All proceeds afe In aid of boys‘ work. Tickets will be [Old in advance. Mr. and “us. Haul Angle’s garden at 38 Bedford Park Avenue will be the locale for I “Strawberry Festival†next Wednesday. June 26th. I "Strawberry Festival†next; Six buses, full to capacity, Wednesday. June 26th. land many cars. conveyed the The event. sponsored by thelfamilies to the ferry _. Richmond Hill United Church‘all enjoying the ride to the AOTS Men's Club» iS Open toiislandâ€"where in ideal weather, I“: Price Of admiSSionI AdlfltS‘lparents and children alike par- 75 cents; children, 35 cents. hicipated in a programme of All Proceeds Iare‘ In {lid _0f|games and entertainment, fol- L-..-u W, , Adding to her recent succes- esâ€"passing her Grade 2 theory with honours and winning an award at the Kiwanis Musicw Festivalâ€"Denise Harcourt re-‘ ceived honours in the Grade VIII piano class at recent ex- aminations at the Royal Conâ€" servatory of Music. Denise. 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Harcourt, 378 Osiris Drive. is a pypil of Ellen Blogg. “ “.1‘. Swim-Suits EXCELLENT SELECTION Ladies Dennis Staincr, president of the Curtain Club, Mrs. Stainer, Cicely Thomson. Mr. and )lrs.‘ G. C. Crack and Mr. A. H. Gabb, attended the annual general‘ meeting of the Central Ontario Drama League held on Thurs-l day at Heliconian Club, TO-‘l ronto. I She is spending the summer months in Jasper. Miss B a r b a r a Southwell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell, Church Street 5.. a second year student at Mc- Master University, received second class honours in Sociol- ogy. The Ladies Shop The annual picnic of the University Alumnae D r a m a Club was held on Saturday at the home of Mrs. W. S. Thom- son. Vaughan Road. Mrs. E. Rowdon, Carrville The Monroe family of Mark- Road West, entertained at alham Road left on Tuesday to dinner party for musical friends take up residence in London, of Ellen BlogK. R.M.T.. prior to Ont. their departure for Europe. Their many friends and PRICE $5.98 TO - $10.95 Wyn-Dot REASONABLE Bayview Plaza TU. 4-2214 RICHMOND HILL Albert Marsden, Wakeham Sherer, Horace Calverly and Mrs. Emma Masters, shown above, left to right, in old-fashioned costumes, led a pro- gramme of games and a sing-song. Cool weather forced a last-minute change of location for the garden party of the Senior Citizens Club last Wednesday. The auditorium of the Richmond Hill United Church was pressed into service when it was found that it would be impossible to enjoy the lovely garden of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harding. Many seniors and guests missed the event because of lack of time to notify all concerned, but over 150 people were in attendance and enjoyed the afternoon’s entertainment and refreshments. Garden Party Moved Indoors 3:311! _An_gleilehuréh held a \r/rerS/flsiuccï¬eiéis-fui at; Welcome to new residentsfnight- June 22nd 1" Mr. and Mrs. J. Tidswell and} * * * their children, Martin and The-3Bingo! resa. who have recently moved Mrs. Helen Hiram Thornhill to take up resi- Markham Road 1" dence at 35 Yonge Street North. Monica Goule‘ Phone 285-1073 The executive and all mem- ‘bers would like to take this opportunity of thanking every- one who has helped the senior citizens in any way over the past yearâ€"especially during Se- nior Citizens Week. All members of the Se- nior Citizens are reminded of the picnic on June 26th at 9 am. â€" please bring ’ your cup. ‘ Best wishes to all for a pleasant summer. 'lowed by excellent refresh- ments. The very pleasant afternoon was spent with 150 members present. The lucky winner of the quilt was Mrs. E. Masters, and the oil painting was won by Mrs. E. Burnie. Numerous other lucky draws were held with each member receiving several novelties. Party refresh- ments were served. ‘ The last activity for Senior Citizens Week was held in the Christian Education rooms last week, the weather too inclem- ent for the scheduled garden party. The staff of the local hydro ‘ enjoyed a conducted tour of ‘the Canada Wire and Cable ‘plant at Leaside last week. The tour was arranged by Mr. Lyle {Mathieson of Lucas Street. Alf Clarke, chairman, and members of the picnic com- mittee, are to be congratulated on their efficient organization. making this picnic one of the “best yet". Senior Citizens ‘United Church Women J Marilyn Ross, 12-year-old Members of Mrs, Dowsett's‘daughtel‘ 0f RIF. and Mrs. ROSS, unit of the UCW of the Rich-336 Edgar Avenuey RiChVBIE, has mond Hill United Church met‘been very successful this year. ion Monday at the home of Miss‘earlier passing her Grade 2 \Vera Barratt. 