Marylo Graham and her com- mittee are catering for the an- nual event and Neville Cross. producer. is lining up the ent- ertainment, which promises to be of the same high calibre of tanner years! The Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church WA. held their last meeting of the season on June 3rd. Mrs. D. R. Stephenson’s unit met on the same day for a bar- becue supper and auction sale at the home of Mrs. J. A. Mill- er, Gamble Sideroad. Mr. Ind Mrs. Dean Hughes' home in Unlonville will be the picturesque setting of the Cur- tain Club picnic to be held on June let. Charge of admission is one dollar, and friends and pros- pective members are cordially invited ~ please call the sec- retary. Louise Queen, at TU. 4-3595, for further information. Mrs. Karl Mocsnry, 340 Bois- dale Avenue, returned to her home last week following six weeks in Newmarket Hospital. Every good wish is exteinded for a satisfactory convalescence. Mr. Lambert Van Dyk, lic- encee of Harvey’s Drive-In, Yonge Street, has purchased property at 11 Observatory Lane and will be moving in next month. Included among the guests was Mrs. Tinker's mother, Mrs. K. Jen-ed of Weston. 85 years young. who is leaving later this month for holidays in England and Ireland. The United Church Women Members of the Tuesday morning unit of the UCW of the Richmond Hill United Church held their final meeting of the season - a barbecue supper - at the home of Mrs. G. K. Martin, 130 Harding Blvd. Mrs. G. Irwin's unit met in the primary room on Tuesday for a pot luck i'ancheon. The theme “Christian Citizenshipâ€. Mrs. D. S. Bruce's unit met at the home of Mrs. G. P. Wood, 95 Hunt Avenue, for a garden party on Wednesday. The president wished the ladies a pleasant summer va- cation and reminded them of the bazaar to be held on No- vember 23rd. Rev. J. N. Hep- burn then introduced the speaker. Miss Webster. princi- pal of Ewart College. who spoke of the history of the col- lege and of their aims for the future. Miss M. Hepburn thanked the speaker and presented her with a donation for the college. Miss Barbara Rain and Miss Jenniler Crack graduated last week from the Wellesley Hos- pital School of Nursing at a ceremony held at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Bloor Street. Miss Delia Tinker, daughter of Deputy Reeve S. F. Tinker and Mrs. Tinker, celebrated her 215: birthday on Wednesday evening with a family dinner party at her home on Richmond Street. ‘ 130th are former students of the Richmond Hill High School. Cubs and leaders from the 9th Richmond Hill Cub Pack are seen enjcï¬ring their picnic supper at the York Summit District Cub Rally in Thornhill Park last Saturday afternoon. A pro- gramme of games and sports was enjoyed by almost 500 cubs from the district. Cubs in the picture are, from the left, Michael Whittaker, Steve Ingram, Ray Brounstein, Ken Waugh, Neale Harvey, Larry Mansbridge, Mark Williams, Ricky Beaton. Assistant Cub Master Charlie Ingram on the left and A1 Harvey beside him supervised their young charges in the day’s activities. This DEW]? formed pack is sponsored by St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and came home with a pack award for the fine effort they turned in at the rally. (Photo by Barbour)‘ St. Paul's Cub Pack Wins Award Editor Margot Crack uuuuumum111luuuumnmmumlmmquumumuumumuuuu Candy-Stripers To Sell Roses ‘ For “Rose Week†\u\u\\u\m\m\u\\munumnu\\mum“lmmun“uumuuumumm A special meeting of the Richmond Hill Women‘s Insti- tute executive was held on Monday at the home of the president. Mrs. J. Dewsbury, 56 Wright Street. to arrange the programmes for the coming year. Miss Lesley Webb is being entertained by many of her friends prior to her marriage on June 22 to Brian Mills. Richmond Hill WJ. Mrs. Don Williamson and Mr. Cliff Bennett entertained at a miscellaneous shower at the former's home on Elgin Mills Road. At the Maryvale Cres- cent home of Mrs. Doug Lovell, Mrs. Lovell and Mrs. Dick Mills were hostesses at a miscellane- ous shower. District Governor H. H. Mac- Kay and Mrs. MacKay, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bick and daughter Elizabeth Anne. Mr. Craig Bow- den and DI'. Cameron Cowan leave on Saturday to attend the Lions International Convention in Miami. Rev. R. E. McLennan and Mrs. V. Cox were elected to the Diocesan Board of