' ,VWWWMWVflW/IWWMZWAWWWZWI § ‘ ' available. um lVlI‘. nanne-iluw HI bplellulu L'UllUlllUll. vvcu SAEURPAY' SIEPTEfmI?ERt 21}. gieter. located on treeâ€"lined street â€"- uc ion 53 e 0 rec orsI ‘ _ within easv walking distance of combine. baled straw, farm imr. Yonee. Call Mr. Johnston. plements. M-H binder. house-‘ REALTY hold furniture. etc.. on Lot 6,[ o 0 ‘ RICHVALE _ 4 BEDROOMS Concession 4. Scarboro T\vp.- LIMITED _ , . . _ ._ Property of H. Taylor. Sale at' 318900 Eumng "9“ 5pm level 7 room home with attach- 1 .m. Terms cash. No reserve.‘ 4938 Yonge SL . ' . . Fagm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- WHIOWdale fd dgaï¬fe‘ Lz‘e] “it acrle 0f . , . , an . .raâ€"mo em na ura ma- tice. auctioneers. r c3\\17977 '*V_ “i if 7 7 nganv kitchen with generous 5‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ u I ‘ ‘ u ' breakfast area. Builder will ‘ agree to low down payment. ‘ Cali Mr. Hannah. clwlO I Bowlers Wanted gm SALE REGISTERS: FOR FRIENDLY MIXED LEAGUE FRIDAY NIGHTS â€" 7.15 PM. A“““““-“‘I‘ $2,000.00 Associates Realty Credit Ltd. . . . or more. for any good reason. through Associates’ New Home Owners Loan Plan. Here’s how it. works: Simply use the equity you have in your home, whether it's mortgaged or fulLv paid up, as collateral for the loan. It's that simple. You get the cash you need quickly. and you decide the amount of monthly repayments. Stop in at your nearest Associates office and let one of our mortgage specialists give you the details. Mortgages are arranged with no bonuses. And you'll find our rates are reasonable. 2nd Mortgage Coming Due? House In Need Of Repairs? Buying A New Car? Need Cash For Educational Expenses? Want to Pay Off Those Old Bills? . . . GET . . . $5,000.00 Allencouri Lanes BEGINNERS WELCOME Call TU. 4-3448 “THE LIBERAL" REAL ESTATE ‘CQLUMN 6A LEVENDALE RD.. RICHMOND HILL 285-4986 HOME OWNERS LOANS FOR CHE“, atunua nu... may-..“ fenced garden. Owner will con- Looking for a bargain? Only ask- sider your low down payment‘ing $15,800 for this 3-bedroom and take back one mortgage‘l‘anch style bungalow. featur- for balance. in: large living and dining $15,900 King Township. Ranch‘momS. completely Panelled in bungalow with attached breeze- knotty Pine. Real stone fire- way and garage and 3 room place, beamed ceilings. huge basement apartment situated landscaped lot 106' by 300'. and just south of Aurora on nearly many other extras. an acre of land. Features a EARL V- STEWART well planned 21' living room, REAL ESTATE BROKER 3 good sized bedrooms, 4 pc. 21 Yong? St. N.. Aurora bath. all heating. storms and iAï¬i 7 PA- 7-9413 7 J! so n. R son b ~. 7 nee 5 ea a le terms Irma TOWNSHIP ï¬cnmdï¬ï¬'nnicms Brand new three bedroom bun Ealow, $5,000 down. Apply own KGIUW, .pu,uuu uvuu. rrw . er 884-2579. “'08 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 3 bedroom bungalow. L shaped living and dining room. Fire- place. Feature - large kitchen will consider trade. Phone TU. 4-2933. tic8 _______7..__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" $17,500 - New 6 room bunga- low with 2 car garage. 