10 11115 hlbnnnu, nlbluuuuu “u†v..-., _ __ "v , W7 WmmmmmmmmmmuumuuummmummmImmmummmuummmmmmumum u I _ 7 r 7 if" 7 '7 V v I 7 V ! mmumununuxllll\\mmuuumuuunmuuumumummumuuumununun“mmmmmmmmuuum\mummumunmu\mm1uuuulmmuuum\umumummumnuum\uuunun“11mm\m1m1lmmuunnmnuuu “ 5 10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, 0 t Thursday, September 19, 1963 gm \Ilmmmmmmunnnummmnmuumummnnmmmnxmumunumunumynmmummympmumnu mun}wmmgumwmm“Mllanannnmnmmlm“g!numunumnuummm“muumm|mmnummmmlmmuununuum\m\mmllnnumlnummmmmmmnml-F 2. , l Maple 2. Richmond Hill 2; Newmarket 10, Midland 0; Au- rora I. 3, Barrie l; Orillia 2, Uxbridge 1: Etobicoke II, 5, Aurora II. 2; Newmarket II. 3, Etobicoke I, 1. Standings P W L T Pst Aurora I 17 15 2 0 30 Maple 17 13 3 1 27 N’market I 17 13 3 1 27 ...SPORT SPOTS... Newmarket And District Soccer Results pret them with any degree of exactitude. If you con- template having a go at the elusive and toothsome rainbow check with the Department of Lands and Forests ï¬rst. They'll be able to tell you whether the area you propose to ï¬sh is legal or not. Could it be that they have some Chinese lawyers over at Maple? APOLOGIES Indirectly we owe some people an apology and others we owe a slap on the wrist with a damp noodle. The Indians (football variety) were scheduled to play a week ago last Saturday at Richmond Hill Town Park. We were so advised and proceeded to publicize flhe game forthwith. Somehow it didn’t happen. The game was played right enough but played out in Etobicoke. ‘ llBERAl CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-TU.4-IIOS Whether or not anyone turned up in Richmond Hill to see the game we’re not quite sure. If anyone did please accept a most humble apology. The venue of the game was switched to Etobicoke for a variety of reasons all of which seemed legitimate to the Indian brass. They do however expect support from local fans. Once a game is advertised and billed for a certain loca- tion at a prearranged time then. failing some sort of disaster, that’s exactly where it should be played. Only by demonstrating a sense of responsibility toward fans in the area can they expect conscientious backing. So there’s the slap with the damp noodle. From here on in games will be played at time and place called for in the schedule or the Indians will be the loneliest team in the league. And they’re worth far more than such a cruel fate! Don’t forget that come October 5 you Davey Crockett types can win yourself a ï¬ne, fat Thanks- giving turkey at the Cedar Rod and Gun Club turkey shoot. Scene of the sure as shootin’ event will be the Bayview Cedars Horse Ranch at Bayview and 19th Aves. Action starts at 10 am. and goes and goes and goes. There’ll be draw prizes, pony rides for the kids and a real host of other ï¬ne attractions. Hundreds Make RHMBA Sports Day A Howl This will be the ï¬rst public event staged by the neophite club and they intend to make it an affair that they’ll have to strive to live up to in the future. If you are a. veteran of turkey shoots or a complete novice then this is made for you and your family. Should be a lot of fun and an event worth looking forward to! THE SAME SPECIAL SALE THE SAME MILLS QUALITY ROSES THE SAME COURTEOUS AND PROMPT SERVICE 123 Dufferin Lane Mills Flower Shop 5 P E C IA L Demand for our weekend special was so great we are Pleased to Announce The Tabloid Sports Day staged by the R.H.M.B.A. for young_softball plgy- ers last Saturday was a hteral hoy'lm'g success. Hundred s of enthumastlc youngsters descended on the town park ,___,J,.J tn I‘v‘nnnn Hr nn J vuubN-av-.. “V at 9 am. and broceeded to whoop it up until well after 5 pm. En route they consumed gallons of pop, hot dogs and ice cream and had a thorougth enjoy- able day. Sqqirt and Pegwee ,1 ._‘-...,..‘ LA...