Mrs. C. Jordan, Morgan Ave., was hostess at a welcome-to- Canada shower for Mrs. Ne- velle LePage from the Channel Islands. The party attended by 15-20 guests was held June 7 at Mrs. Jordan's home. Mrs. LePage received many lovely gifts for her new home in Don- caster. Correspondent David Barbour Henderson Ave. Phone AV. 5-5205 Mr. Gordon Clow, 57 Clarke Ave.. who has spent 80 days in Toronto General Hospital is progressing slowly but surely and is hoping to be discharged early next week. Phillip Blundell, Sprucewood Dr., celebrated his fourth birth- day June 7. Lynda MacKenzie of Clarke Ave., celebrated her third birthday June 9. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Barbour, 140 Henderson Ave. with daughters Jacky and Dianne journeyed to Hamilton to cele- brate‘ Mrs. Barbour's mother's birthday and wish her bon voy- age before she leaves on a trip to England. Gormley Area Mr. George Brand Markham Area Mrs. O. S. Stalter Unlonville Area Mrs. E. Stiver Victoria Square area Mrs. C. Nichols Our care, precision and thoroughness make a big DIFFERENCE in the lube job we do on your carâ€"a difference you’ll appreciate in smoother, quieter riding. Cost is modest! Your Car Is In Good Hands Here! Mrs Mrs Mrs Thornhill Area Mrs. E. Percival For Services We Render A: General Information Call Mr. A. T. Crosier Mrs. Gordon Purves Richmond Hm area Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle Get Our Precision RICHMOND HILL 8; DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY COOK'S BP DONCASTER Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, W. J. Lennox s. G. Phillips , 884-4070 W. C. Armstrong Seated (left to right) are: Mrs. Dale Sanderson and Mrs. A. N. Glenny, both of Whitby; Mrs. R. G. Langford, Richmond Hill, honorary regent, House of Windsor Chapter, Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire, and past regent, Viscount Greenwood Chapter, IODE; and Mrs. M. K. Beadle and Mrs._Wm. Fydell, both of Whitby, at a recent meeting. Mrs. Sanderson, Mrs. Glenny, Mrs. Beadle and Mrs. Fydell were being initiated into House of Windsor Chapter at Mrs. Lang- ford’s apartment on Markham Rd. Standing are: Mrs. John Harvey, regent of House of Windsor Chapter, and Mrs. W. T. Barnes, regent, Richmond Hill Chapter. Lube J 0b J House Of Windsor IODE Initiation AV. 5-1839 886-5200 297 884-5501 297-1186 884-3348 886-5525 884-482 1 884-1034 294-1450 1585 Other activities included a trip to visit the birth place of Adelaide Hoodless at St. George, an historical spot of interest to women's institute members and junior farmers. A bowling party with junior farmers was 'on the agenda The following day they were up early to make sandwiches at the home of Mrs. Bales for the junior farmer booth at Markham’s first spring fair and to dinner with Mrs. W. Well- man. English Junior Farmer Visits Headford Area Recently Audrey Thompson, County Durham, England spent‘ a few days in Headford, the guest of Elisabeth Barker. The sites and sights covered in a brief time would take anyone but a junior farmer a month to absorb. In one day they toured Brown’s Corners, Don Mills Curling Rink, the Golden Mile where Audrey was intro~ duced to a chain supermarket, a visit to Centre Island, C.N.E. grounds, High Park and Casa, Loma. By then they were ready‘ to relax for dinner at Town and Country and then to the Royal Alexander to see Spring Thaw, and so to bed, weary but content. Assisting Elisabeth to enter- tain the overseas guest were Dorothy Boynton and Donna Bales. INSECT & WEED PROBLEMS? Richmond Hill Tree Service And Forestry Co. We are licenced to exterminate both Ontario, ThursdayLJune 13, 1963 TELEPHONE â€" 884-7774 Reasonable Rétes Audry is a graduate of a dairy school in England and had really been given the course in dairy methods in Can- ada. Elisabeth assured her that she would be moving out of the dairy belt and would see other types of farming. She is one of four young farmers chosen to come to Canada on the yearly agricultural ex- change. The group left thc Em- press of England at Montreal and came by train to Toronto. The two impressions she has this early in her trip are her astonishment at the size of the country and the lack of respect young people have for their e1- ders. She would not comment on whether she thought this good or bad. along with a number of visits to points of interest. From this district Audrey would go to Newmarket to be a guest at the Faris farm. Her visiting it- inerary winds through