Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Aug 1963, p. 5

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On arrival in New fYork - In temperatures of 97‘to 100 degrees. they were table to combat the heat at night by staying at one of the “motor Inn" (now assuming skyscraper‘ heights) on the East River. ‘ A fine cool scenic boat} cruise of three hours aroundt Manhatten Island was enjoy-i ed. They cruised up the East‘ River, out through the Harlem River into the Hudson Riven? under the George WashingtonT Bridge, past the War Memorial" and back to the starting point. Mr and Mrs. Al Allder. Gall. Donna and Stephen. Lynett Crescent. have returned home following an enjoyable campâ€" ing trip through eastern Onta- rlo and parts of Quebec. While in the Montreal area they visit- ed Mr. Allder‘s brother and fa- mily. 1! III * ‘0' Mrs. H. Steel and her daughter Miss Mabel Steel of Exhibition Park. Toronto, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Steel. Weldrlck Road. owners of the new Gift and Craft Shop ln“ Richmond Hill. "I flew SAS from New Yorkl «to Bergen, Norway, to join a‘ Cook's tour. We ‘23 Americans‘ ;and Il travelled 22 days, main- !ly by bus, with several boat ’rides on the Norwegian fjords. Norway is very mountainous. with narrow, hairpin roads and; [many beautiful waterfalls and glaciers and I fell in love with the country and its friendly people. ', “Northern Sweden is heavily jtimbered but the southern part is rolling farm land and very‘ lpretty. i "From Stockholm 1 we flew1 out_an(l back _to the island of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Mc- Intyre. Lucas St. with their son and his brother-in-law and wife. MI; and Mrs. John McIntyre of Colllngwood are on a camping trip in northérn Saskatchewan and are expected back in sever- a) weeks. Mr. McIntyre is pub- lic school superintendent. Rev. and rs. R. E. McLen- nan. and the r daughters Judith and Jennifel? returned to their parish and; home after five weeks of rplaxing holiday. The firstweek was spent 31 the summer cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Gordoh Thomas «sisterdn- law) Thunder Bay. and the sec» and week at a cottage at Hol- iday Homé. Thunder Beach. “So much (enjoyment) forfswderful vie little mm)" â€" - was obtained top of P. from a brief {our day‘s vacat. him- I “k ion by Mr. and Mrs. R‘ J. “em, it is a Sm; in: and daughter Donnar Oparound in Balkan Road in a visit to New; “Stockh York City. v Copenhag‘ The 1,200 miles covereq was by travelling over the Th uway - ~ vith an overnight 8(0)) at SyrawSe and one at cha on the return trip. I" Mr. and Mrs. H. l. Miller, Christopher. 16.‘and Carol Ann. 11. have returned to (heir home at 261 Harrygan Cescont.‘ from four weeks spent at Red Lake. OntarioA Mr. Miller was busily engaged filming the gold minim: industry in that area. Christopher spent a busy four‘ weeks as his father’s assistant. Mnand Mrs. W. A. Wagner of Richmond Street spent the holi- day week-end in Mr. Wagner's home {own Mount Forest visit- )ng with his brother Mr. And- rew Wagner and family. During fiheir stay they visit- ed the Rev. Stephen Oliver. at Eight Mile Point. Lake Sim- coe. Recenl graduates from this at St. Michael's College, Univerâ€" area from Shaw North Toronloiséty of Toronto. and expects to School were Miss Christine‘teach this subject in the future. Gelzinls, R. R. 1, Richmond * * * * Hill. who was enrolled in the A 4,000 mile motor trip and secretarial course: Miss RObeWivacalion in Florida was enjoyed tn Obee. 313 Osiris Drive and;b_y Mrs. Margaret Burr and her Miss Karen Handford. 296idaughler Carol. Mrs. A. D. Church Street South. both Oleuchanan. Weston and Miss whom were enrolled in theJCathy (10m StenOETaPhlc course. 