Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1963, p. 12

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12 THE TIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 0nt., Thursday. September 12, 1963 me Challenge .01“. Cancer - No. of Hospitals Volunteers â€"â€" 29. - More than 20,300 patients benefitted from these ser- vices in 1962. - The cost to the Society was $671,904. This does not include the time of over 30,- 000 volunteers. the value which is incalculable. - The Society has provided $1,472,371 in capital funds to purchase property. build and equip facilities for am- bulatory patients requiring over - night accommodation during treatment at clinics. called Lodges are located at Vancouver, and These institutions, Boarding Homes or Hamilton, Toronto and Clinics Served by Society's Miss Davina Todd Carr El Weds Norm Loveridge Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church was the scene Septem- ber 7 at 3 pm. of the wedding of Miss Davina Todd Carr, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Carr, Blairgowrie, Perthshire, Scot- land to Mr. Norman Loveridge, son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Loveridge. Rev. J. N. Hepburn performed the ceremony. of Given in marriage by Mr. Jack McEwen, Ruskie Farm, RR. 2 Maple, the bride wore a floor length gown of white taffeta with scattered sequins and a large bow at the back of the waist, with matching head- 45 Ardblair Road.‘ Mrs. Elia Findlay was her sist- er’s matron of honour wearing a yellow nylon over satin dress, with matching headdress. white‘ shoes and gloves. Three junior, bridesmaids. nieces of the bride.i Miss Davina Phillip, Miss Lor-v raine Phillip and Miss Elizabeth Holt, were gowned in blue ny-, lon over satin, with white flor-‘ al headbands, white gloves and, shoes. Best man was Mr. Eric Fors- berg. and ushers were Messrs. James Holt and James Phillips, brothers-in-Iaw of the bride. . At the Carrville Unitedl Church Hall, Mrs. Jack Mc-‘ London. dress. by Bill Barnes your telephone unanager (u DEATH BY SUFFOCA'I‘ION h According to I vs. Government test conducted on ’01 youngsters aged 3 to 51/1, abandoned refrigerators, . ireesers and ice boxes remain death traps even when ped with safety devices. Induced into a refrigerator- layhouse and told to come out as soon as the door closed. two out of every five children MADE N0 MP'I‘ T0 ESCAPE. even though the door was pro- d with a release mechanism. Observed through an visible viewer for up to ten minutes, some cooed and Iayed happily: some lay down to go to sleep; some punded on the door without attempting to push it open: others simply cried. PLEASE. PLEASE, PLEASE ilert your little people to this danger and help make gore that an abandoned or temporarily idle refrigerators, ate" have had their doors removed, or else are so tightly {bound that no child could ever get into them. This is {especially true now that older and wiser brothers and .aIsteI-s are back at school and tinier types must make '3th of their own fun. tfri: a O O O FACTS FOR LIFE 7": The tragedy of a child lacked in an abandoned freezer Ruskes me wish a telephone had been in there with him. impractical? Unfortunately, yes. But take another emer- gency where a youngster does have access to a phone. Mould It be just another toy to him, or would he know gnough to use it for help? Few parents permit their -ehildren to play with the phone, since this can put it Tbut of order. But I wonder how many explain how serious jun instrument it is and how to use it in case help is .needed? From seeing adults use the phone, would a child know to wait for dial tone? Would he understand 1that if he pulls the dial back, instead of letting it return ,-freely, he can get a different number from the one he wants? I doubt it. But if these things are carefully .explained to him, he will hear the reassuring voice of :the operator if he ever needs help quickly. 