Christian Education. Miss Webb was guest of honor at a coffee party given by Miss Judy Purvis, Bridge- port Street, and at a dinner party at the home of Miss Su- san Gillard, Church Street North. She received lovely gifts at both these events. Phil Barnes, 216 Alverna Road, recently returned from a two day business trip in Chi- cago. ‘ Mr. James Haggart on behalf of the Synod lay delegates pre- sented their report to the con- gregation at St. Gabriel Angli- can Church last Sunday morn- ing. The decision to use per- manent roses rather than natural ones was reached because it was felt that it would be impossible to keep everyone supplied with fresh roses during this im- portant week. A stock of 1,000 roses is on hand, and it is hoped that all will be sold to interested citizens this weekend. The “Candy Stripers", members of the junior hos- pital auxiliary, will be sell- ing permanent roses to be worn during “Rose Week" in Richmond Hill. Start- ing this weekend, the young girls will be approaching residents to purchase one of these flowers to wear during the week following. It is hoped that every mer- chant and his staff will be wearing a rose next week. The modest charge is only 25 cents each and the profit on the sale will go to the hospital auxiliary. Entertaining prior to the Rose Queen Ball at the Bay- view Secondary School next Tuesday will be Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redelmeier, whose guests will include Mr. and Mrs. John Lunn. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Mort row and Mr. and Mrs. John} At a pre-Communion service held in Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church on June 7, two new members were admitted to the fellowship of the church. These were Mr. and Mrs. A. Russell, 86 Wright Street, Rich- mond Hill. Kippen. Miss Judith England, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. George M. England, 74 Richmond Street, whose marriage to Mr. Andre Boutin will take place in July at the Presbyterian Church, Riverside, was entertained re- cently by the staff of the Her- man Collegiate, Windsor. Miss England is a teacher at the collegiate. A social hour followed with refreshments served by the women’s auxiliary, when the congregation met the new members. Distinguished patrons for ’the Rose Queen Ball which will be held next Tuesday at Bayview Secondary School, at 8.30 pm. are Mr. and Mrs. Ray Arm- strong, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Mill- er, Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Snively, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mills, Rev. and Mrs. J. F. 0’- Neil, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Ma- son, Mr. and Mrs. John Lunn, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barrott, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bellamy, Rev. and Mrs. Fred Jackson, Mr. Douglas Storms, His Worship the Mayor and Council, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Boyd, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Morrow, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kippen, Mr. and Mrs. David Fauquier, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. H. Redelmeier. Mrs. Paul Briganfl, nee Phyl- lis Angle. and her sister Jessie Angle, both of New York, were recent guests at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angle, 38 Bedford Park. Mrs. J. Noble Hepburn, the Prebyterian Manse, sailed from Montreal June 7, on the Em- press of Canada for a three month visit in Britain. Her daughter Mae will join her later this month. Highlight of the evening will be the crowning of the rose queen to reign during the Nat- ional Rose Show on June 22. Proceeds of the evening will go to the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Tickets are available at “The Liberal". '“hér friends in the mu ex- tend every good wish for a speedy recoveryi Drivers are urgently needed for patients attend- ing the Mental Health Cli- nic at Newmarket. Please call Mrs. H. G. Lumsden at TU. 4-3924. ‘ “Back home again in Rich- mond Hill" is Mrs. Mayne D. Mc'l‘aggart. after an enjoyable stay in Europe of thirteen weeks. The main object of her trip was to visit her daughter, Mrs. A. Ross Harvey, son-in-law Mr. Harvey and their four child- ren, who reside in Soest, near Dusseldorf, Germany, where Mr. Harvey is general manager of Maple