Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Jul 1963, p. 10

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Given in marriage by her uncle, Dr. W. A. Doidge of Barrie, the bride was radiant In a floor-sweeping gown of white organza embroidered in lace with long lace sleeves and sweetheart neckline. Her full chapel veil was caught to a white pillbox headdress and she carried a spray of orchids. The ceremony was held at Richmond Hill United Church with Rev. C. G. Higginson offi- clatlng. Miss Ann Ross of Evahill and Miss Rosemary Ross of Centre Street West are employed for the summer at Camp Huron- tarlo, Parry Sound, Ontario. A honeymoon in Virginia fol- lowed the June 21 wedding of Miss Marie Ann Hayes, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hayes of Richmond Hill, and William Alfred Rice, son of the late Jackson H. Rice and Mrs. A. B. Kindle. Rich- mond Hill. Mrs. 0. L. Wright, Wright Street, attended the 25th wed- ding anniversary of her son Dr. A. J. Laverne Wright and Mrs. Wright in Parry Sound on‘ June * i .. ‘ l Mrs. Martin Siegerman and daughter Robln from Montreal. former residents of the Hill, spent a few days this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs‘ James Jackson. Altamira Road. Colleens of the Belfast Girls’i Pipe Band who will be taking part in the July 13th Orange Walk in Toronto and in the open house on July 14th at the L.T.B. 8; 0. home just north of town. shopped in Richmond Heights Centre on Saturday. Smiling Irish eyes were impressed by the .local shopp- ing facilities. Because of the girls' inexperience with dollars and cents. Manager Tom Mills of Kresge’s provided them with helpers. Mrs. Ann Newburg, Mrs. Peggy Chalklip, Mrs. Ellen Davis and Mrs. Jean Cone who came from England about six years ago. {a a a: Richmond Hill Hiutoppers Once again the Hilltoppers Drum Corps won creditable applause on Saturday last at the Aurora centennial parade. Many people watching were also present at Brampton on Dominion Day and remember- ed with pride that blistering heat of 96 degrees and winter uniforms did not prevent the Hilltoppers giving a prize win- ning performance. people endured 96 degree weather as a 2% hour parade passed through flve miles of Brampton streets in honour of Flower Festival week. Over 25 bands including the Richmond Hill Hilltoppers took part in this gigantic competitive par- ade including 500 majorettes and over 65 floats. The Hill- toppers placed fourth in the junior division with a mark of 25,000‘ Baldock, 4th; Sewing; first - Suzanne Poul- in, 8th; second - Carol Plum- mer, 4th; third - Beth Lamb, 7th. Art: first Suzanne Poulln, 8th; second - Anita Corbett. 8th; third - Linda Toole, 8th. World Guiding Poster: first - Judy Davies, 4th: second - Linda Toole, 8th; third - Pam Walker. ith. Cooking: first - Arlene Reilly. 8th and Donita Hagborg, 4th; second - Donita Hagborg. 4th and .Beverley third - Arlene FILM, 6th and Suzanne Ponlin, 6t . Company demonstrations : The 6th performed a march drill; the 7th demonstrated pitching a bell tent; the 8th presented a play; the 4th also presented a play. Once again the Hilltoppers Drum Corps \von creditable applause on Saturday last at the Aurora centennial parade. Many people watching were also present at Brampton on Dominion Day and remember- ed with pride that blistering heat of 96 degrees and winter uniforms did not prevent the Hilltoppers giving a prize win- Mr. Lotin is enjoying living within walking distance from the store. Four-and-a-half year old Henry is looking forward to being able to walk to kinder- garten classes at MacKillop School in September. 72.5. The corps did exceedingly well competing with only 9 horns. 6 drums. and an 8 girl colour guard. This band repre- senting Richmond Hill has a number of engagements throughout the summer. They have already filled six since June 19th. two of which were on June 29th. Bravo Hilltoppers we are proud of you. Keep up the good Work. Mr and Mrs. David Lotln of the Children's Fashion Shop. Richmond Heights Centre. have taken up residence in their new home. 245 Harrygan Crescent. Honeymoon In Virginia Follows Hill Ceremony 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmondiflill, Ontario, Thursday, July 11, 1963 & MRS. WILLIAM RICE Maid of honour was the‘ bride's sister, Miss Patricia Hayes, and bridesmaid was the groom's sister, Miss Margaret Rice. Both chose gowns of pale green with matching accessor- ies and bouquets of