y Coach BRUCE THURSTON Maple Junior K.V.W. Girls’ oftball Team defeated Rich- ale in the fifth game of the emi-finals August 27. ‘The girls lost the first two ames to Richvnle in the best of five series but came back H win three straight in the ost exciting series we have seen. Both teams played good ball and a tough one for Rich- Vlle to lose. In four of the five games the winning team had only a one- eun margin. 1n the fifth same with the with Coach Bruce Thurston and Marion Holmes. MORE SPORTS NEWS ‘ It was indeed gratifying to players and coaches alike when so many parents and neigh- bours travelled to Richmond Hill Saturday to cheer on the Maple softball teams. Two teams accepted the Richmond Hill's invitation to‘ play against their similar teams in the squirt and peewee di- vision. Perhaps we'll have more detail for next week. Maple Stars of Playoffs A note for all you football fans. Richmond Hill ndians will open the season at home this coming aturday at the town park. Kick-off time is set for pm. The Indians are a fast, streamlined ball club his year and should be a tough nut for any team to teak their teeth on. Coach Del Madeley will have his charges all ired up and ready to defend the Toronto Rugby Football Union Title they won last season. If they it opposing teams as hard as they belt each other ,A,Au-_-__.9_ _.-a 4A "hm! 1111, Uppuaxus ucuuxu uu um... vw -..-I, in practice scrimmages then something's got to give! The hard running of Levi Snook and Terry Henning‘ has been very impresswe but equally impressive is lthe fact that no one has been scrambling out of their way. Game time is 2 pm. at the town park. It's " a great way to spend a Saturday afternoon and the action is torrid from start to finish. In this league everybody gives 110% all the time and the spectators are always the big winners. lutiior Girls Win K.V.W. Semi-Finals 3-2 ‘ In the fifth game with the more tied at the end of the regulation seven innings, Maple came to bat in the top of the eighth and scored one run then hung onfco _wln 12-11. . - The final series between Maple and the winners of the Cal: Ridges-Nobleton semi- nal should be exciting. Members of the Maple Junior .V.W. team are: Sally Man- ging. pitcher; Sandra Mathew- son. Bev. Taylpf. Pa_t Kgrr. :STPORT SPOTS (Continued from page 9) Let’s all try to see the O.A.S.A. games if it's at :11 possible and root them home as winners. You’ll neat a. lot of friends and neighbours at the games m see some of the best softball you’ve seen in many L year! L L ¢ a a Carol Foster. Marg Manning, Ehelley James. Maureen Thack- or. Brenda Kirby. Glenalee McKee, Sandra Bourke. Edrey Thacker. Marilyn Thacker. Lynda Ingram. Sharon Baker, ‘ Attention parents of Powell Road Schoal pupils, _ -- First Home and School meet- mg for this coming season will be held on Monday, Sep- tember 9 at 8 pm. I Come and meet the teachers of your pupils and also the new executive members for this season and hear the plans 101' the coming rseasqn. _ ’ A prize of $2.00 is given to‘ flte teacher of the class who has the most parents present. turn the teacher buys some- lng the class can enjoy. such as a record or a storybook. Neighborho‘oq. Notes 1... -__1 :Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. George St. John. Steeles twenue West, who will cele- rate their silver wedding anniversary on September 10.‘ They were married in St. Mar- garet’s Church. West Hill. They have 3 children. David 23. Phyllis 18. and Len who is 8. » Happy birthday to Charlie came aker who was 13 on August hicle 0. gate A Trip To Holland that avenue West, who will cele- rate their silver wedding Inniversary on September 10. they were married in St. Mar- laret’s Church. West Hill. They have 8 children. David 23. P11171113 16, and Len who is 8. w Happy birthday to Charlie aker who was 13 on August 0. A Trip To Holland ‘ Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Herk‘ have just returned home from a month's vacation in Clear- dengaden. near Rotterdam, Hol- land. They visited