5 Travelling over scenic high- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Craw-; Congratulations to Simon ford. Taylor Mills Drive South.anegemakers. honour student recently returned from a lwol'in Six of nine subjects. grade. weeks' cottage holiday on theil3, in recent examinations at Ottawa River. They were ac-,Sl, Michael's College School, companied by their children,‘Toronto, Caren. Bonnie and Scott. 3 Simon will be studying as an Mrs. John Addison, Kingcroit, King Township. wife of the Member of Parliament for York North. with her children. Toni RC8! and Jack, is holidaying at Jasper Park Lodge. Alberta. Mr. Addison is in Ottawa where Parliament is in session. Mr. Ryan said Mr. and Mrs. Don MacKenw Public Schnol Board Chair- uie and family of New Liskeard man Harold Sanderson with his spent three days last week atffamily is eniOyinE: a hOIiday at the home of their cousins, Mnfitheir couage ai Clearwater and Mrs. Russell Cripps. jBeach, Lake Simcoe. They are * * ~ * ‘expected home In 10 days. Richmond Stone P rodiucts Do It Yourself Phone AV. 5-1844 Elgin Mills Rd. RICHMOND HILL. ONT Yonge SL, .‘Iorth of CEMENT‘SLABS PATWOS STEPS ALL COLOURS Editor Margot Crack 1 “In Uppsala we went to the 1;11niversit_v library to see the Silver Bible. ln Dublin 1 vis- ited Trinity College Library to see the Book of Kells and a very old. small harp. as well as a couple of other very old bib- ‘lical books. I 1 “In Oslo there is n 75-aere park with many granite or cop- per statues. the work of the sculptor. Vigeland. There is a tall granite monolith with 121 human figures around it. all sculpted from a solid piece of stone which took 10 years to complete. In Stockholm we saw a performance of peasant dan- ces. all in the colourful cos- tumes of the various provinces. and in Ireland young children gave several performances of Irish dances. “I flew home TCA from Shannon to Malton. "From {his concise account you will gather that I have had a wonderful trip and loved it all, rain or shine! If anyone of- fered me a ticket I would do the whole trip over again with- out any coaxing at all â€" some day I hope I can return to Nor- way and see more of that lovely country". “We had a 12-day circle coas- tal tour up through Belfast. ac- ross the top at Portrush. down the Atlantic side. with side trips out to Connemara and the Ring of Kerry, through Cork & back to Dublin. I attended per- formances of the Abbey Theatre in both Dublin and Killarney and enioyed them. "From Copenhagen I flew by Irish Airlines to Dublin and spent three days shopping and sightseeing before joining a bus tour, “Stockholm is larger andlge‘l Copenhagen is the largest of all, and it is very easy to find on yourself going in the wrong di- :15; rection as streets suddenly now‘ change names and there are nd many squares with streets going :30 off in all directions. “From Stockholm we flew‘ out and back to the island of Gotland to visit the old walled city of Visby with its many ruins and narrow steep streets. Then we drove south through .lonkoping to Goteborg and crossed the Kattegat into Deng mark. I once again fell in love“ with a country and its people” who are all so out-going and friendly. Denmark is a quaint. storybook type of farmland with many windmills and that- ched cottages. and its fields fare very neat. We made a spec- lial trip from Copenhagen 35 lmiles north to Elsinore and :Hamlet‘s Castle. While we were [there the Royal Yacht passed by and we witnessed a 21-gun ‘salute. i “I forgot to mention that in Bergen. we visited the home. studio and grave of Edward Greis: and saw his piano and many original musical scores. “In Oslo, we saw the inter- national ski jump and 3 won- derful view of the city from the top of Halmenkoilen (a high bill). I liked Oslo very much as‘ it is a small city and easy to get? mum: on u-c nun wcguul lJUluS. Norway is very mountainous with narrow, hairpin roads and; many beautiful waterfalls and’ glaciers and I fell in love with the cohntry and its friendly people. “Northern Sweden is heavily timbered but the southern part is rolling farm [and and very pretty. 