Mape, Concord and Edge ey District News “The Liberal" is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord and Edgeley districts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore, ALpine 7-1150; in Edgelcy and Sherwood. Mrs. Raymond Stuart. AV. 5-1934; and in Concord. Mrs. Ruth Keffer. 285-6805. / 0n “Shore Leave“ ‘ As we go to press the Shore family is right in the middle of holidays. If you have some each year in Maple dividing‘ested and concerned over holiday news for Maple Notes her visit between her grandâ€",scrious and extended illn and phone in to 257-1150 and don't get an answer - hold oanark. and Aunt Agnes Couper, to it and try again. ' I! * >i’r at! Written in the Starsl! About these afore mentioned holidays - after several days oft. debating whether to make usel of the time, when all the tam-4 ily is away. to get some “put: off" chores done. or to make use of the car to get some out of town visiting done. I hap- pened to read my “Leo†hor- oscope. WELLl! Quote “Forego that spree and get caught up on chores". unquote. Like so many issues these days. the stars too can't seem to make up their minds - or figure what's the use where Toby and “chores†are involv- ed, so they compromised the first of this week and gave me a partial break. “Splendid Week for visits, travel AND getting things done quickly"!! )k 1k * it Holidays Enjoyed During the last week in June, Helen and Joe McBrat- ney. of 5 Goodman Crescent. manager of local Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce, en- joyed a visit at Williamsburg. The following two weeks were spent at their cottage at Rideau Ferry. near Smith Falls, where the W. A. McBratney’s of De- troit and Miss Jean MeBratney of Kingston joined them for a holiday visit. it! III IIK *1 Serene Holiday The two weeks spent at a Gloucester Pool cottage in July. were completely relaxing and enjoyable for Tom and Olive Gillings and son Noel. The week-ends were interrupt~ ed for Noel as he is on life guard duty this summer at Boyd Park. Mr. Gillings is building inspector for Vaughan Township. in a n- a Same Holiday Spot For several summers Ernie and Sylvia Hemphill, 21 Keele St. North. have trekked off to Miner‘s Bay for their vacation and as always, this year they again reported a lovely holi-I day. *Ittï¬lk Summer Visitor to Maple Mrs. Charles Smith of Hall- fax has been visiting with her daughter Marion MacKay and! family of 11 Lancer Drive. Actually it was somewhat disconcerting for Mrs. Smith upon her arrival at Malton Airport when she was finally convinced that her son-in-law really wasn't ther" to drive her to Maple but Marion was to be chauffeur. Whv disconcerting? Well. her daughter had just re- ceived her driver's license!! Since then many jaunts have been enjoyed with Marlon at the wheel. KINGSDALE ANIMAL has been HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Dunn". -v.‘- TYPEWRITER RENTALS Effective September 1, 1963 3 months, per month $6.00 1 month . . . . . . . . . . . $7.00, HAND ADDERS $12.00 per month ELECTRIC ADDERS $15.00 per month York Office Annual Visit to Relatives Heather Couper of spends p parents Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred of 20 Richmond Street. aunt Jean and uncle John LaRiviere and cousins Lynda and Doug of Ontario St. . a * It! From England Last summer Pat Salmon. 60 Lancer Drive. took his son Geoffrey to England with him to visit his parents. This sum- mer. Mr. and Mrs. Salmon Sr.. have been enjoying a visit to Canada. Upon arrival, they spent ten days in Montreal before coming to Maple to see their grandchildren, Geoff, John and young Peter Salmon and Pat and Jean. Their next stop over is Peterboro way and then back home to Eng- land. Pat and Jean have enjoyed having their folks with them and also being able to show their part of the country that they've adopted since they. themselves arrived from Eng- land. * * >t< it! Return to Old Haunts Every now and then we get caught up on the doings of Axel Sjoberg, who many read- ers of the "Liberal" remem- ber when he worked as a re- porter and feature writer for this paper and had his weekly graphoanalysis column in same. During last week's visit he said the second edition of “The Canadian Analyst" is off