Top Thornhill Student Plans Social Work Career AURORA : A first for Canada will take place August 14 and 15 when the Inter-Pacific Pony Club competitions are held at Elderberry Hill Farm. Yonge Street South, the home of Jim Elder, Well known Canadian international rider. The com- petition will draw young riders (16 to 20 years) from Australia. New Zealand. the USA. and Canada. The girls get all the glory at Thornhill Secondary School as recent grade 13 results place two of them on the top of the high honours 11st. Mary Ann Baker who wrote I remarkable 10 examination papers with nivn'e firsts and one second will qualify with her AURORA : Building permits for‘ the first half of 1963 amounted to $474,250, up substantially ln‘ the industrial share. Residential permits totalled $222,100. while commercial and industrial ac- counted tor $234,200. Miscell- aneous permits accounted for the remaining $17,950. ‘HaVe Fun...wm BIG Win Athese Prizes gay Wee/c! COOK'S BP Mail before To avoid accident, sometimes it’s neces- sary to “stop on a dime!" This,you can’t do, when brake linings are dangerously worn. Better play safe, and let us check yours NOW. We’ll re-h‘ne your brakes, if need be, at modest cost. Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars Thornhill and District News THE LIBERAIJ, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursdfay, 'August 15, 1963 ROBERT ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 TELEPHONE AV. 5-2331 LEMIRR BIKES'OII. boy's and on. girl’s YLYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each kit contains bicycle lock, inï¬ll grim. be", and flap and manna. Aug. 21st to: ONTARIO SAFETY lEAGUE 208 KING 51'. W. TORONTO I, ONTARIO .' IMPERIAL MARK ll 5'0“ boy's and on. girl’: 81.8% as an Ontario Scholar as will Marylyn Clarke with seven ï¬rsts and two seconds and her 81.5%. Mary-Ann Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bakem Langstaff Road. is planningi to enrol at University of Toron-‘ to in the sociology and philosw ophy course. Eventual plans in- clude teaching retarded child- ren, she said. A student at Thornhill for five years. her average has never been below 80% although she has been act~ ive in the music club. sports (she was Girls’ Athletic Assoc~ iation president last year) and students' council among others. An older sister, graduated from Thornhill. Mrs. Baker, as a graduate of Richmond Hill High School was also an Ont~ ario Scholar. This summer Mary Ann is staying at her farm home “driving the tractor and things like that.'r’ There were seï¬en students with over 70% from among Thornhill's 83 grade 13 stud- ents. l\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\l\“\\\\\\\“\\“\“mn‘“111\\\1“1‘\l\\\l\\l\\\\1\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l 1 Swim Meet ‘ for Thornhill Tads On Saturday 'mmmnmmmm\\nun1m“nunuuuumummmxmummunumn Marylyn Clarke: She plans to take the household science course at MacDonald College in Guelph next fall but may end up teaching mathematics, she said. A former Richvale re- sident, she and her parents, Mr. W in Elmer’s Summer Safety Contest N0. A swim "10M open M all Thornhlll chlldren will be held at Thornhill Swim- ming Pool at 2 pm. Satur- day. The meet which is an annual event, will have competition in breast, back and free style strokes. It will be divided into three classes . . Juniors, nine and under. intermediates, 12 and under and 15 and un- der. There will also be dlv- in: events. Winners will be, awarded ribbons. HERE'S All. YOU DO! “The Liberal†I: always pleased to publish items of ï¬ltered contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thomhill is Mrs. Margaret McLean, who may be reached by phoning AV. 5-2331. I Cut this contest out of paper along dotted lines and color the picturr. Qr draw a picture that looks like his and color It. 2. Ust on .sepal’ah sheaf of paper the seven things wrong In the picture. 3. Mail contest and list to address on Entry Form. Don't forget to fill in your name and address. 4. Any diild of clnmentary school use may ,enter. ADDRESS AGE ... Her role of "Marguerite" Thursday and Friday in the Tennesse Williams adaptation of "Camille" was one of the major ‘ones cast by Robert Gill, who has been directing students at the Hart House summer school of theatre. " Thornhill Actress \ . ,Major Role In fHart House Play and Mrs. Deane Clarke now live in Richmond Hill. Last year, she was president of the Inter-school Christian Fellow- ship, on the students‘ council,‘ the year book amendment com-‘ mittee and has been on the dc. hating team. As a home ec‘ student for four years. she was; fashion commentator at one of‘ the school's successful fashioni shows. This summer she has been teaching Sunday school at Richvale Gospel Chapel where she is a member of the Young People’s group and is working for the summer at a Richmond Heights plaza cleaners. Miss Helen Nidd, one of Thornhill’s m o r e promising young theatre hopefuls last week joined the cast of “Cam- ino Real†presented at Hart House Theatre. Miss Nidd, a grade 11 stud- ent at Thornhill Secondary School, was in the cast of “The Diary of Ann Frank" which won last year's Dominion Drama Festival award for the school's On Stage Players. She is planning a career in the theatre. Her role in “Gaming Realâ€. (The Royal Road) provided the love interest although she was “dying of tuberculosis and had to look pale and wan.