Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Aug 1963, p. 6

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From Kitchen To Court Camp Gone Any; v_..... _. _ 7, , For the past little while the jungle telegraph has been still. Only now Is it beginning to throb again. Just a few rambl- ings of those who are return- To start there are a few birth- days. Andrew Ratchford who celebrates his 2nd birthday on August 23rd. Double on August 26th, Miss Elizabeth Burns is 1!! of 5 yrs. old while David Ratchford reaches the ripe old age of 15. Long life and birth- day wishes everyone! Hold it - Vaughan Council Okays $7333 land Purchase finch ilbbertson and Davelene cm, are celebrating also on me '40.“. Vaughan Council recently agreed to pay eight Bath- urst Street property owners a total of $7,333 for approxima- tely four acres of land needed for road re-development. Deeds will be prepared to finalize transactions between Beatrice Bennett ($700 for an acreage of .225), E. McNaix ($1,074 for 1,024 acres), L. Mc- Nalr ($886 for .836 acres), Cic- ely Wilson ($834 for .834 acres). The Ladies Volleyball Team this year has five members from Maple pictured (back row from left) Freda Bourke and Stella Cook and (front row from left) Shirley Young and Yvonne Brown (Marion White is absent from the photograph). The housewives have loaned their talent to play for four King City teams. In past years, the Maple team was tops in the standing. They will play in King City Memorial Park at 8.30 pm. each Tues- C. R. and L. Stephenson ($975 for .812 acres). M. Howarth ($1,500 for .204 acres) and GladYs E. Rumble ($1,364 for .314 acres), Construction on the road was expected to begin August 1. MAPLE-WOOD UNIT of Canadian Cancer Society Women’s Services Mrs. J. James - 257-2448 Mrs. G. Robson - 257-2600 Transportation Mrs. C. Boake - 285-2421 Mrs. H. Miller - 257-1414 General Information Education and Publicity Mrs. A. Rutherford - 288-0959 Mrs. L. Shore - 257-1150 day. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON For Services We Render a. General Information Call Mr. A. '1‘. Crosler Mrs. Gordon Purves Richmond Hill are: Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle Mrs Mrs Thornhfll Areu Mrs. E. Percival Victoria Square are: Mrs. C. Nichols Unionvllle Area Mrs. E. Stiver Markham Area Mrs. 0. S. Stalter Gormley Area Mr. George Brand CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY THE LIBERAII, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursrlay, August 15, 1968 RICHMOND HILL 8 DISTRICT UNIT Maple Branch of W. J. Lennox S. G. Phillips Evening Bunch St. John“: Anzllcm Church TU. 4-3008 884-4070 W. C. Armstrong AV. 54839 884-5501 297-1186 884-3348 884-4821 297-1585 884-1034 886-5525 294-1450 888-5200 .‘vw‘ Summer-time is grand for weddings. There have been so many locally that we will wish them all happiness and good health for the future. Glad to see so many of our friends looking fit after their vacations spent in many ways. Mr. and Mrs. E. Ford and fam- ily returned safely from their camping vacation. Ditto for Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rushlow and boys. Camping seems to be the coming thing. Despite camp hazards - everyone seems eager to repeat the next year. Ted and Kaye Gamble returned ‘ from their holidays spent at I;Port Dover. Margaret Ratch- ford returned home after visit- ing relatives in London, Strath- roy and Peterboro. Here is a rumble coming in for mothers. Just think mothers, another three weeks and a few hours of peace. The Indians are off to school - no more toads. snakes or bugs in the pockets. Sis can show off that tan with her skirt and blouse or frock. It hardly seems the natives will be re- cognized after the past two months. Camp 1: closing now - coun- sellors have left. Must bury the remains. Maybe visit again next year. Your lonely camper. Try Some Today! Fresh ICE CREAM CO. lTD. ENJOY OUR DELICIOUS PEACH FLAVOR OFTEN! Harfls’ Baby Comes Home!‘ We have happy news from the Harris home, 23 Weller Cres. Baby Lucy Anne is now home from Sick Children's Hos- pital. having gained up to the required weight of 5% lbs. fol- lowing respiratory difficulties at birth. She is getting acquain- ted with her brother Phillip and sister Caroline. Her parents Heather and John Harris are most anxious to have all their friends and neighbours know just how much they appreciat- ed the inte'rest and concern shown, by so many, through their friendly calls, visits and cards. John’s mother, Mrs. Harris, â€" whose visit from England was extended to allow for a stint of baby-sitting for her grandchildren while Heather was in hospital â€" also wishes to thank the many who took‘ time out to see that she would: n't feel a "stranger" for long. Mrs. Harris says she was invit- ed out to lunch and ‘for a spot of tea' with Heather’s neigh- bours and through general grac- iousness and friendliness by all, certainly will have the most pleasant memories of Maple to take back to England with her. As a matter of fact, perhaps‘ we should arrange to keep heri around. Indeed she is a delight- ful booster for “Maple Notes" and is sure there mUSt be many people who read this column because of the response they re- ceived following our first story after she had called to let us know Heather was in hos- pital and could use some gay hellos. So we now turn the tables and thank Mrs. Harris for lett- ing us know that she