‘ “\I\‘ur Union-nu y"... __ For the squirt and peewee boys there were contests of skill in which each individual competed in games of skill on a team basis. There were quoits, baseball accuracy throwing, putting a golf ball and several other contests. These games seemed to appeal to the younger set and each and every player joiged megrily in the fun. “2...... nuvnn‘n When the results of various events were tallied up the Cardinals won the peewee series followed by the Red Legs with the Colts grabbing third spot. The This weekend â€" Order ear (Continued from page 9) TURKEY SHOOT Orillia 2. Barrie (e 11, 5, Uxbridge 'ket II, 3. Midland Etobic. I L T Pst Orillia 2 0 30 N’market II 3 1 27 Etobic. II 3 1 27 Aurora II AV5-4865 R. Hill Richmond Hill winning Cardinals were presented with crests. * 1n the squirt division the Virginians emerged victorious followed by the Bisons and Colonels. The Virginians won crests while the Bisons got pen and pencil sets for their second place effort. Girls Softball Mrs. Rickard piloted her team of Diaâ€" monds to a win in the softball tourney staged for the girls. The Diamonds defeated the Rubys 14â€"10 in the ï¬nal game of the tournament. Bantam Boys The Yankees defeated the Twins in the ï¬nal game of the boys bantam tour- nament by a 15-11 count. Juvenile Boys Last Sunday afternoon the juvenile series came to a close as Frank Murphy’s Bayview Plaza B.A. team nipped Reed’s Auto Body in an 8-7 squeaker. Going into the bottom of the ninth inning the teams were tied 7â€"7 Pts 22 21 18 12 11 On September 15 the baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker was christened Connie Wynn Baker. 'Rev. A. I. Hig- gins officiated at the service. After the service Mr. and Mrs. Ken Baker entertained} 18 of their relations at dinner. Baby Connie had the honour of hav- ing among the guests her three great grandmothers. Mrs. Ness. Mrs. Thorne and Mrs. Camp- bell, plus her two sets of grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. :John Baker and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thorne. Party Anniversary Sunday Anniversary services will be held in Carrville United Church on September 22. The choir of Thornhill United Church has been invited to sing. It is hop- ed that many members and friends of the Carrville congre- gation will be present to cel- ebrate this anniversary. Servi- ces begin at 9:45 am. Christening On September 13 represent- atives of Carrville community gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bushell to hon- our a couple who are held in very high esteem in this com- munity. The occasion was to honour Dr. and Mrs. Brock Walker on their recent marri- age. During the evening they were presented with a gift by Rev. A. I. Higgins which rep- resented just a small portion of all the best wishes and hap- piness we all wish for a truly wonderful couple. 505 Boys Register For Hockey Happy birthday to David Wark. and Lance Gray who have a mutual birthday on Sep- tember 17. Birthday greetings to Mr. E. Bone who has a birth- day on September 19. and to Darlene Hudson on September Come nn folks! lets hear from you about things that are hap- pening. Your correspondent loves to hear from you. Call Avenue 5-4001. CONTRACTING C0. Roofing of All Types Specialists in all kinds of leaks. Tar Roofs. Shingle Roofs, Felt & Gravel â€" Insulation - Caulking - Drains - Siding Brickwork & Eavestroughing Also Complete Painting Service General Repair Free Estimates Anywhere Work Done Immediately Written Guarantee Phone After 5 p.111. and weekends PB. 3-4195 President Earl Methe an- nounced that September 14 was a record registration day for the Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Association. Some 505 young hockey hopefuls signed registration forms to perform in the R.H.M.H.A. this coming season. Registration was to com- mence at 10 am. at the Scout Hall next door to the arena. Shortly after 9 o‘clock there was a lineup of 200 waiting for the re- gistration booth to open. By four o’clock the tired registrars had processed the over 500 applications and sold a great many sea- sons tickets in addition. Mite and squirt age players seemed to predom- inate while registration in juvenile age groups was very light. Players can reg- ister next Saturday at the same place starting at 10 am. until 4 pm. in the afternoon. Would-be coaches are urged to contact president Earl Methe at TU. 4-3568 while referees should con- tact Ray Brooks at