Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jul 1963, p. 13

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‘u. 4.7484, ' “05?; FLECK AND KEFFER REAL ESTATE I! you are thinking of buying or selling call EARLY OCCUPANCY l wner transferred. Will take‘ back large first mortgage on‘ solid masonry, centre hall plan; ungalow. one DIOL‘k from‘ Yonge St. Lot 88’ x 142', breeze-T . double garage, paved rive. L room 19‘ x 13‘ with ay window. Open fireplace. Full size dining room, kitchen. large del‘onms and 4 pee. ath. 11 block basement. 30‘l inished rec room. open fire-‘ lace. 2 peel washroom. Oil Ieat. Many desirable extras ncludcd with. this immaculate nme. Must be seen to be ppreciatcd. Private. TU. 4-1349. c2w3 < a: '< PRIVATE ‘pllt level, 3 large bedrooms. ireplace in living room, play- nom, broadloom, aluminum storms and screens, attached garage. close to schools, shop- ping & transportation. $17,500. FLECK AND KEFFER AV. 5-3816 BA. 5-8834 1860 ANTIQUE 14.900. an old home with any Canadian charm and haraclcr. 8 room solid brick storey dutch colonial. in xcellenl condition. Tread lot. bathrooms. 2 kitchens, pan- elled sun porch. $2.500 down. Mr. Vincent, AV. 5-3816. ““““‘ PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS 20.900 - 6 room solid brick ungalow, 2 car garage. 2 bath- 'ooms, family room with fireâ€" lace. master bedroom has walkout lo enclosed patio. Call lit Gibbons, llU. 3-4329. ‘PLEASANTVILLE GARDENS 22.400 - solid brick ranch bun- alow. 2 car attached garage. it heat. large living room with ng bLIrning fireplace. separate amlly size dinlng ronm. extra arge kitchen with breakfast rca. master bedroom has bath~ 'nom én suitc. 2 other well- ppointcd bedrooms, family nom with fireplace. low down ayl’hent. easy terms. terrific Value. Far below actual cost. at] Mr. Coughlan, HU. 3â€"4329. REALTY LTD. 51 YONGE ST. SOUTH NORM BLACK Willowdale - solid brick seven ‘ooms on two floors. 2 bath- ‘nnms. large lot. private paved jrive. Cal Mr. Coughlan. HU. Asking $14,500 - 3 bedroom brick bungalow attached ga- rage. stone fireplace, oil heat. Must be sold immedia-‘ rage. stone fireplace, oil heat. Must be sold immedia-‘ tely. Will accept low down payment. For further inforâ€"‘ mation call Bert Gramsch $19900 â€"â€" Ranch 3 bedroom bungalow north of Richmond Hill on acre lot with pond. Large sunken llvlng room‘ with door to patio. Full sized dining room, extra large kit-l Chen â€" 2 bathrooms. Atta- ched :arazo. $5000 down. Please call Mrs. Horsley. ONE BLOCK T0 YONG-E ‘ 32,500 down. $13,900 full price. 3 bedroom brlck bun- galow, attached garage. Oill heal. Secluded landscaped lot. $88 monthly. 1 mortgage‘ only. Mr. Melbourne. FOR POSITIVE Rnsmxrs‘ CALL ‘ AV. 5-3892 on TU. 4-2393 RICHMOND HILL TRADE [NS ACCEPTED mms. large lot. privaie pavedi THORNHILL rive. Cal Mr. Cnughlan. liU,|$15.500 - 6 years old. Beauti- -4329. fully decorated 6 room bunga- low with twin size carport. Large bright kitchen, loads of cupboards. Comfortable i'eci‘eu~ lion room with built-in bar for REAL ESTATE LIMITED won-alcoholic beverages. 732,000.00 Inuurumu- Associates Realty Credit ltd. . . . or more. for any good reason. through Associatés’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. Here's how it‘wl'orks: Simply use the equity you have in your home. whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up. as collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly. and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you'll find our rates are reasonable. MAKE AN OFFER ATTACHED GARAGE FIRE PLACE 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need 0f Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need (‘ash For Educational Expenses? Want to Pay Off Those Old Bills? . . . GET . . . $5,000.00 6A LEVENDALE RD.. RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 0N TREE LINED COUNTRY ROAD “THE LIBERAL” REAL ESTATEWCOLUMN $1.500 DOWN HOME OWNERS LOANS clw3 CaliPA FOR TRADE IN Your present dwelling for a luxury home in beautiful Rose- mar Gardens (west of Yonge), Richmond Hill. No ugly hydro potes. All underground wiring, choice of 10 difl‘erent plans; For appointment phone TU. 4â€"3757. “022 3 BEDROOM home, near schools and plaza. Fenced gar- den. Frult trees. Small down payment. TU. 4-2858. tfc2 3 BEDROOMS L-shaped living and dining room. Full base- ment and large kitchen, TU. 4- 2933. 