Leaf Service Stores, which are located at various Canadian Army centres. Flying to Berlin â€" they tour- ed both East and West Berlin -â€" and though some of the new buildings are beautiful and modern in design, there is still evidence of great destruction. At the Berlin Opera House they saw a performance of “II Ser- aglio". With car available, Mrs. Mc- Taggart enjoyed a number of trips by automobile. also by air. and on conducted tours. usually accompanied by her daughter. Other trips included tours through Belgium, Switzerland, France -â€" visiting all the major points of interest in Paris, Ver- sailles, Brussels and Geneva, which included the Louvre, churches. cathedrals, battle- fields and the Maginot Line. When vacation time for Mr.‘ Hamey came around, he load- ed up the station wagon, hitch- ed on the house trailer, and the whole family party of seven spent a most enjoyable three weeks travelling through parts of Germany, Switzerland and France to Costa Bravo, 3 re- sort on the east coast of Spain, “the Spanish Rivieraâ€. Mrs, McTaggart had flown over from Toronto to Germany by TCA jet plane, but for the return journey travelled by the “Homericâ€, and after a smooth voyage of six days, docked at Montreal where Mr. McTaggart greeted her. Both then flew to Malton and drove to their home on Tyneview Lane where Mrs. McTaggart will undoub- tedly have many pleasant mem- ories of her visit abroad. Currencies and languages did not present the same difficul- ties‘ to the travellers, as Mrs. Harvey spoke German fluently and was able to converse in several other languages. As the station wagon and caravan were fully equipped for sleeping and cooking, the family enjoyed preparing their own meals. just as they had done back in Canada. June is the month for brides, showers, trousseau teas, trips to the cottage. vacations and graduations. All make interesting read- ing for “Life in the Hill" and your editor Margot Crack would appreciate hearing about these social events. Call us at TU. 4- 1105, drop a note in the mail to 63 Yonge Street South, or call in person- ally, we’ll be pleased to hear from you. Mr. and Mrs. John Postle- thwalte, Mrs. R. Painter and Mrs. T. E. Fitzsimmons attend- ed the opening night of the Royal Ballet at the O’Keefe Centre. Mr. D. K. Frise of Bayview Secondary School and Mr. Rob- ert Templeton of Thornhill Sec- ondary School represented the York Central District High School area at the On- tario Technical Directors con- vention held at Big Chief Lodge, Orillia, last week. Mr. Templeton is president of the organization, which is composed of technical directors of secondary schools. Over 100 were present. Mrs. Sylvia Garson with three of her pupils, Brian Too- good, Lesley Nicholls and Paul Boreham attended the O‘Keefe Centre on Friday last where they saw the Royal Ballet per- form “Symphony Elektra", “Facade†and the Pas de Deux from “Le Corsaire." Early in the evening the stu- dents went backstage to watch the “warm up†on stage, and after the performance had the honour of meeting two of the world‘s greatest artists. Dame Margot Fonteyn and Rudolph Nureyev of the company, with whom they spoke and received autographs, making it one of the most memorable nights of their lives. “This is the best week we’ve ever had", said Richmond Hill Senior Citizens as they were feted and entertained, and themselves entertained their friends, during Senior Citizen Week from June 2 through t June 8. Brenda Haddock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Haddock, Boisdale Avenue, and Gail Thomson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Thomson, Boisdale Avenue, will be singing three duets on the CBC programme “Up and Coming†at 6.15 pm. next Wednesday. June 19th. Senior Citizens R. Hill Parliament The Richmond Hill Parliam- ent will elect its board at a meeting to be held in the mun- icipal offices at 8 pm. on June 19th. All members of the public will be welcome at the meeting. Those signing up for member- ship and paying the small fee will be eligible to vote. It is expected that all four political parties will be represented on the board. Both girls, talented pupils of Mrs. Tom Jeans, were gold medallists at the Peel Festival and are members of the Walter Scott School choir. They began the week with a special church service at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, with