Mrs. M. Matyas and family. Roosevelt Drive, are holiday- ing this week at a cottage at Po_rt Carling Mrs. Stephen Ker ApplebyJ Mrs. C. van der Va Bruce, Janet and Nancy, re-‘Avenue, has returne turned to their Centre Street pleasant seven week West home following a vacation relatives and friend with Mrs. Appleby’s mother, land. Mrs. John Sayre, at her home * * * * ln Rothesay, New Brunswick. Judith Hook and than.“ chirlnnts nf Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hannah,‘ son Michael and daughter Sus- an, Driscoll Road, returned on Sunday from a cottage holiday at Lake Kasshabog. in the Lake- field area Returning on Saturday from a pleasant two week cottage holiday at Balsam Lake, Fene- lon Falls. were Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mitchell and sons Doug- las Blvd Flying TCA from Malton to] London Sunday afternoon wasi an exciting ending to a five- day visit in Richmond Hill of Miss Barbara Gray, 12. and her sister Mary Catherine, 9, of Parkhill, who were guestc of their great-aunt, Miss Mary Dawson of “The Liberal" staff. Sightseeing in Toronto which Included visits to the museum and Casa Loma and to the C. N.E.. and shopping were high- lights of their stay here. Elizabeth Burgess. 'daughterla} of Mr. and Mrs. W. Burgess. t“ Demaine Crescent. 3 student V? of the Audrey Parker Ballet V1 School. last week successfully {'8 auditioned for Ken Soble’s pro- "1 gramme “Amateur Hour", tel- evised on Channel 11. Elizabeth will appear on show when it nesumes in (all. Horticultural Soc. Members Toured Thornhill Nursery For their August meeting, Richmond Hill Horticultural So- ciety visited the grounds and gardens of the Shouldice Surg- ery in Thornhill. Members reported they were delighted with the outstanding beds of beautiful flowers. part- icularly the large and colourful zinnias and begonias. They con? gratulated Mr. Koehler on his display. The group then met at the Lions Hall where Stouffvil- le judges Mrs. Winfred Timb- crs and Miss M. Mertens gave results of the show. Mrs. A. Titshall scored a hat trick by taking top points in specimens. arrangements and vegetables. Mrs. Harvey was winner in the new members' class and Gwyn Urquhart in the juniors section. A specimen lily showed by R. D. Little and an arrangement by' Mrs. Free- man Barker were chosen for the court of honour. with Gwyn Urquhart receiving honourable mention. Gerry Longworth con- vcned the meeting. Mrs. Timb- ers reminded members of the Stouffville Society‘s meeting August 22. This is the first year that a team from north of Metro has played in this annual tournament. No meeting of Richmond Hill Council was held Mon- day night. Mayor William Neal and members of council attend- ed a fastball game at the C.N.E. between the local Dynes Jewellers team and Oshawa Tony’s in the Bulo- va Watch Tournament. QidrrJimmy. Blue Grass Mr. and Mrs. John Gettas of Guelph announce the engagement of their daughter Betty to Mr. Douglas Gordon Madill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Madill of Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place at St. George’s Anglican Church, Guelph, on Saturday, August 31. R. H. Council Has Holiday To Marry In Guelph MISS BETTY GETTAS Editor Margot Crack the the 7* Miss Doris Leno, Leisure Miss Patricia Wylie. daughter Lane, returned last week xromlof Mr. and Mrs. R. Wylie. Cen- a cruise aboard the “Homericm‘tre Street East. is spendinsz two to St. Pierre and Miquelon. weeks at Camp Ahshunyoong. wk * wk >97 Judith Hook and Elizabeth Burgess. students of the Aud- rey Parker Ballet School, at- tended summer courses at the National Ballet School in Tor- Tammacoon bump An 1115\n- ‘quin Park. ‘ Welcome to new residents * * * * ‘Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clark and Mr. and Mrs. R. Wylie, and family, who have recently mov- children Patricia and Allen. ed from Toronto to 88 Tray- Centne Street East, returned born Drive. last week from vacationing at their family cottage at Otty, on Returning last week from va- the Rldeau. cationing at Lake of Bays and "an": ..... n M.