COMPLIMENTARY “CONDITION HAIR TREATMENT" Given for a Limited Time With Our Stylist Cold Wave Which Also Includes Shampoo and Set Duwm> llBERAI. CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-1105 Richmond Hill Lions Hall MQNDAY SEPJ I6 RII'I'I'I'S KITCHEN 22 levendale Road SATURDAY SEPT. 14 Maple Walnut, Chocolate, Strawberry, Coconut, Cinnamon, Plain, Roasted Peanut, Children’s Delight, Chocolate Twinkle SATURDAY SPECIAL FIRST 30 CUSTOMERS 1/; dozen free donuts NEXT 20' CUSTOMERS 1/2 dozen home made cookies SEE OUR WIDE SELECTION OF HOME MADE PRODUCTS DONUT - DAY SPECIAL PRICES on Donuts to Clubs, Schools, Restaurants, etc. TENDERS, properly completed in triplicate and sealed in envelopes marked “Tenders For Building Lotâ€, will be accepted up to 4:00 p.m., Friday, September 20th, 1963, in the Clerk’s Ofï¬ce Municipal Building, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. Tender forms, envelopes, conditions of sale, and all information are available from the Clerk’s Office, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Telephone TUrner 4-4455 or AVenue 5-4928. The Town reserves the right not to accept the highest or any tender. LOT DESCRIPTION Lot Plan Street Size Block “A†6351 Altamira Road 60’x125’ Services Zone Paved road with R-l-B curbs, sanitary sewers. Sept. 10, 1963 BUILDING LOT FOR SALE BY TENDER TENDERS INVITED FOR THE SALE OF A BUILDING LOT IN THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL We Invite You to Come In for Special Customers’ Offer We specialize in Home Made Bread PHONE TU.4-4I88 THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL 8 TESTED VARIETIES House of Beauty 24 YONGE ST. N. TU. 4-2726 AT WILLIAM NEAL, Mayor. L. M. CLEMENT, Deputy-Clerk. Doncaster Complaint An angry ratepayer appear- ed before Markham Township Councll Tuesday night of last week and termed the muddy conditions of Proctor and Hen- derson Avenue in Doncaster as a “disgraceful mess." Making this complaint as well as others was C. G. Rus- sell of Proctor Avenue. Mr. Russell chided council‘ on being “a way too slow" in taking action to correct condi- tions on the road “where our school children are now plug- ging their way through mud to (Continued From Page 1) ‘ Mayor William Neal report- ed to council Monday night that a proper committee is be- ing set up to handle industrial matters in the town and that a report should be available for next week. In the mean- time. he said, enquiries from industrialists are being hand- led by the mayor, works com- missioner and clerk. Markham Twp. Helps Cultivate Hay Fever?? Letters of appreciation will be sent to Dr. Gordon Martin for his service as town repre- Just like a number of otherof the complaints made by a sufferers, Markham Township ratepayer a man had been sent has come down with a bad case to cut the weeds but “he did- of hay-fever. n’t cut them all but promised It all began when the to come back. He hasn't." townsâ€? comm“ was ac" Councillor Charles Hoo- cused 0‘ cultivating hay' ver said there should be fever while Metro Toronto immediaw action to clear “spends millions of dollars up the weeds. “7mg ‘0 3“ "d of it†At this point, council de- Making the charge was ratepayer C. G. Russell 0! Proctor Avenue, Doncast- er. Since the charge the hay-‘ fever-sneezing issye has given seed â€"- if that’s the word â€" to complaints from other annoyed‘ ratepayers as well as a “don’t blame us for it all" statement from the Canadian National Railway. The latest instalment came at Monday’s council meeting which saw Reeve Wilfred Dean reporting he attended a ratepayer’s meeting over the weekend and found everyone “most upset†by the presence of weeds. “Three ratepayers complain- ed,†he said, “that the town? ship cut part but not all of the weeds. I didn't inspect the areas but where I live they cut part of it too -â€" but not all of it." Complaints from ratepayers ranged from being allergic to golden-rod or rag-weed or both. Councillor Allan Sumner said the township should take a "long look at our weed-cutting program‘ which is proving to be nothing but a joke." He indicated the John Street area “where you can find the most beauti- ful hedge of ragweed you’d ever want to see. Other roads are just the same." Deputy-reeve Charles Hoop- er said a-lot of the blame for the weed-problem should be placed on the Ontario Govern~ ment who won’t “let us go on personal property without pro- per notification.