M. James O’Neil officiated‘ It the afternoon wedding on June 22 at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, of Miss Donna Lesley Webb, formerly of Bathurst Street. to Bryan Mills, formerly of Mill Street. Richmond Hill. . The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Webb of 18 Longbridge Road. Thornhlll. She is a graduate of Richmond Hill High School and is a nurse at Women’s College Hospital, Toronto. The groom, also a grad-‘ uate of Richmond Hill High School, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Mills, Maryvale Cres., Richvale, and is a graphic de- signer employed by the CBC. Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a- full length gown of white fame, with lace sleeves and neckline. Beading on the bodice contin- ued down the front of the skirt which featured a chapel train. A finger-tip veil fell from a tiara of seed pearls. Her bou- quet was of white gardenias. Mrs. D. Lovell was the ma- tron of honour, with the bride's sister Lorraine Webb. Judyj Purvis and Susan Gillard as bridesmaids. All wore candy pink peau de sole dresses feat- ~uring an A-line skirt, with an overblouse of pure lace, also in pink. They carried baskets of pink and red roses. 10 WE ARE THE BEST '10\‘VI1 bleh, quuuuuu 11111 r » .WW ' ' "’M' -x, “WMMWW'Wwï¬ OUTSIDE Richmond Stone Products Do It Yourself Phone AV. 5 4844 Elgin Mills Rd. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. g, CEMENT SLABS if PATIOS g} STEPS ALL COLOURS Yonge St., North of Enjoy Bermuda Honeymoon THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill.>0ntario, ThursdaxLAugust_15,_1963_ LAMB THE MOVER LTD. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street) 01' Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE 127 Birch Ave. - Thornhill, Ont. PHONE A V. 5-4911 -2-3 DONNA LESLEY WEBB IS BRIDE 0F BRYAN MILLS Over 45 Years Experience Dick Mills was his brother’s best man. Ushers were Kenneth Williams, Grant Webb. Wayne Mills and Michael Bain. Trad- itional wedding music was sung by the church choir. port Street. is now making good progress at her home, fol- lowing her second sojourn in Newmarket Hospital. Mrs. A. Pattenden, Benson Avenue, who sustained a pain- ful foot injury at her home, is making a slow, but satisfactory recovery. Mr. md Mrs. J. Bayley and‘ family from London, Ontario, visited their parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Bayley, Yonge Street, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton McCall from Vancouver recently spent Mr. Bill Brown who since April, 1949 has been associated with the Glass Meat Market which closed last week end, has accepted a position as manager of the I.G.A meat department in Beaverton, where he will take up residence shortly. A past president of the Richmond Hill Lions Club, Bill has been a very active worker in service club and community projects “The Liberal" joins with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Brown in wishing them much joy and happiness in their new home. - of interest in Ontario. a few days with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McKay at their home on Arnold Street. During their stay they visit- ed the various historical points Ladles of the Richmond Hill Lawn Bowling Club came through to win the prize for high for two games at Mark- ham Ladies' Gala Day. The rink consisted of Mrs. Peter Savage, Mrs. Norman Chatter- ley and Skip Mrs. Russell Lin- Mr. A. H. Gabb, who has spent the last six months at the home of his daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Crack, Leonard Street, leaves for England on Friday aboard the Franconia. Following a short star at Chandler's Ford, Hams, with his son Mr. E. G. B. Gabb and. family, he will return to his home in Wraxall, Somerset. ett. Mrs. Ethel Hardwlck, Bridge- Oné hundred and fifty guests were entertained at a reception following the ceremony at the Bayview Country Club. Works Commissioner Otto Whalen and his wife, returned last week from a car trip to Miami, Florida. Following a honeymoon in Bermuda, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Mills took up residence at 132 Mill Street, Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Giles and family, Richmond Street, motored to Detroit, Michigan, for a weekend visit with Mrs. Giles' sister. I ,1 Pay promptly and avoid the penalty ii] of 3% which must be added after 3: AUGUST 20 ! __w-___ Mrs. A. Steen, Mill Street, accompanied by a cousin from Toronto, sailed from Montreal on Friday last for a five week conducted European tour, re- turning to Canada by air. Mr. Richard Book is spending a short holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. Hook, Oxford Street, before returning to the School of Forestry, Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Stew- art, 192a Yonge Street, celeb- rate their silver wedding anni- versary this Friday, August 16- th. They will mark the