with Mrs. Van Herk‘s parents who are Both 82 and in good health as \AVUOQV y... A visit to the Canadian Nat- ional Exhibition started off on the wrong foot for Mrs. G. Mino. her two children and Dorothy and Jimmy Godson. They were starting out in their car when a loud bang came from the rear of the ve- hicle. Getting out to investi- gate they were amazed to see- that it was on fire. i Ali's well that ends well and this was the case as quick1 action by the fire department doused the blaze which was almost out due to the equally talert action of the persons in the car. Damage was only well as her four sisters and a slight. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 5, 1963 FOOTBALL AT Twa If_A_RK Szgljl‘IRDAY on the grounds of HOMESTEAD ANTIQUES. Hwy. 48 Markham. 15 mile south of Hwy. 7, a fine consignment of Canadiana and antiques of all kinds, viz: Ox Yokes - single 8: double; Cherry chest of drawers; Maple chest of drawers; Pine buffet: Pine open hutch; Pine wash stands; Pine blanket box; Iron pots; Copper apple butter kettle: Oil lamps; Powder flasks and horns; Old guns; Pine harvest table; plus a large assortment of glass, china. copper, brass and many other interesting items. On view day of sale. PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, Sept. 14, 1963 at 2.00 PM. ANTIQUES & CANADIANA PUBLIC AUCTION BUTTONVILLE COMMUNITY HALL. Sale includes: Child’s high chair & rocker; Bar room back; Arrow back chairs; Cherry table; Bedside tables in cherry & pine; Buggy seat; 2 Nursing Rockers; Salamander rocker; Pine table; Pine commode; Pine kitchen cupboard; Painted g wash stand & dresser, original stencil work; Varâ€" ious chests of drawers, glass, copper, brass and g many other interesting items too numerous to (, mention. On. view day of sale. 1 For further details, phone the Auctioneers‘ office at 364-6672. (I SEPTEMBER 12, 1963 AT 7.00 PM. Crestwood Road News EDWARD KNIGHT (AUCTIONS) LTD. Suite 511. 62 Richmond St. W.. Toronto 1 have been instructed to sell by Correspondent: Mu. Fred st. John '15 Crestwopd Road Telephone AV. 5-344: WNVHV. 3"}‘0. Â¥.V.V.V.vlvl‘a.v\vvlv.v ‘1.“ with Coach Bruce Thurston and Mnrion Holmes. MORE SPORTS NEWS It was indeed gratifying to players and coaches alike when ‘so many parents aqu neigh- -.-_râ€"- _ V.“ , In the opening game of the‘ R.H.M.B.A. juvenile playoffs on August 25. it was Maple all the way when Reid's Auto Body won over “The Liberal" 15-12. The Reid hurler Bill Hamilton is our own Bill who also pitched {or his home ‘town “Millionairesâ€. w’airswflrarple's own Kirby Brock whosa grand slam homer “wrapped up the marbles fpr Reid’s." "vbâ€"ogald Quinton, pitcher for “The Liberal" team is a north- easterly Maple resident. Nowrthey‘re making a name for themselves in the Rich- mond Hill leagues. brother. It is 4 years since she has seen her family: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Petrie travelled by car to spend their vacation with their two sons, Russell and Bob, who are liv- ing in Winnipeg. They had the pleasure of meeting their first grandchild, Carol Lynn, now \6 months old. She is the daugh- iter of Russell and Doreen \Petrie. â€" VMrIVand Mrs. Les Brown and Roger spent a week's vacation at Gull Lake. Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cummings and family have just returned from holidaying at Penetang. Ontario. Car Fire BILL ROBSON Hit the winning run in the 7th inning of the second game. ’John Baker took part in the! 7John Baker and Mrs. ' Melnic. The next meeting will Anniversary Sundayr 5 Note that anniversary Sun-s day at Carrville United Church i is September 22. Notices have: been prepared to send to folkl who at one time or another at- : tended Carrville United Church. If you can think ofl anyone who might like to know 1 about the anniversary service‘ please call Mr. Jack Bushell‘ at AV. 5-4033, give him their name and address and he will be happy' to send them a notice. United Church Women The U.C.W. met at the home of Mrs. Jack Bushel and there were twenty ladies present despite the rainy weather. The proceeds of the strawberry supper were reported as $174.