Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Aug 1963, p. 7

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‘$”WOOOOOWM A CHEAPER THAN RENT $350 down. immediate posses- sion. Modern bungalow with finished recreation room. 3 bed- rooms, 4 piece bathroom. Spac- ious living and dining room. Carries for $110 a month in- cluding taxes. For appointment 9 call TU. 4-3757. tch 04 OM00 MWWWOQ‘ C 1-6 P.M.. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 95 LAWRENCE AVE. SOLID BRICK 3-BEDROOM HOME, FEA- TURING 2 BATHROOMS AND ATTACHED GARAGE. THE INTERIOR IS TASTE- FULLY DECORATED IN PASTEL COL- ORS. WITH BEAUTIFUL OAK HARDâ€" WOOD FLOORS. THE LARGE LOT IS WELL LANDSCAPED. AND SITUATED CLOSE TO SCHOOLS AND YONGE ST. SHOPPING. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL MR. HENRY KELLY & KRAGG REALTORS LTD. BA. 5-2311 Thos. N. Shea ltd. Realtors “'TH'E LIBERAL” REAL w ,CQLUMN REAL ESTATE SALESMAN We would like to talk to any aggres- sive. local resident with knowledge of rural properties in the Gormley, Don Mills. Aurora area who has considered entering the real estate sales field. We are members of the Toronto Real Estate Board and provide a full training pr0~ gram. Contact Tom Shea, anytime, for interview. Call Markham 294-1372. RICHMOND HILL OPEN HOUSE ‘vith‘ Rolo REALTY pac-1 LIMITED tom.I in}. 4933 YONGE ST. \. WILLOWDALE 222-2582 1ent| “€910 mu IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom bungalow. L shaped living and dining room. Fire- place. Feature - large kitchen will consider trade. Phone TU. 4-2933. “c8 YONGE ST. 6 room ranch bungalow. separ- ate dining room, panelled liv- ing room with natural brick fireplace, oil heating. attached garage. Pretty landscaped grounds with patio and fishpool. Must be sold. Open to offers. AV. 5-1905 SEVEN ROOMS ATTRACTIVE split level home featuring seven well planned, spacious rooms and attached garage. Three twin size bed- rooms and 1% bathrooms. Panelled family room with massive brick fireplace on grade level. Well landscaped lot. ground level laundry room, storms and screens and other extras. Quiet street west of Yonge. close to sehoola and shopping. ILLNESS FORCES SALE For market gardening 'or spec- ulation this is a five acre cor- ner property 20 rods x 40 rods of clean well-worked soil with custom-built bungalow. all fac- ilities, dry 11 block basement. attached 2 car garage and large pond. Located between 27 and 400 Highway and well worth seeing. AV. 5-1905. Vfi'fii- [SAVID McLEAN LTD. ucza J. A WILLOUGHBY a; SONS LTD. REALTORS § R°|°C Only $13,900 for this spot- less bungalow with attached garage. Low down payment will do. Call Mr. Bert Palser 222-2582. WILLOWDALE YONGE ST. AT STEELES AVE. $15,900. New six room bunâ€" gaiows. detached at low. low prices. Family sized din- ing room. carport and nice view of surrounding country- side. Only a few available, 3 minutes from Sayvette Store‘ Hurry for this exceptional value. See Mr. Bittner today. 222-2582. SEE THIS TODAY l 4 Bedroom bungalow, solid; brick. in immaculate condit- ion. 8% N.H.A. mortgage. $900 down. only $11,900, yes‘ only $11,900. '1! this house does not suit you we give Up. But we are sure it will sell on sight. Call Mr. Snoek right now. 222-2582. BUNGALOW 0N V2 ACRE LOT N0. 7 HIGHWAY AND DUFFERIN $15,500 8 Room brick bunga- low in fine residential dis. ti'lct, very well kept and clean as a pin. Beautifully fenced back yard and paved drive. Lady will accept low down payment from right party. Call Mr. Snoek, 222- 2582 RICHMOND HILL UNBELlEVABLE VALUE RICHMOND HILL DETACHED BUNGALOW ON QUIET CRESCENT 14's LIBRY BLVD. TU. 4-3134 c2w3 c1 W8 “6% 9,321,900 â€"- King Township â€" lBeauiiful Victorian styled two- storey home on four acres, 0r- O‘iginal board and batten siding ‘in excellent condition. Four bedrooms. kitchen. living and Fdinlng rooms good stream ._through property. $313.700â€"Aurora. Your whole family will rave about this truly delightful 3-bedroom home with attached carport, well located in a nice area, handy to schools and shopping. Features a love- ly fenced garden. spacious liv- ing and dining room area, ybright kitchen with ample ‘breakfast area. aluminum storms and screens. Low down payment. with one 6% mort- € gage for