occasion with their son, Mr. James P. Stewart, daughter and son-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Peter, and a few intimate friends, win- ing and dining at the Skyline Hotel. Prior to her wedding August 3, the former Sandra Lynne Ma‘ Gee, of Rockport Crescent now‘ Mrs. Paul Moore, was entertain- ed by Mrs. J. Willcock and Betty-Anne Willcock at a misc- ellaneous shower. She was also guest of honour at a personal shower given by Miss Jean Thompson and a linen shower given by Mrs. Gary Lind. Mrs. W. Beers, Mrs. F. Mur- ray, Mrs. E. Van Wert and Mrs. J. Walters were co-hostesses at a kitchen shower and the staff of MacKillop Public School held a presentation. The bride-elect’s mother, ry. Mrs. Orval MaGee entertained President Mrs. J. Dewsbury; at a trousseau tea for her presented the guest of honour daughter at their Rockport with an institute cup and sauc- Crescent Home. 1 er, bearing the official crest. D““““““““‘ The second instalment of the current year’s taxes is due AUGUST 1 R. Lynett, I Town Clerk, Richmond Hill ! Mr. and Mrs. J. Postleth- waite, Paliser Crescent, and Mr. and Mrs. N. Cross. Wen- lock Street, returned last week- end from a two week vacation at Cape Cod. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Clement and sons John and Jimmy, reâ€" turned to their Mill Street home following three weeks cottage vacation at Lake Sim- coe. Miss Grace Glass of Grace’s‘ Beauty Salon will be hopital- ized for a short tlme in St. Michael’s Hospital, and during her absence, Marie Ablett, who has recently joined the staff, will be in charge. Elected recently as president of the Aurora Drama Work- shop, w'as Mr. Tony Miller, Harrygan Crescent, who has been associated with the group for many years in a directional and acting capacity. Mr. and Mrs. P. Jennings, propietors of Variety Sea Foods, Levendale Road, return- ed this week from holidaying with their son and daughter-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. J. McCarthy Jennings and grandchildren Gordon and Susan, at their cottage at Fairbanks Lake, in the Sudbury area. The first annual |Modelrama is being held on Saturday, August 17th at the Drive-In, 9471 'Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, and presented jointly by the Aristocrat RM and Custom Club, and Harvey’s Drive-In Restaurant. This interesting exhibition will feature many vintage cars, some original, others restored or modified. Mr. and Mrs. John Lunn and family will be leaving their Weldrick Road home on Tues- day next for Cape Breton, No- va Scotia, where Mr. Lunn will take up his appointment as superintendent of a reconstruc- tion programme at the Fortress of Louisburg. Every good wish for the fu- ture is extended to John and Gwen, who,-during their years in the Hill, have both contribut- ed a gneat deal to community life. The play is being directed by Stephen Ker Appleby. who won the coveted director’s aw- ard for “Don’t Listen Ladies" at the 1961 Central Ontario Drama Festival - and under his highly imaginative direction, the play should prove to be a most successful opener for the coming season. “Angels in Love†- a delight- ful comedy, is slated as the Curtain Club’s fall production and an initial casting meeting was held at the theatre on Wednesday night, with a sec- ond heading tonight (Thurs- day). Painter John Agg and his wife Helen opened the new ad- dition to their Country Gallery, at Terra Cotta, Saturday last. Many patrons, together with visitors from Toronto. local areas and Richmond Hill at- tended, 'among whom were Mr. Harold Agg (a cousin) and fa- mily of Hillsview Dr., also Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Fry, uncle and ‘aunt of John Agg. The design and illumination‘ of the new gallery enhances the display of paintings by this well known artist, also the jewellery, enamelled copper, and pottery made by Mrs. Agg of clay from the site of the ancient brick- field that gave Terra Cotta its name. * * * * Richmond Hill W. I. President Mrs. J. Dewsbury presented the guest of honour with an institute cup and sauc- er. bearing the official crest. Twenty eight members enjoy- ed a surprise tea and present- ation for Mrs. H. Sorensen on Wednesday last at the home of‘ Mrs. H. Sanderson, Centre St. Mrs. Sorensen Joined the W. I. on Mrs. Sanderson’s invita- tion, later serving as secretary treasurer. She was a very con- scientious worker and will be greatly missed - and the good wishes of all the members go with her. ' The family will take up re-: sidence in Toronto where Mr.‘ Sorensen will attend the United Church Training College, pre- paratory to entering the minist- ry. Editor Margot Crack Mr. and Mrs. Ned Gayman, returned on Monday from a weeks holiday at Squaw Lake. Misses Margaret Ireland, Ma- Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dengate bel Hal-born, Stella and Mabel and sons Danny and Stephen, Mackie, left on Monday for a returned to their Lynett Cres- two week trip to the Maritimes. cent home on Sunday last, fol- ' " *' ’ lowing a weeks cottage vaca- Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gillan]. Lion at Rob Roy Island. Utter- Church strum. .mmne u woe...