Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Sep 1963, p. 11

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THE LIBERAL. Rich mond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 19, 1963 l RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY For Services We Render 5: General Information Call Mr. A. T. Crosier Acting Up On McConvey Drive The Neighbourhood Players, 9. little “little theatre" group last Saturday entertained their parents and friends with a concert at the home of Mrs. Linda Davis, McConvey Drive, their “director”. The concert included skits, solos, dancing, baton twirling and piano solos and was enthusiastically applauded by all. The younsters are pictured in their finale to the tune of Miss Sandra Phillips, 296 College Hospital School of ' Bayview Secondary School. 1 it it 1* ing, Toronto. They are Linda Bennett of Centre Street West, Susan Savage of Leisure Lane. Connie Link of Richmond Street, and Ann Waern of Con- sstoga Avenue. Miss Bennett was winner of the Kinette Scholarship for the highest standing in Richmond Hill High School of 1963 graduates plan- ning to make nursing a career. SIIIMIIIY IPIIII IIIGIR 9 LET US GET AT THE CAUSE AND CORRECT IT ; COOK'S BP' Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 “My interest is in the indi- vidual person. “I do what I can for him. I believe that every person should have easy access to the government of his coun- try through his local mem- ber. It is my job to make his life a bit better and happier. to make govern- ment more understandable and useful. and to get things done for York North. "I ask for your support on “Seventy-Six Trombones”. Note the tender years of actors at right. out of town guests from Ham- ilton, West Hill and Willow- dale. were in attendance. Lively entertainment was provided by Kinsmen Roy Mad- docks, Ron Neill and his boys. Corn, hot dogs and coffee, brought a most enjoyable even- ing to a close. Miss Shirley Donaldson and oisdale, entered the Women's Miss Patricia Stone of the Hill Lodge, near Huntsville, of have just returned from an ex- Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redelmeier, I ursing this week to begin tended trip through the south- daughter training. Sandra is a graduate ern United States and the Ba- Teddy and Tom, hamas. :- s s at Four girls from Richmond The adult confirmation class The next baptismal service Hill recently entered St. Jos- begins next Sunday night after at the Richmond Hm United eph's Hospital School of Nurs- Evensong at St. Mary’s Angli- Church will be held on SundayV can Church at 8:15 pm. It s- : a With the fall season fast approaching, various com- munity, social and bridge clubs are holding their or- ganizational meetings. “Life in the Hill” is always pleas- ed to receive news items regarding your club activi- ties - the service is free - just call the social editor, Margot Crack, at TU. 4- 1105. or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. 1 l I I Paul Boreham, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boreham, Car- tier Crescent, entertained at the Progressive Conservative dinner for Lex Mackenzie held on Wednesday at the Canadian Legion Hall, Newmarket. Paul, who is a pupil of Mrs. Sylvia Garson, Fernleigh Cir- cle, performed a Scottish song and dance in the style of Harry Lauder, #1 t v I: Mr. and Mrs. George Rice and family. Leisure Lane, re- turned on Thursday last follow- ing ten weeks in Calgary. Places of interest visited dur- ing their holiday included the Calgary Stampede, Lake Lou- ise, Banff, Radium Hot Springs, Jasper National Park, Waterton Lakes Park and the Drumheller Museum. a a a a The ladies auxiliary of the Richmond Hill Curling Club held their first meeting of the season on September 11th. at the home of President Marg Paton, Knollside Drive. Plans were outlined for the opening luncheon which will be held at the club on October 24, and a ladies club bonspiel sche- duled for October 30. Attending the meeting were Nancy Butler, Lorraine Waters, Peggy Austin. Joyce Davey, Maisie Gibson, Innes Hanna, Margaret Moore. Doris Vance, Jesse Wainwright and May Ashkanase. Ill II! t t The Allenbrae Branch of the York Central Hospital Auxiliary held their first meeting last Monday evening. It was very well attended. Mrs. Eric Butterwol'th has re- signed her position of treasur- er, to be taken by Mrs. Evelyn Lazenby. so that Mrs. Butter- wortli can devote all of her ’time to being chairman of the gift-work shop. Mrs. Mary Campbell is to be publicity agent taking the place of Mrs. B. Jones who is unable to con- tinue. A cheque for $145.50 donated by Mrs. Bracey-Gibbons was gratefully accepted from the proceeds of a tea and hair- ’styling demonstration during .the summer. A tea and bake September 25, so that I can ‘ continue to work for you." I Lex Mackenzie ON SEPT. 25 RE-ELECT LEX MACKENZIE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Published by York North I ‘sale is scheduled for Novem- ber 29 at the Allencourt Shop- ping Centre. Next month‘s meeting will; be held at the home of Mrs. C.