20 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 23/4 H.P ggt'ndrémev LAWN-MASTER RECOIL START MOW-MASTER “EXTRA-LIFE†Enjoy easier and faster mowing with this dandy. Famous “Clinton†engine with recoil starter and Lo-tone muffler. 14 gauge steel deck, heavy duty reinforced. Safety approved 1~piece blade. Wheel pads allows easier change of cutting heights. Chrome handles. Leaf mulcher included. Designed to give more power, greater gas economy, longer life. Don’t take chances, your exhaust system may be de- fective without being noisy, so have it checked by Cana- dian Tire experts without costvor obligation. LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE You get a brand new muifler if :it blows out â€" ever! The replacement muffler is yours free, no questions asked. ALL 4 WHEELS Certified Mechanics will carefully check en- tire brake system â€" PLUS many safety ex- tras. MOST MODELS â€" Chem, Pontiac, 1951-58; Ford. Meteor. 1949-59; Dodge. Plymouth. 1949-56. (Big sav- ings for other cars). EXTRA! 5% Gem TU. 4-1196 - CANADIAN TIRE ASSOCIATE STORE - BIG SAVINGS for other cars, including imports. CLAMPS (1! required) each MUFFLERS CASH and CARRY WW/ % ‘96 Prevent side sway and shimmy, skidding and “wanderingâ€. Mote-Master shocks put you in control of your car for a smoother, safer ride. BONUS COUPONS “NEW CAR" QUALI’I‘YJâ€"ZGUAHRANTEED RECOIL START EXPERT INSTALLATION 1-yearv . 1954-61 PLYM. I. DO] (kcle 1949-59 (most) CHEVROLET 1951-53 (most) FORD a. METEOR 1949-54 (most) ...... 1955-56 (most) .0.-. 1957-59 2% hp. Lauson engine with impulse starter and dual throttle control. Velvet tone muffler for quiet engine operation. Heavy duty chrome plated deck and shroud. Height-a-matic cutting adjuster. “On top†gas gauge and oil ï¬lter with dipstick. icaï¬he “El-"XE .95 20’ ' 4-GYGLE ma? INSTALLED PRICE May 30, 1963 8 Font. (most) I. DODGE (mos!) or 12,000 miles (ON ALL PARTS) 6.77 7.77 8.17 8.17 Use Our Easy CREDIT For All Goods 8: Services No Need Pay CASH Terms nun\u1rmrrrn1rm1rm1mmuummmmnr\l11\mnuunnmumurmmmuuumuuuumun11rrmuuuumnummmum\uuuummnumunmmmuuumumrrrrl11r\ur“n“mru‘rlmnr\“rrru“WWW Lieutenant Governor Will Open Richmond Hill Waterless Aurora Horse Show On June 8th The whole of Richmond Hill wnc orator-Int: fnr Hon. W. Earl Rowe, Ontario’s new lieutenant-governor, will make his first official visit to York County on June 8 when he will open the Aurora and District Horse Show. The open- ing ceremony is for 3 p.m., al- though events start at 9 am. -._- 7.9,, Mr. Rowe’s visit will honour Aurora’s centennial year cel- ebrations. Also a guest at this year’s show will be CFTO-TV’s fam- ous “Professorâ€, 3 popular TV star among the county’s small The Aurora show goes into a second day this year, with junior light horse events being held on Sun- day, at 10 am. at Briar Farm, CFRB Sideroad, one mile south of Aurora. E. H. Coad, owner of the horse “Blue Beanâ€, is chairman of the light horse division, and the days were split to permit more entries. Char- les Henshaw, of King is president. Some of Canada’s greatest riders will be performing again this year. and the Aurora show usually has most of the county’s international team .going over the hurdles. The May meeting of the Langstaff Young Women’s In- stitute came to order with the singing of the ode and repeat- ing the creed. Eleven members and one guest, Mrs. G. Amodeo, answered the roll call of ex" change of plants. Mrs. Kather- ine Atkinson who was in charge of the programme spoke on gardening and answered ques- tions. This was a topic of inter- est to all at this time of the year‘ 4...... Prize winners at the last euchre were: Ladies first, Mrs. E. Showers; Men’s first, Mr. N. Hicks. Second Mr. F. Harring- ton; booby prize Mr. Brodie. wu, uvvu.’ rho-1' -.--. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Shirley Morehouse and Mrs. Katherine Atkinson. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Morehouse on the second Wednesday in June. The hostess is planning a sur- prise programme. Refresh- ments will be served by Mrs. Joyce Curtis and Mrs. Joan Suter. Far North racing pigeon club held its first old bird race of the season on May 18 from Par-1 ry Sound (100 mile race). Mr. N. Bowen’s bird Ace-62-M-7176 won first place with a speed of 1123 yards per minute. Mr. E. J. Larocque’s bird C.U. 61- 28363 won second place with a speed of 1117 y.p.m. Mr. N. Bowen's bird AU. 62-M-7183 won third place with a speed of 1111 y.p.m. Mr. Bowen also won fourth place with AV.-62- M7190 at 1105 y.p.m. while Mr. N. Suter’s bird C.U. 58-1186 won fifth place with a speed of 1097 y.p.m. - All these men are Langstaff residents and there were a total of 103 birds rac- ing and the weather was far from favorable. Late Mrs. Sarah Coneyduck Sympathy is extended to Mr. Thomas Coneyduck of Garden Ave. on the passing of his wife Sarah Ann at St. Michael’s Hospital on May 19 in her 80th year. Mrs. Coneyduck who had been in failing health for sev- eral months is also survived by her daughter Lily May. (Mrs. Miller) and a son Jack, two grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Funeral services were con- ducted from Pipher Funeral Home with interment in Holy Trinity Anglican Cemetery. At the recent general mEEt- judge advocate general of the ing of the Langstaff Home and British Army and R.A.F. tour- School Association. the York ed Toronto target area head- County Mental Health panel quarters here May 14. Com- discussed “Deviation from thevmanding officer Col. John Normal in Children." McClennar was host for the Success of a hospital’s volunteer workers depends on their regular attend- ance, their capabilities and their interest, Scar- borough Hospital's direc- tor of volunteer services said here last Thursday. Mrs. Oswald Stacey, who heads 300 volunteers at the 350-bed hospital, was guest speaker at a dessert luncheon of the Pleasant- ville Hospital Auxiliary branch at the Richmond Street home of Mrs. Gor- don MacKenzie. its presid- ent. ‘ Our Volunteers She outlined for the auxiliary the many ser- vices a hospital auxiliary can offer and how such services are administered by a director of volunteers. Some of the duties she listed included informa- tion services for incoming patients, flower delivery and care, formation of a library of books and maga- Visaglimembers with moder-Itour Langstaff 8: Tho‘rnlea News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 The show, founded in 1922, features light horses, heavy horses, ponies, women’s craft exhibits and cooking, a Dr. Ballard’s mutt show, and a mid- way complete with ferris wheel. And just to keep things step- ping, the fife and drum band of the Queen’s York Rangers, the county regiment, will be on hand. ator Mr. D. R. McDonald, school inspector included Mr. G. Multari, psychologist, Mrs. G. McIntyre, school principal and Mrs. P. A. Townshend- Carter, parent. They dealt with recognition and causes of emot- ional disturbances, how schools deal with the problem and where and how expert advice may be obtained. Guide Officials At Conference Executive members also pre- sented their reports on the past year’s activities. Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier and Mrs. Woodburn Thomson flew to Saskatoon this week to attend the annual meeting and conference of Girl Guides of Canada and Guides du Canada, at the wan. Mrs. Redelmeier, commis- sioner of camping. is “lining up" the provincial heritage camps for 1964 where back- ground of each province will be studied, and the centenary camp for 1967, where Canadian Guides will be joined by US. Girl Scouts, British Guides land Guides from those coun- tries which have contributed to Canada’s heritage. Mrs. Thomson, assistant honorary secretary, will spend two days in conferences after a year’s study on the “Positive and Negative Aspects of our Social Evolution.