ii ~- J‘t.M/M ' tic ..... “Beatniks†" w 0-Way.er 4 Perform . At the recent Thornhill branch, York Central Hospital Auxiliary’s fashion show and tea held at the homes of Mrs. Stuart Parker and Mrs. John Sumner, entertainment for the more than 300 guests was provided by aquamaids (from left) : Ann Jeffrey, Pat Vlassof‘f and Kelly Burkart, who exhibited their synchronized swimming in a beatnik number complete with black suits, tights, and way-out make-up. (Photo by Barbour.) :Charles Howitt Pupil Enjoy Trip Pupiis‘ Trip to Ottawa ,‘A group of 86 grade 7 and 8 students of T.S.A. No. 1, Marly- ham headed for Ottawa 9; game fl) and wore fascinates}, next day to hear Finance, Minister G0,. on defending his budget in "' ‘House 0i.-€‘ommons. with all the « . ant fireworks. The chil en were fascinated with the spectacle and were certain- ly impressed with the fervour with which this country is run, it a trifle startled at the desk- thumping and so on. '. The group stayed at the Bea- con Arms Hotel in Ottawa and were supervised by 11 adults, Supervising Principal E. Sand. Principal L. Evans of Thornlea School, who was in charge, S. Myers and Mrs. Van Loon of 18th Avenue School. G. Learn and Miss C. Ropac of Wood- land School, K. Kinzinger and Mrs. B. Lambert of Bayview Glen, and A. I". Martindale. Mrs. A. MacNeil and J. West- lake of Henderson Avenue School. As well as seeing the House In session. the children visited the mint, the archives. the war museum and other points of interest. Mr. Peter Kurita of Rich- vale Public School also had a group of grade 8 stud- ents on a similar tour and took several of the Mark- ham students with his own group on a visit to the Japanese embassy. The children were taken on a bus tour of the city, saw the residences of the governor gen- eral, the prime minister and the leader of the opposition. They took time off, of course. and enjoyed shopping as well as a dip in the Chateau Laurier pool. To enable the students to get the most out of their trip there; was considerable classroom preâ€" paration. as well as a lecture ,on deportment to ensure that they would know how to be- have in public places. A committee of teachers had prepared a comprehen- sive eight-page mimeo- graphed brochure incorpo- rating pages of questions and explanatory text on various aspects of Ottawa and the government build- ings. A lot of work was, done in this booklet prior to the trip, so the children would have some idea what to look for. and further work was done on their re- turn. T04 , Ottawa at engiï¬e pulled the train, 25 dlff€’;ent occupations connected Wm". a railroad. what training is necessary for each occupation and how much does each job pay. Virtually every subject was worked into this series of questions. The chil- dren were instructed to find out the cost of both a return and a one-way ticket and cal- culate the percentage saved by a return ticket; to find the dis- tance from Toronto to Ottawa and calculate the cost of go- ing by car, after finding how many miles per gallon of gas their family car uses. One whole series of questions the children were required to answer dealt with the Rideau waterways, the date of building of the Rideau canal, its original purpose and cost. and who paid for it. How much more interesting this trip must have been made for these youngsters when they had definite things to look for, the sight of which brought vividly alive to them the pages of their usually dry history and geography books. The trip was also made the occasion for a lesson in pram tical economics as many of the classes held various fund-rais- ing activities during the year to help pay the $26 per child cost of the trip. The board members and staff of T.S.A. No. 1. Markham. are indeed to be commended in making this trip truly an ad- venture in learning. iSt. Paschal Baylon Graduation Breakfast ,‘For 46 Students classroom Graduating students of St. iPaschal Baylon parish, attend- ing Roman Catholic or public elementary schools.‘ gathered together to assist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, offered ‘June 23. Immediately after the mass. 