A new class arrangement for children in TSA No. 3, Mark ham. (Gormley, Victoria Square, Buttonvllle and Headford) has been set up for the coming term. Lee: week, parents were ad- vised by mail as to which Neighbourhood Nofeg .‘ u-ouvv__ "7... Larry Wilson of Orangevllle spent several days with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Stephenson, last week. The Happy Timers. Brown's Corners United Church Women held anoth- er successful travelling bake sale last Friday after- noon. They knocked on doors in the neighbourhbod and sold $32 worth of pies and cakes in a little over an hour. Besides their re- gular obligations to the church, this group is sup- porting a blind Korean or- phan. Approximately 50 Buttonville W. 1. members and their friends went by chartened bus to the Exhibition last Thursday and that night some of them Were so tired they slept through the explosion which sent many people checking for trouble when that American plane broke the sound barrier. Al and Beverley Jones’ seven- year-old son Jimmie is making good progress following his ac- cident last week, but he will be in traction at Scarborough Gen- eral Hospital for several weeks. Jlmmle's leg was'badly broken when he was struck by a car on Highway 7 at the bridge near the Arnold farm. He was on‘ his way fishing with John and Glen Stephenson when the ac- cident occured. Mrs. James McQuay enter- tained relatives from Petawawa last week. Bryce and Mary J acksie, their son Brian. and a relative, have just returned from a trip to California whene Mary attend- ed a the day seminar for Studio Girl representatives. She is now a full-fledged beautician. Jim and Rosemary Miller and their family plan to move to their new home in Sherwood Park, Markham, this weekend. Ray and Mary Grant and their children are launched on a farming venture in the Stouff- ville area. i The S. R. Pattersons were on holiday last week, and motored through the beautiful country northwest of Sudbury to the St. Mary's river. According to a radio report last week, the flyer who was killed in 3 Manitoba air show was to have starred in the air Ihow at Buttonviiie airport next month. Nell ‘ Victim A tragic accident took the life of five-year-old Neil Carr. son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carr. last Saturday afternoon. Matron of honour. Mrs. June Square. Brendel, and bridesmaids, Car~ Among the local guests at- 01 Ann Muirhead and Darlene tending were Mr. and Mrs. Wal- Brumwell wore dresses of yel~ ter Brumwell, Mr, and Mrs. low faille taffeta with bell- Dean Brumwell, Mr. and Mrs. shaped skirts, and floating chif- Howard Brumwell, Mrs. Nor- ton panel falling from the, back man Denby. Miss Mary Muir- of the fitted bodices. They head and Mr. and Mrs. Ross wore headpieces of white net Hard. Out-ofâ€"town guests were and HOWers, and carried nose- from Orangeville, Perth. Port gays 0! yellow and white Shasta Credit, Stouiivllle and Clare- mums. meat. 1 Nell was riding on the tractor with his father when the wheel struck a stone. The child lost his balance and fell off. He was rushed to Dr. Scott at Markham, who ordered him to the Seth-borough General Hospital. but the little boy died on the way. A tuneful service was held Tuesday afternoon from the Dixon Funeral Home, Markham. Mr. and Mrs. Can- We on the Russell farm, on 16th Ave.. and their friends in the com- munity are deeply sorry about their loss. The bride. given in marriage by her father, wore a floor- length gown of satin peau-de- sole, with bell-shaped skirt and satin brocade jacket over a fit- ted bodice finished with tiny satin buttons. Her tiered veil was caught to a peau-deâ€"soie pilibox, and she carried a cres- cent of yellow rosebuds and stephanotis. Little flower girl, Gloria Bol~ es, wore a brief bouffant vers~ ion of the bride’s white jacket~ ed dress. and in her hair she wore white flowers. Muirhead-Denby Weld At Butto'nville Church Brown's Corners United William Forfar attended the Church was decorated with ar- groom and ushers wene Fred rangements of white and yel- Denhy and George Robb. low gladioli and Shasta mums Following the ceremony, August 17, when Ann Denby, guests were received at Button- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clark ville Women's Institute Hall. Denby. of Agincourt, and Don- Mrs. Denby wore a maize aid Muirhead, son of Mr. and sheath with mocha net turban, Mrs. James Muirhead, Don matching accessories and cors- Mills, were united in marriage. age of yellow and white rose- Rev‘ Dr. A F. Binmngton buds. Mrs. Muirhead assisted performed the ceremony, and in a beige sheath dress with lace coat and white feather 1 th maggnflgslgeesor p eyed ‘3 hat. Her flowers were pink and 47 white rosebuds. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnlngton performed the ceremony, and Mrs. Donald Reesor played the wedding music. Carr Tractor Accident BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF B. R. 2 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 school (or schools) in the area their children would attend. No. 4 school, north of Head-‘ ford on the 3rd concession of‘ Markham Township, will serve all grades 6, '7, 8 and auxiliary. as well as those grades 1 and 2 children living nearest. Women’s Institute members were busy recently putting fin- lshing touches to omprovements at the W. I. community hall. There is a brand new floor which has been polished to a high shine, new paint on the entrance and stage floors, and new drapes on the windows. Very nice. ... , H,“ y‘a, ...... John and Margaret Brumwell and their daughter Julie joined‘ in recent Orangeville celebra- tions and took their antique car to the parade._Proper costumes -â€" dust coats, hats and veils to match the era -â€" were Margar~ et’s contribution. Friends were sorry to learn of Mrs. William McGimpsey’s illness. She suffered a slight attack of pneumonia complicat- ed by pleurisy, and her daught- er Sadie and Mrs. George Duk- es have been in attendance. We wish her a rapid recovery. Neighbours in the vicin- ity of Highway '1 have been inconvenienced with the widening of Don Mills Road to accommodate more traffic lanes near the com- er. Crowning insult occured when several driveways were torn up one afternoon Just at 5 pm. just as bread- winners were returning home. Jones' Groceteria was also left without pro- per access for several hours. Allan Brown's 2lst birthday was August 18 and his parents held a dinner party for him Fri- day evening. Allan has been on a camping vacation and this week accompanied the Maw fa- mily on holiday. Other travellers are Mrs. Richard Jones. who returned from a trip to Lake Placid and the White Mountains last week: Mrs. Dick Wardle, who spent last weekend in New York visit- ing a medical student niece who is studying there and the Clifford Cox family who visit- ed the sulky races near Detroit early this Week. Young People’s Union National Council Representative Mr. and Mrs. Adam Brown‘ and Kathy spent a week with relatives at Wilson, N. Y., re- cently and last weekend enter- tained guests from Trenton. Kathy returned home with her Trenton cousins, for a brief ho~ llday. Bbberta Storey is a camper at Ayshunyoong this week.__ Joy Fuller, a member of Vch toria Square Charge Young People’s Union and executive member of the York Presbytery Y. P. U., was one of 175 delegâ€"‘ ates representing rural and urban United Church congreg- ations from Newfoundland to British Columbia attending the 1963 National Council being held at Olds. Alberta. Guests of other denominations will also attend. The council, sponsored by the National Young ‘People's Union, meets every two years. and this, the 11th council, will took place during the week of August 19-25, in the Olds School of Agriculture. It is the first time Council has met further West than Winnipeg. Following the ceremony, guests were received at Button- viile Women's Institute Hall. Mrs. Denby wore a maize sheath with mocha net turban, \ For a motor trip to Cape Cod and New York, the bride chose a yellow suit with white em- broidered trim on the Chanel jacket, white maribou pouff hat and matching accessories. On their return they will live on Glen Watford Drive. Agin- court. Honoured guests at the wed- ding were the bride's two grandmothers, Mrs. Edna Den- by of Milliken and Mrs. Sylvia Boles of Perth. as well as the groom’s grandfather. Mr. Wil- liam Muir-head of Victoria Square. No. 5 (Buttonville) school, and No. 7 school (north of Vic- toria Square on Don Mills Rd.) will accommodate grades 1 to 5. Buses will carry children to‘ their proper schools, and last} week when the T. S. A. No. 3 school board members met, the following schedules were ann~ ounced: All grades pick-up for children on Bayview Ave.. south of 18th Ave., Headtord children north of 16th Ave; Bus leaves Bayvlew Ave. and 18th Ave. at 8:20 a.m., pro- ceeds south to 16th Ave., east on 16th to the 3rd, arriving at 16th Ave. and the 3rd Cone. at 8:40. Here this bus meets the one for Buttonville school and some transfers are made. Then it proceeds north on the 3rd ‘concession through Headford to No. 4 school, continues north‘ to the townline, thence east to Gormley and south on Don Mills Road to No. 7 school. For grades 6. 