†The play set in Latin America was centred around the defeat of man's dream in a struggle to escape life. Miss Nidd said she enjoyed the play and the role very much. Rbbertï¬ Lemire: Bob, whose OC‘ODIOOOOOOOIOOIIIDOOOOOOIIOOGIOIIIIOQIIIQQII. ....... TELEPHONE .... (STREET) (CITY, TOWN, 5. All entries bum the p rty of Elmer tho Safcty Elephant cannot be returned. 6. Children of employees of' this newspaper, thy Ontario Safety Leann. and Canada Cycle‘cnd Motor Com- pany Limited may not enter. 7. Judges of the contest wjll be traffic safe authorities. The ludges‘ decision is Incl. eventual plans include research and physical chemistry “defin- itely in Canada†is entering the math, physics and chemistry; course at University of Toronto next fall. A student at Thorn» hill for the past year. he wasformerly at Bathurst Heights Collegiate. His interests includ- ed the science and chess clubs. His marks this year were 77.3% with six firsts. two seconds and one third as third-ranking stud- ent. He is the son of Mr. Ross Lemire. Alita Wlse: Thornhill's num- ber four student was Miss Wise with six firsts, two seconds and one third for 77.1%. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wise, she plans to attend Queen's Univer- sity in the honours English and history course. Keen on the theatre, she was a member of the school’s On Stage Players group and won the Best Actress award in the drama festival in “Diary of Anne Frank". She was also on the executives of the students’ council and Girls Athletic Association and de- bating team. Eventual plans are post-graduate work and univer- sity lecturing. She has been h0- lidaying in Muskoka this sum- mer. James Mc‘l‘aggart - Cowanzl Jim, who is a gateman for the. Department of Lands and For- ests at Wasaga Beach this summer, will enter the math,? physics and chemistry course at University of Toronto next fall. A Queen’s Scout, he hopes to be a meteorologist like his father. He has been a member of the school orchestra and plays both trumpet and cello, and was in the physics and maths clubs at the school as well. His sister Gillian was an Ontario Scholar two years ago and is taking a geology and physics course at U. of T. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. McTaggart-Cowan. His- percent- age was 74.1 with five firsts, one second, two thirds and a credit. Wayne Langman: Son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langman, Wayne is taking the English literature and languages course at University of Toronto next .. Boy .. #MM/ MARY ANN BAKER Huh I: my third Summer Suhfy Contest It's easy, lot: of fun to enter. The picture I: hand on my wlo 'Rldc your tricycle nth â€"- obey all sign! and slynals’. Start duh! now to "ad on! what's wrong In the picture. You may win a CCM lrnpuiel Marl: II Blcyth or. FM. «tuner! ldt. Girl Letters to friends from Jim devotes most of his letters to Gibson, youngest son of Mr. glowineg describing evening and Mrs. C. Grant Gibson, and weekend rides on his train- Thombank Road. describe his ed ranch horse. Jim is an invet- joy to be working on his uncle’s erate horseman and has 31-: foothill ranch between Banff ready competed in several Coch- and Calgary. This summer rane district gymkanas but af- Jim has Vbréken his driving ter attending it refrained from teeth on a new tractor assign- entering the Calgary Stampede! ed for his exclusive use but * * * * Wildcats Trail iBut Top Three [Win N.Y. Trip fall and plans to be a high school teacher. He hopes event- ually to teach French, he said. Markham Water Cut Off 3 Hours last Wednesday Although the Thornhlll Wildcats finished up at the tail end in the Willowdale Girls’ Softball League, they refused to be discouraged and stayed right in there pitching until the end. As there were no other teams in their category, they had to play in the’intermediate league, which coach Richard Barbour described as like hav- ing the Toronto Maple Leafs play the New York Yankees. However, the girls played good ball, he said. and thor- oughly enjoyed themselves. One of the things which kept them at it was that their sponsor. Maria’s Travel Agency. had prom- ised the three top players an all-expense trip to New The girls left on their trip today (Thursday). Rosemary Forster Was unable to go and her place was taken by Janice \Moran, runner-up for the most hits. While in New York, the group will stay