- 92, Mrs. Durie. Mrs. Doug. Bone, Mrs. Jack Bushel, Mrs. worship service. New business was discussed Zand at the close of the meet- ‘ ing a lovely lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. John be held at the home of Mrs. John Baker. October 2nd. Socials . . u ,"L WEB-'3“ those good folk who had birthday: in August a great big happy _bi§'thday! Your ab- " A_.1__¢ va «arr, , , sent mindeidv cbrrespondent forgot to mention them in the column; Hope everyone had a good day. _ __ rd..-" 111:1" gvuu u“, . Mr. and Mrs. James Willi- ams. Carrville Rd. travelled west on their holidays this year. They reached Regina, Saskatchewan, visited the town ‘of Estevan, where Mrs. Willi- ams was born. She had not been back in thirty-nine years and the same with every grow- ing community the old land- marks had been torn down and Deplaced with subdivisions. factory buildings etc. Never- theless they all enjoyed a wonderful vacation. They say that marriage is an' “N... institution. Well. my husbandlL, but all-glayersvand officials got Gordon and I have been in this a great deal of enjoyment from ' ‘ ‘ the games. mstltutlon for four years now A 51000000 luxury resort _ mm ' ' I th s lrt ame the RH. on sap be" 5‘ and you know has be“ Pmpm“ 3‘ Belle 1516 M1211. end? sailed Maple to it is really “0t bad at 311' on Lake Simcoe by a Florida - ' ' . th tu of 38-6. This was the When the ‘Veddlng hens “"8 land developer John Irvme. safne “gram that represented "2:: gfflteflgflM} North Gwillqmbury .Reeye Richmond Hill in the .Prescott , Norman Loveridge then so d6 Joseph Dales sald councxl w111 tournament and was aflpe team all our wishes for'a long ham $0n51d91‘ the Plan when Plann- effort from start to flmsh. , M < er ls “He‘d life.mg commlttee had approved. The peewee age. game was a ’p) a pm“) 0‘ m Counc1l was told the resort tight ban game “11th the mob- :g’geï¬hTer's h l on an BOO-acre tract overlook-‘mond Hm team squeezing out ‘ ac o ° 00 inc thp lake will feature lUXUI‘Yla 6-5 win over Maple. ' L‘Luauu A...†---,_ The flu bug seems to be making its rounds these days, to any of you who have fallen victim to him, hope you are up and going again. -.. ‘.‘ .Iï¬aESJPBiREday to Julie Mel- nic who celebrates her birth- day on September 10.‘ Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 CORRESPONDENT: CARRVILLE NEWS 3NDENT: MRS. GORDON READ Telephone AV. 5-4001' who soup bubbling on top of the‘ stove peadying itself for lunch is also a thing of the past. ThESe are just a couple of memories tucked away in the scrapbook of time. The schools nowadays are beautiful, air conditioned, el- ectrically heated everything to make conditions the very best for a student. But think- ing of the wonderful memories one has after attending the ‘littlelred school house, the children of today don't know what they missed. “Teen Years†Course: These histories a ‘as a joint effort of local institute br.‘ OffEICd T0 Parents, are preserving stori and documents of l terest which other 1 l iStarts September l6g9592fly be lost to Dynes Jeweller: moved into the third round of the O.A.S.A. Playdowns last week as they won two straight games over Chester Cleaners of Toronto. On Thursday night the Jewel- lers won a fourteen inning marathon contest by a 1-0 Icore and returned to Di- eppe Park on Friday to shut out Cheaters 2-_0. Are you concerned abOut| your pre-téen and been-aged children. Do you want to learn morel about causes of conflict in situations arising from comp- anions, spending, time out, the family car and the daily de- cisions which must be made? Are you wishing you could “put your foot down", and yet be fairly confident you are do- ting the best thing? uu. u . . ~ _ . V V , The game in Richmond Hill on Thursday was a classle pitcheljs' duel. Ray Judd struck out 32 Chester batters over the 14 inning distance whlle Bob Domlk fanned 25 Jeweller hope- fuls. Judd gave up two hits while Domlk was