ingcralts Sale Atracts Crwd Kingcrafts biennial sale recently attracted m seeking original bargains from among the huge s by many local and outside artists. All Saints Church to more than 500 visitors to the demonstrations a Miss Violet Carrie and Miss Blair Burrows. 196 hooking competition in Montreal. . King Trustees Meet Roads, Weeds, Water On Agenda King City Village Trustees favor initiating a two- year term of office. King Township Council notified trustees in ac-l cordance with last December’s public vote favoring a two-year term for members of council, it was council’s intention to pass the necessary bylaw. Trustees of the; police villages in King were invited, at the solicitor’sI uuggestion. to consider applying the election result to; the villages. In King City. property beyond village limits. Trustee On the social calendar for ithis weekend is the giant Hay- ’market antique sale Friday and Saturday. from morning until evening. at Kingfield Farms. home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. W. Burns. Mrs. John Turnbull and Mrs.) John Addison are convening the event. with the aid of numer- ous volunteers. as a project of the King group of York Central Hospital Auxiliary. Plans are. going ahead for the new hos-| pital's opening in October. ‘ Mr. Wilbert Jennings is chairman of the annual barn dance to be held by King City Lions Club June 21 at King-1 field Farms. Sam McVannel‘s orchestra will play for the modern and old-time dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Whatley Finch and family will be moving into ' the King Street house formerly owned by Mr. and Mrs._ Walter Monkman. early in July. Dinner Party The Ladies' Auxiliary to the lst King Scout Troop conclud- ed the season‘s activities with a dinner party at the Yangtze Pagoda. After serving as president for two years. Mrs. Jack Hamilton was honored with a past presiâ€" dent's pin. Mrs. John Fox has been elected president for thea coming term. Mrs. D. C. Laiibman. ani auxiliary member leaving short- ly for Germany. was presented with a cup and saucer bearing. scouting insignia. ‘ Among those attending were ‘Mrs. John Fox. Mrs. George jArmstrong. Mrs. Donald Laing. Iers. Howard Clegg. Mrs. Wil- gOIdest 90. Youngest. :Three Months, Attend1 Agar Family Re-Union I ore than 1,000 people election of handcratts W.A. served luncheon nd sales. Pictured are 1 winner of the rug this year aiid new subsidy had to be sought. “The tender has been ac- cepted and sidewalk work will be done as soon as subsidy is approved“. Trustee Mann as- sured Mr. Sim. More Water in Well Reporting on the waterworks. Trustee Bolton said. “The well has five feet more water than .D. C. LAKE WILCOX liam 'l‘. Orr. Mrs. Verdun Gordon. Mrs. Ed. Poulin. Mrs. A. E. Bamfordp THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. June. 13. 1.083 KING CITY, OAK RIDGES “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of iii~ terest regarding people and events in the Oak RIdECS~Lake Wilcox and King City districts. William in King City is Mrs, TEmple 3-5457. and in Oak Our news correspondent .l Houston. telephone Ridges-Lake Wilcox. Mrs. Lillian Atcheson. Wildwood Ave. PR. 3â€"5479 King City Notes Church Women. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey .l. Gor- luncllcs. At the bonfire supper they were treated to baked po- Mrs Ralph Hunter. Mrs. Janiesdon and their son. Donald. haveltatoes and hamburgers. McPhce. Mrs. E. Lowe. Mrs. A. Glass. Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Dav-. id Laurin, Mrs. J. J. Gelleny,I Mrs. Laubman. Mrs. J. Couse. Mrs. Robert Walker.‘ Mrs. William Clubine. Mrs.