Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Jun 1963, p. 13

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In stating that he had attend- “ many such presentations Col. McEacm-en spoke of how the Scouts' responsibilities and nuns did not cease with the italnlnl at Queen's Scout The group was then taken on a tour of the yard. which covers 1.000 acres and an engineer pointed out the pro- ng” of the work. Following the playing of the Nnuonai Anthem. invocation was offered by the Rev. L. R. Gamer. and the chairman Ma- Jor Alan W. Gerow. regional éommissioner of the Boy Scouts of Clflldl Provincial Council for Ontario. Lukelmd region, mousing greetings. A "wokâ€"one wis extended by Major Keith lebet, of Aurora. The Governor of St. An- dreh’l College. Lt. Col. In“ F. McEIchren, re- mented Lt. Gov. Earl lo". and In the speaker. Maple Queen Scout Kirby Brock Receives Award At Ceremonies Of special interest, loc- ally. In that in Maple In Scout Troop land the only reprenentative from York Summit District â€" Queen's Soon: Kirby truck. on hand to receive his «minute. Queen's Scout Brock, with his secutmaster Pat Salmon. were marched into the hall with the others and seated ac- cording to order of presenta- uon. used in the project - 10,000 miles of wire, 30,000 tons of tall - and stated that all meterlnls, wherever posslble lied been purchased locally. The project will lnclude as well u 156 mlles of track. four IMO:- buildings (one of which vdll house the 1.8M. computâ€"l er used in claSslfylng the: freight cars) {our control «bins and seven control tow-‘ uts. lts total coat will be some‘ BO mllllons and it will employ‘ initially between 1.000 andi 1,500 persons. An area has‘ hen set aside for road-tall transport operations - plggyi beck flcllltlu - and if this lsl Included some 2,500 people‘ will be employed in the pro-‘ tech 1 Leaving the ON]! yard. the but then took the group to tour neighbouring industrial ere". Travelling down High. way 400 they were shown the Signet development in North York. the Vicks plant. North- ern Electric Company plant end Eatons of Canada. Travel-; Jinn further west, the Bramalea development was inspected, including another Northern Electric plant and Tung-Sol of Canada Limited. At the Peel Village development in the Town of Brampton, they were ehown the enlarged American Motors plant. Canadian Indus-1 tries Limited and Benson and‘ Hedges. This land, it was noted. had all been purchased‘ by Brampton. serviced with! wnter and sewers and then sold‘ with the developers being strictly regulated concerning the balance of industrial to residential development in thei area. i ‘ The owe“! party was piped in and took their place on the pllugrm: of the type of industrinl doveloment which could b: QXPeflcd In the town- shlp If the proposed Edge- ]! - Concord Waterworks abmion is carried out. It hum with a visit to the CNR marshalllng yard project when the group saw a model 0! the completed project which illustrated by means of moving lights how trains are received. damned. lotted. re-nrranged and tent on their way by the fully automated equipment of the yard. COST $30 MILLION 'Mr. J. L. Cann, project dit- Octor, explained the operation at the equipment to his inter- uted audience. He emphasized the _vast quantities of materials From Brampton, the bus unveiled east through Malton ind onko Rexdale Blvd. Here the bus was delayed some 10 Wenty~three Scout troops from the Lekehnd region, were represented by 50 Queen's Scouts in the ninth Queen's Sedut recognition ceremony held recently at St. Andrew's College Convocation Hell in Mann. Vaughan Twp. Growth Depends On Water Mol- to the luncheon, the representatives or warl- m nun-yen “soul-«om. «Moe club: and uncul- tun] organization: had been taken on a bus tour of uvenl Industrial neas adjacent to Vaughan Town~ ship. The :our had been engaged to “storm the reddenu of the townnhlp Mr. Doney related how he had stood in a herd of cattle looking into the future at the site of what is now the Golden Mile develoment in Scarborough, one of the largest developments in Metropolitan Toronto. “This can happen in the township of Vaughan" he said. “I am fully convinced of it. This township has a lot of potential.” BY MARGARET I. McLEAN “I think Vaughan Township will grow if it doesn’t miss out on this industrial