at the Hotel Commodore. They will see a big league baseball game, visit Coney Island, take a day-long tour of the city and spend a day shopping, before returning August 20. Susan Malcolm was present- ed with an attractive trophy for being the “most valuable player". It was presented to her by Mrs. Malinsky at Maria's Travel Agency last Thursday. On the same eve- ning, the team presented Mrs. Malinsky with a plaque in ap- preciation for her warm and generous sponsorship of .the team. Last Wednesday, township residents reported nary a drop was coming from their taps with which to bathe or make a cuppa. They phoned their news- papers and they phoned with- out too much success Markham Township offices where the in- coming switchboard was obvi- ously plugged with similar calls. Markham and Wednesdays and water just don’t seem to go together. anumumuumunuum1mmmummmm1“ummummmumum The water was finally restor- ed by 2:30 pm. and the recurr- ing mystery explained. According to a township of- ficial a watermaln was being relocated at John Street and the CNR Tuesday. The contract~ or worked overnight to hook up the main but when completed All persons. having claims! against the Estate of Edith Elizabeth Cooper. late of the Village of Maple, in the County of York, Married Woman, who died on or about the 15th day of October, 1959, are required to send a statement of their claims to the undersigned before the 23rd day of August, 1963, after which date the estate will be distributed, having regard only to the claims of which ‘the undersigned shall then have notice. DATED at Toronto this 29th day of July, 1963. Community Happenings In Thornhill NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF EDITH ELIZABETH COOPER. kept t their Travel ised tl an all-expel York with The wine} Malcolm, 1 Sandra Cm be the best er and R05 who had t runs. Susan Male 1 with an MARYLYN CLARKE winners .lm, team’s ca -a Covell, judg‘ a best defensive 1d Rosemary F( had the most WALSH AND WALSH, 85 Richmond St. West, Toronto 1, Ontario, n I 1 Solicitors for the Jummmm. Administrator. a.†w’ m Malcolm an attr V» had a top 2 trip ‘ their were ensive play- lry Forster. most home in to New sir coach. ere Susan ; captain, judged to as that Maria’s prom- players As all you faithful readers have been reading all summer about the excursions hither and you of the young people He also has his grade 8 music and possibly will pursue this field at university. His 71.1% was based on four firsts, three seconds, one third and one credit. Awards, scholarships and school prizes will be awarded next fall. it was found that one of the valves wasn't functioning pro- per1y. So. switch off Water. One Sussex Avenue resident, Mrs. James Simpson said she was “burnt up†that ratepayers have to pay for such terrible service. The whole area of bet- ween 1,500 and 2,000 homes was affected by the shut down which began about 11:30 am. In the Vevent of emergencies. Highland Park residents’ homes KENNETH SHEPHERD Office. TU. 4.2291 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill LLOYD HARVEY Office, TU. 4-2291 81 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Res. Phone 886-5369 ‘Stanainé from left to right are: Ann Sherman, Linda Vaughan, Phyllis Malcolm, captain, Rosemary Forster and Karen Hart. Kneeling from left an Sandra Covell and Carolyn Iris. Missing from picture are Susan Williams, Mary I lyn Ross. I (Photo by Thornhill’s Wildcats, a pretty collection of softball players who are entered in the Willow- dale Women’s Softball League and who are sponsored by Maria’s Travel Servlce, pose tamer for a team photographreceqtly with» qoach-marlager~_(centre) gjclgar(_1_Bar_bour.__ ‘ ALITA WISE Res. 2944562 judges of We like the value of our car Insurance! Contact « metodayl Wildcats Look Tame Enough of the village I thought you good tourists. visited Radio" would be as intrigued as I City, toured the UN. building was about a trip made by a and had a gay shopping spree.‘ slightly older trio of “young Mrs. Tucker didn‘t find prices people". This group consisted appreciably lower than in of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hook Canada but saw many lovely of 26 Elizabeth Street and Mrs. things and was glad there is Hook‘s sister, Mrs. Leishman a limitation on the amount you of Welland. Their combined can bring back with you. ages total 230 years. Mrs. Leishman is 82 years old. Daughter Nancy is “0ԠTheir little jaunt was a jet working in the dining mm“ at flight to Glasgow, Scotland a lodge at Balsam Lake, while and they enjoyed it so much son _John is teaching at the that they are already talking Anglican Church camp at Lake about going again. None of Couchiching. Fifteen-year old the three had ever flown be- Bruce Spent “me time 135‘ fore but “We never thought of month at Byrrgell Camp at Fen- being nervous†said Mrs. Hook. 10“ Faus- T1115 15 “m by the OL..Iâ€"_â€" anal ‘l‘- .cul‘AIA g-..