Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 Sep 1963, p. 15

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Licensed Auctioneer York 82 Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE W.&P. SERVICE I78 YONGE ST. N. Richmond Hill We personally handle all nle bills and advertising PHONE All electrical repairs & wiring T.V. - Antenna Repairs .5: New Installations - Refrigeration Appliance Servicing ALL MAKES Automatic Washer: Dryers Polishers Vacuums Irons Bank of Nova Scotia Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT English car service centre for all makes. 173 Yonge Street North (Opposite R. D. Little & Son) Free Estimates for Repairs to All Makes of Cars GUARANTEED WORK DAVE HAY TU. 4-4745 F.l.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 64531/2 YONGE STREET BA. 5-4701 Town Auto Body LEONARD R. RObENBERG RELIABLE SERVICE APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS AV. 5 - 3591 Alvin S. Farmer BOB CURRINGTON EMERSON T.V. HOOVER VAC. Free Pick-up & Delivery Telephone TU. 4-2283 Evenings TU. 4-3392 British 8. Foreign Cars Licensed Electrician 20A Yonge Street 8. Richmond Hill. Ontario Work Guaranteed RICHMOND MOTORS Accountants Auto Body Work PHONE ROY THOMPSON NE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Auctioneer 321 Enford Rd. fl lndustrhl Rd Richmond Hill AV. 5-2994 PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Appliances L. E. Clark TU. 4-3417 Toasters Sump Pumps H. D. Melsness, D.C.‘ X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate 5; Bayview ‘(1 block south Bayview Plaza) } Phone TU. 4-1075 l . . I Chiropractic lBuilding Trades THORNHILL AV. 5-1413 FARM â€" HOME PUMP AND WELL REPAIRS GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alterations Drnln and Concrete Work AV. 5-5881 T.LeonardPinnegar . . F (at St. Clements) Lumber - Trlm - Panelllngl TORONTO 12_ ONT 191 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill 485 MARAMAK RD. RICHMOND HILL opp. Bayview Sec. School By appointment WELL DRILLING MYERS WATER SYSTEMS Dr. J. Perdicaris Arthur G. Broad Dr. J. M. Dryer SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Leno's Machine Shop MEDICAL~DENTAL CENTRE BAYVIEW PLAZA BEVERLEY ACRES 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL BUTLER & BAIRD LUMBER LTD. R. F. Challoner PLASTERING Engineering D. Alexander Deciantis-Rice 10 Lorne Avenue By Appointment PHONE 884 - 5167 Repairs â€" Houses COMMER‘CIAL AND INDUSTRIAL 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 PHONE OFFICE TU. 4-3571 Tulloch CHIROPRACTOR Quick, Clean Service 13 YONGE ST.‘s. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1462 Phones 'I‘U. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 AV. 5-1974 STEAMFITTING WELDING Paint - Hardware By Appointment DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions K. KRUT'JLER AV. 5-2666 By Appointment Building Suppfies 884-3675 Dental Motor Vehicle Finance Service TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 Citywafwélass .3 Garden Centre ‘1 Suite 2. Lowrle Buildinz 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 113 King St. John S. Walkington H errington Insurance Agency Formerly Bloor a; Yonge St. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU. 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings - Funerals Corsages Experienced designers “Flowers For All Occasions” Phones TU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 H. J. MILLS LTD.‘ 114 CROSBY 884-3933 HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY GENERAL INSURANCE FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg., Aurora, Ontario AV. 5-4865 â€" WA. 5-0532 Member Keele Street Maple, Ont.‘:King City We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts GardenSuppIies I Corner Agency Limited RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE GROWER -- FLORIST Sellwood Salon Hair Styling & Beauty Salons Insurance - Mortgaer 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AVenue 5-1379 B. W. MILLER Ph. HU. 5-1145 Fire. Auto. Liability Sprays and Materials Shrubs â€" Trees Garden Tools Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bick A. Burnett General Insurance 2518 YONGE ST. per - Florists" Telegraph Delivery Association INSECTICIDES Insurance Retail Division Flowers TE. 3-5283 Since 1880 363-3959 King City EARRISTER 8; SOLICITOR Suite 2. Lowrle Building 15 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon TUmer 4-1551 