Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 May 1963, p. 19

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'Important extensive auction sale of modern farm machinery. new combine, baler. large barn, stable equipment. hay and grain. etc.. at Lot 25, Conces- sion 4. North York Twp., on Don Mills Road. just South of Steele's Ave., property of T. Thomas. on Wednesday. June 5th. 60 Pigs 8 to 9 weeks old. Farm machinery John Deere wire tie automatic hay and straw, pickup baler. complete with Wisconsin air cooled engine or motor. This baler is real good. Case bale and grain, elevator complete with electric motor. real good. New Case self propeiled 10ft. combine. complete special pickup attachment. This bal- er has done less than 30 hrs. work. so is good as new. Massey-Harris No. 11 side rake. 4 bar McCormick-Bearing oil bath mower 6ft. 30ft. grain auger complete with motor New Clipper fanning mill and graln cleaner 2 rubber tired farm wagons complete with racks Case Model ‘D‘ tractor. good Case Farmall tractor complete with hydraulic pump and front end loader, good John Deere mounted corn cul- tivator Coby manure spreader on rub- ber. good 12 ft. Massey Harris grain swather. real good Massey Harris 3 furrow trac- tor plow Case 2 furrowed mounted trac- tor plow. this plow is new Walking plow 2 gang cultipacker Bissel tandem disc harrows Barrel sprayer Set sloop sleighs Set 5 section drag barrows Rubber tired farm wagon gear Cockshutt 13 disc grain drill Cockshutt 16 tooth power lift spring tooth cultivator. near new «Field cultivator Steel dump rake Electric pressure pump with motor IHC one way disc Many other Implements Miscellaneous articles §949 Chrysler sedan, good tires Dodge 2 ton stake body with dump truck. new tires Fargo 3/4 ton pickup truck 2 extension ladders Quantity’ of lumber Good set of team harness Root pulper Large no. of cedar fence posts Hundreds of steel fence posts Woods oat roller and grain grinder combined. complete with electric motor Air compressor complete with motor Large pressure grease gun with tank 2 electric chicken brooders Forks. shovels, hoes and num- ber of articles not mentioned Straw, hay and grain 1.000 or more bales of good hay. wire tied 1.000 or more bales of good straw wire tied 2,000 or more bushels of good oats Barn and stable hardware Good timber barn 135'x52’ with steel rbof Beatty bull pen, new, never been installed 9 Beatty steel box stalls, approx 9 x 12 3 Beatty steel box stalls, Ipprox 12 x 25 Beatty stable litter carrier com- plete, with several hun- dred ft. of track, and hang- ers,. switches, metal swing pole, bucket and car BeatLv stable feed carrier on caster wheels Large no. of water bowls and piping Furniture 2 Buffets Electric refrigerators Other household articles Sale at 1.00 pm. sharp. Terms cash - No Reserve Farm sold. Everything must be settled for on day of sale , James Smith, clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE- Auctioneers Markham. Ont. Phone 294-3161 or 640-3686 Proprietors or auctioneers will not be responsible for any public liability, property dam- age or injury to the public in connection with this auction sale. 2 coal and wood kitchen ranges Kelvinator electric kitchen range No. of good kitchen chairs China cabinet Desk Dresser Chest Bed 2 Barbecue cookers Get Our Precision Our care, precision and thoroughness make a blg DIFFERENCE in the lube job we do on your carâ€"a difference you’ll appreciate in smoother, quieter riding. Cost is modest!. Your Car 15 In Good Hands Here! COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Lube Job .’ PIGS good goodl good1 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SEPARATE SCHOOLS FOR THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL TAKE NOTICE THAT the with above mentioned Board of Trus- lever; )prox )prox tees on the 2lst day of May. 1963. passed By-la\v No. 25 to authorize the borrowing of money by the issue and sale of debentures of the said Board of Trustees in the principal amount of $228,000. 1| mpaired Drivers _ Fined 1 Keith T. Moxam of Downs- ‘ view pleaded guilty to a charge {of impaired driving in Rich- ‘mond Hill Police Court Tues- day and was fined $125 and costs or seven days in jail; his licence was also suspended. He was stopped on the main street of Markham Village: Eéfigiablg William Vance said traffic was fairly heavy but there was no accident. Gordon J. Flanagan. 