- son. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Gillan]. Church od‘uu., .cuumu (cue...- ly from two weeks cruising the Rideau and Georgian Bay. During their stay they visit- ed the Sarasota Jungle Gard- ens, where Qamlngos and other rare Wildfowl from every con- tinent roam foeer in these world famous gardens. Mr. and Mrs. Bigley, Carl and Carolyn, Spruce Avenue. have recently returned from holidaying in Florida. Miss Barbara and Mary Cath- erine Gray of Parkhill are vis- iting their great aunt. Miss rMary Dawson, for a few days. Among the places of interest they will visit during their holiday are the Royal Museum, Casa Loma. C.N.E. Exhibition, Fort York and the Dunlap Ob- servatory. Rev. Albert E. Myers, Mrs. Myers, son Paul, and daughters Kathy and Debbie, returned re- cently from holidays at 011- phant, Lake Huron. Miss Mary Paullin, Mrs. My- er’s sister, from Doylestown, Ohio, vacétioned with them, and will be returning home on Saturday. Rev. iMyers is the minister of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church. Mrs. W. Sayers returned to her Centre Street West home on Friday last following holi- days in Vancouver, where she visited with her sister, Mrs. E. Beeby and niece Betty and fa- During a trip to Victoria, she met up with former residents of the Hill, Mrs. G. Yerex and Miss Lucy Yerex, who are very happy in their new surround- ings. mily‘ Enroute for home, Mrs. Say- ers enjoyed a bus tour to Lake Louise, Emerald Lake, Yoho Valley and Banff - returning to Toronto by train. A motor trip to Cape Cod‘ followed the August 3 wedding in St. Matthew’s United Church of Miss Sandra Lynne Ma Gee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orval James Ma Gee, Rockport Cres. Richmond Hill and Mr. Paul Moore. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Moore of Ajax. Rey: M. B. Jose iof Lachine, Quebec, the bride’s uncle offic- iated. assisted by Rev. C. G. Hinaingnn nf "fir-Hman *1?“ Given in marriage by her fatum, the or.» “Ing a gown of nylon organza over taffeta fashioned with long sleeves and a full skirt. The Sabrina neckline and the soft gathers of the bodice were ac- cented with appliques of lace and sequins, ending in two points just below the waist. Her bouffant veil of nylon il- lusion was caught to a tiara of sequins and she carried a bouquet of white gardenias, stephanotis and pink baby Chrysanthemums. Miss Jean Thompson as maid of honour, Mrs. Gary Lind as bridesmatron and Miss Betty- Anne Willcock as junior brides- maid were gowned alike in pet- FRESH BEANS FOR FREEZING 0R PICKLING PICKED DAILY. Rib Roast lb. 55¢ Rib Steak lb. 65¢ Minced Beef 3 Ibs.95¢ PRIME eatina SAVINGS l BAYVIEW PLAZA NELS GAGE PHONE 884 - 3154 Mrs. G. Anderson and son‘ George, Centre Street East, left on Thursday for a two week holiday with Mrs. Anderson’s sister and brother-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rogers, at their home in SunnyvaleJCalifornia. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Yule- White, Julian and Sylvie, Roos- evelt Drive. left on Tuesday to take up residence at Davenport Road. Toronto. Mrs. Julia Keeley, Oxford Street. and a neice from Wil- lowdale, flew from Malton to spend a six week vacation in Bristol and other points in England. ‘ Louise Monks, daughter ofl Mr. and Mrs. Harold Monks, Woodlane, is at present holi- daying with Dr. Lyman Johns- ton, Mrs. Johnston and daught- er Wendy, at their cottage at Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. M. Davis. and children Peter, Jane and Lisa, McConvey Drive. returned re- cently from a three week trip to England, where they visited Mr. Davis’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Davis, at their home in Wallington, London. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Harper and their son Douglas, _Lyr{ett Crescéht, returnedion Sunday from a two week camping holi- day at Muskegon State Park, Lake Michigan. a1 pink crepe over taffeta cord. The covered up effect was created with nylon crepe gath- ered at the waist and a jewel neckline, falling pver their shoulders in panels. Headdress- es were pale pink roses attach- ed to circular veils and they carried nosegays of multi-col- oured miniature blooms. Flower girl was Miss Deborah Van Wert in a white Swiss embroidered organdy frock vith a pink sash. Her headdress \vas a bandeau of pink blooms and she carried a nosegay of miniature blooms. Best man for his brother was Mr. Carl Moore of Ajax and ushers were Mr. James Stewart, Mr. Malcolm McFarlane and Mr. Kenneth Ma Gee. brother of the bride. Mr. T. Beatty played the; wedding music and Mrs. M. Bishop of Sudbury was soloist. Following the