†Invited to the annual meet. ing will be representatives of the Boy Scouts, W.A. of the‘ Anglican Church, Canadian Safety Council. I.0.D.E., Jun- ior Leagues of America, 4 H Club, Red Cross, St. John’s Ambulance Corps and Indian and Eskimo association with the Honorary President, Mme. Vanier. Greetings will be received‘ from the honorary vice-presidents and wives of the lieut. governors of the provinces. The local association west district is honored to count as its members, Mrs. Redelmeier and Mrs. Thomson, who are contributing so much to guid- ing in Canada. NEWMARKET - 0. C. Barnett zines that ed to bed‘ a "tuck" ten items ten items such as tooth- brushes. cigarettes. powd- er. combs, candy bars, helping with suitcases. feeding children in the pediatrics section. phone- answering of certain types of calls, storing of supplies and general patient assist- ance. One of the larger sec- tions of the services is the gift shop which stocks various items, many of which are made by auxilâ€" iary members. She said Scarboro also provides a patient-contact service known as the tril- ium group which acts as the nurses' right arm after specialized training. “As you all know, there is a serious shortage of nurses,†said Mrs. Stacey, who is a nurse herself. She said money raised HON. EARL ROWE that con bedside University of Saskatche- . could be wheel- lside. manning of cart for forgot- ; such as tooth- cigarettes. powd- as, candy bars, with suitcases. children in the nuunmmu“1mm\nul“unu\muuu\\uummmunmmunumum Senior Citizens Plan Busy Week A full programme for mem- bers of the local Senior Citi- zens Club has been planned for Senior Citizens Week, June 1 to 8‘ Sunday, June 2: All senior citizens are requested to attend the evening service at St. Mary’s Anglican Church as a group. Time is 6.45 pm. Monday, June 3: Sixty seats‘ will be reserved for bingo as guests of the Lions Club at 7.30 sharp. Members are asked to show their senior citizen club cards. Tuesday, June 4: A visit is planned to Sterling Drug Com- pany at Aurora for ,a one hour tour and refreshments. Cars will leave the day centre, 12 Centre Street East at 1.30 pm. sharp. Wednesday, June 5: Open house will be held at the day centre with card playing feat- ured. This is an invitation to the general public and interest- ed friends to see the club quarters. Hours will be 2 to 4.30 and 7 to 9 pm. Thursday, June 6: Cars will leave day centre at 1 pm. for a tour of the Evyan Perfume Company on Centre Street East. Friday, June 7: A trip to Ed- wards Gardens has been plan- ned. Bus and cars will leave the day centre at 1 pm. sharp, arriving back by approximately 3.30 pm. Wednesday, June 12: A gard- en party at the home of Mrs. C. Harding, 93 Mill Street, 2 pm. Please note date change. Lucky draws will be held and a pleasant afternoon is being planned. The local bus passes the corner of Lucas and Mill Streets which is not far from 93 Mill. A11 senior citizens are urged to attend as many of these functions as possible, make the observance of Senior Citizens Week in Richmond Hill a suc- cess. Further information may be obtained by phoning Mrs. Rob- ertson at TU. 4-1396, Mrs. Brown at TU. 4-5349 or Mrs. Sayers at TU. 4-1316. AURORA - Ontario Minister of Transport James Auld con- gratulated Aurora for its fatal- ity-free traffic record in 1962. MARKHAM .. A 1932 model fire truck has been restored for use by the Village of Mark- ham as a rolling advertisement for the village. Local historian John Lunau has been named its custodian. It was the vil- lage’s lone fire unit until 1951. AURORA - Maj. Gen. and Mrs.