'breakfast was served in the and their guests. Rev. Vincent LoSavio. Pastor. Rev. Sister M. Otllilia, principal of St. Paschal Baylon School, Rev. Sister Ro- sella, teacher. Mrs. A. Power. teacher. Mrs. A. J. Dunn, Cath- olic Women's League President. Mrs. L. Corbierre. CWL con- vener of the breakfast and Mr. George Newman Holy Name Society. president. parish hall to the 46 graduates Community Happenings In Thornhill iA Correction In last week's item about the new Brebeuf High School 1 :mistakeniy noted that Neil En- right who has won a scholar- ship to the school. had just completed his grade 8 at St. Luke's School. Neil has just finished grade 9 at St. Micha- el's - and I should have re- membered this as I reported llast year! My apologies Neil. and congratulations again! The Enrights have now left to spend the summer at their summer home at Sand Bay, Comber- mere, Ontario. Holy Trinity News A perfect, warm summer evening was spent June 25 at the home of Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Howden by some 60 mem- bers and friends of the Har- mony Group of Holy Trinity Parish Guild. A superlative barbecue was served with Ken Killer. Reg. Chapman and Hen- ry Cunningham presiding at the barbecue grills. Here they served up tender, juicy steaks to quell the hungry but har- monious hordes. This brings the activities of the group to an end for the summer. Their next meeting will be in Sep- tember. During July, the assistant, minister at Holy Trinity. Rev. F. C. Jackson will be in charge of the parish. His preaching theme for the month will be .“A Living Faith for To-dayâ€. For the first three Sundays in July, Mr. Colin Corbett will act as organist at Holy Trinity during Mrs. Markham‘s ab- sence on holidays. The Parish Congress Com- mittee met July 5 to discuss sl'oiTeach ‘ Language Field In Fall At Thornhill Secondary School Pictured is Carla - Christa Gelke, daughter of Mrs. Carola been appointed to the staff of Thornhill Miss Gelke received her hon- ages and literature from the University of Toronto last month. and will attend Teach- ers College this summer. Born at Weiner-neustadt in upper Austria, came to Canada at 14. She had had four years of secondary school training in Austria and entered Grade 10 at Earl Haig Collegiate. Grades 11 to 13 were taken at Thornhill Sec- ondary School from where she for her valedictory address class. Carla-Christa‘s University courses teach this when and if it is add- ed to the curriculum in the district. She took the third year of her university course at the University of Lyons, in France. Here she studied not only modern but 16th and 18th cen- tury French as well as Russian and the history of French civil- ization and culture. Tuition fees at the University were neglig- ible - $10 per year and it was possible to live modestly on a- Stail For i The School Area office of !T0\vnship School Area No. 1, iMarkllam last week announced the names of its staff members for next fall. These are: At Bayview Glen, Principal S. B. Mych (trans- ferred from 16th Avenue), Principal Supply Miss B. Lam- bert, staff members. A. Lang field. D. Bush. Miss D. Mc- Gown, Miss P. Crowe. Miss M. Nicholson and Mrs. R. Budge. . Principal at Henderson Av- enue will be A. F. Martindale with A. Moorby acting as half time physical education teach-‘ er and principal supply. and J. Westlake acting as half time; music supervisor and principal; 'supply. Staff members will be: Mrs. B. Tanquiy. Mrs. H. 0’- IBeirn. Mr. B. Murray, G. ;Green. Mrs. S. Johnston, Mrs. 1D. \Vardenier. Mrs. M. Mac- Donald. Mrs. M. Perry. Mrs. A. llacNeil. Miss S. Porter. Mrsu Secondary School. Carla-Christa ' graduated in 1959, giving the _ at . included Russian " and she hopes to be able to ' bout $75. per month. Miss Gel- ke found. Although staying Gelke and the late George with strangers, she was too Gelke, 54 Clarke Avenue, busy to be lonesome and man- Thornhiil. who has recently ours degree in modern langu- .