19. Sup-‘ erior Ave.. Mimico was fined‘ $75 and costs and given a three months licence suspension when he was found guilty of careless driving by Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake Tuesday. He was also fined $10 and costs as a minor in possession of li- quor. policy would not attract new assessment to the business section of the town. - As an alternative to the fore- going concept Mr. Scudds sug- gested that planning board, under their downtown redevel- opment plans. may well consid- er creating an area that would be free of all parking restric- tions. The suggested area would be bounded by Wright and Dufferin Streets on the north, Church Street on the east Elizabeth on the west and A section to be determined south of Lorne and Arnold Streets as the southern bound- ary. Within such an area Mr. Scudds proposed that the town assume the responsibility of creating public parking lots by using land now controlled by the town and, where necessary, leasing land and expropriating right of ways. Under such a plan short term parking would be provided free of charge and The charge was laid after an April 29 accident in King City where the Flanagan car was in collision with one driven by Mrs. Bessie Moodle of Keswick. Mrs. Moodie told the court the second car came down the road at her In reverse. “Both my husband and I are still un- der doctor's care.“ she said. Mr. Moodie. a passenger. said damage was about $200. For your new car driving needs or a top quality used car. Call Mr. Cameron and ask about a chance on the free give away Super Sports Acadian Convertible. 1. The purpose for which the money is to be borrowed is for the construction of a new school with eight classrooms and a gymnasium‘ to be located in the Town of Richmond Hill. 2. The amount to be borrowed is $228,000 on the security of the said Debentures. which shall be a charge upon the schoolhouse property and prem- ises and any other real and personal property vested in the said Boa d of Trustees and upon the separate school rates. dated the 15th day of May, 1963. and are to be in the den- omination of not less than $100.00 each. The debentures maturing in the years 1964 to 1973. both inclusive, shall bear interest at the rate of Five and One-Half Per Cent (5Lé%) per annum and the debentures ma- turing in the years 1974 to 1983, both inclusive. shall bear interest at the rate of Five and Three-Quarters Per Cent 3. The debentures are to bel l Richmond Hill 884-2864 (534%) per annum. The Deben- tures are payable annually on the 15th day of May in the years 1964 to 1983, both in- clusive, the aggregate amount of principal and interest pay- able in each year of the cur- rency of the debentures being approximately equal and vary- ing from $18,545 to $20,820. Marjorie I. Gleason, Secretary-Treasurer Skyfine Pontiac - Buick LTD. (Continued From Page Scudds Presents Parking Plan DON CAMERON NOTICE Aurora PA. 7-4033 Michael Johnson of King‘ City pleaded not guilty to a} charge of impaired driving‘ May 19 on Bayview Ave. Magistrate Hollinrake in convicting Johnson of a minimum fine of $50 and costs or seven days and licence suspension told the court, “It was one of those unfortunate cases where the accused is a fine young man in circumstances that went against him. I have to 'rely on the police officers for what they see. They were honest people. too. and used none of packed phrases to get a convic- tion." Court was told a cruiser fol- lowed Johnson‘s car and fin- ally stopped it. There was a strong smell of alcohol, a con- stable said. His testimony was corroborated by a second con- stable. lCrosker who attended a fare-lseveral opened. and bottles of! well party at which Johnson rum and rye found. rivers Fined The accused said he was turning around from a lane when his power steering cable broke. The investigating con- stable said the accused hadlway he felt, been drinking. was present said the accused had felt sick about midnight. Johnson told court he had had three ales. had felt nauseâ€" ous and finally left the party about 3 am. He said he drove‘ home slowly because of the t*** Magistrate Hollinrake in fining Griffin $10 and costs said “I’m afraid we will have. to. confiscate. your carload." it! It ii i 4 Arthur C. Harding pleaded iguilty and was fined $10 and _icosts__on an illegal possession long term parking offered to transient commuters and resid- ents on a monthly fee basis. In addition it would be the beginning of a redevelopment that could add millions of dol- lars of new assessment over the next few years and there was no reason, as far as Mr. Scudds could see why other areas could not Mr. Scudds claimed that the advantages inherent in his proposal were that it would attract increased assessment to the downtown area, a result of being better able to utilize the property in the particular section of town. This, he said. would profit not only the local residents but the town as a whole. It is Mr. Soudds belief that the town would benefit by a substantial increase in assessment if the plan were adopted and on the basis of such a belief is of the oplnion that the muni- cipality should assume a portion of the cost of the project and that the remainder be levied against the property in the area that would benefit from the scheme. Mr. Scudds pointed out that such a cost sharing basis would, of necessity. have to be approved by the property owners in the area. Defense witness This is a new device designed to help you hear your favorite television program better and clearer without annoying any- one in the some room. PROCLAMA'I'ION ADDRESS ........... CITY ..................... TELEPHONE N0 4985 YONGE 57., WILLOWDALE. ONT. Yes, I want to hear my TV better. Please send me a TV attachment for which I remit $1.00 (either check or money order) NAME ............................ _ . _ ............................................ CENTRAL HEARING SERVICE YHIS II A 9108 YONGE ST. ..- ..RICHVALE PETER EDWARDS’ GARAGE (Rear of Western Auto Parts) For the hard of hearing only .3‘ HEAR 'I'V BETTER” I, William Neal, Mayor of the Town of Richmond Hill, do hereby proclaim the week of June 2nd to June 8th as Senior Citizens’ Week to honour the senior citizens in our municipality. Repairs To All Makes ENGLISH CARS A SPECIALTY Open 8 am. to 10 pm. TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL WM. NEAL William (please prin' (“flaw-on. John Robert Hampson of Markham Township was re- manded to June 25 on charges of impaired driving May 22 and failing to remain at the scene of an accident. He was released on bail. I1mm\ulm1mmu\1n1lml\I1mnunummmu\numummmmnmu pleaded guilty to illegal pos- session of liquor and was fined $10 and costs or five days in jail. be added to the scheme as conditions warranted. Final- ly, Mr. Scudds contended, it was the type of scheme that would encourage the style of development that would add prestige and appearance to Richmond Hill. Following a study of Councillor Scudd’s parking proposal by the planning board at their Tuesday night meeting it was the consensus of members that the plan had many points to commend it. Mr. Harold Deeks. director of planning told ‘The Liberal’ that the plan would definitely facil- itate the best land usage and development in the area. He said that tackling the parking problem on an area basis permitted more scope in planning and that in general Mr. Scudd’s pro- posals were along the lines of a plan presently being worked out by the board. mu“mummmmuunuuu\mmmmun“munmmmmnuunmm For Approval Elliot L. Ferguson. of Mark- ham Township was also fined $10 and costs for illegal posses- sion. His plea of guilty was entered by Patrick Llllis ap- pearing for him. James N. Griffin of White- vale pleaded guilty and was convicted on a charge of ille- gal possession of liquor in Markham Township. A con- stable said the car was stopped on a Highway Traffic Act vio- lation and a case of 24 beers, Following a short discussion on his proposal during which members of council commend- ed Mr. Scudds on his plan it was decided that it should be submitted for the consideration of planning board and brought before council at a later date for consideration of adoption with planning boards’ recom- mendations or revisions. Nicholas Mores, Islington Mayor. AV. 5-6711 lIMITED TIME OFFER Arthur C. Harding pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and costs on an illegal possession of liquor charge May 2 in Markham. Glen Hamil was remanded to June 18 on a charge of drink- ing while on the interdict list May 28. Antique Children's Articles Are Sought For Centre Store Display In keeping with the theme of the “Old West” which will mark Richmond Heights Cen- tre’s third anniversary from June 10 to June 15, Mr. Lotan of the Children‘s Fashion Shop plans to have a window display To fulfill his plans Mr. Lotan appeals for our readers‘ help. If you have any antique chil- dren’s clothing, toys, books or furniture, the proprietor of this popular supplier of child- ren’s clothing would deeply appreciate its loan. He plans on giving a prize for the most interesting item on display. A bench warrant was issued for Dennis McKay charged by the SPCA May 9 in Vandorf after he failed to appear in court Tuesday. Court was told McKay was in the Don Jail on another charge. ' of ( things Anything of an antique nature pertaining to children will be accepted - and display- ed with the owner’s name and a brief history of the article. If you can give the approxi- mate date of its use, the infor- mation would add to the display’s interest. Antique cradles, books. toys, heirloom christening gowns, antique shoes, Buster Brown or Little Lord Fauntleroy suits, child- ren’s sleepwear of previous generations, anything to do with Indian children, are only a few suggestions Mr. Lotan has to offer of what he is looking for. If ybu have such an article tucked away or on proud dis- THE SOONER YOU ORDER, THE MORE YOU SAYE RAMER & SON-TU. 4-1313 189 CENTRE ST. EAST YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD 25 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, Ont. Mechanical and Electrical Alterations to Richmond Hill High School SEALED Tenders on a. stipulated sum basis plainly marked “Mechanical and/or Electrical Alterations to Richmond Hill High School” will be received at the office of the Architects until 3 p.m., E.D.S.T. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans, Specifications and Tender Forms may be obtained from the Architects or the Board on or after 2.00 p.m., June 4, 1963, upon deposit of a cheque in the sum of $10.00 made payable to the Architects. This sum will be refunded upon return of complete plans and specifications in good condition within seven days of the close of Tender. old-fashioned childfen'é . 54",. MI 663 . 25L FRIDAY, JUNE 14, 1963 PAGE & STEELE, ARCHITECTS, v 72 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto 7, Ontario. l’uel prices go up in the Fall. Why wait for cold weather wfien you can fill your bin with 'blue canl’ now and save? Call us today!- Graham Bradshaw. 17. of Toronto. will appear in Rich- mond Hill magistrate‘s court this morning on a charge of dangerous driving. He was tak- en into custody early Wednes- day morning. Damage totalled $130. follow- ing an accident Sunday at Lev- endale Road and Lucas Street when a car driven by learner Starr Dueffert. Richmond Hill collided with one driven by Bo- man Bylo of Toronto. There were no injuries. Someone with a BB‘ gun and‘ a malicious streak peppered and smashed two large picture win- dows on Mill Street last week- end. Richmond Hill Police Chief R. Robbins said the homes were both vacant when the vand- alism occurred. play in your home. just take it to the Children’s Fashion Shop in the centre of Richmond Heights Centre, and qualify for the prize offered. Mr. Lotan would like the articles prior to June 10, and promises to give them every care and return them when the display is over. For Bethesda Public School Addition SS. 12 Whitchurch Sealed tenders (stipulated sum) will be received by the architect or Mrs. C. Burkhold- er, the secretary of the school board, until 4 pm. Tuesday June 18, 1963. Plans and specifications may be obtained by general contractors from the architect Stefan W. Sher- bowich, 3252 Lawrence Ave. East, Scarborough, Ontario after Tuesday, June 4th, 1963 on deposit of a $20 certified cheque which will be returned when plans and specifications are returned in good condition. Lowest o rany tender not nec- essarily accepted. TENDERS Only 60% of al applicants pass MISS PLANDE: SIGN’S stringent hm. MISS 13!: [G n 0090000 Mrs. C. Burkholder, RR. 4 Stouffvllle, Ont. EFFICIENT MISS PLANDESIGN Isn‘t in” media: unploymem agency â€" if’: a penonaliu-d, professional selection and plammen' service for the discriminating career woman. If your application for registrafion with MISS PLANDESIGN for a permanent or femporury position is oaeephd, you can be sure YOU’RE moroux grooming, charm and poise as well as office skills. Every registrant placed with a client is offered enrolment without charge in a 4-seuion good grooming course m the famous DOROTHY FLEMING FINISHING AN D MODELLING SCHOOI. and goes In her new iob on madam, confide“? and gla- morou: "MISS PLANDESIGN". DIFFERENT MISS PLANDESIGN looks for "C Mr. R. Champeux Winsi Civitan Club Mower! During the evening. the Richmond Hill Club held its spring draw for a power mow- er which was won by Mr. Rob- ert Champeux. 189 Felix Rd., Richmond Hill. Members of the Richmond Hill Civitan Club travelled by bus to the Guild Inn Monday where they were guests of the Scarborough Civitan Club at dinner. lIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS - GET RESULTS â€" PHONE TU. 4-1105 HAS EVERYTHING NOW OPEN City Of Glass Garden Centre H4 CROSBY AVE.- RICHMOND HILL See Our Tremendous Display of Geraniums, Begonias, Pansies and Box Plants Soil for all different plants - Manure & Peat Moss - Fertilizer of all kinds - also tools you may need for your garden. Ask for Your Price List! IN SHORT, EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN â€" INCLUDING â€" CLEMATIS AZALEA RHODODENDRON EVERGREENS FLOWERING SHRUBS SHADE TREES FLOWERING TREES FRUIT TREES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 30, 1963 COME IN AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF Open Daily Till 8:30 p.m.§ Sunday, 6 pm. PHONE 884-3933 met MISS PLAN- DESIGN’S dand- corporations are in the market f o r woman who can prestige commer- cial and Industrial 0rd: 1 ,OW of Toronto’s IN DEMAND BEDDING PLANTS W. E. GLADDING 1% MILES NORTH OF VICTORIA SQUARE ON THE DON MILLS RD. 0R1 OLE GARDENS DHSS PLANDESIGN 2H m Shed, Age 20 - 30 Reception, telephone, dictaphone, typing, records. $60.00 per week. Age to 40 To handle financial records to trial balance. $75.00 per week. 35 VARIETIES Hybrid Petunias Toronto 7 RECEPTIONIST/TWIST SENIOR BOOKKEEPER Jun 0 {aw of tho humans and well-paid positions avail- able at HEDGING PERENNIALS ROSES STANDARD ROSES FAMOUS J. & P. ROSES BEDDING PLANTS GERANIUMS 483-7477

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