Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jun 1963, p. 11

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As a boy, Tom MacLeod at- tended Patterson Public School, Richmond Hill High School, Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church and Sunday school. For 'Iome time his father was a member of the Don Head Farm Ilaff. Prominent in the case was Detective-Sergeant Thomas Mac- Leod. a Richmond Hill old-boy and well known to many in this district. Something New Under The Sun . . The Ladies Shop I Last week's Metro news car- ried headlines about the recov- ery of $300.00!) stolen jewellery and furs and the arrest of some; Inspects. WyneDot Ion The many friends of Greg Sheppard, 20 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. G‘ Sheppard, Colborne Street. will be sorry to hear that he has returned to Branson Hospital where he is; a patient in the isolation ward.i having undergone a sccondi major operation. ‘ Mr. John Bayley. Yonge‘Richmond Hill WI l Mr Street North. is progressing The next regular meeting leadii satisfactorily following surgery will take place on June 16th at will at Toronto General Hospital. 1 pm. in the library auditorium. shaw’ * * * “‘ This is the pot luck luncheon, CFRI Midmer Dance Academy land members are also remind- at 9 l Congratulations to the pupils ed to please bring articles forT of the academy for winning the “Bring and Buy" auction: Mr first prize with their Ukrainian! " "' ‘ ’ :retum dance on “Uncle Jerry's Club”i Her many friends will be‘last '] televised on channel 4 lastiglad to hear that Mrs. Gordon past Sunday. Stephenson. Harding Boule- ler, 1 They will be appearing again vard, is progressing (avoin‘ably‘Avem in two weeks time on the same following an operation. She is‘ Du] programme. a patient in Northwestern Hos-.ceivet June, is the month for brides. showers. trousseau teas. trips to the cottage. vacations and graduations. All make interesting read- ing for “Life in the. Hill" and your editor Margot Crack would appreciate hearing about these social events. Call us at TU. 4- 1105. drop a note. in the. mail to 63 Yonge Street South. or call in person- ally. we'll be pleased to hear from you. Bayview Plaza ’I‘U. 4-2214 SHIFT Editor Margot Crack LIFE ville Plans were finalized for the picnic which will take place an June 2lst at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hughes. Union- Among the guests at the wedding were Mrs. Ward's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. Teague, and sister. Mrs. G. D. Hill. who are at present holidaying in Canada. returning home next month. Following the ceremonya re-Ithe aims of he!‘ school were ception was held at Sunset greatly appreciated by the au- Terrace. dience. 1 land Aircraft at Mallon. A classical ballet demonstra- * 2k * * {tion was given by the Audrey Mr. and Mrs. T, E‘ w, wardJParker Ballet Studio on Friday and son Julian. Driscoll Roadflast at Our Lady Help of Cln‘isn attended the wedding on 831- “an SChOOl- I urday of Mrs. Ward‘s sisten Parents and many friends Miss Cynthia Teague to ML attended. Mrs. Parker‘s re- Thomas Vierson at Yorkmin. marks which explained the his- ster United Church [tory of classic ballet as well as leave on Monday to take up1 Friday. the group Wm ViSiT residence in Port Credit. the lovely Edwards Gardens and Mr. Fitzsimmons is with the the bus leaves the day centre Special Products and Applied promptly at 1 9m. Research Division of De Havil-v * * * * land Aircraft at Malton. ' A classical ballpl domnmtra. Mr.'and Mrs. '1‘. E. Fitzsim- mons, 257 Richmond Street. leave on Monday to take up residence in Port Credit. LinU Members of the women's as sociation will serve refresh ments at the close of the ser vice. A prevcmnmumon servicelvanc will be held at Richmond Hill ham Presbyterian Church on June time 7. at 8 pm. fami Her many friends will ballast Thursday. havings glad to hear that, Mrs. Gordon