CONCRETE work. recreation and walls tiled. at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING Lawrence Ouellette. Work guaranteed. 884-5557. c4w45 tor and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfciil PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS 8: SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 2 tfc43 )IASOS‘RT CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. Ostergaard. 148 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4â€" 5688. tIC23 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 GIRL'S bicycle. blue and white. inch wheels. kick stand. and basket like 330. TU. 4-2926 after 5 o'clock. c1w47 CARPENTEY WORK. additions, renovations. garages. recreation. rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price. AV. 5-3653. tfc28 FENCING Chain link fencing 42x13 gauge $16 per 100 ft. roll. 36""xl3 gauge $14 per 100 ft. roll. Full line garden gates in stock. 6 ft. steel posts $1 each. '7 ft. steel posts $1.15 each. Also full line farm fence materials in stock including cedar posts. South. TU. 4-1443. tfc41, GARDEN SUPPLIES rates. Call W.I c2w47 stock at 20% discount. -Jones Gardens. 18 Elgin Road W.. TU. 4-1662. tfc42 GARDEN SUPPLIES For all TOP QUALITY peat loaded on your truck $1.00 per; yard - 400 Highway at Cooksâ€"" town Cloverleaf. tic-13‘ BAYVIEW GARDEN SUPPLYI A-l black loam and manure for IfC42“ "s v loam: SODDINGfgradi’dgf'rotoCating.T posthole digging. We special- 120 in fencing. Call PR. 5922. tfc4Zt CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tic15 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192. King City. Phone King TE. 3-6321. v tfc13 CALL us for your sand. gravel. fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable :tiles. Free estimates. Reid andf new conditin I rem I ~ I I I liver. For soddin<'. grading and derI $25, TUIn 4.7658Wb1211527 BHdICImlOH engllle Darts 311d paving your dl‘IVZH'a)‘. Free es- -_-.__..l_ ‘ _. LL _ . serv1cc. tilnates. TL'. 4-2538. tic-10 Be Tre HONEY Nature's old- W "" I I ' est swcct â€" satisfying and de-1 licious. Plenty of Original comb and extracted basswood or clov- er. York Farmers' Market. Sat-l urday mornings. At house by appointment. Arnold Werner. ! AV. 2724. c1w~t71 EXCLUSIVE: ‘ UNIQUE, FOR CANADA! from patterns inherited their Mayan Ancestors. Every! skirt an original and exclusive 884-5067. tfc-ITl H I g E E : l l in which it is located. ., 3. have prospects contact you. 4. tions. earned. 5. 6. mation to get prompt action. CARL WALKER Iliawn and Garden Equipment.l [Don Mills Rd.. Victoria Square. phone 886-5413. 11(“43 ’I‘YPEWRITERS A ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer 1.. lAll popular makes for sale 111- ,cluding new and rebuilt stand-I Guatemalan hand-made cottongard portable and electric mod-l skirts. Finger woven by Indianslels. Special rental rates avail-l from able to students. H. SIMS . 88 Baker Are. (“Sign Fast colours. Donnellleichmond Hill .-.--..-..-.-.., t ow10 WRITE A GOOD AD l IT'S .\l.\\'.\\’S BEST to start your ad\91'll$€'l]1€lll with the name of the article or service you have to otIcr. you have an apartment or room for rent or property for sale. start your advertisement with the location and city TI'. 