Thornhill Secondary SChOOI’S "kiCk lineâ€, a portion of which is shown above, will be per- forming at games and school events next year. Organized and trained by Marilyn Kantor, a fellow student who is with the Canadian National Exhibition Canadettes, the girls, thirty in number, made their first appearance at this year’s Health’s A’ Poppin show at the school. From (left to right) are shown: back row, Christine Clark, Foskea Purdy, Daphne Arm- strong, Mary Manninen, Carol Gaetz, Linda Harvey, Marg Doogan, Christine Terry, Diana Reid; front row, Lynette Wilson, Nancy Rivers, Cathy Tompkins, Joan Every, Susan Ball, Dil-ys Dowk- er. (Photo by Barbour) Thornhlll Secondary School the group was formed this year has studied classical ballet with August will practice the now has the distinction of be- for the annual Health's A' Pop- Mrs_ D, Vorps of Toronto for tines for eight hours ing the only high school in the pin revue. Some 80 girls from the past eight years. For the then spend the next two area with its own “kick line". grades 9 to 11, turned up for past five years she has been a performing while the e , . i.†smug“- .....: “flan-"uh had enhnlnrchin mmil and fnr the ion is in progress. Miss Credit Union Chosen At Dance From 12 Finalists my... ...... __, a group of dancers who will perform at games and school events next year. “Srg‘aéi‘kéd 13y the drive and enthusiasm of Marilyn Kantor, Judy Welch. former Miss To- ronto. and the Hon. Charles S. MacNaughton, Minister of} Highways, will join with Mr.‘ A. T. C. McNab. Deputy Min- ister, and Mrs. Shirley Ackland, to, act as judges in the prov- incial civil servants North York Efeéit Union’s annual competi- tion to choose their Miss Credit Union. Thé'l2 semi-finalists are all employees of the Department of Highways. Judging will be held during a dance sponsored by the Civil Service Association, to be held in the Casa Loma at 8 p.m., Friday. June 14. Pretty Thornhillettes Are Talented Dancers Who has graduated with her B.Sc.N. Degree from the Uni- versity of Toronto School of Nursing. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hill of Gormley. Miss Hill is a gradu- ate of Richmond Hill High School and is pursuing her career at Mount Sinai Hospital. County Plans, Problems Hashed Out In Sessions York County Council Tuesday suggested future discussions of county fin~ ancing of high schools through area boards. Meéting in the county offices in Newmarket Tues~ day, Wednesday and Thurs- day, the Council under Warden Clarence Davis considered a number of plans and problems in the area. On Wednesday, reports and \discussion \ver made on property, welfare, as- sessment. police and admi- nistration. A special meet- ing on welfare will be held June 27. Elizabeth (Betty) S. Hill SEE THE Rose Queen CROWNED AT Thomhill Secondary School’s forming at games and school even student who is with the Canadian made their _fix:st appearance at t] Graduates the group was formed this year for the annual Health's A' Pop- pin revue. Some 80 girls from grades 9 to 11, turned up for the auditions and Marilyn had the onerous task of whittlinz the group down to 30 who were very well received at Health’sl A' Poppin. Next year Marilyn‘ expects to Whittle the group down to about 15. start train- ing them early in September and whip them into shape for some of the games in the fall.