red roses. At a reception held at the groom’s Knollside Drive home and attended by 110 guests. Mrs. Hindle received in a blue sheath dress with floral hat and matching accessories. Best man was Mr. Robert Rice. the groom's brother, and another brother. Mr. Gerald Rice, and Mr. Donald Schwab. acted as ushers. For her travelling ensemble, the bride chose a pink sheath and topcoat with pink acces- sories and a pink floral corsage. The Rices fare living in Rich- mond Hill. Word from Miss Mae Heir: burn, who is on a month's visit: to Great Britain, is that she is thoroughly enjoying sightseeing and shopping in London. Wet weather in the first week of her holidays prevented much sight-seeing in Scotland, but she was able to see much _of Glasgow, Edinburgh and Cal- lender. Miss Eileen Johnston of 148 Yonge Street South is recuper- ating in Branson Hospital fol- lowing major surgery. Mrs. L. W. Zuefelt who I: a patient in St. Andrew’s Hospi- tal, Midland, following a fall in her home there. is showing some improvement, latest re- ports indicate. Richmond Hill East Girl Guide Rally - the first rally held in this district - took place on June 22nd at Our Lady Help of Christians School. The theme of the rally was the four signposts of Guiding - intelligence, handcraft, health and service. Special guests were Commissioner Mrs. S. Grosse of Toronto. and Mrs. N. Willis of Richmond Hill. who were the judges for this occasion. Three competitions were held and the winning compan- ies were 3rd - Kim's game and Knots; 4th - Fi;st aid; 6th - Kim‘s game and Knots; 7th - Kim's game and First aid; 8th- First aid and knots. Handcraft show winners were: patrol entries, first - Kingfisher, 7th; Second - Lily of the valley; 8th; third - Shamrock, 8th. Company demonstrations : The 6th performed a march drill: the 7th demonstrated pitching a bell tent: the 8th presented a play; the 4th also presented a play. PAINLESSLY DESTROYED (by approved S.P.C.A. method) AT NO COST TO YOU TROYER NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE YONGE ST. - OAK RIDGES PB. 3-5071 (Photo by Lagerquist) CATS Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Abbott. daughter Lesley and son Kevin. Harrigan Crescent, left last week aboard the "Arcadian" to take up residence in England. Mr. Abbott will be taking up a position as head sales mana- ger of N.I.F.E. located just out- side Birmingham. Entertaining for Miss Marion J. Allen prior to her marriage last Saturday to Mr. J. Stewart McCowan at Royal York Road United Church, were Mr. and Mrs. Don Williamson, Elgin Mills Sideroad, who held a special reception and barbeque for the bridal party, and on Sunday following the wedding, the groom's mother Mrs. Du-‘ ‘gald McCowan served brunch for out of town relatives and friends of the groom at the Williamson's home. Mrs. Madge Thomas, a form-i er resident of Church Street, now residing at Jacksonville Beach, Florida, is finding the sunny south “casual, hospitable and relaxed - the ocean sparkl- ing outside my door as I make my morning cuppa. This is the life!" Mrs. Thomas’s son David and wife Ruth are both enjoying their work, and granddaughter Carol-Ann loving the southern climate. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redel- meier entertained on Thursday last at a supper party for the staff and their families of Don Head Farms. Time is getting close for Robin Derrick, 338 Browndale Cr., to leave Richmond Hill, to attend the 11th World Scout Jamboree in the tiny Greek village of Marathon - which gave its name to the Olympic endurance race. The party, held in the gard- en, was in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Art Cousins (formerly Miss Dawn Pike) and William Lekx and Miss Stella Feenstra, who were married on Saturday last in Streetsville United Church. Four hundred and thirty-two Canadian Scouts will be in attendance, including sons of Canadian service personnel serving in France and Germâ€" any. Thirty-four are going from Metro and Queen's Scout Robin Derrick will be the sole representative of York-Summit district. Robin is troop leader of the lst Beverley Acres Troop, under Scoutmaster Norm Fosto er. Robin and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Derrick will leave Richmond Hill July 25th, arriving in Montreal the next day. They will visit relatives in Ottawa and Carillon, Quebec on the way. On Saturday evenâ€" ing Robin will join his group of Scouts and will be trans- ported to Greece by