THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September a. loop CLASSIFIED ADV . . . . . . . . unchanged. 5c per CARDS 0F THANKS. per insertion . ARTICLES FOR SALE SED linoleum tile. heavy auge. suit cottage, 4 cents per ile. 285-6738. clw9; CASH RATES. lst insertion so each word. min. charge . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 COMING EVENT NOTICE: so per word: min. charge 750 IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS. Classified advertisements should be in an early in the Week as possible but not later than 10.30 mm. on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment. or telephone TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice. ERTISING RATES word. min. charge 650 1.00 l FOR SALE (Continued) 884-2207. ABLE, 4 chairs. Oilfiet, natur- 1 wood finish, $25. Phone he-, ore 7. 773-5267. c1w10 KEY PLAY and feed table. 150 baby carriage. 884-5732. nc10 OYS’ clothing-jackets. can; tc.. size 10-12; good condition. ‘U. 4-5759. clw9 ALUMINUM oors. window's. awnings. and ailings. Ron Woods. TU. 4-1514 1 C36 OX TRAILER, large size, 15 ch wheels, complete with li- (COMBINATIONâ€"fridgek .; nd freezer, 16 cubic feet, capacity 300 pounds. 884-1598. c4w8 IFU'I‘R'S'EEDWItlITéniEvale sides. In good condition, $12. AL. 7-1250. STARTING to knit now - curl- ers‘ sweaters made to order. Any kind of knitting done. AV. 5-1559. c2w9 WINC‘CHXIRTninethhoard, cradle, antique mirrors and pic- ence and hardwood frame, $35. U. 4-7629. c1w10 00D used furniture for sale. all Frank‘s Movers and Stor- ge. 28 Industrial Rd.. TU. 4- 613. Hot! ESK. four drawer, Brand new. npainted $19.50 cash and arty. North Park Furniture, 368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. -7911. tch INGER SEWING MACHINES epossessed. take over pay- ents, $5 per month. Washers, ryers, vacuum cleaners. polish- rs and typewriters. Terms. U. 4â€"2931. 18A Yonge St. N., lcbmond Hill, tfc48 ABY'S PLAYPEN. wooden. rand new. Gendron. $8.00 cash nd carry. North Park Furni- re. 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto. U. 8-7911. tic9 EAUTYREST. Marshall. SITE ons. Serta, Heely and other ned just like new, medium rm, extra iii-m. Two-day ser- ce. Elderdowns recovered. 0n- ring mattresses repaired, re- » ture tram , '1 1 I 23 _ Space heater, and other articles} 6916, cs 01 amps clwlso‘also 1958 Chevrolet. Moving to cussesraaya’s'saranw US," A" “6°72 . “W ' MISCELLANEOUS baby and er. Unpainted. Brand new, $15. cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Tor- onto. HU. 8-7911. tics tank and motor. Good carriage in good condition machine, good condition. $15.* 7 tied} AV. 5-3345. c1w10 rug-11,333; “,7 ,WWWQLXV}? MASONRï¬ONTRRTOR ï¬iiéHflcrï¬xiRï¬hirbyiE-‘bï¬yd FOAM rubber pillows, brand‘Stonework. Fireplace, etc. new. $8.00 cash and carry, new, 99c each. North Park Fur- Ostergaard, 148 Yon-ge St. 5.. North Park pumimre, 3353 niture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto. Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4- Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. HU. 8-7911. 