‘ Churchill Mann have offered‘ their 1,600 acre farm for sale; at approximawa $2,500,000. The farm is in King township, west of Aurora. Mrs. Mann raises race horses while General Mann operates a herd of purebred Aberdeen Angus beef cattle. by the auxiliary whose executive meets once a month and whose general membership meets at least four times a year, other than social functions, is used to buy equipment not in the hospital. In Scarborough, for example. the auxiliary is sponsoring extension courses for several nurses and internes coming from abroad. The money is also used. she said, to buy gift shop material and the carts for the various services. The whole of Richmond Hill was water-less for three-quarters of an hour at breakfast time last Thursday. Works Commissioner 0. S. Whalen termed it "an unfortunate incident.†He said the main 12 inch feed line on Newkirk Road was pushed out of the end of a valve at about 8 a.m. but water was restored to all homes by 8.45. He credited the works and water department for rapid repairs. Mr. Whalen said M ham had its water tron over tire Victoria weekend when two 1 breaks out off water area residents. Members of the services are interviewed thoroughly before being placed in which ever branch they would be best suited. she said. Mrs. Stacey was pre. sented with a tea cup bouquet of pink rosebuds. The branch will post- pone any social activities until September. members agreed. There were 20 present at the meeting. times a year, social functions, buy equipment 1e hospital. In h, for example. said 1 Mark- troubles Day main .- for For killing broadleaf lawn weeds. Just pull 1t across lawn - leaves a thin ï¬lm of power- ful weed killer. Goes to work in minutes. Contains 2, 4â€"D Easy to use. Stores indefinitely HOSE SPRAY ATTACHMENT HOSE-END For fast insect and weed control. Just insert cartridge. attach to hose and spray. Tough clear-plastic chamber. angle extension and nozzle. Durable chrome-plated metal parts. With 3 cartridges - -y.49 Johnson’s ' Rose and Garden Spray â€" pro- vides complete protec- tion against common insects and diseases. {4â€"01. 1 on ROSE SPRAY WEED SPRAY ‘BLACK/WEDIC \ safe and effective ombination of 2,4-D .mlne in Carbowaxâ€" outtols dandelion and nthet weeds in your awn. -- ' CR E D | T ?? WHY CERTAINLY On All Goods &Services At C.T.C. KILLS. AV DANDEUCk cmcxwzso ;ca.ovsR/,/ EASY TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT On The Spot Financing And FREE 30 Day Charging Privileges WEEDANOL ATLACIDE WEEDEX WONDER BAR ‘02. can EXTRA! 1.89 .84 CASH and CARRY ! 5% BONUS COUPONS Johnson’s Weed Killer â€"e£fective1y eliminates weed digging. Simva spray on â€"- weeds dis- appear. 23-02. can ...... 1 .79 An effective means of clearing drive ways, parking lots, etc. K1113 all plant life. 10-1b. can ...... 15cm INCLUDING: Hard-toâ€"Kill â€" Chickweed, Dandelion: an: other broud-leaved weeds. A deadly combination a 2,4-D in saie-to-use Am ine form, plus Mecqprol . . . the névi' wonder lhwi weed killer that real]: kills. 1101 Chisel sharp “s h t a! blade cuts weeds a‘ roots, 2" below so“ level Shaped wood han- dle, 15%" overall a Attach to garden hos: Water pressure pumps, mixes solution. Idea] for use with wettable pow‘ der weed killers and fertilizers , 2-99 .59 8-02. freak 2,700 sq. fl. Ant-Grub Killer !deal for use on lawn, in garden, flowerboxes, etc. W111 kill a wide range of insects â€" will not harm earth- . . .79 Crabgrass and Chickweed Killer Will destroy and con- trol crabgrass and chickweed ln lawns and turf. Eventually breaks down toabene- ficial soil fer- tilizer. 8-oz. can .99 DANDELION DIGGER SPRAYER