Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1963, p. 4

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We 8-1963 .Aâ€".nr Alfie a;.o-s¢.sz .n‘n. 1. winners. ----.---~-- The results of the grade : 13 examinations written at “Thornhill Secondary School ., are listed below. These re- m sults include those students .2 in grade 12 who have taken «none or more grade 13 Ii papers and private study it candidates who wrote their 7“ examinations at this school. éode. J EC. Eng. Comp. EL. Eng. Lit. H. History A. Algebra . Geometry . Trigonometry . Botany Z. Zoology P. Physics C. Chemistry LA. Latin Authors LC. Latin Comp. FA. French Authors FC. French Comp. GA. German Authors GC. German Comp. c. Credit _ I. First class honours. ' 11. Second class honours. : 111. Third class honours. ' Agg. David. EC.III, EL.c. A. 111. (1.111. T111, 21, RH. FA. 4â€"_.._.._ NlllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllIlllhllilllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I c NOTICE TO canorrons ‘ AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OI“ .EDITI-I ELIZABETH COOPER : All persons having claims, against the Estate of Edith Elizabeth Cooper, late of the Village of Maple. in the County of York. Married Woman. who died on or about the 15th day of October, 1959. are required to send a statellient of their claims to the undersigned before‘ v r. i I. I G T B I!5ékl£lt"”’"' the 23rd day of August, 1963. after which date the estate will? be distributed. having rcgardl only to tile claims of which the undersigned shall then have‘ notice. - DATED at Toronto thi day of July. 1963. s 29th: I WALSH AND \VALSH,‘ 85 Richmond St. West. Toronto 1. Ontario, . Solicitors for the ‘ Administrator. 1‘ lll_lllllllllllllllllttllllllilllltllllllltltltllllitlllllltlllltlllllllllllltlltllllllll SHIRTS OUR SPCALTY :1 Aliens SHIRT flaw PM «shad-Emma v: BRANCH ‘ “Til YONGE ST. THORNHIIJ. Ned l.(l.A. Store For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage of Winter Garments Pick~up and Delivery Phone RU. 7-5666 1 l l l l .Winning Thornhill Swimmers The cold weather didn’t deter these talented and charming swimmers from taking part in the synchronized swimming contest held at Thornhill Pool Thursday evening of last week. Front row (left to right) are Liz ' Duncan, this year’s winner Kelly Burkart and Lauraine Davis. Miss Burkart received the Rawlinson Trophy and a lovely rose bowl filled with American beauty roses. Miss Duncan and Miss Davis were also among the Back row (same order) Instructor Pat Vlassoff and Anne Jeffery. P Thornhill 5.5. Grade 13 Results iII. FC.II. Alcock, Janet. EC.II. EL.I, A.I. G.II, T.I, P.II, C.I, LA.I. LCII. Alston, Randall, H.c, G.c. T.III. Baker. Mary Ann. EC.I, ELI‘ A.I, LA.I. LC.I. FAT, FC.I. GA.I, GC.II. Bayler, Jean. EC.11, EL.III,1 H.c, Z.c. Blair, David, EC.II, EL.III, H.c, A.c. G.11, T11, P.II, C11, FAJI. FC.II. Burnett. 'Ross. EC.c. ELIII,‘ A.III, G.II. T111, P.I, EC.c. Bushell. Beverley. EC.c. EL.C. H.111, G.II. T.III, P.c, C.c. Black. David. EC.c. H.111. B.c, Z.III, LA.III, LC.c, FA.II. FC.c. Bare. David, EC.I, EL.I. 11.1. LA.II. LC.c, FA.II, FC.III. GA.C. GC.c. Butler, Kingsley. EC.II, EL.c, H.c, A.II, G.II, T.II. Z.c, P.III. Cairns, Brett, EC.II, Z.c. Clark. Bruce. EC.II, EL.c. A.1.. G.II. Z.III, P.III, C.11. FA.III,‘ FC.III. '1 Clarke, Marilyn. EC.II, EL.I, A.I. FC.1. ‘ Cordingley. Donald. H.c, A.II,1 G.I. T.III, RC. Coulter, Richard, B.c, FA.c. FC.c. G.I, T.II. P.I. C.I, FA.I,, 1 Craig. Janet. EC.c. EL.III,l G.c. Be. 1 Davidson, Lesley, EC.III.' EL.C. G.c. T.C, C.11. LA,111. LC.C,‘ A.C. FC.111. Dockman. Stephen. A111. G.I.‘ T111. Doleschell, Michael. EC.1[I.1 EL.c. H.c. A.c. FAc, FC.c.,l GA.II, FC.II. ‘ Elliott, Susanne. EC.c. EL.c. G.c. Z.c. C.ll, LA.III, LC.c,: FAIII, FC.Il. Emmans. Ross. EC.c. EL.c. A.c. G.c. T.III. P.c, C.c. Fierhellcr. Dianne. EC.1. EL.II. G.c. Tc. Z.c, PC. 0111.1 Fumerton, David. ECc, ELc.