7 um tch 5688. r I; y tfc23 “C9 CLEARANCE SALE E. w. PAYNE DOUBLE a’EDTI'itTlong; din- ing room suite, old Canadiana; 6 wall lights, 1 5-1488 before 10 pm. for $35.00. Cash and carry. rlo Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. ' tic“ METRO WRECKING CEDAR AVENUE. RICHMOND HILL New 8: Used Materials Plumbing ~ Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 50c and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 p.m. SATURDAY UNTIL 5 p.m. 11$ Mile East of Yonge South Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY tic2 PRING filled mattresses. ouble bed size. Brand new, 15. cash and carry. Perfect for' ottage. North Park Furniture. 368 Yonge St.. Toronto. HU. -7911. tch, RADE IN your old furniture r new. with highest allowance or â€"- We will buy your tur- iture {or our trade-in depart- ent. Free estimates â€" no. bligation. Call Powell Furni- re, 85 Yonge Street North,, lchmond Hill. TU. 4-2922. ‘ tfc48 North Park Furniture, Yonge Street, Toronto, HU. 8-7911. ' “3&9 FURNACE, forced air, gravity feed, complete with controls, filter. thermostat, new blower motor. Suitable for small home or cottage. Good shape. Best offer. AV. 5-2829 after 6. c1w10 PROPANE GAS dz APPLIANCES SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. MAPLE The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion, call AV. 5-1145. “629 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 8% Baker Ave. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 tfc49 â€"â€"â€"_‘> i WE - HAVE - ONLY 1963 Chrysler â€" Plymouth â€" Valiant T963 PtYMOUIH Sport Fury 2-doo: hardtop Special Discount While They Last Afi‘BL‘A’CK":onToilfoai-zsali M_ V tfc50, MOTOR SCOOTER. reasonable." 7 7‘ 77 W clwlOE HOOVER vacuum cleaner with'AVe" Lingsla“ attachments. TU. 4-4291. c1w9 ciwloi MOTOR BIKE, excellent‘con- dition, still under warranty, brand new. 5 Pieces. $29.50 casht $15o_oo_ phone Av, 5-2360_ and carry. North Park Furni- c2w10 ture, 3368 Yonge St. Toronto. "â€" C h" ‘I‘M HU. 8-7911. tics DEEP WELL Jabh'iilih'éon-. ‘trol, condition, $100. Also Lloyd baby chandelier.iunit. one 35 hp. unit. coach style; stove; 1 corner cup- board; 1 arm chair. Phone AV. c1w10 WALNUT dresser ahd mil}; Brand new. Worth $69.50. Sell 3368 I niture. 3368 Yonge St., Toron- » ROLL/AWAY"BEDDAluï¬innm. “ HU. 8-7911. FOR SALE (Continueo)__iw ~_ ~lii‘c'TSE HOMES ARE LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. ttc28 WANTED â€"- Ping pong‘tibié. TU. 4-5759. c1w10 CAST-IRONIâ€"bat-htubfâ€"riglit handed, $20. TU. 4-1882. c1w10 FOLDING aluminum cot. Mat- WESTINGchUSE7éIriger5toii, good condition, 345. 285-1217. 1, c1w10 CUCUIVI'E'ERS or pickling beets and red cabbage. 285-4405. c1w10 i352 INCIIT {(‘llilllaill'l‘xï¬ and coil .sprl’ng with legs $10, L'all TU. 4-1364. ('lWlO 12 FT. plywood boat and trail- er, $175. See anytime 3 Saigcon clwlD GRADE 9 and 10 books for Richmond Hill High. TU. 4-1687 c1w10 COGSWELL platform rocker,, brand new, worth $39.50. sell for $25.00 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 8 COUNTERS, one four-dooi‘ variety store. Best offer. RU. 2-0326. c1w10 STOVE, refrigerator-,â€"television,, household items. Commode. jolly jumper, etc. Single beds. 884-4508. c1w101 KITCHEN SUITE. arbour; ONE CHROME high chail‘ilié, new, $8.00. One treadle sewing . .modern service. tress never used $15. 