Mrs. Elton Armstrong, vincial board member, con ed the election - Mrs. Hf Kay consented to take sidency of the Yo W.I. for two ye ‘5, Foster. high ' hool from Kin th ne P. Lewis scholarship award- ed annually by York County > Women's Institutes to a stud-I ent of outstanding ability and excellence in 4-H Club activit-y ies. Miss Foster is also an ac- compIiShEd mam.“ and Perfor' with a general meeting for all meeting 0f the SeaSOn 0f the med 3" the rally. She Intends members under the chairman- CWL of St. Mary Immaculate to use the scholarship to furth- Ship of the president, Dr. new or her education at Teachers,“s Stain". College. The members enjoyed a pic- nic lunch, after which the King W.I. presented a humorous skit. Miss Elisabeth Barker (a form- er York County Dairy Princ- ess) gave an interesting talk highlighting her European tour. The Berwick Women’s Insti- tute received the prize for the largest attendance at the rally. The radio broadcast will move to a new time slot com- mencing the first Sunday in October - it will now be heard 42;“:- Mâ€"onday'next. September 16th. c - Mac- *ilflit Agnes Bregg and miscellaneous shower at the latters home on Anzac Road. ill * I ‘1 [Curtain Club On Monday last the Curtain Club opened its 1963 season A large turnout of members was present and plans for the coming season were discussed. Since the club are celebrating their 10th anniversary, great interest was shOWn by members in what their executive had planned for this important oc- casion. As mentioned in this newspaper ‘last. week, the plays chosen were “Angels in Love" by Hugh Mills, “Ten Little In- dians†by Agatha Christie, the first presentation in English of the new play, “Boing Boing†at 6:57 pm. over C.F.G.M. by B. Cross, and anestoration comedy “The Country Wifeâ€. Entertaining for Mrs. David 9 Pre- Cox. (nee Mary Lou Lamont) County prior to her recent wedding Marlene at Our Lady Queen of the Sindent World Roman Catholic Church and a member of were Mrs. Club. received the An- Mrs. Wilfred Allen, who held a Church was held on September Auxiliary will be held at Bev- erley Acres School on Sept- ember 17th at 8:30 pm. The election of officers for the coming year will be held; initial plans made for the fall bazaar, and refreshments ser- ved. Members are reminded to‘ hand in their Golden Book of Charity labels. Further infor- mation can be obtanied by call- ing Mrs. Richards at TU. 4- 7009. *ï¬xkir The first regular monthly‘ 9th in St. Mary‘s School audi- torium with the President Mrs. C. Bettie: presiding. An interesting talk on the important role that women play in politics was given by the guest speaker, Mr. Donald Plaxton. .prominent Richmond Hill lawyer. During the business portion of the meeting plans were dis- cussed for the first class rum- mage sale to be held on Sept- ember 28th beginning at 10 am. All members and friends were urged to give their full support to this special money raising project. Dr. A. Leadbetter from Bris- tol University, England, who is on a lecture tour of North Am- erica. was a weekend guest at the home of Dr. Dennis Stain- er and Mrs. Stainer, Centre Street West. Roger Touw. son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Touw. 403 Oceanside Drive, learned last week that he was a winner in the “Ask Andy" contest in a Toronto daily. and will be receiving 20 volumes of the World Book En- cyclopedia. Richmond Hill W.[. Nlne members from the Richmond Hill Women's Insti- tute attended the York County Rally held at the Woodbridge Arena on Thursday last. Sept- ember 5th. The “Best Rally Ever" was the unanimous opin- ion of everyone present. / The radio broadcast will move to a new time slot com- mencing the first Sunday in October - it will now be heard It 6:57 pm. over C.F.G.M. Bus Service To- R.C. High Schs. Announcement that Trail- Name" 5â€â€ â€".' "W'm‘m ways will operate a special bus Show“! “nth a.mazl?gf penetra- to transport children to the two “on the "memes ° ("it men Roman Catholic schools in the at 8, 'Fard party portraying the vicinity of Steeles and Bayview. femmme an?†1 d i h has been greeted by parents The meetmg C059 Wt 1" with a deep feeling of relief freshments convened by Roz and gratitude. lAnderson and Cicely Thom- St. Jean Brebeuf College. 211350“- Steeles Avenue. near Bayview.