tagged for seven safeties. Co-sponsored by the Rich-l mond Hill Y.W.C.A. and the public library, a six week par- ents‘ discussion group wiil be conducted in the library aud- itorium on Wright Street Sept- ember 16. registration night and the first session. ‘ Five times in the first nine innings the Jewellers got men on the basepaths with two men already out. Each time the threat was squelched and the game went into extra innings. A distinct opportunity is‘ again in store for class partic- ipants as Mrs. G. C. V. Hewson. co-author of "Tips fo'r Parents" i'nV ithe Toronto-Telegram will conduct the special “Teen Years" course. Due to its past‘popularity, first registrations received will be taken to make up the limâ€" ited class of 35. In an effort to have parents attend together. couples are offened a special rate of $1 extra for the six weeks while the fee for one parent only is $6. For regist- ration and information, cont- act Mrs. James Downey, TU. 4-2442 Million $ Resort} L. Simcoe Beach Council was told the resort on an BOO-acre tract overlook- ing the lake will feature luxury homes, swimming pools, tennis courts, an 80 unit motel. yacht club and high rise restaurant similar to Florida resort area development. ’su Steffan got “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIED GET RESULTS PHONE TU. 4-1105 theï¬ first GOOD GOVERNMENT DESERVES YOUR SUPPORT IN YORK Progressive Conservative Local W.|.'s Preserve {Community's History KEN COULTES Hit a home run in the 8th in- ning of me second game. A few months ago the Onta- rio Department of Education recomended the use of commu- nity Tweedsmuir Histories in an intermediate history course. Tweedsmuir histories have been complied in 1.100 Ontario communities, by dedicated and hard-working members of the women’s institutes over the past two decades. and the work is carried on in all communities across Canada which are fortu- ‘nate enough to have an institu- te serving the residents. These histories are complied as a joint effort of members of local institute branches and are preserving stories, pictures, and documents of historical in- terest which otherwise would erations. The idea was the brainâ€"child‘ of Lady Tweedsmulr. In her travels with her husband when he was governor-general, she recognized the possibility of preserving Canadian history through this medium. On her suggestion, the women’s institu- tes undertook the task, and have carried it out well. Into the history goes the story of the community since its beginnings, farm histories, personalities. industry, schools, churches. libraries, war work, family trees, clubs and organiz- ations, and anything else per- taining to the development of ‘ the community. un. vv......v._,, The books are assembled and bound with attractive covers of leather. wood, or whatever mat- erial the group chooses. They are profusely illustrated with original sketches, drawings, ‘paintings, photographs and ‘maps, Showing comparative peâ€" Richmond Hill Defeats Maple Two teams from Maple. at squirt and peewee softball team came to Richmond Hill last Saturday. The occasion was an exhibition softball tilt with their opposite numbers of the Richmond Hill Minor Ball As- sociation. The R.H.M.B.A. rep- resentatives won both games but all players and officials got a great deal of enjoyment from the games. “1‘- In the squirt game the RH. M.B.A. kids shelled Maple to the tune of 38-6. This was the same team that represented Richmond Hill in the ‘Prescott The peewee age game was a tight ball game with the Rich- mond Hill team squeezing out a 6-5 win over Maple. ‘ Duane Reid. pitching for Richmond Hill gave up four hits and got good support from cat- cher John Dunkley. Keith Holt: and Doug Meyers played well in the outfield while Bill Wright at third and John Dun- can at shortstop played strong defensive games future gen- riods of development of the area. Tweedsmuir histories have received national and internat- ional recognation. The Canad- ian Historical‘ Association has awarded the