A surprise going-away party was held June 22 for Mrs. Dave Wilson. by Mrs. S. Mqurry. Fifteen of her friends and neighbors gathered to wish her a good holiday and trip. She left June 28 by plane for Edin- burgh, Scotland, which she langstaff Grads Attend Awards Banquet At Hall . Guduation exercises and banquet for the grade 8 pupils of Langstaff School were held June 27 at Trinity Parish Hall, Thornhill, Ont. Speakei‘ of the evening was Mr. Walton Rose, Q.C. Mrs. A. Snider gave the his- tory of the Charles McGuirl award and made the presenta- tion to its winner. Michael Car- ter. Scholarship award was by David Harris who was the vaiedictorian. The proficiency award won by Christine Staddon. Those graduating were: Fran- ces Baird, Elizabeth Ball, Mi- chael Ball, Margaret Barr, Rob- ert Bonnell, Robert Calladine, Michael Carter, Perry Crone,‘ Gordon Deska. Heather Dun- bar, Janice Dunnett. Lesley Fairfield, John Glassey, Keld Greflund, Bruce Hahn, Linda iHarding, David Harris, Nancy Holdsworth. Bruce Humphrey. Wm. Jay. Richard Jess, Car- olyn Kearns. Michael Lipp, Dennis Martin, Bonnie Maston, Bruce McDonald, Janice Moran, Janis Powers, Barry Rollinson, Christine Staddon, Chris. Som- erton, Mike Turnpenny, June Veltch, Spencer Welland, Per- ry White, Robert Wilson. Mayor Officiates At Opening Mayor William Neal (second from right) recently cut the ribbon to open the Beneficial Finance Company’s local branch at Richmond Heights Centre. On hand for the occasion were Canadian head office executives, E. J. Hendrie, vice-president; R. J. Beatty (far right), Ont. supervisor; (left) Richmond Hill branch manager, D. E. Harrison. ‘MORTGAGE BRITISH 8 TRUST COMPANY Crestwood Road News SINCE 1877 Hours of Businea: Monday to Thursday 9-4.30; Friday 9-8.30 p.m. Do You Employ 15 Persons Or More‘:1 Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Telephone AV. 5-3443 won also was hasn't seen for 33 years to visit with her three maiden sisters. Mrs. Carr was introduced by Mrs. A. J. Dunn, Catholic Wo- men’s League president at St. Paschals. Mr. Drew Wilson, nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Wilson, cousin to Mr. and Mrs. Sandy McGowan arrived from Newry, Northern Ireland to spend the summer with his relatives here in Canada. Mrs. Elsie Carr, lay woman missionary, home from Peru to attend her daughter’s wedding, was guest speaker at St. Pasch- al Baylon parish hall, June 25. Lay Missionary Gives Talk A film was shown depicting life in Peru, Mrs. Carr gave an If so, you will be interested in the Ontario Pension Beneï¬ts Act which became effec- tive June lst of this year. You can get information about the terms of this Act, advice on the best plan for your company, and help in setting up a pension plan or revising your present plan from British Mortgage &. Trust -â€"- a. company that has broad experience in acting as Trustee of pension funds. We will be glad to assist you in any way. Get in touch with Mr. Ronald Holmes. manager of the Richmond Hill office of British Mortgage. There Will be no charge or obligation. Telephone: 884-1107, 285-1308 63 Yonge Street 8., Richmond Hill. excellent description of conditions existing there. At the mission in Cayalti Rev. William Cooney, past- tor, and Rev. P. Moony, assist- ant, are laboring despite the harsh conditions, with a measâ€" ui'e of success. The mission is under the direct jurisdiction of1 Bishop Cody of London, Onta- rio whose diocese has adopted this mission. There are now a number of schools in operation five days a week, staffed by four sisters of St. Joseph re- cently arrived from London, Ontario. A new rectory in the midst of construction is ex- pected to be completed by August. Mrs. J. J. Bulger and Mrs. G. W. Marlatt of St. Paschal Bayion Parish. have been appointed to ex- ecutive positions on the North York Regional Coun- cil of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Mrs. J. J. Bulger as chairman and Mrs. G. W. Marlatt as socâ€" ial action convener. the The June report of the buil- ' ding inspector presented to On Thursday evening a num- Markham Township Council ber of friends and neighbours Monday afternoon stated that gathered at the home of Miss permits had been issued for a Vera Hilts for a farewell for total of $322,700. Dwellings ac- Ml‘S- J- C- McKendry. During counted for $301,200, industrial the evening Mrs. McKendry and commercial $16,500. and was presented with a transist- accessory buildings $5.000. 