†By the time this is done, he said, the situ~ Mr. Hooper also pointed out some of the spraying process put on weeds in the township didn't prove as effective this; year as in others. “It’s been a‘ peculiar year," he said. atlon ced. Reeve Dean noted it was get- ting late in the year for spray~ ing the well-developed plants. “You would have to spray a couple of times a year to cont- rol ragweed," he said. Tuesday. Sept. 24 at 7.30 9.11:. EARL HAIG AUDITORIUM 100 Princess St., Willowdale The Orchestra meets eachii Tuesday evening at 8 p.m.‘ Openings are available for all I instruments. Richmond Hill Town Council Briefs conducted by James Coles Director of String Music at Forest Hill Village Schools FOR INFORMATION CALL 284-4600 Roads “Are A Disgraceful Mess’} The reeve added that on one ls usually too far advan~ REGISTRATION a p.m.’ RENTAL OFFle on PREMISES go to Henderson Avenue school." He pointed out that the mud creates a danger to the lives of small children “especially if a truck or car should skid on it." He also recommended the speed limit on Proctor Street be low- ered to 30 miles per hour. He described the street as “a speedway." Reeve Wilfred 'Dean agreed something should be done to protect the children. V Concurring was Councillor Allan Sumner who said the sentative on the Richmond Hill Library Board since 1956; and to Mr. Wm. Babcock for the benefit derived by Richmond Hill children from .his Richal- daca Day Camp. Councillor Al- ex Campbell reported that more than 400 chidren from the town had enjoyed the camp at Kettleby this summer. North York Humane Society was granted permission to hold their annual tag day in town on Saturday, September 14. At this point, council de- cided to call in the weed inspector and see what his views on the current hay- fever problem were. It was at a prior meeting that Mr. Russell opened the hay-ever issue with the ques- tion: “Where’s our weed ins-pector?†He complained of 30 acres of ragweed on the north side of the CNR railway as well as numerous other spots currently well supplied with hay-fever-producing weeds. “The works department,†he said, “only cuts a small strip along the roads and leaves whole fields of ragweed off the road," he charged. El 8. 2 BEDROOMS 3 $105.00 3 AV. 5-2303 The CNR got into the act a day later when an engineer Eldon Dolphin said “it’s not necessarily so,†in replying to the rag- weed complaint lodged with the township. He said he was not aware of any concentrated growth of ragweed on the new access line. Firsi Week WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . THURSDAY - - . . . . . . . . FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . SATURDAY . . . . . . . . . . Second Week WEDNESDAY . . . . . . . , THURSDAY - - . . . . . . . ‘ FRIDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . SATURDAY . . . . . . . . . Curtain Club Season Tickets Indicate number of tickets required and return with your cheque to Mr. D. Thatcher, 232 Jacey Anne Drive, Richmond Hill. Total Amount Name Address Telephone No. 0 YEAR ROUND SWIMMING 0 ELEVATORS 0 BALCONIES 0 TV HOOKUP 0 INTERCOM O BROADLOOM HALLS 0 FREE PARKING IN RICHMOND HILL CHOICE SUITES STILL AVAILABLE u. .1- W-_---l-(MW MARKRIDGE APARTMENTS ‘25 Years of Community quiga’ $50.00 FULL CARD TO GO road would soon be dug up and this prevented anything per- manent from being done at the present time. Council passed a motion aut- horizing a works crew to pour a gravel sidewalk along Proct- or and Henderson Avenues to give the children something to walk on. Mr. Russell -was also unhap- py about the delay in putting sewers along Proctor Street and predicted the township would- n’t have them in till next spring. HUGHES, Mathew James â€"â€" Atl his home, 17 Ruggles Ave.,l Langstaff, on Saturday, Sep- tember 7, 1963, Mathew James Hughes (member of Third Battalion CEF), dear husband of Annie Dennison and bro- ther of Emma, Peter and Ben Hughes, all in England. Rested at the Trull Funeral Home. Interment York Cem- etery. c1w11 NIGH, Arthur â€" At his home, R. R. 2, Gormley, Monday, September 9, 1963, Anthony Nigh, beloved husband of Georgina Alleyne, dear fath- er of John, in his 75th year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Interment Heise Hill Cemetery. clwll PICKERING, Minnie â€" At Or-l angeville, Tuesday, Septem- ber 10, 1963, Minnie, daugh- ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pickering of