AV. 5- 4330. The season will com- mence about. October 20 and help is still needed in both departments. CARRVILLE HOME REPAIR Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read AV. 5-4001 Markham Township Scene 01‘ New $50,000 Ontario Rugby Stadium Twenty acres of land in ‘IMarkham Township will soon be the home of a $50,000 rug- ger stadium slated for comp- IIetion by 1967. Officials are hoping to have six playing pitches in operation by September of next year and the full project, including club- house, tennis courts and swim- ming pool finished by’ 1967. Four of the playing fields will be sublet to Wanderers, Irish, Nomads and either Scot- tish or Saracens, all senior league teams, for their exclus- ive use. The ORU will use the remaining two areas for games involving the other 32 teams in membership. Displaying a striking new appearance, the 1964 Plymouth‘from Chrysler Canada Ltd. also reveals continued quality engineering in the body and chassis areas. Greater stress is The proposed stadium will seat 10,000 persons and will be located in the vicinity of Victoria Square 1nd Don Mills Road. It is being built by the Ontario Rugby Union which pur- chased the land for $13,- 850. Money to purchase the hand was raised by contri- butions from people interâ€" ested in tagger, rummage sales. dances and fees paid to the ORU by member clubs. It is hoped to raise funds for the clubhouse in the same manner. TU. 4-7456 For More Convenient Shopping RICHMOND HILL TV MOVING SALE EVERYTHING IN STORE A'I' REDUCED PRICES but Bayview were able to score the run needed for the ,win. Playoffs With hockey looming large on the sporting Horizon the playoffs in the squirt, peewee and bantam divisions are still to be concluded. It’s been a most crowded season! President Jim Mansbridge and mem- bers of his R.H.M.B.A. executive outdid themselves on the Tabloid Sports Day. They provided an eventful and enter- taining day for hundreds of children and had a thoroughly good time doing it. Literally dozens of volunteer workers made the event possible and to these good and kind people, coaches, parents and even the children the R.H.M.B.A. owes a big hearty thank you. Next year’s executive will be faced with a real challenge right from the start. How can you top an event like this Tabloid Sports Day? RICHMOND HILL TV T964 PLYMOUTH FEATURES STYLING, QUALITY 28 Levendale Road RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE OCTOBER 15! of land inl Jim Hamilton, vice-presid- 34 YONGE ST. SOUTH ent of the ORU described the proposed (stadium as a major step “in the development of rugger in Ontario and is in keeping with the increasing in- terest in the game in the past few years." Mr. Hamilton is also chairman of the grounds committee. Ten New "Enthusiastic" Members“ Wanted By Rod And Gun Group: The Richmond Hill Cedar Rod and 'Gun Club has an op- ening for 10 new “sports-loving and enthusiastic†members. The club now has a total of 24 members skilled in various facets of outdoor activity such as fishing, hunting, dog-train- ing, decoy manufacturing, and other activities connected with sports. It‘s not necessary for him to r. to be skilled at any particular bers pursuit but he must be lnter- or v ested "in learning about vari- Hill Club officials are stress- ing any prospective new member must be “very enthusiastic and carry a great love for sports acti- vities.†IS MOVING TO placed upon safety, comfort and convenience. Each vehicle carries the famous Chrysler-only five-year, 50,000 mile warranty on the power tram. Markham Defers Against ‘Request For Drag-Strip Markham Township Council- lors are still dubious about ad- visability of okaying a proposed “drag-strip" course north of Highway 7 on the 9th Line "drag-strip Highway road. It was decided Monday night to invite Ernest Chapman. the person making the application, to attend the next meeting. Council's decision came after Clerk H. C. T. Crisp said in- formation from the townshlp's solicitor stated the bylaw pro- hibiting racing of motorcycles or motor vehicles would apply in the drag-stripping matter. Members noted there would be objection