‘ Stan Roots. Mrs. Vic Doiier.I IMrs. Eileen Wilson. Mrs.I George Adams and Mrs. El Neilson. ‘ A large congregation attend-. at Laskay United Church. Dr. Alex Forrest. former Maple resident and editor of the Observer. reminisced about the sacrifices made by forefath- ers for privileges enjoyed by the current generation. and of- ten taken for granted. I He complimented members‘ for the way they cared for their church. which was enhanced byI new beige rugs. Rev. Martin R. Jenkinson in-‘ troduced the speaker. Solos: were contributed by Alfred Barker. a former Laskay resi- dent. now a professional church soloist and student at the Royal‘ Conservatory of Music. He wast accompanied at the new elec- tric organ by Miss Helen Hun-, ter. Wing Commander and Mrs. Laubman aiid children‘ will be leaving the village July- 25 for a four-year posting inI Germany. For three years they have been living on McBride Cresâ€"I cent while the wing commander has been attending Staff Col-I lege at Armour Heights. He has been treasurer of lst King Scout Troop Group Committee and Mrs. Laubman. a member of the ladies’ auxiliary. I Their daughter. Leslie. and' son. Robert. have been students at King City Composite School. Akela Resigns After being a cubmaster for six years. Mrs. Allan E. Bam- ford has decided to tender her moved to their newly-built? house at Laskay. ' New occupants of tlieirI R.{house on King Street are Con-Ia scarlet tanager. stable and Mrs. Earle Kydd of Victoria Square. Constable Kydd is with the Bond Lake‘I detachment. O.P.P. Share Prize Money Instead of deciding would win the car offered by l 1 who ed the 59th anniversary service King (my Lions Club in itsuhe program arranged by the project of furnishing two hos-I pital rooms. holders of the last three tickets decided to share top prize money. Mrs. Allan O'Brien of King City and Dr. James Johnston of Aurora. each a ticket holder. and Mr. Hank Vanderpost and Mr. Urban Perry of Tannery Hill Farms. who shared a tick- et. agreed to divide the $2,000. Ten further prizes of $50 each were decided by every 50th ticket drawn. Mr. .Iack Law of Elizabeth Grove. King City. won his $50 for having the first ticket selected. Mr. Allan Moore of Maple. was holder of the 50th ticketz’ Sharon Simpson. Sharon Deli- by and Gloria Downing shared‘ the 100th ticket: Mrs. Stan Roots of King. the 150th: Mr. Art Armstrong of Woodbridge. 200th: Miss Audrey Thompson of Toronto. 250th: Mr. Harry Noakes of King. 300th; Mr. John Clift. King City. 350th: Mr. Vie-‘ for Defago. King City. the 400th; and Mr. Roy Lewis of Grimsby. 450th. The $50 prize to the club member selling the most tick- ets was shared by President Kenneth Sutton. Mr. John Lang- don and Mr. Allan O'Brien. Mr. Jack Walkington was chairman of the event at Gray- stones Restaurant. Aurora. as- sisted by John Langdon. Don- ald Hadwen. Ray Love. “Wib†Jennings. George Armstrong. Stan Roots. Jim Wemyss. Duties were shared by all club mem- 'heard On the wooded grounds over-IKing Cm" “(ere appomled b)‘. looking a small lake. the pic-I nickers saw Canada geese aiidI Several boysl passed earn outdoori badges. Three treasure hunts for two one-dollar bills alid a bag of 100 pennies. a lllg-Ofâ€"Wai‘.‘ games. baseball. and building the campfire were included in; tests to leaders. Mrs. A. E. Balllf01‘d.l Mr. Bert Agnew. Mr. A. E. Hin- tori. Mrs. Jack Payne. Carolyn. Lynn and Wayne Reddick. Fathers acting as chauffeurs and helping to supervise the‘ boys were Ed. Poulin. Raymondi LaFond. Arnold Bamford andi Elmer Dobson. PS. â€" The following day. four boys had measles. Visit Zoo . From the two classes in King kindergarten. 