19 g 14 living room, spacious kitcnen, colored bathroom with vanity complete with storms and screens. Close to schools. etc; on west side. Down payment only $2,668 to 1 N.H.A. Mortâ€" gage. AV. 5-2951. '1‘. Murphy. Broker. PRIVATE â€" THORNHILL $22,500 â€" Three-bedroom ranch bungalow. remodelled kitchen. :broadloom, two fireplaces. fin- =lshed rec. room. double garage, .paved drive; large lot with ltrees. AV. 5-3416. c2w9 HOUSE with extra large lot on Bayview Ave, Richmond Hill. Particulary suited for doctor's jresidence and office. Lots of 'off the street parking. Box 194 The Liberal. c2w10 VINCVOME HOUSE â€"â€" 57room 'bungalow, close to Yonge in Richmond Hill, rented with ex- ;cellent tenants â€" 71/§% return invndmnnf Priced ‘nn $12,900 Aurora. Here is a gen- uine sacrifice by present owner for this attractive 3 bedroom brick bungalow located near schools and shopping. Includes a large living and dining roomflgéég 4 pc bath. modern styled kit- “1 Chen, storms and screens. fenced garden. Owner will con- Lookh sidcr your low down payment‘ing $ and take back one mortgageifanch‘ 96 YONGE ST., AURORA PA. 7-4288 WA. 1-1691 W. ‘11. CASE REAL ESTATE Brand new three bedroom home. Private, paved drivet Extra large backyard. Min- utes to school. shopping, Bayview transportation. On~ 1y $1.500 down. 6% mort~ gage. Full price $15,500. Call Mr. Snoek. HIGHWAY 7 '- DUFFERIN Over 1% acre land with very nice 2-bedroom bungalow. Extra large living rbom. dining room. attached gar- age, many extras. Full price only $13,500. Call Mr. Pal- THORNHILL Brand new 6-room bunga- low, attached garage. Modâ€" ern kitchen with plenty of cupboards. Hot water heat- ing. Lot over one acre with fruit trees and vegetable garden. $2.500 down. Full price $20,900. Call Mr. Bittner. DON MILLS Three bedroom storey and; . ltreed lot. Separate dining room half brick bungalow, pro- fessionally finished base- ment.~Separate dining room. Paved drive. 5L‘2% mort- gage.>W_alking distance to l ; WILLOWDALE ‘ 616.900 â€"- A most attractive grey brick. 3 bedroom bungaJ low, set amid mature trees in] an area of fine homes. Beauti-‘,__,-,. _._. ‘ful lawns and gardens. About 5|UNIVERSITY COUPle With tod- iyears old and better than new. Call Mr. O’Hagan. WANTED TO RENT artment. TU. 4â€"1520. c2w10 5 T0 6 ROOM house. oil heat, ALMOST FINISHED Richvale. or Highway 7-Keele New 6 mom bungalow With at' area. Possession September 20. tached garage on fabulous 100' 8345775 “Wm LOCAL business man wantsito rent 2 or 3 bedroom home for six to nine months. starting 0c- with slidine doors opening to garden patio. Homev living room with open fireplace. 1m . block to Yonge on quiet avenue.tober lst. Write Box 216 The Lanai A: mi.-....L.m Aebinn Liberal- CIWIO dler. seek partly furnished ap~| cluuuy at Winn,“ uc his sincere thanks. ‘ He said he would take back‘ with him the gifts as well as’ "a very real appreciation of theChristian fellowship which you have shown me". ‘ He expressed hope that con~ tact between his church in Mad~ agascar and the Richvale church would be maintained throughâ€" out the years. Officials of the Richvale church expressed their hope that “this association will grow and that Emmanuel may help the archdeacon's parish with material as well as spiritual aid.†cny. you-1“ } ALMOST FINISHED DON MILLS lNew 6 room bungalow with at- Three bedroom storey and‘tached garage on fabulotm 100' half brick bungalow. pm_ltreed lot. Separate dining room fessionany ï¬nished bas,e_ with sliding doors openinghto ment_~separate dini'ng mom. garden patlo. Hemev lwmsz Paved drive_ 51,<2% m0r1_room w1th open ï¬replace. 1/5 gage, wa1king distance to‘block to Ynnee on. quiet aveque Don Mills Shopping Plaza‘ lnorth of Tlmrnhlll. Askmg $2,000 down. Fun price $16,_‘$21.500.00. Call Mrs. Jean 200. Ask for Mrs. Mesritz_ lCOOte INVESTMENT LAND Good buy on Highway '7. $2,000 per acre. 10-acre 1015 available. Call Mr. Kanne- gleter. RICHMOND HILL $15,000.00 1 RICHVALE - 4 BEDROOMS LIMITED $18,900 - Exciting new split- 1 VI, 7 h 'th [t h- i22-2582‘m3egaragoeémLezge agreacof 3IU1‘ shaped, . Fire- kitchen' ne TU.