‘ She is planning a senior and junior “kick line" with differ- ent( routines for each. Marilyn, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander C. Kantor of 248 Arnold Avenue, WILLOWDALE : The 1963 water safety show was held June 7 at North York Memor- ial Pool. The program includ- ed swimmers from eight pools throughout the township. lst RH. Brownie Pack One hundred percent attend-l ance marked the final meeting for the season of the lst Rich- mond Hill Brownie Pack â€"- held in Wrixon Hall under the direction of Brown Owl Mrs. Lillian Todd and Tawny Owl Miss Annette Ostergaard. Activities of the past year were reviewed, and the follow- ing awards were presented by Area Commissioner Mrs. R, D. Douglas-Crampton. Brownies honoured were: for Golden Bar, Dawn Borden, Yvonne Lewis, Marie Kendall, Sharon Ransom, Eileen Web- ster, Dianne Fear, Alison Os- preay. Golden Hand, Barbara Wilkinson, Anne Cowley. Toymaker badges were pres- ented to Barbara Wilkinson, Anne Cowley: writer’s badge to Barbara Wilkinson; skater’s badge to Lorain Barker. Ruth Francis: swimmer‘s badge to Anne Cowley. A number of Brownies were presented with their first. second and third year service stars. Tea. coffee and cookies were served by the Brownies. 13th Brownie Pack The success of the 13th eight packs dressed in nation- Brownie Pack‘s annual bazaar al costumes of the country they on Saturday afternoon last was‘represent. to take part in the reflected in many ways. Thelgames. The “Fairy Ring†will public was happy at the valueialso be enacted. received â€" “The Brownie’sl In the hall, the handicraft Table" was completely sold out‘show will exhibit five classes in several hours, together with of skilled work by the Brown- practically all items sold by ies, to which an open invitation closing time. is issued to the public to at- \ Sufficient funds were realizâ€"Itend. There is no admission ed by the 13th to enable them-charge. Our Work Consists 0f Steelwork. Welding, Trailers, Horse Trailers. Hitches And Miscellaneous Iron Work. Portable Equipment. BILL ASSlNCK, Manager. HAVE MOVED To A New Location On The 3rd Con- cession Of Leslie St. Between Hwy. No. 7 And 16th Avenue BILBILT LIMITED Formerly Bill Assinck Welding Service 0f Robinson St. Markham RflSE QUEEN BALI. NOTICE GUIDE AND BROWNIE NOTES has studied classical ballet with‘ Mrs. D. Vorps of Toronto forthe past eight years. For the past five years she has been a scholarship pupil and for the past two years has taught class- es at Mrs. Vorps‘ studio part time, while herself attending high school. A. .... ‘ _._c,,, Last year Marilyn auditioned and was given a place in the chorus line at the grand stand show at the exhibition with the Canadettes and because of her interest in this work, began‘ studying jazz dancing with Alan and Blanche Lund. She‘ has been taking lessons with ‘the Lunds once or twice a week all year. The 1963 edition of the annual “Brownie Revels" prom- ises to be the best ever. Next Saturday afternoon, June 15th, at the Lions Hall. from one to four o'clock â€" 200 Brownies from the eight packs in Rich- mond Hill East area will be ‘taking part. This year Marilyn has again obtained a place with the Can- adettes, as has Carole Martin, a member of the Thornhillettes. The girls will start at the ex- hibition at the end of July and for the first three weeks in to carry out their plans during} the summer and into 1964, for which the leaders are extremely grateful to the public who at- tended, and to the Brownies and their mothers for their whole-hearted efforts. Special credit is due to the‘ organizer, Brown Owl Mrs. Josie Fleming, Tawny Owl Mrs. Vera Smart and Packie Donna Bridges. also to three mothers, Mrs. A. Bagg, Mrs. T. Bull. Mrs. A. McPherson and Guides Gloria and Patty-Anne Smart, Cheryl Edwards. Leonore and Donna Fleming. Brownie Revels The salute at the march past will be taken by Division Com- missioner Mrs; P. D. McTaE- gart-Cowan. The outdoor exer- cises should prove interesting and colourful, as the theme is international, with each of the eight packs dressed in nation- al costumes