the press! He and his wife Sheila, are eo-editing this new- est venture to assist in intro- ducing this science to more men and women and to encour- age wider participation. - Just in case you didn’t know, graphoanalysis is “character reading in handwriting". The Sjobergs are living in Ottawa and Axel sends an "hello" to his many friends in this area. 3k it 3k iIK Out of Hospital It's nice to report that little Mary Brock, 94 Keele Street South, is home‘ from Sick Kids' Hospital but still having to take things easy for a while. * ’1‘ it its Hopping Around Water skiing is just fine ~ as long as you don't come “off†the water! Lynn Jackson. Old- field Street, found this out in her off hours while working this summer at Honey Har- bour. After a stint of water skiing, she stepped on a brok- en bottle on the beach and got a nasty cut. She was taken merit and arrived home on onne from Alberni B.C., roduce his new grandson. Their nephew the Derono’s. 1k lit * wk Midget Baseball on how their “Maple Lions Millionaires ball team is doing Although try. July 16, muffed their last were pitching. McKee and Reg. Thacker. to Midland Hospital for treat- Crumhes- * it * it and “kept a eye on things." . Now a member of St. Paul’s wesmm Vim" Lutheran Church, Richmond “Rog, rind Sioantne Divvong Hill, Mrs. Keffer assured us ra ree we come that she w M t' 1. Joanne's father Mr. Ernie Di- ou Ger am} use near Victoria, enabling them to in- Gary Long a summer visitor at Sports' reporter Bill Hamil- ton dropped in to catch us up they are sort of low in the standings, they’re givmg their first year a good at Nobleton they inning and lost by a score of 17-16. Pete Rumble was base umpire and Bill Hamilton and Chris Moore Their coach Bruce Murchis- on is being assisted by Bud ess clogging the Rose family. 22' Richmond Street, - lately. During the five week period when Lynda Rose was confin- ed to bed. she was completely overwhelmed with cards. greet- ings. phone calls and visitors conveying their get well wishes in a pleasant variety of ways. 1 Both Lynda and her mother' Muriel. wish to thank. throth Maple Notes. all these thought- ful folks who through their kindnesses, brightened many a dark day. all )It it! * Must Be "I‘ornado‘ Time It was two years ago last weekend that Maple was visited with a tornado that did most of its damage to Normaplc homes. We can share sympath- ies with the folk in Blooming- ton and area. who were visit- ed similiarly over the weekend. >I‘ it I" It! Remembering It is not our intention to rc-‘ rereate the horror visited on our town during this period last summer. but perhaps a restated grateful thanks to the many lwho came to aid us at such a T he Week’s Happenings In Maple pleasantly surprised at the num- time. would make us mindful and. FM. AIISIOHDCI‘ 0f neigllIJOUI‘S. friends andof the goodness of neighbours radio. These art of her holidays acquaintance they found interâ€" and strangers alike who at alimadc. the times are willing to assist otb- Lions‘ Hall. Centre Street in ers whenever and wherever needed. Indeed it is a good world. in Lllt main. and filled. with wonderful people! * a it It You Can Have A Share Our readers are no doubt all‘ acquainted by now, with the. Joslin Memorial Fund sponsor-i ed by the combined brigades of Vaughan Township Fire De- partment which includes area‘ 1. Richvalc. area 2, Maple and arc-a 3 Woodbridge. It is their wish to swell this. fund so as to enable them to. furnish at least one hospital room. in the York Central Hos- pital. valued at about $1.600 and place a plaque stating it to be in memory of Herb J05- lin. The response to date has been most gratifying but if you wish to be part of this tri- bute. you may send a donation to the Joslin Memorial Fund, Box 331, Maple P.O. - or - lucky draw tickets are available from each vounteer fireman with Ist prize: a 21 cubic ft. freezer; 2nd prize, a 12 ft. aluminum car top boat; 3rd prize, an AM. ‘Congress to be held in Toronto portable transister draws will be. September 27 at the Richmond Hill when a dance will also be held. ‘: it: s a * St. Stephen’s Church The worldâ€"wide Anglican this August is of interest and concern not only to Anglicans but to all, The Congress begins with a; great service in the Maple Leaf Gardens. August 13 at 8 pm. 13 at 8 pm. A bus will leave St. Steph- en's Church. Keele St.. N Maple at 6:15 returning after the service. Those particularly] interested may telephone Mr.