balance. $16,000â€"Whitchurch Township. Beautiful park-like treed set- ting is featured in this family- ‘sized l'é-storey home just south 10f Aurora. This 6-year-old property is ideal for the larger family, with 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room, full ' basement. oil heating. spacious , lot 130' x298‘. Reasonable down I payment. wiLh one mortgage {\‘fnr balance. I I I I I i I I D I I i i RICHMOND HEIGHTS Brand new three bedroom bun- galow. $5.000 down. Apply own- er 884-2579. tfc8 $9,750â€"Small house. bathroom,‘ hydro. large corner lot on Bay- view, $1,000 down. Calumet Real Estate and Insurance Ltd., AV. 5-3721. . clw9 BUSINESS property. Yonge Street. Richmond Hill, prestige locatlon, modern building. at- tractive investment. J. A. Wil- Ioughby 5! Sons Ltd, Harry Charles. 143 Yonge St. South. Richmond Hill. phone AV. 5- 3891. clw9 $17,500 â€"- Boroom solid brick bungalow. double garage, fire- place. storms & screens; just west of Yonge; low down pay- ment. AV. 5-2951. T. Murphy. Broker. clw9 PRIVATE â€" THORNHILL $22,500 -â€" Three-bedroom ranch bungalow. remodelled kitchen, broadloom, two fireplaces, fin- ished rec. room. double garage, paved drive; large lot with trees. AV. 5-3416‘ c2w9 YONGE-SHEPPARD TWO FAMILY HOME $6,900 - Solid brick, 7 rooms and finished basement, 2 kit- chens. 2 bathrooms. 2 car gar- age. One short block from bus. Call Mr. Johnston. KING TOWNSHIP \ 34 Must be sold this month. 3 Fall bedroom bungalow with large Pho spacious rooms. full basement, 1‘!" huge lot 150' by 400'. Priced at $1L500 for quick sale. No rea- we sonable offer refused. Hurry. A“ Hurry! Hurry! ope EARL v. STEWART for" REAL ESTATE BROKER 4:49 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora STI) PA. 7-9413 tern KING TOWNSHIP $18,900 full price. Three bed- rooms; unusually bright home. glistening with charm: quiet setting. having plenty of trees. Also green acreage with stream and swimming pool available at rear. 0n paved road. close to 400 Highway. Mortgage can be arranged for purchase. First time advertised. c2w9 AURORA AREA $10,500â€"Country setting. two- bedroom with area of one full acre. Good garden.~ Panoramic view, on good road: school bus at door; 10w taxes. Johnson 3; Daniel Realtors Ltd. TE. 3-5745 .. RICHVALE AT YONGE {. $2,000 down â€" Brand new solid brick and field stone bungalow just a few doors from subway bus. Six generous rooms, at- tached garage and double size lot. Call Mr. Hannah. Six room solid brick ranch bungalow. 2 ppen stone fire- places. attached double garage, finished recreation room with built-in bar. 100' treed lot. Call Mrs. Coote. c1w9 $14,900 MORGAN AVE, Thorn- hill, new 6 room brick bunga- low quality home. $2,000 down gives possession. Call Mr. More~ ‘house, R0. 9-1086. $14,900 â€" Eight room, two- storey stucco over brick. Living room, dining room, (our large bedrooms. 2-car garage on lot 80‘ x 170‘. $2,500 down, balance $19.900 â€" Three bedroom brick bungalow. Large lot 150' x 100‘. Full basement. 11 block. Large rooms, aluminum windows, doors. broadloom, water soften- er. Many other extras. $6.000 down. KING CITY [ LOANS $50 - 55000 $14,900 â€" 6 room brick bunga~ FAST SERVICE row, BO’XIIO’ fenced, landscap~l ATLANTIC FINANCE ed. rock gardens. carport. Corporation Ltd. storms and screens, hardwood|31 Yonge St, N,, Richmond Hm floors. First mortgage 6%. Carâ€"‘ 884-4458 - 285-5562 ties $93 monthly. \ Mgr. Dennis Hughes basenientfoil heating. spéciousj‘MATURE womanâ€"wirs’hhes em- lot 130' x298‘. Reasonable down ployment as receptionist-twist. payment. with one mortgage can qccepl responsibility. full. for balance. ‘part-tlme or flexible hours W. R. CASE REAL ESTATE considered. Doctor's or profes- 96 YONGE ST.. AURORA ‘sinnal Office Preferred. Box PA. 7-4283 WA. 1-1691;203 The Liberal, gle THORNHILL o $3.000 DOWN ‘all 3 T. L. FRASER L'l‘l) REAL ESTATE 'RU. 3-9425 LESLIE O‘HAGAN 7771 Yonxe St. G. Jaokm". King City TE. 3-5076 Real Estate AV. 5-1 166 c1w9 c2w9 {in THORNHILL LOTS tics 38 excellent 80' lots, $6.300 :gm'leach. Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5-1176. > HOUSES WANTED BUYERS WAITING LISTINGS required immediate- ly for waiting buyers, some with all cash. Free inspection with- out obligation. Call AV. 5-1176. David McLean Ltd., Realtors. NURSERY SCHOOL At St. Mary's Anglican Church. Opening September 15. For in- formatlon, TU. 4-3276 or TU. 4-4618. 