‘W. Shaw, 281 McConvey Drive. on October 21st. ._._ 311110 for the Fall an FOR INFORMATION at Deerhurst were Weekending and sons Don Head Virginia Farms. Iii lit 10! I" October 20th at 11 a.m. Anyone desiring to make ar- rangements for baptism is ask- ed to telephone either TU. 4- 1675 or TU. 4-1301. 3k Ill ’8 1! World Wide Communion falls on October 6th. If you are not a member of the Richmond Hill United Church congrega- tion, you are invited to make it your church home. The min- ister is ready to discuss the matter with you at any time. Call TU. 4-1675. t m * nor On Sunday, September 22, the Anglican Pastor to the Ital- ians, The Rev. Mariano Rughi, will be the guest of the Church of St. Gabriel, Crosby and Bay- view Avenues. At 9.30 a.m. he will speak to the children of the Sunday school, and at the 11 a.m. ser- vice, he will preach and tell of his work, as V ell as take part of the service in Italian. It! ill at It Representing York Central District High School Board at the Canadian Educational As- sociation annual meeting to be held in Quebec City on Sep- tember 26, 27 and 28, will be Superintendent Sam Chap- man. Chairman Robert P. Ross, Vice-Chairman Ernest Redelmeier. and Trustee Lewis Clement. The programme of the convention is aimed at the needs and interests of school board members, inspectors and administrators. Top educational personalities from across the Dominion will be addressing the delegates. :- n- »: w Many of our readers will be interested to know that the Hilltops Club has resumed reg-. ular weekly meetings. As you may be aware the “TOPS” por- tion of the club's name stands‘ for 'Take Off Pounds Sensibly'. T.0.P.S. is an internatipnal non-profit making organization, and the girls who have been attending the meetings regular- ly in Richmond Hill, find that the idea of group therapy in1 reducing really helps. Anyone who is interested ini this club may contact the lead- er, Mrs. A. Frank at TU. 4-4179E for further information. I- a: a: a The women's circle of St.j John’s Baptist Church met atj the home of President Mrs. Fred Watson on September 10. ships Mr. and Mrs. R. Giles, Rich- mond Street, enjoyed a two day visit to Niagara Falls accom- panied by Mr. and Mrs. H. Mortson, Victoria Square. a: it s m The sympathy of the commu- nity is extended to Mrs. Bert Smith on the death of her fath- er, Mr. A. Babcock, Mount Den- nis, Toronto. 4- * t a The good wishes of the com- munity are extended to Mrs. E. P. Leno, Leisure Lane, who celebrated her slst birthday on Wednesday, September 18th. III a * * St. John’s Baptist Church is very fortunate to have as inter- im minister, the Rev. Percy G. Buck, who served as a mis- sionary in Bolivia for thirty years. Mr. Buck has just retired from full time pastoral duty. after serving in First Baptist Church, Parry Sound for over three years. Prior to that, he served as the first minister of Thornhill Baptist Church, where he is re- membered with great affection. m s I- a- Mrs. W. Darke and her daugh- ter Rosemary, from Chester, England, are visiting with Mrs. R. S. Cooper, Centre Street West, and plan to visit in oth- er parts of Canada during the next three weeks. Mrs. Darke is a sister of the late R. S. Cooper. The trip from England was made by plane to New York, where Mrs. Darke was met by Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bick of Thornhill, and made the last part of the journey to Rich- mond Hill by car. it 1'1 it III Eigin Park Ratepayers Association will hold an election of officers and outline of its aims and pro- cedures at a meeting to be held from 8.30 10.30 pm. September 23 in Bev- erley Acres Public School. )I! ii! iii II! Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Redel- meiel'. Don Head Farms, leave on Friday for a trip to Quebec, where Mrs. Redelmeier. in her capacity as Camping Commis- sioner for Canada, will be at- tending the Province of Que- bec Girl Guides Campers Con- ference in Montreal. Following the conference they will meet with Jersey breeders in the Eastern Town- and then continue to Quebec City, where Mr. Redel- meier, vice chairman of the York Central District High School Board, will be attend- ing the Canadian Educational annual meeting at the end of the month. i it! It It Following the business and de-‘ votional portions of the meet-' ing discussions were held con- cerning future plans and pro- jects. on October lst at the home of Mrs. Ron Lugsdin. when Miss Stella Gaverluk. now working with new Canadians in Toronto sionary Society of Ontario will speak and show slides of her recent trip through Europe, en- ,titled "An Adventure with iGod". UIICQS The Commencement of Classes (1 Winter Term. TELEPHONE TURNER 4-5102 “C Q E A E E {I On September 12, St. Gab- riel‘s Friendship Circle held its first fall meeting with 19 mem- bers present in spite of a dOwnpour. Welcomed were new mem- Joan Palister and Mrs. Kay Glendennan. Special guest was Rev. R. E. McLennan. Mrs. Mowatt as winner of a jelly. Coffee was served by Mrs. Lois Jackson and Mrs. Gerry Ricmcr. If any ladies are interested in joining the Friendship Cir.lMi-s. E. Burnie made a farewellii Dorothy Price. TU. 4-3674 or Mrs. Jean Carter, TL'. 