to drag-stripping on Sundays if such a course was approved. The proposed area is a 50~ acre piece of land whene a drag strip, grand-stand. concession stand. and a parking .lot would be set up. The strip would be used once a week to begin with and twice a week if attendance war- ranted it. With the first two dinner meetings of the new season under their belts, members of Richmond Hill Junior Chamber‘ of Commerce are girding} themselves for another year of: activity. Highlights of the program will be the Jaycee‘s effective speaking and business admini- stration course. a “get out and vote" campaign, a safe driving rodeo, and a car safety-lane icheck. Begin New Year ous activities New members will partici- pate in fishing and hunting trips and in general enjoy all the benefits that come with being a club member. Club officials point to one segment of the club's creed “as the best example of the type of new member We want." The creed in part reads: “1 shall while harvesting nature‘s crop reap only that of which I may use realiz- ing the outdoors I love so well is truly God’s Gard- Any applicants are requested to phone Jerry Sokalski, mem- bership chairman at 884-1920 or write c/o Box 186. Richmond AV. 5-3756 Blast Peterboro 5-0, "-0 Dynes Jewelllers breezed to a quarter-final victory in the O.A.S.A. Intermediate “A†Playdowns last week as they defeated Peterborough by 5-0 and- 11-0 scores. It was obvious from the first game in Richmond Hill that Peterborough were just 'plain out of their depth and the only question remaining was how high the score would go. ln the opening game at Richmond Hill Ray Judd struck out 17. was nicked for two hits as the Jewellers seemed to coast to a 5-0 victory. Peterborough hurler Larry Marshall gave it the big try. struck out six but got poor support from the rest of the team as errors coat runs. Dynes notched only six hits over the nine inning route. T-BO‘NE A cold wave came in on the wake of the rain and a goodly crowd of shivering spectators saw plate umpire Lorlng Doolittle and base WE“ Steaks Ib- 59¢ ROUND STEAK, RUMP And ROLLED RIB Shoulder Pork Roast lb. 39¢ Hind Quarter Beef Cut And Wrapped lb. 49¢ LEVENDALE MEAT MARKET 6 levendule Rd. “1.4.5801 COOKED HAM Guaranteed Lowest Prices In Ontario. Just A Few Of Our Low Prices It's study time again 370w lame/ow prices BRITIS MHRTCAC‘ , MORTGAGE 8 THUS? COMPAN SOUTH BLOCK RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SINCE 1877 umpire Ron Bailey run the game off in one hour and five minutes. Despite a con- tinuous heavy downpour of rain that persisted until a few hours before game time the playing field was in ex- cellent shape and did noth- ing to hamper the playing of the game. Skip De Geer notched a single and a double while Ken Coultes contributed two singles. Tony Centa and Ray Judd were each credited with singles. The second game of the series was played in Peter- borough on Saturday night and resulted in an 11-0 landslide victory for the Jewellers. It is kinder to draw a pall of silence over the whole ‘debacle and get on with the semi-final series against either St. Cathar- ines or Stratford. The JeWellers have had signal success in the present playdowns ' ling field was In ex- shape and did noth- hamper the playing game. - ROASTS - Ib. 69¢ English and Geometry. This is the time to learn about savings, too, because every penny you save at BRITISH MORTGAGE grows to make much more. A BRITISH MORTGAGE savings account pays 4% interest, compounded half-yearly. Time to learn about History, Physics This means that every November and May the interest your money has earned is deposited to your account. You can watch it add up in your BRITISH MORTGAGE savings passbook. Wise parents teach their children to be thrifty by saving their money regularly at BRITISH MORTGAGE. Open your account today by coming to our Savings Depart- ment on your way home from school. Office hour Pork Liver Ib- 29¢ Telephone R. A. Holmes, Manager, 53 Yonge Street 8 Richmond Hill to Thu FRANK HUGHES Hit a 3-Run Homer In The . First Inning To Lead Dynes To An 11-0 Win * 884-1 1 07 to 4 pm 285-1303 lb. 98¢