1ch STILL TIME to enroll for fall term at Teeny Town Nursery School, Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1787. c1w9 ‘ RICHMOND NURSERY I ‘ SCHOOL -""" l 34 ELIZABETH ST. SOUTH 1 I ‘Fall opening September 3rd.“ Phone PR. 3-5895. ('2w9 ,_ _ - r » » v n \ f HILL TOTS co-OPHHATIVI; iTHREE STORE BARGAIN 310.500 full price, excellent va- cant store at 42 Levendale, $3,- 500 down. Mr. Mashinter, AV. 5-1164. RISE wanted from Highway 7 to Finch and Keele. leaving 8 to 8:30, returning 4:30 to 5:00; evenings. 285-1563. clw9 RIDE wanted from Trench 8.: Richmond to Castlefield & Yonge. arriving 9 a.m., return- ing 4 pm. TU. 4-2881. c1w9 RIDE wanted from Richmond Hill to University of Toronto. Arriving 8.45, returning 5. TU. 4-1558. *1w9 AVAILABLE from Concord via Thornhili downtown, arriving 8.30 am. and returning 4.30 to 5 pm. Call after 6 pm. AV. 5- 5002. c1w9 NURSING HOMESfif’fi; COOPER’S Nursing Home. 329 Eagle St.. Newmarket. Newly constructed. private and semi- private accommodation only. Tray service. if desired. Open- ing September lst. Registered nurse supervision. 895-5187. TWO adults wish a ride from Oak Ridges to Aurora; leave at 7:15 a.m., return 5 pm. 884- 7956. clw9 WANTED for two girls from Richmond Hill arriving Univ- ersity and Dundas 8.30, leaving 4.45. TU. 4-1674 after 6. c2w9 WANTED from Oak Ridges, ar- riving Parliament St. and Lake- shore Blvd. 8:30 a.m., leaving 5 pm. Call 773-4177. c1w9 RICHMOND NURSERY SCHOOL 31 Elizabeth St. South Fall opening September 3rd. Phone PR. 3-5895. c2w9 WANTED from 1/4 mile north of Elgin Mills on Bayview to Queen and Yonge Sts.. Toron- to; five days, leaving 8 a.m., re- turning 6:15 pm. TU. 4-7562. c1wk9 Do you have a drinkingiprob; lem? If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill. tfc45 WILL the person who left trailer at' 126 May Ave. Rich- mond Hill, please redeem same within 20 days or trailer will be sold for storage. c1w9 ARE YOU YOUR BROTHER’S KEEPER? Furniture, bedding, utensils & clothing urgently needed by family of 9 in poor financial straits. For information call Mr. Porter, AV. 5-4949. c1w9 “‘“W "I ” "1 90°F 11"“le SAT.. AUG. 31(19632'Afii36 straits. For information call sale of case tractor. G.M‘C_ 1/2 Mr‘ Porter' AV' 5‘4949- “W9 ton pickup, Ford car, household furniture, dishes, antiques, or- m naments, handyman‘s tools, etc., ,at Prentice's Auction Rooms, ‘Markham. Ont. Property of the â€" ~â€" Late Melvin Degeer and other MAN, 21’ Wants work 235' consignees. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. 4708‘ _ _»_m_ _ _7 ClW9 Terms cash. No reserve. Ken & HANDYMAN wants anyÂ¥kinid Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. of odd jobs. 884-7627. c2w9‘ CZWB EXPERIENCEDâ€"gfié’ctical nurga available immediately. Box 204, The Liberal. *1w9 Member TELEX, teletype operator, four years' experience; can start November. 1963. Please call Ria Beyne‘n 363-6381. ext. 52. c2w8 Nursery School Transportation DAVID McLEAN LTD PERSONAE Toronto Real Estate Board c1w9 clw9 tfc32 USED FURNITURE 3 WANTED â€" pianos and used‘ ‘furniture. Cash prices paid Cali Frank's Movers and Storage.i 1TU. 4-2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7f ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH , 7, Richmond Hill ARTICLES of all kinds wanted: Rector: Rev. J. F. O‘Neil as donations for Victoria Square‘ Assistant Curate: Lions Club Auction Sale. Satur-i Rev. Donald Bone day, September 14th. Furni- SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 ture. clothing, odds and endsJ TRINITY xn etc. 886-5200 01' 886-5413 for‘ LABOUR SUNDAY prompt PiCk-UP- 02w91 8 a.m.â€"Holy Communion . :10 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer WANTED â€"- Ping pongitafiei. TU. 4-5759. C1W9 WRITING DESKâ€"With enclosed front. TU. 4-7353. c1w9 PIANO for studentTReasbnable: TU. 4-7212. CIWQ CHILDRENS swing set for backyard. Reasonable. 