| tfc8' bunga- .9 j 14 :itcnen,, vanity; ; and‘ is. etc.’ ayment , Mort- Iurphy.‘ « x a gen-t ‘ owner edroom} 1 near ncludes ‘on ’ room, a bungalow. remodelled kitchen,l broadloom, two fireplaces. fin-I ished rec. room. double garagefl paved drive; large lot with! trees. AV. 5-3416. c2w9‘l HOUSE with extra large lot on. Bayview Ave.. Richmond Hill.| Particulary suited for doctor's residence and office. Lots of off the street parking. Box 194‘ The Liberal. c2w10 INCOME HOUSE â€"-â€" 5 room bungalow. close to Yonge in Richmond Hill. rented with ex- cellent tenants -â€" 792% return investment. Priced $10,300 with terms. TU. 4-7207. clwlo AURORA â€" Private. detached six room house. split level en- trance, recreation room. car- port, low down payment, 727- 6638. c2w10 " DAVID McLEAN LIMITED IMember of the Toronto Real 4 Estate Board I1 DUPLEX. CENTRE STREET $13900. one mortgage. only manoo down. glean AV. 54164 or TU. 4-3805 ": HOUSES WANTED HOUSES WANTED BUYERS WAITING David McLean Limited are in immediate need of houses for waiting buyers in both their busy Thornhill and Richmond Hill offices. Free inspection withoui obligation. l Call AV. 5-1176 - AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4-3805 .. 1 KING TOWNSHIP t$18,900 full price. Three bed- 1rooms: unusually bright home. {glistening with charm; quiet ‘setting, having plenty of trees. [Also green acreage with stream land swimming pool available at rear. On paved road. close to 400 Highway. Mortgage can be arranged for purchase. First time advertised. c2w9 MOST ï¬bï¬Ã©s ARJE'LISTED WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. tfc28 AURORA AREA $10.500â€"Country setting, two- bedroom with area of one full acre. Good garden. Panoramic view. on good road; school bus at door: low taxes. Johnson 8: Daniel Realtors Ltd. TE. 3-5745 313.500 with only $1.000 down.‘ Gleaming white 5 room bunga- low in splendid condition. Well located on tree-lined street within easv walking distance of Yonge. Call Mr. Johnston. $6.900. OAK RIDGES {two gentlemen. AV. 5-4313 2-bedroom bungalow. full base- c1 ment. 1 acre. Sn‘rim 2. uriAnn m’mn: ment. 1 acre. -7 4_, , ‘ROOM & BOARD available‘ $9.000 CHURCH STREET \ Parking. Close to transporta- 5-room bungalow, garage, pav-‘tion- TU. $2148. clwlo ed drive. ‘ , , __« , 511.900. 4-BEDRO0MS 1ROOM fqr busigess gentlgman $1.000 down, fini=hed rec. room $13,500 MILL STREET Attractive bungalow, treed lot garage. $2.500 down, one mort gage. SMALL ACREAGE WANTED Houses on 1 to 5 acres needed __ for waiting buyers. call our T Thornhill office AV. 5-1175. ‘Oa_ Our new larger Thornhill-ofâ€" flees and expanding Richmond Hill ofï¬ce. have limited open- ings for sales personnel. well thought of in their communitv. Apoly to Mr. Carlisle. AV. 5- 1176 or Mr. Shields TU. 4-3805 DAVID BInl.WA\' LTD. REALTORS In Memoriam CORFIELD â€"â€" In loving mem- ory of my dear wife. Janet, who passed away September 4. 1960. I have lost my soul's compan- ion. A life linked with my own And day by day I miss her more. As I walk through life alone. 7â€" Sadly mlsséd by her hus band, Ben. clwll SALES OPPORTUNITY LESLIE O‘HAGAN STEELES-YONGE Real Estate 7771 Yonge St AV. 5-1166 KING CITY gig: the days that followed c2w9 donations were received that surpassed by far the amount ‘expected for arsmall gift. hun. mpan- CEDAR HEDGES, nice 3 to 4 ft. cedars for hedging. Top 11 quality. sandy loam enriched 5 her with rotted manure. Cedar fence rails. tlone. Rockery Stones. etc. r hus-‘C. L. Knappett, Landscaping. ¢1w10 884-3089. tic!) ROOM & BOARD available. it_ private mom. 285-4251. cZwQ h_ ROOM» 8; BOARD, suit gentle- oflmen.n'1‘U. 4-4267. c1w10 The Very Venerable Samuel Rafanomezana. the archdeacon of Southern Madagascar, im- pressed congregation members An archdeacon from Southâ€" enable him to administer com- ern Madagascar found recently munion in proper fashion in all that true christianity knows no outlying villages of his parish. bounds when he visited Em- He was previously forced to use manuel Anglican Church in earthenware cups and plates Richvale. through lack of the proper The Very Venerable Samuel equipment. to the extent they dECidEd _t°ireplace one of those he lost in Pfesent him With a small gmlthe 1947 Madagascar rebellion. to take home with him. The'The rebellion resulted in all the archdeacon was a delegate to‘church furnishings being ml. the Anglican Congress in T0!“ laged and destroyed by heathen onto. 7 ._ _ tribes. “The church first sponsored a travelling communion set for Archdeacon Rafanomezana to WIiIILlTRAISEYmedium sized tricycle for smaller‘ one in usâ€" able condition. 884-5619; c1w10 NICELY furhEhed room with barking facilities. TU. 4-4179. c3w9 ROOM for business gentleman‘ in quiet home, board optional. Parking. Central location. TU.1 4-1215. clwlo ATTRACTIVEVro’om'to rent.‘ Board optional. Private en- 1trance. Parking. Close to Yonge. AV. 5-3270. CZWlO ATTRACTIVE room in quiet home for business lady. meals ioptionai. TU. 4-1555 after 5 n.m. c2w10 ROOM and BOARD AVAILABLE for two. Twin; beds, clean home, home comâ€" fort. TU. 4-3602. c1w10 ROOM & BOARD available for' one man. Parking. TU. 4-4392. c1w10 $66191 8; BOARD for one or 9U1 ‘ “*“U 1 Mr. and Mrs. Aram H. DeLa- TOP SOIL for sale. Located inyBarre of Richmond Hill wish to Oak Ridges district. Phone RU.iannounce the engagement of 2-8646. Toronto. c3w10‘their daughter. Dolores Lor- WGARDEN'Sï¬FP‘flf raine Hermine. to Beverley Neal _ 1Pickering. son of Mr. and Mrs. A‘1 mac“ t0? 5°11 loam afmiDonald Pickering of Victoria manure for lawns and flgll‘el‘=Squzir‘e. The marriage will take bads; We delwel.“ For 50d lgg’lplace on Friday. October 4. gradmg and PM?“ y0ur3m:_11963, at 7.30 p.m. in the Chris- “'3b'- Free esnmates' T ' "tian and Missionary Alliance 2538_ tfc50‘ _!.Church, Unionville. c1w10 ROOM and board available for one or two young ladies‘ Home conveniences. Call evenings after 5.30 pm. or weekends TU. 4-7114. clwlO ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO! LTD. ‘ Top Soil, Loam, Cultivated Peat‘ Loam. Sandy Loam, Well Rotai ted Manure, Special Mixed Loam. Field Sod. Cultivated" Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV. 5-1514 ‘" DRESSMAKING Rev. K. A. Thatcher Archdeacon Kalanomezana Emmanuel Gifts Special Guest DRESSMAKING DESIGNING ALTERATIONS TU. 4-4670. GARDEN SUPPLIES SWAP A. Thatcher Archdeacon Rafanomezana tfc35 c1w10 tfc40 rmg. tfc9‘ As contributions continued to come in money was soon avail- able to obtain a white stole to replace one of those he lost in There was still enouzh mon- ey to purchase a purple stole as well as communion linen for his travelling set. To round out the gifts pres- entation of a pair of angel can- dlesticks was made to the arch- deacon by congregation mem- ber Mr. H. E. S. Hamilton. The candlesticks had been in Mr. Hamilton's possession for a number of years. Total dona- tions amounted to $110. The gifts were presented to the archdeacon in a special cer- emony at which he expressed his sincere thanks. He said he would take back with him the gifts as well as “a very real appreciation of the Christian fellowship which you have shown me". He expressed hope that con~ tact between his church in Mad~ agascar and the Richvale church would be maintained throughâ€" out the years. Rev. K. A. Thatcher is min- ister at Emmanuel Anglican GRAY. Samuel Norman â€" At his home. Teston, R. R. 1 Maple. Sunday, September 1. 