IHEJ LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Fch Ont/arm. Thursday. August 8. 1963 $5178 Try Some Today! ICE CREAM CO. LTD. ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS PEACH FLAVOR OFTEN! 5n B ICE CREAM BY Is just so-o-oso dehdous and we are ï¬t BRAKE RELINE SPECIAL 51 3.88 Installed Guaranteed 10,000 Miles or 1 Year $1 9.95 Installed Exchange Guaranteed 20,000 Miles or 2 Years S;:E!:EU.€’ESlndaflmlExdmnge Guaranteed 30,000 Miles or 3 Years 0 Adjust brakes on all drums. We use only the highest quality Firestone brake linings and we Guarantee our work. MOST CARS. CHEVY FORD DODGE PLYMOUTH OTHERS SLIGHTLY HIGHER 6 MONTHS TO PAY WE DO ALL THIS WORK . .. Replace old lining and shoes on all four wheels with Firestone Factory Engineered Bonded Brake Linings. Clean and inspect brake drums for truencss. Inspect complete hydraulic system. Inspect brake shoe return springs for equal tension. Inspect grease seals and wheel Wearings. four wheels for full contact to I GL'ARANTEE We guarantee our brake re~ lining service for the specified number of miles and years trom (late of installation. Act- .lustments prorated on mileage and based on list prices cur- rent at time of adjustments. FREE CAR SAFETY CHECK 0 I’our pl) body N) Ion reasons 0 7 rih tread design 0 Full sizeâ€"full weight SAVE ON TIRES TOO! .95 Sll (170-13 . Finest economy tire Tube Tl'pe built 15 MONTH 1:33.331» GUARANTEE â€"-TAI\'E MONTHS TO PAY RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE TU. 4-4401 Exchanze The results ot‘ the grade 13 examinations written at Bayview Secondary School are listed below. These re- sults include those stud- ents in grade 12 who have Shelton - Mansell Motors Open New Showroom 1 taken one or more grade ‘1 13 papers and private study 1 candidates who wrote their examinations at this school. Code 1 First Class llonours 11 Second Class llunours 111 Third Chas: llonours e Credit Adelson. .\It‘l'll\t‘ » I:llg.C.III. ll-jnngll. Bole Chcmc. FrA. it'. From. . r l 1 Miss Joan Meyers. Miss British Motors Corporation is seen being greeted by Mr. Dick Shelton on her arrival to cut the ribbon to officially open the new Shelton-Mansell Motors Ltd. Yonge Street showroom and service centre. Miss Meyers, a resident of Willowdale and at Walter Thornton model represents the British Motors Corporation at many such functions all over the continent. Last year Miss Meyers was the sole Canadian entrant to the Miss America Model contest in New York. Seen behind Mr. Shelton are (left to right) Mr. Ron Gann of B.M.C.; Mr. Jack White General Sales Manager for S. Smith & Sons Canada Ltd. and Mr. John manager for B.M.C. Browne, Ontario wholesale Richmond Hill Grade 13 Results The results of the grade. Fahey. William. EC.I. ELIII. ‘A.lI. G.I. T.Il, P.I. C.II. FA.III. Rabinouitch. David. ECII, A. ayview Secondary School Grade I3 Resultsi Amos. l'larton - Engl. c. Andrew. Darid Geoinlll. Chcm.e Baxter. l’aul - .»