884-47103 c1w10: wall case, ideal for cigar or' MISCELCA N Elli! S Ims'ir‘nï¬tmns Pl’MPED $20-$25 Tile-beds cleaned. Fast, clean, C. STUNDEN TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill tic40 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations & repairs. prompt service. WALKER 3: MITCHELL AV. 5-2526 ttc8 5 ,4, /,.,. WEED‘VEnd grass cutting. Rea- l V u._ ..‘)_.- L l ROTOVATING Lawns and gardens 884-7†1313. Phillip ‘ tic-3 l service. C. Burns. PR. 3-5085, tic4 PAINTING. papcrhanging. Free estimates. Colour samples. A Rollinson. TE. 3-6671. PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS a SON LTD. James D. Stewart TU. 4-2201 ttc43 JESSIE’S CLEANING SERVICE Floors, walls, windows, paint- ing, janitor service. etc. Reaâ€" sonable. 257-8969. tfc46 PAINTING & I’llâ€"ï¬n HANGING R. E. Dunn. TU. 4-2793. l CONCRETE and carpentry work, recreation rooms. floors and walls tiled. at reasonable prices. TU. 4-5482. tfc33 CARPENTRY a. CONCRETE Custom building additions, repairs, renovations. J. W. Curtis. AV. 5-2494. tfc50 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. V. 1963 OUTBOARD SPECIALS Mercury Models. one 10 hp. RELIABLE MOWER & MARINE EQUIPMENT SERVICE 16 Industrial Rd., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1124 BOOKCASE, unpainted. brand new, $7 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St.. Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9‘ 8 DRAWER dresser. brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture. 3368 Yonge St., ,Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 lGIRL‘S skating outfit, size 6x, ’back velvet with white imita- tion fur. Excellent condition $7. TU. 4-3616. c1w10 BUNK BEDS, red maple. Brand new. 36†size Spring tilled mattresses. $49.50 delivered.‘ North Park Furniture, 3368: Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tch yWâ€"ARM‘your basement or rec, ‘room with the heat that's going‘ up your chimney. Heat-saverlsired A. Smith. Upholstery. complete with.reducer to fit AV. 5-1682. tic43 Inch smoke Me- Good coeds ï¬ESTERï¬EUJâ€"smtes and) tion. AV. 5-2829 after 6. c1w10 TRI-LICHT_lamF brand new, Worth $21.50, sell $10 cash andl Carry. North Park Furniture. ates. Murray Upholstery. AV., ,3368 Yonge St, Toronto, HU.,5-4767~ tfcsi' 58:79†“C9 HARRISONS CUSTOM". ' LA 2 rimâ€"ch;iribrih’d’new. worth $69.50, sell for $29.50. one only, blue. North Park For- to, HU. 8-7911. “(19: Spring filled mattress. worth, $35 00. Brand New, $20.00 cash and carry. North Park Furniâ€"l lure. 3368 Yonge St, Toronto, iof concrete work. ‘285-5762 lsmall. Free estimates. T. Price. Kitchens a speciality. Drains, septic tanks. All types FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 CARPENTRY WORK, additions. 1renovations. garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too AV. 5-3653. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5-2526. tfc15 KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box 192, King City. Phone King TE.,< 3-6321. tfc13 CALL us for your sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple,‘ ALpine 7-8876. tfc7 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered -â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if deâ€" tfc28 chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price.» No job too small. Free estim- CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renovan tions, additions, and repairs. sonable rates. TU. 4-2538. tfc50 ISVEPTIC tanks pumpcd. Zd‘hour tlcisl lailable September 15, $63 a l g _g.-___,,g. _, ROOM TO RENT, suit one or ITWO gentlemen. cooking facili- TICK. TU. 4-1629. tch ROOM TONLET for, gentleman, ncar Yonge St. ’I‘U. 4-4183, EXTRA large apartment. 2 bed- rooms. childl‘cn welcome. 884- 5924. c1wlO SMALL apartment for rent. suitable for two. 8 Levendale Rd. TU. 4-5021. After 5 pm. PR. 3-5932. tfc9 MODERN 6 room bungalow. at- tached garage. Schools. Shop- ping, within walking distance. TU. 4-7880. c1w10 FURNISHED bachelor apart- monl, Sill! llllf‘ or Inn llllsmr‘sa lgcntlcmcn. After 5 p.m. AV, 5-3993. tics THORNHILL, available Oct. 1. 3 bedroom apartment, private ‘cntrance. close to transporta- ‘tion. Phone 285-1714. c1w15 iFUHNISHED room to rent, pri- vate bathroom. close to Yonge St, gentleman preferred. Tel, 285-4409. entrance. Stove and refrigera- 101‘, 884-1788. 130 Centre St. W licE arimcnt, separate bathroom and garage. Adults or business couple only. AV. 5-4720. *‘2w9 FIVE ROOMED apartment in triplex. on first floor. one block from High School. TU. 4-3352. clwlO i ciwio‘ 7 c1w10, BACHELOR’apartment. PrivateV U'NFUR’NISHEIYI~ bedroom ‘apa , .hf' { HELP WANTED; , varYorUhca n'rcpair‘clocks,wcall TU. 4‘1687. TEXPERIENCED waitress want- lcd. Peter‘s Restaurant, 7584 lYonge St.. Thornhill. c2w9 lWlLL exchange $90 for 40 hours per week. Box 202, The Liberal, c4w9 CLEANING’WOMAN nne‘day a week. Call TU. 4-5135 after 5 p.m. c1w10 MAN for landscape work. Call Louis Berta at AV. 5-2296. clwlilf PART TIME help wanted tori variety store, Experience help-’ ful. AV. 5-1947. (‘1in “CLEANING IADYHI‘POIlircd,’ l(il‘{ill(l\ll"\\-ll(‘ll(l(‘1’\(lll al’f‘a. 1383â€" 2309. clu'lfl, lGIRLi fullï¬rtime, in rclcaning .planl al Tllornhill. AV. 543911.] c1w10, ,‘DUMP TRUCK driver. Exper-l ienccd, minimum age 26. AV,‘ 5-3612. c1w10 RELIABLE cleaning lady want-Y ed half day Friday 54. 884-7888.l c1w10l ‘DRIVER with car to drive nur-l '5er school children betweenl Maple and Richmond Hill. TUE 4-3276. c2w10 JWOMAN?funeral ejjishwasb-l ling machine Sunday from 12 ,noon. Summit View Gardens. (TU. 4-1370. *1le lWAITRESSâ€"van(lgâ€"cookj‘zuuircdl by modern restaurant, near‘ IThornllill, AV. 5-5998. clwlD APARTMENT. central Rich- mond Hill, four rooms and bath, self-contained. TU. 4- 1651. c1w10 3 BEDROOM brick house on spac10us grounds. oil heated, Richvale. near Yonge St., pos- session October lst'. TU. 4- 3195. c1w10 TSires]nd‘rraah‘ip’gnam with 3 piece bath. stove and refrigerator supplied. Apply Fred Hare. PR. 3-5841. tfcnc 3 BEDROOM bungalow, stove and fridge. CIOSe to Schools and shopping. October lst. TU. 4- 3697. *1w10 FOUR ROOMS in private home, not self-contained. Suit quiet couple. AV. 5-4590 after 7 p.m. item 3 BEDROOM house on Yonge St. in Thornhill. Immediate oc- cupancy. $110 monthly. AV. 5- 2566. c1w10 COMFORTABLE room for bus- iness lady. Home