enjoys reading about this and that in and around Maple through “The Liberal." If Given Time. Who Knows! They say a good reporter can "smell" a story-a long way off! Maybe there's hopes for yours trul) because a week ago I “hap- pened” on a coffee break party that was full of news and my timing was about perfect. See item to follow. Transferred to North York \ August 9, was the last day Considerable repairs to Pine It was recommended by town-‘ Grove Memorial Hall must be ship planning committee the made before Vaughan Town- approving bylaw be given a ship takes it over as a commun- third reading on receipt of a ity centre. committment from developers At its recent meeting' that improvements be made to council learned from the tow - the access road, Davidson Drive, ship engineer the hall needs at no cost to either the town- considerable structural repair, ship or abutting property ow- washroom facilities and a heat- ners, At its recent meeting' council learned from the town- ship engineer the hall needs considerable structural repair, washroom facilities and a heat- ing system. He was directed to prepare an estimate of the costs of the needed repairs and installations. Two interested people at the meeting Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Benton acting as observers while council discus- sed an earlier meeting about the Toronto Board of Trade de- velopment of the Wallace Farm as a golf course. The Beatons own part of the farm. Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News “The Liberal” is always willing to publish interesting items retarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord “a deeleyuistricts. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Len Shore. ALpine 7-1150: in deeley and Sherwood, Mrs. Raymond 5mm Av. 5.193“ and in Concord, Mrs. Ruth Keller. 285-6805. Vaughan Briefs PEACH ICE CREAM The Week ’3 Happenings In Maple burs Council also gave two read- lap- ings to a bylaw rescinding two arty other bylaws after the township my was requested to proceed with See its water area development un- der the Municipal Act rather than under the Public Utilities day Act as in the past. for Emily Bilkes to work as a secretary for the Vaughan Township School area. in the municipal offices before she sfnrted a similar position in North York. During lunch hour she was the guest of her co-workers at the Yangtze Pagoda restaurant and was presented with a beau- tiful jewellery case with the inscription “Presented to Mrs. Emily Bilkes by the administ- Ratepayer Reps Keep Close Eye meeting Federation of Vaughan Rate- payers President Thomas Marks and executive member Ernest Morris were present at the brief summer session to query‘ councillors on the progress of the Edgeley-Concord water area plans. Mr. Morris who said a public hearing on the water area was expected was told by Councillor Ruth McConkey it was up to the Ontario Municipal Board to call one if it was felt a hearing was needed. One Objection She said the township was re- quired to send all pertinent plans, data, letters for and against the development to the board prior to its approval. She saicl there was only one letter of objection, the subject of which was discussed with its writer and subsequently stra- ightened out, she said. The council is still waiting for O.M.B. approval of the ex-: tensive waterworks program,‘ although construction has start- ed on the Costa Road-Keele Street watermain phase of it to facilitate the C.N.R. marshall- ing yard construction. STOUFFVILLE : Ninety-year- old Harvey Glendennlng, Con- cession 6 was surprised on his ‘birthday recently when 50 re]- atives. friends and neighbours‘ gathered to wish him well. A member of the Dominion of Canada Horseshoe Club for 35 years. he was on a team at the Royal Agricultural Fair to de- feat a Canadian championship horseshoe team from Sask. Two “watchdogs” attended recent Vaughan council and we are featuring it duflng August delicious SO-O-O-O ls just BY rative Staff of Vaughan Town- ship School Area, August 9, 1963." Later at the afternoon coffee break, Emily was again feted with an appropriately decorated cake which she cut and shared with her well wishers. It was lucky timing as well for Reeve Ab Rutherford as he happened Maple Student Wins High Marks At U. of T. School Pat Miller, 18, of 30 Nether- ford Road, Maple, passed his grade 13 examinations at the University of Toronto School, with seven firsts obtaining over 79% in his mathematics, scien- ce and chemistry subjects. During this summer he has been working in the Lakeshore survey division of the Depart- ment of Highways. He is inter- ested primarily in engineering and intends to attend U. of T. this fall where his course will be in general science. He attended Glenrush School in North York and upon com- pleting his grade seven at 11 years of age, he entered U. T. S. EXHIBITION BUS SERVICE Lv, Bayview Plaza Lv. EX, at Shell Tower 9:00 am. 12:15 ex. Labour Day 10:15 am. 2:45 pm. ex. Labour Di 1:30 pm. 3:45 pm. TRAILWAYS of CANADA LTD. PHONE 285â€"364; Direct To The Grounds From Richmond Hill ,mmertime Comfort to drop by and was pleased to make the presentation of the office staff’s gift to Emily along with the best wishes of all. Her gift was a lovely black corded evening bag and in her “thank you speech" she said she was both surprised and delighted to have “his lordship" (much app- lause) make the presentation