York, Perth, Grey and Haldimand with a short visit in Calgary. The Real Estate Brokers listed in “The Liberal" For Fast Results, Consult SELLING every Thursday YOUR HOME? Mumps has been an unwel- come visitor in the Homer family for many weeks taking each member in turn, Mr. suffering with them. The family greatly appreciates the kindâ€" ness of their neighbours, Elmer Leek and Wes Middleton for the help they have given them during this period. l Hea’dford ‘Ucw will meet at the home of Mrs. H. Acreman, Keswick. Mrs. Acreman asks that members bring their Bibles. The slides gave a varied pic- ture of life in Jamaica; the flora and fauna, the workers under Mr. Tucker’s supervision, night life in the entertainment field and the mode of travel - for practically everyone, in- cluding Mr. and Mrs. Tucker - pony back. The evening closed with a social hour while UCW members served refreshments. The young Headford Tween- ies, Brownies-to-be attended a cook-out with their fathers as guests at the youth centre, Greenwood. Headford was re- presented by R. Staton, H. Snider, H. Burton and D. Cal- der with their daughters, Becky, Linda, Connie and Jen- ny. % Mothers were admitted at 7.30 to see the girls presented wig} their Brownie tie-pins. Mrs. Loren Guild R.R. 2, Gormley Phone TU. 4-3040 A good audience from Head- ford with a few visitors enjoy- ed the fine travelogue given by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tucker in the Headford Church. Headford News City Of Glass Garden Centre See Our Tremendous Display of Geraniums, Begonias, Pansies and Box Plants Soil for all different plants - Manure & Peat Moss - Fertilizer of all kinds - also tools you may need for your garden. Ask for Your Price List! r-vw w YOU CAN STILL PLANT OUR BEAUTIFUL ROSES, SHRUBS AND SHADE TREES BECAUSE THEY] "4 CROSBY AVE. ARE POTTED. IN SHORT, EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN â€" INCLUDING â€"â€" Open Daily Till 8:30 p.m.; Sunday, 6 pm. PHONE 884-3933 The Reinbrechts have been ministering to refugees in Hong Kong since 1949. In July they fly back to their field in the Orient for a last term of“ service before retirement. They have three adult children. Following their release, they spent a furlough year in the US. before returning to China in 1947. Just a year and half later they flew out to Hong Kong ahead of the Communist armies. The missionary couple went to North Shantung province in China in 1928 under the Board of Foreign Missions of the United Lutheran Church. They were there during the Japan- ese occupation and were intern- ed for three years. Thanksgiving for our many blessings and a new willing- ness to share with others was the response of those attending the mission festival May 28. The event was sponsored in Bethesda Lutheran Church, Unionville, by six area congre- gations. Guest speakers were Pastor and Mrs. Charles Rein- brecht of Hong Kong. The Reinbrechts described their work as missionaries to Chinese refugees in the British colony. During a fellowship hour following the festival service, they displayed items produced in refugee employ- ment centres. On Tuesday evening June 18, rose queen (chosen from stud- ents of the local high schools) will be crowned at a rose queen prom to be held in Bayview Secondary School. The quccn will reign throughout the rose show. Proceeds from the ball will go to the York Central Hospital Auxiliary. While you enjoy looking over the thousands of blooms on display â€" both rose show entries from all over Canada and commer- cial displays from the grow- ersâ€"you will be favoured with music by the Rich- mond Hill Symphony 0r- chestra and by Miss Kath- leen Stokes at the console of the organ. This feature will be an added delight for music lovers. Commer- cial greenhouses in Rich- mond Hill will also be open for inspection on June 22. honoring the rose show. Town Of Million Roses To Host June 22 Show 0n invitation from the Rich- mond Hill Chamber of Com- merce the annual national show of the Canadian Rose Society will be held June 22 in the Richmond Hill High School on Wright Street. Local Lutherans Attend Festival Joining together for the misâ€" Price of admission to the RICHMOND HILL Open to all, the films “Wild Animals of Tanganyika" will be presented by the Ontario Hum- ane Society and “Beaver Val- ley†with the co-operation of the Ontario Department of Lands and Forests. sion festival were Advent Lutheran Church, Willowdale- Don Mills; Bethesda Lutheran