4-1745; tic-til If RE CLEAR. Readers respond more quickly and fax- Orahly when given complete or definite details. to inclllde price in ads. whene\er possible â€" it is the consumer‘s "most wanted“ information. MAKE IT EASY for the reader-prospch to reach you. Inscrt telephone number and your name and address. you do not. have regular hours Give a preferred time to Be sure if THE GREATEST READER ATTENTION car. he se- cured for your advertisement by using consecutive inser- You can stop your ad in the €\E‘l'll of results. and then you pay only for the days it is published at the rate PLACE YOURSELF ill the reader's position and ask yourself what you would like to know about your otter. The answer you give will make a good classified \\'ant Ad WANT ADS THAT FAIL to bring satisfactlon do so. not through any lack of readership. but because they are often carelessly worded and do not contain enough lrll‘or- FOR FAST RESULTS ~â€" PHONE I.IBER\1, WANT AI): 'I‘I'. 4-1105-6 AV. 5-3316 X .W‘ LANDSCAPING. GARDEN MAINTENANCE Sodding. planting. annuals and perennials. patios built. garden fencing. hedge trimming. tree ‘pruning and removing. Phone \257-1390. clw-i'l l ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil. Loam. Cultivated Peat Loam. Sandy Loam. Well Rot- ted Manure. Special Mixed ll.oaln. Field Sod. Cllltl\ated Seeded Sod. Nursery Suds. AV. 5-1514 tfc~itl DAY CARE Monday to Friday. TL'. +7592. c2w46 DAY CARE l‘equii'edwl‘or my pre-scllooler in my home. 8.30- 3 pm. TL'. 4-7020. clw-ifi “'ILL GIVE reliable day care. Monday to Friday. TU 4-7975. t'3\\'~15 IVILI. GIVE reliable dayical'e Monday to Friday. Markham and Bayi'icw Distl'icl. TL' 4- 7710. clw-47 # 13.1133: SITTING CAPABLE molller would like to care for children in own home from 3 to 5 years old 88-1-5821. MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE ji'szerlellce-d natil-sltlets home- mat‘el's serxlr-s and day work WILL GIVE reliable _dayr care c1w4'7. Call day at- night. TC. «.7253. 1 Sons. Flooring Contractors. .\V.| I5-1960. tic32' ‘I CONCRETE-MASONRY l ICARPENTRY CONTRA I’I‘ORS‘ 'Building. alterations & repairs“ ' prompt sel‘liee. { WALKER & MITCHELL ‘ AV. 5-2526 lch' 5 UPHOLSTERY Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced Eon Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. :Call anytime. TL'. 4-4813 resiâ€" Idence. business. AV. 5-5345. I ‘ 11,044: 1 l l SOUND l ‘- Hi-Fi - Stereo 1 ~ Dance Entertainment ' ‘ PA Service Indoor - Outdoor â€" Mobile ' METRO )IITSIC SERVICES 884-7287 ‘ l IIITZOE i FENCING Your privacy slal'ts where your fence begins. :27 years in Richâ€". mond Hill. We supply mater- ials and erect all types of fen-‘ icing. Free estimates. N0rman_ Bone. 3-1 Elizabeth St South; Richmond Hill. 'l‘L'. 4-14-13. t ttctl‘ I SEPTIC TANKS ‘ PI'MPED 820-525 I 'I‘lle-beds cleaned. Fast. cleanfi modern scz‘vlcc C. S'l‘L’Nl)EN I TL". 4â€"1245 Rlcllnlond Hill; tfc-tOli . Offer. ‘tools. iiversity ~ a im~ I ' ~.. 1 -...I I FonfisALEâ€"ll'vilScE’LLA’NEo’lTs liliS‘CE‘iinN’Eous‘ “TO‘RENT r ’~‘\~ . .:_a,‘ I?!" ' V pumps. 103 No. 7 Highway E..' 285-2973. 