\lg.l|. 'l‘rige Zooc. Cheme Bellis. Bradley. - I‘TIIQ.C.III. Eng.L.lll. .Angll. Bolll. Zoo. 11. But-ban. Bryan ~ lingt‘l ling.L.lI. Che-ml. Latin A. ll. l.at.C.I. Fr.A.l. Fr.C.l. GerAI. Ger.C.I. Budzianmvski. Eduard - Eng. C.III. Eng.L.e. Zoo.IIl. Copping. William ~ Eitg.C.lI, ‘Geome Trial Fr..\.11. Fr.C.I.. Histc. Zoo e. Freemantle. Brian 111. Histc. Algll. Trigc 7.00.11. III. Fr.C.11. Gibbons. Sean - Engt‘e Eng. L.e. llist.e. Bot.e. Grant. Alastair - EnngIl. I'Iist.lll. Alec Geom. c. 'I‘rigc. Bole Knox lliggs. lobert - Iingt‘c. ling. I...ll. Bore. 200.111. Lat.A.('. LatinCIll. Fr.A.e. Fr.C.Ill. Lantz. Marie ~ Eng.C.I. l‘ZnL‘. EnaL. Geom III. Chemlll. FLA. .L.111_ .\lg.c. Geomc. Chem.111. Lauttainus. Richard - Geom.c. Botc. Chemo Fr.A.IIl. Fr.C.C.' Loudcn. Robert â€" E112.C.L'. ICng.L.e. AlgII. Geom.lll. Chem, 111. Macdonald. Eduard - I'Jngt‘c, Eng.L.11. Geom.Ill. '1‘rig.e.Eng.1..c. .\Ig.IIl. Geomr. Bot. Chem.III. Lat.A.c. Lat.C.c. III. Zooc Draper. Gary- Eng.C.ll. Eng. McPherson. Carol Anne ‘ 1.11. Geomc. Chemo. FitAI. Eng.C.111. 15112.1..1. Geomc, lFr.C.Il. Trig, Ill. Botlll. 200.1. FLA. lgi Englehntt. David - Ale..l.’11- FCC-('- .\Iortson. Wayne - F111;.L111. Ena.C.e.‘ le. Fr.A.c. Fr.C.e. Neiberg. Vivian - 'EanCII, EngLJI. Algc. Physe. Chem. 111. Ger..»\.ll, Ger.C.ll. Phillips. Sandra â€" En; Cc. Reimann. Ralph â€" Physlll. Richardson. Dennis » EngL. III. llist.Ill. Geomc. lt‘r.A.Il[. Rut‘t’. Janet - -I'IiigC.Ill.. Shelton. David - Ench‘, Iing.l-.c. .\le.l. GeoinJ. 'l‘riszll. ZooJll. Physc Cheml Smith. Joan - Eng.C.c-. End. I..c. 111st.ll. Bot.c. Lat..\.111. Latint‘lll. Fr.A.ll. Fr.C.11. Smith. Patrick - EngCII. EngLII. liislII. 13011220011. Lat..A.c I.at.C.llI. » Stoneman. Aileen - [00.11. '1‘o_\'e. Sandra - Eng.C.1. Eng. 14.111. 111st.1. A131. Geom.lII, Chemc. Fi‘.;\.lll. Fr.C.c. \l'allbanks. Carolyn - EngC. 11. EngLr. Alglll. 'I‘ringl. 200.111. Physc. Chem.III. WA. ‘11. Fr.C.IIl. Watson. Sandra - Eng.C.c. \Voo. Robert ~ EngC.e. Lang. Sharon - Geomc Freeker. Raymond - Eng.C.t‘,’Alg.c-. Geome Triulll. Chem. Parker. Dorothy S. â€" I'ItstII. BUY! CREDIT TERMS SENSATIONAL , BY POPULAR DEMAND WE ARE REPEATING This Fantastic Bargain v-4i.o-ti--v-o-iv-o-o-o-u-o-oc ' -I- Effortless Impulse Starter v + Gas Gauge + Deluxe Chrome Base and Cover Assembly DOWN PAYMENT . 