BY MONA ROBERTSON jseason World famous Highland danc- Moore er‘ and teacher, Miss Mollie to mo MacGregor will re-commence Yonge highland dance classes at the larger. new Dennis Moore School of derns Dancing. 49 Yonge Street North mg, 49 in Richmond Hill. next week. opposi MISS MOLLIE Miss MacGregor has just re-i Due to popmar uemanu uua‘ turned from Seotland where iness girls and housewives will she was adjudicator at the Ed- have two classes this year, in inburgh Festival of Highland the Hill. One in the afternoon Dancing the other on Friday evening mm is the world‘s leading weekly. She is the world's leading highland dancer having won 927 medals and 91 trophies, all of which entitle her to use the ab- ove titles following her Scottish name. Since starting her career as an instructor. Miss MacGregor’s pupils have danced at Presid- ent John Kennedy's inaugural‘ ball; won the Freedom Festival‘ Trophy, and last year, her pupil‘ Ann Gall of Galt, Ontario, had the honour of being the first “outsider†to take the "Sup- reme Cup†out of Scotland for her excellent Scottish dancing which won her top place in the 1962 Edinburgh Festival. The Richmond Hill Dennis' Moore School of Dancing opens September 6th. Registration Itarts today, August_2_9th. Mollie MacGregor, world dancer is pictured above with 5( Miss MacGregor will be teachir well as highland dancing at School of Dancing this season. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Passmoreï¬t. John’s Church and daughters have arrived On August 18 at the special safely at Zweibrucken. Germ-World Congress service the any. _ lsgealfeli was: fro‘m Soughem an; . On August 23, Florence Pridâ€" Rhodesia. After the service a‘ ham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. very interesting time was spent Harry G. Prldham was married in the parish hall as slides to John Nelson, son of Mr. were shown of Africa and then and Mrs. Lloyd B. Nelson. at’everyone enjoyed the luncheon. '7 pm. in the Langstaff Bapt-. On August 25. the speaker ist Church. The reception was‘at the morning service was Rev. held at the Summit View Gard-‘John Chapman “rho is youth _ A ..-L ens Sorry to hear Mrs. Chris Ratchford is in St. Michael's Hospital. Hope she is soon home again. Ratchford is in St. Michael's Hospital. Hope she is soon, home again. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Neill Dibb have had their grendson, John Hof- stedder of Kitchener visiting for the last two weeks. Trip To Europe 1 Mrs. Barbara Sparrow ofl Toronto, daughter of Mr. and: Mrs. Neill Dibb has just re- turned from a five week trip to Europe. She flew to Paris and then travelled to many well known places such as the Holy Lands. The trip will always be remembered in her many colour slides which she has to recall her most interesting and Mrs. Morris Beynon of Aur- ora held a buffet luncheon at her home for the afternoon WA. members. They were very pleased to have Rev. and Mrs.‘ Tom Robinson present. Mrs.‘ Ritchie has just returned from her European trip and gave a very nice talk on the high- lights of her holiday. While in England Mrs. Ritchie was pleased to have lunch with Rev. D. C. H. Michell and to know he is enjoying England very much. On September 5 the regular meeting of the evening WA. will be held at St. John's Parâ€" enioyable trip. ish Hall. L77†.7 -...l Hépe all your vacations have been pleasant and a joy to re- member. E31: Eï¬SZbéAia’g’or his fourtihr ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON Evening Branch St John’s Anglican Church ' TU. 4-3008 Let's Dance Again! MacGREGOR. DEA. DATH. HUA. NADAS :Gregor, world champion highland ed above with some of her trophies. r will be teaching tap and ballet as nrl dancimz at the Dennis Moore season. dancing teacher. Dennis! Moore has found it necessary to move from his centre and Yonge Street location‘. . . to I larger. brighter and more mo- dern studio in the Legion Build- ing, 49 Yonge Street North, just opposibq the Municipal Hall. Due to popular demand bus- iness girls and housewives will have two classes this year, in As well as highland dancingl and BG and Housewives cours- es, Mr. Moore and Miss Sandra Smith will teach tap. ballet, toe, modern jazz, ballroom and baton dancing. Children three years of age and up may register now for dancing instruction with a ful- ly qualified staff of teachers. “.1-..