Dr. J. P. Wilson and Mrs. Emma Masters taking an active part in the service by reading the first and second lessons of the evening service. “And the sun shone all week on their activ- ities." On the Monday they played bingo at the Lions Hall. Tues- day Sterling Drugs arranged a most interesting tour of their plant, then gave them refreshâ€" ments and gifts before they re- turned to Richmond Hill by bus. On Wednesday afternoon and evening they entertained at open house at their day centre. Thursday saw them the guests of Evyan Perfumeries, Centre St. E. This was a most enjoy-‘ able visit, with Mrs. Munro and Mr. Fouknier doing the hon- ors, which included afternoon refreshments on the spacious lawns â€" and a “heart†filled with perfume to take home. TV Highlights Nominations will be welcome from the floor, and it is hoped that the ladies will also be represented. Mrs. Mona Robertson, direc- tor for Richmond Hill senior Citizens, said she was more than pleased with the terrific response from the seniors who attended the various functions, Saturday closed the week of fun, with open house again at their day centre. Friday the members toured Edwards Gardens and after wandering down flower-trim- med trails and across luscious green lawns. under flowering trees and shrubs, and over de- lightful wooden bridges here and there on the spacious grounds, they all gathered for afternoon tea before returning home again by bus. Former students of the Richmond Hill High School, the above girls have all successfully graduated in their chosen careers. From (left to right) Miss Susan Gillard and Miss Lesley Webb, graduates of the Womens College School of Local Girls Graduate Nursing, University Pupils of Marguerite Boyle.) v.ho were gold medallists in the elocution classes at the spring‘ n.usic festivals included Rob- ert Doherty with three gold medals, Helen Payne with two, Adrienne Silver with one gold and also a third. David Martin won a gold, a silver and a third. Susan Keachie, who has been accepted by the Red Barn The- atre Company for the summer, took three gold and three sil- ver medals. while her sister Catherine received a gold and a third. Other award winnels were Tom Tamblyn and Allen Aho. who each received two silver medals and Robert Martin who won a bronze one. The last regular monthly meeting for the season of the CWL of St. Mary Immaculate Church was held on June 10th in Our Lady of Fatima School with President Mrs. C. Bottles presiding. Father McGinn, spiritual dir-; ector, presented Mrs. J. Lawlor with a past president's pin and thanked her for her excellent leadership and good work dur- ing her office as president. Father McGinn spoke to the members regarding the liturgy of the High Mass. He hoped that as many parishioners as possible will attend the parish pilgrimage and picnic at Mary- lake on June 23rd. During the business portion of the meeting ideas were dis- cussed for possible money rais- ing projects for the coming season. The evening closed with lunch being served under the conven- orship of Mrs. Lawlor and Mrs. R. Zeller. A former student at Rich- mond Hill’s public and high schools Miss Robinson has gra- duated from York University. Angela will be teaching at Ren- frew District High School in the fall. E. Lowin Enters Anglican Ministry A resident of Richmond Hill for the past six years, Ernest Lowin, 453 Lynett Blvd., will be entering Wycliffe College in September, to prepare for the ministry of the Anglican Church in Canada. Mr. Lowin has been inter- ested in church work since his youth when he was a choir boy. For a time after coming to this town he attended St. Mary's Anglican Church and on the formation of St. Gabriel parish in Richmond Hill East trans- jferred his membership and act- ivities to that church. He has served that congre- gation as treasurer, deputy warden, people’s warden, chair- man of the board last year, chairman of the Christian edu- cation committee. and as a member of the church choir. Mr. Lowin has been an in- spector with the Northern and Employers Insurance Co. for some years in the city of Tor- onto, having been transferred to Ottawa in January of this year. Mr. and Mrs. Lowin have two daughters. . SELLING YOUR HOME? For Fast Results. Consult The Real Estate Brokers listed in “The Liberal" every Thursday Chooses Teaching