1“-..:_‘\._- ~â€" -â€" CHECK THESE FEATURES - + We Assemble, Service, Demonstrate, Gas and Oil Mower â€"- No Other Chain Otters You This Service j + Parts & Service Always Available At Our Store + Absolutely No Gimmicks (page 223 Summer Catalogue) I3 examinations written at 111. G11. ’1‘.111. P111. (1.111. FA. Richmond Hill High School fFCc III. FC.e. .- are listed below. These re- Finnigan. Robert. Gr, T.c. Rabinon'itch. Royden. Z.c. " sults include those studâ€" Fraser. Barry. ECJII. ELJII. FAIII. FCe . cnts in Grade 12 who have A111. GI. T.ll. P.111, Gill. ‘ Radley. Jeffery. ECJII. EL. 2' taken one or more grade Gould. Peter. H.c. 8.0. c'. Al. G11. T1. P.11. (‘11. FA 13 papers and private study I Greig. George. EC.e. II. FCIII. ’; candidates who wrote their Hargreaves. Glenna. ECt‘. Rice. Gerald. ECII. EL.e. " examinations at this school. ‘ELc. H.c. B.e. Z.c. LC.e. FA.c. A11. (1.11. 'I‘.l. FA11. FCIII. v Code. ‘ Hayes. Diane, EC.e. EL.e, Ross. Eduard, EC.c. ELIII. ., EC. Eng. Comp. 111'. B.e. Z.c, LA.C. LC.c. FA.C,.A.II. G.III. T11. P.c. C11. FA. ;‘ EL. Eng. Lit. FC.e. III. FC.(‘. < H. History Hayes. Patricia. EC.III. EL. Rumble. William. ECC. He .- A. Algebra c. FA.(‘. FC.(‘. 10.111. 'l‘.c. 2.11. Cc. : G. Geometry IrIord. Jessie. Spanish AI,‘ Savage. Susan. ECc, GIL 'l‘. Trigonometry lSpanish C1. 8111. C11. B. Botany l Hunt. Ian. EC.11. EL.c. Ac. Sayers. Keith. 11c. 3. 7.. Zoology :GI. T.III. P.c. C111. FAC. Scott. Margaret. Ac. FAIII. P. Physics FCC. FCIII. ' C. Chemistry Joyce. Thomas. ECc ELC. Set-linger. Keith. ECI. EL.c. LA. Latin Authors 6111. BTU. Z.('. Music c. All. Go. T.ll. Pr. C111. FA. LC. Latin Comp. Keith. Sandy. EC.C. AJII. T.I. e, FCC. ;- FA. French Authors 2111. Simpson. Douglas. EC.11. EL. . FC. French Comp. 1 Kingsley. Peter. T11. 1'. AI, G.llI. T11. C11. FA.C. GA. German Authors Knott. Helen. EC.I. ELII, FC.c. - (1C. German Comp. 11.1. 01. C1. LAJI. LC.I. FAT, Smith. Charleen. ECC. ELI}. e. Credit. FCI. A11, (1.1. T1. P.111. CIII. FA. 1 First Class Honours Lclnan. Janet. ECII. ELIII. lIl. FCJI. 11 Second Class Honours A111. G11. T111. P111. C1, Stephenson. Leah, ECII. EL. 3; 111 Third Class Honours FAc. FC.c-. c, A111. (11. Till. P111. C.I. .5 Addison. Edward. EGII. EL. Lennox. .lohn. I-ZC.1. EI..lI.FA.c-.FC.11. ;; 111. A1. (1.1. T1. P111. (111.111, LAI. LC.1. FAI. FCI. Stewart. James. ELc. He Ac. FAII. FCII. GAI. GC.1. Glll. Pr. Ce 5 Anderson. Robin. ECI. EL. Link. Constance. ECc. Stoddar“ Bonnie. FCC. ELL: 1. 111. LAI. LCI. FAI. FCI. Lucas. Larry. ECI. ELL: All. (1.11. 1‘11. Pr. Ce. FAC. G;\.ll. GCI H.111. C111. FC.c-. . Ashkannse Donna. EC]. ELI]. Maeanucl. Carole. IZ(‘.111. Ac. Terry. Peter. FL c. Ac. Gll. :; lI.e. l,.\.1l. l.