‘ HI 1‘- 7 Mr. Moore has had a “danc- er’s holiday", this summer. He spent his usual two weeks in New York, studying latest dance techniques with June Taylor. well-known choreographer of stage. screen and television. Now he’s ready to go . . . and looks forward to seeing new and former pupils at his new dance studio, 49 Yonge Street North, from today on. ! On August 25. the speaker‘ ’at the morning service was Rev. John Chapman who is youth director of Armidale in Aust- ralia On September 5 the regular meeting of the evening WA. will be held at St. John's Par» ish Hall. The garden tea, bazaar and bake sale will be held Sept- ember 11 at S. C. Snively's. DEA. DATH. HDAD. {For Retarded 1% Year Olds And Over Thursday from a seven weeks jaunt which took her to Scan-‘ dinavia, South Africa and Eurâ€"p ope said plans {or the workshop‘ program aren’t fully worked out yet. She is hoping for a maximum of 25~30 trainees who would qualify after an IQ. ex- amination at York County‘s psychiatric clinic in Newmark- et. ‘ A new venture for retarded‘cipal to succeed Miss Ketola. children over 18 will begin in‘principa] for the past 10 years} Richmond Hill in September. A Willowdale resident. she Under the direction of form-nook a special Department of er Thornhaven School principallEducation summer course. and Dolly Ketola of Thornhill. aghas been teaching music classes ‘sheltered workshop will beam the juniors and will con- organized in the Langstaff tinue with the music and the building. _ . senior girls‘ classes. ,i,e__-n‘ unaubmn courier“: nrp PX- } that can be done at the workshop. When it begins, the trainees‘l parents will finance the work-l shop. There will be no subsidyi given by the Department ol‘ Health and Welfare unless a trainee is found to be able to 29 out and use his limited skills in the business world. , Appointed Principal .-....--_,.V w Mrs. Isabella Webb who has‘ been teaching at Thox‘nhaven for the past four years and one year before that at the Bayview school has been appoknted prin- Former Thornhaven Principal Directs Workshop rMiss ' Ketola She is scouting at pres- ent for small contract work for the trainees from local industries and projecis such as sorting, mailing and simple assembly work iTwins Sing For Fun “Four Walls To Hear Me’fl might well have been the theme song for Mrs. Judith Bunker, Richvale, and her twin sister Brenda when they teamed up for a singing act at Burwash Industrial Prison Farm. “Our reception was wonder-‘ ful," enthused Judith as she de- scribed the reaction of 750 in- mates at the prison farm locate ed on Highway 69. south of ‘Sudbur‘v. "It was my first variety show there and I hope to go back ag- ain. We even had our dinner served to us by the inmates.†Judith and Brenda have been the name of The Hart Twins. teaming up for vocal duets We made guest-spots on the old since they were 15 but had Cliff McKay Holiday Ranch "broken the act†up until re- television show as well as other cently because they found being appearances.†married and working profes- The two sisters now confine sionally didn't work out. their acts to mainly hospital be-‘ “We got together again," nefits and the like. Judith Judith said, “about a year ago works at a bank in Richmond and we concentrate on doing Hill. Brenda lives in Toronto. Tuesday, september 3, 1963 TIMEâ€"On Opening Day, students are required at Bayview Secondary School, Thornhill Secondary School and Richmond Hill High School at approximately 9:45 am. nggdbridge High School students are required at approximately : am. Students will be dismiSSed at appmximately 12:30 pm. Buses will run to meet these times. BUSESâ€"School buses will operate on approximately the same routes as last year with the exception that an additional bus for Bayview Secondary School will run from Langstaff north on Yonge Street to the 16th Avenue, and east on the 16th Avenue to Bayview Ave; nue, picking up at