'l‘hornhill. USED CARS 1'95'3" ME’IEOR‘MS’TU. 4-5137: c1w'47 WRECKINOTlsss ‘Oldsinobile. c7w'42 phone TU 4-3737. tfc4l. 2 ROOMS. light housekeeping. furnished and heated. 884-2196. tit-47 4e ROOM self-contained apart- lnent. furniture optional. park- ing. 'l‘hornhill AV. 5-3333. tfc44 EU RNISHEDAâ€"roomfcoOkingfi‘fa- HELPflvyANTEDI WOMAN for housework. Fri: days. permanent position. AV. 5-1902. c1w47 PART TIME HELP wanted [01‘ snack bar. Saturday and Sun- 1 l l - 5 Call TU. 4.5507. *1w47 cilities. parking. 16 Lorne. lst (la-“film: 33??“- “in?” 1965;“MORfifsficooperfgjoboIllouse east Clarke‘s Drug Store FEMALE HELP wanted. light mlles‘ 31200 0]. be“ enema: \Oilge.w 7 7021\‘47 factory work. Apply Cadillac Phone PR. 3-5492. c1w47‘2 ROOMS. one very large, wat-‘l'umber‘ Maple 31W“ i§5'9*VO£KSWA'GE-N*Deme‘ el‘ and light included. Elderly HAIRDRE’SSERTexpérienced. 5 $700 or best offerI pRI 3.5803 0" Working (“Ollplf‘ Preferred. (lays a week. No night work. “W47 $50 monthly. TU. 4-4870. clw47 TU. 4.2:;le “w.” condition “noughouL private llllmture. refrigerator. telcvlsâ€" Experienced I.“ preparing cars sale. TL: £79504 02“.“ 10113: appliances. 834‘3931‘ dafIfor painting. Contact Service .lo'sa'CH'EvR’OIIE'I‘Ee-lhifgood.97...‘l‘g‘?‘;,_ . ,. Cl‘li‘ Manager. MT 5-5435 clw47 condition. Phone after 6 nun.i31/'â€"’RO01V1ISPWOUS Inpal'iment- SALESMEN for established TU. 4-2546. c2w40 WI“) Q‘O'Xd Vl‘onggvbu: bread routes. Phone 244-3571 ---â€"----- -.,. v- .e conalne. us. ..- ~ _ 1958 METEOR Rideail. tildor. 8. 5233 “(.44 0" all” 7 0 Clock AV 5 2756- automatic. with power steering. Private “A1” condition. TL‘. 4-7309. 179576FORDWtrchkAfOr sale. New motor. Good condi- Phone 884-4224 tires. tion. nings 884-7066. [16W radio. no Phone TU. for Bruce. matic. Sunshine electric Oil burner. TU. 4-3389. transportation. AL. 1955 FORD ranch wagon. 9 rebuilt motor. auto- matic transmission. needs body work, $250. TU. 4-5001. c2w46 passenger. i053 BLACK Dodge Hardtop; radio. good automatic. upholstery. Reasonable. TU. 4-4884. c1w47 DNEILSON AND MENZVIES RENTALS licence. 4-1105. range 7-1189. sale. c1w47 01‘ 9\'P~‘ *1w47 1955 PORDTEaiila'ne‘V-fauto-I best‘ ask nc47 fis’aTOIIDSMOBILE. 5150; also $10. medium size. 520. *1w47 MSGâ€"CHEVROLET. 6 cylinder. automatic. excellent economical clw47 ._ . _ ..._. k, I_ I, I_ c1w47 HOMES and apartments for aiRII‘fnr 'packag'in’gDmâ€"mea’t rent in Richmond Hill. Call I, packing plant. Full time. W. J. 384'330' Ernest A- Mai? 130:7- Klees & Sons. 69 Industrial EL . c . ._ . _. .,- . up I Road. clw47 MODERN “bedm‘lm fipfm- 3‘S'AIIESMENT $117‘weekly. 0 ment. new apartment building, I part time $45 weekly. Car es- bak'omV 62 “um- neal‘ Plaza- sential. Box 161 The Liberal. June occupancy. 884-1029. C4...“ ROOM 50“ one or ""0 gentle- WANTED pa’rt’tim’e'sittérfpret- men. twin beds. central. close emny older, Two children. to transportation. '11:. 4-7960. iages 10 and 5_ Phone 83431473 03‘147' clw 47 WANTED or right now. * ‘ ODDWJOBS 5-4351. HOURS Ken. TU. 4-7400. W I c1w47 YOUNG MEN. 15â€"19. looking for work. Anything considered. l EMPLOYMENT DIAL TUZâ€"4I7534‘ hwy/617mm" llawn cllt and trimmed weekly *Iw47 . MAN with half ton truck. Any-I thing considered. H. Price. AVA _ c2w46 ‘ ENJOY vOUR'LEIsURE Lawns cut and maintained. Call summer employment. Anything considered. TU. 4-4876 after 6. HOMES FOR SALE DON'T DELAY 518.300. 