1&2 4.8EBROC5MWséllt lévelipan- elled family room, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms. large fenced yard. PRIVATE Sl‘ LE On Iredale Road. $16,900. re- duced. 8 rooms, solid brick. and- sundcck. Split level. 2 bath. rooms. 2 kitchens. near golf course. Richmond Heights Plaza and bus. $4.000 down. balance one mortgage 01“ $2,000 down with second "1011-; gage. TU, 4-1022. c1w2‘l 3 BEDROOM brick home inl Allencourt, 4 piece bath. oil heat. storms and screens on large fenced lot. Asklng $13,500. >w¢ooomo< Asking $15,900. TU. 4-4204 $14,000. Here is a real poten- tial money maker in King City. Featui‘es an attractive 6 room apartment with 2 baths. plus a fully equipped beauty salon presently doing a good busin- ess. Excellent terms. 10 ACRE bush and stream, near highway. King Township $3.500. ’MOSDHEfiE‘S’ARE’ LISTED wn‘u DAVID McLEAN- LTD. tfc28 SOUTH OF AURORA TWO bedroom bungalow, 2 car garage, greenhouse in need of repair but complete with heatâ€" ing system. Large lot 166 x 656 with exoellent soil. Only ask- ing $9,500 with easy terms. $13,900. Desirable modern brick bungalow. 6 spacious rooms. low down payment to 1 NHA mort- gage. Call now, must be sold. 515.950. The buy of a lifetime 4 bedrooms. den. 2 washrooms Ideal famin home, ideal loca~ lion. Just 1 NBA mortgage. CALL AV. 5-2951 '1‘. MURPHY. BROKER $15,300.00 KING CITY. Lovely brick bungalow located in a nice area of town. Includes a large 17’ living room. good famâ€" ily kitchen with built-in break- fast nook, Ample dining room, 3 bright bedrooms. oil heating, storms ailable Real Estate 7771 Yonge Street Thornhlll AV. 5-1166 WILLOWDALE 51.500.00 down. 1 mortgage for the balance. Spotless 3 bed- room home. ‘,2 block to ’1‘.T.C. Large well treod properly. Owner transferred to USA. Early possession. $13,900. $21,500. Spacious 6 room bun- galow with attached garage. open fireplace. walk-out to shaded patio. ultra modern kitchen. 1,2 acre of land within 100 yds. of Yonge St. in an area of fine homes. EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora PA. 7-9413 96 Yonge 51., Aurora 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 LESLIEV O'HAGAN BEAUTY SALON APARTMENT W. J. PEARSON and screens. Terms av- (‘ASE REAL ESTATE RR. 3 KING PA. 7-5873 RICHVALE $15,000.00 ('l\\‘3 loooooooooooooo< broadloom, $14300 or near of- fer. Originally $16,200. 884- 2726. lTill God called her home to KlNG CITY ‘ suffer no more. $16,800 - 3 bedroom brick ranch â€" Lovingly remembered by bungalow. attractive and bright‘dapghter-in-law Margaret Car- lhroughout, at the edge of vil-llisle and grandsons Bill, Stan lage on paved road close toiand Wayne. clw3 school and shopping. Owner -7177", "77,," WW transferred, reason for selling. A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ $14,900 - lovely treed setting in Whitchurch Township just off the Don Mills Road. Main house has two bedrooms, large kit- chen, 4 piece bath. spacious living room, oil heating, ex- cellent 2 car garage. Second 4- room home has hot and cold water. Be sure and see this pic- turesque property. Terms can be arranged. $13.600 - Aurora. Exceptionally gracious split level bungalow situated in a nice quiet court, safe for children. Featm‘es 3 bedrooms. large L-shaped liv- ing and dining room, stylish kit- chen. storms and screens, pav- ed drive, lovely fenced garden. low