‘ John Glen. AL. 7-1035. On Sunday. August 18 at 11 am. the Congress visitor and special preacher in St. Stopliâ€" en's Church will be the the distinguished scholar Dr. Falk- ner Allison the Bishop of Win- chester. * ii: air a Florida Visitor Miss Sally Baxter of St. Petersburg, Florida is spending the month of August with her cousins Jane. Sally, Mary Anne. Nancy. and Suzanne Manning at Pheasant Hollow Farm. Concord Socials Sorry to disappoint those readers who thought, happily. that I had gone forever. Just a little vacation. For the first part of July we seemed to be busier than the proverbial paper-hanger, and to recover from this over- organization I took off with children to the lake for the latter half of the month. Just as a drug addict with- draws from drugs, so we with- drew from civilization. Well, almost so. We did see the oc- casional human, some of whom we actually knew. Lutheran Church Women On July 20. the day of the eclipse, the Lutheran Church Women from Zion Church held their annual picnic at our cot- tage. Despite unsettled weather‘ between thirty and forty people were in attendance. ' A very touching and sincere? grammed. leatherâ€"bound service book and hymnal. Rev. E. Lange, who made the presentation, extended the appreciation of the congregat- ion to Mrs. Keffer who for many years lived on the farm adjacent to the church property her gift at every opportunity. Other Cottagers Even while not on the scene I can keep an eye on some people. Doris Sherman and her children along with her mother and her aunt, Mrs. Vi Clark. spent a few days at her cot- tage down the road from us. Also among her visitors was Mrs. Mona Bell and son Wayne who stayed for a couple of ' days with the Shermans. Doris' sister, Mrs. Audrey McCly- mont, who now lives in Barrie also visited Doris one evening. ‘incident took place after din-’to Visit with his wife and lner when lung Gladys Keffer daughter. Like their Ontario was presented with a mono- cousins, the Saskatchewan After a lovely dinner, “Gram†was presented with a beautifulâ€" ly 'decorated birthday cake wnich she cut after happy birth- day was sung. Mrs. Bagg received a lovely brooch from her brother and sisters, and a grandmother bracelet from her family. Nine- teen gold discs jangled from the bracelet. each proclaiming the name and birth-date of 16 grandchildren and three great- grandchildren. The guests returned to Mrs. Bagg‘s home for the afternoon where many pictures were tak- en and guests were able to just sit and relax. Socials During the month of July Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bone. King High Drive. entertained visitâ€" ors from Saskatchewan, when Warren's cousin whom he hadâ€" n‘t seen for many years came Bones are farmers also. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smith had out-ofâ€"town visitors recently when Roy's sister and her fam- ily spent a few days here. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Duncalf and their children, formerly of Red Lake. Alberta are now living in Port Arthur. making their visit to the Smith’s just a little more convenient. Still with the Smith's, Diane was a bridesmaid last Saturday for Miss Elsie Scott who was married to Mr. Bryan Gilbert Church. Prior to the wedding, Diane and her mother were among those who entertained Elsie with a shower. Well. more remembran- ces of July and August next week folks. This writing business has to be taken in small doses. My hand is out of condition, since the most writing I‘ve done lat- ely is two post cards, plus an invitation to the Sherman cottage folks to come up for coffee. which they did. Doris poured, and she said to be sure to men- tion it. PICKERING : Township coun- cil recently hired J. H. Faulk- ner of Willowdale as planning director and industrial com- missioner. Mr. Faulkner has been directed to look for ways to make the township more interesting for industry. His salary will begin at $7,000. Maple Branch of MAPLE-WOOD UNIT Crestwood Correspondent: ll 7 S Crestwood Road Telephone ‘ Vacationing Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonacci. ;Paul. Lynda and David went brated her fourth birthday andl to Winnipeg for their vacation. the first train trip for the children. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Webster cardine. Mr. and Mrs. lion Miller and family spent their holidays at ‘Balsam Lake. Ricky Willics and Barry St. John spent last weekend with only way to travel to the old Mr. and Mrs. J. Peters and family at Port Severn. Barry, Janine and Marlee. children of Mr. and Mrs. Ray McEwen, have all fined to bed with the mumps. Vaughan Firemen Finish Up Fourth At Annual Meet Vaughan Township firemen‘ were represented at the 62nd annual Ontario Firemen's As- sociation convention held last week-end at the tiny hamlet of Teeswater. south of Walkerton. The firemen's team finished fourth in two events. the hose, race and the hose and ladder race in the schedule of activi- ties during the four-day meet- ing. There were 11 teams com- peting. Along with Vaughan Fire Chief James Davidson those attending were Bar- ry Smith. Dick Greenfield. Ken Hough, Bert Douglas. Dave Ince, John Bailey, Ed Bailey, William Jor- dan, Ken Woods. John Plunkett and Murray Line. More than 1,000 firemen at- tended the convention which will be the last under its pres- ent name. Next year, the group representing 181 volunteer fire departments will meet under the title of the Firefighters As- sociation of Ontario. mosa. munity catering. Markham Township were represented. been con-‘ Road News Irs. Fred St. John AV. 5-34-13 “â€" Birthday Congratulations To Susanne Miller who eele-i lto Peter Zepp. 16, and Mr. Fred ‘St. John. Mrs. Dave Wilson returned _. o O D: :3 a: a. n: m ..., ... m '1 U) 7: m :r a. .. 5 H :3- '1 m (D IN .and familY‘CDJOI’Cd their PRU-Necks with her three sisters in ldays at their cottage near lxin- Edinburgh. She had not seen‘" two of them for 34 years and had a wonderful reunion. This also was her first plane trip} and she enjoyed every minute1 ‘of it. She tells me it is the country. Mr. and Mrs. Al Collins and family moved from Crestwood lRoad to their new home on Goulding Avenue, Willowdale. Stephen Mari. youngest son .of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mari. Steeles Avenue West. celebrat- ed his first communion July 28 at St. Paschal's Baylon Church, Steeles Avenue West. Friends and relatives gathered at his ‘home afterwards for a garden party. Stephen had his gand- mothcr and grandfather Mari THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. August 8. .1963 ,7; b‘ : l JOHN MONSTER L UFE September Wedding The engagement is announced of Miss Jill Neufeld, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Neufeld of Maple to Mr. John Monster, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Monster of Hamilton. The wedding is planned for September ’7 and will be held in the Maple United Church. over from Germany to help him celebrate. Milliken Man MAPLE â€" RICHMOND HILL CARS 8. TRUCKS FOR RENT Named E.M.O. Liaison Officer Mr. R. C. Campbell of Mill- ALL POPULAR MAKES AND MODELS REXDALE CAR & TRUCK RENTALS LTD. ALpine 7-1461 AVenue 5-5501 CHerry 1-2811 RR. 1 MAPLE (Lippay Motors Limited) Accommodation was a pro- blem in the 890-population vil- lage and appeal was made for more beds. As a result, beds were at a premium in nearby Wingham, Walkerton and For- The firemen were fed by church groups and on Sunday Formosa threw a giant picnic with the Women of the com- Neither Richmond Hill nor firemen iken has been appointed liaison officer for the southern area section of York County Emer- gency Measures Organization. Richmond Hill. Markham Vil- lage. Woodbridge and Mark- ham and Vaughan Townships comprise the southern section; Mr. W. R. White will be liaison officer in the central area com- prising Aurora, Newmarket. Stouffville, King and Whit- church Township and Mr. Fred A. Hardman, liaison in the northern area of Sutton Village, Georgina, North and East Gwillimbury Townships. The men who took up their duties August 1 will work with the county EMO co-ordin- ator Major William Preston of Newmarket. day night, North York Parks. and Recreation from the Northtown Plaza in‘ and later