Federation of Women's Institutes of Canada a certificate of merit for their “outstanding contribution to lo- cal history in Canada." A sim- iilar honor came to the FWIC ‘from the American Association of Local and State History in 1949 Comprehensive histories of their respective communities are being prepared by all wo- men's institiltes in this area. hit off Domik in the fourth inning and Judd singled in the sixth. Bill Robson sing- led in the seventh lnninz and that was all for the Jewellers until Brent Sel- vage hammered a single in the eleventh. Stan Thorn- ington singled in the twelfth and Neb Gayman and Gary Smith hit safely in the four- teenth to account for the Jewellers' seven hits. Richmond Hill's Women's Inâ€" ‘ stitute has compiled a most comprehensive history of thej settlement â€" and has preservw ed it for posterity in a handâ€" some as well as sturdy cover. This copy has been available to teachers and students and all persons interested in the hist- ory of Richmond Hill and will eventually find its permanent home in the Richmond Hill Public Library on completion. History is continually being created and the local book is being kept up to date by its present custodian. Mrs. Frank Rumble. Institute members who spent long hours in com- piling the early history were Mrs. Ed. Little and Mrs. L. W. Catcher Don Oitment of Chester Cleaners got a singâ€" le off Judd in the tenth in- ning and left fielder John Huether got the second and last Chester hit in the top of the fourteenth inning. For sheer excitement and drama the whole game was a spec- tator's delight. It was the Jeweller bench strength that won them the ball game. Neh Gaymnn op- ened the bottom of the tour- teenth inning with a single only to be forced at second Pinch-hit double in the 14th as Sil Steffan hit into a inning of the first game. GARRY SMITH Zuefelt During the fifteen years since members of the local group of women undertook this gigantic task, the local history has won two honourable mentions, in competition. for the accuracy ‘and completeness of its written ‘content. REâ€"ELECT A surprise birthday party was sprung on Mrs. Eileen Masters, of Pembroke, New York State. her husband George and children Coleen and David, when they visited the home of ‘Mr‘. and Mrs. Scotty Masters iof Weldrick Road. Mrs. Eileen Masters celebrated her birth- day on August 26. Everyone enjoyed three days holidays in 'the Muskoka District at a cot- tage on Spring Lake. The surprise birthday party was or- ganized by Mrs. Scotty Mast- ers, Mr. and Mrs. George Mast- ers, and Mr. and Mrs. David Sutherland. Other birthday celebrations; Ricky Todd, age 4, May Ave- ‘ nue, August 28; Mrs. M. Holm- es, age 83, Yongehurst Road. August 24; Peter Hamilton, 14 years. Weldrick RoadRVSeptem- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cutteng with their children Geoff and Lesley have just recently re- turned from a vacation at Oak-, View Beach, Collingwood and: a trip to Niagara Falls. l Ron and Barbara Borchuk.‘ of Whitby. Ontario. daughter and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of 128 Weld- rick Road, have announced the‘ arrival of a baby boy by name1 of Gregory Borchuk. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cum- mer and chlldren Jimmy and Twile, of Windermere Avenue, Toronto, visited nephew Larry Cummer and family of Yonge- hurst Road for the holiday weekend. Mr. Charles M. Wight and his‘son, Hunter. spent an en- joyable two weeks at Kashe Lake in the Muskoka.District nue, August 28; Mrs. M. Holm- M Ch I M w. ht ‘ es’ age 83' Yongehurst Road' his‘gen 13:15:†'spenltg an zen: August 24; Peter Hamilton, 14 . ’ ' years weldrick Road septum Joyable two weeks at Kashe ' ' Lake in the Muskoka.District her 3' Alan Baker 11 years .. . ’. ' jbut Departed the mosquitoes weldnck Road’ september 8' were fierce and the fish few and Jean and Joan. twins, 7 ., years. Weldrick Road, Septem-Iz“nd far between her 1. | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hamil- AURORA: Prt ton and family Sharon, Mich- ment approval ael. and Richard enjoyed a for a new con: two-week vacation at a cottage be built in tht on the banks of the Nippissing watershed, thl River. The river runs from of Bradford. 