reception at the Summit View Gardens, the new bride donned a yellow linen suit with yellow hat and! accessories for the trip. I On their return, they will re- side in Sudbury where they am both on the teaching staff of Adamsdale Public School. Vacationing? Holiday vi- sitors? Cottaging? These and other items all make interesting reading for “Life in the Hillâ€, and the social editor would appreci- ate hearing from you. Call the office at TU. 4-1105, or drop in personally, we’ll be pleased to hear from you. TU. 4-7691 Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. E. W. Ward and son Julian. Driscoll Road, returned last week from a ten day car trip to Cape Cod, Maine and Cape Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Bertram Davis of Willow Farm, left recently aboard the “Saturnia†from New York, for a seven week holiday tour of the continent. Mr. Bill Loeï¬â€™en formerly as? sociated with Glass Meat Mark- et has taken a position with the C.N.R. in Toronto. Mrs. Glass was very thankful for the very able assistance both Mr. Brown and Mr. Loeffen gave her in the business following the death of her late husband Lauder‘ Retiffed Fro-m Belll Couple Celebrate: Golden Wedding i. A Bell Telephone employee for 50 years who retired to Richmond Hill over three years ago and his wife will celebrate their golden wedding annivers- ary next week. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Osborne, who are both 72, will be guests of honour August 22 at a dinn- er at the Seaway Hotel to mark the event the following day. On their anniversary date, Friday, the couple will receive friends and neighbours at an “At Home" from 7-9 pm. at their home, 75 Tormore Drive. At the Seaway dinner, guests from out of town include a son- in-law and daughter, Mr. andw Mrs. W. May from Calgary. a brother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. Bus Curtis from Chatsworth, Ont., Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Taylor from Lake Worth, Florida. Also present will be the couple’s daughters Mrs. John Gay of Toronto and Mr. Gay, Mrs. Arthur Alton and Mr. Alton of Malton and Miss Phyllis Osborne of Richmond Hill. There are six grandchild- ren. Mr. Osborne was born in Owen Sound and Mrs. Osborne in Newfoundland. They were married by the late Rev. Peter Brice at Earlscourt United Church and before coming to Richmond Hill lived on Broad- way Ave. A family presentation will be made. NEWMARKET: Hospital offic- ials describe as “much improv- ed†the condition of Mayor W. A. Kent who has been hospital- ied since July‘ 25. Some visitors have been permitted for 3 lim- ited time. It is expected that Mr. Kent will remain in York County Hospital for further observation and to ensure he has a com- plete rest. BAYVIEW VARIETY SMOKE& GIFT SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-0090 ' “Use Our Lay-Away Plan" TEXT BOOKS FOR BAYVIEW HIGH SCHOOL AND OTHERS The Public Schools in Richmond Hill will be open during the week of August 26-30 to receive registrations of new pupils only. Parents of families who have moved during July or August to Richmond Hill, USS 3 Markham or USS 4 Vaughan, are requested to register all children of public school age in accordance with the schedule below. Children born in the calendar year of 1958 are eligible for admission to Kindergarten in September; parents who have not already registered such children are urged to do so before the opening of school. School Principal Beverley Acres Mr. Nighswander Crosby Heights Pleasantville MacKilIop McConaghy Walter Scott All Public Schools in September 3, 1963. School Board offices 884-4439. Available At Schools in Richmond Hill will open at 9:00 am. on Tuesday RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD REGISTRATION DATES AND HOURS Principal Telephone No. R Registrations Mr. Middleton III-III...- III-II...- Mr. Newman SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Mr. Goodng Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘nght’s Pharmacy’ ‘ All popular makes on hand Day or Evenings, TU- 4-1745 Special Students’ Rates Mr. Davison are open each week, Monday to Friday. Telephone L---‘---M-M--~~â€â€˜ Mr. Rose 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 L. H. SIMS MORTGAGE SERVICE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT G. S. McIntyre, Superintendent of Public Schools. 884-5281 884-5059 884-5711 884-1461 884-7431 884-2693 DEPENDABLE AND August 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 from 1:30-5:00 pm. August 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 from 9:00-12:00 noon August 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 from 9:00-12:00 noon August 28, 29, 30 from 9:00-12:00 noon August 28, 29, 30 from 1:30-5:00 pm. August 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 from 1:30-5:00 pm. .59 535 - éaaP-GH 'pgâ€" Registrations TORONTO, ONT EMpire 2-3456 2 Carlton St. Toronto