43 children had a trip by bus to Riverdale Zoo. Leaving All Saints' Church‘ at 9.30 am. and taking along packed lunches. the children returned at 3.30. They were un- der supervision of the four tea- chers. Mrs. R. O. Kersiake. Mrs. R. J. Steven. Mrs. Allen Sneath and Mrs. Tom Arlidge. and three mothers. Mrs. Fred Ball. Mrs. Jack Hamilton and Mrs.» Kenneth Atkinson. It was the first tour of the 200 for most of the children.‘ They had games and races and Mrs. Kersiake read an. animal story. I Apple juice was provided at lunch time. The outing was the‘ final one planned for the term‘ by the kindergarten mothers. loss Farquliar moved. “Whereas the electors of the Township of King have voted iii favor of a two- ycar term of office for el- ected officials. therefore be it resolved "I"! "-e trustees of the Police Vil- township people to plow a fire break. Ratepayer Jack Parsons ask- ed trustees to recommend to township council a bylaw reâ€"I quiring that fields be pinned 10 feet from the fence line. Trustee Farquliar pointed out couldn't for c c this time last year. It's in good .shape as long as we use it prop- }erly." v Mrs. Paul asked. “Who goof- ed‘l" about the village's delay in obtaining the third well site. “I don't care who goofed. We‘ aren't held up yetâ€. the chair- man told her. More than 120 people. whose mutual bond is the family name of Agar. held their annual re- union at Nobleton Park. The celebration. which has been continuing about 30 years. drew relatives from many towns and villages. Mr. Joseph resignation. For the past five years she' has been Akela of Seeonee Pack' in King City and the previous year was a cubmaster in Rich- mond Hill. She was presented with a wooden cub plaque and a pen and stand set. inscribed with There is only one WELCOME bers. The chairman will be presenting his report on the draw at next week’s Lions‘ dinner meeting in King City United Church. It is expected more than the annual commitment of Inge of King City concur in the belief that this elec- tion applies also to the Police Village of King City Mrs. Greg. Paul questioned. would like to know why. chasing trustees around “I after for years. one trip to township 3?,“ $3133, thgzcztfï¬gï¬;z had Olff‘ roads I‘ePaired in “WI Mr. Bolton reviewed his- were races. games and baseball, Mrs Bamford’s fina] Pam- Trustee John Mann sec_ “’eeks- tory. of the past few years‘ followed by a picnic supper. cipation in scouting actwitigs ended the motion. “Strictly coincidental". re- Efforts to locate a new This years preSident, Mr. will be taking up to Scouts this plied Chairman Bolton. He source of Water and said. Aubrey Campbell. was succeed- autumn about 10 Cubs she has A letter from council ex- and Trustee Mann explain- “We relinquished rights ed by Mr. Stewart Rutherford trained. plaiiied. “Section 54 of the ed what mad work had been mainly because we felt we of Bolton. Miss Laura Agar of Mrs. Jack Payne of King Schools Administration Act done in the past and how they didn’t want another well NashVille was named seeretary- City has been invested as 3 makes it compulsory that the considered 50 per cent subsi- school board members in the dies necessary to ï¬nance im. achoo] area be elected for I movements. “mistake†payers money. Agar. a retired farmer. came the greatest distance. from Cal- gar.“ During the afternoon there Mrs. Paul said she cared, the was costing rate- treasurer. Mrs. Robert Agar of Klein- burg, at 90 was the eldest re- in that location.