('.ll. FAII. FC. Gr. '1‘.111. Be Cc. FCc Tc P1. (‘11. - III. GAIL GC.111. McRac. Leslie. F.C.ll. ELI. Thatcher. Michael. ECG EL. ’.- Asliknnasc‘. Ronald. EC 1. 11.1. LAII. LC.1. FAI. FC.1.111. A111. G 11. ‘1'.c-. P.(~. C11. " ELIII. GIII. '1‘11. 2.]. FA.c.GA.11. GC.II. Thomson. Janet. ECI. ELI. FC.(‘ Manning. James. lCClll. EL. All. G111. To. 2111. C111. Atkinson. Brian. .\.1. GI. T1. 111. A1. GI. T1. Plll. CI. FA 1. F(.‘.11. " P11. C1. 1“_\.111. FCL: FAII. FCJII. Tinker. Brian. ICCIll. 151.11. 3 Bennett. Linda. ECC. A111. Mason. Ralph. H r Be. Xe. 11.11. Ce ‘1 G11. T I. Be, Cc. FAc. Mendelson. .loset'. ECIII. EL. Todd. Thomas. EC c. EL r. I Boake. Kinedon. Be 7.111. c. 11.11. B1. 2.1. LAIII. LCII.11.c. . Boeckncr. Keith. ECII. EL, F:\.('. FC.III. Turner \l'illlam. EC.('. EL 11. 111. 11.111. R11. 211. LAI. LC MorrowJohn. 1~2(‘111. 11.11. till. 110. Pr. :- 1. FA. 1. 17(‘1 Norton. Ronald. Bl. Thrill. Darid. .\1. G1. T11. ' Rtll‘lllt‘. Stephen. FCC. Elm. Olsen. Lois. EC.c-. 151.111. 11.0. P11. (‘.|. I’Ac. FCC. '-. \r'. (3.11]. To. Fe. C11. FAII. Z1. LAII. LCII, FAIll. FCII. \‘anclcrieldcn. Alaruaretha. FCIII. Passmore. Nanci}. He. 7.11.1..Al. LCI. FAI. FCI. ' + one Callll‘l‘OI‘ll Illlill ECl'. .-\.c.F.\.IIl. FClll \on Durer. (.‘alharlnc. I-LCI. G c, Tc. Paton. Robert. L'CII, ISLc. 121.11. 11.11. 6.11. 1111. Pt. C11. Clarke. La\'-I'(‘IIL'C. 12(‘11 A1. G1. Tl. 1’11. Cl. FA.1.1’Acz l’Ct- Cooper. Dennix. ECc. I-ZL.c.FC.l. Vent Betty, 11.1. Ac. (1.111. Tc. Be Paxton. Leste. li(.‘.ll, 131.111. Wagner. Monte. L‘Cc. 'l‘.c. Conan. Ernest. ECII. 151,111. H.111. G1. TII. C111. FA 1. P11. Ce. 7 Al. GI. T1. P1. C1. FAILFCII. Walker. Bruce. ECII. £1.11. + 5 0 Bonus coupons For caSh FCI Pembleton, Res. ECIII. LLc. At. (1.11. 'I'II Pill. CII. FA 7 Ciacicimlc. Collin. ECII. 8.011.111. GIII. T111. Pr. Cc. FA 11. FCc Zc e. FCi'. Waters. Bruce, ECc Craigle. Cynthia. ECI. EL. Perchal. tobcrt. liCll. EL. Watkins, Rosahe. EC c. HII 111. 111. LAI. LC 1. FA 11. 111. All. Go. Tl. Pr FAr- FC.c. G:\.L'. (th. FCIII. GAII. CC 111 Perkins. .lohn. EC 1. FL I. A 1. \\'mr. David. ECIII, ELt'. Croi‘t. George. 1~2C.111. G1. Tl. P11. C1. FAll. l-‘Ct- (it Crooks. Terry. 111. G1. T11. PICTI‘C}. Joan. I‘ICI. 111.11 \‘.r~i~ I’alli \i. (2111 Z1. C l. . 2.111. LAt- LCc. FA 11. FClI \l'hilo. Thomas. FCIII 11c. Curth Kathleen. EC1.EL.GA11. GCc, Art (1.111. '11â€. P111. C111. III. FAt'. FCc. Pratt. Douglas, ECII. FL I). \\'i1~on, .Inj- Lynn ECII. Dl"\‘-Slilll'\. Anne, EC 11. FL Ht’. (.1 <- 81 7.11 151.111 l" ll: Lt'r I‘\ III. 171‘ 1‘ P'l‘~.\lr"~ Ix'm I‘t‘ ll Til. 1. “noâ€. Ilwiv“? l't'l Ifl lll Dunn. Grant. ECIII. All. \v-'.1..\ll. l.C.ll. FAII, l‘L‘ll A l. (i 11. T11. 1‘]. Cl, 1~‘.\.1. 56.11. Tl, C111, 'GAJII, GC.ll, IFCII. A