privileges. Cooking available. TU. 4-5600 evenings or weekends. *lwlo GROUND‘FLOOR, bachelor apartment. self-contained. Av- month plus hydro. AV. 5â€"3512. c2w10} fAPARTMENTSTone six, one} four rooms. Both ground levellI with private entrances. Summit View Gardens. TU. 4-1370. *lwlo‘ 3 ROOM unfurnished apart- ment. suitable for teachers or! busineSS couple. Stove and, fridge supplied, $75. TU. 44 1728. c2w9‘ 4 ROOM and bathroom. selfâ€" contained upstairs apartment,y with all conveniences, suitable: for couple. 0n Don Mills Roadp north of Gormley. Phone Gorm4J ley 886-5770 after six. *1w10‘ A SEIGHTfJn‘IEFnis'h/e'afoné bedroom apartment, fully ,Son, Mr, Bell, 168 Yonge St, N. MAN fOr service Staâ€"tiidnnand, garage work. Our Garage, TU. 4-1773. *lwlo ’GIRLS for light factory assem-, ,bly work. Filtration Products of Canada Ltd, phone 285-4474. c1w10 CLERK, receptionist required, 1 till 5.30 p.m. Monday till Friday. Apply Box 211, “The Liberal." ROUGH CARPENTERS lApply Standard Pro-stressed Structures plant, Keele St. just north of Maple. c2wk10 OIL BURNER service man with own truck. must be ex- perienced. Write Box No. 208. The Liberal. c1w10 lP'iRST‘CL'ASSWnaEhlniEtffii-st lclass toolmaker. Top rate. Part l basis. Box 209, The Liberal. c2w10 WEEK-END cook for Saturday and Sunday, in small hospital in Willowdale. References re- quired. AV. 5-2737 evenings. c1w10 YOUNGtMAN to learn forest- Tree Service. RECEPTIONIST required for; evenings and Saturdays. Must be able to type. Excellent wages. Apply R. D. Little 3: c1w10 HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Cap: able woman, fond- of children. Permanent job, motherless home, good wages and evervl convenience. Close to city. AV, 5-5266. c1w10 HOUSEKEEPER required for elderly semi-invalid gentleman and Working daughter. Clean-y ing woman employed. Live in} â€"» most weekends free. 884â€" 1658. c1w10 IF'YOU’LIKE'PEOPLE’ equipped kitchen. available October lst. No children. Mc-, ‘vLatchy Building. 80 Yonge Stl South. telephone 884-1064 or‘ Morris Harrison. TU. 4-2838. ; FLOOR COVERINGS l All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms. kitchens, entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic walll, r 7 W W tfc9, NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, brand new $5 cash and carry.l l WANTED for two girls froml ‘Richmond Hill ' arriving Univ- -' ‘crsity and Dundas 8.30. leaving ~â€" }4.45. Tun-474674 after 6. c2w9 ITWO adults wish a ride’frOm, Oak Ridges in Aurora: leave at; 7:15 a.m., return 5 p.m. 884? 7956. cl\\'9 {RIDE wanted from Richmond lHlll to Blonr~Jarvis, arriving 18.15. returning 4.30. TC. 4-l “5791, clwlol. AVAILABLE leaving 7.10 am ,from Markham and Bayview lto Caledonia and Castlcfield Vvia Yonge and Bathurst, return *lu'lo ‘ to good home. 884â€"7888. tiles. Free estimates. Reid and balconies, intercom, parking, TVI Sons. Flooring Contractors, AVloutleL AV’, 5-2303_ 5-1960. tfc32 North Park Furniture. 3368i i Tronge St., Toronto. HU. 34911.2 UPHOLS’I‘ERY l . tch Recovering and repairing of any" 4 lkind of furniture. Experiencedl lâ€"r-w "â€"â€"‘-â€"f-'~â€"~lon Scandinavian furniture. Free Transportatlon lestimates. Reasonable pricesl 7w»A-v~-~ -\â€"»-~.