jet plane. He will be gone a little more than three weeks, with 10 days spent at the jamboree and 10 days in touring. but no details of this are as yet available. FOR $1.98 And $2.98 0 SUMMER M SKIRTS Wyn-Dot RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2214 The Ladies’ Shop Bayview Plaza Editor Margot Crack One of Richmond Hill's highly respected grand old men, Joseph Monkman, Bath- urst Street, was a guest at the Browning reunion picnic held recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee White in Lefroy. Mrs. Norma Greenfield held a shower at her Yongehurst Road home. Mrs. Dorothy Hold- er (aunt) was the hostess at a party at the bride's home on Baker Avenue, and Miss Stap- ley's fellow employees at the Dept. of Highways, Downsvlew, entertained at a miscellaneous shower. From “Richmond Hill, York- shire. England - to Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada", on a six months' visit, is Mrs. Alice Broadhurst, mother of Mr. Thomas Broadhurst, Beverley Acres. Several parties have been held for Miss Gwynneth Stap- ley prior to her marriage to Charles Ettlnger on July 20th at Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. Broadhurst's previous visit here was in 1959. when she made the acquaintance of another retired schoolteacher, Mrs. Lillian McConaghy and others with whom she hopes to renew friendships. Royden and David Rabinoâ€" witch entertained at their Kerrybrook Drive home on Friday last at a farewell party for Richard Wilcox of Gormley, who will be leaving shortly for Halifax. On Mrs. Broadhurst’s arrival at Malton airport by TCA jet on Friday evening last. she was met by Mr. Broadhurst and driven to Elsie Lake in the Hal- iburtons to spend a week with the Broadhurst family, who are holidaying at the summer cot- tage on the lake in the vicinity of Minden. White candelabra and tall standards of gladioli, carnations and stephanotis formed the setting in Royal York Road United Church, Toronto on Ju- ly 6 at 4 pm. for the marriage of Miss Marion J. Allen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Allen of 41 Princess Anne Crescent, Islington, and Mr. J. Stewart McCowan, son of Mrs. Duguld McCowan and the late Mr. Mc- Cowan of 165 Colbourne Aven- ue, Richmond Hill. Rev. J. R. Hord performed the ceremony. Mr. 8: Mrs. S. McCowan Honeymoon In Jamaica The bride is a graduate of Lakeshore Teachers College and is teaching in Etobicoke, and the groom graduated in industrial engineering this year from the University of Toronto. Given in marriage by her fa- ther. the bride entered the church to the strains of Wag- ner‘s Bridal Chorus played by Mr. Stanley Webb. During the ceremony Mr. Jim Lamond sang the Wedding Prayer and I’ll Walk Beside You. The bride looked lovely in a white nylon sheath trimmed with Alencon lace re-embroid- ered with pearls with an over- skirt of taffeta and a chapel train. A fingertip illusion veil fell from a pearl coronet and Minced Beef 3 lbs Sliced Beef Liverlb¢39 ROASTS Pork Sausage 3|bs. $1.00 .flA-r SAvmas! BLADE & SHORT RIB BAYVIEW PLAZA C. NELS GAGE At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church on Sunday last, Karen Lee Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Ander- son, 398 South Taylor Mills Drive, received the Sacrament of Baptism She was also pre- sented with a New Testament from the Sunday school. At the end of this week,"Mr. Beep” - a talking car promot- ing safety (sponsored by the Ontario Safety League) will be visiting morning classes of summer school. On Thursday he will be “talking” at the Town Park, Walter Scott and Crosby Heights Public Schools, and on Friday at Beverley Acres, Mac- Killop and Pleasantville. A Wiener roast was held recently for the safety patrols of Crosby Heights and Walter Scott Public Schools, at Bill Neal's farm in Whitchurch Townships. Beep! Beep! Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Ray Elson of Wopdstock, and Gary Elson of Toronto, former residents of Church Street. Richmond Hill, in the recent death as a result of an automo- bile accident of their son and brother, William Elson of Thamesford, The party, sponsored by the Richmond Hill Civitan Club, was attended by 30 children who enjoyed a programme of games and organized activities under the direction of Constable Young, safety patrol officer of the Richmond Hill Police force. Miss Barbara Allen was her sister's maid of honor, and Miss Jane Butler, Miss Janet Mc- Cowan, Mrs. David Duff, Mrs. Wm. Dunsmoor and Mrs. Bruce Jackson were the bridesmaids. All wore sheath dresses with jackets, five in mint and one in jade with velvet bows. Their headpieces were matching wed- ding bands with bouffant veils. They carried cascades of white carnations and ivy. Mr. R. E. Brocklehurst, one of the parents, supplied the wieners and Trailways of Canada, transportation. she carried a semi-cascade 01 cymbidium orchids and steph- anotis with ivy. Mr. Wm. Dunsmoor was the best man and ushers were Mr. Tom Gladney, Mr. Bruce Wil- son, Mr. Wm. McCowan, Mr. John Allen and Mr. David Duff. A wedding dinner and recep- tion was held for 160 guests at the Boulevard Club, Toronto. Out of town guests were pres- ent from Barrie, Sudbury, Kitchener, Kingston, Hamilton, Wyevale, Calgary, Montreal, Ashtabula, Ohio, Newark, N.J., Philadelphia, Penn, and Sche- nectady, N. J. Following a wedding trip to Jamaica, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ste- wart McCowan will make their home in the Islington Towers, Isllngton lb. 43¢ TU. 4-7691 ¢95 Miss Katherine Wilbraham. recently injured in a car accident, has been released from Branson Hospital and is convalescing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Bryant. Osiris Drive. Philip Barnes, 216 Alverna Rd. was recently appointed Canadian sales organization re- presentative for the Hammond Organ Company in Chicago. He will act as liaison between Canadian dealers and the Chi- cago factory and plans to travel from coast to coast beginning next week with a trip to Win- nipeg, Vancouver and Victoria. Mr. and Mrs. B. Teague left on Thursday from Montreal aboard the “Empress of Brit- ain" for their home in Watford, Herts. England, having spent two months visiting their daughters, Mrs. '1‘. Viersen in Toronto and Mrs. '1‘. Ward, Driscoll Road. Mr. Barnes was formerly owner of Associated Music Ser- vices in the Hill. A family reunion was held on Sunday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Donovan,‘ 219 Ruggles Avenue, in honour of Mrs. Donovan's uncle Mr. Alf Topping from Crewe, Eng- land. Mr. Topping was accompanied on the trip by his son-in-law Mr. Eric Gilbert, who is visit- ing Canada for the first time, Twenty five guests, includ- ing brothers and sisters from Oshawa, Mimico and southern Ontario, many of whom Mr. Topping has not seen for 52 years, were in attendance, and many happy memories were re- vived and photographs ex- changed. SOUTH BLOCK Phone 285-1073 Established 1873 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Start grooming your pet now and prepare for the Children’s Amateur Cat and Dog Show, sponsored by the Allencourt I.G.A.. to be held at the Allen- court Plaza on July 20th from 9.30 to 11.30 a.m. There are dozens of differ- ent classes - no entry forms necessary - and prizes for ev- eryone. New green metal mesh bask-‘ ets appeared on posts on Yonge Street this week. Located near bus stops, confectionery and variety outlets, it is hoped that they will assist in keeping Yonge Street free from litter. This can only be achieved by 'all citizens co-operating, the staff which sweeps the main business area three times a week, cannot keep the streets immaculate, but citizens can. Some redistribution of these new baskets may be necessary as the need is ascertained. Vacationing ‘2 Holiday visitors? Cottaging‘.’ These and other items all make interesting reading for “Life in the Hill”, and the Social Editor Margot Crack would appreciate hearing from you. Call the office at TU. 4-1105, or drop in personally, we'll be pleas- ed to hear from you. Prior to the opening of Richmond Hill playground recreation pro- grammes Monday, the course leaders, drawn from among Hill teenagers by Mrs. Jean Thomson, recreation director, held a workshop at the library to learn the skills they’ll need to educate and entertain their young charge: this summer. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Leaders In Training [III-III-I-I I 24 Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St ' Richmond Hill Toronto SAVE UP TO 40% WE HAVE A LOT or Chrysler â€" Plymouth â€" Valiant See Us Today For First Choice BUT Only 9 Convertibles lEFT No. 7 HIGHWAY AT DUFFERIN ST. - 285-4858 WOMEN'S CHILDREN'S MEN'S DRESS & CASUAL SHOES RICHMOND HILL TUmer 4-1312 "63 VALIANT Sign» “audible MORTGAGE SERVICE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE AND TORONTO. ONT EMplre 2-3456 884-5341

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