5‘ 'TI’IHII 1%“ u . It 0 v“ NUMBER FACTS f Since we seem to be on children this columr here’s a -~punle they probably don't know. though you may re- }member it. And believe me, it’s good practice for any ‘buddlng mathematicians in your family! Take your - Ltelephone number and double it. Add five: multiply :‘by 50: then add your age. Now add the number of days :in a year and then subtract 815. If all went well, your .total should consist of your telephone number and your “age, reading from left to right. But make sure you have {-Iota of paper to start with! NOW YOU EARN Ewen represented the bride‘s mother. Her dress was of tauper and beige silk with beige hat and matching accessories. |, For travelling to Niagara Falls, the bride donned a char- coal grey three-piece suit with rose pink hat and black access- ories. On their return. Mr. and Mrs. Loveridge will reside at 17 Elizabeth St. North, Rich- mond Hill. ______.~__â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"¢ MARKHAM VILLAGE: Offic- ial opening of Highway 48 through the village September 18 will be the occasion of a mammoth dance, bingo and games being planned by the GIN MILLS School News After the long summer holi- days school doors opened last week once again. ’ year“ registration at Jefferson Pub- lic School is up to 139 with‘ the teaching staff consisting of Miss A. Leary as principal, Mrs. M. Hopkins. Mrs. M. Dun- can and Mr. Glen Newis. lst Jefferson Cubs & Scouts Cub meetings started last week but how about a little more interest, boys? The Cubs are going to miss Baghcera Jack Laughlin who has been with the pack for over three years. The Laughlin auxiliary meeting this month. St. John's Church News The evening branch of the W.A. met at the parish hall last Thursday for the first time since June. Plans were discussed for activities for the. coming months. The young people from St. John‘s and St. Mark's attended. a Youth Rally at St. Paul’si Anglican Church, Bloor Street. The preacher for the even- song service on Sunday was the Rev. Tony Capon of the Scripture Union. Sunday school started again last Sunday with the children J aycees. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT It. It. 2 Gormley -- Telephone 386-5421 Brownies The lst. Gormley Brownie Pack will open for their fall activities September 16. at 6:45 pm. to 8:15 pm. at the SS. 7 Markham School. Any girl 8 to 11 years who wishes to join please phone Brown Owl Mrs. G. Hardie. at 886- 5434. Girl Guides The Girl Guides will begin their meetings September 19 at 7 p.m. at the Melville United Church. Would the guides please answer the letter which the Captain sent them immedi- ately. Rangers The Rangers gathered at Colty Corner's school on Thursday evening. Any girls between 15 and 21 years of age wishing to join. are asked to contact Mrs. P. Rumney at 886-5437. They will be taking part in a Dominion project to raise sufficient funds for Latin Am- erican countries to translate and print books for Brownies in the Latin speaking countries. At present no books are in ex- istence. Fall Fashions September 25, at a pm, the 2nd York Central Land Rangers will sponsor a fall hat and bag fashion show at Melville United Church. Tick- ets are available from any Ranger. Merchandise will be supplied by Robert Simpson Co. Toronto. Sr. Women’s Institute The September meeting of the Sr. Women's Institute will be held on September 17 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Reid Brumwell, with Mrs. D. Par- sons as convenor. Roll call-sing, say or pay 25 cts. Guest speak. er will be Mrs. Wm. Champion. Hostesses: Mrs. R. Brumwell, Mrs. L. Mumberson and Miss Olive Glover. United Church Women The September meeting Of the U.C.W. will be held Sept- at the home of Mrs. Harvey Collard. will be Miss ember 18, at 8 pm. I Guest speaker nine years and over meeting as : MRS. W. SANDLE June Collard. ,Bakc Sale The ladies of the community are asked to bake for the sale being held in the community hall September 14 at 2 pm. All donations will be greatly appreciated. [lobby Show A handicraft and hobby show is scheduled for the Victoria Square Community Centre Hall September 28, afternoon and evening, sponsored by the Victoria Square United Church Women. Rummage & Auction Sale Evening Branch St. John's Anglican Church TU. 4-3008 family have moved to hiounthI‘angE\'Ille District High Forest and they will be missed School. very much. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Burns,. . t1 8. v Carinda, Lorna and Hilary There “in be no mo 1 IS have moved to Altona, jUSt :Senior 3 convention. who is director for Richmond â€" JEFFERSON usual at 10 am. The children under nine years of age this year will be having Sunday school at the same time as the. church service. namely 11.10, (LlIl. . The afternoon branch of the WA. will be holding their September meeting next Wed- ;nesday, the 18th. at 2.30 pm. at the parish hall. Neighborhood Notes 1 Miss Mabel Robertson has returned to Orangeville after ,spending a week's holiday in. ‘the district following summer. camp counselling at Bronte} Mabel is entering Grade 12 at. cost of Stouffville, where they have bought an old house which they are modernizing. The best wishes of the com-l munity go with them to their, new home. Miss Terry Caldwell return-l ed last week from Europe: where she has been travelling since last fall. She will be en- tering Queen's University very shortly. i This week Miss Marlene Jones entered St. Mary's Hos-. pital in Kitchener to start hei-I nurse's training. Mrs. H. G. Robertson at- tended a two day convention last week at the University of} Western Ontario in London. It. was the fifth annual United Citizens of Ontario Mrs. Robertson.I Hill Senior Citizens, Was ac- companied by 7 senior mem- Ibers. Mrs. M. Duncan and her daughter Anne, had a very in- teresting trip this summer to Trinidad, touching at Montreal, Halifax, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic on the way. On their return they flew to Antigua and visited Mont- serrat. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Leno spent the week end in North Bay as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Aron. We are endeavouring to do a good job of covering the news of the district but we need YOUR help. If you have any news we would appreciate A rummage sale sponsored by Victoria Square District Lions Club will be held in the community hall on Septem- ber 13 at 8 pm. On Saturday, September 14 at 2 pm. an auction sale will be held In the same place. There will also be a bake sale, followed in the evening by bingo. Donations of articles will be received up until the time of the sale. Church News Dr. A. Binnington was in charge of the church service on Sunday morning. Following the service the Christian Education committee met to review the leadership in various groups of the church: the nursery, Mes- sengers, Explorers, C.G.I.T. and Tyros. Corn Roast The home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Deacon at Glenburn Farms, Unionville was a happy place Saturday night when their many friends and Liberal supporters gathered for a corn and weiner roast. There were, pony and donkey rides for the children also hay rides. A beau-‘ tiful fireworks the evening. Leitch, 12 years. September 12; Carl and Cathrina Vanderkooy, Tyndall, 11 years, ews, Mark Brumwell, September 18. three years, Ihear that he has returned to Queen's University, Kingston Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart at- ‘tended the 50th wedding anni- week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumb- display closed 1 Neighbourhood Notes 1 7‘ Birthday greetings to Peggy v one year, September 12; Mardi I: September ,. 