Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Sep 1963, p. 6

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THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 5. 1963 8 I W LJOAN HALL R.C.A.D. ! : TEACHER OF SINGING 2 Announces the Opening of Her l I Coming Events A BINGO every Wednesday even- ing at 7.45 p.m. at the Canadian Legion Branch 375, Carrville Road. tfc48 Vocal Studio Enrollment for Fall and Winter Term Accepted Now 467 Windhurst Gate, Richmond Hill. tit. SEPTEMBER 7 â€"â€" 8:30 p.m. at‘ St. Matthew's United Church. Crosby Avenue: Annual Corn Roast and Square Dance with caller Norman Anderson. Ad-I mlssion 25c per person or 51‘ a family. c2w9: I TU. 4-1075 I ».n.-.-.: -4>.o-<--u-u-u-o.o.u-o.o.o.o.o.“ till!!! SEPTEMBER 10 -â€" Army, Navy Air Force Bowling League. ABC Lanes, 9 p.m. clwlO‘ II I! it It SEPTEMBER 11 â€" Wednesday. The Woman's Auxiliary of St.: John's Church. Oak Ridges are holding a tea and sale of home‘ baking and gifts at the home of Mrs. S. Snively, Gienlonelyit Farms. Wilcox Lake, from 2:30, to 5. Proceeds in aid of the1 Parish Hall Building Fund; Silver Collection. c2w9 )k it it ‘3 SEPTEMBER 12 â€" Richmond, Hill Horticultural Society Flow-‘ er Show, Lions Hall, at 8 p.m.; Flower arranging will be dem- onstrated by the North Toron-l to Horticultural Society. Nol admission. everyone welcome. l t xix it! it! ' SEPTEMBER 14. 2 p.m.. auct- ion sale, Victoria Square Lions Club. Good furniture, numer- ous other articles. Also bake sale Saturday afternoon. Bingo Saturday evening. Rummage Sale Friday. Sept. 13 at 8 p.m. at Victoria Square Community Centre Hall. c1w10 m i .Np.0.<.4h.0.0.n.fl.0.u-<- MARKRIDGE APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL CHOICE SUITES STILL AVAILABLE I 8. 2 BEDROOMS1 $105.00 I o BALCONIES - TV noonur o INTERCOM ! - BROADLOOM HALLS - FREE PARKING ‘ RENTAL OFFICE on PREMISES , AV. 5-2303 I Registration St. Mary's Anglican Church School This Sunday 11:00 a.m. An additional class-period has been added this year in order to find more room for the 350 children who attend Sunday school at the church. Sunday School superintendent is Kenneth Ruffman. Those smiling faces belong to the Sunday School children at St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, who will be registering this Sun- day for the beginning classes. Registration times are set for 9:30 and Schools At Peak Wait For 0. M. B. Approval Enrolment Tues. GET RESULTS Phone TU. 4-1105 of the official plan, Mr. For- rest said it consisted of three, stages. ’ The first stage, he said, is Markham Police A Claremont driver was Griffith Ford, Jarvis St, Tor- knocked unconscious August 31 onto. suffered cracked ribs and when his car went out of con- other injuries when a truck he trol on the Gormley townline was driving went out of con- half a mile west of Don Mills trol on 18th Avenue and Don Road and rolled over. Ran- Mills Road and rolled over. He dolph Howell was treated at was treated at the scene. police‘ the scene by Dr. Mitchell. said. Markham Police reported. III 1" 1k I! Damage was $300 following an accident September 2 on the 9th Concession north of 17th Avenue, Markham when a steer- ing fault in a car driven by William Arthur Plaxton of Markham caused it to veer into -"-"-"-h-n-o-._;o -..-n-o‘-o -v . -..M..«M-o-oqp mo---_o.o.o.o.o.o.o.o.-~mm§ LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIO (Continued From Page 1) the parent Metro Planning: Mr. Anderson and other the present time. Board which .had no objection, ratepayers in the area want- He felt the complaints of the to the change. ; ed any industrial develop- ratepayers were not sufficient ‘ ment in the area prevented to warrant the change from by having the official plan approval of the official plan and agricultural to industrial in the. , , changed instead of settling maps and data followed by 3‘ new official plan. “We have “05mg ratepayers pm“th for a temporary protective I‘sccondary plan stage breaking the good of the whole townshipl to the wncemmtion Pf in' clause offered by the town- down the Over-all plan into de- to think about," he said I dusll'y