1 "From Stockholm we flew out and back to the island of Gotland to visit the old walled city of Visby with its many ruins and narrow steep streets. _ enlocli and Mrs. Henry 6055. 1" i * * Bob McIntosh. the Richmond Hill motorist who last week walked away from a Maple Sideroad crash that demolished his car is a real fan of seat. belts. Although last week‘s “Liber- al” report didn't say so, Mr. McIntosh was wearing a belt which he said saved his life and prevented any serious in-iBradford‘ Mr. Gardiner came and by 10 pm. they were at jury. “I could sell a hundred seat «stuuy busmess A0mlnlslrall0n.; Mrs. Ans Vermeulen and! as air * xi 1 {daughter Tinneke from Rotter-g i - h d H-H .esidem Fredidam. Holland, enjoyed a scenic‘ :Giilc-mrgn anloféicer of the motor tour over the holiday ‘North York Humane Society, Weekelld- . l .was involved in a double miss- A 515’” "7 Mr- Chris Rum] i~ Richmond Hill ion of mercy recently. Return- Owner Of the ‘ing from up a cocker Home Bale‘y, Mrs. Vermeulen ‘ ' ' ' - d daughter are staying at his spaniel. severely iniiiied andian _ _ ‘ V Within hours of giving birth toghome. At six oclnck Satuidai ' ‘ ' ' .losed the litter of u s. which had beeniewnmg- MY. Ruhl 0 . :Sumped i: g grave] pit near doors of his Yonge Street store. Falls, viewing the upon a two-car collision near Niagara ' . I colors illuminating Holland Landing. changing A former popular residenl of Richmond Hill. Ruth McMullen of Campbellford. has just re- turned from a six weeks’ holi- day abroad. Following is a con- cise account of her travels in‘ her own words: "I flew SAS from New York‘ This holiday weekend was spent at the Buchanan cottage at Wasaga Beach. Travelling over scenic high- ways through the United States. they spent a week at Fort Lauderdalo. Florida. t h e n through Miaml to the southern tip of the state. returning through Cypress Gardens. Sit- ver Springs. back to Canada. Simon will be studying as an honour student in philosophy at St. Michael's College, Univer- sity of Toronto. and expects to teach this subject in the future. Richmond Hill Canine Cont-l rol Officer James Ryan with Mrs. Ryan and sons. Jamie, Sean and Paul enjoyed I "won-1 derful week's rest" at a cottage’ at Clear Lake, south of Barla.t unclc cut “was going and is offering, for sale the at- tractive Yonge Street business z‘n I flew by‘pmperty' Du bl} n a n d m“nu“mmuumquuuluuummumm“umummummmmuu IAURORA : There are at least 120 “Auroras” in the world plus gan “East Aurora" and an “Aur~ 'oraville". East Aurora is in New York State. Auroraviiie is in Wisconsin. and plain Auroras are found in New York, Illin- ois, Minnesota. Nebraska. ‘Maine. Arkansas. Brazil. Color- ado, Indiana. Iowa. Kansas. Missouri, North Carolina. Ohio. Oregon. Phillipine Isiands. South Dakota. Utah, West Vir- ginia, and Ontario. 'I In this issue Mrs. Marguer- Hill. The partners were broth- ; ite Glass announces the closing ers-inâ€"law and after some years 'next Saturday of the Giass'of successful operation, the “Meat Market, one of Richmond business was taken over en- Hill‘s oldest business establish-itireiy by William H. Glass. one ments. Mrs. Glass has carriediof the founders. He carried on since the sudden passing of on for many years with the as- her husband. the late Lauder sistance of his sons. John P; Glass, about a year ago, but Glass, Albert E. Glass and now is discontinuing businessReuben W. Glass. With the and is offering for sale the at- passing years and after the tractive Yonge Street business death of W. H. Glass. the busi- property. ness was carried on under the muMinimum“mmuuumuummuuuummuuuumumuuu‘ 5”)ng E; Jimhff‘c 118:: The sale of the promin- land A. E. Glass. In 1914 J. P. ent Yonge Street. Glass iGIass became the sole owner Meat Market property has :and he carried on until his been negotiated by David ideath in 1929. when his son. McLean Limited, Realtors. ;Lauder Glass took over the ' rum- huh-u... hum Inn "1. ibusmess- Over a century of continu- ous service by one family bus- iness is something of a record not only for Richmond Hill but for the whole district. The Glass Meat Market has been a landmark in Richmond Hill for several generations. Long before Canada's first birthday the firm of Pugsley and Glass established a wholesale and re- tail meat business in Richmond mmHumanmmmumnnummumlunmItunnummumumu i Century Old Business Closing Richmond Hill Landmark “I could sell a hundred seat belts on the strength of what happened to me and the shape the car is in." he said‘ MrS. De Baeremaeker return- ed this week from a week's ho- liday in Orillia where she was visiting her \hree sisters, Mrs. Laura Uren. Mrs. Robert Gow- enloch and Mrs. Henry GOSS. To-night. Thursday. August 8th, the Richmond Hill Horti- cultural Society is visiting the gardens of the Shouldice Sur- gery, at Bayview Avenue. Thornhill. Members. friends. and those interested are inviied 10 View the beautiful array of flowers on display. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Evans Mr. with their children. Lorrainesfnn and Bobbie of Elmwood Ave..jtn I spent three weeks recently omthis a trip that took them through take New Brunswick. Nova ScottaMpm-l down through Rhode Island and‘faln back m Quebec City. 1 Mrs. V. W. Pugsley has re-‘ Spending a twa weeks‘ holi- ‘turned home from Regina andlday with her sister Mrs. .lOseph Calgary after spending seven Mahon and Mr. Mahon who live ‘weeks with her {our grand- at 298 Elmwond Avenue. is Mrs. daughters and little grandson Irene Millar of Glasgow, Scot- while their parents David and land. She is seeing many of the Doreen flew to visit Mrs. David places of interest in the district Pugsley's parents Mr. and Mrs. and has expressed the wish that John McMurtry in Islandmaeeelshe had come in Canada ten Belfast Ireland. lyears ago. Mrs. Millar has not "' * "' * ‘minded our hot. humid Canad4 Mr. nnd MrS. E. Castle havefian summer. Mr. Ind Mrs. E. Castle have returned to Qheir Beavorion Road home with son Fred and daughter Heather after summer holidays in the Peter Savages' cottage at Ox Tongue Lake near Algonquin Park. Mrs. H. G. Robertson, Brookâ€" side Ave.. with her sister, Miss Evelyn Elms of Toronto spenl four days in Ottawa this past week to “make the grand tour" of legislative buildings and sights to see. Mrs. Gerald Huntley last Wednesday entertained her aunt. Miss Blanche Legree of Toronto for dinner at 1he Hunt- ley's Judlea Court home. Yonge Street property enquiries have greatly in- creased in the past few weeks according to local realty sources. The building built by the late Lauder Glass was one of the more modern down- town stores with its at- tractive black vitrolite front on the. West side of Yonge Street. The sale of the promin- ent Yonge Street. Glass Meat Market property has been negotiated by David McLean Limited. Realtors. For many years the 1 Stormmass has for so long meant so and method of doing business‘m“eh ‘0 her late hUSband and changed very little but in 1946 the Glass family. However she the present modern store was 531d She had. Ewe? the matter built and equipped with the‘careful consxderation and the most modem fittings and fixgdecision was not one made in tures. The passing of this hus~ lness landmark will come as a shock to many people of the district. particularly older residents of the town and district who through a lifetime have. made the popular butcher store a haste. She said it was with a ‘most sincere heart she extend. ed thanks to the people of Richmond Hill and district for a generous measure of patronâ€" age and good-will extended over a long period of years. To many, Richmond Hill just will not be the same place without the Glass Meat Market. He made the four members of a Toronto family who were injured in the crash as comfort- able as possible, and stayed with them until help arrived and they were on their way to York