†He agreed there was human error. “We didn’t two~year term." , , know it would be so diffi- presentative and a three- When questioned by last mange; 13$:er silgen“$: cult to get water else- months’ baby the youngest. year's trustee. James Sim, chinery is available and could where." From King City. Rev. and Mrs. Trustees John Mann and Ross be ï¬tted into the township Earquhar said they had “0t de' schedule. “Machinery is free cided about a replacement but labor and flu are‘fln he when Chairman Ronald Bolton said‘ ’ is transferred to Montreal July Mrs_ Paul contended nothing 1‘ had been done since 1956 ex- cept grading and she produced snapshots taken three years later of cars in the ditch in front of her house. The chairman promised the Iroads would be repaired and “We didn‘t know until now when he would be going". said Trustee Mann. Weeds “Fire Hazard" Roads and weeds were tlieI main problems of eight Heri- Gordon K. Agar and Mr. and Mrs. 'Aubrey Campbell attend- ed. Arrangements for next Mrs. Paul asked if water would be permissible for wading pools. Mr. Bolton said, “Possibly wading, but not swimming pools". He added wading pools were “not yet allowed". The chairman estimated $1,000 a year saving by re- organization of the office staff. He said no bylaw change was required by Mr. G. T. Thomp-. executive. year’s reunion were left to the.- her years of service. On be- half of the Cubs. the presenta- tion wasnnade by the senior sixer. Jeffrey Poulin. cubmaster and Miss Carolyn Lynn. as assistant cubmaster. Both have been helping with cub activities in the past sea- son. Miss Lynn is the daughâ€" ter of Mr. Fred Lynn of Oaki Ridges, leader of the Rovers. Mrs. Ewart Patton. social convenor. is in charge of ar- -tested their energy endurance. $1,600 will be cleared to furnish a room in York County Hospital and in the new York Central Hospital at Richmond Hill. Scouting Picnic ‘ Scout and Cub activities con-I eluded Saturday with the Sum-1 mit District family picnic rally; at Thornhill Park. ‘ Before packing away uniforms. for summer, King City's two‘: Cub Packs had an outing that†won't be forgotten in a hurry. : From 9 a.m. until 9 p.m.. 61 . lads in Seeonee and A Packs; on a 300-acre farm on the eighth concession. rangements for the annual strawberry supper being held Oak Ridges, Lake Wilcox Caps and scarves were worn with regular hiking clothing .0...0......OODOOOOOOOIOCCOOOO... WAGON 30 years of experience fostering good will in Rising: and community i e. For information on Welcome Wagon. phone. _ TU. 4-2951' tage Park ratepayers attending explained. “We can‘t do much son taking over hydro duties as Guides And Brownies News 3 and badges were given to thePersonals trustees‘ meeting in the village office. Weeds growing beside theirâ€.o subdivision were termed a fire hazard to children taking a short cut to school. Trustee Ross Farquliar said the land was outside the vill until it dries Out-y. he had been hired originally Trustee Mann produced lllPIas secl‘etary_manager of V“- ad budget he had signed lage and utilities_ I three months earlier which I . ' . Trustee Mann reported the I . proposed repa†to one seam“ farmer plowing the field at the I356 {Sgrggglgfliï¬u"Egnémivgiï¬i east end of Elizabeth Grove had ageIbefore you ever \T'ent to town-lagreed to scrape mud Off “res and no bylaw covers weeds uii- ship" he said before “Sing the DaVPâ€"d I‘Oadu ' . . I n - A t ' s iï¬ii.dan.§°it.‘3;."n2°§§fit§ew$§.agg“;.f§"}..g°igҤg its: to ask Fire Chief David Glass' 8 can “ u 'Idumping tin cans in the field. I ing taxes for veal“ “ ~ith -. . to request land Owners ‘0 CO‘ "ettiiig anything :CCOIIIPLIZIIE‘SEHd MR Mann operate by cumng weeds 0,“de Mr. Parsons asked if rate-j _..__.