development and lose the golden ring” stated Mr. Willard J. Doney, industrial development manager for the CNR Walking to a group of 45 Vaughan Township rate- Egyers’ representatives at the Skyline Hotel, May 25; Other troops represented from the Lakeland region were from Ajax, Allandale, Ander- son Park, Aurora, Barrie, Bea- verton, Bracebridge, Clare- mont, Elmvale, Kleinburg. Mid- land, Penetanguishene, Picker- ing, Stroud, Waubaushene and Woodbridge. Those present were Kirby's mother and father. his broth- ers. Robin - a_ 1st class Scout, and Gordie, a Cub: an aunt Miss Margaret Muir from Brantford, great uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Mc- Clellan of Toronto. his grand- mother, Mrs. Sylvia Brock of Maple, former scoutmaster Jack House and wife Mrs. House. his present Scouimaster‘ Pat Salmon and Mrs. Salmon.‘ Mrs. Ruth McConkey, chair- man of the Vaughan Town- ship Waterworks Commit- tee was asked to say a few‘ words to the ratepayers and; called the waterworks exten- sion “a vital program, one that no thinking person can turn their back on." The sooner it is done. the better, she said. Queen's Scout Jack Spencer of Beaverton. thanked Col. Mc- Eachren on behalf of all the Queen's Scouts and presented him with a gift. A reception was held in the main ball but Kirby’s parents had planned a small reception for their family and guests at their home at 94 Keele Street South. "Strive to be good citizens and always "Be Prepared" to assist others in scouting and in daily life", he said and then commended the Scoutmaster for encouraging the boys to strive and attain this special Scout honm'. All these developments are‘ served by CN industrial sidings.’ That they are quite new was‘ evidenced by remnants of rural atmosphere still persist- ing - a goat tethered in a field beside one plant and an apple‘ tree. which looked about 15‘ years old, in full bloom at the; front door of one attractive small plant. ‘ Having left the municipal onices in Maple at shortly utter 8 :.m.. the group wn happy to at out and stretch their legs at the Skyline Hotel on the Dixon Rd. at 12.30. After a refreshing.r luncheon. Deputy reeve Jesse Bryson intro. duoed members or the CN staff who had accompanied the tour. Mr. Willard J. Doney, Mr. Robert V. Doty, Mr. J. L. Cum. and Mr. Wm. Willson of the Metro- polltnn Toronto Industrial Commission, as well as members of the Veughan Townshlp Council who were also in attendance. Mr. Doty the CN's assistant manager of industrial planning” spoke briefly and advised that the CN was working very close- iy with the municipality on the planning and zoning by-Iaws and was anxious to bring industry into the township. The CN is presently dealing with two "very substantial firms who are almost certain to establish in your community," he stated. snoan moms WATER He reminded his audience however, that all the industrial areas they had toured had been serviced with both water and sewers by the various municipalities and that Vaugh- an could not hope to attract such development without pro~ viding at least water. If water were provided, the industries would in turn provide a sound in); base for the community. “They contribute to schools Col. McEachern presented the certificates following the introduction of the Queen's Scouts and their scoutmasters. “O Canada" brought the ce- remony to a close and the of- flcfial party was piped out. rank In the Rexdale area of Eto.‘ bicoke, the group was shown the General Mills Plant. Kim- berley Clarke, Simpson-Sear: and Carling Brewery Limited The site 01 the new Ford com- pahy parts plant was pointed out and Mr. Doty noted that the (SO-acre site had been given to the Ford company for a total price of $1 by the Township of Etobicoke, as an Inducement for It to locate there. minutes by a train switchin; on the CN line and Mr. R. v Doty. of the industrial plan ning branch of the CN whv was providing the commentar on the trip was good-natured] accused of having arranger this in order to convince thl riders of the need for : switch yard. To Custom Specifications PINDER BROS. HO. 