~ \‘is CARL-CHISTA GELKE ‘The year in France was ar- ranged with the University of Toronto. with an oral examin- ation to pass before taking the fourth year of her course here. Miss Geike will teach French at Thornhill this year. She plans to attend summer school for two more years which will qualify her for her specialists’ certificate. T.S.A. No.l Markham Next Term Principal at 16th Avenue will be D. McEihinney, with Mrs. H. Arnott, principal supply. Staff will be C. Morrison. Mrs. A. Van Loon, Mrs. C. Drewry and Miss M. McCowan. Miss McCowan will teach kindergar- ten half time and also serve as primary supervisor for the area schools. Mr. L. Evans will continue as principal at Thornlea school, with Mrs. B. McDowell. prin. cipal supply and Mrs. J. Allen and Mrs. E. Nieczyporuk as staff. At Woodland School. the principal will be G. Learn. Mrs. M. Windrin will be principal supply teacher. Other staff members are to be Mr. A. Hare. Mr. G. Fraser. Mrs. C. Sharer. Mrs. C. Shields. Mrs. J. Longfield, Mrs. C. Ropac. Miss H. Craigie. Mrs. C. Lam- bert and Mrs. H. Clare. Teachers of auxiliary classes TELEPHONE AV. 5.2331 his winning a scholarship there’ d D Q t . t N "The Liberal“ is always pleased to publish items of Interest I contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. r i . i y I I I distribution of tickets for tile pair of large penguin-like birds, amusing style. Maple Leaf Gardens services and to complete arrangements for the Holy Trinity special service on Congress Sunday. August 18. ParishiOners are urged to arrange their holidays to enable them to attend the August 18 service and to meet the Bishop of Michigan at the reception following the service. The Wednesday morning ser- vice of the Holy Communion at 10:15 will be continued dur- ular church school classes will resume in September. {United Church News Thornhill Vacation School committee thanks volunteers from the co-operating churches for their willingness to serve in the vacation school to be held from July 8 to 18 in Thornhill United Church. Add- itional leaders will still be we]- come to serve in al depart- ments, kindergarten. primary and junior. The congregation of Thorn- hill United Church gratefully acknowledges the receipt of a legacy from the Riddell estate. Approximately half of the legâ€" acy will be spent on the organ which is expected to be com- pleted by early fall. The re- mainder of the estate is to be used for capital improvements about the church and grounds which, due to the heavy respon- sibilities of the congregation. it has not been possible to com- plete. The legacy will not be used for current expenses of the congregation. Baptist Church News During the week of June 16 two enjoyable events were sponsored by the W.A. On Tuesday evening, under the auspices of the north group. a strawberry dessert party was held on the lawn at 8000 Yonge Street, Thornhill, the 123-year- old home now owned by Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Johnston and called “The Farmhouse". Bet- ween 7 and 9 o'clock pm. happy families enjoyed fun and fellowship, enhanced by serv- ings of tea, coffee and cake shells filled with a mound of ped with strawberries. Mrs. ing the summer months. Reg-i one of which held an engage- ment ring. the other a wedding ring. it was a very delightful time and the gifts, both beauti- ful and useful. ranged from a blanket to colorful towels and table linen. ovenware and serv- ing dishes. many dainty cups ‘and saucers and novelty pieces as well as alluring cook books and utensils for the culinary ;art. 1 During the shoucr an amus- ing scrap book was compiled and presented by the younger ‘members of the group. and Mrs. B. Ellam read a comically enlightening poem which she choices a bride must make in her use of soaps and cleansers. A dainty lunch climaxed a most enjoyable evening. Miss Simpson is the bride- elect of Mr. Leslie Johnston, youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. M. C. Johnston. And just a word of ap» preciation here to Miss Gwen Ball 0 Thornhill Baptist Churc who has been sending in the news of her church so regularly all this year. Tile neWS has come to this column not only with great regularity but neatly typed and well written. requiring no edit- ing. Thank you Gwen for making the life of this busy correspondent much easier. Had an amusing letter from Kay Burgess of Thornridge Drive. which I‘m sure she wouldn’t mind my sharing with you. She says “I‘m in the midst of stuffing bushels of things in- to quart size spaces. Tile family HRB takes off tomorrow at