It will be a pleasure to assist you ln selecting a chic chapeau. 2 bus stops below City Limits 9 am. - 6 p.m.; Friday to 9 pm. WWW WVWVVW\ xx,» Have Just Arrived! A particularly interesting meeting was enjoyed by Rich- mond Hill Rotarians when they welcomed as guest Miss Joli Goodyear ,and her father Mr. Jos. Goodyear; Dr. H. S. Maini, n Rotarian and practicing phy- sician in India; his son, Dr. J. S. Maini, who is associated with the Department of Forestry, Richmond Hill Branch; and Mr. N. S. Same, the latter‘s broth- er-in-law, from New Delhi, In- dia; Harvey M. Wilson, a Rot- arian from Armour Heights, and James Harrower from Vancou- ver, a guest of Rotarian Gord- on McIntyre. Gloves. scarfs and costume jewelry to harmonize or con- trast. plus plastic and leather handbags. are now at You are cordially invited to a preview of our millinery for fall '63. Casual elegance in high-style silhouettes, plus luxurious fur felts featuring radiant colors are fashion news. Miss Goodyear was sponsored by the local Rotary Club last May to participate in the ot- tawa club's “Venture in Citiz- enship". She gave a most inter- esting report of her impress- ions of the four day trip, which included addresses by the Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker and the Hon. Paul Martin, discussion groups at Carleton University, tours of city hall, Rideau Hall, the National Art Gallery and visits to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police establishment in Roekcliffe Park and the Sup: NEW FALL HATS‘ Rotarians Hear Guests From Canada And India Gold Medalist Plays Tenozr Saxi Mania/ewe Millinery & Accessories 3319 YON GE ST. music his career. Tom Sheret, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sheret, 236 Cedar Avenue, won two gold medals in the ONE music competitions last week in the 17 ‘and under and open tenor saxaphone classes. A student with Peter Scofield in Don Mills for three and a half years, he is in grade 11 at Richmond Hill High School. This is his third year in the ONE competition and he has also entered Kiwanis Music Festivals successfully! He plans to make STOUFFVILLE: Close to 10,000 persons are expected for the giant Labor Day program to be staged on the site of the Good- wood Goâ€"kart track. Concession Project Mercury was a team effort and thousands of people contributed to its success. For this, we are indeed very thank- ful. Dr. H. S. Maini. a very fluent and versatile speaker said “all the right things.†He expressed his pleasure at being welcomed to a meeting of a Canadian Rot- ary Club, and said he had been greatly impressed by all things Canadian during his visit to his son. Four-and-a-half year old Martin Halliday-Tidswell. 35 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, is a very happy and proud boy. Recently he wrote to American Astronaut Gordon Cooper expressing admiration of his exploit and this week received a reply. The reply from the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration Manned Spacecraft Center. Houston, Texas, signed by Major Gordon Cooper, Mer- cury Astronaut says: Dear Martin: We eagerly await the fulfill- ment of our missions in this next phase of our nation's space program; and on behalf of everyone who is a part of this vital work. I wish to ex- press our gratitude for your interest and enthusiasm. Thank you for your letter and for the heartwarming re- marks expressed therein. reme Court of Canada. Miss Goodyear voiced the highest praise for the‘ Ottawa Rotarians who had organized and super- vised the project. accommodation. food, boats and guides for every member who wishes to participate. Local Boy Hears From Astronaut Four-and-a-half year old Martin Halliday-Tidswell, 35 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, is a very happy and proud boy. Recently he wrote to American Astronaut Gordon Cooper expressing admiration received a reply. The reply from