3 split le\el. loonled living Open fireplace. large kitch- en. recreation room. at- tached garage. paved drive. Bedroom brick 13x21 broad- room with _w__ V aluminum windows. excel- ‘_m_ «IMF _- A,“ '_ _ I _ Hme «I ______________ lent location on Crescent 1 1 ilear schools. shopping pla- ‘C t. d, _fi__ '7‘ v I; I .‘ la and ’l‘TC. Will consider _.. . . . J"? mug Lg. __ .3 ROOMS and bath. centrally . "1021“‘99‘7 ‘. . .-. .. . .. _(C0m{nil..ed. ' you" present home for trade- GARDENS RO’I‘OTILLED. Ii..located 575. TU. 4-1853. clw-I'l‘ 2 BEDROOM apartment avail-tBEAUTY Demonstratorfeai'in CALI. MR. WILCOCK Mathewson. AL. 7-1584. IROOM 10’l.0n,_‘5l'm 'One'm. (“.0 able Ma) 3151. $100 monthly. up to $5 [301’ hour demonstrat- ‘“ . "”'“ ““ W- 777 - ‘4w‘45‘lgenuemcn Cooking “annex Children welcome. TU 4-7179.:ing famous Stlldio Girl COS- BEAUTIFUL ISEPTIC tank‘s‘puinp'eti. 24 hourTTU. 4-1629. tic-47 I I I I g 52‘1'47ImPUC-i ,FU” _ 0" Part-“mm BUTTONV‘LLF“ service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085. REUNFU'SNISHED”moms’ and 3 BEDROOM bungalow. 3 yeal'slllih_9_n?:£3f’}6-w ‘_ “4“”44 “We” hedged '0‘ 1503135 th4i'lillh. business couple prefcrr- “m 513‘ healing-UNI“ St-andl SALES NE on mimic mad“ whit. PAINTER a. DECORATDR erl. AV. 5-1890. c2w46 Markham Rfl- Juli: lit 00wpan~‘lylale or female. full or part. “'3'”? .h‘m‘“ 7. "00"“ 0“ Big Spring savings. Alex 884- UPPERâ€"Dupnfixffmr‘moms ‘3"- 884'266’fiel’9filflgs; time. age no barrier. work Mws Rd' $911?" 10': . 1782. tic-H adunSI $115 mon.h,..I TL. 4; RICHMOND HILL. 42 Elmdale close to home with top quality “5‘ o‘oogd‘dage, ans] “O‘BrORShWi .IESSIE‘S CLEANING. SERVICE 73ng ‘ chm-1 Court. 2 bedroom upper duplex products. Highest commission. Sufi“. (.lpgrn' 3‘ ml F. I.” w I ,. .SI - _ I - I-» r» -- I Islls. New property. ideal for merrieiring Monday. May 27. '.' ' in?) :3nitgilsge;:.'j';gf’“etc_p33; éefiEggogjqorngszn {3831: children. Call Mr. Van Althen. 7.30 p_.m. Community Hall. '3 __(i‘“‘l‘.‘\.":' 33.0w“ sonable. 257-8969. “146 3531' ‘ ‘ " no.“ “Maya M“ Dem“ EM 2' R0.” 3' 5090 Yonge 51" w‘“' 1 NORTH "ONCE fiFJPAIRSiTO-v-ane“Ia-[Hf“e” A II A I _ 6161 lhe Canada Trust CO. Oil-dale. c1w-47 : SPECTACULAR . . 1 BEDROOM apartment. rcas- tfc47. I pumping equipment and sump Onable 1.91“. for appointment â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" 315.900. - $2.500 down. brand new 6 room bungalow. walkâ€" out basemcnt. steps to SAY- ; VETTE. GEM. schools and .I . . ., . _ I __ transportation. You may HOUSEWORK. experienced. . choose your own lot. Poss- ‘9-4. 886-5341. c2w46. ession in July. Ask about our trade-in plan. CALL MR. MICKIEWICZ‘ BUST YOUR BUTTONS You’ll lose a few button: when you tell your friends "This is my home". Large # 3 bedroom in desirable V north west. location. All brick ranch style on full 100 foot lot. Attached gar- age. $17,900. Will take smaller home in trade. Trade in “Trade Up" today. CALL MR. BUDD Can you help us. Call Salva- .