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Miss Din Butlln. Mr. John Passmore and Mr. Addy Blank- ensteln of Hamilton attended the races at Mossport on Satur- day. while spending the week- end at the Passmore's cottage at Chandos Lake with Mr. J. H. Passmore. The Monday Nlters ended the season with dinner at the Sum- mit View Gardens Restaurant and afterwards played euchre at the home of Mrs. Ivan Pe- tersen. The prize winners were Mrs. E. Gamble, Mrs. I. Peter- sen, Mrs. D. Gouldlng, Mrs. W. Bell, Mrs. E. Terry and Mrs. A. McKay. Congratulations and thanks‘ to the three members of the‘ Elgin Mills Jefferson Hospital‘ Auxiliary who raised such a substantial amount of money‘ for the auxiliary on the quiiti drawn on Saturday. The winner was Mrs. P. Sexton of Rich- mond Hill. Mr. Grant Locke and Mrs. J. MacDonald of Orange. Califor- nia. were here for their father's funeral and spent a few days afterwards with their brother’s family. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson have moved into the house on the Elgln Mills Sideroad where Mr. and Mrs. J. Drew have been living for the past few years. Welcome to our community. Mrs. A. E. Whitfield of Naughton Drive returned last week from Lincoln. Neb. where she has been staying with her daughter, Mrs. G. Weiss for the past five weeks. Mfs. Lillian Robinson is spending a few days with her sister Mrs. A. McFee and fam- 11y. The evening branch of the WA will be holding their June meeting on the 6th at the par- ish hall at 8.30 pm. The beaut- lful carnations on the organ and baptismal font on Sunday last were placed there by the Jefferson Cubs. The annual Cub rally for the York Summit District will be held at Thornhill Park on June 8th. All parents and friends invited - bring your picnic supper with you. Don't forget the mothers‘ auxiliary meeting June 11th at 8.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. A. McFee's on Bathurst Street. Many happy returns of the day to Peter Beeson on the 9th, to Margaret Passmore on the 11th, to Chris Fullman on the 12th and to Jane Burns on the 13th. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the Bruce Locke family on the death of Bruce's father last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. McFee at- tended the annual alumnae dinner of the Guelph General Hospital School of Nursing at Guelph last Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. Reid and Robin of Rochester spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Locke and family of Parry Sound. Happy Birthdays Neighborhood Notes Welcome to the district to Mr. and Mrs. B. Davis of Tor- onto who recently movad into the home formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Butler on Bayview. Congratulations to Gary Caldwell on being one of the 43 members of York Universi- ty‘s first graduating class. The preacher at the evening prayer service on June 9th will be Captain Harry Brow: )f the church army. At thi fireside service he will speal of some of his experiences a: warden of Beverley Lodge. 1.: Jefferson Cubs Ind Scouts STEEL IJNTELS I BEAMS Evening Branch St. John's Anthem Church TU. 4-3008 St. John‘s Church News without creating the need for more schools and contribute to the well-being of the com- munity by providing employ- ment" he stated. Controlled industrial development would promote a sound community, which would in turn encourage other industries to locate here Mr. Doty noted that at the CNR industrial property on Keele Street high standards .vere being established anc‘ hat the firms which locatet‘ here would be attractive. Th: INR is anxious to create othe‘ ndustrial locations also, 5 ELGIN MILLS AND JEFFERSON NEWS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATIN G they will have I choice to offer prospective buyers. "Too few of us realize what is going to occur in the next decade" Mr. Doty continued. “Ten years i from now there will be sub- stantial changes on the face of Vnuginn Township. It will now much like Rexdule and Bramnlae. With sound planning. Vaughn can also be in this well-founded position." Mr. Doney reminded the 'roup that with its industrial iigin right across Canada. the _.._.._°\.- the Metropoiitfi' Toronto dustriai Commission stated hat this firm was a private ‘N was in a position to direct adustry to the Vaughan area. We have a stake here and M wm be assured of our vhole-hearted co-operation” he M will be assured 'o} BLI- hole-heatted co-operation” he id. 'Mr. W. Willianggon, manager ALA Street From Hwy. No. 7 Costa Road Costa Road Killaloe Road Hwy. No. 7 E. limit R.P. 2468 For Approval Of A By-Low Imposing A Water Rate And To DisPense With A Vote Of The Electors B. ESTIMATES 0!" COST A. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK 1963 Construction - Water-mains 5. Any ratepayer may, within 21 days after the first publication of this notice, send by prepaid post to the Clerk of the Township of Vaughan at the address given below, a notice in writing stating his objection to the approval of the construction of the said works or to the imposition of the special rate or to the order dispensing with a vote. The notice shall state his objection and the grounds of such objection. TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Vaughan intends to apply to the Ontario Municipal Board for approval of the construction in the year 1963 of the works referred to in Schedule "A" hereto and in the year 1964 of the works referred to in Schedule “B” hereto at an estim- ated net cost of $214,000. and $389,000. respectively. The works are to be constructed under the authority of the Public Utilities Act and it intends to charge a part of the cost of the works as a special rate upon lands that will or may derive e benefit therefrom. 2. The amounts of $214,000. and $389,000. shall be raised by the sale of two debenture issues for the respective amounts eech issue payable over a period of 20 years. It is proposed to raise a part of the annual payments by a special rate in each year of the currency of the ddbentures upon all of the rateable property in the area described in paragraph 3 hereof, not exceeding 4 mills in the dollar. The maximum annual charge upon a property assessed at $3,500 would be $14.00. Water rates will be charged to consumers as provided in By-law Number 2414 and after these re- ceipts it is anticipated that a levy of 1.5 mills against all of the rateable property in the Township will be required to meet the annual debenture payments. 4. Application will be made to The Ontario Municipal Bound for an order to dispute with the assent of the electors w the undtmking of tho said works. ‘ 6. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the said special rate pursu ant to the statute and may approve the said works and may order that the assent of the electors shall not be required but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objections will be considered. (e) Special Crossings (i) C.N.R. Yard Lump Sum (ii) Keele Street Lump Sum (iii) C.N.R. Newm’t Subdivision Lump Sum (iv) Don River Lump Sum (V) Dufferin Street Lump Sum (f) Engineering and Contingencies Lump Sum (3') Balance of the cost of 12 inch over-sized mains to be installed in the Concord Water Area under author- ity 0f By-Law Number 2880 on the streets as follows Keele Street on the frontage of Plan 2468; Hwy. No. 7 on the frontage of Plans 2468 and 3541; Dufferin Street on the fmntage of Plan 2468; and Concord Road from the Well Site to Hwy. No. 7 (a) 16” Waterman: (i) 870 it. c. i. @ awe/tn (ii) 3130 ft. c.i. @ $12.00/ft. (iii) 400 ft. c.i. @ $14.00/ft. (b) 12” Watermain (i) 580 ft. c.i. @ $9.50/ft. (ii) 3915 ft. c.i. @ $8.00/ft. (c) Valves (i) 6-16" valves in chambers @ $1,000.00 ea. (ii) 7-12" valves in chambers @ 8 500.00 ea. (d) Hydrants (i) 4 - hydrants off 16” main @ $500.00 ea. THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN SCHEDULE “A” The area upon which such water rate is to be levied is described as folloWs: FIRSTLY: SECONDLY: THIRDLY : The lands situate in the Third ConceSSion in the TownShip of Vaughan in the County of YOrk tubing :11 thbse parts of Lots 2 and 8 and Lots 6 to 10 inclusive lying to the west of the Canadian National Railway Right of Way. The lands situate in the Fourth Concession in the Township of Vaughan being the eaatefly halm of Int: 2 to 9 inclque and that» parts of Lots 10 to 14 inclusiVe owned by the Canadian National Railway. DATED at the Village of Maple. this 6th day of June, 1963. (i) 4 - hydrants off 16” main @ $500.00 ea. (ii) 10 - hydrants off 12” main @ $425.00 ea. The lands situate in the Township of Vaughan being the northerly 214 feet of Lots 15 and 16 awarding to Registered Plan 3541. Total Estimated Cost 1963 Construction: $214,000.00 That they have been highiyl successful is indicated by thel fact that Toronto is the fastest growing city in North America‘ and that 60 percent 0! all industry coming to Cnnada comes to