‘ Jordon, Keith, He. Bill, 21. Judges, William. P.c. Karklius. Dagnija. All, G.c. Tc. B.c. Z.c. P.c, Cliij Kedwell. Roger. EC.111. ELc. . Ii.c. '1‘.II. P.111. FAc, FCIIl. Hangman. Wayne, EC.1, El. 11, 111‘. G111, Z.l, LAT], LCII. ' FAT, FCI. Lee. Leonard. ECIII. A111 G11. F;\.c, FC ill. Leisups. Eva, EC 11. E1. ll. Gill, B.('. 2.1. LAT. LCII. lFAli. FC.I1. Lemire. Robert. ECIII. 131. in. A1, 6.1. '11. P1. c1, r11 FC‘lI. Locke, Sherron, EC.c. 121.111. McTaggart-Cowan. James, EC.,and Ml.S H M Nash Duncan 111. 131.11, A.I. G1, TL 12.1, ‘ ' r ' Mi: D dle' ‘01. FAQ FOUL Road. Thornhill to . u . FAe‘Zlii. FAlll. FCC. Patterson. Barry, Z.c. FA.c. Rev. J_ O’Neil officiated at FOUL the morning ceremony With Patterson. Margaret. EC.II. music bv Mrs. 1; Cover of Rich- EL.c. H.c, A.II. G.c. B.c. mend H111. Afietléei‘l Jgslepg‘HECéIi' Bridal attendant was Miss ' ’ “ ' ’ “ ' ‘Prudence Sheltenham who ‘111. H.c. B1. 2.1. ,P.c. GC.c. T1. P111, C.III, GA.I. GC.I. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Tyson of 61 Clarkchaven Avenue had as their guests recently Mr. Ty- .son's sister. Miss Tyson of Al- buquerque. New Mexico and ‘his nephew, .lohn Fidlcr of Reading. Pennsylvania. During iJuly. the Tysons spent a week lvisiting in Harrisburg and Reading. Penn. doing some isightsceing. On their return Severn. Ontario. 1 Tile Tysons. like many oth- lers of Holy Trinity parish are expecting some interesting vis- itors during the forthcoming Anglican Congress. As their dinner guests on August 18th. :tlle are expecting Archdeacon 1’. l. Mhatha of the Diocese of ,Ziiluland. Bishop G. A. Ellison of the Diocese of Chester. England, Archdeacon and Mrs. 1Paul Kirkham of the Diocese of Nelson. New Zealand and Archdeacon and Mrs. Burton 111. Stone. of the Diocese of \\C0(0|II By Margaret 1. McLean Shivering almOSt too much to hold it. Kelly Burkart carried off the W. M. Rawlinson Trophy for highest points in the synchronized s w i m m i n g contest held by the Thorn- hill Synchronized Swim- mine Club on August lst. Kelly had a total of 88 (Photo Barbour) ,Wed at St. Mary's Lodge. Ann-Marie, EC.c, 111. 11.111. A1. G.1. T.III. 2.11.‘ C.11. LCIII. Malinski. Richard, EC.c. ELI T . i . 1 C, All. G.1. T.11. P.111, C.I. n LA.C. LC.111. Mason James. EC.c EL.(' ‘ . A ‘ ' ’ a A reception at the home of gel-111011 T111 Pm, C-m-‘tne bride followed the July 13 wedding in St. Mary’s Anglican Church of Miss Constance Mar- garet Nash. daughter of Mr. McGinnis. Dianne, H.c G.I,, T.III. FA.III, EC.c. Young, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. Young. 157 Duncan Road. » ‘ A graduate of Thornhill Sec- lufhélflillmgoughz'I‘ngifla']. Ec'iondary School in 1959, the ' ' ’ 'C‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ 'C“ ~' ‘ ' marria e by LC.c, r0111. FA.II. mm was gm“ m g ‘ . For the weddin in Mocking~ Douglas. EC'C‘ EL. hel father g a setting of mixed flowers. she C' A‘H’ G‘C’ T'c’ P‘c’ C'HI' LA'C' chose a pale peach brocade McDiarmid. Scott. EC.c. B.c,. LC 0. . . . ' satin gown With full skirt ac- Mollard. John, ECJ, EL‘H' y. 1 of etals Ht AJI‘ G‘I‘ T-IH, PHI, cented with pane s p dropping toward the hem. Her veil was full length in white and she carried a white Bible with peach roses and streamers. ‘C.111. GA.III, GC.c. Paterson. Rand, ECII, EL.c, A11, 0111. T.c. chose a gown of pale yellow with a bouquet of blue and white carnations. Best man was Mr. Ivan Thompson, the groom's brother- ’in-law and usher was Mr. Harry Pollock. Jeremy, EC.III, EL. Pump. Hans, EC.c. G.I. T.III.. Redman. Jane. EC. I1. ELI. G.c. Tc, FA.111. FC.III. Nash Rodgers. Anne. 11.1. ‘ ‘ ‘ ~ Robinson. Georgia. EC.c. EL.‘ At the lunaheorldrgcepugln I”. G-In‘ Ta B'H' Z‘CV C'Hmfor 50 guests t e bll es mo - FA'C' FCC. ier received in a beige lace Rumble. John, ECIII EL.II dress with a corsage 0f roses Ar.