of the country they represent. to take part in the games. The “Fairy Ring†will also be enacted. August will practice their rou- tines for eight hours a day, then spend the next two weeks performing while the exhibit- ion is in progress. Marilyn has been a member†of the Canadian Junior Ballet‘ Company since its inception some five years ago and takes dancing lessons all winter, usu-‘ ally five times a week. She is looking forward to a career in dancing. Certainly she seems to have the stamina, endurance and enthusiasm required for this work, and we wish her all the best. Stouffville Teachers Agreeable To Salaries Stouffville teachers, after re- fusing the school board’s final salary offers for several months, agreed to their terms. At a public school board meeting last week, the mini- mum teachers’ salary was rais- ed from $3,100 to $3,200 and the maximum from $5,500 to $5.600. The four salary categories to be paid starting next Septem-l her which are according to ex- perience and qualifications will be $3,200, $3,600, $4,000 and $4,500. The board also granted an increase in the annual incre- ment from $200 to $300 begin- ning at the end of the first‘ year, Until now the increment has not been paid until the end of the second year. An a1- lowance of $250 a year will also be paid to the staff admin- istrative advisor. Fuel Oil Burner Service Doug. Chalmers Don Andrews Phone AL. 7-1551 TU. 4-1879 . FREE BURNER SERVICE BUDGET TERMS 24 HR. SERVICE AUTOMATIC DELIVERY YOUR LOCAL ESSO TEAM “Always Look To Imperial For The LIMITED. CORNER YONGE ST. & LEVENDALE RD. All For The Price Of The Oil Minor Repairs Soft Set Finishing Soft Set Finishing 8 Hour Service All At No Extra Charge Richmond Hill For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery Call TU. 4-4411 Best†A Stouffviile pastor took a swing from the pulpit at young people “going steady†in the community. Baptist minister Rev. Gordon T. Gooderham, in a June ser- ies of Sunday evening sermons on the theme of love and mar- riage said young couples stea- dy date with no thought of marriage but with all its ad- vantages. l He pointed out that contrary to newspaper reports, majority of teenagers were clean and wholesome but he noted that in 1961, out of 40,000 births in Metro, 4.1 per cent were to un- wed mothers. “I have seen. read and heard Lh‘nn‘a that male: ma ulnnn fru- Robert Graham. 16. 0f Mark- ed guilty to driving while susâ€"l ham, was given a suspended‘ sentence in Richmond Hill Magistrate‘s Court Tuesday after he told court he was de- fending a member of his fam- ily. Graham, a student, pleaded guilty to smashing a rear car window with a tire wrench in Markham Village. Car was owned by Frank Raymer and driven by his son Barry, who had apparently in- sulted Graham's sister. Graham admitted to police he had broken the window. Damage was about $5. pended. Ariganello was arrested May 12 when he was found sleeping in the front seat of a car in Markham and told to drive on. Court was told the youth had been given a three-year licence suspension in June, 1962. fol- lowing a criminal negligence charge. Magistrate Hollinrake said, “certain people have shown they are unfit to drive and are removed from the highway. The general effect is protection of other people. Here is a young man whose record con- He pointed out that contrary to newspaper reports, majority of teenagers were clean and wholesome but he noted that in 1961, out of 40,000 births in Metro, 4.1 per cent were to un- wed mothers. “I have seen. read and heard things that make me weep for the young 'people in Stouff- ville." he said. He said many were "kids"‘ with top grades in high school.