displays of camp and aquatic groups, games of softball and volley- NORTH YORK : On Wednes- ‘ Department]. presented a mammoth parade‘ Willowdale to Finch Avenue ‘ exhibition . l.l-l-l--~w-_~-_~~-_-_ti-" ASPHALT PAVING Natale Bros. Paving Co. Ltd. 432A Parliament St. WA. 5-754l pR. 3.5539 TERMS ARRANGED Oak Ridges l-DOOUDG-(“Wmfl-t' Residence ii-n-o-ri-o-u-o.o-u-o.4 For Your Freezer FRESH BEANS All Ready For Blanching PICKED FRESH DAILY PHONE 884-3154 “ ball. The North York program is the largest in Canada. of Canadian Cancer Society Women’s Services Mrs. J. James - 257-2443 Mrs. G. Robson - 257-2600 Transportation Mrs. C. Boake - 285-2421 Mrs. H. Miller - 257-1414 General Information Education and Publicity Mrs. A. Rutherford - 288-0959 Mrs. L. Shore - 257-1150 in Mount Dennis United w Special Birthday On July 7, almost forty rel- ant to celebrate the birthday of head table with Mrs. Bagg were her two sisters, Mrs. Jack Dev-l ins. Sr.. and Mrs. Les Robb. her} atives and special friends gath-, ered at Summit View Restaur-i Mrs. Alf Bagg. Seated at the‘ Charcoal Broiled HAMBURGS 383 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill l AIR CONDITIONED ROOMSâ€" TV & TELEPHONE PHONE 884-449l FOR RESERVATIONS Visit The Hot Shoppe MOTEL HOT DOGS d 0/v__;A_A/_>r ow PAM/70AM , Due/N6 7x15 (IN/QUE .u ..--â€"â€"- . July 17' at Maple Lions brother. Mr. Frank Locke, along . Equlpment community Park (will Fred \vith Mrs. Locke and Mr. Les FISH ’N’ CHIPS, CHICKEN, ETC. , ‘ 7 Young please note!) Maple Bollb‘ ‘ -~â€"- 16 lONGE ST. N. won this time in their final 7 W ' ' ' 7 WW I a If . . 285.5729 8844231 inning 10-9 against Wood-L bridge with Don Quinton. Bill -7.--_-_).«_ - l- and Chris pitching. Plate umâ€" pire was Lester Downing. Again at Maple, July 24. with Bill pitching. it was top league standing King City. 10 and Maple 3. Dalt MeArthur umpired this game - surely he could have done better for four boys'!! Perhaps when “The Liberal" prints a picture of Maplc's RICHMOND HILL 8: DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY For Services We Render & General Information Call AUGUST 9th to AUGUST 24th Mr. A. T. c ' M‘dg t t â€" th v .~ . . . _ ' roster 8846501 inépifcd ï¬rqu goeigoipll be O'urPllkmgton KWickTin’c Machine Mrs. Gordon I‘urves ‘ * * * * Will mix and match any colour 2974186 sin R. H. Minor League you want-while you waitl Richmond m“ “ea Maple ball players also play Mrs. D. C. F' Fayle giiltthteams in Richmond Hill. “ ' a M 334.3343 play ..ill."l§’§id1â€liliiémégï¬t°ii Each customeris allowed one dollar trade-in rs. W. J. Lennox do R l h C - U i _ , M S 88-1-4821 Uléinlhinmo‘r’ioppeilyif cites-idle on any old, empty paint can wrth the purchase rs. . G. Ph‘ll‘ l er " t d B'll R ' ' I L 1 “’5 884â€"4070 for Bgir-vieexifiiï¬: * 1 Ohm L R GM of each gallon of Pilking’con Paintand 30 cents “5' w‘ C' ArmStroIi‘Bg‘i-IOM Ru" 0'†0' COM? L ' on a quart! Any old canâ€"any brand! Thornhiu Area Usually we'd be delighted in egg production and quality due to unbalanced feeding. Come in, we‘ll talk about your flock and the extra dollars you'll The Shur-Gain All-Mash designed with your poultry in mind. With this Program. bird is assured a properly Program was profits every Here’s your chance to save money-while you get the best paint money can buy! If there's when we could get reams of copy as close to home base as our next door neighbours and recently there has been “reams Mrs. E. Percival . AV. 5-1839 Victoria Square area Mrs. C. Nichols 8866525 pf kcogiv .1_HO\\veve1~_ ~with the bagagcw diet. yinuany profit with the Shur-Gain anything in your house needs palntlng“ Unionville Area ' Llscnda 12;th MCliI‘zlaciIt Bord. “humming irregmarme' All-mam Program. ' ' ' ' I . P ' Mrs- E- Sliver ‘sister Barb Cook have ligd do It now and pamt It with Pilkmgton a!" 297.1535 lately. it has all added up to Markham Area ‘an extended sick list. With the Mrs. 0. s, Stalter lfollowing item. we‘ll gladly ‘ 2944450 forego any more such “neigh- Gormley Area ,btilll‘l)" news unless they can ' Mn George Brand ‘cliange their tunc‘. . . . . 886-5200 * I ‘ Warm And Grateful “Thanksâ€, Perhaps even the family was, PHONE AV. 5-4392 250 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO g“â€"