past month with their Stephenson. Harding Boule- ler, Mrs. J. P. Miller: vard, is progressing favourablyiAvenue. following an operation. She- is‘ During their stay I a patient in Northwestern Hosâ€":ceived a pleasant surpr pital and hopes to be home-visit from Mr.Stretch’s again shortly. er. K. L. Stretch. who Lucky Winners At Hydro Show Seen above admiring the door prizes they won at the “'Qtuck Tricks ’ Ema“ appliance cooking demonstration in St. Matthew’s UmteghChurch last Tuesday evening are. from the left: Mrs. L. G. Obee. 313 Osms Drive (blender): Mrs. E. A. Bagg. 432 Osiris Drive (coffee percolator); Mrs. T. Buchan, 17 Cartier Cres. (mixer) ; and Hostess Miss Barbara Woodall, from the homemakers’ service of Ontario Hydro. _ t The evening was organized by St. Matthew's United Church Women in conjunction with the Richmond Hill and Ontario Hydro CommiSSionS. Over 100 ladies attended. w 1. She- is: During their stay they re-lbooths were well patronized. ern Hosâ€".ceived a pleasant surprise â€"â€" a * * " * . be home-visit from Mr. Stretch’s nephew," A weekend of fishing and re- !Mr. K. L. Stretch. who is vice- laxation was enjoy“! by sales' gprincipal of the College of Ad- men of the Town and Country sel‘vicelvanced Technology in Birming- Food Marketers and Credamatic [and Hill ham. England. This is the first International. at the Muskoka on June time these two branches of the COltages Of Mr- Fred WiSeV MT- family have met since 1918. Hugh Kerr and Mr- Ben Thomp- nen's as-: * * * * lson. 77.]; ld-lat 9am. The annual Spring Fair of for; * * * * ;the Richmond Hill Presbyterian )n.g Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Stretch Church was blessed with per- ‘returned home to Winnipeg feet June weather on Satur- beflast Thursday. having spent the day. The large array of home Refreshments were served to climax a very informative and enjoyable evening. Parents and many friends attended. Mrs. Parker’s re- marks which explained the his- tory of classic ballet as well as the aims of her school were Mr. Latin of the Children's Fashion Shop. in the centre of Richmond Heights Centre. is seeking antique articles con? cerned with children to display in his windows during the cen-‘ tre's coming Bonanza Days. He is offering a prize for the most interesting item brought to his store by Monday. June 10. l Mr. R. D. Little. Arnold St.,} Mrs. P. Sexton. 221 Altamira. leading horticultural enthusiast,|was the winner of the Elgin will be a guest on John Brad- Mills‘ Ladies' Quill Draw, held shaw’s garden programme over last week. CFRB this Saturday, June 8th,? * * * * at 9am. ' The annual Snrinz Fair nf » their daugh- Miller. Sussex l Surprise cones - another in- novation will contain, well, surprises! These busy brownies have indeed been very busy gathering an assortment of toys, jewelry, sewing and knit- [ted goods for the tables. and the goods on the bake-table are always best sellers. Afternoon tea and coffee will be prepared and served by the 13th Brownies under the super- vision of their mothers, and their effort should make for a pleasant and profitable after- noon visit to all who attend. fully draped with white peau- de-soie. She carried an orchid The Richmond Hill United Church Sunday school picnic will be held at Centre Island on June 15th. Watch this column for fur- ,ther information ~ please re- iserve this date. as i w a The now. of Richmond Hill‘ United Church will meet this: Thursday. June 6th. at the} home of Mrs. J. A. Bales, 317.;[ Mill Street at 1 pm. Please bring a box lunch. 