dawn (so they tell me) for a trip across the top of Lake Sup- erior and down to Fort Frances to spend a few days with my sister. Mrs. W. R. Bennett and family. Then down through the States and back home. Have a little 17 ft. trailer for Colin. Mum and Dad and Gwen and on. aged to inelude some Skiing 1†ice cream and generously top- girl bit for 13 years but have the Alps into her time table. finally run out of excuses and had composed on the various’ Gavin sleep in the station wag- “I’ve fought this camp fire It would be impossible giVe credit to all to who feed me with bits and snippets of news all year round. Let me thI you all though, that I enjoy every bit ,of it and love meeting so many people. hearing about their! trips and such, and then going to various “do's†matching up with faces all the names 1 write about so often. 1 . So keep the news coming Let me hear about your trips.‘ Iyour visitors and visitations! Call me at 285-3331 â€" and if the line's busy (as it often is) call again! Sam Singer Services If you are planning attending lany formal summer weddings .or other posh social events. you might be interested to know that the enterprising proprietor of the Thornhill Cleaners 8:1 Tailors. Mr. Sam Singer. has taken on an agency for the rental of formal attire for both ladies and gents. All that is re- quired is for you to come in’ to the shop a week or so before the event and let Sam take your vital statistics .Then presto, inside a week you can be equip- ped with everything from a suit and shirt right down to shoes. if necessary. You have probably noticed that Sam has moved into new bright quarters just north of the Bank of Nova Scotla. As well as offering his usual quick and excellent service on custom tailoring and alterations for both sexes, he now has an en- larged stock of ready-to-wear sports jackets and pants and is presently having a sale of these. .Sam has provided the same fine service for Thornhill for the past nine years, commuting from Downsview every day. He is open each evening until 6 pm. for your convenience. He also has a speedy shirt laund« ering service which might be much appreciated by you Thornhill ladies, especially during the hot weather. II! It at! * Socials Marcia Temple, Glen Cam- eron Ave. celebrated her the othersI it ‘ .y' ss‘ . . “(W/A MR. AND MRS. DAVID CHARLES BU'I'l‘ON (Photo by Lagerquist.) Honeymooning AtCoast Plan Willowdale Home in a recent ceremony at Holy ceived in a blue lace over taf- Trinity Anglican Church, feta dress with flowing chiffon Thornhill, Yvonne Hazel Rob- side drape. matching accessor- inson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ies and a corsage of pink roses Bruce Robinson became the with white carnatibns. The bride of Mr. David Charles groom's mother chose a tur- Button. son of Mr. and Mrs. quoise dress with white access- ories and a corsage of yellow roses and white Carnations. At the ceremony were the couple's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Hill of Gormiey and Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Button of Toronto. Following a honeymoon on the Atlantic coast, the couple will ,reslde on Bayview Avenue in Willowdale. lEGAL J. N. M ulholland Q.C. 80 Richmond St. West George A. Button of Willow- dale. Rev. H. R. Howden offici- ated. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride chose an orig- inal gown created by Mrs. Helen Higgs of white peau-de- sole with a train descending from the fitted waist and over a sheath skirt; a bolero jacket and fingertip veil were of white chantilly lace with scalloped edging. She carried a cascade of American beauty roses. Maid of honour, Miss Wendy Taylor and the bride's sister. Elaine chose gowns of deep rose peau-de-soie accentuated by detachable side panels and other attendants Miss Dawn Wilson and Mrs. G. G. Button were gowned in matching shell pink. All carried pink and ’ the auspices ’ colors. were stacked before a and School Association. of the: Johnston was presented with a they did get me a doil‘s house sterling silver maple leaf pin to live in rather than a tent. elghth birthday 0" June 22- white feathered gladioli bou~ Toronto A - . . - The S. Judson famii f quets. and Dr. Johnston With a dla which was qu1te a concesswn, I . . y o _ for their trip to England. ry must admit. I have my bus fare spr‘lcewmd Dl'lVe. Will be The groom's brother. Mr. Consultation by * r r * stashed away in case it gets :2 t0 Belleville in a few I(\SIIarl'yMl.3l;1tt0{!