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR,19 NOTARY PUBLIC Toronto Office - 7 Queen St. 13., Suite 151 Phone EM. 3-5877 James H. Timmins T. C. Newman, Q.C. 17 Queen Street 12.. Suite 544 Toronto 1. Ontario EMplre 6-2368 TU. 4-1219 Telephones PArkview 7â€"9488-9 Fire. Automobile. Plate Glass!A\7,5.1477 Automobile Financing etc. ‘ BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Floyd E. Corner, Q.C. Elaine Knight Bernard R. Forgang 47 Yonge Street South Aurora, Ontario Barrister. Solicitor 8; Notary Public Gariepy and Mann Ernie Brock & Son p Donald M. Findlay Lawlor & LeClaire Savage Insurance Services Norman A. Todd TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 8., Aurora PA. 7-9272 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE. ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS Residence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 urn“... ‘Uvr- - u I J. Rabmowztch, [ NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. Office 15 Yonge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill 15 YONG-E ST. NORTH Richmond Hill, Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Barristers and Solicitors Plaxton, Deane & Drew Floyd E. Corner 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill. Ontario GENERAL INSURANCE Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Barristcr, Solicitor, Notary Public ‘THORNHILI AVenue 5-316 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Thornhill Office AV. 5-1197 Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 Bus. ALpine 7-2621 Res. ALpine 7-1224 Barrister. Sohcltor, Notary W. E. Nell Mann LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Insurance TU. 4-4618 Legal Continued NHILL ‘ 5-3165 Phone TU. 4-3962 4-4413 Richmond Hill TE. 3-5451 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FI'I'I‘ED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED REPAIRS 31 YONGE ST. NORTH A. W. Kirchen, 0.D. Eyes Examined J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST O EYES EXAMINED O PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES GLASSES MADE a; REPAIRED3 IN OUR OWN LABORATORY By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL '7 Crown Motel? Piano and Theory 195A MAIN ST Ph. TW. 5-4571 Ne Air Condition. Room TV and Telephone F. L. Lowrie, R.0. Parker & Pearson In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre am. to 6 pm. including Sat RU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES Wardell York Memorial Marguerite Boyle 4956 YONGE ST” WILLOWDALE Monuments and Markers of Granite, Bronze and Marble Cemetery Lettering Phone BA. 1-9777 Elocutlon. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art STUART P. PARKER Q. C JAMES H. PEARSON ESTELLE MARKHAM A.R.C.T., R.M.T. Enroll now! Fall term Begins September 2nd 125 Laverock Ave. TU. 4-3787 K. M. R. Stlver, Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Pemflatt. B.A. William Errington, 8. Com Maple Marine \‘tiver, Vale, l ‘eppial‘t, Errington'; DIAL 257-1381 SCOTT - McCULLOCR Outboard & Chain Saw Sales and Service "HOMEWOOD HALL” Thomhill Monuments Optometry PHONE .884 - 4491 383 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill RICHMOND “11.1 7 Dufferin St. Glasses Fitted TU. 4-4641 Marine Motels Musical Continued) Legal Optical Repairs ST, {Rentalsu sales, NewmarketIoflice machines TU. 4-1543 Antenna Installations and Kits Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - 'I Office Supplies Call Any Time - Free Estimates ’| Transportation Math’s TV - Radio Service & Parts Coaches for all Occasions BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT supplies and social stationery Reservations For [HIIEIILUUI I JIIUC “CPU” Every Phase of Travel IIN ALLENCOURT PLAZA Without Charge 7728 Yonge SL, Thornhill 285-4807 - 285-4808 Expert Shoe Repairs To All Types Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 285-3642 Globe Travel Service Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Langdonk Coach Lines Ltd. [Paint-Wallpapel MATH. M. ERKELBACH Reservations for Sea-Air Tours and Cruise Trailways Of Canada Ltd. FOR INFORMATION WINTER GARDEN INTERIORS LTD. Discount On All AV. 5 - 1059 Residential - Commercial Phone: 884-7851 or 285-5782 NO BOOKING FEE N0 SERVICE CHARGE TRAVEL AGENCY Sales . Rentals - Leases 9114 Yonge St. Richvale 15 Yonge Street North PHONE 285-1472 16 Yonge Street North FREE DELIVERY YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT 125 Pemberton Rd., Richmond Hill MARIA'S TU. 4-7903 Television Real Estate RICHMOND HILL Telephone TE. 3-5351 TU. 4-4231 Travel 285-5729 service of Business ‘ Office ’l‘plephonp 147 Yonge St. N. ‘TU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill Dr. w. Allan Ripley‘Young's B. A. Service Station ‘I Sporting Goods fiSeIf-Operating Bus Line 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill TU. 4-1213 Allencourt Shoe Repair On Theft Charge Ontario Lind Surveyors 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2941 105 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdale 0nt., 221-3485 Res. George T. Yltel, 0.L.S. ApperarsThuursda'y James E. Abbott. 