~ _I _ _ and the groom‘s mother chose F611? ' TL Pli' 011‘ FA'HHa dark brown and gold satin s'jmém.’ Audm‘, EC “I dress with matching coat and a ELc. 11.111 LAJI LC} FAI corsage of roses and Chrysanth- rc1. GAc. GC.II. °“F’“”‘S'a hone‘moon mp {01 Si" . ' - . or ‘V i na hall, EC.c. A111. (3111, Elenham Lake. Alberta. ,he bride donned a white dress with blue polka dots and a corsage of blue and white flowers. The newlyweds are living in‘ Spurgcon. Sharon. ECc, EL.. C.11. T.IIl. B.II. P11. Stephens. James. To, Be, Z.c.; Stewart. Robert. EC.III. C.c. C. TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 ‘they spent a few days at Port1 Quincy, in the United States.’ + e i.- :1: Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Wise of 57 Clarkehaven Avenue. and ;tlieir daughter Alita. returned :recently after spending a month .at their cottage on Lake oft iBays, near Dorset. Alita is, ;looking forward to attending Queen's University this fall. , :1: >1 a a The W. A. Reoch‘s of 71 Riverside Blvd. also spent the month of July at Lake of Bays. inear Baysville. Sons Bob. Allan land Bill were along. but I gather that the boys were dis- appointed in the weather. "On- ly one really good week“ said Allan. lit II! ‘1' * 1 Miss Kathy Percival, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Perci-’ val, Elgin Street. writes that she is enjoying her European holiday. and was particularly entranced by Switzerland. Kathy is back in England now Thornhill and District News “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill are: . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Margaret'MeLehn. who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. mm- the Rt: Re“ Richard 5» Community Happenings In Thornhill and is expected back in Thorn- hill on August 19th. 1 it at it Mr. and Mrs. Terry Goodwin and family of 122 Thornridge Drive had an interesting holiday in July. spending two weeks at Weekapaug. Rhode Island. The cottage at which they stayed was built by Mr. Goodwin's grandparents and has been used by var- ious Goodwins for 70 years. Greatest excitement during their stay this year was when they went to nearby Galilee to pick up their usual fresh lobster and supply of clams for their annual clam chowd- er. Arriving just as the boats were coming in. they found that one of the boats had made an unusual haul ~a torpedo left over from World War 11. Coast guard and state police were very i busy and everything was in a turmoil. but all was taken care of without in- cldent. The Goodwins also visited Steam Town, New Hampshire and had a 40 mile ride on a Tennessee steam engine built in 1916. Ev was pleased to see there also a Canadian Pacific Steamer. The place is operated by a private individual who collects the steam engines as a hobby but opens it to the public. There were about 10 engines and 8 cars in the col- lection. The Goodwins five days with Ev’s sister-in- law. Mrs. Dave Bartlett at Paxton. Mass. There the family were introduced to the gentle art of “mountain climbing" and enjoyed following some of the trails of the Appalachian Mountain Club. stopping at convenient points to enjoy the local blueberries. also spent Summer Tops Contest points. Second place was won by Liz Duncan with 83.75 points. while Lauraine Da- vis was third with 81.5 points. The trophy. a handsome rose bowl. filled with Am- erican beauty roses was presented to the winner by last year‘s winner. Ma- rianne Gain. Following a day of thunder showers, the eve- ning was decidedly cool with a strong breeze which had all the competitors with their teeth chattering and the handul of spectators nearly as cold. The competition went off briskly, however, with each of the five competitors de- monstrating four strokes. seulling, propeller. breast and side. They then did a series of figures, the por- poise, the jackknife. the somersub. the kip. the dol- phin and the ballet leg. Highest number of points for