and although she was sure she'd enjoy her new position, she would always be able to look back and remember her happy days here and would be back to see them at least twice a year when she paid her tax- es!" In Four Winds Nursing Home Two of Maple's senior citiz- ens are "doing nicely" in the Four Winds nursing home. Mr. Hemphill Sn, the father of Annie Lawrie and Ernie Hemp- hill, has been there for a few months. Previously he has spent an extended period semi- confined to his bed at his daughter’s home. Mr. Jack Mathewson entered‘ the nursing home following a stroke and a period of several weeks in York County Hospit- al Newmarket. Their many friends. young and old. wish them well and say “hello”. Holiday Cut Short Maple Village trustee Jlm Hodgson, Gram Street and his wife Betty motored down to Florida for a holiday period but because of the humidity's reac- tion on Betty, she had to cut short their stay and fly home 2:45 pm. ex. Labour Day 3:45 pm. 6:15 pm. 9:15 pm. 10:45 pm. while Jim followed by car. A week's rest in bed and Betty 13 up and around again, much to the delight of her friends. Hospital Stay Lengthened Pat Johnson's intended “few days in Bethesda Hospital exm tended into a total of 24. She's home now and able to get around; her friends will be glad to hear. In Branson Hospital Following her illness Mary} Carson was taken to Branson Hospital. There have been a lot of her friends makinv enr‘i“"e<. Keep those gay cards winging her way, she'll be glad to gee them. Like We Said I'm on holidays and I have several travels jotted down con- cerning neighbours of yours and mine, but they'll have to be held over until I get settled I down in one spot for a spell. By the way! This has been a fairly good summer â€" news wise. but if you 'haven’t let us in on your holiday fun, please do by calling 257-1150. Please bear with us -â€" you’ll have more time yourselves to sit and read all about it no doubt when you and yours have settled down again after a swinging summer. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edwin Miller of Maple wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Marian Heather, to Garfield Laverne Elson, son of Mrs. R. T. Elson and the late Mr. Elson of Woodstock (formerly of Richmond Hill). The mar- riage will take place on Saturday, August 3151;, 1963, at 4:00 o’clock p.m., in St. Andrew’s Pres- byterian Church, Maple. ' SEE A loo-passenger "space craft". will take you on a 15-minute tack“- ride. with all sounds. sights and sensations as they actually out! during space-flight. This amazing space exhibit Includes models fl the Earth. Moon. Saturn, Mars. galaxies and the man-made satelllu. Echo, Tires and Vanguard. on display in the Automotive Bulldlnl. “AOHARAMA” Champion swimmers. divers. water-skiers, ski-kite flying. the W tul "Aquamaids." breath-taking floats, hydroplane racogandatm ing “Wall of Water." 30 feet high and 75 feet wide. demonstnfio. by the Toronto Fire Department. Two shows daily. tree at the Watso- front Grandstand. FASHION SHOWS EVERY HOUR Review the latest and loveliest fashions for ‘63 in the modem. conditioned theatre In the Queen Elizabeth Building. Those wild-and-wacky funsters the Three Stooges return to the m by popular demand with their new act, “The Three Stooges Month. Gorilla"! Exciting, delighting circus acts, aerialists and acrobats add to the merriment. The clowns are the clowning-est, the fun lsthe fun- niest at the Grandstand Matinee Fun-Fest! THRILLS AND lAUGHS ON THE MILE-[ONG MIDWAY! A thousand-and-one ways to amuse and amaze you, with new rides. new shows, new games every step of the way! lflUUfl THE THREE STOOGES sun In TIIE cannnsmun “MATINEE run-r551" AUG. 16-SEPT.2 ProducerJack Arthur presents “Canadiana '63,"the mostspecteculor show ever assembled on the Grandstand stage! Broadway and W singing sensation Robert Goulet heads a brilliant musical-comedan of hundreds in dazzling production numbers! And an impressive I!!! of internationally-known co-stars will be taking their cues from Mom of Ceremonies Bill Walker, one of Canada's leading TV personalities. Added attraction: the Musical Ride of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. A sky-filling Fireworks Finale climaxes each pedomle your tickets earlyl mm or urn mum's scors ounnns_ [EARN giréiahdsrmen and 25 plpers-79 members In full dress unlfofln-dfl bringcolourful spectacle and magnificent muslctothe CNEBnndM Two performances daily. Plenty of flee seats! it’s the year to see the I'I EHI‘I EVENING GRAN nsmun spicmcuum smnnme ROBERT comm 7 Imemorable visual experience, based on the story man many years of film-making In Canada. presented bytha Nathan! m M of Canada. NINE FOREIGN NATIONS 0N DISPLAY i355; énh products from far-away places welcome m h M I“ national and Governments Buildings. Aâ€"Iltllut'sinew, useful and decorative ln fumlshlngs and mu modem living is exhibited in this multimillion dollav building. Lum.m Garfield Elson SAVE 0" FAMILY TICKET BOOKS! Get your special family books of tickets for admission to ONE Grounds only. 4 adult and 6 children's tickets ior only $3.“ See your local ticket agent or send money order to the ONE General Admission: Adults 75,! Children Under 13-10; ADVENTURE IN OUTER SPACE" August Wedding “CANADA 0" FILM BETTER [WING CENTRE EXHIBITION PARK 0 TORONTO mamas.” Not Open Sundays Heather Miller

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