884-5207. c1w9 SPOILED hay wanted. any amount up to 100 bales. for mulching. J. Cooper, AV. 5- 4715. c2w9 RECORDS of all nations, clas- sical on request. Thornhill Record Box, 7728A Yonge Street, Phone 285-4808. BAYVIEW GARDEN SUPPLY A-1 black top soil loam and manure for lawns and flower beds. We deliver. For sodding,‘ grading and paving your drive- way. Free estimates. TU. 4- 2538. tfc50 ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam, Cultivated Peat Loam, Sandy Loam, Well Rot- ted Manure. Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV. 5-1514 I ‘ tfc40 CEDAR HEDGES, nice 3 to 4 ft. cedars for hedging. Top quality, sandy loam enriched with rotted manure. Cedar fence rails. Rockery Stones, etc. C. L. Knappett, Landscaping. 884-3089. tfc9 1123 TUTOR available for high school math. and science. U. of T. graduate. Phone TU. +5865. TUITION in English and Latin by Cambridge graduate; all grades. M. J. Gavin, TU. 4- 7902. c1w9 ROOM & BOARD'avaflEble, Richvale. AV. 5-4480. c1w9 KOOM & BEARD available. Parking. Close to transporta- tion. TU. 4-2148. clw9 ROOM and board avafiable, parking. gentleman or teen- ROOM and board available: parking. gentleman or teen- ager. TU. 4-7454. c1w9 ROOM and board available] near schools, Elgin Street. Thornhill. AV. 5-1670. c1w9 ROOM 8: BOARD available. private room. 285-4251. c2w9 ROOM & BOARD available"; gentleman. TU. 4-1673. c1w9 ROOM and BOARD NICELY furnished i‘oom'wiitfi parking facilities. TU. 4-4179. c3w9 tleman, quiet home. Av? 5- 4313. c1w9 XfTRACTIVE room to réht. Board optional. Private en- trance. Parking. Close to Yonge. AV. 5-3270. c2w8 1300M & BOARD for onJgenL SALE REGISTERS $2,000.00 Associates Realty Credit Ltd. 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need 0f Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need Cash For -‘ Educational Expenses? Want to Pay Off Those E Old Bills? . . . GET . . . . . . or more, for any good reason. through Associates’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. Here's how it works: Simply use the equity you have in your home, whether it's mortgaged or fully paid up, as collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly, and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office Ind let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you’ll find our rates are reasonable. n3.” J.“ Cooperâ€".MAI’. e2w9 ISED FURNITURE ED â€" pianos and used re. Cash prices paid Cali : Movers and Storage. 2613. AV. 5-5101. tfc7 LES of all kinds Muted; itions for Victoria Square llub Auction Sale. Satur- ieptember 14th. Furni- lothing, odds and ends. 86-5200 or 886-5413 for‘ . pick-up. c2w9 RECORDS ms of all nations, clas- on request. Thornhiil Box, 7728A Yonge Phone 285-4808. tic49 JVESTOCK , FOR SALE i‘rgoats for 5min? '7; csw'l GARDEN SUPPLIES “Ye Are The Temple of God. The Spirit of God liwellelh In You" ANGHCAN ST. MARY'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O‘Neil Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 TRINITY XII LABOUR SUNDAY 8 a.m.-â€"Hoiy Communion ~10 a.m. -â€" Morning Prayer (Junior Congregation and '7 pm. â€"â€" Evensong , Wednesday, September 4. 19631 10 am. â€"â€"~ Holy Communion THE ANGLICAN CHURCH or CANADA THE CHURCH i 1 ST. GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent TU. 4-4236 Church. TU. 4-7083 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. i963 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 10 um. â€"~ Holy Communion Eâ€"MMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvaie Rev. K. A. Thatcher BA. 5-2734 Mrs. Jon. E. Howard. Organist . SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street Classes for all . (Opposite the High School) Pastor: G. Forbes iSUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 9.45 am. Bible School . 11 am. â€" Morning Worship | 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service 1 Wed. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting A Friendly Welcome Is ‘ Extended to ALL at < The Young Church with the Old Message i LANGSTAFF ! BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstait‘ Interim Pastor: Mr. Terry Madison. Benson Ave., Langstalf LORD‘S DAY SERVICES 19.50 am. â€" Sunday School 11 cm. â€"MORNING SERVICE' 6 pm. -â€" Young People‘s Meet- lng i 7 p.m. â€" EVENING SERVICE? Supervised nursery at all Lord's‘ day activities MID-WEEK HOUR, Wed. 8 pm. Prayer. Praise. Bible Study". Christian Service Brigade 1 i (‘ARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9.45 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service and Sunday School â€"THORNHII:L_ ‘ UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. B.I).. Rev. Veais. Assistant Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Sunday School and Nursery 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Worship For further information call AV. 5-2131 UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister ‘ Rev. Ralph C. Williams. B.A. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 (Hope â€" 9.45 a.m. Maple â€"â€" Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 a.m. Worship . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 am. Sermon â€"- "Do You Love Your Work?“ Children will he cared for Other Denominations ‘ RICHMOND HILL iFREE METHODIST CHURCH Friday 7 pm. A ‘11 A D]! “7131' flfixnn A “v a vmn. Corner of Elmwood and Ruggies WANTED 6A LEVENDALE RD.. RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 TUITION FOR HOME OWNERS LOANS $5,000.00 (Junior Congregation and 5 7 pm. â€"â€" Evensong Wednesday, September 4. 1963‘ 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 12th Sunday After Trinity 9.30 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Prayer 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL Brooke & Jane Street! Rector Rev. H. Reginald Howden, B.A.. L. Th. Rev. Fred C. Jackson, Assistant Minister Organist and Choir Director Mrs. Ralph Markham. A.R.C.T. Wednesday, 10:15 am. â€" Holy Communion SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1963 Twelfth Sunday After Trinity 8:00 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. -â€" Holy Communion Preacher: The Rector OAK RIDGES ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 ST. MARK’S Yonge at Elm Grove 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. â€" Family Service and Morning Prayer ST. JOHN’S Yonge at Jefferson 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Rector, the Rev. Tom Robinson Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armltage, HOURS OF SERVICE All Saints’ Church - Klng City 10.30 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day of month at 11 ST. JOHN ’S BAPTIST CHURCH Richmond Hill (Convention of Ont. and Que.) Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward July and August services combined with Thornhill Baptist Church. Yonge St. Thornhill THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Ont. & Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. D.D.. Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist 10 am. â€"â€" Senior and Intelmed- iate School 11 am. -â€" Junior School and Nursery 11 am. â€"- Morning Service MOTHER'S HELPER SERVICE Experienced baby-sitters, home~ maker’s service and day work. Call day or night. TU. 4-7253. BABY SITTING ST. ’sTr‘EPHEN's Clifincn BAPTIST FAEISH 0F KING (Anglican) $15,000.00 SERVICES A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN . CHURCH Walter Scott School, Markham Road Rev. Albert E. Myers, B.A., B.D., S.T.M., Pastor SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 10 am. â€" Worship Service 8: Sunday School ‘9 !WWW ‘ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. Lange, B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY. AUGUST 25. 1963 9.45 am. -â€"~ Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" The Service Nursery provided RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader “Holding Forth The Word 0! Life" THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7, 1/2 mi. west of Yonge Dillwyn ’1‘. Evans, Minister Miss Nancy Rowland, Organist; SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1963‘ 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship Rev. Dillwyn T. Evans _ -1.- __-‘ SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER l. 1963 11 -nn 3 m Â¥Nlnrninrv ‘Unrnk:n 1-0 11:00 a.m.â€"Morning Wbrship Magistrate 1.. Butler, C.Y. 7th Com. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 ' 10 am. -â€"- St. Andrew’s Church. = 11.15 am. â€"- St Paul's Church : The Lord’s Supper Sunday. September 8 St. Paul’s Anniversary w Services at 11 am. 8: 7.30 pm. ! St. Andrew‘s Church withdrawn ' for the day i 0.4.- PRESBYTERIAN LUTHERAN ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, 011:. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 71 Centre St. E. SHEPPARD & ELL i ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH UNITED mumv LUMBER THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 29. 1963 1 OPEN MONDAY TO THURSDAY, S A.M. T0 6 PM. FRIDAY 9 P.M., SATURDAY 4 RM. {Wed 8 pm. â€" 21's, B.A., 1 Prayer and Bible Study astor ‘ For further information call ER 1. 1963: > 7 8811:7097 7 _ Service &‘ CALVARY CHURCH I01 ‘ RICHMOND HILL â€" 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill 935?“ humatea with the Pentecostal SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship For further information call AV. 5-2131 UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister Rev. Ralph C. Williams. BA. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 Hope â€" 9.45 am. Maple â€"â€" Sunday School . . . . . . 9.45 am. i TUESDAY £8.30 p.m. â€" Prayer Meeting '\ FRIDAY RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH" m Jesus Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles‘ Rev. A. J. Slater. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML, 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. 1963 10:00 a.m.â€"Sunday School 11.30 am. -â€" Worship Service 7:00 p.m.â€"Fami1y Gospel Hour The new minister preaching at both services SUNDAY 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship Service 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service 7 pm. â€"â€" Children's Hour : MEET 2 ONTARIO'S PRIME MINISTER mun-.0â€" Honourable E JOHN ROBARTS E Z RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Saturday, August 3| E - - coo-uâ€" .-u-n- - -«v-lI-1 -0.».1_o.n- t-uaâ€"n-n-u-n-¢ Assemblies of Canada TU. 4-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorenson COMPANY LIMITED A friendly welcome is extended to all to attend this special service in the oldest Mennonite Meeting House in Ontario. Lm. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School â€"THb'iiNfiiIIIT ‘ UNlTED CHURCH September 8th, 1963, at 2:30 pm. Edgeley Mennonite Church A Mennonite Church Service will he held at 1,4 mile Worship Sabbath Corner of Laurie Rd. and Concord Ave.. Concord I Cor. 1-10 New I beseech you Brethren. by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. that ye all speak the same thing and that (here be no divisions among you; . . . .__ Welcomes you at 7 pm. each Lord‘s day 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School 11:00 a.m.â€"â€"Worshlp Pastor's Theme â€"- “Back To School" 7:30 p.m.â€"Evening Service "The Word For The World” RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEIy 24 Oak Avenue Services Sunday â€" 9.30 am. â€"« Remembrance Ser- vice ‘ ' 11 a.m.â€"Bible Hour 5: Surlle School " 7 pm. â€"~ Gospel Meeting '1‘ues., 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer and Row. L. K. Slder. Pastor SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1. 1968 Wm. Vanderbent. Pastor ‘ Tel.: Richmond Hill,'l‘U. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. â€"- Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€"- Evening Service Wed. 7.45 p.m.-Prayer Meeting Bible Reading .. Yonng people’s and ladles' Wed.. 7 pm. â€"â€" Pioneer girls meetings as anhounced : "Jesus saVes and there is nq other way“ v Vaughan (3rd COIL. 3 miles north of Concord) 11.15 am. ~â€" Worshlp Sex-vie! Concord at Public School Rev. A. W. Heine. Pastor Tel. 285-5002 10 a.m. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€"- Worship Service Tues., 8 pm. â€"- Prayer Meetlnt Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. 4., Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gormley M44 x 10.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School -;v 11.30 am. â€"â€" Worship Servico 7.30 p.111. -~ Evening Service Tues.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Richmond Hill SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH C‘ R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West mile west of Yonge St! rshlp Service 9.20 a bath School 10.30 a GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH BRETHEE'Nâ€"in cnfiisr CHURCH CHURCH or’cmfisr LUMBER lge Street 9.20 am. 10.30 am.

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