down payment. W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE 96 Yonge SL, Aurora PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 \ c1w3 $20,000 â€" 14 acres, 4 of bush, 1% storey, 4-bedroom home. all conveniences. Small barn in good repair. Bathurst-Aurora area. Please call Allan Gellat- ly. COOK'S BP To avoid accident, sometimes it's neces- sary to “stop on a dime!” This. you can’t do, when brake linings are dangerously worn. Better play safe, and let us check yours NOW. We‘ll re-line your brakes. if need be, at modest cost. SIX ACRES â€"- 2 HOUSES JOHNSON AND DANIEL REALTORS LTD. TE. 3-5745 Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 Auto Service SMALL ESTATE REALTY LIMITED 222-2582 'VV‘CLARK â€" In loving memory of a dear mother and grand- pav- mother, Lucy Clark, who and passed away, July 20. 1962. fitted Peacefully sleeping, resting at ar of-‘ last, 884. The world's weary troubles and 1 trials are past, “W52 In silence she suffered. in * ‘*'â€"{ patience she bore, c2w3 CARD 0!" THANKS Mr. and Benson A friends an grocery sl house fire CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Elgln Arm- HOLY TRINITY strong, 54 Edgar Ave.. Richvale. THORNIIILL wish to announce the engage- Brooke & Jane Strects ment of their daughler, Nancy Rector Lyn. to Mr. Mel Cull, son offRev. ll. Reginald llowden. B.A.. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cull of L. Th. St. Anthony. Newfoundland. The Rev. Fred C. Jackson, Assistant marriage will take place 8211- Minister urday. August 24. at 3 pm. in Organist and Choir Director Richmond Hill United Church. Mrs. Ralph Markham, A.R.C.’l‘. clw3 Wednesday -â€" Mrs. N. Bodnar and family wish to express their sincere thanks and appreciation to everyone who has been so kind during their recent bereavement. especially thank- ing Pastor Forbes. Mr. and Mrs. John Sparrow. 36 Knollside Dr., Richmond Hill. Ont._ are happy to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter Jacque- line Margaret Emily to Mr. Gordon Barry Watson, son of Mr. Gordon Watson. Quesnel. B.C. Marriage to take place Saturday. August 3rd. at 7 o'clock pm. at St. Michael and All Angels' Anglican Church. Prince George, BC. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd David- son. Mealh Park. Saskatchewan, wish to announce the engage- ment at their daughter Sarah Bernice to Mr. Paul Douglas Winger. son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Winger, Maple. Mr. ad Mrs. Norman Robson. Richmond H i 11. Ontario. announce the engagement of their daughter Donna Jean to Mr. Arend Van Bodegom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick Van Bodegom of Wieringerwerf. Holland. The marriage to take place August 17, 1963 at 4 o'clock in Maple United Church. Maple, Ontario. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE In memoriam CLARK-CARLISLE ~ In lov-1 ing memory of a dear mother and grandmother, Lucy Clark, who passed away July 20, , 1962; also a dear brother, William Carlisle, June 19. 1961. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. â€"- Sam, Ethel, Terry and Ken. c1w3 @ngagementg t1) (2) t3} (4) A six inch diameter water- The Council of the Corp- oration of the Township of Markham intends to construct as a local improvement main on Hillsview Drive, from the west limit of lot 8, Plan 2260 to the west limit of Bayview Avenue, together with house conâ€" nections to the street line and including water met- ers. The estimated cost of the works is $45,734.00 of which no portion is to be paid by the Corporation. (a) The estimated cost of the watermains per assessable foot front- age is $8.08. The special assessment for the work is to be paid in twenty equal annual instalments and with interest oft 6% the estimated annual rate per foot frontage is $0.70. The cost of 32 house connections to street line including meters is estimated to be‘ $3,200.00. The special‘ assessment for the‘ work is to be paid in twenty equal annual‘ instalments and with‘ interest of 6% the; estimated annual 005“ would be $8.72 per. connection. (bi Ontario Municipal Board for its approval and any owner may within 21 days after the his‘ work file with the Clerk objection to the being undertaken. The Board may approve of 9,45 a.m. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Service Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Rev. 11 am. â€"- Junior Baptist Churches Church Street Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward July and August services combined with Thornhill Baptist Church, Yonge St. Thornhill RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all (Opposite the High School) Pastor: G. Forbes SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1963 â€"â€" Bible School A Friendly Welcome Is Extended to ALL at The Young Church with' the Old Message â€"THORNIllLL BAPTIST CHURCH Stop 17, Yonge Street Minister iate School Nursery 11 am. -â€" Morning Service â€"7LANGVSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Interim Pastor: Mr. Terry Madison, Benson Ave.. Langstaff LORD’S DAY SERVICES . . . 9.50 am. -â€" Sunday School Appllcahon “"1"_ be made 11 a.m. â€"MORNING SERVICE by the Corporation to the 6 pm _ Young People~s Meet_ in: . of the 7 pm. â€" EVENING SERVICE undertaking 01' the work Supervised nursery at 311L011” (lay activities _ I I “3“ MID-WEEK HOUR. Wed. 8 pm. publication of this notice Prayer. Praige Bible Smdy Christian Service Brigade Friday 7 pm. A WARM. WELCOME AWAITS YOU School and in Canada) Langstaff (Convention of Ont. & QueJ‘ Minion Johnston, D.D., 1 Mrs. Cameron Andrew. Organist 10 arm. â€"â€" Seniurand Intermed- the work being undertak- en. but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objecfion tn the work will be con- sidered. Dated at the Township of Markham this 16th day of July. 1963. TAKE NOTICE THAT and Mrs. L. A. Ne”, 66 Ave. wish to thank and neighbours for the I shower following our fire. c1w3 H. C. T. Crisp Clerk-Treasurer annship bf Markham . No. 2. Gormlay. Ont *1w3 *lw3 [ace 8 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion Sunday school t 7 10 am. -â€"- Choral Communion ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH and‘ (Junior Congregation and (2 miles south of Maple) rch-l Infant Care) ; Rev. E. Lange. B.A., ED. 1'] Dim. â€" EVensong SUNDAY. JULY 14. 1963 2wz|W¢d.. July 24. SL Jfllm‘s’ Day 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School and >10 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 1 Bime Class ‘ ‘ 11 am. â€" The Service :5 ‘THE ANGLICAN “(‘AllURCll or Nursery provided EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH ‘ Mackay Drive - Richvale { Rev. K. A. Thatcher | BA. 5-2734 ,Mrs. Jns. E. Howard, Organisl } SUNDAY. JULY 21. 1963 ‘ 6th Sunday After Trinity 11 a.m. â€" Morning, Prayer 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer THE ANGIJCAN CHURCH OF CANADA THE CHURCH fST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. R. E. Mclmnnan 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Minister Organist and Choir Director Mrs. Ralph Markham, A.ll.C.’l‘ Wednesday -â€" 10.15 am. â€"â€" IIoiy Communiol 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Preacher: Rev. Fred C. Jackson “The God of Love" All Saints’ Church - King City 10.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School Church. TU. 4 SUNDAY. JULY 10 am. â€" Morning Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A.. DD. 