__. - _ _ payers were required to keep} I The Charm“ fen the SUbdl' sidewalks cleared in winter. ‘vidcr had done more than was King Architect Planner For New; Township “Citym required in earlier agreenientsdgge‘n1:25;; n2! tailgahgjad Former Trustee Robert Ber- wick said he would like to point out “there are still side-‘ walks in the village not fit to shovel". He wanted to know if further black-topping of side- Ratepayer Ted Munroe queried why $5.000 should be invested In paving Pat- ton Street. “when the rest of the village is in such bad shape". I Tms‘ee Boltonnoted the walks was planned for this . street is heavily travelled 3'93“: . I and it was a start on a pa“ , Chairman Bolton replied ap- Core of the new "cm-H for. ing program to improve provals hadn't been received Toronto Township announcedt part of me village each 3'01: major construction would by S. B. McLaughlin Associates‘ come first. "I don't think we've! Enrolment was held for First‘following guides by the Guide; Birthday wishes to Mrs. Oak Ridges Girl Guides. June.Commissioner. Mrs. June Cart-.Muriel LaBelle and to Glen ___â€"__'â€"_'“Iner. Susan Towers. Brenda;Wright who was four years old IMcCombe. Reneka Slykhuis.'May 31 and to Mr. and Mrs. 27 g'Joanne Hall. Linda Cochrane.lCharles Ransom, Benson Ave., ‘Barbara Haanpaa all received‘who celebrated their anniver- . . _ Ipins. Special guests were Mrslsary on the same day. Mary Smith and Mrs. K. Tow- ers and Mrs. June Cartner who M“ and Mrs: R- F: Be†andl was guest of honour for her Children. JOIm. George andI - birthday. which was the sameIBarbarav recently 0f Elm day. Lunch was provided by Grove Ave.. . have moved toI the guides and their leadersXRIChmon‘l H1†and Mr' and _ ‘ The mne_week home nursin Mrs. Wm. Robinson and family Twenty-seven King City pub-'course taken by the 031% have moved to Wildwood Ave.. lic school youngsters took part Ridges Guides is now over ‘from Rosemary Ave. in the second roadeo sponsored ' b. I , , . ï¬end those receiving certifi- Mrs. Rita sleler has been 5. he lels Club at Km° 03198 “’91‘9 Lillda and Selbyyselected as handicrafts con- City CompoSlte SChOOl- Ash. Susan Broad. Valerie venof for the oak Ridges- .BeS‘deS “"1â€: the" roadeo.Cal‘8.V. Sandra Spence. Linda Lake Wilcox branch of the bledeS thoroughly Cheek“ byland Susan Towers. Ruth Cross-'York Central Hospital Auxili- Constable .John Hughes andlman. Jennifer Hopkins. Brenda am. the column“: the gll'ls andiMcCombe. Reneka Siykhuis. Sympathy is extended to Mr. boys vied for Domts gm three Joanne Hall. Linda Cochrane.wi1iiam Home, Oak Ridges on (foml’emilonsi 9'19 bike “'35 Barbara Haaiipaa. Shelley the loss of his mother. who was Judged ‘unsafe . I McConnell. Sheena McLernon.‘m her 100â€: year. Pl'lzes; “'thh We†blCYCIeICarol Orton and Guide Leader.. Lake Wilcox euchre club accessories. were given to eighthwia Findiesem enjoyed its first outside euchre contestants.~ Lorna Houston“ Oak Ridges Guidps m†“.md Wednesday at the home of‘ agam “on girls ï¬rst pnze mm up their season with a fisliirig‘Mrs. Muriel LaBelle. Wildwood I 'ear. Ltd. last week is being ticsign- 3 Trustee Mann added discussed what form of side- ed by Denis Bowman of King, "we-d like to see anmads‘ Iialk maintenance there will Plans for the new centre call. in first class shape if the Ibeâ€. he said. for. a regional shopping centre; program is carried (‘mu ‘ .