1963, Samuel Norman Gray, dear brother of Robert, Mrs. Church mond' Hill. Interment 'Maple Cemetery. clwlo * * n: * KENNEDY, Mrs. Elizabeth â€"-I At her home, 48 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill. on Sat- urday, August 24, 1963, be- loved wife of the late Rob- ert F. Kennedy, dear mother of Robert G. of Richmond Hill and grandmother of Kathy. Funeral service was held at Hienbuck Funeral Home, Stratford. Intermentl Avondale Cemetery. clwlO‘ 2r * * * MACKENZIE, Robert Kenneth, â€" Monday, September 2, at the Hospital for Sick Child- rnn darling cnn nf Nnrma/ l 1 Sealed tenders, marked “Alter- ations to Heating Equipment", will be received by the under- signed up to 3.00 pm. on Wednesday, September 11, 1963 for alterations to the heating equipment at the O. M. Mac- Killop Public School, Lucas Street, Richmond Hill. Specifi- cations and drawings may be obtained from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily aceepted. Kenneth U. Turton, Business Administrator, Richmond Hill Public School Board, 62 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill, Ont. The Young Church with the Old Message LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Interim Pastor: Mr. Terry Madison, Benson Ave., Langstaff ‘ LORD’S DAY SERVICES 9.50 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€"â€"MORNING SERVICE ‘6 pm. â€"â€" Young People’s Meet- 9 ing 7 pm. â€"- EVENING SERVICE Supervised nursery at all Lord's day activities MID-WEEK HOUR. Wed. 8 pm. leln Chili!) l l I Drnvrnr Drunk-n Langstnff ; DCIIUUI 11 a.m. â€"â€" Nursery & Kinder- garten Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service The Minister UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE Minister Rev. Ralph C. Williams. B.A. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1963 Hope â€"â€" 9.45 a.m. Maple -â€"- Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Worship . . . . . . . . . . t. 11 a.m. Sermon â€"â€" “It’s Later Than You ‘Think†‘Kindergarten, Nursery and 1 Primary 11 a.m. MACKENZIE, Robert Kenneth â€" Monday. September 2, at the Hospital for Sick Child- ren. darling son of Norma and Ken Mackenzie. rested at the Jerrett Funeral Home, interment Westminster Cem- etery September 3, 3 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lloyd. Willowdale, wish to announce the engaEement of their daugh- ter. Norma Elaine to Claire Laurence Norwood. son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Norwood. Willowdale. The marriage will take place in Willowdale Un- ited Church. October '5, ‘1963. at four o'clock. c1w10 «Engagements HOD-DOUOUWW--- -u.<--~ J. Bishop (Julia). and Jim. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Rich- mond Hill. Interment Maple Cemetery. c1w10 September 8th, 1963, at 2:30 pm. A friendly welcome is extended to all to attend this special service in the oldest Mennonite Meeting House in Ontario. Edgeley Mennonite Church ZEEEUJE A Mennonite Church Service will be held at c1W10iYes. everyone who‘s tried It agrees. you can’t beat our Fuel Del«8"0il for heat that‘s steadier. ’iSh ’10 warmer and more efficient . . . "t Of‘in any weather. Call us today POP-to order yours. 8 a.m.-â€"l-Iol_v Communion Rev. Canon S. R. Thompson, ‘9.30 a.m. ~ Morning Prayer ‘ B.A.. B.D. ill a.m. ~â€" Choral Communion ‘7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer Complds Church School & In- â€"-â€"-#f-â€"â€"v~;‘ lfant Care at 9.30 sum. 8; ll a.m.