the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- istration Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, signed by Major Gordon Cooper, Mer- nnru Aeh-nnnnï¬ Eui)e- With a stopover in Montreal, the girls visited La Place Ville Marie and took a general tour of the city. They continued on to Bathurst where they stayed a week with Bonnie’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stoughton. Some highlights of the trip were a visit to the Bathurst Pulp and Paper Mill, the pilot Smelting Co. and an enjoyable swim in the Atlantic Ocean. ‘ In Moncton they visited the ,famed magnetic hill “where ‘cars back uphill without pow- er," and enjoyed a sea food dinner of lobster. clams, cod, shrimp and scallops. On the after it occured where fifteen lears of a ninety-four car train ‘were derailed because of a bro- ‘ken wheel. In Dalhousie they toured the frigates. HMCS New ,Waterford, Fort Erie and Lan- |dry, in port for the week-end. mill of the Bathurst Mining and ‘the many interesting exhibitsl . _ . way to Campbellton, they ar-i of hxs explait and this week rived at a train wreck shortly‘at Woodbridge. South, we‘ll be pleased to hear from you 2k :k :2: * Augu‘ . . at a Richmond Hill W.I. way The weather man usually co- noper operates when the institute relati‘ members plan an outing. and mend last Thursday - “Music Day" -‘ Tm at the Canadian National Exhi-lin 1( bition proved no exception.{Chu,.: Forty members and friends tra-IBryCE veiled by chartered bus, and til 1‘ spent a very active day viewingthree ,Telep The regular activities of the,years W.I. will commence on Septem- meml her 15th. but prior to that date, Amer members are reminded of the Th‘ York County Rally to be held‘Phy" on September 5th (Thursdayland ‘ The session Tomi lasts from 10 a.m. to 4 pm. witth Ca time out for a picnic lunch. Ichild] Members wishing to attend.l Arr please contact President Mrs.‘were' J. Dewaury, at TU. 4-1828, so Flam that arrangements can be made of C]. for transportation. ‘R_ Tl‘ 2, Uxbridge Township, beginn- ing Friday Angus} 3lst. Featur- ed will be an open air dance. folk-singing, outdoor barbeque. and a beauty pageant. Rotarians are planning a fishing trip at Port Severn for the weekend of October 4. and issue due warning to the fish in that area that they mean business. Plans are to provide accommodation. food, boats and guides for every member who wishes to participate. '11:! Service was under the direct- i“Hon of Rev. C.G. Higginson of ofIRichmond Hill United Church Ex_!and was held in the chapel of uI-gWright and Taylor at the Piph- \ er Funeral Home. Richmond Hill Toronto ) i MI-ggngggggm I 24. Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St ' I Mrs. W. S. Thomson, Vaughan] Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robson of‘ Mrs. RUSS Cripps. Boisdale Mrs. W. Sayers and Mrs. E. Road, last week attended a Dir- Markham Road. are spending Crescent, left last week to visit Burnie were guests of Mr, and ector’s Advanced Course at the this week in Timmins, where‘her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. E. Long of Indiana at their University of Waterloo. tthey are visiting relatives. :Fillion, at their home in Tim- summer home on Horseshoe Mrs. A. Broadhurst. mother of Mr. T. Broadhurst. Taylor Mills Drive North, on a visit from England. left Friday, Au- gust 24, for a trip to Boston and Maine to visit her niece, MisS Kathleen McMullen, for about two weeks. two weeks. Just returned from two weeks * * * * holiday are Mr. and Mrs. H. D. John Thomson arrived last Hemphill, Wendy, Jim and Kim, week from Victoria, B.C., to‘AXminstel‘ Drive, WhO Spem the spenduthe next few weeks with‘first week touring Windsor, his parents. Professor W. SJLondon and Niagara, and the Thomson and Mrs. Thomson, second relaxing at a cottage at Vaughan Road. Peninsula Lake, north of Hunts- John is a student at the Un- ville. John is a student at the Un- iversity of Victoria. Mrs. Lewis Clement left a week ago last Saturday by plane for Kansas City, Missouri, to