- and Mrs. D, **)k* onto Mrs. Jack Dean. McConvey Drive. returned last week from vacationing at Gravenhurst, while her daughter Jane was at Tanamacoon Camp in Algon- quin Park. .,_._....I. 1asr ween uuui vaeuuu.....b .. their family cottage at Otty, on‘ Returning last week from va- the Rideau. cationing at Lake of Bays and * "' * * Montreal were Mr. and Mrs. D. Duncan Sinclair. advertising Featherstonhaugh Joan and manager of “The Liberal" left David, Arnold Crescent. Monday evening by air for a * * * * three week visit to Great Brit-5 Welcome to recent newcom- ain. He was a member of the ers to the Hill â€" Mr. and Mrs. 48th Highlanders charter flight. Ken Laidman, who moved from which included the pipe band Woodbridge to 80 Laverock. of the regiment. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bernon The band will be playing in from Milton, who are now rc- Princes Street Gardens, Edin- siding at 271 Gretel Drive. burgh, Aberdeen. Inverness and Both transactions were hand- - - rm†“r 1.â€: kn 'T‘ h/lnrnhv ankm‘. uulsu, nuyunm... _...- at the Cowa] Games. The en- tire party will be guests at In- verary Castle for tea during a visit to the area in which the regiment did its assault train- ing during World War II. Mrs. George N. Reid and Mrs. and her niece and nusnamlhii.‘ James MacDonald arrived from and Mrs. Robert Schiller of! Nova Scotia on Tuesday even-‘Maryland. 1 ing to attend the wedding of‘ * * * * Peter Smith to Miss Bonnie‘ Mrs. H. G. Robertson. Brook- Cottrill, which will take place side Drive, will be attending a this Friday at the Richmond‘tea given by C.N.E. President .Hlll United Church. Jack Fraser and Mrs. Fraser. on Mrs. Reid is Peter’s maternal Monday next â€"â€" ‘Women‘s Day' grandmother and Mrs. MacDon- -â€"â€" in the Queen Elizabeth ald his great-aunt. and they are.Bui1ding. staying with his parents, Mr.‘ Mrs. Robertson is the direc- and Mrs. S. C. Smith. at their tor of the Richmond Hill Senior home on Centre Street West. lCitizens. a: in 3k 1k hive Holidaying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Robbins, 377 South Taylor Mills Drive is Mr. Robbin's sister, Mrs. N. Curtis, and her daughter sever- iey,. from Coventry, England. Accompanying them on the trip is Beverley's friend, Christine Harper, from Altrincham, Ches- i Rev. R. T. Holton, minister for the past three years at the Free Methodist Church, Rug- ?gles and Elmwood. has been transferred to Barrie FM. Church. Following his farewell ser- vice Sunday night, a presenta- tion of money was made to Prior to their arrival in the Hill. they visited relatives in Texas. o___ transferred to Barrie FM. Church. Following his farewell ser- vice Sunday night, a presenta- tion of money was made to Rev. and Mrs. Holton by Mr. Harold Bull, on behalf of the congnegation. â€"'--o~ ‘u' r The new minister, Rev. A. J.‘ Slater and Mrs. Slater come here from Belleville. At the in- duction service next Sunday morning, August 25th, Dr. W. J. Stonehouse, area superinten- ‘dent, will be in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bergin left their Elizabeth Street home on Friday last and have taken up residence at Davisville, ""orâ€" onto. Mr. Bergin was associated with the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club and latterly with an insurance company, and Mrs. Bel-gin. for several years a member of the staff of the *Richmond Hill Public Library, is also well known for her many outstanding performances in Curtain Club productions. “The Liberal" joins with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bergin in wishing them every happiness in their new home. MR. DOUGLAS MADILL van der Valk, Benson Mrs. Gerald has returned after aiFrank and Kati seven week visit withlto their Judlea and friends in Hol- this week from ‘camping trip i * * * * Sound area. Mr. J. R. Holmes. formerly 0f:ton of NeWmarket, were VlSlIOI‘s Chesley. Owen Sound. who hastat the Richmond Street home of been assisting for the past two‘Mr. and Mrs, James Ley over weeks at the Canadian Imperial'the weekend, Bank of Commerce, Bayviewt * * ,t. ,,. and Taylpr M1115. .br‘ii‘fhglffft Percy Knight (one 9f “The on Monday night for their branch at Port Stanley, where he will remain for the next month. ers to the Hill â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ken Laidman. who moved from Woodbridge to 80 Laverock, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bernon from Milton, who are now re- siding at 271 Gretel Drive. Both transactions were handâ€" led by T. Murphy. Broker. Miss Grace Glass of Grace's Beauty Salon, Centre Street East, is at present a patient in St.‘ Michael‘s Hospital. Toronto, where she is undergoing a ser- ies of tests. Miss Nellie Willett of Rich- mond Hill was honoured at a party given to celebrate her 90th birthday. Friends and relatives gather- ed in the garden at the home of Miss Willett’s niece, Mrs. Louisa Hall on Westview Blvd. Visiting at the home of Mrs.’ R. Cooper, Centre Street West, on Sunday last, were Mrs. A. Hall from Montreal. her daugh- ter, Miss Louise Hall, from Tor- onto, and a former resident of the Hill, Mrs. E. Taylor, now ‘living in Toronto. * * * * Tson of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Miss Annie Stong. Mr- Art' Cameron of Thistletown. hur Stong, Mr. and Mrs. David; Rev. James O‘Neil and Rev. HOWal'd 0f RiChmond Hill, and Harry Martin officiated. The Mrs- E- .Keffel' 0f Maple, laSt altar was decorated with pink week enJoyed a motor trip toiand white gladioli and wedding Pennsylvania. ‘ if, Dining with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Southwell on Tuesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Partridge from Vancouver. who are visiting Toronto where they will be attending the Blue Goose Convention being held next week at the Royal York Hotel. Places of interest visited were the glass works at Watkins Glen, Landis Valley, and the Amish farm on the outskirts of Lancaster City. i Friends and relatives gather- ed at Presqu'ile Provincial Park, Brighton. on August 11th. to celebrate the Wright and Hughes 3rd annual picnic. Vacationing? Holiday vis- ltors‘Z‘Cottaging? These and other itéms all make inter- esting reading for “Life in the Hill" and the social e d i t o 1- would apprec- iate hearing from you. Call the office at TU. 4-1105, or drop in personally. we’ll be pleased to hear from you. Mrs. 0. Wright was the eld- est to attend and her 312 month old greatâ€"granddaughter, Carol Jackson, (one of 11 great grand- children presentl claimed the title of "youngest". mlhclude'd ambng the 55 guests were 27 children and 28 adults: Attending from Richmond Hill were Mr. and Mrs. R. Wright and boxs: Mr. and Mrs. D. Stanley and family: Mrs. F. Flood and family. and Ms. C. Stanley. Out of town guests were: Mrs. 0. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. A. McArthur and son. Toronto: Mr. and Mrs. D. Wright and children, Mrs. McLeod and daughter, Warkworth: Mr. and Mrs. G. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. L. Hughes and sons. Willowdale: Mrs. D. Jackson and children. Stouffville; Mr. and Mrs. C. E‘ar‘l‘xer, Gï¬elph: Mr. and Mrs. J. Parker and daughter. Scar- boro; Mr. and Mrs. L. Hughes. vvtv‘ Brockville; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wright and family. Brighton, and travelling the greatest dis- tance, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hughes and daughters, from Ottawa. Gerald Huntley with nd Kathleen returned Judlea Court home 2k from a two weeks“ trip in the Party Mr. and Mrs. G. Fenwick anditage on '1'“ daughter Valerie. Richmond‘Haliburton Street. have just returned from‘ Delighth a car trip to the east coast. them durir ' nnm rain 5 Former residents. Mr. and Ms. Sidney Brooks and family now living in Toronto, met up with Mr. James Ley over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. George Thorn- ton of Newmarket, were visitors at the Richmond Street home of Mr. and Mrs. James Ley over Ligeral’s‘:_53ucarriers) has just enjoyed a 10-day farm vacation on the Scugog River near Lindsay D. nnlguu. ' After viewing Niagara Falls The Richards family have from both sides of the border, just neturned to their Demaine they visited Rochester, New Crescent home after an enjoy- York, then returned to Canada‘able three weeks holiday trip over the Thousand Island to the Pacific coast. Bridge, through Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. O. Richards, to. to their home on Crosby Ave. gether with their sons Dennis. * * * * and Raymond (“Liberal" car- riers in the Beverley Acres ar- Derek “d Gordonv the Sons ea) travelled by train to Van- of Mr. and Mrs. C. Adnams of - - . ’ couver, then on to Victorla, ‘375 Alper Strget' agam attené' where they stayed for 15 days 19d the Salvatwn ArmÂ¥ Mustc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Camp at Jad‘Son’S P011“ “‘15 Brendall, parents of Mrs. Rich- Both boys came home with ltwo awards. Derek received a Lmedal for his original melody land for harmony in the top theory class. Gordon received a medal for being the best in- strumentalist in the whole Camp and also was elected the runn- erâ€"up honour student, for which he received a‘ silver medal. (Derek received this honour last year). Also both Derek and Gordon were honour Bible students. Derek and Gordon, the sons of Mr. and Mrs. C. Adnams, of 375 Alper Street. again attendâ€" ed the Salvation Army Music Camp at Jackson's Point this year Derek who is 15 will be ent- ering ‘ grade 11 and Gordon who is 13 will be entering grade 9 at Bayview Secondary School in September. Kawarthas Honeymoon} St. Mary’s Anglican Church,i Richmond Hill was the setting for the summer wedding of Miss Barbara Elizabeth Baker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sel Alden Baker. 177 Mill St., and Mr. Morley Bruce Cameron, RH. laycees Plain Year's Program President Keith Albrighton reports that the local Junior‘ Chamber of Commerce will start its new year with a dinner meeting on September 3 at the Summit View Restaurant at 7 pm. sharp‘ _ LI.â€" p .......... r. Throughout the summer the newly elected executive has prepared the year's planned ac- tivities and the budget which will be presented for approval at this meeting. Membership Chairman Peter Pfenning extends an invitation to all young men in the com- munity to take part in the com- ing year’s activities. Young men between the ages of 18 and 39 regardless of. race. colour or creed are accepted. Anyone wishing to take advantage of the invitation is asked to call LTU. 4-1217. ‘ The Jaycees will conduct a ibusiness seminar based on a ‘university business course as well as a 10-lecture effective [speaking course throughout the year. Self development is one of the prime objectives of |the Jaycees, who claim they tprepare the individual memb- _ers for better positions in in- ldustry and commerce. one the Dre] er 5 Delightful weather favoured them during the first week, but ‘c01d rain set in for the second and‘week of their stay. 4.4.‘A... rom‘ ‘1 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lillieï¬ Tormore Drive, have returned‘ home following an enjoyablel motor trip to Winnipeg. : During their stay in Winniw peg they visited Mrs. Lillie'si parents. wk It It: * ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brown; together with their daughter Jocelyn and son Stuart have re- turned to their home on Hard- ing Boulevard after five weeks ’ relaxation at the summer cot- litage on Twelve Mile Lake, near Mr. and Mrs. 1. Jeff: and son David, Fernleigh Circle North, recently returned from a cottage holiday it} Haliburton. Mr. Robert Arend, 428 Cros- by Avenue. of the Gem Lab, H.‘ Forth and Co. Ltd., 284a Yonge St.. Toronto. was recently aw- arded a diploma in the Theory of Gemology by the Gemologi- cal Institute of America, Los Angeles. Holders of these dip- lomas are necoznized as the Specialists in the gem field. ards In Victoria, complete family pe-union took place, compris- ing six sons of Mr. and Mrs. Brendall, their wives, one dau- ghter and husband, also four- teen grandchildren. During _th3il‘ §tayv the Rim" their winter home in Orlando! ards family emoyed the salt Florida. ‘ water swimming and salmon is * * >2 ‘ fishing, also travelled on Vanâ€" Mr, and Mrs, Sam Cook were eouver Island to Sllch points of guests Friday evening at a re- mtereSt as Quallcum. .BeaChv ception and buffet dinner in the Butchard Gardens, Patr1c1a Bay. Canadian Room of the Royal Cathedral ‘Grove .and to the‘Ymâ€"k Hotel given by the mayor RCAF station at Sidney, where and council of the City of Tor- 1the Forestry Service maintain onto in honour of His Grace a base for the tanker planes The Archbishop of Canterbury employed in spraying forest and Mrs Ramsey, fires music was the “Trumpeters Prelude†and “The Wedding Marchâ€. Soloist was Mr. Guy Morton. The pink and white theme , was carried out by the bridal Sheaffer (Reg‘ 3149) party. Matron of honour Mrs. â€" 98C Guy Morton of Toronto and . bridesmaids Miss Nancy Dean Scnpt‘o (Reg' $149) and Miss Beverley Dean of Pens â€"â€"â€"â€" 98c Richmond Hill chose gowns of pale pink nylon chiffon poised Available at t ff t ' h t h‘ l E’Zfï¬â€˜et: ihli‘kfl: €532? BAYv|Ew VARmY pink lace were crowned with various hues of pink rose Petals & and they carried nosegays of‘ ' BAYVIEW PLAZA pink roses and white carnations. Given in marriage by her. father, the fair-haired bride chose a full length portrait gown of French silk organ“. with the bodice and overskiflt richly embroidered in lilies- of-the valley, sweeping to a bustle‘ back and caught up to a waist-line rose. The underskirt of plain silk organza fell grace- fully to a chapel train. Her matching headpiece of lily-of- the valley held a full veil and she carried pale pink roses and stephanotis. For a honewmoon trip to the Kawartha Lakes, the bride don- ned a pastel yellow three piece suit with a gold and yellow ,mesh hat and white accessories. ‘The couple are making their home in Rexdale. Best man was the groom‘s brother. Mr. Mevin Cameron and ushers were Mr. Clinton Forrester of Kitchener and Mr. Jerry Shaw of Toronto. At a buffet dinner reception‘j at the Four Winds, the bride‘si mother~received in a lace-pat- terned chiffon and taffeta gown in champagne beige with mat- ching accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. The groom‘s mother chose a pastel green chiffon crepe gown with white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Case from Woodstock were recent visitors at the home of Mrs. Von Besser, 20 Weldrick Road. Mr. and Mrs. Case are neighâ€" bours of Mrs. Von Besser â€"â€" at their winter home in Orlando. Florida. 400-Sheet (Reg. $1.98) Refills â€" $1.49 Northrite Stick Pen But Dishwasher Happy About It Broken water-glasses aren't exactly uncommon in the dishwashing world but it all depends on how they break. rK hotel given Dy uu: lua‘yuii _ h _ d council of the City of T0r-‘ Sundays Preac 91' 15 a P1?" - . - iministerial student at Waterloo‘ to In ho m f His Grace: . . no 0 Lutheran Univer51ty. He 15 the Ar hbi h of C nt bur ‘ 3 Mr: Ringy. 3 er y son of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Boeck- ner of Maple. This wll be his second ap- Glass Is Brake" pearance in the Richmond Hill ‘This was the case in a Richmond Hill restaurant recently when Wilson Strowbridge, 217 Beechy Dr., dropped a table knife into a glass While washing dishes in the kitchen. True to tradition. the glass broke but not into pieces. Just one section shattered and left a hole described as “almost shap- ed as a perfect heart." Mr. Strowbridge is ordin- arily quite unimpressed by the dubious merits of brok- en glasses. “But this is different,†he says. “I’m going to keep it for sentimental reasons, it’s beautiful. Mr. Straw- bridge took it home with Washing up before breakfast at Marathon, Greece, are Robin Derrick, Queen’s Scout who represented York Summit District at the 11th World Jamboree of Boy Scouts. Robin is shown on the left of the picture with Guy Tournad'e from France, and John Doran from Prescott, Ontario, on the right. him 24 151' b 11 St. N. 2 C- 1: St -- 7 I °“ l1. BAYVIEW PLAZA III-IIEEEIIEW“ vuvw-_v, OverV-1-4-,~d(v)07 Eoy Scouts from 85 nations en- joyed field sports, lots of swimming in the blue Mediterranean, classical games such as the tri- SALES - SERVICE - RENT Typewriters - Adding Machines 323533553: Your Office Machine Specialist sï¬z’gflwsu 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight‘s Pharmacy’ 7 ' _ v _ An popular makes on hand Day 01' Evenings» TL- 4‘1743 Specialv Students’ Rates "Use Our Lay-Away Plan With $2.00 Purchase School Supplies BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-0090 RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 L. H. SIMS Locai Queen's Scout At Jamboree MORTGAGE SERVICE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT 122% Student Minister ‘3? Lutheran Church nr] DEPENDABLE ALS pulpit this summer. A graduate of Richmond Hill High School he is a former officer of the area Luther League (young people‘s group). Barry Boeckner of Maple will preach this Sunday in St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Rich- mond Hill. Pastor Albert E. Myers is vacationing at his pa- rents‘ summer- home in Maine. I. Pastor Myers returns to the pulpit Sept. 1. His sermon then will be “Do You Enjoy Your Work?†- on the Labour Day \umunmm\unmnmmanmmumnmmmmnunumuuummml theme Any Progressive Conservative; supporters, who missed beinzx contacted (due to holidays, etc.) in the recent canvass for dele- gates for the August 29th, 1963, Nominating Convention, and wish further information, are asked to contact any of: 1mmummuumuuu\mu1lmmu11\m\1m\munmmummmmnn AND GU'I'SIDE ezr‘XJ‘gzngIT-érsii‘3m ma (ASE $3.98 Art Smokeâ€"TU. 4-7804 Richmond Stone Products D0 It Yourself Phone AV.5-I844 NOTICE Elgin Mills Rd. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 72? CEMENT SLABS g7 PATIOS 3A3 STEPS ALL COLOURS Yonge St., North of Wm THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill! Ontario, ThursgayLéugust TORONTO, ONT EMpire 2-3456 athlon, and a visit by HM. the King of Greece. The contingent fr Canada comprises 440 Scouts, including so of members of the armed forces stationed in Europe. The World Jamboree was held on the site of one of the earliest battles vital to democracy. Here, in 490 B.C., 10,000 Greek soldiers under Miltiades repulsed the invasion of Persian King Phone 285-1073 Darius. FRESH BEANS FOR FREEZING 0R PICKLING PICKED DAILY. GIANT 3-IN-I COLOR PEN special $1.09 mF-FER'S CARTRIDGEPjEN Gilbert's Variety 3 Yonge St. BOIOQII in the piece lb. With 5-Pac Refill Regular Price $1.98 Pork Chops lb. 59¢ Rib Steak lb. 65¢ RIB LOIN Minced Beef 3|bs.95¢ N & REG. $4.98 §§ ‘(Next tomMundinger Music) OPEN 7:30 AM. TO MIDNIGHT DAILY GENUINE lEATHER CARRY ALL ï¬, . NELS GAGE PHONE 884 - 3154 Writes Blue, Red or Green SHEET $3.75 250 Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill REFILLS WITH EVERY 2 RING BINDER SpeciaI 89¢ DUO TANG COVER SPECIALLY PRICED OUR PRICE TU. 4-7691 1963 11 884 - 0053 $2.49 79¢