1'7; Sharon Boynton, 13 years, September 18; Evelyn Matth- 14 years, September 18; -‘ ‘ The many friends of Alan '- Binnington will be pleased to ‘for his second year's study, and jwish him every success. ' versary of Mr. and Mrs. Gord- -V on Sellers at Agincourt last 1 hearing from you. MARKHAM VILLAGE: Home and school associations' deleg- ates last week criticized village police for not being able to provide school patrols because of the pressure of other duties and too much overtime. Norm- ally school patrol supervisioni doesn't come under police jur-l isdiction. Chief White said and in August. more than 1,000 calls were recorded and there1 had already been more than 300 over-time hours put in this‘ year by himself and membersi of the six-man force. G It takes more than a ‘TUNE-UP' to run like new! A car lasts only so longâ€"and all the tune-ups In the world won't give it new performance. Old heating plants wear out. too. Now is the time to change to IIEII DEPENDABLE ass IIEIITIIIII Only Gas Heating gives you all these advantages DR FREE BURNER ADJUSTMENT {- ANY TIME t GAS HEATING EQUIPMENT COSTS LESS SPECIAL LOW RATES FOR , Low cos1' OPERATION HOME HEATING CUSTOMERS ’ No FUEL STORAGE 24'H0UR'A‘DAY SERV'CE t No MONEY TIED up IN STORED FUEL I DEPENDABLE, AUTOMATIC FUEL You CAN HAVE A SUPPLYâ€"[NO DELIVERY PROBLEMS GAS FURNACE t SILENT, DEP DABLE OPERATION FOR As $ I CLEAN -No FIRM OR smuer LITTLE ' ) ODORLESS \A5 WEEKLY s GAS RATES CONTI E To DROPâ€" wmI CONSUMERS' GAS 16 RATE REDUCTIO 8 IN PAST 8 YEARS ALLOWANCES NOW AVAILABLE All Go: Heating equipment is said ocked to meet the exacting standards of the _ Canadian Gas Association and is Inatalleli‘ by overnment-Iicensed, “ traiined technicians. \i. @ansumers’Qas 19 TORONTO ST., TORONTO I 362-5858, LOCAL 500 INSTALLATION GUARANTEED Consum‘Irs' Gas N0 PAYMENTS TILL APRIL I964 \.“ . VSEE YOUR LOCAL HEATING DEALER OR CALL 168 Yonge St. N. Richmond HiII 285-48II’ :erson and Miss Betty Glover‘ - have returned after visiting, ' Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mumberson ‘and family at Austin, Texas. While there they attended the‘ ‘wedding Of Miss Mary Mumb-i erson and Mr. Henry Sebesta. at Alvin, Texas. . 1 Miss Mary Sharrard, and Mr.. Lock Sutton of Toronto, had ,Sunday evening dinner with YORK NORTH? LEX MACKENZIE AN ONTARIO’S PREMIER JOHN ROBARTS “My interest is in the individual person. 5&7 BRITISH MORTGAGE GUARANTEED CERTIFICATES O 1 to 5 years 0 $100 or more 9 Interest deposited to your B. M. T. account, “I do what I can for him. I believe that every person should have easy access to the government of his country through his local member, It is my on. d M St 1 Id) to make his life a bit better and happier, to make government more i . an rs. an ey DeFoe. _ ' A speedy recovery is wished understandable and useful, and to get things done for York North, ‘for M" Stanley B°ym°n Whoi “I ask for your support on September 25, so that I can continue to work I for you." DII SEPT. 25th. RE-ELEG'I' ' Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, last week. His room is 211. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Allan Orr ent- - lertained the Victoria Square1 Baseball team to a corn-roast on Saturday evening. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Orr vislt- ” ,ed with their cousin, Mrs. Lau- Ara Kellam at Lambeth one day‘ last week. SCHOOL REGISTRATION . , When school re-opened on '7 ‘Tuesday morning, there were 14 beginners at 5.5. No. 4. and 16 at SS. No. 7. l Total number that registered ' at 5.5 No 4 were 115. and at 5.8. No. 7 there were 27 in the junior room; 35 in the interme- diate room. At 8.5. NO. 4. grades 6, 7, 8. and the auxiliary class come from the whole school area No. 3. At SS. No. 7 grades 3, 4 and ‘5. are from the SS. No. 4, and from the former SS. No. 6 as :' well as SS. .\'0. 7. ' There are grades I and a in . ,both schools. ' â€"Le.r Mackenzio ’¢!.Dvl{~:b‘g a .e or paid by cheque Invest now at British Mortgage to earn this new high interest rate. 51,1579â€"1 to 5 years. SINCE 1877 BRITIS MORTGAG . R? TRUSF (C O M P A N Y Hours of Busines: Monday to Thursday 9-4.30: Friday 9-8.30 p.111. '24:“, Telephone 884-1107 - 285-1308 E. A. Holmes, Manager. 53 Yonge Street 5.. Richmond Hill on“ Richmond Hill Committee Rooms LevendaIe Roadâ€"TU. 4-5773 PROGRESSIVE Aurora Campaign Headquarters Toronto Phone 922-4373

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