‘ H0111 TRINHY 7 __ Evensong : , Dedication of Church School BmOke 8‘ Jane Street! ‘ Teachers 330‘" ‘wednesday, September 11‘ 1963 Rev. H. Reginald Howden. B.A.. 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion L. Th. ~4~ Rev. Fred C. Jackson. Assistant THE ANGLIC’ATCHUR'CH or ‘ CANADA Mrs. Ralph Markham, A.R.C.T. THE CHURCH fST.GABRIEL Crosby and Bayview Avenues Rev. R. E. McLennan 407 Lynett Crescent i Wednesday. 10:15 am. â€" Holy l Communion lSUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 lTwell'th Sunday After Trinity TU’ 44236 5 8:00 am. â€" Holy Communion Church TU' 4'7083 11 a m â€"- Holy Communion SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1963k 'Pr'eacher_ The Rector 8 am, â€" Holy Communion ‘ ‘ 9.30 am. â€"- Sunday School OAK RIDGES inegistration - ages 744 years ANGLICAN CHURCH or 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer CANADA i Sunday School Registration, SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8’ 1963 ‘ ages Nursery to six years ST. MARK! PARISH OF KING y Yonze at Elm Grove (Anglican) 59.45 am. â€"â€" Family Service HOURS OF SERVICE and Morning Prayer All Saints’ Church - King Cityl ST. JOHN’S 10.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer: Yonge at Jefferson 11.10 a.m. â€" Sunday School ‘11 am. â€" Morning Prayer ,7.30 pm. - Evening Prayer 1 [Recton the Rev. Tom Robinson Organist and Choir Director ‘ 9 am. â€" Sunday School ‘11 am. â€" Worship Service 1 7 pm. â€" Youth Group ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. Lange. B.A.. B.D. ‘SUNDAY, AUGUST 25. 1963, {9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School and‘ Bible Class ’11 am. â€" The Service Nursery provided PRESBYTERIAN RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 11 am. -â€" Nursery Department “Holding Forth The Word of Life" THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. 7, 1/2 mi. west of Yonze Dillwvn 'I". Evane. Minister ST. MARY‘S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O'Neil _ Assistant Curate: Rev. Donald Bone SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 TRINITY XIII BASSER â€" Barbara and Louis mee Atkinson) a son on Sep- tember 2. 1963, a brother for Trevor, Darlene and Kimber- ley-Anne. c1w10 WILSON â€"â€" Stewart and Mary nee Lindsay, are happy to announce the arrival of a son September 2, 1963 at Bran- son Hospital. c1w10 nee Lindsay, are happy to announce the arrival of a son September 2, 1963 at Bran- son Hospital. c1w10 * a n: a l BAPTIST WHITTAKER -â€" Diane and Bob “ST. JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH Whittaker announce the ar-; Richmond Hill rival of a son, Andrew Scott.}(C0nVent10n 0‘ Ont- and Que-l August 27 at Branson Hospiq‘ tal. a brother for MichaeL‘ Heather, Bruce and Carole. ; c1w10 HOME REPAIR Minister: Rev. J. M. Ward July and August services combined with Thornhill Baptist Church, Yonge St. Thornhill THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Convention of Out. 8; Que.) ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Ont. and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 7th Con.. Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 10 a.m. â€" St. Andrew’s Church 11.15 am. â€"- St Paul's Church The Lord’s Supper Sunday, September 8 St. Paul‘s Anniversary Services at 11 am. & 7.30 pm. St. Andrew's Church withdrawn for the day CONTRACTING C0. B Roofing of All Types Specialists in all kinds of leaks, M‘ Tar Roofs, Shingle Roofs, Felt 10 & Gravel ~ Insulation - Caulking - Drains - Siding in Brickwork & Eavestroughing Also Complete Painting Service 11 General Repair and Clean-up Jobs Work Done Immediately Written Guarantee Phone After 7 pm. and weekends PR. 3-4195 vv UI I\ uvuc lllllllculuwul written Guarantee (A Fellowship Church) Phone After ’7 pm. and 50 wright Street weekends Classes fo_r all 419 (Opposite the High School) PR‘ 3‘ 5 Pastor: G. Forbes â€"l9~45 am- â€" Bible School -â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"*“â€"‘111 am. â€" Morning Worship ‘7 .m. â€" Evandelistlc Service ALTERATIONS T0 HEATING wit 3 pm. __°Prayer Meeting EQUIPMENT \ A Friendly Welcome ls ‘ Extended to ALL at Sealed tenders, marked “Alter- The Young ChIII'Ch with the alion: to Heating Eauinment". 01d Message “Ye Are The Temple of God, The Spirit of God Dwelleth In You†EMMANUEL A N G L l C A N .\.\'GLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale H E R A N ST. MARY'S Rev. K. A. Thatcher | ANGLICAN CHURCH BA. 5-2734 ST_ 7 » Richmond Hill ‘Mrs. .Ias. E. Howard, Organist‘ PAICIhié‘gg‘HERAN Rector: Rev. J. F- O'NEil ‘SI‘NDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 Walter Scott School Markh _ Assistant Curate: 13th Sunday After Trinity Road . Rev. Donald Bone 9.30 am. â€" Morning Prayer 1 Rev. Alben E, Myers BA lNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8, 1963 11 am. â€" Holy Communion 5 M)†51M ‘pasgor' ‘ TRINITY XIII Preacher â€"â€" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8’ l a.m.-â€"I-Ioly Communion Rev. Canon S. R. Thompson, 9 am _ Sunday School TU. 4-1313 189 CENTRE ST. EAST RAMER & SON SERVICES H (V, II]- 113m. HOLY TRINITY THORNHILL school ‘ Brooke & Jane Streets Rector 11‘ 1963 Rev. H. Reginald Howden. B.A.. mion L- “1' Rev. Fred C. Jackson. Assistant w“ 0F Mrs. Ralph Markham. A.R.C.T. ABRIEL .venues nan >nt Communion iSUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 szell'th Sunday After Trinity 5 8:00 am â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m‘ â€"â€" Holy Communion Preacher: The Rector 33 i 8. 1963‘ Organist and Choir Director ‘ Wednesday. 10:15 am. â€" Holy‘ ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) Rev. E. Lanze. B.A.. B.D. ‘SUNDAY, AUGUST 25, 1963 .945 am. â€"- Sunday School and i Bible Class ’11 am. â€" The Service Nursery provided PRESBYTERIAN RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Camd- Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A.. DJ). 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sun- day of month at 11 THORNHILL ‘ BAPTIST CHURCH : (Convention of Out. 8: One.) Stop 17, Yonge Street ‘ Rev. Minton Johnston, D.D., Minister Mrs. Cameron Andrew, Organist 10 a.m. â€"â€" Senior and Intermed- iate School 11 am. â€" Junior School and Nursery 11 a.m. â€"â€" Morning Service (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) Church Street Langstatf ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH THE LIBERAL, chhmpnd Hill, Ont.,jry1§ay, September 5. 1968 Rev- 1- N- Hepbumv Minister Ebï¬i'ï¬'s'u{"cï¬ï¬stIW-ï¬t 'y'e 'aâ€"li M's- V9†Diamond speak the same thing and that , Omani“ and Choir Lead" there be no divisions amon; n-v-v-\.‘y «mumâ€"--_m“ .. --A- I. U I II L l\ H I‘ 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN Assemblies of Canadl “ CHURCH TU. 4-4387 Walter Scott School. Markham Pnstor: Rev. P. A. Sorenaon Road SUNDAY Rev. Albert E. Myers. B.A., *10 am. â€" Sunday School B.D., S.T.M.. Pastor ‘11 a.m. â€" Worship Service SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 196317 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service 9 am. â€" Sunday School 1 TUESDAY 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service 38.