intersections on Yonge and the 16th as required. REGISTRATIONâ€"Any students who have moved into the area since June should register at the school during the last week of August, BOOKSâ€"Students are advised to obtain their text books before opening day. INFORMATION -â€" May be obtained by calling: Bainew Secondary School . . . . . . . . . . TU. 44453 Richmond Hill High School . . . . . . . . . . TU. 4-2131 Thornhill Secondary School . . . . . . . . , . AV. 5-5453 Woodbridge High School . . . . . . . . . . . . AT. 8-0483 Board Office . . . . . . . . . . AV. 5â€"4949 or TU. 4-4712 YORK CENTRAL DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD SCHOOL OPENING One of the most recent ap- pearances was in Toronto at a big Macedonian rally to raise money for the victims of the Skopje earthquake disaster. benefits in the area for 3 var- iety group." “We mainl-y stress standard tunes," commented Judith, “and stay away from rock n’ roll. We also toss in some twist and a little calypso.“ Judith and her sister at one time considered turning pro- fessional but found it consumed too much time. “Prior to our marriages,†Judith recalls. “We sang under the name of The Hart Twins. We made guest-spots on the old‘ Cliff McKay Holiday Ranchw television show as well as other appearances.†01 . . . . . . . . . . TU. 4-2131 0! . . . . . . . . . . AV. 5-5453 . . . . . . . . . . . . AT. 8-0483 AV. 5-4949 or TU. 4-4712 S. L. G. CHAPMAN, Superintendent of Secondary Schools .ly otherl A subject like “transporta- ounty. 'tion" is taught to the little kindergarteners on the basis of lren had the bus which brings them to lmhaven and from school every day ment of while the seniors in the 12 to dropped 18 class discuss the jet age. roviding In September. she said. the projects by the Thornhaven ‘ Indies’ auxiliary. One of their largest efforts is the October bazaar convened ‘ this year by Mrs. J. Arnold ‘ Price of Richmond Hill. The auxiliary also sends Chllq‘ dren who are financially unable? to Camp Richildaca for eight weeks in the summer. About 16 attended this summer. Camp dinector William Babcock sup- ervises the youngsters and his own staff are their counsellors. 7 Education at Thornhaven is taught on a “theme†basis, Mrs. Webb said. lIlium-Venn WJ. for Retarded Children. I The W,I. will hold its first Mrs. S. Page. Mrs. M. Jones! fall meeting September 6 at and Mrs. H. Suter are inl the home of Mrs. Nathan charge of refreshments. Hicks. Roll call will be “Your The bus trip 'to Adelaide Favourite Newspaper and Hoodless Homestead will take Why?" and there will be an place September 10. Ladies apron shower for the Novemâ€" going should meet at the Em- .‘ber fall bazaar. erald Isle Motel at 9 am. and Programme convener is Mrs. bring their own lunch, tea will H. Maier and the topic is clt- be provided. If anyone is in- ‘izenship and education with terested in going on this trip. guest speaker Mrs. Webb. new contact Mrs. R. Hamblyn at principal of Thornhaven School AV. 5-3096. Programme convener is Ms. H. Maier and the topic is cit- izenship and education with Autumn-u... .. Guides: lst, 2nd. 4th and 5th Mondays and 3rd Tuesday from 7:15 to 9:15. Home and School: 3rd Mon- day 8 to 10.30, with executive meeting on lst Monday from 8 to 10:30. A special combined home and school meeting will be held in this school March 10 at 8 pm. Brownies: Every Wednesday night from 6:45 to 8'15 p.m. luau-An" R. H. Publc School Bd. Approve After Hour Use August 22 Richmond Him Public School Board approved‘ the 1963454 schedule for after school hours use of schools un- der its jurisdiction. The appro- ved schedule is: MacKmop School ,, : an. Police Band: Ev from '7 to 9:39 pin Irom 1 w you“: Home and'ruszhool: Third Wednesday from 8:15 to 10:30 ï¬Ã©ï¬rley Acres isichqol Cubs: Every Monday from "I to 8:30 pm; every Thursday 7 to 8:15 pm. lst Beverley Acres Group Committee: 2nd Monday 8:30- 10 pm. Brownies: Every Tuesday from 6 to 7:30 pm. ‘ Scouts: Every Tuesday from 7:30 to 9:30 pm. ' Scout Auxiliary: 3rd Tuesday 8:30 to 10:30 pm. Guides: Every Wednesday 7 to 9 pm. YWCA: lst, 3rd and 5th Thursdays from 8:15 to 10:30 Walter Scott School Guides: Every Monday ‘1 ‘to 9 pm. Scouts: Every Tuesday 7:30 to 9:30 p.111. 