31, Glen Everest Road, Toronto will ap- pear in Richmond Hill Magist- rate‘s Court today (Thursday) charged with breaking, enter- ing and theft from a Thornhill doctor's office. He was remanded without bail in custody after he first appeared last Thursday before Justice of the Peace N. P. Kel- ley, in the absence of Magist- rate 0. S. Hollinrake. Mrs. I. Norheim, wife of Dr. G. N. Norheim. Yonge St., told Markham police she was enter- taining guests August 24 in the apartment above the doct- or's office when she heard the downstairs buzzer ring. When she went to investigate. she said she saw a man walking away from the house; when she called out he ran. She followed in her car and was able to give Markham police a licence num- her. Investigation at the office showed it had been ransacked with several filing and medical cabinets forced open and about $200 missing from a cash box. VETERINARY SURGEON C,C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods UPHOLSTERY CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTERING All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates Al’s Cycle and Sports Shop RICHMOND UPHOLSTERY Phone 884-5127 Aurora Woman Gives Lif' "During the summer bus‘ iness has been slow and I have been using the smaller bus but in the tall I intend to provide a service for the high school students twice a day as well as regular runs," Miss Shirley White. owner and operator of the Aurora Bus Line since October, 1962 takes her late model 12â€"pas- senger slationwagon bUS 100 miles daily as a service to Aurora housewives and bus- iness people, She also oper- ates a 37-passenger 1947 bus when the demand is heavier. The operation we: en- tirely her own iden. She receives no subsidy from the Aurora Town Coun- cil but intends to uk for a franchise. Operating on an 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. basis, she makes her trip along a specific route with a 40-minute ser- vice. A former woman car jock- ey and Richmond Hill resid- ent is using her experience to give Aurora residents a lift. Expert Shoe Repairs To All Types We Specialize in Dyeing and Tinting Shoe Repair 44 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill Yates & Yates Veterinary Specialists In Surveyors THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, Septemhar l2 Perhaps the day will come when parents wli consider it not only their duty but their privilege t teach their children to protect the creatures ove which they have dominion. Then we will not nee humane societies or police forces and there will b no more wars. For when man cannot findyjt ' 1 heart to kill a helpless animal, then he wil not b able to kill his brother.” (Mrs. Wark has contribute to the “Animal’s Voice.” Because of local names, i will appear in this column next week). “To start off a new season,” said Mrs. Wark “we are planning a bazaar and rummage sale. I don’ want to give the children the idea that makin. money is the chief work of our club and I speak of i as little as possible but unfortunately, it seems t be the only way to keep our society in operation an there is dire need for the humane and humane educa tion societies to be kept in operation. Mrs. Wark said that for their first mo making project, the group rented the Richmond High School gymnasium last June 19, and pres two beautifully colored films. One was about life in Canada. the other was entitled “Wild Anima. in Tanganyika.” In spite of the fact that this even was held on the same night as the Richmond Hi1 sports parade. there was a good attendance and pro ceeds were turned over to the work of the society. “Last Christmas while our group was still l1 its infancy, we put on an entertainment for thn children's parents and later for patients at thr “Villa”, said Mrs. Wark. “While the children wen learning their parts. I also did some