Oakville, dear sister of Olive (Mrs. N. Fleury), Chaplin, Sask.; Her- bert, Port Hammond, B.C.; Cameron, Port Credit; Elmem Windsor; Wilfred, Oakville; and Don of Victoria Square. In her 83rd‘year. Resting at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Friday at 1 pm. Interment Munn's Cemetery, Trafalgar. clwll Approval of the sale of block ‘A‘ registered plan No. 6351, under section 28 (9) of The Planning Act was received from the De- partment of Municipal Af- fairs, for the sum of not less than $4.500. The lands were convey- ed to the municipality by a subdivider in the Rumb- le Avenue area of town for park purposes. Small parcels of land have not proved practical for parks. SOMETHING TO SELL TRY “LIBERAL†CLASSIFIEDS TU. 4-1105 x $4.00 - - - Emmi; m“... Mrs. N. L; Her- ‘, B.C.; Elmer, ‘ Dakville; Square. sting at ‘ .00 Reeve Dean explained the township was waiting for final approval from the Ontario Municipal Board. The ratepayer completed his‘ weighty agenda of complaints‘ by tackling increases in water rates as well as the township's okaylng of what he termed the erecting of a “shack for a taxi office at Steeles Avenue and Yonge Street.†Council assured him the shack was put up under a temporary permit. All agreed the shack “didn't look very good." and lt has been the policy of council to dispose of them and set aside the proceeds to be used by the municipality for pub- lic purposes. Council agreed to ad- vertise the above land for sale by tender. Audrey Parker Ballet School CLASSES COMMENCE Saturday, September 14 PRESCHOOL, CHILDREN, ADULTS Special Adult Exercise Classes Phone 884-5184 All creative arts are represented in balletâ€" the universal language of movement CO'PACO Pure Park lean Boneless PORK LOIN WESTON’S NEW GOLDEN BROWN I “1- Pkg. 29¢ AYLMER TOMATO OCEAN KING FANCY COHOE RED SOUP 4 w tins 45¢ NO. I ONTARIO FLUFFY WHITE SALMON Liquid VEL ONTARIO NO. 1 Tomatoes LARGE SLICING $90950 NUMBERS dig 29 Yonge St. S. REGISTER NOW SAUSAGE pak Ridges Merchant; . Runs As Independent COml"g Events In a campaign statement is- sued this week. Mr. Fuller stat- ed he is seeking the right to represent York North in Legisq lature because “there are too many lawyers in Parliament." He accused the legal profession “of having the answers before the questions." He believes that the issue of scandals and ‘wrong doings in the Conserva- tive Government should have been exposed long ago. Mr. Fuller said he is opposed to the present political parties be- cause ‘nobody seems to have a platform." Oak Ridges merchant William gag“. Fuller has entered the current Legion provincial election battle as an Road independent. Mr. Fuller has ' announced he will run as an in- SEPTE dependent against the candi- 2 p n. dates of the three major politâ€" meeï¬n' ical parties. ve11e_ Born on the family farm near Bolton. Mr. Fuller entered the retail trade at Oak Ridges after several years of farming. Mar- ried to the former Verna Rid- dell of King Township, the Fuller's have four children. This election will mark Mr. Fuller's second try for public office. He was an unsuccessful candidate for King Township Council sev- eral years ago. Potatoes 25m 59¢ Tray Pac Giant Size l lb. ROASTS w 69¢ 79¢ SEPTEMBER 18 -â€" Wednesday. 2 pm. Kingcrafts' birthday meeting at home of Lady Fla» velle, “Kingswoldâ€. seventh concession. King. clwll BINGO every Wednesday even- ing at 7.45 pm. at the Canadian SEPTEMBER 17 _ Tuesday. 8 SE: 'Tickreisï¬ $2.50 0 Minor Repairs 0 Soft Set Finishing O 8-Hour Service 0 All At No Extra Charge R. l. LUCAS OLIVES TomatoesZzstins45¢ MOUNT ROYAL CHOICE CORONATION STUFFED CARRIERE CHOICE 2 20 oz. tins 29¢ PANTRY-SHELF BONELESS CHICKEN 7 tin 35¢ YOUR LOCAL ESSO ' TEAM Doug. Chalmers Don A Phone AL. 7-1551 TU. 4- FREE BURNER SERVICE BUDGET TERMS 24-HOUR SERVICE AUTOMATIC DELIVERY GOLDEN YELLOW “Always Look To Imperial For Th: Best†I" "' "‘a‘ sum same! unit: CORNER YONGE ST. & LEVENDALE RD. Richmond Hill For Prompt Pick-Up and Delivery Call All For The Price Of The Oil BANANAS Fuel Oii Branch 375. Camille tfc48 Richmond Hill WIENERS TU. 4-4411 2 lb. poly bag isso' Ill'lllll Dlllll p.m. Bridge and Euchre at Masonic Hall, Crosby su- Admission‘ 75 cents. Prizes refreshments. Sponsored Richmond Hill Chapter of S. 302. Proceeds for Hospit c1 Lex Mackenzie Night, din Newmarket. ‘SEPTEMBER 18â€"â€" Wednes? Legion 7 Hall, Burner Service 16 oz. iar Don Andrew; TU. 4-1879