-L... _._-- lion Army. 285â€"4869. tfc52 ANNOUNCING HIGH SCHOOL studentâ€"with THE START OF MEADOW- chauffeurs license requires VIEW ACRES. on Meadow- view Road behind G.E.M. store. Custom built six room IfiiII__ _I _ I * Ifl‘f“? solid brick bungalows. plas- GRADE 12 student. 1'7. re- tered inside. 2 bathrooms. quires summer employment Fireplace and garage extra. with protestant family Jilly andI Possession 90 days. Ranging August as mother‘s help at in price from 315.900 to lcottage. Experienced. 3 or 41 316.900. 3 models and 27 children. Call PA. 7-5296. 1 lots to choose from. For c1w47‘1I further details l l l l I ROOMand BOARD“i CALL MR. HOBSON TRORNHILL - THIS IS IT $19,000 - for a meticulous ONE"BEDROOM_'aoa'l-tin3nt. " v . 102 Markham Road. Richmond I CAR CLEANUP MM HmI TUI 4.7243 _ RU 355% Experienced at cleaning and C.h..4_a,lpolishing cars. Contact Service Manager. AV. 5-5435. clw47 LARGE 3 BEDROOM APT. Finest ill country living. $100. including garage. Children wel- come. TE. 3-5615. *Iw47 local garage and service sta- tion. Apply in person to Cook's BP. Yonge St.. Elgin Mills. APARTMENT. central. two 3 cl...“ bedroom. large rooms. fully"... .. .- r â€"â€" _. ~- ---â€"--7- equipped. soft water. sound- RETIRED man ‘45 to 55) for proof‘ parking $103 50381130" part time work around new red leather TUI 4_3581_ (£047 motel. Apply mornings. Emer- condition. ---~-- - -»â€"« ald Isle Motel. Yonge Street. RENT-A-TV $8 monthly, service and parts,. included. PA. 7â€"4666. Aurora. . *4w46§ 7 TOOLSIFOR Floor sanders, saws and d1‘1115.ladults. Available July 151. Fur- Hand sanders. jig-saws and nail drivers. AV. 5-1109. from $10.00 a delivery and Richmond Hill 'Z‘V, 34 Yonge S.‘ AV. 5-3756‘ tfc28.pool elevators. FM music. large TU. 4-7456 Cement mixers. Willowdale 1711. Transpor ..Lv- sential. TU 01' ing 8.45. Kydd. 886-3744. REPAIRS ALI. MOWERS - TRACTORS Tillers & Sinall Engines All size mowers sharpened Speedex Riding Tractors 3 And other equipment for sale..- .. Small or no down payment. 3 103 NO. 7 Highway F... Thornhill‘ 285-2973 tfc'JBl TOOLS T0 RENT floor ‘ and edgers. ramset guns. rotoâ€"; tillers. rotovators. also 500 other} returning 5. fiRENT month. pick-up. Rental tation iYOI'NC. LADY would like ride. from Oxford and Vonge to L'n-‘ and College. at 8.30 am. return ride not es-. 4-1897. VICINITY of Richmond Hill. .IOak Ridges King City Woodbine and Danforth. al‘l‘H-j-Xpar eyerything Mrs.‘IApply Apt. 103. clw47‘ TRANSPORTATION ’ available.i tfc21‘ RENT A TELEVISION sanders; _ 1...... . arriving. ('lw47 FURNISHED ROOT/L‘kitclien- ctte. self-contained. 2nd parking. Langstaff near Yonge. Thornliill. clw47 floor. . cal components requires spector. used to fine tolerances. for inspection Of floor in triplex. spacious living room. 4 piece bath. nice loca- 4 ROOMâ€"apartmeEIi-tfupStairs. {bedrooms aild garage. pleasant Surroundings suitable for two 0. ‘ customers with famous nationally advertized Watkins products. NO invest- lment. Earnings of S75 and up established ther details at 120 Richmond St.. Richmond Hill, 585 month-l ly. c2w46 . VWENM-AR APARTMENTS time. Write to J. Gauthier, 350 St. Roch Street. Montreal 15. Quebec. * c5w45 m RICHMOND ""‘L i REALIESTATE SALESMAN COLBOURNE AVE. I. . . 