‘ “They allow their emotions and passions to rule their life for one hour and spend a lifetime in regret." nl“mm\mu\nmm“mu\\\m\\\u\\\m\m\\\numnmmmnmnmw The pastor noted that one of the reasons for steady dating was that everyone else was do- ing it. He said he was not op- posed to steady dating for young people prior to engage- ments and marriage but he was opposed to the practice for the sake of social convenience. York Presbytery tu.c.w. Holds Lunch Meeting Pastor Opposed ] To Steady Dating As “Convenience†Executive of York Presby- terial UCW met recently for 3 luncheon at Ashworth United Church With 45 present. Mrs. D. Booth of Kettleby led the worship service using the theme “A More Excellent Way" and Psalm 127 as a re- ference. Mrs. G. N. Fish of Aurora reported the leadership and development committee had re- organized the four districts un- der Mrs. S. Jones, Uxbridge, Mrs. N. Shillinglaw, Mount A1- bert, Mrs. L. Montgomery. Ux- bridge and Mrs. J. Pollard. Richmond Hill. It was decided to hold a workshop in the fall in each of the districts under its vice-president and a commit- tee composed of Mrs. A. J. Gardhouse, Mrs. D. Booth and Mrs. W. J. Roddick. Linen Shower There was a shower of linen gifts received for the seven apartments in Toronto used by missionaries at home on fur~ lough. 'freasurer Mrs. G. Todd of Pickering reported $6,674 as re- ceipts to June 1. Mrs. Gardhouse reported on the skillshop conference on audio and visual aids held in Orillia. Next executive meeting is September 10 in Maple United Church. BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOLâ€"TUESDAY, JUNE l8thâ€"8z30 PM. Dance to Phil Barnes 8. His Novatones â€" Adults $3.00 Couple; Students $1.00 Couple Sponsored by Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce. Proceeds to R. H. Hospital Auxiliary Magistrate Rewards‘ Coming Events BINGO every Wednesday even-(JUNE 19, Wednesday. Teston I . ing at 7.45 pm. at the Canadian; Strawberry festival. salad Legion Branch 375, Carrvillegplate and strawberries supper er S ry iRoad. tfc48iserved 5 to 8 pm. Adults $1.50 * I! it :0: Echildren 75 cents. cZw49 Ernest J. Burns, charged with impaired driving and illegal possession of liquor was re- manded to July 2 at the re- quest of his lawyer. Thomas Lavoie, 27, a main- tenance foreman charged with driving without due care and attention May 19 in Markham was fined $75 and $19.50 costs or 10 days after he pleaded guilty. Crown witness Raymond Nokes said he was driving south on Kennedy Road when he was struck from behind by a car which passed him at a great rate of speed. Lavoie was also given a 60 day licence suspension. Charges of impaired driving and failing to remain at the scene of an accident were withdrawn. John Frederick Reid was fined $10 and costs for illegal consumption of alcohol on Markham Road. north of Steeles Avenue, April 5. Magistrate Hollinrake gave a minimum 30 days in jail to Mario Ariganello, Shaw Street, Toronto, after the youth plead- Ross Potts of Toronto, pleaded guilty to illegal possession of alcohol in Markham May 20. A constable said he found two pints of beer tucked under the driver’s seat. “Keeps them from rat- tling around. I suppose,†grinned Magistrate 0. S. Hollinrake as he fined Potts $10 and costs. WING -T-BO'NE SIRLO‘IN LUCAS BRAND Cake Mixes 2 pkgs. 79¢ ROSE SWEET MIXED CRISCO 21 Mus-69¢ PICKLES PURE VEGETABLE SHORTENING DUNCAN HINES’ MITCHELL’S FANCY N0. 