visit her son Roy. who is in the hospital there in serious condition. Subscriptions are now due for the bulletin â€"â€" any old or new subscribers please call TU. 4-1316, as soon as possible, The first meeting of the Richmond Hill Senior Citizens will be held at 2 pm. on Sep- tember 11th in the Christian Education Building, Richmond Hill United Church. Rev. Robt. McLennan. rector of St. Gabrielle Anglican Church, and Mrs. McLennan were guests at the reception held by Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkin- son, Bishop of Toronto, for the Most Rev. A. M. Ramsey, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, and Mrs. Ramsey, in Bishop Strachan School. Judith, a pupil of Ruth Gar- son, A.D.C.M., Fernleigh Circle, attained 80% with the ajudi- cator commenting on her “good phrasing and shading". Miss Peggy Leonard, 178% Lawrence Avenue, and friend Bonnie Stoughton, formerly from near Port Arthur and now residing in Bathurst. N.B.. spent two weeks of their vacation from St. Joseph’s Hospital, where they are in training, touring the province of New Brunswick. Judith Jones. 12 year old Kingston, Santa‘s Village in daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Bracebridge and Toronto Island. Jones, Beaverton Road. gave an * * * "‘ excellent performance in' the Darlene Ballis, 13 year old Sonatina class â€" 12 years and'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. under â€" in recent music com- Ballis, Becker Road, is earning petitions at the Canadian Nat. recognition both in the model- ional Exhibition. ling and dancing field. RJ-l. Senior Citizens The 5th annual convention of the Senior Citizens of Ontar- io will be held on September 4th and 5th at Westminster Col- lege, University of Western On- tario, London. For further in- formation please call Mrs. H. G. Robertson at TU. 4-1396 or Mrs. W. Sayers, TU. 4-1316. I III-III...i \ l Funeral service was held Winnifred Robb, was born in Thursday, August 22, for Mrs. King City the daughter of Jam- Leslie J. Baker, of 103 Wright es and Elizabeth Robb. St., Richmond Hill, who died Surviving besides her husb- August 20 at Queen Elizabeth and are five children, Stanley, Hospital in Toronto. lLorna (Mrs. J. Woodheadl. Jean St., Richmond Hill, who died Surviving besides her husbâ€" August 20 at Queen Elizabeth and are five children, Stanley, Hospital in Toronto. Lorna (Mrs. J. Woodheadl. Jean Service was under the direct- (Mrs. D. Stansfield), Everett ion of Rev. C.G. Higginson of and Marilyn; and brothers, El- Richmond Hill United Church wood, Leslie, Earl, and Russell and was held in the chapel of Robb; and sister Iva (Mrs. Wright and Taylor at the Piph- Fisher) and 9 grandchildren. er Funeral Home. Deceased is a sister, Ada (Mrs. Pallbearers were Russell Lyn- MacDowell) and a brother. ett. nephews M. Robb, Arnold Stanley. Robb, Clare Baker. Orville and She was a member of the W. Robb. Burial was in King Women‘s Institute before mov- City cemetery, King City. Ont- ing to Richmond Hill and was 'ariol active in the Edgeley United Mrs. Baker. the former Annie RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 MORTGAGE SERVICE Mrs. Leslie J. Baker INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE Editor Margot Crack Mr. K. E. Costello. Bayview Avenue. an accountant with the Imperial Bank of Commerce, Yonge Street, for the past three During their stay they were among visitors to Whiteface Mountain, to view the breath- taking panorama of Adirondack beauty as seen from the 4,867 foot high summit, highest peak accessible by paved highway in the Eastern United States. Imperial Bank of Commerce, Jim Whiteside from Belfast. Yonge Street, for the past threelNorthern Ireland, is visiting at years, leaves this Friday to takelthe home of his sister and bro- up a position with their branch ther-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. in Timmins. ’Harcourt, Osiris Drive. At the Canadian National Ex- hibition she is one of the