| " "‘ " * will accommodate Roman Cath-I The drama group Of St ollc boys from this area. andlMatthew'S United Church, “The St. Joseph’s Morrow Park, on‘St. Matthew’s Players" are ven- Bayview. south of Steeles, will turing outside their home teach girls from the area of‘church for the first time. and high school age. Istaging their fall production The bus. which will have a"‘Cousin Jill from Junction sign designating it, will start at‘Hill" - a light three act comedy Yonge and Markham, Richmond,- in the Christian Education Hill. at 8:10 each school dayiBuilding of the Richmond Hill morning. proceeding north to.United Church. The bus. which will have a"‘Cousin Jill from Junction sign designating it, will start atlflill" - a light three act comedy Yonge and Markham, Richmondl- in the Christian Education Hill. at 8:10 each school daleuilding of the Richmond Hill morning. proceeding north toUnited Church. Elgln Mills Road. arriving at‘ The play, which is to me pre- 8:15 along Elgin Mills to New- sented on November 28th. is kirk and along Newkirk to being directed by Mrs. Doreen South Taylor Mills: along South Kendry. president of the group, Taylor Mills to North Taylorland produced by Lynda Davis. Mills by 8:20; arriving at. Bay- * It * * view Plaza at 8:25; and from How lucky can you get! Don the plaza will proceed down.Hause, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bayview to the schools. lHause. 277 Lennox Avenue. re- View Plaza at 83253 and from HOW IUCky can you g8“ DOD taken now as the class will be the plaza will proceed down Hause, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. limited to 35 persons. Bayview to the schools. Hause. 277 Lennox Avenue. re- Mrs. a. c, v. Hewson, co- Boys and girls Will be PiCk8d ceived a phone call at the close author of the column “Tips up at any corner on the route of the ONE. last week with the For parems" will conduct this on signal. news that he had won a gleam- popular course which is now in The return trip will leave St. ing Pontiac sedan. Ins fourth year in Richmond Jean Brebeuf at 4 pm. and St.[ How did he win it? He halem Coffee will be served. Joseph's at 4:10. submitted 90 entries in the‘ For further information, Arrangements with parents giant barrel of Tele Fun please can Mrs. .1, Downey, and the bus company were cheques at the C.N.E. - and out‘TU 4,2442 made by Mrs. Con Thompsonmf 2.000.000 cheques - his name ' ‘ and Mrs. Tom Broadhurst of‘was pulled out. Beverley Acres who were deep-l Don. who is a grade 10 Slut’ 1y concerned about the iack of‘ent at Bayview Secondar transportation facilities to theSchool, is unfortunately tr two high schools. Further in-‘young to hold a driver's 1i formation about the service‘ense. so will sell the car i may be obtained from Mrs. his father. who commutes dail Thompson at TU. 4-5003. Ito Toronto. The return trip will leave St Jean Brebeuf at 4 pm. and St Joseph‘s at 4:10. Corn Roast At St. Matthew's Rev. James Burn, minister of St. Matthew’s United Church, gazes into campfire at last Saturday’s corn roast held at the church. From left are: Linda Robbins, 11-year-old daughter of Richmond Hill Police Chief R. P. Robbins; Mrs. Burn; Mrs. Robbins, with daughter, Kim, 8; and Mrs. Cecil Brenn. A crowd of about 200 enjoyed the home-grown corn and included members of out-of-town Hi-C church groups. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING (Across The Street) Or Across the Continent FURNITURE HANDLED GENTLE AS A LAMB MODERN STORAGE WAREHOUSE V.VI.V.V.V.V. VVV). VV.VVV.V.VV.V_V,‘a\lvv.v.v.v.v,vvvvvv‘I‘V PHONE A V. 5-4911-2-3 127 Birch Ave. - Thornhill. On! Over 45 Years Experience 5-} Dr. Dennis Stainer and Mrs. is Stalner, Centre Street West. n- are enjoying a few days in at Stratford this week, attending n- the festival. Mr. George Houston left on Friday for his home at Berwi’ck on Tweed, England, following several weeks holiday at: the home of Dr. H. M. Sanderson, Arnold Street. ( A "Come and get acquainted: party" will be the format for the first meetin 'of the Engin- eers Wives. t, be held this Thursday (Sgï¬tember 12th) in the Gordo "Maclaven Auditor- ium of t e public library. The [Allenbrae Branch of the Central Hospital Auxiliary having their first meeting 0 the fall season at the home f.President Mrs. Mae Mait- land, 38 Benfer Crescent. on {Monday next. September 16th. Entertaining for Mrs. David Cox. (nee Mary Lou Lamont) prior to her recent wedding at Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church were Mrs. Agnes Bregg and The highlight of the even-ing was a very amusing play-‘ let by George S. Kaufman cal- led "If Men Played Cards As Women Doâ€, directed by Dag- mar Matyas. The cast, Neville Cross, Jerry Diakiw, Dennis Stainer and Bill Dennison showed with amazing penetra- tion the niceties of four men at a card party portraying the feminine angle. The meeting closed with re- freshments convened by Roz Anderson and Cicely Thom- son. Don, who is a grade 10 stut’ ent at Bayview Secondar School, is unfortunately tr young to hold a driver‘s li ense. so will sell the car 0 his father, who commutes dail to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Guppy. Benson ‘A’venue. recently retur- ned from holidaying at Lake St. John. in the Muskoka dist- rict The evening W. A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church have two big events planned at Wri- xon Hall - :1 Treasure Mart -‘ where you can “Come and buy a tneasure for yourself and a treasure for your home" will take place during the evening of September 27th. and on September 28th, the annual ‘giant rummage sale will be ‘held. l The election of officers for |the coming year will be held, initial plans made for the fall bazaar, and refreshments ser- ved. Members are reminded to hand in their Golden Book of Charity labels. Further infor- mation can be obtanied by call: ing Mrs. Richards at TU. 4? 7009. The committee arranging these outstanding events are: Mrs. Jean Langton,.Mrs. Ruth Lepper, Mrs. Pat Bedford, Mrs. Madeline McLeod and Mrs. Shirley White. The first meeting of the lst Beverley Acres Cub and Scout Auxiliary will be held at Bev- erley Acres School on Sept- ember 17th at 8:30 pm. During the business portion of the meeting plans wene dis- cussed for the first class rum- mage sale to be held on Sept- ember 28th beginning at 10 am. All members and friends were urged to give their full support to this special money raising project. Also during the business it was decided that the CWL will sell Christmas cards this seas- on, and the monthly meetings will be changed from the sec- ond to third Monday of each month. The meeting closed with lunch being served under the social convenor Mrs. J. Law- lor. Child Guidance Course Sept. 16 An opportunity for parents to learn how to better cope with their preâ€"teen and teen- age children is being presented through the Richmond Hill Y.W.C.A. and the Richmond Hill Public Library. A six-week child guidance course with the accent on adol- escent years will be held in the library auditorium starting September 16 at 8 pm. Ad- vance registrations are being taken now as the class will be limited to 35 persons. Mrs. G. C. V. Hewson. co-‘ author of the column “Tips For Parents" will conduct this popular course which is now in its fourth year in Richmond Assisting also at the recep- son, co. tion were Mrs. R. Carter. Mrs. n “Tips H. Bryan, Mrs. A. Galliene, met this Mrs. J. Riswick, Mrs. P. Kil- 5110“) in lean, Mrs. J. Fraser, Mrs. E. ichmond Parker, Mrs. L. St. Louis. Mrs. rved. IJ. Lamont. Mrs. D. Reynolds, urmation,|Mrs. F. Winkhardt. Mrs. R. D0\vney,'Bransï¬eld, Mrs. A. Oude-Reim- ierink and Mrs. C. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank South-‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanders, well. Church Street South. left Elgin Mills Sideroad, returned returned from a three monthlfriends offer congratulations to this week for holidays in Jasper to their home after spending visit in Britain. York County Warden Clarence and Vancouver. ltVVO months at their summeri She was met in Montreal by Davis and Mrs. Davis. who held * * * ’ lcottage at Washago. the ’Rev. J. Noble Hepburn open house Saturday at their Curtain Club members met on‘ * * * * when she disembarked from Aurora home when they cele- Friday last for a swimming Visiting at the home of Mrdthe Empress of Canada last brated their 25th wedding an- party and weiner roast at the and Mrs. Stan Thornington,Ax-lweek. niversary. Mrs. J. Noble Hepburn has; All their Richmond Him: 0 E Curtain Club members met on Friday last for a swimming party and weiner roast at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alf Har- ris, Markham. Hans Hofmann. formerly of the Continental Beauty Salon, Yonge Street. will be opening a new salon in the Hill in the very near future - for infor- mation call TU. 4-5892. Mrs. Ray Chandler, a former resident of the Hill. now living in Oakville, visited friends in the neighbourhood on Friday last. * * * * Mr. H. Duggan of Victoria, B.C. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Bayley, Yonge Street, prior to attending the golden wedding anniversary of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Duggnn of Willow- that they are giving a repeat performance this September 14th. Taking part were: Lisa Davis. Becky Bryan, Cathy Plume, Bennie Bryan, Jane Davis, Joanne Plume, Nancy Stoness. Debbie Joyce. Peter Davis, Susan Wolfraim, Deborah Ston- ess, Jody and Harry Bryan. ‘ :0: vi a a: Word was received this week from former Richmondflill re- sidents, Mr. and Mrs; Len Jones, who returned to England last year, and are now holidaying in France. ._ - .V ______9 At the dinner meeting to be Saturday, held on October 16th. a pro- minent worker connected with the United Church Board of Men, Mr. J. Beatty, will speak to the club on “Christianity in Business - A Lawyer's View-‘ point". For ensuing meetings, it is planned that some top- rated speakers will ensure in- teresting dinner meetings. A special December programme, embodying the Christmas spir- it, is in the planning stage. * * it -« Allgood Street was a lively nlace last Saturdav. In the dale “The Neighbourhood Players†a group of children in the Bev- erley Acres area. have recently proved their many varied tal- ents. by producing - with the assistance of Mrs. Lynda Davis - their own concert, and giving a one night performance for parents, friends and neighbours - using Mrs. Davis‘s basement as their theatre. It all started during the ear- ly summer months, when Mrs. Davis. hearing the children playing rather noisily in the basement, had the inspiration to suggest that they may like to put their energy and talents to better use and stage a neigh- bourhood concert. The idea was enthusiastically received and “The Neighbourhood Players" was formed. Taking part were: Lisa Davis. Becky Bryan. Cathy Plume, Bonnie Bryan, Jane Davis, Joanne Plume, Nancy Stoness, Debbie Joyce, Peter Davis, Susan Wolfraim, Deborah Ston- ess. Jody and Harry Bryan. Such was the success of the concert. which consists of skits. solos, acrobatic dancing solos, baton twirling and piano solo. that they are giving a repeat performance this Saturday, September 14th. “Greetings from France - we are touring France and are stay- ing at Royan for a few days. This is an ultra modern city rebuilt by the Americans after being completely flattened during the last war. It has some fantastic modern architechure and five gorgeous beaches. We are re- turning to England via the Chateau country and will pro- bably call in at Paris". Mr. and Mrs. Jones who lived on Driscoli Road, are accomp- anied ,on the trip by their daughter Carol, a Richmond Hill High School graduate, and Michael, who attended MacKilâ€" lop School. A reception followed the de- dication ceremonies at Our Lady Queen of the World Par- ish. Bayview Ave. Receiving the guests with his Eminence Cardinal McGuigan and Father Robinson were the president of the Holy Name‘ Society Mr. J. McArthur and Mrs. McArthur. the president of the Catholic Women’s League Mrs. H. O’Toole and Mr. O’Toole, the director of the choir, Mr. V. Hanna and Mrs. Hanna and the president of the bowling league, Mr. D. Sexton and Mrs. Sexton. Mrs. C. Parke convened the tea and the following assisted pouring tea: Mrs. William Neal, Mrs. W. R. Dean, Mrs. H. Fyfle, Mrs. J. Roach, Mrs. L. Roach, Mrs. J. Galt, Mrs. K. Moran, Mrs. Wm. Moran. Mrs. D. Moran. Mrs. S. Mason, Miss C. Mason, Mrs. F. Coughlin, Mrs. J. McCarthy, Mrs. J. Mc- Tague, Miss Madeleine Mc- Tague. 'and Miss Mary Mc- Tague. N., Richmond am! Editor Margot Crack Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stan Thornington, Ax- minster Drive. are her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bush. from Vancouver. At the recent graduation of the largest class of nurses. 