114 Centre Street‘Vocal With honours, also win- lWestI for a pot luck supper_ Ining a silver medal in a vocal Mrs. Dedlow’s unit met at class at the Davenport Festival iher home, 100 Yongehu-rst RdJof Sacred Praise. Her most re- cent success was at the Royal Conservatory of Music, where she received honours in the Grade 2 piano class. 1for a “cook-out" on Tuesday. ‘ x wk :0: x: The Richmond mu United Phurnh Push! a IrAr‘v ennnnm-Cnl Sunday school picnic at Centre Island on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs w_ A. Wagner final game of the season of Richmond Street have just held 135‘ week at the Lion’s returned from a motor trip to‘ “3"- New York City where they, * * 1 '3 spent a week with their daugh- The following piano pupils of ter, Mrs. Douglas Allan andvEllen Blogg, R.M.T., were suc- family. cessful in recent examinations * * * * at the Royal Conservatory of The staff of the local hydro:Music â€" Grade 8. Denise Har- enjoyed a conducted tour of court (honours); Grade 4, Char- Mr. Tidswell’ is associated with Sta n d a r d Prestressed Structures Ltd., in Maple. The Monroe family of Mark-l The Richmond Hill ladies ham Road left on Tuesday to‘and mens association of the take up residence in LondonJProgressive Conservative Party 0nt_ land the Y.P.C's of York North Their many friends andiRiding are sponsoring a gala neighbours wish them every wiener roast and sing song at success in their new home. Savagedale Farm, Bathurst and * * * * Mill Streets, this Saturday mans- t ï¬agtsé ME Eï¬ï¬i. Established stablished 18729 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill UHE§ Mrs. Mirrlees teaches a class of intermediate girls. Mr. Mirr- lees. who teaches a class of in- termediate boys, has been assist- ant superintendent for some years, and is alWays available as supply pianist. ‘ The presentation was made by the Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Superintendent George Francis and former Superintendent James Butler both highly prais- ed the years of faithful service given so willineg by both the honored teachers. Observing the 152nd anni- versary of its founding, Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Sunday School Sunday morning hon- ored two members of its staff. Mr. and Mrs. William Mirrlees, who between them have more than 20 years’ service in the school, were presented with a large oil seascape for their liv- ing room. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bourne and family and Mr. and Mrs. Edg’ar Boume and family of Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Blair Johnston and family and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason and family of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. George Hooper and family of Buttonville, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright and family of Etobicoke, Mr. and Mrs. W. David Bourne and son of Ottawa, and Mrs. Laura Bourne and son Bill of Nor- wood. A family picnic was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bourne, Bathurst Street, on Saturday. After an enjoyable afternoon spent in playing games and racing for the child- ren, a buffet supper was ser- ved. lene Cutler (honours). Joan‘brin‘é Fisher (pass); Grade 2, Marilyn prove Ross, Karen Hooper and John able. Cundy, all with honours. Mm Mrs. Helen Peters, 52 Markham Road, and Mrs. Monica Goulet, Garden Avenue, Langstaff, were the lucky winners at the Lion's Club bingoâ€"sharing the $350 jackpotâ€"at the final game of the season held last week at the Lion’s Hall. {A}? Challenge OF Cancer THE Stoppirié for dinner at Prud- hommes Garden Centre‘ Vine~ land. the bus arrived back in the Hill around 9.30 pm. The affable Langdon’s bus driver then suggested a ‘cook’s tour" pointing out the many changes that have taken place in the past few years around the Niagara district. The scenery, gardens and flowers were at their best - and the scenic drive past the floral clock and Brocks monument on the homeward trip was greatly appreciated. By pre-arranged invitation. a visit was made to the Kim- berly-Clark plant where memb- ers were introduced to the processing and packaging of such products as Kleenex, paper serviettes, bathroom tissue etc, and the intricacies of dying the strong yet soft fibre and embossing serviettes. At the end of the plant tour, tea and fancy cakes were served. courtesy of the man- agement. ‘ The next stop was a visit to Louis Tussauds, fammve -~ - works, including the Chamber of Horrors. On June 17th, over forty members left by bus for Niag- ara Falls for their annual pic- nic. The weather was ideal. and a picnic lunch was enjoy- ed outdoors at the park tables overlooking the Horseshoei Falls. 