‘1‘13'515‘1be-it main 3d Appointment On Thursda evenin , under bit much. though. Howaver. i - r. lc ae e ge, an r. _ yof g 0" Jilly 2, Doncaster Com- Vincent Dupuis were ushers. Phones. the centre my staff does a good job and group, some 40 ladies of the the weather is less than atroc- Church met at the home of ious, I’ll probably stick it out. Mrs. W. Smock on Riverside It might be nice to do absolute- Blvd., Thornhill, to honour the ly nothing for almost three lovely bride-elect, Miss Nancy weeks!†Simpson, with a miscellaneous Kay is another who has been shower. Gifts. all shapes and of inestimable help, giving me sizes, wrapped in a galaxy of news of the Thornhill Home; munity Ladies“ Club Visited the Stratford Festival. They travel in a group by train. Thornhill, AV. 5-3315 Toronto, EM. 4-2780 At a reception in the Ter- race Room of Summit View Gardens. the bride's mother rc- tree-like arrangement of plants hospital auxiliary and other; and flowers, and underneath a personal bits. all in her own} 'I' R 0 II B I. E . CALL BA. 1-0485 : AN R.E.T.A. MEMBER BAKER ELECTRONIC SERVICE re’s oceans of nor wa‘r‘sn‘ instantly... I I NEWEST OFFICE 250 YONGE STREET, NORTH PHONE: 884-4417 (Local) 285-6811 (Toronto) RICHMOND HILL, ONT. LOANS UP TO $5000 BENEFTCEAL is happy to announce the opening of a convenient new ofï¬ce â€"- the latest and most modern addition to the world’s largest system of ï¬nance ofï¬ces â€"ready to provide cash loan service the minute you want it! Elie/'1»! ’Iuagfa WAT ER H EAT E R , . l 7." l l Install a new Superior Why not come in soo'nland get ac- quainted? Meet the Manager and his Staff. You’ll get the same friendly, cour- teous. neighborly service that has made BENEFICIAL famous over the years. The minute you want money, just phone . . . or drop in. Remember: “you’re the boss" at BENEFICIAL! ENEFICIAL will be Mrs. C. Frazer and A.. The booklet included a map‘ Rev- Vincent LoSavio spoke H. Bagg. Miss M. O'Neill, Mrs. I Todd. Mrs. A. France will con-. of southern Ontario on which'words of praise and encourage-v11. Starkey. Miss J. Fowler. . the children were asked to markunent to the graduates and gave Mrs. H. Harvey. and Miss J. tinue as teacher of converse: .uch things as the CNR route‘to them each a rosary in a caselMatthHVs tiona] French, they travelled, towns and cities 5‘3'19‘3 35 graduating “3‘5 35 3" i PETER EDWARDS’ GARAGE they travelled through, and thelTenu’mbl‘am‘e 0f their gradu- Repairs To All Makes rivers of the Rideau \i'aterxt'ay.§atiQII- ‘ One group of questions asked klP ‘Vl’kes. graduate-‘5' rep- ENGLISH CARS A. SPECIALTY Open 8 am. to 10 pm. Automagrc Will! New, complete with installation and emo- luec delivery some: 75 PER MONTH A Sir ‘or Pro ane Water Heater givesgregir famify all the hot water vou want . . . for all household needs without ‘ . With 3 Superior Automagic W ater Heater thereis MWk..: no worry . . . the water is thmostatimily con- trolled to the exact temperature you want. And Superior Propane costs less too! @pgnblraorsue no. dealt with railwa 5_what t e'resentative. thanked Father Lo-: y W ISaVlo for the breakfast and for’ ithe great interest he has shown1 WILLOWDALE : A reward oflin the students. especially by $1,000 is being sought by area the awarding of scholarships ‘merchants to post for informa- to students with highest schol- ’BENEFlClAl ‘roa sun tion on the whereabouts of astic record. This years‘ schol- , , moms“, ’TT .........,,,.,,, missing Mrs. Lorne Ford of arships received were presented StT" 55395;: MAPLE, QNTAflo Emil"; Willowdale, wife of the latetto Emir O'Donovan and Tina . ear 0 65 em i ‘ rrr TREFT “Apr: Autouieicsm _._: president of the businessmen‘s Sacco. from Mrs. A J Dunn“ Reslgence BusmCSE 15““ ‘5 ' “ ""' ‘ ‘ “Vimm' FINANCE CO CANADA association. She has been miss-arid to Edward Przybylski and 834=O557 AV. 5-6711 AV. 5-1140 - -- -v v - I --- ing for a month. Reward isJohn Casey's from George new $600. (Noam I