Church, Unionville; Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Scarborbugh; Epiphany Lutheran Church. West Hill; St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Richmond Hill; Zion Lutheran Church, Maple (Sher- wood). During the fellowship hour ladies of the host church serv- ed refreshments. Pastor Rein- brecht spoke informally con- cerning political aspects of the Far East. His wife displayed items produced in refugee centres to provide income for impoverished families. Nature Films Shown June I9 Entertaining and educational films on nature in the wilds of Africa and Canada will be shown at 7.30 p.m., June 19. The films will be held in the Richmond Hill High School gym with door prizes and an admission charge. Plans for a parade on Satur- day, June 22, are well under- way to make the day of the national rose show one long to be remembered in this com- munity. show is 50 cents, but the dis-' play of everyone's favorite flow- er, the rose. will be worth many times this amount. The rose show committee has worked very hard to present this show but the real success of it de- pends upon the co-operation of the citizens of Richmond Hill and district in attending, and in seeing that the town presents its best face to our visitors from out of town. A little extra effort on the part of each one of us will ensure the success of this venture. Richmond Hill has been greatly honored in being selected as the site of the 1963 national show. This is the first time the show has been held outside of a large city. Local growers of roses who are not members of the Cana- dian Rose Society are invited to enter exhibits in two classes. Class 70. for three hybrid tea roses. named, any variety; and Class 71 for one hybrid tea rose, named, any variety, are open to non-members. NO DOWN PAYMENT, ON THE SPOT FINANCING Rain resistant material 6%†varnished-wood handle 36†in length. almost 4-“. in diame- ter when open Snaps 3 .98 open and closes easily. A popular, versatile carrier â€"- takes luggage, lad- ders, boats, etc. Rugged, lightweight 1-piece conâ€" struction 4 heavy-duty web straps fasten to rain gutters. 8-high quality rub- ber suction cups, hold-down straps. Baked-on enamel fin- ish. 423/4" overall. 0 Fully adjustable lightweight belt. Chrome-plated steel buckle holds securely â€" comfortably. Fin- ely textured colours of Black, Blue, Grey, Green, Brown or Red. Built to rigid C.S.A. specifica- tions. Complete with fittings. Do-it-yourself or we will in- stall at a modest service charge. 0 DELAYED ACTION Holds the light . . . No more groping in dark, stumbling up driveways, or falls. Leaves head- lights on for about one minuteâ€"then turns them off automatically. Quickly in- stalled on any make or year car. 6 or 12 volt O Good Manual-Tuning radio â€" Custom-fit. in- cluding special trim plate kit for perfect in-the- dash installation, with aerial. Fits most 12-volt systems in- eluding imported cars. nega- . ' tive ground only. Enjoy a clean windshield, clear visibility. A touch of the finger and the centrally-mounted twin-jet directs two powerful jets of water to the windshield. Comes complete with large water jar, mount- ing brackets, fittings, pump and tubing, 0 ONE-PIECE AUTO RUGS Add door-toâ€"door beauty and protection to your car interior. Smart design in heavy duty rubber; stays put, won‘t slip. Colour choice: Ebony Black, Mandarin Red. Emerald Green or Sky Blue. F521? 1.98 am 9.98 APPROVED Transistor AUTO RADIO ALL STEEL ifoiv‘ii’é? Red. " 31511? $13316 ESE Véï¬eEiâ€"fiéél :ions. Complete with fittings. Do-it-yourself or we will in- ;tall at a modest service :harge. O WINDSHIELD WASHER Enjoy a clean Windshield. clear visibility. A ouch of the finger and the centrally-mounted “via :A‘ A;‘An‘n {nun “A."nâ€".€nl lad-n At ."n‘nu ‘A {Jan FRONT MAT EXTRA: 5% GOLFEBS’ UMBRELLA FOR ALL CAR SERVICES TOP OARRIER 84.00 Extra for Installation LIGHT CONTROL SEAT BELT REAR. MAT // MAGNETIC KEY KEEPER Sn1aU, neat box that chngs ï¬ghtin hub cap,under dash, etc. fields spare car keys. prevent loss. 0 '63an ..,...,J..,.,~,.†,m.‘ Tray ls divided Into 5 compartc ments - fits into lid for extra space Seamless steel construction. Green enamel finish. rust prevent lng under coat. 131,4; x 2 ale 1: 41/2†0 high As above, measures 141/: x 7% x 6" ........ 1." Barry. BONUS GOUPONS A handy tray with compart- ments that will keep all your driving requisites within easy reach. 10x4â€. Assorted colours SINGLE CANTILEVER DELUXE MAGNETIC TAGKLE BOX DASH TRAY