1 Members are reminded of the strawberry tea and sale of crafts made by the guests of York Manor, Newmarket, to be held June let, at the “home†â€" a cordial invitation is extend- ed to all. Mrs. MacKay then made a presentation on behalf of the institute members to former secretary-treasurer Mrs. H. Sorenson, who will be leaving very shortly to take up resid- ence in Toronto. Every good wish is extended to her for her future happiness. bring and buy auction, which proved entertaining and profit- able. President Mrs. J. Dewsbury presided over a short business session, and Mrs. C. Harding gave a comprehensive report on the district annual held recently in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church, then with Mrs. H. MacKay. was a most competent auctioneer at the The always popular pot luck luncheon was well attended, and enjoyed by all. Richmond Hill WJ. The June meeting of the Richmond Hill W.I. was held on June 13th in the librarv auditorium. Prior to her marriage to Peter Robert Blain last Saturday, Miss Priscilla Attridge was honoured at four showers. Mrs. H. Cook and Mrs. C. Phillips were host- esses for one at which Sunday school teachers of the United; Church Primary Department‘ presented the honoured guest with two polished aluminum cake and nut dishes. Mrs. J. Fletcher and Ann entertained at the second shower and Mrs. Jean Cross and Mrs. R. Chapman were hostesses at the other two. Elizabeth Turton, 11 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Turton, of 207 Mill Street, obtained a mark of 100 per cent in the recent grade 2 theory examination of the Royal Conservatory of Music. She is the third member of the family to achieve this honour, her sis- ters Barbara and Margaret both obtaining a perfect mark in their respective examinations. Mrs. W. R. Berry. Mill Street, returned home this week from Newmarket Hospit- al where she has been a patient for the past week. - The research advisory group consists of Dr. Charles Leblond, McGill University; Dr. R. L. Noble, University of British Col- umbia; Dr. R. J. Rossiter and Dr. A. C. Wallace, Uni- versity of Western Ontario; with two research consult-1 ants. Dr. A. W. Ham, and? Dr. D. M. Whitelaw, Univer-l‘ sity of Toronto. I Selected â€" All research projects are approved by the board of directors of the National Cancer Institute acting on the advice of a research ad- visory group which selects, supervises and assists the work. This avoids needless duplication and coâ€"ordinates the efforts of widely-separ- ated workers. How Research Projects Editor Margot Crack Are 1. HOUSE OF BEAUTY F “I 24 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill I ' 884-2726 : LA‘“““““I““ IIIIII“‘I‘I“Ii‘V‘ At the end of a most enjoy- able evening a group of the children presented Mrs. Mark- ham with a beautiful bouquet of red roses. The children were congratu~ lated on doing so well in their exams - the highest mark being obtained by Marietta Evans with 80% in grade 4. 1 Because of the hard work lthey did selling tickets, the ‘children were able to present a cheque for $100.00 for Thorn- haven School to Mr. Dowell, president of the Retarded Children’s Association. Judy Grabarczyk, one of the young- est members of the class, won the prize (a music box) for selling the most tickets. Two guest artists added greatly to the program. Joan Hall, accompanied by Ralph Markham delighted the audi- ence with three American folk songs, and Janis Goodman of the Dennis Moore School of Dancing added a touch of colour with her two sprightly dances. A most successful piano recital was held last Friday night at Richmond Hill High School by the pupils of Estelle Markham ARCT. There were 44 students taking part, rang- ing from the‘earliest begin- ners to grade 7 students. Mona Robertson, publicist for the Dennis Moore School of Dancing, bows her head in shame for the gremlins that crept into her notes