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun day of month at 11 ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH ‘ Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward July and August services combined with Thornhill Baptist Church, Yonge St. Thornhill . OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA ’ SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1963 ST. MARK’S Yonge at Elm Grove 9.45 am. â€"â€" Family Service ST. JOHN’S Yonge at Jefferson 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer and Baptism 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer Rector, the Rev. Tom Robinson MIDâ€"WEEK HOUR. Wed. 8 pm Prayer, Praise, Bible Study Christian Service Brigade Friday 7 pm. CARD OF THANKS Shepherd. We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreci- atir‘m to all our friends and staff of Branson Hospital, also Dr. Harvey Socol. for kindness and sympathy extended to us in the illness and death of our son Gregor. Special lhanks to the Richmond Hill Italian Com- nlunity for their expreSSion of .15 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY. JULY 21. 1963 Sixth Sunday After Trinity am. â€" Holy Communion a.m. â€" Morning Prayer ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH ympath) ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone TRINITY VI SUNDAY. JULY 21. 196: ANGLICAN; LUTHERAN HOURS OF SERVICE lnte‘rim Pastor: Mr. Terry Madison. Benson Ava. Langslaff BAPTIST PARISH OF KING (Anglican) l'h'e SERVICES After Trinity SERVICES rning Prayer PRESBYTERIAN ,rAND ning Prayer , UNITED CHURCHES -â€"-â€"â€"â€" MAPLE OF KING JULY Elma“) 11 am. â€"â€" Service in M ’F SERVICE United Church “Rh ".King City Rev. B. F. Andrew will pr‘ Mommg Prayer Note: There will be no set sunday SChool in St. Andrew’s or St. P; Presbyterian churches <‘na turn“ an -7083 21. 1963 Prayer 1963 JKJJJALA u ;uv:u .,.‘-‘...r,,, ‘ [3mm 7.30 pm. â€" Exemng Service c1\\3 Tues, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meetmg‘ ST. PAUL‘S LUTHERAN CHURCH Walter Scott School. Markham Road Rev. Albert E. Myers. B.A.. B.D.. S.’I‘.M.. Pastor SUNDAY, JULY 21. 1963 “Holding Forth The Word of Life" TIIORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7, 1/2 mi. west of Yonge Dillwyn '1‘. Evans. Minister Miss Nancy Rowland. Organist Rev ll a‘m July CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9.45 am. -â€" Worship Service and Sunday School RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev C. G. Higginson, B.A.,B.D. SUNDAY, JULY 21. 1963 11.15 am. â€" Church Service Rev. James Burn July July July PRESBYTERIAN Minister Rev. A. I. Higgins, B.A., B.D., Rev. Veals, Assistant Minister SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1963 9.45 am. â€"â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship For further information call AV. 5-2131 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH | C. R. Neill, Minister Meeting every Saturday ‘ Elgin Mills West “4 mile west of Yonge Street Worship Service 9.20 am. .- Sabbath School 1030 am,“ CALVARY CHURCH l RICHMOND "ILL 96 Hunt AVe.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostan Assemblies of Canada 7 TU. 4-4387 Pastor: Rev. I’. A. Sorenson SUNDAY 10 am. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Service i TUESDAY 18.30 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting ‘ l FRIDAY ‘ 7 pm. â€"â€" Children‘s Hour 1 BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanderbent. Pastor Tel.: Richmond Hill,TU. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) ? 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School ‘ 11 am. â€" Worship Service . 730 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed. 7.45 pinâ€"Prayer Meeting § 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service 2 O i 3 2 O Rev. F. James Burn. B.A., B. TU. 4-5526 SUNDAY. JULY 21, 1963 10 am. â€"â€" Divine Worship THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH CHURCH OF CHRIST Welcomes you at 7 pm. each Lord’s day Corner of Laurie Rd. and Concord Ave., Concord I Cor. 1â€"10 Now I beseech you Brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing and that there be no divisions [among you; . . . Vaughan (3rd Con Concord at Public School Rev. A. W. Heise. Pastor Tel. 285-5002 north of Concord) 11.15 am. â€" Wors 10 am. â€"-1 11 am. â€"â€" Tues., 8 p.111 Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh. Pastor Tel.: Gormley 3.544 Other Denominations RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -v. .1. N. Hepburn. Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and (‘hoir Leader SUNDAY, JULY 21, 1963 COMBINED SUMMER. MORNING WORSHIP AT 10 A.M. DURING JULY AND AUGUST 14 -â€" Rev. Russell Hall Grimsby, Ont. 21 â€"- Rev. J. C. Cooper Toronto ’ 28 â€" Rev. Malcolm Ran som, Toronto August 4, 11, 18, 25 Hear Our Minister Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans UNITED 'ST.’ MATTHEWS UNITED CHURCH Guest Preachers â€"â€" .Rev. Wallace Winnipeg. Man. â€" Worship Service Sunday School Mornin Sunday School Worship Service . â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Worship Service Worship miles preach service PauYs Little Maple 'Pastor‘s Theme â€" I “According to My Gospel 7 p.m. -â€" Go: Tues. 8 pm Wed RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Sunday 930 am 11.30 am. â€"â€" Worship The Minister in charge Evening service withdrawn in order i0 unite with other con- gi‘egations at Pine Orchard Campgrounds, six miles east of Newmarket on Vivian Road RICIH'ALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue Services Continues this week. each even- ing at 8 pm. (except Saturday), concluding next Sunday with services at 2.30 and 7.30 pm. Evangelist Rev. Willis Hunklng. missionary from Nigeria. Song Evangelist MI“ Johnny Am- 930 am. â€" Remembrance Ser- vice 11 a.m.â€"Bib1e Hour & Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Gospel Meeting 10 am brose, Toronto. AT THE CHURCH SUNDAY. JULY 21 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€" Worship MARKHAM : The 11th annual Markham open checker cham- pionship took place Saturday at Roslin Ave. PICKERING : A six storey mo- tor hotel and a new tavern in Pickering were granted liquor licences by the Ontario Licence Board at the junction of Shep- pard Ave. and Highway 401 (the former)- and at the corner of Altona Rd. and Finch Ave. (the latter), Ved., 7 pm. â€"â€" Pioneer girls meetings as announced Jesus saves and there is no other way” , r r r r r 7 ROOOOOO9099......”OOOWOOOOOO”O”OW Bible Reading Young people's and ladies’ Chicken Breasls Round Steaks 6'1 Roasts lb. 69¢ WEINERS lb. 35¢ â€" 3 II). 99¢ EVENDALE MEAT MARKET 6 Levendale Rd. 'I'Il.4-58OI Bread 20 oz. loaf Reg. 21¢ 2 For 37¢ Sirloin, T-Bone, Porterho-use STEAKS lb. 79¢ Quarter Beef Cut And Wrapped lb. GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. L. K. Sider, Pastor PIKE‘S PEAK TENT MEETING Guaiiiritee iovrest Prices In Ontario. Just A Few Of Our low Prices n. â€" Sunday School Classes for all ages 37‘ our lam?! low mikes THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 18, 1963 SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Prayer and Boys‘ Sizes: ‘ Infant to Size 12 Girls‘ Sizes: Infant to ‘ Pre-Teen 14X Great July In The (‘entre of The Centre RICHMOND Richmond Hill To make room for thé backto-Schoo] dresses and snow suits that have arrived and the many more items to come we have placed on sale all our summer clothinfi. ' WE SPECIALIZED IN GOOD QUALITY 31;an 1x (‘ANADA CHILDREN’S WEAR ALUMINUM Windows 6c Doors Awnings 6': Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. New Shipment This Week All Materials & Workmanshlp Fully Guaranteed 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL HOODED KANGAROO JACKETS ALL MAKES OF WINDOWS REGLAZED 8. REPAIRED MANY SURPRISE SPECIALS DAILY $1.98 TO $3.98 (Sizes 4 to 14) HEIGHTS SALE CENTRE 884-7474 31 mu linues lb. 45¢ 285-1471 884-2873 Family \llowance Cheques Always Welcome

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