â€"1Call anytime. TU. 4.4813 resi- dence. business, AV. 5-5345. tic44 IF YOU NEED A JOB. STATE YOUR QUALIFICATIONS IN THE EMPLOYMENT WANTED COLUMNS PETS FOR SALE 3 KITTENS. 6 weeks old, free u r if 7 Hull] FREE to good home, fluffy part Persian kittens, AV, 5-3139. c3xv8 884-1733. I l WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. 1 and 2 bedroom apartments â€"~i pool elevators. FM music, large; tfc3“ LAEGE‘ISulilic’liallfvonge St. Tllornhill suitable ings, dances, special lcnts, spacious. with parking fOF‘nIent. 7171 Yinge. 500 cars. Available days or evâ€", enings. For full particulars ap-l ply to B. G. Palmer, R. R. 3', King, phone 773-5102. c4w10I l Nursery School 3 RICHMOND NURSERY . SCHOOL 34 ELIZABETH ST. SOUTH Fall opcnin: September 3rd. Phone PR. 3-5895. c2w9 RICHMOND NURSERY SCHOOL 34 Elizabeth St. South Fall opening September Phone PR. 3-5895. '7 7 A RICHMONDJHILL 3rd. c2u9, '\,_,â€" > lmond Hill. ENJOY making friends and; want to earn money. contact your Avon Manager. Write Miss‘ Ziegler, Box 141 Guelph. Ont. ' c1w10, lHKNDYMAN wants any kind ‘MAN, mechanicallywinclined. c1w10 ' for work. Anything considered. FULLY experienced secretarï¬ time, full time or partnershipi' Mercury models, lunit, one 35 hp. unit. LD WITH WIWW WEDB UYQcarsvfor cash or§we, c1w10 will sell yours on consignment.f__ TU. 4-4372. 1fc8,’ $75 â€"-â€" 1954 AUSTIN. Phone aftcr 6 or \veck-cnd. AV, 5-; 5178. c2w10 1953 CHEVROLET. two-tone. radio, block heater, sure-fire starter, reliable transportation. Best offer. ALpine 7-2604. tfclO 1960ADODGE, 4 door hard top. _ . _ PARTS. SERVICE automatic. extras. $1,000. Mr. TU" 7456 Av' 5333 Gormley at the railway cross- Kldd. 884-3158 after 6 p.m. ,ing. Phone 886-5851. tfc4i. c1w10 1954 CHEVROLET. with cus- tom radio. good running condi- tion. good tires, $135. weekend, TU. 4-7566. 1.0le \Vcimjx, Al c1w10 condition, u‘llltcwalls, $25 clown. . , W ClWlOJDAY CARE available. Excellentlfms'- W -. .- .. . “92‘â€? 1960 FRONTENAC station wagâ€" references. Sieeles-Bayvjew.§GlRL‘S 2â€"whceled bicycle. on, metallic green, 24,000 miles, AV. 5-7038. clw.9[5“iiable {0" age 7' AV- 5-5730- good condition all round. 147 BYEIOURfday‘hfwéekfFenwrr c1w10 Garden Ave. Stop 20 Yonge Street. c1w10 1956 INTERNATIONAL 2 ton stake, 12ft. platform. 6ft. racks, ridge pole and tarps. New motor. BA. 2-4812. c1w10| 1956 PONTIAC, V-8, one own- er, excellent condition, new paint, new upholstery, custom radio, snow tires. On view at Rick‘s Esso Station. TU. 4-3587. ' c1w10 EMPLOYMENT WANTED of odd jobs. 884-7627. c2w9, ’i’" 7" " l steady work or odd jobs; day or night. TU. 4-3287. c2w9 Call,. DAY CARE for age. TU. 4â€"4267. l0\\ inilcngc. \\llll radio anchwomAN “ill give day care SPOILED*haYVWalltï¬â€˜df any lowllrom 8.30 am. to 4.30 p.m. Mon- amount up to 100 bales. for monthly payments. TU. A-7629.,day to Friday TU. 4-2908. *st mulching- 4184. DAY CARE wanted home. school 884-4508. DAY CARE available, Crosby and Bayview area. fenced yard. __ . .. not lunch, One child $19 {ARTICLES of all kinds wanted as donations for Victoria Square ,Lions Club Auction Sale, Sator- September 14th. Furni- ture, clothing. odds and ends. 