7‘ y“, 1.,A__1__‘ u: u.uv Btowgigg: Every Wednesday 5 to 6 pm. and every ï¬fhursday 5 to 6 pm. Cubs: Every Wed 7 to 8:30 9-!“- YWCA: 2nd and day langstaff & Thornlea News I); £er 8 to 10:30 pm. Lutheran Church: Every u-vv r ..... Band: Every Tuesday Every Wednesday from CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ‘B. LEPKEY Phone AV. 5-3489 4th Thursâ€" school's "theme" will be safety and their craft projects will be geared to‘Thar‘mksgiving. ‘ The girl students have cook- ing classes to learn simple home skills and in their manual training class. the boys make sign posts. shoe boxes and simple assembly items. “Most‘ of the children are quite elastic; we have few seri- ous diselpllne problems but any deviation from routine in some cases is disastrons,:' she said. She commended parent co- operation‘ with the school and its assodation. “Five years ago a couple{ came to me with an infant in arms and said, 'Mrs. Webb. here‘ is a new pupil for you.‘ They have steadily worked with our association and this year, the child is enrolled in Thornha- ven." she said. day 9:30 am. to 12:30 pm Crosby “ï¬ghts School "Crib-SJEvEry Monday 7 to 9:- 30 pm. Guides: Every Tuesday 7 to 9:30 pm. and every Thursday 7 to 9 pm. Home and School: 4th Wed- nesday 8 to 10 pm. Executive 2nd Wednesday 8 to 9:30 pm. November 19 8 pm. -â€"- meet- ing of combined home and school. Brownies: Every Wednesday 5 to 6 pm. polic‘e Band: lst, 2nd, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays 7 to 9:30 pm. Pleasantville School Guides: Every Monday 7:15 to 8:45 pm. Home‘ and School: 4th Mon- day 7:45 to 10:30 pm. Executive 2nd Monday 7:15 to 8:45 p.m_. ï¬rBrownies': Every Wedï¬esday 6:30 to 7:30 pm. WILLOWDALE: A motion to promote safety in shopping plazas has been proposed by North York Councillor Murray Chusid. The motion called for 1“effectively controlling the ,amount of careless, and care- lfree driving prevalent on plaza parking lots.†Council agreed in! principle with the motion but referred it to a special joint meeting of the Traffic, Fire and Licensing Executive Com- mittees for a report. School Of Dancing REGISTER Now FOR FALL TERM IN Business Girls and Housewives KEEP FIT CLASSES new Locutian: 49 Yonge St. North TAP 4 Years and Up BALLET 3 Years and Up 1 Cameion Andrew New Trustee Cameron Andrew. 115 Eva Hill Dr.. was appoint- ed to Richmond Hill Pub- lic School Board Thursday evening to complete the unexpired term of Donald W. Scott in Ward Four. Mr. Scott‘s resignation was accepted at the meeting held June 18. His term of office will expire on De~ camber 31 this year. Mr. Scott. who is em- ployed by the Imperial Oil Company has been trans- ferred to Sarnia. With Jack H. Knott he was elect. ed by acclamation last De- cember «5 represent Ward 4 on the. board. Mr. Andrew. a resident of Richmond Hill for the past six years. has been active in the MacKillop Home & Schoool Assoc. 20 Years Is Too long For One Party To Be In Power For The Good 0f Ontario IT'S YOUR DUTY TO ACT 0N SEPTEMBER 25TH Q HIGHWAY SCANDALS 0 NATURAL GAS SCANDALS O CABINET RESIGNATIONS Are all symptoms of a decaying government. A government shorn of new ideas. A government that no longer meets the challenge of the jet age. Let's Change To Plaxton In York North 1- Municipal And County Experience + Former Public School = Trustee THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, VOntgzio, Thursd‘ay, August 29, 1963 For strong, vigorous representation by a young man who knows the problems of the people of York North. MQDERH JAZZ 5 Years and Up TU. 44875 + Veteran + Married s? Richmond Hill é AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY co. A A COMPLETE STOCK 0F + Four Children ( :3 MACHINE SHOP i smwc: ‘; ( (I LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-HOS ; RICHMOND HILL E WWW 285-56" -56II $33 884-7711 20 Newkirk. at Centre Street East, YORK NORTH LIBERAL ASSOCIATION A COMPLETE STOCK OI PARTS FOR CARS AND TRUCKS BATON 5 Years and Up HIGHLAND 5 Years and Up RICHMOND HILL SPECIAL Teen-Age and Senior Modern Jazz Class