\lr. Sim wanted to know how office suites. a convention lio-‘ ' 1much increased revenue was tel. aiid recreation complex Mr. Sim claimed. "Dew being produced by increased surrounded by multiple liousing‘SIl‘eCl is a cowpatii and a dis-‘waterworks billing. T units arid tall apartment blocksfgrace to the whole town. Trusl Trustees informed him the S. B. McLaughlin Associates tees can‘t keep turning backs books were in the hands of the Ltd. mm 1.000 acres at the to that problem“. auditor but figures could be strategic junction of Buriiliam-. Mr. Bolton said. “Our hopes obtained by the next meeting. ‘ tlioi-pe Road and the No loewere land to the east would be Mr. Siiii was concerned; highway and will face the Ill-‘dCVCIODQCI aiid the owner re- “When we get the new \vell. ture Toronto-Hamilton express- sponsibie for Dew Street. Dcw going we won't know the re- way 403. {and King Blvd. are not assum- venue." The $200 million project is'cd and I don't feel we should .\II'. Bolton explained a de- eiivisaged as the core of thelspend from other people's benture would cover all costs eventual amalgamation of PortIpockets". and would be divided Over ac- Credit. 7 Toronto 'l‘ownshipl Mr. Siln asked when any new'couiits. SU’QELSVIIIQ aiid Brampton to street lights would be installed Mr. Sim felt trustees should form Metropolitan Peel. and was told by Trustee Mann consider a sufficient rate to' Denis Bowman has beenliglitilig would be done this provide a reserve for emergen- working on this project as ar- year. t-ie: chitect-planner for the past two Trustees explained the sub- Trustee Bolton replied there years. His studio is located at sidy approved last year for were differing views. “Some King-Summit and his office is.sidewalk work on east King people wouldn’t want to defray In Brampton. [Street did not hold Oicr UnlII‘GXPCIISCS for future users." I 97 pmms' Terry smolle‘ placer} arty at the lake on the prop- Ave. Winners were Mrs. EVa': . v , .. p -. I second. \lend) Bennett. tliiid. of Mr. and Mrs. S‘ 0 “runs and Mrs Bet he“ Lone. and Diane Hurley mum“ SN?" 1' f G1 I I F ‘ hands rize was won by Mrs With 98 points. Mark Brown nne ‘\ 0 en one ‘V alms' ‘ p ' ‘ r thv \Va'ne and booby led the boys. John Cooke came Baseball 113122: {N Mrs). Gladys Brown. second: Richard Dawson. third.’ Brockron Bulldozepg spon-Better 'luck was enjoyed by and Jeff Poulin. fourth. sored by Alec Brockton. Wild- Gladv Brown and her daughter. All the children received wood Ave.. are now in full Jane} White at the bingo tlief plastic safety streamers to at- swing with home games being night before held at the Legion‘ tacli to handlebars. played Tuesday nights at King in oak Ridges, when Mrs.‘ Lions Club roadeo chairman City at 8 pm. Luider lights..1aner White won the jackpot. Ross Farquhar told "The Lib-‘Last week they played at Mother and daughter were! eral" he hoped the event would Mount Albert Wednesday night Sharing on their winnings, I be repeated next year. a little against the Newmarket Plaza It is nice to see Mr, Walter! earlier in the season. Merchants aiid lost out by a Webb home again after hi..' He was assisted by Lions 2-1 score. They are entered in V8,... 10mg stav in hospital. andl John Louglii‘an. G. T. Tiiomp- the York-Simcoe league and I'm. sure Mrs. Webb andl son. Jack Parsons. Jim Weinyss. there are five teams in compe- family are glad to have him Allan O'Brien. Ed. Poulin and tiiion. Players on this team home again. Stan Kerr .‘from this district are Dick The home and school astweeney' Don )chnlan. Glen IIIIIIIlIlllllllllllllttlllltlInIllllIIIlttIIIIllIIIIIItItIIIllIIIIIIIIItIIltIIIIIIIII sociation contributed toward Wright. Dennis Needliam. SELLING YOUR HOME? prizes and four members. .\Irs.fRed' Trainer arid Ross DeGeer. Charles Ormsby. Mrs. John. Games this week are June For Fast Results. Consult ‘ Jenkins aiid Mr. and Mrs. H. 11 at King and tonight. Thurs- The Real Estate Brokers C. Smollet were on hand to 35-day the Bulldozers will play at listed in “The Liberal†. sist bicycle tests. ‘Markham. . every Thursday HOW MUCH YOU MAY SAVE ON YOUR CAR INSURANCE WITH STATE FARM! James Grainger 130 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill. Ontario TL'. 