1 and 2 bedroom apartments _Il)a\id McLean Ltd. haye mmed ’lbalconies. intercom. parking. TVl'a"ger premises at 7608 Yonge 'outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc27 RICHMOND HILL 42 ELMDALE COURT &IL‘pper 2 bedroom. 5120. have openings for 2 additional salesmen. Please apply to Mr. S. .1. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176. res- newlidence AV. 5â€"2742. 1 for children. rmelwork with local hydro commis- Althcn 884â€"2326. Mr. Devine Company. EAYVIEW MANOR 451 ELMWOOD AVE. AT BAYVIEW AVE. ‘ RICHMOND HILL .St. N. 'I‘L'. 4-3511 I a l k ‘2 bedroom apartmentsl TOWV'SHIPTOFI VAUGHAN Coloured tiled bath Balcocics! ICE COVST‘BLE 10 Free parking. Walk-ill clo elsl I _' ’ ' ‘ . .IAppIIcaLIOIIS are being accept- Reasonaule. . ‘ed by the underSIgned lilay :11. 1963. for lhe position lsigned. Al Horwood. TU. 4-5693 RU 1-9582 - iship of Vaughan. EXPERI’E’NC’ED’rh’é’ch‘aiiic‘tor [EDIES-interestedmin_ panâ€"or; incoming; “ tion. Adults referred. Occu- . . . . 1mm... Juh. LPCaH TL +2812 parts. Dominion Circu1t Break; lanai 5‘ ‘ “W47 er. 264 Newk1rk_£d._ 7*C'1â€"“L4rt‘ MAN OR WOMAN to supply weekly possible. Full or part-- their Thornllill offices to new“ (-1w46. Sales. 6026 Yonge St.. BA. I-lbuildIng. all conveniences. ideale'UNG *MXN‘fBIT‘wfirfiélll tfc42l location month “ml "99' can M!" \a” smn. Must be available by Junel. l 1 . I _ |171h. Application forms may be. EM’ 2.6161‘ The camda rlfl‘tlobtalned at Hydlo office For .tfffllful‘tller information see under-I superin- tendent. Richmond Hill Hydro- Filectric Commission. 56 Yonge; c2w47 “(q-got police constable in the Town-. sired. 884-7436. ‘1..ARGE room suitable. for one ' or two gentlemen. Board if de-' c1w47‘ - ROOM 8: BOARD available for. one or two gentlemen. ParkingI lady. modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow. wood pan- elled recreation room. breezeway and double gar- age. landscaped lot. close to schools and market. owner transferred. loadable. 53.44392 . “3‘16. CALI. MR. ulLl. ’ROOM and Board available for . >g-v - - - â€" - â€"- IbllsineSS girl. 315 weekly. Rich-I. LOOK-LOOK-LOOK Wale. AV. 5-5256. c1w47 " About 1500 sq. ft. living ‘ ‘ area. 6 room bungalow on I ‘ 78x305 ft. lot. Forced air WANTED 1“ TO RENT .As 3 AT STUD breeding. Battle Royal 587. and jumpers. Excellent conformation. t I For appointments call Parkview 7-5873 ‘ LOST 1... ~_- _- sBLACK English cadet-Inner. Street near Arnold Ave. andlIO years old. answers to the‘ 6 lies. and disposition. White‘ Pickets Farm. King. c8w45 abili- - ‘name of Butch. Phone TL'. ".2126. l 1 RADIO c1w47 HEDROOUUhOuse by July I Canadian Hunter Stallion.“ 1 Third generation of selective .A proven sire of top show stock. TV Hf. ll : WANT TO MAKE BEAUTIFUL MUSIC? until. BUY YOUR RI-FI NOW Oar learn}; Beyer”! Mm 7t CAPRI APARTMENTS 1 Applicants must be between xxx xxx xxxx xxxxx §xx am for Lnlvei-sity and College; 180 Bahia“. I‘ve” Imp 819$ m. 3130. “nu m §Xx g g g I; )1: xxx returning 4.30 pm 0-“ “‘0‘” Richmond Hill 1llclzllt‘and 160 lbs Educational X §xx fax; ; § § Egllmon SUbWB." 