County Hospital, New- market. David, who received word Monday he had passed grade 13 has been accepted at Med- way Hall, University of West- ern Ontario where he will study Business Administration His cocker spaniel patient survived minor surgery per- formed hy a member of the North York Humane Society 31 Newmarket and was later taken to the Aurora dog shelter. Special weekend camp speak- er was Archdeacon of Kingston. the Ven. Desmond C. Hunt. who is also president and chair- man of thé board. David Agg, spent the holiday weekend at Camp Koinonia at Haines Lake in the Parry Sound area where he had an enjoyable time meeting campâ€" ers of former years. Mrs. William G. Street, Rich- mond Hill school board secretâ€" ary and her sons. Bill‘ and Ste- phen. are at present visiting her parems, Mr and Mrs. Gor- don Collins in Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. Street who is “holding the for!" expects his family back to their Kerswell Drive home this week and is planning to‘ take them on several trips. perhaps to Heart Lake and Bur-3 In spite of the hot weather. Crosby playground had a sueâ€"- cessful Hallowe’en party July 26. “The time of year wasn‘t exactly right but we had fun." reports Mrs. Jean Thomson. She awarded prizes for best cost- umes to Cindy Lamoureux. a gypsy and to Doug MamKenziev a hobo. There were games and food but the main attraction was the singalong of "On Top of Spaghetti." 1* t w: -« Spending a two weeks‘ holi- day with her sister Mrs. Joseph Mahon and Mr. Mahon who live at 298 Elmwood Avenue. is Mrs. Irene Millar of Glasgow, Scot- land. She is seeing many of the places of interest in the district | u, .:,u. ALA; stituteiw m 7 ll Chartered bus to C.N.E.,I ‘leaves Centre & Yonze Streets, Richmond Hill at 9.00 a.m.. Thursday, August 22nd. Members are asked to tele- phone MrS. Dewsbury at TU. 4- 1828, not later than August 15. t*** \ Mrs. A. H. Seymour of Hills- iview Drive has as her guests â€"â€" Mrs. Harry Greenup of Cheadle Hulme. Cheshire. England, and er. and MrS. Harry Gregory of Adlington. near Macclesfield, Cheshire. Mrs. Greenup and Mrs. Gre- ‘gory are sisters-in-law of Mrs. Seymour, and have had the op- portunity of visiting friends in this area. The passing of this bus~ lness landmark will come as a shock to many people, of the district, particularly older residents of the town and district who through a lifetime have made the popular butcher store a BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-2214 [édiéis'rSihrbrts §8¢WGinITShdrif98¢ Clearing All Ladies & Girls Swim - Suits Sale Days WYN -DOT THE LADIES‘ SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA ’I AUGUST During their stay. the party (which included Mrs. Ruhl)‘ looked down on Niagara Falls from the Seagram Tower. vis- ited one of the hydro generat- iing stations, through the flowâ€" Ier garden displays, to Buffalo. Returning to the Canadian side. Mr. Ruhl drove along the lNiagara River, then home through the grape and peach knowing areas. A sister of Mr. Chris Ruhl. owner of the Richmond Hill Home Bakery, Mrs. Vermeulen and daughter are staying at his l'home. At six o'clock Saturday evening. Mr, Ruhl closed the doors of his Yongq Street store. and by 10 pm. they were at Niagara Falls, viewing the changing colors illuminating the falls - termed "the world's greatest moving picture". 1 Richmond Hill Red Cross branch president William Ham- ilton and his family have re- turned after a holiday at Six EMile Lake. In making the announcement’and that the business will close onifirs Saturday, Mrs. Marguerite‘ vilh Glass said she did so with con- nex siderable regret as the busi- Edv ness has for so long meant so wee much to her late husband andiBay Hall Street had been plowed up by the paving? contractors ~â€" but. unlike Elizabeth Street â€" the loose surface had not been watered down. so with the strong north-easterly wind. clouds of dust were blown over the homes of' the unlucky re- sidents â€"- created by thought‘ less motorisls who lravelled at‘ their usual high speed . , . Forâ€"‘ tunately â€"â€"- “the rains camefi Sympathy really goes nut to those housewives who reside in the Hall-Richmond Streets area far the "dusting" they suffered on Friday afternoon and Satâ€" urday. Back to Richmond Hill againl is Mr. John Waegemakers after a three weeks trip to Holland, visiting his birthplace. Gllze, N. Br. and his mother. whom he had not seen in ten years. It was quite a family reunion which included his sisters and brother, and also his wife's father. sister and brothers at Tilhurg. . Mr. Waegemakers fished in the North Sea. along the dykes. in Ghent, and made several‘ trips into Belgium. { Bob Day. Governor of Rotary District 707 will be visiting Richmond Hill Rotary Club at their August 12 meeting. A member of the Toronto Rotary Club. he will advise and review the goal for the local club for the coming year. Richmond Hill Rotarians meet at Summit- view Gardens at 6:45 pm. “Last call for reservations" â€"â€" Richmomi Hi“ Women's In- stitute. shopping centre. Many former residents now liv- ing in near or distant cen- tres will recall with nost- algia the pleasant visits to the store when it was on- erated by Lauder Glass, John P. Class or W. H. Glass. Throughout more than a century of family ownership the Glass Meat Market earned a high rep- utation for quality prod- ucts and fair and honest dealing. Water skiing. boating. swim- ming and fishing was good on Friday and most of Saturday, but the high winds and heavy rain came as a damper to these activities. .vvww.v,vw\zx.wxw‘owwwww‘awpopow ‘ Vv.\l v.v.w.v.v v v v ‘1 ‘4 V v.u.v White flowers and candlelight in Richmond Hill United‘ ‘Church Chapel made a pretty background when Rev. C. G. Higginson united in marriage Janice Gwen Dedlow, daughter of Mrs. John Dedlow and the late Mr. Dedlow and David Faustin Inniss, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lawrance Inniss of{ Bridgetown. Barbados. The bride. given in marriage by her brother. Clark Dedlow. wore ivory silk organza over matching peau de soie and a shoulder length veil, carried a bouquet of chiffon roses and stephanotis centred with a cym- bidium orchid. The bride's cousin. Miss Carol Simpson of California, was maid of honour.. She wore hyacinth blue silk or- ganza and carried a crescent of pink spray carnations. Mr. Ray- mond Swan was best man. A reception followed in the church parlour. The bride's mother received in an ensemble of champagne silk honan with a corsage of pink delight roses: Mrs. Peter L. Inniss, sister-in; law of the groom. assisted,i wearing beige chiffon with‘ matching accessories and at Corsage of Talisman roses. The bride and groom honcy~. moaned in Muskoka. For travel-j ling the bride chose a navy suim white and navy accessories and a corsage of pink orchids. On: their return the couple will re~l side in Toronto. ‘ MMWWWQNN’VK“ "vava 7 7 WW' >W\3\9\7\,\m2\;\;\2\3\?\7\y\2\3\.\ JO_,\L\.\.\Z\3\4\C'\1\.\L\JWI é LAMB THE MOVER LTD. A 2 At Charlottetown. the Con- federation Room and other his- toric spots were visited. also the home of Ann of Green Gables at Cavendish Beach, the David Stuart homestead and Strathgartney. Fortunately, the Jacksons were favoured with excellent wealhpr. Fully equipped with tent and cooking facilities. their first stopover was Drummond- ville, Quebec, Nuniae their next. Ferrying across to Prince Edward island, they spent a week camping out at Malpeque Staying with an uncle, Mr. John Phillips at Norwalk, and with another uncle, Mr. Henry‘ Gordon at Bell, Miss Bourgard will have an opportunity to see a considerable amount of that section of the west during her Stay. * it >3! >k Mr. Bert Gramsch. of Black Realty Limitedx enjoyed a brief four day holiday at the summer cottage on Go-Home Lake in the Parry Sound area. “Vacation by the Sea" - plus a scenic tour was the