on the Dennis Moore recital. (No writer ever acknowledges they make a mistake). Gerald Gray not Craig Shuttleworth is the young dancer going on to the‘ National Ballet and Darlene Harcourt, who did such an excellent performance, is only 7 years old, not 8. Mona apolo- gises to all concerned. The 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th and 8th Companies will take part in company demonstrations and competitions. There will also be a handicraft display. Parents are welcome to attend. There is no admission charge. The Girl Guides of Rich- mond Hill East will hold their District Rally at Our Lady Help of Christians School, Bayâ€" view Avenue, Saturday June 22nd, starting at 1.00 pm. Barby Peirce, nine year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peirce, Rockport Crescent, and George Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Allan. Zelda Crescent. are playing two of the leadl roles in the CBC televised! serial “Son of a Hundred Kingsâ€. which is being filmed now for release in the fall. The series will bring to life Thomas Costain's famous novel of the same name. SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS l. H. SIMS Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight’s Pharmacy’ Day or Evenings. TU. 4-1745 1 Mrs. Hardwick was to be a delegate at the Guelph Con- vention being held this week. Mrs. Ethel Hardwlck. secre- tary treasurer of the Richmond Hill Womens Institute is at present undergoing treatment at Newmarket Hospital, where it is hoped she will make good progress Friends of Mrs. L. Walnman Mrs. H. G. Robertson attend- will be happy to learn thatled the seventh anniversary after undergoing surgery at’services at Singing Waters. Branson Hospital, followed by Orangeville, over the weekend. a convalescing period at St. * * * * John’s, Mrs. Wainman has now Kathy .Ann Ingles, young returned to her home on daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Baker Avenue. Charles Ingles, Becker Road. * “‘ "‘ * will undergo surgery this week Mrs. Ethel Hardwlck, secre- at the Hospital for Sick Childâ€" tary treasurer of the Richmondil'en. Toronto. I {3 JUN: bl’tUAL :J 3“ 2 Free Free Free :3 within two weeks of each permanent FREE SHAMPOO & SET STYLED HAIR CUT with each shampoo and set JUNE SPECIAL Greeting the guests were Mrs. W. R.Black, Aurora, and Mrs. D. E. Henson; and Mrs. Will- iam Neal and Mrs. Helen Full- erton poured tea. Assisting in the ceremony were Mrs. F, C. Israel, program director of Delta Lambda chapâ€" ter, Mrs. D. E. Henson, pres‘ ident of Delta Lambda chapter and Mrs. P. F. Horlock, presi- dent of Delta Phi chapter, Aur- ora. Mr. Neal offered congrat- ulations on behalf of Richmond Hill. Mrs. Jean Thomson was in- stalled as an International Hon- ourary Member of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority on Sunday last at ;a reception held at the home ‘of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Barnes, 234 Tampico Road. Among the‘ honoured guests were Mr. Mal-i colm F. Thomson, His Worship Mayor and Mrs. William Neal, Reeve and Mrs. Floyd Perkins,, Mr. William Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Clark, Mrs. Mc- Giffin, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pipher, Mrs. Arnold Mac- Naughton, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Israel, and Mrs. Helen Fuller- ton, Toronto City Council pres- ident of Beta Sigma Phi. Later they enjoyed games at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Min-lees. Lawrence Avenue, to bring the season of choir work to a happy close. Next Sunday, June 23rd., ls church school closing day at St. Mary's Anglican Church. Certificates of promotion and awards will be presented at the regular services at 9:30 and 11 am. The junior department will attend the 9:30 am. service for family communion service and the senior department will at- tend the 11 am. service. Members of the choir of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church and their guests en- joyed dinner Friday evening at the Ridge Inn. Receiving the guests were Mrs. Murray Ellins, president, Mrs. S. 1. Richardson and Mrs. F. C. McKergow. Mrs. H. D. Currie entertain- ed at a picnic luncheon Thurs- day at her home on Arnold Crescent for the members of the women’s auxiliary of the association of Ontario Land Surveyors. At a baptismal service held on Father’s Day in the Rich- mond Hill United