3‘ 5 P-m TL New large 1 '2 and 3 bedroom requirements minimum Grade xxx â€" ‘ - ‘ ' . - xxxx 1: xxxx x x 44669 02““; apartments now renting. Fire- 10 Qualified b) a medical DIM" x x x X X xx § proof. All suites equipped lnâ€" titioner to be in $011” 11931111 §x*x§ xii“; g xx§ .- v ter-com. walk-in closets Free mentally and phySIca.l.\‘ 3 Xxx x parking. Built-ill air condition Applicant must be a British ' “my a. ’ â€" ‘ ' sleet es Decorated in your taste .stlplecl and hold an Ontal'lo and 32:33:; lelephone and TV oli?!t~ts.dl‘lxcl"s licence. Startan sal- ‘Lmri. 1,3,. . . ' . 'tDl'apcs. Close to all t-olilcllleil-_al".' probationary constable, DRESSMAKING Hes Rental OIII'C nll lil‘pm;:r): ‘giI-glm [)[IQIGNIVC 3 884-5917 '11. 4-5603 .lgirim: \l’ Da'idson. i‘hinl ALTERATIONS . El. 1-9582 ltTonfla‘nle Torin-hip of \auzn- TU. £4670. Uzi-'1‘ UcSBlan. Maple. Oni- clw471' I .0 XXKXX gas heating. about $160 per ' year heating. cooking and hot water. 313.900 with about $2.500 down. lrates. . E. v . MOTORCY LES ' . v. . . I. r- . fulltime busin955~tri‘the Beau- . . . . . . CALL MR. BROWN lAmeeJ 7-337E6Ferran' “ass; BM w A ISC B g A Busmess p81 son ‘u a 4:33.47 tIv Counsellor Way - earn whileIISt» Rmhm‘mId Hm 0' RIEthdei â€" - - â€"A» r - 7 *â€"~ lâ€"â€"_â€"__ vLA. _-. - - I" A ~ -- ._. - .- ---.. mu 193m Fun training prouarea. two children. AV. 3-1023I MARYVALE GARDENS, SPECIAL Halley DaVldSOU MODERN 3-bedroom bungalow. "a. r â€" i. . after 5. c2w47' - . . Iamme. Call TL. 4-4836. 1w47 _I_ II I II__I I fl If. THORNHILL Chesterfield sets recovered â€" WORLD FAMOUS HONDA all conveniences. Oak Ridges 3â€"- - v. !. â€"- --.RE'S'P0VSIBLE mu le “..ithtwo ., , 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize 599 Sales. Repairs and Parts near Yonge and King Side-03d HOUSEKEEPER. live in, wo- ll Ild‘ - _ t 3 h dl’ h _ 5-0.900. .Iust west of Yongo 5 years guarantee Tet-m5 if de_‘ 439 DAVIS DRIVE. ‘595I00I pAI 7-9433I pAI 15046 man who would like a con- $11 }9n “3'; I119 J00?! 0:1st Street. five. new executive sired AI smithI Upholstery. NEWMARKET TW. 5-9582; “C47 genial home. 2 adults. 2 Gilli-yinYRIChmon H1 -" 'u-Vl type ranch bungalows to phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 clw47 ‘~ â€"~" - r- PM“; ~- dren. mother at home. Monthly “h 4'3420- ‘3 “ choose from. Each home is a”-.. .-...., _..L...., 7.7.. .. -â€"-------- A w -»»~‘$10 WEEKLY small fumthd qfilm-V TL’ 4.4944 {ft-46 different on 92' lots. For CHESTERFIELD suites. and 1953 FORD Best Offer cottage. near Yonge. suit elder- "fly-".4. # .A- -~-â€"~â€"-~t I inspection of these beautiful chrome chairs recovered and 1954 Chevrolet Best Offer l.\‘ couple 01' gentleman. ab- FARM WIVES . ‘ homes. ;rebuilt. at a reasonable price. 1955 Chevrolet V8 Wagon $150l31alne1'5. TU» 4-2868 01‘ CL- 9"M?ke Avon Available in your)_.,_..,_..__.L-___. _---L.... ._- ' CAIL “R 51 ATF‘R No job too small. Free estimâ€" 1955 Meteor real nice S495 9924. *1w47. CommlmllY- I EWILL MAKE'fancy sandwiches, -.L...