886-5200 or 886-5413 for c2w9 tweek. TU. 4-5977, A RENTALS TOOLS FOR RENT 'Floor sanders, saws and drills]Le Claire TU' 4'44â€- Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail‘ drivers. AV. 5-1109. RENT A TELEVISION from $10.00 a month. delivery and pick-up. Richmond Hill TV. 34 Yonge 5.1 DAY CARE ch in children, two Three age. tfc2l c2w10 DAY CARE available in my home for children of any age. Constant supervision and care? Hot lunches. Cartier Creseent‘ area. 884-1894. c1w10 GOOD day care given to pre- school age child. 310 weekly. Mrs. Walker 884-4172. you RIDING STABLES; c1w10 enema TH‘ORNCREST DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT No. 7 Highway. in mile west of Bathurst. Large modern estab- service. facilitiel ttc44 lishment. Delivery Banquet reception available. AV. 5-5998, m DEAD STOCK WANTED all kinds of de‘a‘ï¬n‘. imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 32800. License ticBl N 0. 204-62. 1 MORTGAGES 5 Farm Implements l RUMBLE EQUIPMENT MASSEY-FERGUSON SALES. m,m ,‘ WANTED iidfeh‘éï¬leRO‘d/NIE uniform {or 9â€"year.- clwklo c1w10 old. TU. 4-2809. .1. Cooper, AV. ed yard. Good home. AV. 5-lGlï¬L'S’biCYCl€Tâ€"20â€"0F’223Mh czwgl‘rim, in good condition. 884- c1w10 ‘1408. my one1 USEDâ€"FURNITURE pre_sch001‘lWANTED -- pianos and used Clwm‘furniture. Cash priCes paid Call Frank‘s Movers and Storage. tfc7 TU. 4-2613. AV, 5~5101. lday. etc. prompt pick-up. EXPERIENCED in housework, 9 to 4. Phone 886-5830. i *2w10‘ WOMAN wants house Work, daily 884-7408 after 4 p.m. l Clw10' YOUNG MEN. 16115, lookii-lâ€"g Can you help us. Call Salvaâ€" tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 stenographer desires full or. part-time employment. Write.‘ {Box 213 The Liberal. *IWIO GARDEN’CONSULTANTfre-j tired nurseryman, gardens de- signed, plants and shrubs sup- plied, Plans and estimates very reasonable. 884-7953. CAREER girl requires part day, ,permanent position, 10 years ex ‘ perience in bookkeeping, typist. switchboard. Write Box No. 210 *8w5, ry trade chauffeur’s licence es- The Liberal. V _ c1w10 Sential- By appointment only-EXPERIENCED stelï¬EranhFr Call TU. 4-7774, Richmond Hlllirequjres home typing Write elwlolsox No. 212 The Liberal. c3w10 ITADY wouldjike part or {1111} time cashier work in Richmond Hill area. TU. 4-5882. clwlo‘ BOATS & MOTORSl 7275'~BY_78'6" Boat, fully equip: ped. Best offer. Call evenings] TU. 4â€"3424. clwlO‘ CL’E’ARANCE‘SALE 1963 OUTBOARD SPECIALS one 10 hp. RELIABLE MOWER & MARINE EQUIPMENT SERVICE 16 Industrial Rd.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1124 c1w10 LOST l COUPLE wanted to manage Dairy Farm, good home with all conveniences. Good salary,I plus heat. hydro and phone sup-‘, plied. Apply Stouffville 640-;1 2434 or 640-3000. c2w10,1 CASHIERSTpart-time, required, immediately for both day and ev JANITOR_forâ€" Separateâ€"School on Bayview Ave. Permanent‘ position with good starting sal-l Apply in writing to C. Thomp- son, 412 Lynett Cres. Richâ€" c1w10 ENERGETIC Young married man. 23-40. for local business. Permanent pos- ition. Starting salary S400 mon- thly with further increase in six months. No previous expor- icnce necessary. Full Il‘all’llll'i’ given, Apply in own handwrit- ing to Box 214 The Liberal, Clu'lO MANVorrlvoman to supply es- tablished customers with fam- ous nationally advertised Wat- ‘5 p.m. 884-3750. . . , x l " ߠPOODLES Co'opgkégégféstRsERY kins Products. .