the strokes went to Lau- raine Davis, with Liz Dun- can second and Judy Ash- worth third. In the figures. Kelly Burkart was first, Liz Duncan second and Lynn Tanquly third. Finally, each girl per- formed an original solo routine. to music of her choice and in costume. Kel- ly placed first in this sect- ion of the competition with her brisk solo entitled “Le Cavalier Rouge". She was garbed in black suit and tights with a heraldic em- blem 0n the front. and was given a score of 75% for her piece. Placing second in the solo routines was Lauraine Davis for her performance entitled “Villain's Night Out". Lauraine also appear- ed completely dressed in black. with a black tight- fitting cap. Her dramatic red lined black cape, she tossed aside as she dove into the water to go through a very effective routine. marked by particularly good timing. especially at the rousing finale. She scored 65% in this. Third place in the solos. with 641/é% went to Liz Duncan. Liz appeared as "Six Gun Sal” and wore a black fringed bolero over her red suit, a red cowboy hat and carried two six guns. Her routine was both lively and effective. Her number was of considerable interest to small brother Scott. although I had the impression he was mostly concerned about the fate of the two guns, presumably his. which ended up on the bottom of the pool! In possibly the prettiest costume, which included a boater hat and a cane. Judy, Ashworth appeared as “The Entertainer”. She went through a nice little soft shoe routine before enter- ing the water. Lynn Tan- quiy’s number was entitled “The Beachcomber". Specials 0n Good Selection H.c. G.I. z111. P.c. { Spears, Robert. EC.II.. EL.c, Town!” 3 Grabham, Arthur. EC.II, A.c. G.c. Tc. Cc. FA.c. EC.c. 131.11. A1. G.II. T.I. P.11, (3.1.1 Tiffany. Ronald, EC.c. EL. THE ' FAc, FC.II. >111. A11. G.I. T.c, P.c. GC.c. 1 Garnett, Barbara. EC.c. FC.c. Thompson. Jean, ECI, EL.iChallenge Griffin. Robert. EC.c. EL.c. 11. .OF G-“A 'I-C- P-C- C15 FA-“I- Thompson. Marilyn. EC.II,:C “L”. . 121.111. 111'. 131-. 22.1, LAll,‘ ancer [ELIalllllngAuiIIL gilt-liaika EC.c. LC]. ptlnr FOIL l - Management and Labourl ,FA'C 'FC‘C- ’ 4' -‘- C-H' Tucker. John. All, G111] Eupporttthe efforts of lijhe ‘ 1 " - ~ T111. p0. C1”. ociety o carry cancer e u- Gfiafiolefi James. ECG. ELC. ' ‘ cation to Canada‘s labour .H. 71. . Z.c. . \\ att. Linda. ECII. ELJI.‘ forces at their work- a} 108, David. (3.1. Ti. 1:111. 1.111. 8.11, 2.1, C1111 _ Mam inâ€"plant commit- gefidry, Sagdrzi. Ellie A.c. r111, FCII. : tees act for the Society in a man. en. .III. . .. Hackett‘ paul‘ H,” ' Wilson, Robert. All. (1111.1 9193ng programmefqdur‘ Hofman. Tilo. ECIT, 121.111. “L P-Iv Cl ,1 mg “Orkmgd gun. any A1. 6.1. T.ll. P.111. c1. GAr. w - ,. . 1 “‘0” al" "Ce 9 ‘ . r . FOIL he. Alta. ECII. ELI. 11.1.; - Mobile Informatlon Units Honing‘wrth. Terry, G‘C‘ LAT. LCI. FAT. FCI. GA.II.‘_ of the Society with a nurse, BL Z.c. CC 111. in attendance take cancer Holliwell. Charles, ECCI AIL w v information direct. to em- ,G.I. T.l. Chime~ Rnherf‘ Z'HI‘ P'IH” ployees where they work. lddon. Gillian. ECU, \«\A\\A\ANA.\,\L _-._.. ‘H‘C‘ LAIL LCIH’ t;2§,\\.\\\\\\\N\\QKKKKWKKWNW\W ’ jFCiII. GC.c. (“1 . C 1 Jackson. Ellen. G.c. re, 21', ‘2 I: ‘ CC. 1‘1 Jeffery. Anne. 11c. 2.11. LA.c. LC.c. FA. 111, FCIII. 5?; o A COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS MACHINE SHOP SERVICE l'll’HONES? ‘ SERVE r011 5 20 Newkirk. at t'entre Street East RICHMOND HILL 1 285-561 A wach e W e \ Cos cc Cs spa ¢ TU. 4-7456 . I -The Friendly Movers Agentsâ€"Allied Van Lines TlPPETâ€"RICHARDSON LTD. . 4 TIPPET ROAD TELEVISION 23” T.V.’s From With Trade Fm“ $39.00 Transistor Radios, Complete Selection T.V. Rentals From Monthly Richmond Hill TV 34 Yonge St. South Local and long distance moving to all points in Canada and the U.S.A. Worldwide shipping. 