young models for teenage fashions. and was chosen as the lead dancer for the daily UNICEF show. Mr. and Mrs. John H. W. Shaw and daughter Fiona, 236 Blue Grass Blvd. returned on Saturday from a trip to New York. Misses Fiona and Alison Dal- ziel and Miss Jane Scott from Enfield, England, are guests of Miss Edna Izzard at her home on Mill Street. Mrs. W. Cardwell and her Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickson Miller son Nicholas left by air on Fri-land daughters. Yonge Street. day last for their home in Hali- Mr. and Mrs. Miller are fax, Yorkshire. England, having members of the Keswick Pow- spent the past six weeks with er Squadron. her sister. Mrs. V. P. Hanna. * u: * * Markham Road. Entertaining last week at Duringr their holiday, as Well their home on Browndale Cres- as touring the various beauty cent, were Mr, and Mrs, m, La. spots of Ontario, they visited Riviere. who held a surprise the Thousand Islands, Queen‘s- party for his parents, Mr_ and ton Heights. FOI‘t Henry 111 Mrs. Eugene LaRiviere of Wild- Kingston. Santa’s Village in wood Avenue, on the occasion Bracebridge and Toronto Island. of their 25th wedding anniver- * * * * .sary. Darlene is _a pupil of the Mid- mer Dance' Academy, 247 Browndale Crescent. Members wishing to attend. please contact President Mrs. J. Dewaury, at TU. 4-1828, so that arrangements can be made for transportation. She was a member of the Women‘s Institute before mov- ing to Richmond Hill and was active in the Edgeley United5 Church. .0- -:--I With Labour Day week- end approaching â€" holi~ days for most of us are over â€"â€" how did YOU spend your vacation? Trav- elling? Cottaging? A trip abroad? Friends visiting? Why not drop us a line or phone and give us your news items? The service is free to all our readersâ€" just call TU. 4-1105 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. we‘ll be pleased to hear from you TORONTO, ONT EMpire 2-3456 ' 7,77, 77‘ 7‘.._“__..__. F 2"""“‘"“'"“m"" JOAN HALL R. M. “Corinthia†for his home in holidaying at the home of their Hove. England, following four son and daughter-in-law, Mr. months holiday with his son and Mrs. R. J. Steven. Paliser and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Crescent South. Mrs. P. A. Sale, Beechy Drive. During their stay they join- * * * * ed the family for a cottage hol- Enjoying a cruise aboard‘iday at Verndale, Lake Vernon, HMCS Sioux on Sunday were Huntsville, and will be return- Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickson Miller ing home at the end of this and daughters, Yonge Street. (Week. Enjoying a cruise aboard HMCS Sioux on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. S. Dickson Miller and daughters, Yonge Street. Mr. P. A. S. Sale left Mont- real last Friday aboard the A presentation of a flowen bowl and flowers was made on Wednesday last at the regular meeting of Teston United Church Women to Mrs. Jean Murray who recently moved from Teston to take up resi- dence on Centre Street West. At the conclusion of the meeting, members enjoyed a social half hour. Recently returned from a trip to England are Mr. and Mrs. Geyrge Taylor, 120 Wright St. Enjoying three weeks of mag- nificent weather, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor made trips to Slough. Windsor, London, Great Yar- mouth and Buxton, meeting up with Mr. Taylor‘s nine brothers and sisters, whom they have not seen for nine years. Coventry Cathedral, St. Giles Cathedral, Litchfield Cathe- dral, the Tower of London and the, Peacock Inn. at Colebrooke, were among the historical places visited, and other high- lights included a boat trip on the Thames River and witness- ing the ancient ceremony of blessing the wells at Buxton, when the whole town, with col- ourful parades and Morris dan- cing in the streets, recognize the era when the wells were their only source of water. Guests with Miss Mary Daw- son last week were her sister. Mrs. Gordon Gray of Parkhill. niece Mrs. Marian Woolley and her two sons, Allan and Hugh of Windsor. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. E. Long 6f Indiana at their Fillion, at their home in Tim- summer home on Horseshoe mins. Lake. Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Osborne of '75 Tormore Drive celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary August 23. They were honoured at a family dinner at the Sea- way Hotel, followed by an “open house" for friends and relatives at their home in Rich- mond Hill. The Osbornes were married in 1913 in Earlscourt United Church by the late Dr. Peter Bryce, and lived in Toronto un- til Mr. Osborne’s retirement three years ago from the Bell Telephone Company after 50 years. He is a chartered life **** Avant-Garde Players Richmond Hill’s newest arri- vals to the world of amateur theatre the Avant-Garde Players â€"â€" announce the pro- duction of three one act come- dies, titled â€"- “A New Dimen- sion of Farce" â€" scheduled for production at the end of Octo- ber. The three plays chosen are “The Ugly Duckling†by A. A. Milne. “Present Day Courtship†by Rolland Bottomley. and “The Resounding Tinkle" by N. F. Simpson, all under the direction of Brad Bellis. three years ago from the Bell Telephone Company after 50 years. He is a chartered life member of the Bell Pioneers of America. They have four daughters, Phyllis Osborne, Mrs. John Gay and Mrs. Arthur Alton, all of Toronto, and Mrs. William May of Calgary. They have six grand- children. Among the guests attending were Mr. and Mrs. A. Taylor, Florida; MI'. and Mrs. B. Curtis of Ch'atsworth and Mr. and Mrs. R. Theal, St. Catherines. W-‘u.n.<m‘"---_n.o.-.n.o-<_A Emergency Prescription Service Your prescription will be called for, filled, and returned to you without delay and AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. DURING THE DAY (9 a.m.-9 pm.) When your physician leaves a needed prescrip- tion late at night, call or have your physician call directly to TU. 4-4683 TU. 4-7204 TU. 4-1075 ALLENCOURT PHARMACY LIMITED WM. C. LAZENBY, B.Sc., th. ALLENCOURT CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL Call TU. 4-4461 for the Same quick; service AFTER HOURS TEACHER OF SINGING Announces the Opening of Her Vocal Studio Enrollment for Fall and Winter Term Accepted Now One of the Many Services of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. 8. Steven from Winnipeg are at present ;holidaying at the home of their Rev. J. R. McMahon and Mrs. McMahon and family, Jim J12, Jacqueline, Julia and John, have returned to Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia after a three week visit with Mrs. McMahon’s father, Mr. John Spanner. at his summer house in Muskoka. Mr. McMahon is fector of St. Luke's Anglican Church in An- napolis Royal. The Canadian Iris Society held their fall meeting on Sun- day last at the home of Mr. H. G. Caldwell, Elgin Mills Side- road. Master MacKenzie Robertson of Dover, Delaware is a guest this week at the home of his aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cook, Lynett Crescent. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allan from Edinburgh arrived on Wednes- day for a month's stay with their son, Mr. Ian F. Allan and family, at their home on Libby Blvd. President Mr. A] Lakin, di- rector of the Royal Botanical Gardens, Hamilton, chaired the meeting, with fifteen members in attendance. Out of town enthusiasts were from Dunnville, Toronto, Thor- old and Hamilton. The Rev. James Woods and his son Ian left by air on Mon- day for their home in Jordans- town, Northern Ireland, follow- ing two weeks vacation with his aunt, Mrs. W. Ferguson, Centre Street West. During their visit when Mr. Woods was preaching at Grims- by Presbyterian Church, he met up with a former friend and organist of the church, Mr. Gor- don Douglas, who came over from Derry, Ireland, and now resides in Grimsby. While In the Hill, Mr. Woods and'Ian made several day trips to places of interest, and at- tended the Canadian National Exhibition. With Mrs. W. Sayers, Centre Street West, he recalled when both were passengers on the Athenia, when it was torpedoed in the early days of World War II. Anyone wishing information on membership may call Brad Bellis. 