Angela May Robinson Jess portion as were dis- money rais- the coming Mr. and Mrs. Doug Boyd are entertaining members of the Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce prior to attending the Rose Queen Ball at the Bayview Secondary School next Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Flynn and‘ Charles, Baker Avenue, were guests at the recent marriage of Miss Susan Watsharn to Rich- ard Care at St. Christopher’s Anglican Church, Burlington. Miss Watsham was a former pupil at McConaghy Public School and a graduate of Rich- mond Hill High School. Entertainment was provided by a few games and a film of the members doing their exer- cises! Winners of a prize bingo game were Mrs. Marian Raven- hill, Dorothy Price, Lois Jack- son, Evelyn Lazenby, Cicely Coles, Marg Trotman and Kim Barker. Dorothy Price came first unscrambling ten of 15 street names in Richmond Hill. The Brownies of Richmond Hill East will hold their revel and handicraft show at the Lions Hall, Centre Street East, this Saturday, June 15th. Parents afé invited to attend at 1 pm. Enjoying a month’s holiday at the home of Mr and Mrs. David Davies, Brookside Drive, are Mr. Davies’ brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. John Davies from London, England. The Friendship Circle of the Church of St. Gabriel enjoyed a pot luck supper on June 5th at the home of Mrs. Jean Car- ter, 52 Rockport Crescent. Over 22 members were present. Guest speaker at the meeting was Ontario Attorney General Frederick Cass Q.C. A very sucessful sale was held on the Thornhaveu S Prizewinnets we lea plant, Mrs. T. 1 onto; gilt basket, nell, Allencourt ( gel cake, Mrs. G. lowdale; cosmetics tle, Vaughan Rc Mrs. R. Kidd, StOL Ladies Magistrate James Butler and Mrs. Butler, Wright Street, at- tended last week‘s annual meet- ing of the Ontario Magistrates Association held at Kingston. Swim-Suits EXCELLENT SELECTION The Ladies Shop REASONABLE PRICE $5.98 TO - $10.95 Wyn-Dot { Bayview Plaza TU. 4-2214 RICHMOND HILL [HEIJBERAL Igchmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 18, 1963 sucessful tea and bake Schell the ew Road; 11 Stouffville‘ ell of event. m June 5t School. were, the ‘. Hancock. t, Mrs. B. Crescent 3. Jeffrey, ‘cs, Mrs. D Nursing; Miss Marian Bales, who received her BA. degree from Western University; Miss Barbara Bain and Miss Jen- nifer Crack, graduates of the Welliesley Hospital School of Nursing. Stouffville ant; an- ey, Wil- D. Lit- hosiery‘ 5th by aza- Tor- Bon‘ Mrs. George England. 74 Richmond Street. spent the weekend as the house guest of Mrs. Howard Smale. Riverside, Ontario. Mrs. Smale also entertained at a miscellaneous shower given for Miss Judith England, a bride-elect of July. Guests came from Detroit, Royal Oak and Chatham. LAMB THE MOVER LTD. E4 Over 45 Years Experience LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street) 01' Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE 127 Birch Ave. - Thomhill, Ont. PHONE AV. 5-4911 -2-3 WE ARE THE BEST I 24 Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St ' Richmond Hill Toronto Phone 285-1073 SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS l. H. SIMS sauce 9 189595329:- ,- Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at I V I . Wight 3 Pharmacy Au popular makes on hand Day 0" Evemngsv TU- 44745 Special Students’ Rates Minced Beef 3 lbs9§¢ Frying Chickens lb. 39¢ ROAS'I'S Legsï¬BreusIslb49¢ CUT-UP CHICKEN GRADE A WHOLE BONELESS ROUND STEAK & HUMP BAYVIEW PLAZA @Good eatma AA? SAVING§I (Across The Street) 01' A FURNITURE HANDLED GI MODERN STORAGE 127 Birch Ave. - T RICHMOND HILL {I'Umer 4-1312 MORTGAGE SERVICE It Will Soon For Your Freezer Better Order Them Now PHONE 884-3391 W. G. SEALES LIMITED 172 CENTRE STREET E. RICHMOND HILL INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT PEAS DEPENDABLE Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill AND The Richmond Hill United Church AOTS Men’s Club are sponsoring :1 "Strawberry Fes- tival†on June 26th. It wil be held in the garden at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Angle. 38 Bedford Park Avenue. Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy their des- sert after dinner. Be Time For Across the Conti GENTLE AS A '.E WAREHOUSE Proceeds in aid of boys work. MISS JENNIFER CRACK TORONTO, ONT. EMpire 2-3450 TU. 4-7691 lh67¢