1963 Models of Used T.V.’s AV. 5-3756 781-6639 Judges for the competit- ion were Miss Evelyn Wa- terworth and Miss Kathy Malone of the Leaside Aph- ‘ rodites Club, both of whom have been members of Can- adian championship swim- ming teams. Referee was Miss Carolyn Jennings of the North York Lions Syn- chronized Swimming Club. All the competitors work- ed very hard to prepare for the competition. appearing at the pool most mornings by 8.30 for practice and also staying after hours. Two other members of the club were prevented from taking part at the last minute through illness. Kelly Burkart, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Burkart of 7 Delair Crescent b e g a n synchronized swimming only last summer. She worked out at the Northview Collegiate Pool all winter with the North York Lions Synchronizâ€" ed Club. coached by Carolyn Jennings. She intends to continue S A distinguished Episcopal- Emrich. Bishop of the Diocese of Michigan. the 11 um. will service preach at in Holy Trinity Church. Thornhill. on phlets. unday. August the lBth. Bishop Emrich, in Toronto to attend the Anglican Congress, will honor Holy Trinity with RICHARD S. EMRICH Bishop of Michigan a visit on “Congress Sunday" because of his friendship with the Rev. H. R. Howden, who before coming to Thornhill was rector of St. Joseph’s Church. Detroit, and of the Church of the Redeemer, Southfield, Michigan for a 100% AV, 5-3591 with her synchronized work again this winter and is looking forward to entering several more competitions. Wise parents start saving early, knowing that every deposit â€" with interest added -â€" will someday become much more. They save at BRITISH MORTGAGE, because there they earn 5% interest on investments. Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Wise parents also arrange for the interest to be deposited twice each year to a special savings account. This is convenient for them . . . and worthwhile. Invest now for your children, where your money earns high interest. -â€" At BRITISH MORTGAGE. SINCE 1877 BRITISH MORTGAGE 8 TRUST Hours of Business: Monday to Thursday 9-1.30; Friday 9-8.30 pan. [Prominent U.S. Bishop To Preach Holy Trinity oeriod of eight years. Well known as a preacher ind lecturer in the United States. and as the author of numerous articles and pam- Bishop Emrich writes a column for the editorial page of the Sunday edition of the Detroit News, and also serves on a number of nation- al. state and civic boards. and committees for both the. church and the community. In 1958 he was made an Honor- ary Commander of the Most. Excellent Order of the Brit- ish Empire by Queen Elizabeth 11. Bishop Emrich has an inter- esting personal and scholastic background. He was born in Mardin. Turkey. of missionary parents. and attended Phillip: Andover Academy. Brown University. the Episcopal Theo- logical School in Cambridge. Massachusetts. Union Theologw ical Seminary in New York City; and later the University of Marburg. Germany. receiv- ing the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In recent years he has received several honor- ary degrees from American and Canadian Universities. The congregation of Holy Trinity and the clergy and representatives of the other Thornhill Churches have been invit- ed to meet Bishop Emrich at a reception and buffet luncheon to be held. after the morning service, in AIIIUsed Volkswagens COVERED By Our VERIFIED Warranty 90 DAY; For Parts and labour Plus 6 Months Free Oil W & P SERVICE 178 YONGE ST. NORTH the parish hall. GUARANTEE RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS- Get Results-TU.4-IIOS They’re Already Planning Her Trousseau . The years pass by so quickly and soon she’ll be through school, a college graduate and a radiant bride. It costs so Telephone 53 Yonge Richmond Ronald Holmes, Manager. much for little ladies. 884~1107 285-1308 Street 8., Hill.

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