01‘ radio. and a gift of money. a: in 4- * Best wishes were extended to Authorization was given for MTS- MCKendl‘y Who thanked the payment of $377.70 to p, her friends. Dainty refresh- mmnmu m. naapmpnf for ments followed- Authorization was given for the payment of $377.70 to P. Stayanoff for easement for watermain at the corner of Clarke and Yonge Streets. A letter from J. E. Young of Bayview Plaza was read asking Markham Township Council to press for immediate paving of Bayview Avenue. Reeve Wil- fred Dean explained that he had failed in an attempt earlier this year to have York County Council provide the money for this essential work on a sup- plementary budget. Instead on- ly $36,000 was provided to take care of five roads, including Bayview. “Until the county votes sufficient money, Toronto and York Roads Commission will not assume or pave Bay- view," said the reeve. A solicitor for Wycliffe Homes sent council a copy of a letter addressed to Bayview Country Club Ltd. re the latter connecting to the trunk sewer installed by the former. The letter threatened to plug the unauthorized sewer unless the company assumed a share of cost of installation. A motion by Councillor Allan Sumner and S. Rumble that Wycliffe Homes Limited be informed that Markham Township Coun- cil would take a very serious view of any action to stop up the sanitary sewer was carried. Councillor Charles Hoover reported that on June 26 he, Councillor Sumner and Engin- eer D. Miklas had met with two Thornhill Trustees to as- certain if the trustees of the police village are prepared to rebuild John Street this year. The trustees did not feel that‘ the village was ready to under- take this work this year. The contractor is proceeding to re- pair road following installation \of sanitary and storm sewers. Council decided to refuse an application from Mrs. Donald- son to erect a 26 foot cement block garage at Buttonville. It was reported that objections from residents in the area had been received, and it was felt that the size of the proposed building was not justified by a one family dwelling. The township will send three representatives to the Ontario Municipal Association annual convention in Kingston from August 25 to 28. Markham TWp. ’ Council Briefs by Bill Barnes your telephone manager “OPERATOR 1880" ' MICROWAVE TOWER. MORE THAN JUST TELEPHONES Playing an important role in the development of our country, the Bell has an active interest in more than just telephones in the almost limitless. it seems, telecom- munications industry. For instance, our microwave radio relay chain, part of the Trans-Canada Telephone System network. carries television programs under contract to the CBC and CTV networks. Last year the Trans-Canada System was also successful in gaining a 10-year contract to supply facilities for the CBC’s complete radio net- works. These facilities employ well over 20,000 miles of high quality circuits to link some 200 English and French radio stations between Newfoundland and British Columbia. On Thursday evening a num- ber of friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Miss Vera Hilts for a farewell for Mrs. J. C. McKendry. During Mrs. Marie Duncan and Anne are holidaying in the West Indies. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and family spent the week-end near Haliburton. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wideman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Wideman have spent a holiday at Chesley Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Baker and Mr. Carl Baker of Kinder- sley, Sask., are visiting their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heise. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Gibson in the death of her father, Mr. Elliott of Waubashene last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Dennie and family moved Saturday to Cookstown, R.R.2. Miss Betty Dennie moved to an apartment in Don Mills. Cindy and Neale Brown of Stouffville are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barker. Mr. Richard Wilcox drove to Quebec on Saturday to visit his brother-in-law and sister, Cap- tain and Mrs. L. R. Creelman. Mrs. Wilcox and Dinah return- ed home with him. Attend Wedding Mr. and Mrs. C. Milsted were guests at the wedding of their cousin Miss Margaret Duncan and Mr. David Fanning at Dundalk United Church on Saturday afternoon. Quite a number attended the annual camp meeting at Niagara Christian College, Fort Erie, during the past week. A number of boys are attend- ing the boys camp at the Stayner camp grounds this week. The following children were prize winners at 5.5. No. 4 Markham school â€"â€"- Best deportment - Rosemary Leek of Headford; most improvement in spelling, Karen MacKinnon; most im- provement in reading, Owen MacKinnon. These prizes are awarded annually by Mrs. R. G. Brit- nell. Miss Arvilla Forrester enter- tained her music pupils at her home Saturday. Friends were sorry to learn of the death of two United Missionary ministers. Mrs. Isaac Brubacher of Stouffville was a former minister's wife at There used to be a time when the word “tele-iI phone" almost alway: stirred an image of the operator complete with headset and a broad smile. Somehow over the years this image has been mingled with pictures 01 telephone lines, digging machines, piles of intric- ate equipment and the faces of rugged linemen, pretty clerks and service representatives. 0! cour- se, each contributes to? the overall picture of the‘ telephone company, and the skilled and experienc- ed operator, as always, is at your service. You may not be able to see her at her work, but she is available whenever you need assistance. Nice to know that she’s there, ready to help, isn’t it? We've Changed A lot CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 886-5201 GORMLEY NEWS Gormley for several years, and Mrs. Ern Lucas of Petrolla was well known here. Another very highly respect- ed Gormley resident, Mr. Frank Williams, died suddenly at his home Wednesday with a heart attack. Mr. Williams was a great community worker and will be greatly missed. Sym- pathy is extended to his broth- er, Mr. William Williams. Pike’s Peak annual tent meetings are now in progress with Rev. Willis Hunking of Africa as speaker. and Mr. Johnny Ambrose of Toronto as soloist. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Britnell. Mrs. Harry Empringham, and Miss JoAnne Thompson attend- ed the sixth Convocation at the University of Waterloo Saturday where their son Victor received his degree of‘ bachelor of applied science.‘ Ninety-eight students received their engineering degrees. Con- gratulations to Mr. Victor Britnell. B.A. Sc. Everyone is lamenting the tree slaughter along Don Mills Road. It seems such a pity that all these beautiful shade trees have to be demolished for so- called progress. Mrs. Stouffer spent Sunday with Mrs. Beulah Jones. Mrs. Joseph Wideman spent the week-end with Mr and Mrs. Neale Side: and family of Wainfleet. Heise Hill Sewing Circle met on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Amos Baker in Vaughan. Quite a number of Gormley ladies attended. Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Hunking 3nd family moved Tuesday to New Under New Management RICHMOND STEAM BATH MASSAGE * * * 3 STAR RATE REDUCTION * * * Shorgus Brings YOU a package deal and Saves YOII $289.00 * FORCED-AIR FURNACE (Includes 5 Hots, 2 Cold-Airs) (Plus 2 Hot Outlets In Basement) AND WE INSTALL A * RENTAL WATER HEATER ALL *Your Choice of a FREE R THOR GAS DRYER 18 Levendale Rd. Opposite Richmond Heights Shopping Centre Steam Baths Will Open 3 pm. Daily Except Monday, Tuesday (Ladies) 5 pm. Sunday - 8 am. Till 3 pm. Or By Special Appointment For Appointment Call Prop. Doug Whorpole, Registered Masseure THOR GAS DRYER or BEACH GAS RANGE PLUS benefit by additional savings of $10.00 annually on the New 3 Star Rate TU. 4-5111 DURING SUMMER MONTHS SPECIAL OFFER SHflRGAS LII]. Fm Promotions were announced‘ as recently for Lloyd lSchool. Promoted from grade 1 to it. grade 2, junior room: [13; (*Honours). . a Lennard‘ Belntman'h Joey ,as Biso*, Gall Bfmkman, Coleen‘ M Farmer*. leevm Gamble, Rlch- m_ ard Hawkms“, John Hason, ,h_ Lowell Hunking*, Gary Meads, ' Ann Rushby". Cheryl Staley*, m Brady Storey. Bobby Wide- man“. ~ Kitchener. Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Christine Beintema*. Mat- Sider and family of Kitchener thew Bromley. Philip Brom- moved to Gormley the same ley*, Ferne Gamble*, Vivian day. The Siders are well-known Gibson“, Joyce Hart, Frederica in this area as Rev. Sider was Joseph. Bruce Mackey’l‘, Brian the minister here several years Rushby, Darlene Schlicter“, ago. a Michael Windsor“. Promoted from grade 2 to grade 3: Ryan Ashley“. Tommy Biso, Brian Brinkman, Larry Clews*, John Gibson*. Steven Ground*, Butch Lamondin, David Meads. Johnny Savelle*. Jimmy Hason‘ with Miss Cook teacher. From grade 3 to grade 4. Brenda Ash. Lyndon Bate-: man. Nancy Doner*, Laurna‘ Hart. Carol Hason, Carolyn Hawkins“, Bonnie Lamondin, John Meade*. Ernie Richens, Lyn Staley. David White“, Ray- mond Whittakerâ€: Janet Wide- man*, Kenny Zonnekeyn. From grade 4 to grade 5 Reed Ashley, John Bateman, Debbie Ground, Rickie Hart, Carl Hunking*, Beverley Lam- ‘ondin, Dean Slicter*. Grant Staley*, Helena Vallett. Lorry Wooller*, Richard Zonnekeyn. From grade 5 to grade 6 Alan Ashley, John Brink- man*, Marilyn Clews*, Tim- othy Devine, Rachael Hart*, Jeanette Joseph*, Brenda Kerr*. Chuck Oliver, Joanne Savelli*, Dorothy Stewart. Rod- ney Stewart. Bobby Whittaker*, with Mr. John Mullings, teach- er. 1 Promoted to senior room, grade 6 to grade 7 were: IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE NEW TU. 4-3368 THE LIBERAL, Iiichmond Hilltpnitwairio, Thursday, July 11, 1963 MERCHANDISE SALES From grade 7 to grade 8 were: Margaret Ashley, Kelvin Car- rington. Keith Doner. Ross Gibson, Robert Grounds*, Barbara Harvey*. Bonnie Har- vey*, Brenda Harvey*, Ella- Mae Hunking*, Sherri Leary*, John Stewart. June Wooller*. Promoted from grade 8 to 9 were: David Craig*. Fred Ker- stein*, Sigmar Kunz, James Hart. Edward Leary“. William Leary“, with Mr. Harry Hunt. teacher. WHEN you can buy detached Custom Built N.H.A. Homes From $14,150.00 ONLY $995.00 DOWN TO I N.H.A. MORTGAGE SOLD BY Napa‘nee Investment Corp. Ltd. Includes Features Not Found In More Expensive Homes, Such As 2043 C AVENUE RD. Stouffville Ph. 640-2400 - Toronto Ph. 487-3629 Collect See These Beautiful Homes â€" Only 9 Miles From Metro Toronto In Picturesque Stouffville LOW TAX AREA Gormley Side Road To Watson Heights Subdivision East End 0! Stouffville Models Now Open For Your Inspection 11 am. â€" 8.30 pm. 60 Ft. Lots 0 Storms & Scre Coloured Bath With Ceramic Tile Sodded Front & Back Attached Garage All Services - Plus Public Park & Swimming Pool Adjacent As Low As $78.00 Monthly Direction To Subdivision [n Challenge :1 OF *- Cancer THE CHEMOTHERAPY. or treat- ment with drugs, is a major field of cancer research. the search for drugs that can halt or slow down tumour growth is contin- ually increasing. 0f the more than 100.000 so far tested. some twenty have been found to be of tempor- ary benefit to cancer patients. There is hope that one or more of the many drugs being used for treat- ment studies may be capable of inducing a cure. Storms & Screens No Obligation 285 - 2634 46 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill