v«â€"~â€"-o u nus» iuLc :imtiiiuie ""‘Nw ""‘u’ “mu “cf“'““| with matching accessories and Lange 0f Maple ,3“? 59923133 3 “ï¬n not finalized, Mr. Arnold a carsage of coral sxveetheart few 51‘?†With M15595 A“ a a“ .Mortson, chairman of the TS. roses. She was assisted by Pamela 011'- ‘ n o A. 3 school board, indicated the Mrs. Carson who chose a draped‘ MT- and Mrs- W11 am “3‘ routes would be much the same sheath of pink printed silk NIP-ï¬nd Mrs- Gordon 0†a“ II last Year. with matching accessories and family of King, Mr. and Mrs. "Mr. Mortson emphasized that‘corsage of white roses. Allan 01‘? and family 8138;! plans are subject to change.‘ The bride and groom are on Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. R0 . Carson-Burr Wedding a motor trip through the eas.‘ert Johnston and. family at A pretty candlelight wedding/tern states and on their returnlNashViile. the occasxon being in ceremony took place in Brown’sflvill live in Richmond Hill. "honour of Mr. and Mrs. Gordonl Corners United Church. August Mr. Carson is chairman of?0rr's 15th wedding anniversary. 9. when Beverley Evelyn, dau-‘the science department of King ghter of Mr. and Mrs. RussellCity Composite School and thel TO LET ROOMS, FLATS, W. Burr of Buttonville became‘bride is on the teaching Siaff i-While the bus schedule is th b id ‘ l APARTMENTS. e r e of Keith A. Carson.;of Bayview Junior High Sc 1001. s USES son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Car-’North York. DYFLEXEIEESAL†son, Clanemoni, ‘ Guests attending the \s'ed- THE L Rev. A. F. Binnington offic-‘ding were from Ottawa. Belle- WANT ADS lated, MiSS Joy Fuller played ville, Toronto. Tillsonburg‘ PHONE TU- 4-1105 the wedding music and Mrs. A[- Ridzetnwn. Oi'illia and Barrie; or AV. 5-3316 While still not Mortson. 77"" f0. --..., u. (.116 same material -Gormley‘ Victoria Squarelwith tiny bouffant veils. Their and Headford children in dresses featured bell-shaped grades 1 and 2 will be accom. skirts with twin cabbage roses mediated at No. 4 or No. 7 for back interest, and they car- nchooL whichever is closer to ried baskets of white Shasta their homes. Grades 3. 4 and 5 daisies With “’3’ garlands. will attend No. 7 school on Don MF- William FUND“ 01' T0P0n~ Mills Road at 19th Avenueulo was best man and the ushers where the principal is Mrs. My- were Mr. Harvey Brown and em. 'Mr. Murray Caspn. Parents in the various sec-i Awedding reception was held‘ tions have been notified by maiifat Summit View Gardens and‘ Where their children will at-tMl‘S. Burr received her guEEstS} fend. lwearing a beige lace ensemble: “’L:‘A AIVV I Parents in the various sec- tions have been notified by mail Where their children will at- tend. At Buttonville School where Mr. Howard Atkinson is prin- cipal. classes will be for grades I to 5. Children in these grades who live in the Don Mills Road area betWeen John Street and 17th Avenue, or in the 3rd con: cession area between Highway No. 7 and 16th Avenue. will alt-1 tend this school. All children in grades 6. 7 and 8 and opportunity class students. will attend No. 4 school on the 3rd concession north of 18th Avenue, where Mr. William Dodds is the prinâ€" cipal. School bells will ring across the land in 10 days' time and for many children in the But- tonville, Headford, Victoria Squane and Gormley school sec- tions which comprise Township School Area No 3, Markham.‘ there will be a summons to a new class in a new school. i county due to the lack of moist- ure earlier in the season.†Summing up the over-all si- tuation, Mr. Wall tabbed 1963 ‘ But the recent rain. he said. as a "good average year which will be of great benefit to sec- compares favorably to the 1962 and growth hay and especially crop growth." to the corn crop. ‘Corn," he said. “has made tremendous progress in the past few weeks thanks to the increase in rain and should he a ton- notch crop.†One possible drawback in the corn prospects could develop it‘early September frost. brings an Francis Redelmeier, of the Richmond Hill Don Head Farm, reports a good crop yield but noted recent heavy rains “slowed down the wheat harvest but We’re finished now. We have about half of our loo-acre oat crop to finish off.“ Mr. Redelmeier was unable . “The corn got off to a shaky to give the yield of the wheat start," he noted, “because of crop but said it was “turning the late spring and lack of rain out Very well." “It’s hard to compare it with‘ which produced a slow growth. last year's crop because that shortly after the seeding but one produced a heavy yield in then it stopped almost all to- spite of the fact it was a very We had a great deal of rain gether." dry year." he said. ' But the recent rain. he said. will be of great benefit to sec- ond growth hay and especially to the corn crop. “Corn.†he said, “has made tremendous progress In the past few weeks thanks to the lncrease in rain and should he a ton- notch crop.†One pOSSible drawback in the corn prospects could develop if September brings an early frost, “The rain we've had recent~ "drain harves1 Iy," he said, “was pretty heavy hindered by the but it came too late to be of id weather but much benefit for the snriwztshould work out will: crdp. Yields are slightly proves favorable below average over the whole‘week or two." county due to the lack of moist- Summing up t' ure earlier in the season.†tuation, Mr. Wal That was the word from County Agricultural Represent~ atlve Allan Wall as he made a sweeping appraisal of the area. Rain and the lack of rain have made poor travelling com~ panions in York County this season but the over~all crop situation “looks good." Parents of Richmond Hill youngsters who were enrolled in the town’s summer recreation proâ€" gramme at the town park were on hand last week to see the fruits of their labour in handicrafts, notably replicas of a fort and a harvest theme. John MacCallum (background) was in charge of the five weeks’ course. Mayor William Neal and Councillor Tom Murphy were on hand to greet parents. Kalil; Comes, Rain Gdé? But Aids Area Farmers The vegetable-rich Hol- land Marsh area had been feeling the lack of rain but with the heavy downpour of the last few weeks pros- pects brightened considerâ€" ably. 16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. August 22, 1968 Display Handicrafts BUTTONVILLE NEWS l 10 days' time and hildren in the But- Headford, Victoria Gormley school sec- comprise Township 3 No. 3, Markham. be a summons to a a a new school. ren in grades 6. 7 ‘. opportunity class vill attend No. 4 the 3rd concession 8th Avenue, where l Dodds is the prin- iville School where l Atkinson is prin- s will be for grades Iron in these grades the Don Mills Road Given in marriage by her ta- ther, the bride wore a gown of imported white brocaded satin of her own design. featuring a bell shaped skirt. The detach-1 able chapel train was lined with mauve faille. and fell from a large butterfly bow at the waist. Her five-tiered veil was caught by a crown of seed pearls and cut crystal and she carried a mauve orchid on a white Bible, trailing stephan- ‘olis and ivy garlands in a show- ‘er of ribbons. Her only orna- lment was a single strand of _cultured pearls. the gift of the groom. t Maid of honour. Miss Mary Belle Evans of Ridgetown, and l. -. CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXminster 3-6188 ’Mr. Murray Casoh, “r Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts E A wedding reception was held spent a few days last week with {at Summit View Gardens and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McRob- Mrs. Bun- received her guests erts at Granton, Ontario. Wearing a beige lace ensemble Misses Sherry and Heather. ( with matching accessories and Lange 0f Maple “9 Spending 3 a corsage of coral sweetheart few days with Misses Anita and roses. She was assisted by Patricia Orr. Mrs. Carson who chose a drapedI Mr. and Mrs. William Orr. sheath of pink Printed silk Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr and with matching accessories and family of King. Mr. and Mrs. carsage of white roses. Allan Orr and family spent The bride and groom are on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- bridesmaids Miss Sandra Burr and Miss Barbara Carson, wore similar gowns of mauve peau- de-soie and headpieces of doub- le bows in the same material with tiny bouffant veils. Their dresses featured bell-shaped _‘_:_L‘ Ian Orr was soloist “The corn." he added “looks particularly good. All in all it looks like a pretty good year.“ The corn and hay crop, he said, was turning out above ex- pectations due mainly to the re- cent rains. “It’s hard to compare it with last year’s crop because that one produced a heavy yield in spite of the fact it was a very dry year," he said. “Grain harvesting has been hindered by the rain and hum- id weather but the situation should work out if the weather “Crops in the Marsh," said Wall, "have been com- ing along very Well and it looks like another good year." But it‘s been rain that has slowed down area harvesting which began 'aboul three weeks ago., the next Friday Mrs. P. Rumney en- tertained Mrs. Dean Taylor and children of Elgin Mills. Mrs. Harry Empringham and children at the Victoria Square Community Park the occasion being Jean's ninth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRob- erts, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brack- enbury spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Conner, (Joan Brackenbury) at London. Mr. W. J. Muirhead, Miss Ma- ry Muirhead and Mr. Ron. Muirhead attended the Muir- head-Denby wedding held in the Brown’s Corners United Church Saturday afternoon. The reception followed in the But- tonville Hall. The groom is a grandson of Mr. W. J. Muir- head. Miss Vera Niéhols has return- ed home after touring northern Ontario with two other lady teachers. . Mr. Louis Nichols and Miss Vera Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Nichols attended the dedic- ation service of Stephen John Meed, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Mead, (Lillian Nichols). at Calvary Church. Toronto, Sunday. Miss Joanne Huggins of Hampton is Visiting with her grandmother, uncle and aunt and cousin, Mrs. A. Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby and Ruth. Laurie and Clarke Canning, Margaret and Betty ‘Sandle at- tended the birthday party of their cousin, Patsy Boynton, Wednesday of last week, and the birthday party of their cousins. Debbie and Cathy Boynton Saturday. Mr. Ralph Boynton spent a few days last week with his daughter and her husband and family. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Forson and family at Ringwood. TO LET ROOMS, FLATS. APARTMENTS. DUPLEXES, HOUSES “THE LIBERAL†WANT ADS PHONE TU. 4-1105 or A". 5-3316 Mrs. H. J. MacKay of Toron- to spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and called on friends in the community. Mrs. MacKay is the wife of a former minister here at Victorw ia Square. It was gieï¬ seeing her again. Mr. Rolph Boynt'on; Sandie, Margaret and Betty spent Monday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Boynton at _Port Perry. Friends were sorry to learn that Mrs. Walter Ridley has had another heart attack. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Brum- well will celebrate their fourth wedding anniversary August 22 and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Can- ning will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary August 23. Birthday greetings to Muriel Mortson. 11 years, August 22; Bruce Cowie, 11 years, August 22; Mrs. S. DeFoe, August 22; Miss Grace Boynton, August 24;. Mrs. P. Ottaway, August 24; Lynne Hoadley. 12 years, Aug-‘ ust 25; Garry King, 13 years, August 26; Mrs. J. Leitch, Aug- ust 27: Margaret Sandle, 12 years, August 27. No. 5. school, grades 1 and 2. Mrs. Barbara Tindall, formerly at No. 6, grade 3, Miss Joy Ful- ler. formerly at No. 4 school;‘ grades 4 and 5, principal, How- ard Atkinson. August 25, Sunday School will be held at 10 am. but there will be no church service. Neighbourhood Notes No. 4. school, grades 1 and 2- Miss Ferguson, (now married); grade 6, Mrs. Rennie; grade 7, Mrs. M. Donaldson. formerly of No. 7. and grade 8. principal William Dodds; auxiliary class, Miss Jean West, formerly of area No. 2. Mr. Allan McIntosh of Mark- ham was in charge of the church sgwAige Syndgy morning. Watch next week‘s paper for bus time table. ‘Baseball The first game of the finals in the Victoria Square Lions Softball League was postponed Tuesday evening of last week because of the inclement weath- er; however it was played Thursday evening with Read» ford winners, score 12-7. The second game will be played August 20. and if a third game is necessary it will be played August 22. It is But- ionville vs. Headiord. Church News No. 7. school. grades 1. 2. and 3, Miss U. Christiansen; grades 4 and 5, principal Mrs. Myers, formerly at No. 5. Mrs. W. Boyd will take the place of Mrs. Wilbur BrumWell, as supply teacher and Mr. W. Bush will be the music super- visor. The teachers engaged for this year are as follows: T. S. A. No. 3. Summary of the schools in the area is: No. 4, grades 1, 2, 6, T, 8 and auxiliary. No. 5. grades 1, 2‘ 3, 4, 5 and No. 7, grades 1, 2. 3, 4, Victoria Square Correspondent Mrs. W. Sandle Phone Gomley 5421 Corporation Of The Township Of Markhamâ€"Byâ€"law Number 2005 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Markham has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 2005 passed on the 25th day of March, 1963, the full text of which is given hereunder along with an explanatory note. Ontario For the purpose of this by-law the word person, in addition to its ordinary mean- ing, shall mean and include a body corp- orate. The following area is hereby defined as an area of the Township of Markham to which this by-law shall apply: The whole of the Township of Markham save and except the following described lands: The lands of Markham Sand & Gravel containing 660 acres, more or less. Part of Lot 7, Concession 4, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of the westerly 80 acres more or less, of the front half of Lot 7, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Markham adjoining to and west of the 20 acres formerly in the occupation of one Robert Cunningham. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land or premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham. in the County of York and being the east- erly 20 acres of the west or front half of Lot 7 in the said Fourth Concession of the Township of Markham. Part of Lot 6, Concession 3, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, and province of Ontario being composed of the easterly 75 acres of the north half of Lot 6 in the Third Concession of the said Township of Markham; also that certain parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as COMMENCING at the south-west angle of the north half of said Lot 6 in the Third Concession of the said Township of Markham; Thence easterly along the line dividing the south half from the north half of said Lot 6, 100 rods more or less to the Westerly limit of the easterly 75 acres of the North half of said Lot; Thence Northerly along the line dividing the easterly 75 acres from the westerly 25 acres of said lot, one rod; Thence west- erly and parallel with said line dividing the North from the south half of said Lot 100 rods more or less to the Westerly limit of said half Lot; Thence South along the westerly limit of said half Lot, one rod more or less to the place of beginning. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham, County of York, Province of Ontario, be- ing composed of part of Lot 6, in the Third Concession in the said Township which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the south-east angle of said Lot 6; Thence Westerly along the southerly limit of said Lot a distance of five thousand and twenty feet two inches (5020’ 2â€) more or less to a point, which point is distant sixteen hundred and fifty-five feet ten inches (1655’ 10â€) measured easterly along the southerly limit of said Lot 6 from the south-west angle thereof; Thence North- erly about parallel to the westerly limit of said Lot 6 a distance of six hundred and sixty-four feet (664’ 0â€) more or less to a point in the fence line, which fence line marks the limit betWeen the north and south halves of said Lot 6, and ‘which point is distant sixteen hundred and fiftyâ€" five feet ten inches (1655’ 10â€) measured easterly along said fence line from the north west angle of the south half of said Lot 6: Thence Easterly along the afore- said fence line which is also the limit between the north and south half of Lot 6 a distance of five thousand and fourteen feet two inches (5014’ 2â€) more or less to the north east angle of the south half of said Lot 6; Thence Southerly along the easterly limit of Lot 6 a distance of six hundred and sixty-one feet (661’) more or less to the point of commencement. ' Part of Lot 5, Concession 4, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York and Province of On- tario, and being composed of part of Lot 5, Concession 4 in the said Township, conâ€" taining by admeasurement 106.413 acres be the same more or less which said parcel of land is more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the bearing of the East Limit of said Lot 5 is North 9 degrees West, and relating all bearings herein thereto: COMMENCING at the north east angle of said Lot 5; Thence south 9 degrees East along the east limit of said Lot 5, a dis- tance of 1072.16 feet to a point therein in line with a fence running westerly; Thence south 74 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds West along the line of the said fence. 1001.48 feet to a point therein, in Ime with a fence running southerly: Thence south 12 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds East along the line of the said fence. 22.69 feet to a point therein in line with a fence running westerly; Thence south 73 de- grees 56 minutes 40 seconds West along A By-Iaw to prohibit the making or establishment of pits and quarries. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM 'I'IIE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Noticg‘ IInde‘r Section 3Q‘Of The Planning Act R.A. NOTICE 4 Any person interested may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, file with the clerk of the Township of Markham notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objec- tion. b) The Ontario Municipal Board may approve 0 inches to a point; Thence north 72 de- grees 54 minutes east along a line drawn parallel to the southerly limit of said Lot 6, 207 feet 0 inches to a point; Thence thereout and therefrom a ten foot strip of land abutting the original allowance for road, in front of the aforesaid lands, and being the southerly ten feet of the said lands above described, and which ten foot strip is hereby conveyed to the Town- ship of Markham for Highway widening purposes. AND TOGETHER with a right of way for all purposes over, along and upon the said ten foot strip of land for access to the existing original road allow- ance until such time as the Township accepts the said ten foot strip for highway purposes. No. 36380 â€" All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the Township of Markham, County of York and Province of Ontario: being composed of part of Lot 6, Concession 4 in the said Township and containing by admeasurement 0.976 acres be the same more or less. The boundaries of the said parcel are described as follows: PREMISING that the Easterly limit of Don Mills Road being the westerly limit of said Lot 6 in the said Concession 4 has a course of north 10 degrees 3 minutes west and that all bearings used herein are related thereto; COMMENCING at the south-west angle of said Lot 6; Thence north 10 degrees 3 minutes west along the said westerly limit of Lot 6, 207 feet the line of the said fence, 3286.37 feet to a point therein; Thence north 9 degrees 20 seconds west, 1096.00 feet more or less to a point in the north limit of said Lot 5; Thence north 73 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East along the said north limit, being the south limit of the allowance for road between Lot 5 and Lot 6, Concession 4 in the said Township, 4286.39 feet more or less to the point of commencement. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, being composed of Part of Lot 5, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the westerly limit of the said Lot 5, distant ten hundred and twenty~nine feet and seven inches (1,029’ 7â€) measured south- erly thereon from the north westerly angle of the said Lot 5 a distance of seven hundred and thirty-nine feet ten inches (739’ 10â€) to an iron pipe; Thence easter- ly parallel with the northly limit of the said Lot 5, a distance of one hundred and fifty-one feet and .three inches (151’ 3â€) to an iron pipe; Thence northerly parallel with the westerly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of two hundred and eighty-nine feet and nine inches (289’ 9â€) more or less to a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot 5 distant one hundred and fifty- one feet and three inches (151’ 3â€) measâ€" ured easterly thereon from the north westerly angle of the said Lot 5; Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of fourteen hundred and forty-five feet and nine inches (1,445’- 9â€) to an iron bar; Thence southerly par- allel with the westerly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of ten hundred and twenty-seven feet and five inches (1,027’: 5â€) to an iron pipe planted at a point dis-l tant sixty-six feet measured northerly at right angles from the line of an old fence: Thence westerly parallel with the line of the said old fence in a straight line a dis- tance of fifteen hundred and ninety seven feet (1,597’) more or less to the point of commencement. Part of Lot 6, Concession 4, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York and being more par- ticularly described the west or front half of Lot 6 in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, save and except lands con- veyed by Markham Sand and Gravel Lim- ited to Joe Primeau by Instrument No. 32582 and to Canadian Petrofina Limited by Instrument No. 36380. such excepted lands being described as follows: No. 32582 - All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of part of Lot 6. in the Fourth Concession of the said Township which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the north limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 distant 2495’ 8†measured easterly thereon from the southwesterly angle of said Lot 6; Thence north ‘74 degrees east along the northerly limit of the said road allowance being along the southerly limit of the said Lot 6, a distance of 474’ to an iron pipe planted; Thence north 9 degrees west a distance of 529’ 1†to an iron pipe planted; Thence south 74 degrees west parallel with the southerly limit of the said Lot 6 a distance of 474’ to an iron pipe planted; Thence south 9 degrees east a distance of 529’ 1" to the point of com- mencement. SAVING AND EXCEPTING day of August, 19§§. SPECIAL NOTICE . All owners of land abutting the Township 0f Markham limits and located in the Village of Markham, Village of Stouffville, Township of Pickering and Town of Richmond Hill are hereby notified of the above mentioned application. DATED at the Township of Markham this 15th and EXPLANATORY NOTE BY-LAW 2005 Bylaw 2005 prohibits the making of pits and quarries in the Township of Markham w1th the exception of (a) lands of Markham Sand & Gravel Com- Pany Limited comprising 660 acres more or less, and being part of Lot 6, Concesswn 3 and Lots 6 and 7, Concession 4 (b) Dâ€! south 10 degrees 3 minutes east along a line. drawn parallel to the said westerly limit .of Lot 6; Thence south 72 degrees 54 minutes west along the said southerly limit of Lot 6, 207 feet 0 inches to the pomt of commencement, being the lands as shown upon a blueprint of survey pre- pared by Marshall, Macklin ,& Monaghan, Ontario Land Surveyors, dated the 26th day of October, 1954, a copy of which is hereunto attached. The lands of Hill Gravel Limited, contain- mg 285 acres, more or less. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham, in- the County of York, being composed of parts of Lots 18, 19 and 20, in the Second Concession of the said Township of Mark- ham, more particularly described as follows: FIRSTLY: The west half of Lot No. 18 in the Second Concession of the said Township of Markham, containing 100 acres more or less. SECONDLY: The south half of the west half of Lot No. 19 in the said Second Con- cession of the said Township of Markham containing 50 acres, more or less. THIRDLY: Commencing at the north-east angle of a 10 acre lot formerly owned by Thomas Palmer on the north-west quarter of the said Township Lot No. 19, being a distance of 40 rods more or less in a course easterly from the north-west angle of the said lot No. 19; Thence easterly along the northern boundary of said Lot No. 19, 360 rods more or less to the east- ern boundary of the said Second Conces- sion; Thence in a course southerly along the eastern boundary of the said Conces« sion 41 rods more or less to the south boundary of a certain lane running west- ward; Thence westerly along the south boundary of the said lane to its western limit at the centre of the said Lot; Thence north one rod; Thence westerly to the south-east angle of the said Thomas Palmer’s said 10 acre lot; Thence north- erly along the eastern limit of the said Thomas Palmer's land to the northern boundary of the said Lot No. 19 to 'the place of beginning: containing by admeas- urement 91 - 14, acres, being the same more or less: Save and except that certain piece and parcel of land abutting on the third con< cession line and commencing at the inter- section of the said third concession line and the dividing line between Lots 19 and 20; Thence westerly along the line bet- ween Lots 19 and 20, one hundred and seventy-one feet (171’); Thence southerly at right angles to the said dividing line between Lots 19 and 20, sixty-seven feet (67’) more or less; Thence easterly par- allel to the dividing line between Lots 19 and 20, one hundred and seventy-one feet (171’) more or less to the said third con- cession road, sixty-seven feet (67’) more or less to the place of beginning. FOURTHLY: South half of the east half of Lot No. 20 in the said Second Conces- sion of the Township of Markham, con- taining fifty acres more or less. . The making or establishment of a pit or quarry within the said defined area of the Township of Markham is hereby proâ€" hibited. , Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit and pay in the discretion of the conVictmg magistrate a penalty not exceeding (6X< elusive of costs) the sum of $300.00 for each offence recoverable under the Sum- mary Convictions Act. This by-law shall come into effect on the day it is passed by Council subject to the approval of the Ontario MumCIDal Board- READ a first and second time this 18th day of March, 1963. 7 fiï¬Aï¬ Ã©ï¬ch’i'rd time and passed this 25th day of March, 1963. (b) of the said by-law but before doing so it may appoint a time and place when any objections to the byâ€"law will be considered. DATED at Toronto this 15th day of August 1963. _the lands of Hill Gravel Limited compris- mg‘ 285 acres more or less and being part Of the West half of Lots 18 and 19, Con- cession 2, part of the North half of Lot 19 and part of the South half of Lot 20, Concession 2. H. C. TnCrisp Clerk Township of Markham (Signed) Wilfred R. Dean Reeve (Signed) H. Crisp," ‘ .R. No: 2, Gormley, Ontario (Signed) B. Vickers, SECRETARY. N. 5375-63 Clerk