__‘ 1.7' lâ€"-â€"â€"‘ ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 1955 Dodge V8 automatic $175Ifigk'Ei-Romi‘mfté'ge."3'bgd; Excellent Earnings Possible. salads and hot meals for homes 10 ACRES 5‘4767- “0511956 Chew‘flel $495 lroom. Lake Simcoe. within write Miss Zlegler‘ Box “hand 51399131 00C3510fl5~ W1" (19' On paved road 25 minute! V TVHVATRRISO'NESVCUSTOIVI r“ 1956 M9190“ rebum mom]. $595‘commuting distance~ 36 iniles,iguelPP;I in” I__ IiI _ “Ver- TU- 4-4654- C4“’46 from Toronto. farm house CARPENTRY 195? Monarch Pmrt'l‘t’quipmemlnent for season 01' will sell. FEMALE help wanted lmmed-Iâ€"Tfibfificfi'gTâ€"mfivfiiâ€" with bathroom. Bank barn Custom built homes. i'enova- $95 1 , 285-2678. c2w46 lately for golf club. Waitress.l RESTAURANT I and 3 other buildings. tions. additions. and repairs. 1936 D0939 2 ‘0" $230 . I ' gTEEiE‘Sâ€"gz’BAifirfEfir’gmén locker room and clubhouse'NoI 7 Highway, I2 mile went of CALL LARRY NEIL], KltChenS a speciality. Vl\‘1(‘ll‘l'IS SER"|(E lgelficontained Acoua e . “Vina maintenance dUUFS- Apply L0 BathurstI Large modern estab- ” "d " "" ""â€"‘ __" Harrison. TU. 4-2838. l cor' ‘onge .and Edgar Ave" :i-oom and kitchenetteg plenty 0? Box 163 The Liberal Stating lishment. Delivery service.I GORMLEY SIDE ROAD tic-15 R‘Chvale f. Sparking and nice la'wm Rail; experience and when available. Banquet reception facnmes _ 516I900_ North of summit “FLOOR COVERINGSWV [(46‘cd couple or one person. 285- W ,4 . .___CIW4~713V3i13b19- Av~ 5‘5993 “C44 1 GP” CIUh' 6 mom' 91.1101“ All types tiles and sheet vinyl 1643. c1w47 INSPECTOR 3(1):mransékzaungglogvédfigmg fin. I 7- --~- .â€"- I I. ._ .- . . midget.(Ito-amylslglttgegilEntrlifi 2 BEDROOM apammem‘ one Manufactulel of small electirrll. breezeway‘ 2 car garage. beautiful landscaped lot 100 x 190. Immediate possession. must be sold. all offers pre- sented. CALL MRS. BARE ‘sz’tzâ€"Yon'ge'StTThoi-nhlll AV. 5.1155 BA. 1.1101 MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD 1 SALE REGISTERS WE'DT'JUNE 5. 1963 â€"â€" Exten- t‘sive auction sale of new case icombine. 2 tractors. pickup wire elevators. 12‘ gram tie baler. I swather. pigs. large timber Tbarn 135x52. stable equipment. ‘stalls. bowls. litter carrier. 'balcd hay and straw. etc. on ll.ot 25. Concession 4. North lYork Township. on Don Mills 4. "Road. just south of Steele's ’l‘tle.. property of '1‘. Thomas. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms 'r'ash. No reserve Farm is sold. :Ken & Clarke Prentice. c2w47 ‘1 e A1 a a lSA'I‘.. JUNE 8. 19631 # Large ‘tfurniture auction sale of stoves. grefrigerator. dining room and bedroom suites. quantity of an- ;tiqllc glassware and china. el- iectric sewing machine. tools. 'ctc- and many. many other ar- iticles. at Prentice's Auction WTKALOW-COSTLIFE-msum Iltooms. Franklin House. Mark- .naln Village. Sale at 1.00 pm. i'l'erms cash. No reserve. Ken A Clarke Prentice. auctionccl's. l c13wi7 I ~ 1v o e WED. JUNE 26. 1963 â€"â€" Extenâ€" 'l.:lve auction sale of garage ltools. equipment. car parts. tow 'lltlt'k. welding supplies. cars. lll'ucks. etc. on Main St. Map- ‘tle. 0111.. at Pete‘s Garage and Auto Serilcc. Property of Mr. :11 Rumble. Sale at 1 p.111. «harp ’l‘cl'ms cash No reserve. Ken iv Clarke Prentice. auc- “ ttioneera. c5w4‘1

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