884-3895. Mike Burnie, 884-5595 or Barry Menary, 222-4820. The Avant-Garde Players is a group of some twenty enthus- iastic young people in their late teens and early twenties. who wish to experiment with their own ideas in the world of the- atre. and this is their first production. 467 Windhurst Gate, Richmond Hill. I TEXT BOOKS l James Kent, 11, son of Mrs. Olga Kent. 90 Bedford Road, captuned a gold medal after competing against 20 young pianists in the ONE. music competitions last week. A grade six music pupil under Mr. Mel- ecci at the Willowdale Royal Conservatory of Music he is a student at MacKillop School. Wins CNE MusicMedal St. Matthew's Corn Roast Set For September 7 After being confined to St. Andrews Hospital, Midland, for eight weeks treatment fol- lowing a fall, Mrs. L. W. Zuefâ€" elt, is recuperating at the home of her daughter, Mrs. P. J. Car- le, 105 Morgan Avenue, Don- caster. Mr. and Mrs. George Major, Richard, Pamela and Kevin, have returned to their Lynett Crescent home following a motor trip to Cape Cod, Massa- chusetts. Late in May, members of St. Matthew’s Hi-C had a half-acre behind their church ploughed, and for the second successive year planted corn for a corn roast in the fall. Plans for the corn roast it- self are now being finalized with the date September 7; the time 8:30 pm. and the place, St. Matthew’s United Church, Crosby Avenue. Everyone is invited whether or not they attend St. Matt- hew’s. Entertainment will be pro- vided, not only by the corn from the field, but probably by some corn from the Hi-C’s. Real attraction of the evening, how- ever, will be the square danc- ing called by Mr. Norman An- derson, who is donating his time to help make the affair a success. Admission prices have been lowered from last year to en- able more people to enjoy the night of fun. In addition. two other Hi-C groups are expected to attend. Friday evening, the Hi-C will be setting up camp for the ar- rival of St. James Hi-C from Peterborough, who will stay the entine weekend. Saturday evening before the corn roast itself, Barrie Central Hi-C should arrive. MARKHAM: Village councillors heard a final progress report on the new arena which is at the point of completion with only some wiring yet to be in- stalled in the ice plant. Offic- ial opening is slated for Sept- ember 6 BAYVIEW VARIETY SMOKE 8. GIFT SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA TU. 4-0090 Use Our Lay Away Plan' FOR BAYVIEW HIGH SCHOOL AND OTHERS Midmer Dance Academy Announces THE OPENING OF THEIR NEW SEASON COACHING FOR STAGE, SCREEN 8. TELEVISION FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL TU. 4-5496 Available at THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 29, 1963 11 Age from 3 to adult: Beginners, Advanced, Professional MODERN & CLASSICAL BALLET AMERICAN TAP DANCING â€" BATON MODERN & AMERICAN JAZZ & BALLROOM Registrations Will Be Taken By Phone At TU. 4-5496 or At 31 Yonge Street North On Thursday, September 5th Phone 285-1073 Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘ ‘Wight’s Pharmacy’ Day or Evenings, TU. 4-1745 SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS RIB LOIN Beef lb. 35¢ 3 lbs. 95¢ Pork Chops lb. 59¢ Picnic Hams lb. 39¢ Margarine 5 lbs. SI FOR FREEZING 0R PICKLING PICKED DAILY. “(2,:fo éliï¬'ï¬'és‘l COLORED TULIP T.V. Rentals from Monthly Richmond Hill TV SMOKED TELEVISION I963 T.V.'s â€" 23" From $199 MINCED BAYVIEW PLAZA 34 Yonge St. South TU. 4-7456 â€" AV‘ C. NELS GAGE L. H. SIMS Transistor Radios, Complete Selection me $12.95 PHONE 884 -3154 FRESH BEANS Established 1878 . 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill ATl popular makes on hand Special Studems’ Rates AV. 5-3756 TU. 4-7691