7, 8 and null-1 iary children living In Victor- ia Square and Gonnley Area: A bus leaves Victoria Square at 7:45 am. and proceeds south along Don Mills Road to 17th Ave., returns north on Don Mills Road to Gormley, west on the Gormley Townllne to the 3rd concession and south to No.‘ 4 school. For Buttonville children, and those living on Leslie St. south of 16th: Bus leaves Don Mills Road and 17th Ave. at 8 a.m.. proceeds south to the Don Mills Golf Course (approximately 8:-‘ 15 am.) réturns to Highway 7. proceeds west on Highway '7 to the 3rd Conc., and north to 16- th Ave. (8:40 am.) Here trans- fers grades 6, 7. 8 and auxiliary to No. 4 bus, and receives grades 1-5 for Buttonville School. Proceeds to Buttonvllle School. Children in Townllne and Yonge St., Bayvlew Area, etc.: Bus leaves 18th Ave. and Dam Mills Road at 8:10 a.m., travels west along 18th to Yonge St., and north to townline. Returns to 19th Ave., goes east to Bay- view Ave., down Bayview to 18- th Ave., east to the 3rd con- cession and north to No. 4 school. Chairman Arnold Mort- son of the 'l‘.S.A. No. 3 school board said that there is very little change in the schedules from last Year but more children will be travelling. CHILDREN MUST BE ON TIME FOR BUSES. The time schedule is too tight to permit driv- ers to wait. Mr. Mortson also asked par- ents who have not received a letter stating which school their children will attend to please send a slip with each child stating which grade the child is in, his name and address. Oil Contracts Other business dealt with at‘ last week's meeting included decision on an oil contract fo: the coming year. Tenders for oil were received from Arrow Petroleum, Gormley, (15.5c) Wm. Hood, Buttonvflle, (14.5c) and Maynards, Unionville, (160). Contract was awarded to Wm. Hood. ‘ Insurance contracts were! checked. desks have been ra‘ arranged in the various schools‘ to properly accommodate numb-‘ ers and age groups, and door‘ and window improvements at No. 4 and 7 schools will be made. Skating rinks were also dis- cuSSed, and at No. 5 school grading will be done; also, for a safer approach to No. 7 school, the main driveway will be moved from Don Mills Road to 19th Ave. E STOUFFVILLE: This town isl currently the scene of 8 “Tent‘ Revival" with evangelist Rev.‘ Menzo Bertan Alnsworth of Peterboro holding forth for a three-week period at Memorial Park. It's reported that Rev. Ainsworth, unlike other fire and brimstone evangelists, is a quiet spoken gentleman with little flair for flamboyant orat- Corporation Of The TownshipOf Markhomf-By-Law Number 2005 TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Cor- poration of the Township of Markham has applied to the Ontario Municipal Board pursuant to the provisions of Section 30 of The Planning Act for approval of its Restricted Area By-Law 2005 passed on the 25th day of March, 1963, the full text of which is given hereunder along with an explanatory note. Ontario For the purpose of this by-law the word person, in addition to its ordinary mean- ing, shall mean and include a body corp- orate. The following area is hereby defined as an area of the Township of Markham to which this by-law shall apply: The whole of the Township of Markham save and except the following described lands: The lands of Markham Sand & Gravel containing 660 acres, more or less. Part of Lot 7, Concession 4, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York, in the Province of Ontario, being composed of the westerly 80 acres more or less, of the front half of Lot 7, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township of Markham adjoining to and west of the 20 acres formerly in the occupation of one Robert Cunningham. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land or premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham, in the County of York and being the east- erly 20 acres of the west or front half of Lot 7 in the said Fourth Concession of the Township of Markham. Part of Lot 6, Concession 3, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York, and province 0 Ontario being composed of the easterly 75 acres of the north half of Lot 6 in the Third Concession of the said Township of Markham; also that certain parcel or tract of land and premises known and described as COMMENCING at the south-west angle of the north half of said Lot 6 in the Third Concession of the said Township of Markham; Thence easterly along the line dividing the south half from the north half of said Lot 6, 100 rods more or less to the Westerly limit of the easterly 75 acres of the North half of said Lot; Thence Northerly along the line dividing the easterly 75 acres from the westerly 25 acres of aid lot, one rod; Thence west- erly and parallel with said line dividing the North from the south half of said Lot 100 rods more or less to the westerly limit of said half Lot; Thence South along the westerly limit of said half Lot, one rod more or less to the place of beginning. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham, County of York, Province of Ontario, be- ing composed of part of Lot 6, in the Third Concession in the said Township which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the south-east angle of said Lot 6; Thence Westerly along the southerly limit of said Lot a distance of five thousand and twenty feet two inches (5020’ 2â€) more or less to a point, which point is distant sixteen hundred and fifty-five feet ten inches (1655’ 10â€) measured easterly along the southerly limit of said Lot 6 from the south-west angle thereof; Thence North- erly about parallel'to the westerly limit of said Lot 6 a distance of six hundred and sixty-four feet (664' 0â€) more or less to a point in the fence line, which fence line marks the limit between the north and south halves of said Lot 6, and which point is distant sixteen hundred and fifty- five feet ten inches (1655’ 10â€) measured easterly along said fence line from the north west angle of the south half of said Lot 6; Thence Easterly along the afore- said. fence line which is also the limit between the north and south half of Lot 6 a distance of five thousand and fourteen feet two inches (5014’ 2â€) more or less to the north east angle of the south half of said Lot 6; Thence Southerly along the easterly limit of Lot 6 a distance of six hundred and sixty-one feet (661’) more or less to the point of Commencement. Part of Lot 5, Concession 4, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York and Province of On- tario, and being composed of part of Lot 5, Concession 4 in the said Township, con- taining by admeasurement 106.413 acres be the same more or less which said parcel of land is more particularly described as follows: PREMISING that the bearing of the East Limit of said Lot 5 is North 9 degrees West, and relating all bearings herein thereto; COMMENCING at the north east angle of said Lot 5; Thence south 9 degrees East along the east limit of said Lot 5, a dis- tance of 1072.16 feet to a point therein in line with a fence running westerly; Thence south 74 degrees 01 minutes 40 seconds West along the line of the said fence, 1001.48 feet to a point therein, in line with a fence running southerly; Thence south 12 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds East along the line of the said fence, 22.69 feet to a point therein in line with a fence running westerly; Thence south 73 de- grees 56 minutes 40 seconds West along A By~law to prohibit the making or establishment of pits and quarries. BE IT ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM 'I'I-IE ONTARIO MUNICIPAL BOARD Notice Under Section 30 Of The Planning Act R.A. NOTICE 4 Any peron interested may, within fourteen days after the date of this notice, file with the clerk of the Township of Markham notice of his objection to approval of the said by-law together with a statement of the grounds of such objec- tion. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve the line of the said fence, 3286.37 feet to a point therein; Thence north 9 degrees 20 seconds west, 1096.00 feet more or less to a point in the north limit of said Let 5; Thence north 73 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East along the said north limit, being the south limit of the allowance for road between Lot 5 and Lot 6, Concession 4 in the said Township, 4286.39 feet more or less to the point of commencement. All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, being composed of Part of Lot 5, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point in the westerly limit of the said Lot 5, distant ten hundred and twenty-nine feet and seven inches (1,029’ 7â€) measured south-. erly