5 Cars will leave the church at‘ 12.45 noon. 3 | Murray Acreman, owner of Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers and George Simons. auto haul- age â€" both of whom have raced successfully at Pinecresli Speedway for six years - en-l joyed seeing the Californim driver. Parnelli Jones win the coveted speed title at 143 m.p.h. The two visitors (also the crowd of 365,000! had an excellent view of this thrilling closed-circuit auto race. “The Brownie‘s Table" - sit which all articles will cost just a nickel or a dime - will feat- ure the "Annual Fund Raising Bazaar" of the 13th Brownie Pack. at St. Matthew‘s Church, Saturday. June 8th‘ from one to four o‘clock. “Tops in auto racing" was the comment of two veteran auto racers after attending the annual Memorial Day speed classic at Indianapolis. the Speed-O-Drome in Indiana, and auto races at Toledo, Ohio. act= Finlay and Mrs. W. S. Poclmell will be guests of honor. I The next meeting will bel held in September. , The closing meeting of the Allenbrae Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary will be a garden tea at the home of Mrs. E. Buttel‘worth, 444 Mark- ham Road at 2 pm. on June 10th. w 4 Mrs R. J. Miller. Finlay and Mrs. W. S. will be guests of honm day. The large array of home baked goodies and household treasures disappeared rapidly. and the games and refreshment booths were well patronized. Mrs. W. Pocknell parents. The words "tr you" can never be enough After the presentation of a beautiful garden chaise longue and with the shouting of “Three cheers for Mrs. Garson." the most successful performance of “An Evening of the Dance" by pupils of the dance studios of Sylvia Garson on May 31 came to an end. Now that the tumul- tuous applause and excitement and the ringing of the phone with congratulations by par-‘ ents has died down, Mrs. Gars~ on with deep emotion wishesi to express a most sincereg :["thank you" to all the kind and wonderful parents of the school who have encouraged her and backed her throughout the year. Never in all her fifteen years of teaching has she received such warmth and appreciation from so manv Richmond Hill Horticultural Society’s meeting on June 13 will have two outstanding fea- tures. One will be the speaker, Leslie Laking of the Royal Bot- anical Gardens. Hamilton. He is very well-known for his work and methods of propagating shrubs and bushes and his talk should prove extremely lnter~ esting. ‘ The other feature is the fact that this will be a joint iris show of the local society and the Toronto Region of the Cana- dian Iris Society. Granted the «co-operation of the weather this should be a real “eye-stop- per." pital Watch this column for fur- ther information â€"â€" please re- serve this date. The Richmond Hill United Mr Church Sunday school picnic iated will be held at Centre Island bran: on June 15th. of C1 The bride, given in marriage yby Mr. Hubert Rataj, wore a ‘short length gown of White inylon organza over stiff taffe- ta. The gown featured a high round neckline, with 3%; sleeve- es, a Bell skirt, with Swiss embroidery across the bodice and around the lower skirt to the hemline. The centre front waistline was ornamented with a lace flower applique and organza string bow. Her finger- tip veil was caught to a pill- box style headpiece. grace- fully draped with white peau- de-soie. She carried an orchid zdresses of Triviera. i many, wit Swiss embi ,carried sm; ‘matron of The best Maunder, t groom and Gough and Montreal. Following tguests wen Edgewater ‘Lac St. 'I Rataj recei‘ ‘sleeveless ‘ Pink and white floral arrangements made a pretty setting for the Nuptial Euchar ist which followed the cere many performed by Canon Norman E. Petersen. in the Church of the Resurrection, Valois,’ Quebec. May Wedding In Quebec Centre Islandlbl'anch of »d to 1 Taylor the d: on E Eener : death of Hammond. l Saturday 1eral Hos- the e com Mrs. J Mills FRANCIS WILLIAM CLARENCE LAGERQUIST noes and portage from then on - despite rain, hail and snow. Enthusiastic over the success of their 'trip, Stan Ransom re- marked “Economical? . . . it‘s a' wonder that a number of others don't do it . . . a wondera ful week away for less then‘ 5300 for five men‘ This in- cludes everything. steak din- panied by well known local Details of movement from all sports Syd Hunt, Bert Hunt, departments will be worked out Ian Forrester and Bruce Brill- through the superintendents. inger. who between them This will give one Sunday for caught 75 husky lake and adjustment and getting ac- speckled trout. quainted before adjourning for In two cars the party drove the summer holiday. June 23rd to Blind River. Bilton, and is the last Sunday, September Iron Bridge, then on by 4~wheel 8th the opening day of the fall drive Land Rover. 