55, in the 75-year history of Brant- ford General Hospital, Miss Marlene Jamleson of Richmond Hill received the Catherine Emma Hurley Memorial Award for general proficiency in the intermediate class. Celebrating their silver wed- ding anniversary on Tuesday were Deputy-reeve Stanley Tin- ker and Mrs. Tinker, Richmond Street. Following dinner in Toronto with their family, Delia, Brian and Don. they were entertain- ed by Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Ham- ilton at their home in Weston. Casting for the Curtain Club November play "Ten Little In- dians†will take place in the theatre, rear 25 Yonge Street North - this Sunday at 8 p.m., and Tuesday, 8.15 pm. For in- formation call AV. 5-5181. If you have not already ob- tained your Curtain Club sea- son ticket - an application form will be found elsewhere in this issue. AOTS Men’s Club The AOTS Men's Club of Richmond Hill United Church will resume its activities for the new season with a corn roast on September 17th at Richildaca Camp at Kettleby. The cost will be one dollar per couple. All men of the congre- gation (and their wives) are in- vited. Allgond Street was a lively place last Saturday. In the morning about 97 area young- sters competed in sack, potato and three-legged races and a tug of war to win medals’ don- ated by the Tower Medal Comp- any. While they filled up on hot dogs and ginger ale, they were amusineg entertained by clowns Bert Crittenden and Ed Wells. In the evening, about 100 of their parents from Allgood, Alper St. and Oceanside Drive which comprises the new Elgin Park Ratepayers’ Association tripped the light fantastic at a spotlighted street dance with prizes awarded to various couples. Among visitors was Liberal candidate Donald Plaxton. Con- tributing to the success of the day-long initiation for the new association was master of cer- emonies Jack Conway, the Red and White store and Bayview Plaza drug stores and Jim An- tram who supplied the lighting. Acting president of the assoc- iation is Ivan Mansbridge. Sec- retary, L. Harrietta and Chair- man of Entertainment B. Crit- tenden. Mr. Mansbridge said he was very pleased with the success of Saturday’s efforts. K-IIiIi-I-I I 24 Elizabeth St. N. 2 Carlton St I Richmond Hill Toronto III-III-II-E FM---‘---“--"---M’1 Emergency Prescription Service When'your physician leaves a needed prescrip- tion late at night, call or have your physician call directly to Your prescription will be called for, filled, and returned to you without delay and AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. DURING THE DAY (9 a.m.-9 pm.) Call TU. 4-4461 for the same quick service. ALLENCOURT PHARMACY LIMITED WM. C. LAZENBY, B.Sc., th. ALLENCOURT CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 AFTER HOURS TU. 4-4683 MORTGAGE SERVICE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT One of the Many Services of DEPENDABLE AND Entertaining this Week at cof- fee parties in Richmond Hill for Donald Plaxton, Liberal candidate for York North in the September 25 provincial elect- ion, are the following: Mrs. W. R. Jackson. Ruggles Ave.; Mrs. R. Maddocks, Osiris Drive; Mrs. R. Mestwarp, Taylor Mills Dr. North; and Mrs. R. Breuls, Levendale Road. Miss Penny Cutting. from Newmarket, a colour specialist, has joined the staff of Chez Pauline House of Beauty on Yonge Streetâ€"and will be avail- able for consultation on your hair colouring problems. Mrs. Pauline Bracey-Gibbon, owner of the salon, has just completed a course at the Ad- vanced Academy of Hair De- sign in Toronto. and is most enthusiastic about the new fall styles â€" simplicity being the keynote. Russ Cripps (coach) and Mrs. Cripps, Boisdale Ave.. entertain- ed members of the Dynes Jewel- lers Ball Team on Saturday last, following their victory over Owen Sound at the town park. Sponsor Vern Dynes was on hand to join in the celebrations. The team is now the Central Ontario zone champions, and every success is wished them in their forthcoming games. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley C‘ Com- isky of Thornhill, 0nt.. an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Penny Sharron Lea to Mr. Samuel Chianelli, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chianelli. Downsview. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Sep- tember 14, 1963. at 10 o'clock in St Edward’s Roman Catholic‘ Church, Willowdale. clwll‘ Mr. and Mrs. John Beresford Anderson of Richmond Hill an- nounce the engagement of their eldest daughter Cecilia Beres- ford Anderson to Nicholas Ig- natieff, only son of Mrs. Igna- tieff and the late Mr. Nicholas Ignatieff of Toronto. The wed- ding will take place on Satur- day, October 5 at 3 o'clock in Trinity College Chapel. clwll Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haddow Keith, Richmond Hill. announce the engagement of their daugh- ter Anne Georgina to Roger Howe Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wilson, Rich- mond Hill. The marriage will ‘take place Friday, September 27, at ’7 pm. in Richmond Hill QEngagemmts United Church Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Lun- au wish to announce the en- gagemth of their daughter Av- ril to Frederick Kirkham, the wedding to take place in Rich‘ mond Hill Presbyterian Church at 2 pm. on Saturday, October 19th, 1963 With the fall season fast approaching. community social and bridge clubs are holding their organization- al meetings. “Life in the Hill" is always pleased to receive news items regard- ing your club activities - the service is free - just call the social editor. Mar- got Crack at TU. 4-1105, or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. TU. 4-7204 TORONTO, ONT EMpire 2-3456 c1w11 clwll Jim Davis. son of Mrs. C. J. Davis, Baker Avenue. left on Sunday for Ottawa, where he has enrolled in the arts course at Carleton University. Miss B. Sinclair. Elgin Mills Sideroad. is progressing fav- ourably following an accident sustained in her home. Miss Marlene Jones. daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jones, Elgin Mills Sideroad, left this week for Kitchener, to enter St. Mary’s Hospital School of Nursing. Congratulations to Wayne Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Willis, 414 Pal- mer Avenue. who has been ac- cepted in the arts and science course at York will commence September 20th Wayne, a graduate of Bay- vlew Secondary School, is pres- ently employed with Burns Bros. Brokers. Deputy-nave Stanley Tinker and Mrs. Tinker, Richmond Street, wene among the many guests at the reception held last Saturday by the Warden of York County. Clarence Davis and Mrs. Davis, at their home in Aurora to celebrate their silver wedding annivers- ary. During the evening, a pre- sentation was made to Mr. and Mrs. Tinker, in honour of their silver wedding anniversary, which was also on September 10th. The Chancel Guild of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will hold an afternoon tea at the home of the president, Mrs. H. C. Peacock, on Saturday, Sept- ember let from 3 to 6 pm. This lovely wooded setting is located on the Gormley Side-i road. All members and friends of the parish are invited. This is in aid of altar guild funds. Father Basil Breen the form- er curate at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church was among, the members of the clergy at-[ tending last Sunday’s solemn blessing of the new Our Lady Queen of the World Church. Father Breen was recently ap- pointed parish priest at St. Mary’s, Port Credit. | A junior and senior branch of the Young Peoples’ Associa- tion are being organized. All young people of the parish ane invited. The assistant, the Rev. Donald Bone will preach. Next Sunday evening, Sept- ember 15th at Evensong, the officers of the A.Y.P.A. will be installed by the vector, the Rev. J. F. O’Neil in St. Mary’s Anglican Church. LASTWEEKTOENTERJ OUR DRAW FOR ..... 20 Pairs Of Shoes YOU may be one of 20 lucky winners . . . nothing to buy, just drop in and fill out an entry form. NATURALIZER HUSH PUPPIES HE McHALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 12, 1968 NEW LOCATION 4 LEVENDALE ROAD TO CELEBRATE THE University and his studies on SHIELDS W foW; INCLUDED IN THIS GROUP OF 20 PAIRS - Are Such Famous Brands As: La VALLEF SAVAGE IES HEWITSON Drop In Today and F i1 “:3: A 0 , A- g ls! ’ Qn‘lmge-s ide-‘l (First Store West 3 Markham-Bayview Area Richmond Hill WW SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘W' ht' Ph ’ ‘ lg 5‘ “many All popular makes on hand Day or Evenings, TU. 4-1745 special students! Rates The Emerald Room THE EMERALD ISLE MOTELâ€"AV. 5-5411 Piano, Voice Production and Theory | Weddings? Sales Meetings? Get - Togethers? Bridge Parties? Banquet Facilities Ruth Carson A.D.C.M. Minced Beef 3 lb. 95¢ Wieners 3 Steak BAYVIEW PLAZA SIRLOIN, WING & ROUND ï¬ADE & SHORT RIB Studio: 428 S. Fernleigh Circle (Preparatory for Royal Conservatory Examinations) L. H. SIMS OPENING OF OUR NEW LOCATIOI‘ KAUFMAN ill Out An E of Earth Cleaners) BOOK NOW NOW OPEN N PACKARD PLAYBOYS BY HEWITSON Entry At Our Up To 50 People lb. 49¢ lb. 69% TU. 4-7691 I PEDWIN