â€" On their first trip home in 40 years, the three stayed at Glasgow. visited Edinburgh and their home town of Gul- lane. Mrs. Hook met her voungest sister and they saw many old friends and cousins. The weather was poor for most of their three week stay, with much rain and mist and be- cause of this. they were unable to take a proposed trip into England. but spent all their time in Scotland. The Hooks have lived in thei Thornhill area for 30 years‘ and up until four years ago. farmed near John St. and Bay-. view. Their four children also‘ live nearby, daughter Mrs. W.‘ C. Smith on Thornridge Drive.‘ daughter Mrs. G. Westal in Willowdale, sons Gordon on Arnold Avenue, Thornhill and Eric in Richmond Hill. Mrs. F. E. Tucker and] daughter Nancy of 8 Eliza Street spent a busy five days in New York recently. While there they saw two plays, “Mary, Mary" and Eugene 0’-1 Neil's “Strange Interlude." They went to the top of the Empire State Building like all can be switched into the North 2 York water system but just as“ 1 a temporary measure. This wasK required during Wednesday's|< shut down. 2 On Wednesday, July 24,†Thomlea residents were over-H heated when their water was f off from 6 to 10:30 pm. due to e a manual operation failure atg the well pumphouse. (a For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage of Winter Garments Pick-up and Delivery Phone RU. 7-5666 OUR SPECIALTY BRANCH 7773 YONGE ST. THORNEILL Next I.G.A. Store Daughter Nancy is now working in the dining room at a lodge at Balsam Lake. whilel son John is teaching at the Anglican Church camp at Lakel Couchichinz. Fifteen-year oldl Bruce spent some time last‘ month at Byrnell Camp at Fen- lon Falls. This is run by the Stukas and the whole camp ‘took a bus trip to Cobourg ‘each day for three hours in- ‘struction in hockey. Meanwhile the small fry, Frank, Shirley and Claire went daily to Camp Richildaca during July while poor old Momma rattled around in the empty house like the proverbial pea. Mrs. John Sumner of 19 Sumner Lane and daughter Betsy, with Betsy's best friendl Nancy Morton, had a pleasant holiday in Vancouver last month. The two girls went on ahead by train and Mrs. Sum- ner flew out to meet them in} Vancouver which is her home‘ town. They had a pleasant time} visiting friends and Mrs. Sum- ner’s sister in Victoria. They took the train to Kamloops, flew to Calgary and spent a day there and then flew home. This was Betsy's first trip west since she was very young. and [both girls enjoyed themselves. The Gaither Zinkans of 25 Colbome Street also headed west for their holiday and took‘ a month to make a leisurely tour as far as Windermere, B.C. With the twins, Charlie IWVWWWWVWV‘CVwVWWWVVwVwVVVV v v * _____â€"g=== AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY C0. Specials On 1963 Models 23" T.V.'s from $199 With Trade Good Selection of Used T.V.'s T.V. Rentals from Monthly Richmond Hill 'I'V TELEVISION 34 Yonge St. South TU. 4-7456 â€" AV. MACHINE SHOP SERVCE Richmond Hill Transistor Radios, Complete Selection 20 Newkirk, at Centre Street East A COMPLETE STOCK 0F PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS from RICHMOND HILL 2 PHONES 2 SERVE YOU Ln, Phyllis St. John, Susan m left are: Janice Moran, ns, Mary Harvey and Caro- (Photo by Barbour.) and Christopher, they Visited daughter Sonla Babchuck 3i Regina, and son Peter and hi! family at Red Deer, Alberta. At Windermere, B.C. they vis- ited Mr. Zinkan’s brother. They ‘had fine weather. visited points of interest along the route and travelled a grand total of 5,600 miles. Mrs. F. N. Cann of 88 Elxln Street flew down to stay with her parents at a cottage on Nantucket Island in the middle of July. then drove her par- ‘ents back to their home in Toronto. Meanwhile. friend ‘husband kindly shepherded sons David and Derek on a trip to Montreal and North Hatley, Quebec. so mother real- ly enjoyed a carefree vacation. The Cann's spent the Civic Holiday weekend in the Georg< ian Bay area, at Meaford. A gathering of the Clan Mo- Laren was held at Norway Point, Lake Rosseau on Civic holiday weekend. Mrs. G. H. McLaren and daughter Jane McLaren of Bayview Avenue had invited some 40 relative: to celebrate the 75th anniv- ersary of the building of the McLaren‘s cottage on a lovely island in Lake Rosseau. The cottage was built by Jane's grandfather. And my young voyager has returned from the west, in case you're interested. Robin arrived home August 2nd - with 37 cents in his pocket. which is cutting things rather fine, any way you look at it. He learned much. had a couple of hair-raising adventures, and all in all. enjoyed himself thor- oughly. And although the pleasures of the open road were many, it is obvious that he very much enjoys having a refrigerator to raid again. “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS TU. 4-1105 AV. 5-3756