1 HOT HOUSE Green Beans lb. 19¢ FLORIDA 29 Yonge St. ONTARIO FRESH STRAWBERRIES AREIVJNG DAILY APPLESAESCE 2, 20 0~Z.TINS 39¢ WIENERS 2’ Lb. Pkg. )iNE _ Magistrate Hollinrake said,‘ceeds for Building Fund. Ad- “cel‘tain people have shown UJtS $31-50. Child“!!! (12 and they are unfit to drive and are under) 750- c5w46 removed from the highway_ V * * * * The general effect is protection JUNE 15. Saturday. St. Mary's of other people. Here is a GirIS' Auxiliary Annual Tea young man whose record con- and Bake Sale. 2.30 -’4.30. stitutes a menace to society." Wrixton Hall-A c1w50 Marcel Le Blanc. Richmond Hill and Barry Dyson. no fixed address, was remanded for sen- tence after conviction on a theft charge in Buttonville three weeks ago. James Leonard Ryder pleaded not guilty to driv- ing while his licence was suspended May 18 on Don Mills Road. He was convic- ted and fined $100 or 15 days in jail and elected to serve the jail term. For Fast Results, Consult The Real Estate Brokers listed in “The Liberal" every Thursday SELLING YOUR HOME? OPEN 7:00 A.M. TO 10:00 PM 16 oz. jar Call In At and pick up your handy oiler gift. LUBRICATION, WASHING, ETC. RADIO DISPATCHED TOWING FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY PHONE LB. 29¢ THE LIBERAL, Richmond HiILVOntario, Thursday. June 13.71963 jar 29¢ Your B-A Service StatiOn BAYVIEW PLAZA JUNE 14. Friday. 7.30 pm. at a: ,y i * Richmond Hill High School. JUNE 21‘ FRIDAY - 3-30 pm‘ Piano recital by the pupils of King City Lion‘s Club \annual Estelle Markham A-R‘C-T- barn dance at Kingfield Farms, Guest artists, Joan Hall, voc- 11/4 miles east and 1% miles alist and Janis Goodman of south of King City. Modern' Dennis Moore th001 of Danc- and old-time dancing to Sam ing. c1w50 McVannel‘s orchestra. Couples " "‘ * * $1.50. Singles. $1. c2w49 JUNE 15 â€" Saturday, 5-8 pm. Smorgasbord Supper, Victoria Square Community Hall. Pro- JUNE 16, Sunday. Teston} United Church S.S. anniver- sary services 11.30 am. Rev M. R. Jenkinson, B.A., B.D. Music. Teston Sunday school choir 7.30 pm. Rev. J. A. H. Hodg- son, court chaplain‘ Music King City United Church choir. JUNE 15. Saturday. St. Mary's Girls‘ Auxiliary Annual Tea and Bake Sale. 2.30 - 4.30. Wrixton Hall. c1w50 JUNE 19. Wednesday, 7.30 pm. Richmond Hill High School gym. “Wild Animals Of Tan- ganyika", a film by the Ontario Humane Education Society. Door prizes. Children 20c. Adults 35c. clw50 JUNE 19. Wednesday, 7.30 pm. PALMER'S Iris and Delphinlum Richmond Hill High School Gardens near King will be at gym. “Wild Animals 0f Tan- their full bloom this week and ganyika“. a film by the Ontario next. Take King sideroad at Humane Education Society. Oakridges 1% miles and just Door prizes. Children 20c, turn south (Bathurst St.) .See Adults 35c. clwsolthis rainbow of colour with t It It * many of the latest introduc- JUNE 19, Wednesday, 12 noon, tions. 02w50 Kingcrafts annual picnic lunchl at “West Winds,†home of Mrs.; Gage Love. Gone. 7, King. Y o R K Coffee provided, sale of crafts. BEEF lb. 39c Tomatoe5228tins49¢ NABISCO AYLMER CHOICE QUEEN ROYAL SLICED Peaches 2 ISoz-tins 37¢ CALIFORNIA SALMON FLESH lEAN MINCED JUICE 48 oz. TIN 35¢ Shredded Wheat 2 1201. PKGS. 43¢ Del Monte Pineapple and Grapefruit Richmond Hill Cantaloupes Jumbo Size 19¢ c2w49 JUNE 25 â€" Tuesday, 5 to 8_ pm. King City United Church Strawberry Supper. Tickets: adults $1.50, children 75c. “Everyone welcome". c1w50 nesday. Strawberry Festival at 38 Bedford Park Ave. sponsor- ed by Richmond Hill A.O.T.S. Men's Club. Adults 75c. child- ren 35c. *2w50 JUNE 26. Wednesday. Carr ville Strawberry Festival held in Church hall. Salad plate and strawberries and ice cream. Served 5 to 8 pm. Adults $1.50 Children 75 cents. JUNE 26. 6 - 8.30 p.m. Wed- DRIVING SCHOOL AUTOMATIC ~ STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN Dual Controlled Fully Insured Govt. Licensed Free Home Pick-up Anywhere - Anytime PA. 7-6411 Richmond Hill Customers Call Operator and Ask For “Aurora Driving School" “Be Taught To Drive The Safe Easy Way" ZENITH 3-1730 (No T011 Charges) c2w50