\'0 investment. g)“ in; xxéxxg ~ m~~wm . . . s E n' g, [5'500 and up \\'chi- x I .Champmnsmp 5‘9“? register"? A? S’- Mar-‘35 Anglican Church l\érp(1):s1:lli7cr. Full or partâ€"time, xx? 3570‘ if)“; g I): § X 7* ,* _____._.hvfr' , _,black. sm_all miniatures. 580. opening September 13» F°,r,\Vrite to .1. Gathier, 330 St. xxxx 1 xxx: x it Do you have a dunking probâ€",TL. 4-4833. plug information TLâ€. 4-3276 or TL. Roch street MomWal 15_ Quad x x a: gxxg gxx g lem'.’ It so AA can help. Writel‘fREE' m’good homes. pm pm 4-4618. ticlo ‘ C4,,†32"“ x x x x xx Box 84' RiChmond Hm- m45,sian kittebs. both sexes. 285w ‘ x xxxxx x x x LOANS $50 - $5000 "‘6326. chino , L0 AN FAST SERVICE lPL’REBRED <tandai‘ti while i D i . . - I ATLADTIC “DANCE poodle with papers available -.. F Corporation Ltd. ‘for new home; also purebred i-RECORDS of all nations, clas- 0 y 31 Yonge St. N, Richmond Hill Shetland Collie and many other V g V ‘ slcal on request; Thornhlll , 884-4458 - 285-5562 crossbred docs available at 13 STARTED TO LAY Rhodc Record ‘Box.‘w_li..h8.-V\‘ lance . Mgr. Dennis Hughes Canine Control, AL. 11081 bc- Nanci Ilccl v 5115\(‘X plillt‘ii. ~lrcel, Phone mo-inM. , . tic32,t\veen 8 am. and 7 pm. clu‘lo $1.50 each. 854-2582. clwlOI tfC‘l9l l K LOS‘ITA'UGUST 2'3. Kiltâ€"i. large black cat, SMALL 'blackflspanieftypexdog Children‘s pet. Vicinity of Gamble Rd. and Bathurst St. Phone 884-4248. c1w10 ening work. Supermarket EX-lLOST brown and white Thistle v perience preferred. For confinslmller at Dominion Store par- [or meet- dential interview apply to Mrfking lot, south of Richmond eV-lc. Fitch, GEM. food departâ€"inill. on Friday. August 30. 285- C1w10 2476, RADF9-&_TY_ ary, but irregular u'ork hoursï¬ female, TU. 4-1555. ClWlO ong tail. answers to Mickey. c1w10 in ii WANT TO MAKE " BEAUTlFUL MUSIC? BUY YOUR III-Fl NOW WITH A LOW-COST LIFE-INSURED Ave. PRIVATE - LIMITED full close conveniences. Markham in, quiet scenicl sideroad. 5th Line and 17th1 Township. Write Box 215 The Liberal. C I-o-w-n-uc-o.u-o-o-«~_ PAINLESSLY DESTROYED AT NO COST TO YOU rnoven NATURAL SCIENCE SERVICE YONGE sr. - OAK moons , PR 3.5071 60‘ ALUMINUM Windows GI Doors Awnings Gr Siding Closed In Patios Quality Products At Manufacturers Prices All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed All. MAKES REGLAZED OF WINDOWS 8. REPATRED Phone For Free Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. LTD. 285-1471 884-2873 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL Ladies’ English Flannel Skirts $8.95 lLadieS’ Box Pleat Wool Skirt $9.95 Ladies’ Wool Worsted Stretchy Slims, Plain and Plaid $14.95 SIMPSON’S DRYGOUDS 12 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill .__â€" AME-_V V“ USED CARS i EQUIPMENT l MONEY available rm land second mortgages, reason- able rates. Medcof. Lawlor and tfc2 Tm 5- l ~1-~-'-I-l-~-- ‘l‘by approved SPCA. method) Box stalls. $40 per month in-l eludes free modern clubhouse.’ lwltl‘l acres,