30 miles to sessions. Little White River. After stay- “' * "' ‘ ing in cabins - and pick-1 “Good fishing - 33 fine trout ing up guides. it was tent. caâ€"S- caught by three of us" re- noes and portage from thenfiports young Terry Dean of on - despite rain. hail anthshlar Road. who was a week-j On this trip. Stan was accom- panied by well known local sports Syd Hunt, Bert Hunt, Ian Forrester and Bruce Brill- inger. who between them caught 75 husky lake and speckled trout. ‘Wright Street. The annivers- of five members of the Rich- ary is observed once every mond Hill Rod and Reel Club five years. returning after a Week's fisli-; * * * * ing vacation in the Blind Riveri June 16th is Promntinn Sun- districl. day at the Richmond Hill Un- On this trip. Stan was accom-lited Church. - remarked Stan Ransom, one "So much for so little - fine healthy outdoor vacation Deputy-reeve S. F. Tinker, [Richmond Street, enjoyed a weekend fishing trip at Pigeon Lake. * * * * Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wain- wright 47 Pemberton Road, were guests at the recent wed-' ding of Mr. Clare Lagerquist to Miss Ruth Kromrey at the Church of the Resurrection in Valois, Quebec. branch of the Imperial Bank of Commerce for the past two years. left on Friday to take up a position with the Ford‘ Motor Company in Oakville. 300 for five men. This in‘ udes everything, steak din- ers. best of food. cabins u'des, fishing and fun!” Lac St. 'Louis. Mrs. Huber't Rataj received wearing a black sleeveless sheath with white r l\'lI‘S. Jonn Maunder. sister ,of the groom was matron of 1honour and Irene Maunder, .niece of the groom. and Elke ‘Reineke of New Jersey. were the flower girls. The matron of ihonour wore a simple sheath ‘of baby blue Swiss embroider- ed taffeta, with a bateau neck- line and 3/1; sleeves, with a matching tailored bow head- dress. She carried a nosegay of pink roses. blush pink carna- tions and white mums. The flower girls were identical dresses of white polka-dotted Triviera, imported from Ger- many, with blue sashes of Swiss embroidered taffeta. and carried smaller versions of the matron of honour’s noseg‘ay. The best man was John Maunder, brother-inâ€"law of the groom and the ushers were Ron small petal hat of beige and matching accessories, a sheath dress of copen blue with matching coat, and corsage of white carnations. i When the bridal couple left for a week’s honeymoon at Manoir St. Castin. Quebec, the bride travelled in a 3 pce. ensemble of double knit jersey. The blouse was white, the skirt navy and‘ the short jack- et was of navy. trimmed with white. Navy mohair hat. white accessories and an orchid cors- age completed her ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Largerquist will live in Dorval, Quebec. Out-of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. M. Foord of New- market. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Wainwright of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. John Maunder of; Deep River. Mrs, (Tom-ad auu wlnu: carnauon arrange- accessories and a corsage of ment‘ on a white satin prayer- white carnations. Mrs. Clarence book. Lagerquist assisted. wearing a Mrs. John Maunder. sister small petal hat of beige and‘ of the groom was matron of matching accessories, a sheath: honour and Irene Maunder, dress of copen blue with niece of the groom. and Elkelmatchinz coat. and corsagp nf‘ and white carnation arrange-[accessories and Mr. Walter Tymchuk, assoc- Led rwith the Yonge Street )idered taffeta. and Out-of-town guests were Mr. ller versions of the and Mrs. M. Foord of New- honour’s nosegay. market. Mr. and Mrs. Lou man was John Wainwright of Richmond Hill, 'other-inâ€"law of the Mr. and Mrs. John Maunder of he ushers were Ron Deep River, Mrs. Conrad Peter Eastwood, ot'Lagerquist of Longbranch and son Brian, Mrs. D. Mitchell of the ceremony, the Port Credit, Mr. and Mrs. entertained at the Gunter Reineke of New Jers- Hotei. overlooking ey, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ray of )uis. Mrs. Hubert Peterboro. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. ed wearing a black Dale of Toronto and Mr. and heath with white Mrs. M. Kolking of Toronto,‘ The groom was involved in um Lou wain. two unexpected events on his )emhel-ton Road, wedding morning â€" a fire t the recent wed- started at 3 am. in the garage Clare Lagel-quist basement of his apartment Kromrey at the house. and later in the morn- , Resurrection in ing. while travelling downtown :_ Montreal with his sister Mrs. 4: x m Maunder. they had just passed - an intersection when a mail box‘ “Ivy (:5 Zfiprfiifi‘j bomb exploded behind them! {at >1< j: “Good fishing - 33 fine trout - caught by three of us" re- ports young Terry Dean of Ashlar Road, who was a week- end guest at the Trout Creek summer cottage of Mr. and] Mrs. Don Cowden. Richmond! Hill. . Mrs. A. J. L. Wright ofi Parry Sound attended the thirtieth graduation anniver- sary of her class at Trinity Col- lege last week-end. She was accompanied by her husband, Dr. A. J. L. Wright. and they spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. 0. L. Wright, Wright Street. The annivers- ary is observed once every Their daughter. Mrs. John Maunder. was matron of honour and granddaughter. Irene Maunder, a flower girl. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lager- quist. Yonge Street South. mo- tored to Dorval. Quebec, to attend the recent wedding of their son Clare. to Miss Ruth Kromrey at the Church of ‘the Resurrection, Valois. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday [I‘E‘III‘I‘I“?“‘¢ Z4 Ehzabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St. I Richmond Hill Toronto Phone 285-1073 I HOUSE OF BEAUTY I I 24 Yong‘e St. N., Richmond Hill 'I ' 884-2726 I Annggn‘nnnnungggg‘ FROM $10.00 MONTHLY RENT A T.V. FOR THE HOLIDAYS .Dealers For Electrohome, R.C.'A Philco T.V. & Hi Fi Largest Display of Portable Televisions North of Toronto Margarine 31b. For 63¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA fined eatina SAVINGS ! E? 'k 8151315 "2-315 Wieners 3 lbs. 89¢ Legsé’xBreastSIbAW NOW COLOURED TULIP CUT-UP CHICKEN FRESH Richmcnd Hill 'I'V SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS O Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave... Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘nglii.’s Pharmacy' Day or Evenings, TU. 4-1745 TU. 4-7456 “Cfâ€"NE LS GAGE RICHMOND HILL TUrnet 4-1312 5;? Free Free Free TELEVISION RENTALS LAMB THE MOVER LTD. BEDDING PLANTS LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street! 01' Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE MORTGAGE SERVICE Che: a Pauline L. H. SIMS within two weeks of each permanent FREE SHAMPOO & SET INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT 35 VARIETIES Hybrid Petunias ORIOLE GARDENS W. E. GLADDING 4 MILES NORTH OF VICTORIA SQUARE ON THE DON MILLS RD. PHONE A V. 54911-24 STYLED HAIR CUT with each shampoo and set 127 JUNE SPECIAL 34 YONGE SOUTH Birch Ave Over 45 Years Experience DEPENDABLE WE ARE THE BEST Established 1373 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill AND Thornhill. Ont AU popular makes on hand Special Students‘ Rates ‘v~.v.vv.vv.w.wmmewV.WW.\. TORONTO. ONT. EMplre 2-3456 FROM TU. 4-7691 June 8. 1963 AV. 5-3756 $169. I’j 11 (Z/v/

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