Hummumnmuml“mulumlmmmunuuummmuImmmuuumumuumuum.“mum. ‘uu...“m“..,“m...m..m.....“u“. E ECOunty M.O.H.- Recommends Fluoridating Area‘Sy‘stems A gala {amlly corn roast la being held this Saturday, Sept- ember 7 for Liberals In the Stouffvllle, Markham Village and Markham Township areas. Location of the event, sponsored‘ by the Markham Township le~ eral Association. will be the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gala Corn Roast This Saturday I ' \\\\\\\uu\mmmumum\m\\\\m\\\\m1mmmm“um\\\\\m\»\\\\1\\\\mum“\m\\\m\\\\\\\\\m\u\\WWW\mu“mm“mgm\\umm\\\mma: mum“mmumuuuIunnlmunmmlmmummnmnnmmnmmI1nu1mm\mnmmmmmm.ummumnu\\\l\\\\1\m\\mmn\unu\mumuuu\\\\\u\1\\\\\\\\\\mu-mmmmmmmmmmmmmm“mmmmmuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm\\\\\\\1\\\\\\\\\1\\\\\ I _ __fl n I r I A n A _- -: - “ Al Aurora Petitions‘ For Cocktail Bars \A petition signed by 1,500 resident: was presented at Aurora. town council Tuesday night to request a liquor vote (or dining lounges and cock- tail bars. A vote on liquor can be held‘ only once every three years;! Aurora's period was up in Ap-‘ H) but the petition was deferr- ed so that a vote could be held close to a provincial election when the same voters' lists could be used. "Mac" Butler, spokesman for the "wets" said a date for the vote may he November 2 or 9 depending on when council is able to clear the petition. In April, 1960. voters approv- ed liquor and beer stores but rejected bars, dining room ll- censes and beverage rooms. Aurora had been dry since 1918: This time. the question of bev- erage rooms will not be on the ballot. To win, the “wets†must have a 80 per centfavo curable vote on the questions. Council set November 2 as the date. R. D. Little & Son Limited - Yonge Street, Richmond Hill - 285-1105 [mfg-f; Quantity Purchase! If you prefer Qz_m_lLty_D_ry Cleaning CALL ALL CARS CARRY FORD'S 24,000-MILE on 24-MONTH WARRANTY 0 EXAMPLES O LITTLE | SINCE ‘927 ' In his August report, York County Medical Health Ofï¬cer Dr. R. M. King :dvocated fluoridation for county water supplies. “None of the children in the Coun- ty of York are receiving the benefit of municipally-fluoridated water for the prevention of dental decay, although legislation passed in 1961 gives local municipalities authority to fluoridate municipal water eupplies. Inn; ugh-“y. .- .W--_ “It is hoped York municipalities will not delay further in providing this valuable and inexpensive service for the growing population of the county," the report said._ ‘ ,1 AL2___I_- .uyv .- lllhé ~sï¬u'bjecl: has been a relatively dead one in Richmond Hill for the past two years. In June, 1961, the then Deputy- We are in a position to offer FLEET prices on the following number of 1963 Ford Products. Most cars have less than 500 miles on them and many are brand new. SA LE PRICE FULL DOWN 51 L7 PAYMENT A 7% SALE STARTS 9 A.M., SEPT. 2, AT “The Home of the Most Affordable Fords†’63 FALCON YOUR CHOICE OF CAR FOR ONLY "muons, "’l-‘AIRLANES $1939 Deacon, Glenburn Farms. Unionville Commencing at 5 p.m.. the evening's programme will in- clude pony rides for the child~ ren. hay rides. swimming. ball games. horse shoe pitching, ‘barber shop singing and a corn eating contest. Among the spec- ial guests in attendance will be‘ Mr. Donald Plaxton, Liberal candidate in the September 25 provincial election, Mr. John Addison. MP. for York North, and Mr. Maurice Moreau, M.P.. for York Searboro 7A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all Liberals ln the area to attend wlth their tam- flies. fl“Ill\\l\\\\\\llllllllllllll\l\lIl\\l\\\\\\l\ll\lll\\\\\\ll\\\\\l“\\“NWWW Final declslon will be made official at the coun- ty's next ueulon In New- market. “1W1I“WEN“\llllll“MllMum“l\l\\\fll\\\fl1\ll1\ll\\W Interview 11 Applicants For York Manor Post York County Warden Clarence Davis, his com- mlssioners nnd York Man- or Home for the Aged Comminlon today (Thun- day) are considering who the home’s new superint- endent will be. Richmond fllll Reeve Floyd Perkins sold 54 ap- plications Ind been receiv- ed. one from u far away In Frobisher Buy and the county group would be In- terviewing ll of the app“- onnts. at the Manor today. 0'63 FA'IVRLANE 0" mg; $2069 reeve John Bradstock recommended fluoridation of the Hill water supply and at the time, council unanimously supported an investigation of what it would cost. At one time, the Hill re- ceived natural fluoride in its water until a. water system was installed. Mr. Bradstock based his proposal on his native New Zealand which he said had one of the worst histories of dental decay until fluoridation was leg- islated and an enlightened program of dental care started. He said fluorida- tion was initiated there by the govem- ment even after “the hysterical op 031- tion that has characterized the ana- dlian campaign.