Church three children were presented by their parents for baptism. They were as follows: Diane Gail Ward, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles V. Ward Close; Wil- liam Lloyd Charles Paul, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J. Miner, and Sandra Linnea, daughter of Mr. and .Mrs. Richard A. Soderberg. Mrs. W. Adlan will fly by CPA to London. England on Wednesday, June 26. for a three week visit. This will be her first trip back to her home- land in forty years. Miss Susan Adlan will accompany her grandmother. a: popular makes on hand Special Students’ Rates St. Gabriel Anglican Churchf ‘will hold its annual congrega- tional picnic this Saturday,» June 22nd. It will again be heldl at the Maples Park. Those at-, tending are asked to meet at‘ the church at 1 pm. The af-[ ternoon’s program is schedulflI ed to start at the park at 2‘ pm. with supper served at 5| pm. Anyone wishing transpon! tation is asked to phone Bobl Gilpin at TU. 4-3510. 1 The parish picnic of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be held again at the Albion Hills Conservation park, on June 22. Families are encouraged to go by car. Transportation should be offered or requested of Mrs. W. Niddrie at TU. 4-7478. The Sunday school of Rich-’ mond Hill Baptist Church, Wright Street, travelled by bus and car to High Park in Tor- onto for its annual picnic on Saturday last. A large gather- ing of children and adults en- joyed the sunshine, games and‘ refreshments in the park’s at-I tractive surroundings. i Members of the Curtain Club are reminded of the annual picnic being held this Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hughes, Unionville. Prospective members are cor- dially invited - for further in- formation please call the sec- retary. Louise Queen at TU. 4- 3595. Mrs. Wm. Anderson, Ruggles Avenue, returned last Thursday from a four month trip to Europe, where she visited her daughter and son-in-law (a member of the armed forces overseas) and family. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex L. Vey- ssiere, 244 Tampico Road, were Mrs. J. Collins and children, Susan, Bherry, Joanne and Claud from Oklahoma. Mrs. C. Brown, 320 Mark- ham Road, returned on Sunday following a weeks holiday at Fitzroy Harbour near Ottawa. Curtain Club Executive For 1963-64 For Fast Results, Consult The Real Estate Brokers listed in “The Liberal" every Thursday SELLING YOUR HOME? CAMP COTTAGE or HOME At the annual general meeting of the Curtain Club the following officers were elected for the 1963-64 season. ‘ Back row (left to right) : Denny Featherstonhaugh, past president; Margaret Bergin, membership; Dennis Thatcher, publicity; Ernest Mad- den, vice-president. Front row (same order): Louise Queen, secretary; Dennis Stainer, president; John Postlethwaite, treasurer. NOW IN THE CENTRE OF THE CENTRE RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-7474 IHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontagio, Thursday, June 20, 1963 BOYS’ SIZES: Infant to size 12 GIRLS’ SIZES: Infant to Pre-teen 14X For ten Sundays, beginning June 30th, services will be held in St. Matthew‘s at 10:00 am. and Richmond Hill United at 11:15 am. Please remember the change in time, beginning two weeks from today. For the sixth year St. Mat- thew’s and Richmond Hill United Churches will be shar- ing ministers and services - Rev. James Bum taking over the duties in July and Rev. C. G. Higginson In August. Margarine 5 lb. 99¢ ROASTS Frying Chickens lb. 39¢ Legsï¬Breusislb49¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA COLORED TULIP BONELESS ROUND STEAK & RUMP WHOLE CUT-UP CHICKEN GRADE A 4500:! (MM AA? sAvmesl Family Allowance Cheques Always Welcome 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL TUmer 4-1312 MORTGAGE SERVICE .iNELS GAGE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE AND Following four weeks in Edinburgh with their mater- nal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Cockburn, they continue to Holland to spend the remain- der of their holiday with their paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. F. Riswlck in Rotterdam. Erik and Alistair Riswick, 12 and 10 year old sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. Riswick, Neal Drive. leave on Friday for a seven week trip to Scotland and H01- land. TORONTO, ONT EMpire 2-3458 TU. 4-7691 2 Carlton St Toronto lb. 69¢