enjoyable experience of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Jackson and their son David of Rockport Crescent. Miss Beverley Bourgard of Hillsview Drive, flew from Mal~ (on via TCA plane for Los Angeles, California, on a two week's visit. While yet quite a way to go before reaching Babe Ruth or Mickey Mantle calibre. the Richmond Hill Post Office Baseball Team is steadily "coming up". In recent matches they tied with a 12-12 score playing the strong Willowdate P‘O. team. and won over the Aurora P.O. team with a score of 17 to 15. Muskoka Honeymoon Mr. And Mrs. D. Inniss SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave" Richmond Hill See Portable Models at { ‘Wight's Pharmacy' Day or Evenings. TC. 4-1745 LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING Morass The Street) Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAM" MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE 127 Birch Ave. - Thomhill, Ont. L. H. SIMS PHONE A V. 5-4911-2-3 WE ARE THE BEST The Fort. dating back to early 1600 which is in a fine state of preservation - now presents a new attraction - a realistic “sound and sight spec- tacle”. At Miami, Miss Carlton: Cocks, aunt of Mrs. Perelman-is| was visited. Kim and Lynda; who now can both swim, enâ€"; joyed swimming with their’/ parents in the salt water pools', and the Atlantic Ocean. ‘( \«rx “Thoroughly tanned - and relaxed" from a three week's vacation at Miami Beach. Flori- da, is the Perdicaris famity. Dr. and Mrs. J. Perdicaris, daugh- ters Kim and Lynda, who have just returned to their Kerry- bronk Drive home. Motoring partly on the Thru~ way and scenic highways. the first stopover was at St. Aug‘ ustine, Florida, the oldest settlement in the United States. Sign on the door of L’Allegm Music Store. Yonge Street: “Not Sorry -â€" Gone Fishing â€" Sheryl Kerr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Kerr, Judlea Court is vacationing for a week near Ottawa; A reception followed in the church parlour. The bride's mother received in an ensemble of champagne silk honan with a corsage of pink delight roses. Mrs. Peter L. lnniss, sister-in- law of the groom. assisted, wearing beize chiffon with matching accessories and a Corsage of Talisman roses. The weather for part of Sat- urday was ideal for trying out their new boat, but the high wind and rain ended further trials and prevented the usual good fishing. “Not Sorry -â€" Gone Fishir. Back August 13 â€"â€" Darn It The Rev. and Mrs. C. G. Hig~ ginson have returned to their home considerably benefited after two weeks of healthful re~ laxation at Camp Bella Lac, Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomp- son, Elgin MmsRoad. spent the weekend at their cottage at Franceville, near Honey Har- boun This camp â€" operated by the Federation of Ontario Natural- ists - provided many interesting lectures on botany. geology, and allied subjects. L'HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Qntario, Thursday, August 8, 1963 , mond Hill And District Who Through ; The Years Have Extended Patronage ' And Googgvill W n Phone 285-1073 SATURDAY, AUGUST 10,1963 i R: MM YONGE ST. S.-RICHMOND HILL 9’ ti Wil "Close ii COUNTRY STYLE PORK legs 51 Breasts lb. 49¢ Minced Beef 3Ibs.95¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA EXAT SAVINGS Wieners 3 lbs. 89¢ Sausage 3 lbs. $1.00 Finest Chesterfield Recovering AT NO EXTRA COST SO WHY BE SATISFIED WITH LESS Two generations of experience as your guarantee Budget Terms Available FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY GLASS MEAT MARKET CHICKEN ROBERT ARONS UPHOLSTERING C. NELS GAGE 252 SOUTH TAYLOR MILLSâ€"884-2230 Sincere Thanks To The People Of Rich- mond Hill And District Who Through The Years Have Extended Patronage Mrs. Marguerite Glass and Staff Extend Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill TU. 4-7691 ,7:}7,f(!/u.)

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