†WLatei‘ in November, 1961, council decided to put fluoridation on 3 refer- endum basls in conjunction with De- Eaton's Junior Reps Chosen From Area Four York Central high school girls Were chosen to re‘ pnesent jhelr rt}_spectlve_s¢_:hools as T. Eaton Company junior} councillors on the 1963-64 ex- ecutive. Their job is to bring their classmates latest fads and ‘iaahlons and doing: in Toron- ‘to. Named from Bayvlew Sec-‘ ondary School was Ann Fir- man; from Richmond Hill High School. Sheri Symlngton; from Thornhlll Secondary School. Judy Hallawell and from Woodbrldge High School. Helen Aurora Citizens Pay Tribute To tThe “Red Knight" Burbridge‘ Aurora townsfolk paid tribute last week to Canada's "Red Knight". F/L J. W. (Bud) Morin who performed there with his T33 jet during the summer's centennial celebration. At Gimll, Manitoba. two weeks ago, the daring aerial- lat‘s plane failed to come out of a loop and he was ki_lled._ Flying with him at the time} in another pane was F/O Wayne McLelIan whose wife. the for-1 mer Beth Hodgson is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Hodgson of Kpng. Both families were good riends at their homes at Portage La Prairie and when they were stationed overseas in Germany. ON BALANCE Cubs start again September 5. All boys from 8 to 11 years of age who are interested come as the first meeting is for re- gistration. There is to be a Cub ca'mp on September 13, at the 0xtrall Camp at Orange- vllle; so come out to the meet-‘ ‘lng so plans can be discussed. ‘St. John'l Church News The Evening Branch of the W. A. will meet on September 5th at the parish hall at 8:30 - The beautiful flowers on the altar last Sunday were in lov- ing memory of‘Donald Lepq. vCome and enjoy a cup of tea. home baking etc., next Wed- nesday, September 11th at the An Alliston youth was sent- enced to two years in jail Tues- day in Richmond Hill Magist- date’s Court after conviction on a charge of indecent assault laid by Vaughan Police. Ken- neth Joseph Shipman pleaded guilty to the charge. Roland Goulet of Maple has been charged with impaired driving and failing to nemain Two Toronto youths, Nor. man Bailey, 17, and James Mapes, 17, both pleaded guilty to a charge of theft of auto parts from 1 Richmond Hill service station and were each fined $50 and costs. 'Soclals Robert Spears, Roosevelt Dr., and Brad Stock of lst Lang- staff Rovers. attended the Rov- er Meet at Snrnia during the week-end. "I must commend our people! H T A e {or the very generous way in; o 0 0 g which they‘ responded to the call for funds." stated Mr. Mc-i A Ship 011‘: 0f water managed Donald. “People in all parts of to violate a section of the Hiflh- the county have been most gen- Way Traffic A“ last Week in erous and sympathetic," added Markham Village. Mr. MacDonald. The $34,000 pleasure craft. In addition nearly $1,000 in ‘atop a tractor-trailer truck municipal grants was received driven by Alma 301m King “from various municipalities. Richmond Hill rammed the County council gaVe the lug. traffic signal Standards atlest single grant of $750. The Highways 7 and 47 putting theibranch aids in the work of the “EM out temporarily When it mental health clinic in New- failed to clear 13' 6†height 81- market and through its White lowance aPPI’OV8d by the 139' Cross volunteers in the rehab. partment of Transport-_ Anyiilitation of former patients. This load that exceeds the height 1515mm.“- the branch sponsored supposed to have a special per- a holiday camp for emotionally mlt. ‘disturbed children at Parry Mr. King was 011818“ under'Sound. Future plans include the H.T.A. {a proposed White Cross centre. Friends and neighbours at-i tended a miscellaneous shower‘ on August 30 for Miss Lois A1- len, bride-to-be of Mr. Raymond Winterfleld. Hostess of the evening was Mrs. Anne Perry, Roosevelt Dr. The weddinz will be on September 28 at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. Miss Jerry Zubek. Oak Ave., was married to James Douglas Smlthers on August 31 at St. Paschal Baylon Church, Steeles Ave. Once again may we remind East Richvale Ratepayers of the annual picnic on September 7 at Greenwood Park. Many readers of “The Lib- eral" are wondering why the Richvale News is missed some weeks. Our readers are asked to phone this correspondent with news of visitors and any activities. 7 School has been started now so watch for the sport news. A ship out of water managed to violate a section of the High- way Traffic Act last week in Markham Village. Ship Rammed On Land,DriverFaces H. T. A. Charge Richvale News ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON In Magistrates Court Correspondent Mrs. Anne Hewitt 78. 16th Ave. TU. 4-7645 Evening Bunch St. John'l Annie-n Church TU. 4-3008 cember elections, after the works com- mittee brought in a report indicating flouridation would cost 34 cents a per- son for the first year, 25 cents the sec- ond year, $5,765 for the equipment needed and cost of fluoride and treat- ment, $4.265. Within the same week, council an- nounced it didn’t have enough time be- tween its decision and the vote to ad- vertise the referendum properly and it was dropped. The same election, King and Stouff- ville ratepayers rejected fluoridation by a vote. According to Dr. King’s report, in 1961 a special committee of the Ontario Legislature appointed to enquire into fluoridation of municipal water supâ€" home of Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Snlvely, Glenlonely from 2:30 pm. to 5 pm. This tea is under the auspices. of the womans's auxiliary and for further infor- mation see coming events. Neighbourhood Notes Mrs. C. Ratchford, Brookside Road, is at home again after an operation at St. Michael's Hos- pital. ."