thereon from the north westerly angle of the said Lot 5 a distance of seven hundred and thirty-nine feet ten inches (739’ 10â€) to an iron pipe; Thence easter- ly parallel with the northly limit of the said Lot 5, a distance of one hundred and fifty-one feet and three inches (151’ 3â€) to an iron pipe; Thence northerly parallel with the westerly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of two hundred and eighty-nine feet and nine inches (289’ 9â€) more or less to a point in the northerly limit of the said Lot 5 distant one hundred and fifty- one feet and three inches (151’ 3â€) meas- ured easterly thereon from the north westerly angle of the said Lot 5; Thence easterly along the northerly limit of the said Lot 5 a distance of fourteen hundred and forty-five feet and nine inches (1,445'- 9â€) to an iron bar; Thence southerly par- allel with the westerly limit of_the said Lot 5 a distance of ten hundred and twenty-seven feet and five inches (1,027’- 5â€) to an iron pipe planted at a point dis- tant sixty-six feet measured northerly at right angles from the line of an old fence; Thence westerly parallel with the line of the said old fence in a straight line a dis- tance of fifteen hundred and ninety seven feet (1,597’) more or less to the point of commencement. Part of Lot 6, Concession 4, Township of Markham, described as follows: All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York and being more par- ticularly described the west or front half of Lot 6 in the Fourth Concession of the said Township, save and except lands con- veyed by Markham Sand and Gravel Lim- ited to Joe Primeau by Instrument No. 32582 and to Canadian Petrofina Limited by Instrument No. 36380. such excepted lands being described as follows: No. 32582 - All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York, being composed of part of Lot 6, in the Fourth Concession of the said Township which parcel of land may be more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point in the north limit of the road allowance between Lots 5 and 6 distant 2495’ 8†measured easterly thereon from the southwesterly angle of said Lot 6; Thence north 74 degrees east along the northerly limit of the said road allowance being along the southerly limit of the said Lot 6, a distance of 474’ to an iron pipe planted; Thence north 9 degrees west a distance of 529’ 1†to an iron pipe planted; Thence south 74 degrees west parallel with the southerly limit of the said Lot 6 a distance of 474’ to an iron pipe planted: Thence south 9 degrees east 9. distance of 529’ 1†to the point of com- mencement. SAVING AND EXCEPTING thereout and therefrom a ten foot strip of land abutting the original allowance for road, in front of the aforesaid lands, and being the southerly ten feet of the said lands above described, and which ten foot strip is hereby conveyed to the Town- ship of Markham for Highway widening purposes. AND TOGETHER with a right of way for all purposes over, along and upon the said ten foot strip of land for access to the existing original road allow- ance until such time as the Township accepts the said ten foot strip for highway purposes. No. 36380 - All and Singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situ- ate, lying and being in the'Township of Markham, County of York and Province of Ontario: being composed of part of Lot 6, Concession 4 in the said Township and containing by admeasurement 0.976 acres be the same more or less. The boundaries of the said parcel are described as follows: PREMISING that the Easterly limit of bagvMiils Road being the wesferly limit of said Lot 6 in the said Concession _4 has a. course of north 10 degrees 3 minutes west and that all bearings used herein are related thereto; COMMENCING at the south-west angle of said Lot 6; Thence north 10 degrees 3 minutes west along the said westerly limit of Lot 6, 207 feet 0 inches to a point; Thence north 72 de- grees 54 minutes east along a line drawn parallel to the southerly limit of said Lot 6, 207 feet 0 inches to a point; Thence THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursdgy, 'August 29, 1963 of the said byâ€"law but before doing so it my appoint a time and place when any objections to the by-law will be considered. DATED at Toronto this 15th day of August! 1963. “ (b) pay in the discretion of the convicting; magistrate a penalty not exceeding (exw clusive of costs) the sum of $300.00 for‘ each offence recoverable under the Sumq mary Convictions Act. . 