1 Lake Nippissing near Ottawa. ouncement They took day trips to Perth chairman La ‘and Smith Falls and journeyed Queen's Park ‘to Ottawa to observe the fam- the entire 29: ‘ed changing of the guards. well as the Sharon went for a swim. But first parcel of ‘just to be different -- dove in amounts to th‘ with her clothes on. property. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS For More Convenient Shopping RICHMOND HILL TV MOVING SALE EVERYTHING IN STORE A'l' REDUCED PRICES TU. 4-7456 Correspondent: Ed. Baker 67 Weldrick Rd., TU. 4-001-6 28 Levendale Road RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE OCTOBER Isi Hamil- AURORA: Pyoyinclal govern- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cutten with their children Geoff and Lesley have just recently re- turned from a vacation at Oak- view Beach, Collingwood and a trip to Niagara Falls. Ron and Barbara Borchuk. of Whitby. Ontario. daughter and son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. William Brown of 128 Weld- rick Road, have announced the arrival of a baby boy by name of Gregory Borchuk. Holder's choice. Gary Smith came in to pinch-hit for Ken Coultcs and rapped out a sharp single to move Stef- fan to third. Smith went down to second on the. first pitch to Bill Robson. Robson drew an intentional pass as the Chester strategy was to load the bags and play for the force. ment approval has been given'li for a new conservation area to‘g be built in the Holland Valley watershed, three miles north of Bradford. Making the ann-' ouncement was authority chairman Lambert Willson.; Queen's Park has approvedi the entire 293-acre scheme as? well as the purchase of the first parcel of the land which. amounts to the 97 acre Combs‘ property. Stan Thornington proved the strategy false as he lift- ed a drive to centre field. Chester centre fielder Mew Mellish made the catch as St] Steffan tagged up at third. Mellish made a des- peration heave towards the plate but Steffan beat the throw by inches to score the winning run. The roar from the packed stands was deaf- ening as the jubilant Jew- ellers rushed to congratulate Thorninqton and Steffan. First baseman Don Bryson of Chester Cleaners set some kind of a record as he struck out five times In the game. 34 YONGE ST. SOUTH IS MOVING TO W NORTH In ihe second game he was fanned {our more times to end a series of complete per- sonal frustration. Judd struck out 21 more batters in the nine inning tilt Friday night at Dieppe Park while Domik came back to strike out ten. Judd struck out 53 batters in 23 innings with Domik accountâ€" ing for 35. Bill Robson accounted for the winning run in the Fri- day night game as he rapped out a double with Neb Gay- man already on first base. Cayman turned on his daz- zling speed to score the win- nins: run. “LIBERAL†TU. For Services We Rendnr & General Information Call Mr. A. T. Crosier Catcher Ken Cnultis add- ed an insurance run in the eighth inninz as he blasted a home run ball (hat. for all anyone knows, could be still going. Mrs. Gordon Purves_ Richmond Hill are: Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle Dyncs open against Owen Sound in Owen Sound this Wednesday with the second game set for Richmond Hill at 8 pm. this Saturday night. If this series should prove half as excitlnz as the last one then this is an absolute must for spectators. RICHMOND HILL 8: DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Mrs Mrs Mrs Thornhill Area Mrs. E. Percival Victoria Square are: Mrs. C. Nichols Unionville Area Mrs. E. Stiver SOMETHING TO SELL Markham Area Mrs. O. S. Stalter Gormley Area Mr. George Brand W. J. Lennox S. G. Phillips 884-4010 W. C. Armstronfl AV. AV. 5-3756 TRY ' CLASSIFIEDS ‘. 4-1105 '. 5-3816 AV. 5-1839 884-5501 297-1186 884-3348 884-4821 884-1034 886-5525 886-5200 297-1585 294â€"1450