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Dillwyn T. Evans. Minister Miss Nancy Rowland. Organist SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1963 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 7 p.m‘ â€" Evening Worship Christian Education Classes 9.45 a.m. â€" Grades 4 to 8 and adults 11 am. â€"- Nursery. Kindergar- ten and Grades 1 to 3 12.30 pm. â€" Grades 9 to 13 ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH Rev. F. James Burn, B.A., B.D.1 TU. 4-5526 1 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1963 ‘ Rev. L. K. Sider. Pastor 10.30 am. â€" Worship Service SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1968 Sunday Church School â€"â€" {9‘45 aAml_Sunday School 915 am. â€"â€" Primary Junior . ' . ,11 a.m. â€"â€" Worship. 10.30 am. laljtlérnsery. KInder-‘Pastor.s Theme __ n . “Controlling Our Thoughts 11.35 am. â€" Igirmedxate. Sen- 7:30 p.m‘_Evening Service Wednesday. 8 p.m. -â€" Prayer Meeting “The Word For The World†RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev C. G. Higginson. B.A.,B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 9.45 am. â€" Primary, Junior. Intermediate & Senior Sunday School 11 am, â€"- Nursery & Kinder- garten Sunday School 11 mm. â€"â€" Morning Service The Minister ’UNITED’CHURCH OF CANADA MAPLE CHARGE UNITED 1962f Minister Rev. A. I. Higgins, 3A., 3.1).. Rev. Veals. Assistant Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 9.45 am. â€" Intermediate and Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Nursery 11 am. â€" Morning Worship For further information call AV. 5-2131 SEVENTH-DA! ADVENTISTS CHURCH C. R. Neill. Minister Meeting every Saturday Elgin Mills West ‘1: mile west of Yonge Street Worship Service 9.20 am. Sabbath School 10.30 am. TUESDAY 8.30 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting FRIDAY CHURCH OF CHRIST Welcomes you at 7 pm. each Lord's day Corner of Laurie Rd. and Concord Ave., Concord I Cor. 1-10 Now I beseech you Brethren. by the name of our RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Rev. A. J. Slater. Minister Church of the Light and Life Hour, CHML. 9 3.111. Sundly SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1963 Wed. 8 pm. â€" Monthly Missionary Meeting. For further information clll 884-7097 RICHVALE G'cï¬ï¬iL CHAPEL 10:00 a.m.â€"â€"Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Presentation of Perfect Attendance Award Pins 11.30 am. - Worship Service Stewardship Sunday 7:00 p.m.â€"Family Gaspel Hour The minister preaching at both services Sunday â€" 9.30 am. â€"- Remembrance Ser- vice ‘ 11 l.m.â€"Blble Hour & Sunday School 7 p.m. -â€" Gospel Meeting Tues.. 8 p.m. â€" Prayer and Other Denominations Bible Reading Young people's and ladies' Wed., 7 pm. â€" Pioneer girls meetings as announced "Jesus saves and there in no other way" BRETHREN IN CHRIST CHURCH Wm. Vanderbent, Pastor Tel.: Richmond mu. TU. 4-3155 Heise Hill (Gormley) 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wed. 7.45 p‘m.-Prayer Meeting Vaughan (3rd Com. 1 miles Concord at Public School Rev. A. W. Heise. Pastor Tel. 285-5002 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 a.m. -â€" Worship Service Tues., 8 pm. -â€" Prayer Meetlnl Oak Ridges, Aubrey Ave. Roy Nigh, Pastor Tel.: Gonnley 5544 10.30 am. â€"- Sunday School 11.80 am. â€" Worship Servicof nthh of Concord) 11.15 am. â€" Wors GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL ’7 TH6RNliIiII ‘ UNITED CHURCH 24 Oak Avenue Services Children's Hour Worship Service