4-1529 State Farm Insurance Companies Canadian Head Office. Toronto. Ont. King's Recreation Council Hold First-Ever Field Day On June l5 Hundreds of children and adults will converge upon King (‘in Composite School Saturâ€" dsz <Illllt’ 15. for the first event excr sponsored by King Town- ship‘s llt‘\\' recreation council. All that 1.\‘ needed now is good weather so that girls aiid boys. \\I10 have been practising eiitliiisiasticaily for days. may participate in the big field day. Entrants from 17 public aiid separate seliools throughout King Township are expected to Heasiip. Mrs. Gordon June 25 by King City Unitedland the boys took along packed take pa†in “1" ma“ "Wk and field competitions. Mr. Kenneth Brown of Noblcton aiid Mr. Gordon Orr. the recreation council. now in its second year. to work with tea dai They are hopeful many parents and friends will come along to encourage and cheer the young ath- lctcs. The program is schedul- ed to get under way at 10 am. and is expected to be completed before 4 pm. Members of King City Women’s Institute will cliers in planning the field' 13 staff a refreshment booth outside the school. Two age groups will he vying for sports honors the juniors. 12 years and under. and the seniors. 13 to 15 years. Competitions are di\idcti iII« 3to three sections. Group .\ t»: lftll‘ schools of five or more rooms; group B for 2. 3 and 4 ‘roomed schools. Group (‘ com- prises one-roomcd schools. Groups :\ and B are limited to entering three events. \iniIP group C youngsters may (‘llll‘l‘ Iup to four events. Variety of tests will include 60 and IOU-yard sprints: 220 and 440 yard relays: liigli jumps: standing broad jumps; ; running broad jumps; hop. istep aiid jump. aiid a Iinlf~liiilc open race for boys. Individual winners will reâ€" ceive colored ribbons. Six ISCIIOOI trophies will be pl‘t‘>t‘lll~ ed. two for each school group making the best showing. Lions from four King clubs. Scliomberg. Noblcton. ()IIk Ridges and King City will be assisting. BODY Expert Auto Body Collisi FREE ESTIMATES - C. M. LESLIE MOTOR PRODUCTS LTD. M. Dealer G. SHOP on Repairs and Repaintiilg G M A C FINANCING TE. 3-5301 " ALL’S D OIVIES x“: goxxtgsmvu V- ‘\- ~sz v m FUEL 0le AND BURNER SERVICE TU. 4 - 436i RICHMOND HILL TV AN R.E.T.A 'I' no II B I. E ? CALI BA. I - 0485 . MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE If your weekly food bill is now: $30..... 210 Markham Rd. FOR THE BEST TASTING FOOD YOU EVER ‘THAW’ - - Town & Country’s food-and-freezer plan assures you top-quality nameâ€"brand foods at lowest prices your family ever enjoyed. $20 . . . . . . $13.40 $25 . . . o... . $14.65 .. . .... $18.00 $35-$40 . . . $20.00 PHONE COLLECT TOWN & COUNTRY FOOD PLAN AV. 5-5401 â€" AV. 5-5402 â€"-â€" WA. 4-0997 Under our plan it; will be only: ESTAB. 1950 - - RICHMOND HILL NIOâ€"OR W TAKING IT SLO HOLIDAYING IS FUN IN ONTARIO Peiax in refreshing Ontario. You‘ll enjoy the magnificent variety oi good beaches. shimmering lakes and resorts to sent every taste. And for the excdement of city vacations. Ontario's ime cues otter entertainment and Interest to all visitors. Start plan- ning your Ontario vacation now. I ' SEND FOR 40 PAGE. FULL COLOUR FR E E . BOOKLET. ROAD MAP, ETC. I I'__ ~ I" l ONTARIO TRAVEL DEPARTMENT 2m I I PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO 2, ONTARIO : I NAM | I l l ADDRESS : I CITY PROV I l ONTARIO DEPARTMENT or TRAVEL AND PUBLICITY , I Hon. Bryan L. Cathoart. MInister _ |