fast learning For instance. I learned that it takes more than tinse and cheesecloth to make angels out of little girl: and that it takes more than colored scarves and golc paper crowns to make wise men out of little boys However, after several weeks of sweat and tears WI “put on” our concert which was kindly hailed 3 fl mendous success “by all viewers." Humane societies and the humane education societies get no government grant, they depend en- tirely on the generosity of the public and on money raised for group project? to keep functioning." ~~ e The animal defenders club meets twice amont in the basement of the Wark home on Bathurs Street. The executive is made up solely of childre with an adult board of directors. The membershi fee goes toward the material Mrs. Wark chooses f0 group projects. A different animal is studied eve month and a discussion follows. “I thought at firs I might have trouble in getting the children to spea but I have found that I often have difficulty in get ting them to stop!” There is usually a variety of pets to be seen a the Wark home. At present they have a rabbi guinea pig, several chinchillas, a dog and two whit cats. Mrs. Wark declares that son David would lik to keep every animal he sees. This summer th Warks visited the Marine Show at Niagara Falls an became acquainted with Geoffrey, the sea lion. No David would like to add a sea lion to their menageri (Secretly Florence Wark thinks that would be we derful). “I have always loved and taken an intense inter est in animals," she said. “I would pore over natur history books as a child and I learned the names 0 many strange birds and animals from other lands. “My parents greatly encouraged this study. Onw of the delights of my childhood was a Thorntm Burgess bedtime story read each evening and late to read these delightful and informative tales my self. David, an avid reader has thoroughly digestel all the Burgess books." must always release wild ones when they are enough to 190k aftgr themselves,” said Mrs. War? Mrs. Wark confesses that the sight of a suffer ing‘ animal always sickens and scares her, and the. one of the nightmares of her life is to see an animal killed. .‘ Yonge & Benson Rambling Aroun She spends about $2.50 a day on gas and so far has kept maintenance costs at a minimum. It costs $50 for the permit from the town to operate the one bus and that would be doubled when she runs both. “The police have required me to have a school bus chauffeur's licence which included having a me- dical examination." she said. she said. Cost of Operating Major bite into any profit Miss White hopes to make eventually is payments on the larger vehicle and insur- ance which is $440 on the small bus and "considerably more" on the big bus. “I was lucky in that I travelled 50,000 miles in the stationwagon before it need- ed a brake re-lining." she added. Fares per trip are 15 cents for adults or eight cents or two for 15 cents for child- ren on a cash basis. Not a mechanic though she said she was very inter- ested in it and anxious to learn as much as she can. MiSS White started out her automotive career in Toronto whenlshe was a car jockey for several years at the Bay- Adelalde inside parking lot.‘ ONE STOP SERVICE CENTRE WASHING, POLISHING, GREASING TIRE REPAIRS, BATTERIES General Repairs to all Makes of Cars SID HUNT, Licensed Mechanic (Continued from Page 2) YOUNG'S TU. 4â€"0009 She was also car jockey 5 Rumble Motors in 1958-5 and for Parkwood Motor before moving to Richmon Hill where she drove tin 1015 to and from the c operative nursery school. Sh also used to drive woul be Barbara Ann Scott: fro this area to the Tam 0 Shanter Skating School. Aurora townspeople hav‘ welcomed the service. sh said. “I hope to stick with th bUS company; it's an inter esting occupation and mucl better than working in Ta ronto." The service provided b 'l‘railways provides two bu. es daily except Sundays an holidays for a total run 215 miles. The town‘counc budgets each year for 3 def' cit in the operation with maximum of $10,000. As July 30 this year. deficit wa $7,769. Cash {are boxes :.r turned into the town he] For example in June for 2 working days. returns wer $1,004. in July for 26 ope aiing days, it was $970. In the winters she was give time off to attend the Prah 1e Bible Institute in Alberta In Richmond Hill, voter in 1958 asked for a bus se vice in the community. Richmond Hill .1963 '1

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