5 5. This by-law shall come into effect on the. day it is passed by Council subject to the‘ approval of the Ontario Municipal Board. READ a first and second time this 18th day] of March, 1963. 7 7_ n'nm‘r-u' __ -V. " READ a third time and passed this 25th day of March, 1963. EXPLANATORY NOTE _- BY-LAW 2005 - By-law 2005 prohibits the making of pits and quarries in the Township of Markham with the exception of - ‘ (a) lands of Markham Sand & Gravel Com; pany Limited comprising 660 acres mom. or less, and being part of Lot 6, Concession 3 and Lots 6 and 7, Concession 4 " and SPECIAL NOTICE c; '0 All owners of land abutting the Township of Markham limits and located in the Village Markham, Village of Stouffville, Township 51 Pickering and Town of Richmond Hill are hereby notified of the above mentioned application. _, DATED at the Township of Markham this 151;! day of August, 1963. .. . 'v n m (1.“-.. m (b) south 10 degrees 3 minutes east along a, line drawn parallel to the said westerly limit .of Lot 6; Thence south 72 degrees 5.4 minutes west along the said southerly limit of Lot 6, 207 feet 0 inches to the pomt of commencement, being the landi’ as shown upon a blueprint of survey pres pared by Marshall, Macklin & Monaghan, Ontario Land Surveyors, dated the 26th day of October, 1954, a copy of which is: hereunto attached. ‘ The lands of Hill Gravel Limited, contain- ing 285 acres, more or less. All and Singular that certain parcel on tract of land and premises situate lying and being in the Township of Markham, in the County of York, being composed of parts of Lots 18, 19 and 20, in the Second Concession of the said Township of Mark-i, ham, more particularly described as. follows: . FIRSTLY: The west half of Lot No. 18 in the Second Concession of the said, Township of Markham, containing 100 acres more or less. 4 SECONDLY: The south half of the west half of Lot No. 19 in the said Second Con; cession of the said Township of Markham containing 50 acres, more or less. - .' THIRDLY: Commencing at the north-east angle of a 10 acre lot formerly owned by; Thomas Palmer on the north-west quarter, ofthe said Township Lot No. 19, being aL distance of 40 rods more or less in ‘3- course easterly from the north-west angle of the said lot No. 19; Thence easterly along the northern boundary of said L05 No. 19, 360 rods more or less to the east? em boundary of the said Second Concese sion; Thence in a course southerly along the eastern boundary of the said Concesafé sion 41 rods more or less to the south†boundary of a certain lane running weat-i; ward; Thence westerly along the south. boundary of the said lane to its western limit at the centre of the said Lot; Thence north one rod; Thence westerly to the: south-east angle of the said Thomas Palmer’s said 10 acre lot; Thence north-_~ erly along the eastern limit of the said' Thomas Palmer’s land to the northern boundary of the said Lot No. 19' to the; place of beginning; containing by admeasa. urement 91 - 1/4, acres, being the same†more or less; ' Save and except that certain piece andv parcel of land abutting on the third c0113†cession line and commencing at the inter-V section of the said third concession line“, and the dividing line between Lots 19 and: 20; Thencerwesterly along the line bet. ween Lots 19 and 20, one hundred and" seventy-one feet (171’); Thence southerly; at right angles to the said dividing line; between Lots 19 and 20, sixty-seven feet (67’) more or less; Thence easterly par- allel to the dividing line between Lots 19} and 20, one hundred and seventy-one feet.) (171’) more or less to the said third con-_ cession road, sixty-seven feet (67’) more. or less to the place of beginning. ‘ FOURTHLY: South half of the east halt of Lot No. 20 in the said Second Conces-‘ sion of the Township of Markham, con- taining fifty acres more or less. . The making or establishment of a pit or quarry within the said defined area of the Township of Markham is hereby pro- hibited. ' Any person convicted of a breach of the provisions of this by-law shall forfeit land the lands of Hill Gravel Limited comprii. ing 285 acres more or less and being paflt of the West half of Lots 18 and 19, Con. cession 2, part of the North half of L51; 19 and part of the South half of Lot 29, Concession 2. (Signed) Wilfred R. Dean Reeve (Signed) H. Crisp__ 2 Clerk v Township of Markham RE. No. 2, Gormley, Ontario H. C. T. Crisp (Signed) B. Vickers, SECRETARY. N. 5375-63 Clerk