deYeIOPment in the ship. _ {tailed segments, and finally im- TOWDShiD Planning Director‘ north secuon 0‘ Rmhmond Planning director Torrest told plementatlon 0f the Secondary Ron Forrest said the area lacked “in bowerng 0“ the PWS‘ Commissioner Kennedy the plan by zoning by-laws. sewers at the present time and; em disputed area' township wouid agree to addLOVer-AII Plan Satisfactory f€1tit"m05tlylaCkedetUI‘e Do-‘ He said his open! “‘6” the “ rotective residential zon-I In his final summation Mr- tential.” He added the situa- only “km: a loglcal comm“ mg 13513“, in the Essex and Sus-.LucaS said the OVer-all Plan ap- tion had been discussed with“ “hang: lgd::::;lagfd§1vei: sex Avenue regions of indus- peared to be. satisfactory with £13353, Hegpointed out tfiat trial area 2 until residents re- “all?” a few Oblecnons from Tate" Yonge Street North would quest a Cha“.ge.‘°.‘“d“5tr.‘al 0“ p Iâ€"Ieersa k at th t ‘th h be ideal for future indus- sum 8 use 15 Indicated m the tie ofs ef ad'WI t e excep- trial and commercial ex- future". - n a 93w 3 Justmenls men‘ Itioned during the hearing the (Continued From Page 1) ithmetic. Mr. McIntyre said by Tues- day most of the five schools' 124 principals. teachers and supervisors had visited class- rooms to prepare for the open- ing. Pre-registration by new- comers to the area was at steady flow all last week. Although final figures won‘t be available until later, high school enrolment is running as expected. At Thornhill Secon- dary School, no figures were available; Bayview Secondary School reports over 1,000 reg- istered and at Richmond Hill High School, approximately Solicitor E. C. Newman. representing one of the op- *‘h'kili YOUR LOCAL ESSO TEAM Markham Police prevented what might have been a serious fire on the Gadsby property near the Summit Golf Club when seven Juvenile Richmond Hill boys were caught lighting Burner Service Don Andrews Fuel Oil Doug. Chalmers Separate School -a fire in the bush. The fire . fesditCh' There were no mjur was put out immediately and P .l H I Pans‘on- Thornhill Industrial Area lofficial plan be approved as 730 will be in class by the end Phone AL‘ TU' ' . . As for services, he said. the It was a change of paceâ€"on originally submitted to the‘of the week, slight] down the boys 3W9“ a firm 19cm“ S Town of Richmond Hill serviced the wholeâ€"for the township as board. from last year‘s enroliiient. FREE BURNER SERVICE and sent home. BUDGET TERMS the Harding Park area and later ratepayers came forth to an- Roman Catholic schools’ en. AURORA: An outbreak of van- AbOUt 350 Richmond Hill annexed it. He wondered why nounce their approval of the d - - - rolment is runnin about as ' v. o. N. Pupils are temporarily "home- the same thing couldn't or new official planâ€"industrial 1 rgéfir:atlizu;2:a tgalfllgarfiagz expected. At Our Lgdy Help of 24'H0UR SERVICE I VICTORiAN ORDER OF less and Will be for about wouldn’t apply to the 400 acres. zoning of land at Thornhill resulted in the park being clos_ Christians school, staggered - AUTOMATIC DELIVERY I . Y o R K three weeks With the delay in The new official plan allows north of Meadowview Avenue. ed Baseball caps 1i ht b H) classes are being Mild to ac- ‘ NURSES completion of the new St. Jos- for certain types of industries George Greer. of 162 Grand- ana paper towel; hgave gee: commodate the pupils waiting ' .I RICHMOND HILL ePhS Separate SChOOl. under rural use but only as long View Avenue, and president of jammed down the toilet bowls to enter the new St. Joseph's O T e I BRANCH Blame for the delay has been as themdustries do not require the 172-strong GrandVIew Es_t~ with general conditions descri, School expected to be ready uAumm Driving School" placed mainly on a steel strike. municipal water and sanitary ates Ratepayers Assoe1ation.said bed as «an indescribable mess .. by October 1. Total with the “Always Look To Imperial For The ‘ Best” About 170 pupils of Our Lady Help of Christians School in Beverley Acres â€"â€" destined ev- entually for St. Joseph's â€"â€" are presenty attending classes at Our Lady school along with about 200 others from the his group was