the Toronto trea. “We have worked with some 600 new industries who have invested half a billion dollars and are paying a million dol- ars in taxes each year to the municipaities in which they are located" Mr. WiIISOn added. municipalitlel contributed to its budget. It is concerned ‘with industrial development in‘ ‘an area of about 30 squaremiles. {tom Ajax to Richmond Hill to Brampton. Georgetown and Oakville. "Our job is to develop industry in this area" he said, noting that they deal with new industries and travel extensively in the United States encouraging industries to locate here. ‘company but that various; To Keele Street Hwy. No. 7 Dufferin Street i "It is going very rapidly in lyour direction” he said, men- tioning how the area along Wilson Avenue and Highwayi 400 had developed in the last 12 years. He cautioned hOWr ever that in some areas indus- trial land was not selling and that townships should spend a great deal of time on their zoning brolawa. “What is decided today will decide what Vaughan will look like not only 25 years {rom now, but (or all‘ time to come". Mr. Willson 3150i stressed that very few indus- tries Would develop without water and that before really large development was pos- sible, both water and sewers would have to be provided. In urging the ratepayers to support the proposed water. TREND '10 WEST Mr. thon pointEd out that the trend was to the west and the north west. Site 16" 12" 12” $74,000.00 3 5,510.00 $31,320.00 3 2,000.00 3 4,250.00 8 8,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,000.00 3 2,500.00 $12,180.00 $37,560.00 $5,600.00 $ 6,000.00 8 3,500.00 $16,580.00 Approx. length 4400 ft. 680 ft. 3815 ft. Mr. Doney fluted flint when discussions were um. piece about the mum of the Ford parts Mint. Vunghln wu nu;- usted u a possible site “but ma weren't Indy." Township Clerk Jim Mac- Donald also advised that he wouid be happy to discuss the project with any Interested persons. "The council has taken the initiniivo" he said. "With your support Vaughan Township can become 1 trade- name throughout the Metro area, and throughout Cnnada. in a very short time." works extension. both Mr. Brysoh and Mrs. McConkey said thn council would be glad to hear anyone’s ideas and suggestions. “I don't think we have alternative but to go ahead with it," Mrs. McConkey ..- added A. DESCRIPTION OF THE WORK 1964 Construction - Waterman; Street From To Size length Keele Street Hwy. N0. 7 Langstaft 18" 8800 ft. Keele Street S. limit R.P. 2468 S. limit Twp. Lot 2 12" 4165 ft. Well, Pumphouse, etc. Well, pumphouse, pumping and treatment equipment and an underground storage reservoir located on the northerly 214 feet of Lots 15 and 16, Plan 3541. B. ESTIMATES OF COST (3) 18” Waterman (i) 800 ft. c.i. @ $18.00/ft. 3 14,400.00 (ii) 6000 ft. c.i. @ $16.00/ft $ 96,000.00 (1)) 12” Watermaln (i) 100 ft. c.i. @ $9.50/ft. 5 950.00 (ii) 4065 ft. c.l. @ $8.00/ft. $ 32,250.00 (c) Valves (1) 9-18” valves in chasmbers @ $1,500.00 ea. $ 13,500.00 (ii) 5-12” valves in chambers @ 8 500.00 ea. 3 2,500.00 ((1) Hydrant: (i) 18 hydrants off 18" main @ $600.00 ea. :5 10,800.00 (ii) 11 hydrants off 12” main @ $425.00 ea. $ 4,675.00 (e) Special Crossings (i) Keele Street Lump Sum $ 1,000.00 (ll) Stream 150 ft. N. of Hwy. No. 7 Lump Sum 3 1,000.00 (f) Well, Pumphouse, etc. (i) Well Development and Pump $ 35,000.00 (ii) Pumphouse and Equipmmt $ 75,000.00 (iii) Underground Storage Reservoir $ 20,000.00 (iv) Iron Removal Equipment $ 15,000.00 (v) Land acquisition and Site Improvements $ 7,000.00 Total Estimated Construction Cost Less Estimated Winter Work Subsidy on construction of Well and Pumphouse etc. (3) Engineering and Contingencies LIBERAL. Richmond Hm,70pb§fl9.inqroday.june 6, 1968 1‘8 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN SCHEDULE “B” 300 ft. c.1. @ $18.00/ft. 6000 ft. cJ. @ $16.00/ft Waterman! 100 ft. c.i. @ $9.50/ft. 4065 ft. cJ. @ $8.00/ft. Net Total Estimated Cost 1964 Construction James M. McDonald, Clerk, Maple, Ontario. TIL! SALES AND SERVICE 30 SUSSEX AVE. Standard Tile Company TELEPHONE 884-5541 Lump Sum RICHMOND HILL CERAMIC LINDLEUM VINYL A83. MOfiAXC $ 35,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 15,000.00 8 7,000.00 $329,345.00 $ 47,155.00 $376,500.00 $ 37,500.00 $339,000.00 approx.

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