ï¬fs. D. Gray and Davelenve‘ have returned home after spending the summer in Mus- koka Tony Crack and Fred Waters spent the summer at Horne- payne at the junior forest rangers camp and returned home last week. at the scene of an accident. The charge was laid by Rich- mond Hill Police following an accident in which a parked car owned by James Webb 01 Richmond Hill was struck on Newkirk Road near Centre Street August 28. Damage tot- alled $450. Na'ssau Holiday Offered To Top Realty Salesmern Norm Black Realty Ltd., a local realtor is offering an un- usual incentlve to the sales staff in their Willowdale and Richmond Hill offices. Winner of a sales and list- ing contest which began Sept- ember 1 will receive a seven- day all-expenses paid holiday in Nassau. the Bahamas. Trans- portation from Malton will be by Trans Canada Air Lines. ’Mr. Black reported, that the very active real estate market of the last few months have in- creased the company's sales by 100%. He said "for anyone interest-i ed in buying real estate, now is the time, before the new sales tax on materials, which will have its full effect next spring, increases prices of homes by about $500." Raise Over $12,900 Mental Health Work President D. R. MacDonald of the York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association reports that the public response to the 'associa~ tion's annual drive for funds was most encouraging. A total of $12,026.69 was raised from county residents. The canvass was held during the early part ‘of June. A total of $2323.98 was rais- ed in Richmond Hill. Thornhlll donated $2,191.66. Markham Village raised a total of $1,- 996.90, while Aurora netted $1,482.33 and King Township $1,090.60. mmmmmmmmmnmnummmlmuumummmmummmmumuInmunnnmmmmmmnmuunxmmnmumnmiï¬nmmmg Debate Pensions At Parliament Here Sept. 18th “This House endorses the Ontario Conservative Govern- ment's pension planJ’ This motion will be debated by the Richmond Hill parlia- ment at a public debate at 7:45 pm. September 18 in the mag- istrate's court at the town hall. All Provincial York North candidates have been invited to join parliament members in debating this motion. of great interest in the current election campaign. Although no vote will be held at the end of the; debate. it is expected support- ers of all parties will be out in strength to hear the speeches in? cut and thrust of the de- ‘ a e. Each of the tour parties, Progressive Conservative. Lib- eral, Social Credit and New De- mocratic are represented on the parliament's board. Membership is open and sub scription for a year is $2. Al- though guest speakers are sometimes invited to participate in debates. the debates are or- ganized for the benefit of par- liament members. Because the provincial cam didates have been invited to debate an election issue . . . pension plans, this one promis- es to be a lively one. NORTH YORK: Lansing Amat- eur Painting group will hold an exhibit Sept. 5-28 depicting; North York history at the Wil- lowdale library. The group has worked on the exhibit for two years. Aurora: Town Council app- roved welfare expenditures 0: $1,558.38 for $420.10 is recov- erable from other municipal- ities, and the province shares 80 percent of $1,052.40. School Of Dancing REGISTER NOW FOR FALL TERM IN plies stated in paragraph 242 of the committee’s report - “We are mindful of the im- portant fact that fluoridation is a controversial issue which has ar- oused strong emotional feelings among both its proponents and op- ponents. Although this committee has no doubt that fluoridating mun- icipal water supplies is the best method of conferring this beneficial measure upon the public, nonethe- less, we recognize the existence of sincerely held opinions to the con- trary. The opposition to it, we feel, will diminish with the spread of knowledge of its great value as has been the case with opposition in the past to other public health meas- ures of proven value.†Business Girls and Housewives KEEP FIT CLASSES New location: 49 Yonge St. North TAP 4 Years and Up ALI-ET 3 Years and" Up THE LIBERAL} Richmond Hill, Ont" Thursday, September 5, 1963 MODERN JAZZ 5 Years and Up TELE GRAM IS ON THE MOVE TU. 4-2875 On October 15, everything about The Telegram will be new. We have a blg new building. gleaming new presses . . . to bring you an exclting new newspaper: wlth more color, new features. and a long Net of new writer's. Watch for Toronto's brightest newspaper. It's coming October 15. THE TELEGBAM THE BRIGHT ONES READ THE BRIGHT ONES READ AV. 5-3591 RICHMOND HILL 7 BATON 5 Years and Up HIGHLAND 5 Years and Up SPECIAL Teen-Age and Senior Modern Jazz Class, THE