in favor of the official plan. Adding his agree- ment also was Robert Briggs, ently by a baseball bat used to has enough teachers to handle of 1018 Highland Park Blvd., .. the extra u “i of the Highland Park Ratepayâ€" 39”“ °""‘ 0f the rallmgs- p p n ers Association. There were one or two dissenting ratepayers. two schools is about 300 but the school was prepared and sewage facilities such as lumber, gravel, sand, concrete and ce- ment manufacturing areas. Langstaff Industrial Area The portion of land in the southwest area of the township around Langstaff, designed for Some minor damage has been P A. 7 ~ 6 4 1 1 done to the bandshell appar- Richmond Hill Customers Cali Operator and Ask For ZENITH 3-1730 (No Toll Charges) Mrs. P. Stockdale Richmond Hill Municipal Hall PHONE TU. 4~4101 tolet Markham Road-Bayview Aven- ue areas. Separate School Board offic- ials said work on the unfinish- ed school is being completed inside the building as well as industrial usage under the new plan, also brought forth some ratepayers to oppose it. A. M. Anderson, of 20 Rug- gles Avenue, said he and other residents in Langstaff Indus- trial Area 2 “ wish to have this Paul Mingay, spokesman for residents in the High- land Park area, near Steele: and Yonge Streets, attempt- ed to present evidence that a start had been made on development in the Thorn- hill industrial area number lots. Under the proposed master plan, secondary plans for each undeveloped area would have to be presented to the provin- ‘ and Holy Cross Cemetery on trial officials and could be the . the south. (subjects of further Municipal --_ Due to the large number ofI Board hearings. under the old _ homes in the area, he said, this‘plan no such secondary plans ‘ should justify rezoning as rest-lare required. * dential. ‘ . In a preliminary breakdown landscaping on the outside. In a letter distributed at Ro- man Catholic churches here the separate school board said pup- ils in grades 6, 7 and 8. would attend classes from 9 am. to 3.30 p.m. as usual. Students from grades 1 to 5 in Our Lady Help of Christians school will attend classes from 8 am. to 12.15 p.m. and from. the same grades in St. Joseph’s‘ from 12.15 to 430 p.m. Fall Opening Special Miniature Rose FREE on every $5.00 purchase. City WOTWGIass Garden Centre Open Daily Till Dark; Sunday, 6:00 p.m. II4 CROSBY AVE. RICHMOND HILL AWN‘V‘WW COME IN AND SEE THE BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF . CLEMATIS 0 FLOWERING TREES AZALEA 0 FRUIT TREES section zoned residential" under the new official plan. Most of the industrial area 2 is bounded by Yonge Street on. the west, Bayview on the east, Highway No. 7 on the north end 29 Yonge St. S. Richmcmd Hill PEAMEAL BACK Sliced or by the Piece [8. 79¢ ’ LEAN CUBED Lb. 49¢ DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES 19 oz. PKGS. 19¢ KRAFT Macaroni Dinner 71/2 oz. pkg. 12¢ AYLMER Strawberry Jam 24 oz. JAR 53¢ BARTI'I’S rejuvenate SCHOOL CLOTHES One to a customer. ROSE SWEET MIXED PICKLES 16 iar 29¢ DELSEY -â€" 2c OFF PKG. TOILET TISSIIE 2 Roll Pkg. 27¢ NESTLE’S I LB. IIN 49¢ APPLEFORD'S “SAVE ALL" the Nationally AdvEFIIsed SANITONE WAY Our Sanitone service is more than just drycleaning . . . it's the complete pro- : - v v . . ‘ . ‘ RHODODENDRON 0 HEDGIBG fessmnal fabric care that Will make last 0 EVERGREENS o PERENNIALS ' year 3 school clothes look like new. Yet 0 FLOWERIXG SHRL’RS 0 ROSES DR. BALLARD’S "TOPS" 0 SHADE TREES 0 STANDARD ROSES you-pay nothing extra for this expert sex-Vice. Cali on us today! ’ BEER & SHIRT SERVIC LIMITED. CORNER YONGE ST. & LEVENDALE RD. Richmond Hill For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery t‘all TU. 4-4411 0 FAMOUS J. a P. ROSES IN SHORT, EVERYTHING FOR THE GARDEN ~â€" INCLUDING â€"â€" Soil for all different plants Manure and Peat. Moss - Fertilizer of all kinds Also tools you may need for your garden Ask for Your Price List! PHONE 8- Dog Food 3I502.tin529¢ 2 I00 FT. ROLL PKGS. 51¢ FRESH DAILY LOCAL Dozen 29¢ NO. 1 JUMBO IMPORTED NO. 1 LARGE SIZE Cantaloupes Each i9¢ Cauliflower Each 19¢ .1} 4i I

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