4-3683fnear future to Vineland, near! #1!!! Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra held the first re- hearsal of its third year of ical contributions greatly en-I activities last Sunday evening in the Richmond Hill Public Library. Thirty members at- tended. with Arthur conducting. The orchestra Is drawing players from many of the areas surrounding Hill. and a busy season is anti- cipated. **#* The Richmond Hill United Church C.G.I.T. held it “Get Acquainted Party” on Septem- ber 11th. This was the first meeting of the year for the group and thirty-eight memb- ers attended. The evening started with games and relays, led by Miss- .es Joan McFee, Audrey Harris and Mrs. W. M. Maddess. after which Heidi conducted a sing- song. Sherri then introduced the group to the fun of folk dancing and the evening clos- ed with refreshments, while the girls divided into groups to meet with their leaders. 4- * n- * On Tuesday evening, Sept- ember 24, St. Matthew’s Unit- ed Church Women will hold their first general meeting of the fall season. Mrs. John Dediow of Rich- mond Hill, a past director of the Richmond Hill Horticultur- al Society and an accredited judge with the Ontario Gard- en Guild, will demonstrate the art of flower arranging. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all ladies of the con- gregation. Those who have been collecting Canada Pack- ers' labels are asked to bring their contributions to this meeting. Ik II! it! it The Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church W. A. started the fall season on September 9th with a peach dessert. President Mrs. G. Carmichael welcomed the members back from their vacations and told them of the events planned for the months ahead. The main event is the annual bazaar on November 23rd, and plans were made to organize groups for knitting and sewing. After the business meeting a “Penny Auction” was held with Mrs. G. Sayers as a most competent auctioneer. Mrs. W. Mirrlees reminded the memb- ers of the rummage sale on September let at 1:30 pm. and that donations would be received at the church on Fri- day evening. ! III III III Richmond Hill W. I. The opening fall meeting of the women’s institute held last Thursday (September 12th) in the library auditorium, Wright Street, was very well attended with Mrs. J. Dewsbury, presid- ent, in the chair. After welcoming several new members, Mrs. Dewsbury pre- sented a report from the York County Rally held recently at Woodbridge. Mrs. C. Hardwick and Mrs. G, Sayers will be the delegates attending the Area Convention to be held on Nov- ember 6. 7 and 8th at the Roy- al York Hotel. Toronto. MrS. F. Davis introduced the ,guest speaker. Mrs. R. Tucker :of Maple. an interesting narra- ltor. who highlighted her talk The next meeting will be held bers Mrs. Doris Mowat, Mrsi‘Vith COIOUTLUI Slides Of her‘ trip to Jamaica. Tentative plans were discus- sed for the annual Dessert Bridge and Euchre to be held for the Baptist Women's Mis- card game took home a jar of,in October. The date will be announced later. A letter was received from Mrs, M. C. Fry, who regretful- ily tendered her resignation. I I I ‘ I I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ " i‘fi ‘ "‘”' cle. they are asked to call Mrs.I presentation speech to Mrs. C. THE BUBIK SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL BALLET RICHMOND HILL lHarding. who is moving in the Niagara Falls. Mrs. Harding was assistant secretary and al- so served as pianist. Her mus- ihanced the meetings and will be greatly missed. Several members volunteer- Burgin ed their services for the Blood Donors Clinic to be held on ’ September 301b, The usual delightful refresh- Richmond ments were served by the hos- ' losses during the social half ihour to close the meeting. party to be held at the home of Mrs. June Norris. Newmark- et. on Monday evening, Sept- ember 23. s s s s Entertaining at coffee par- ties this week in Richmond Hill for. provincial Liberal Can- didate Donald Plaxton are the following: Mrs. W. Barnes, Tampico Rd.; Mrs. D. Steph- enson. Harding Blvd; Mrs. R. A. Joyce, McConvey Drive and Mrs. Sam Cook, Lynett Cres. 2(- a :I- * Jim Manning left last week- end for the Ontario Agricultur- al College at Guelph, where he will take the degree course in agricultural engineering. During the past year Jim also obtained his pilot's licence. He is the son of Mrs. Manning and the late Rev. Robert Man- ning of Dufferin Street, Maple. * )k * * Mr. James Stephenson, 96 Church Street South, is at pre- sent a patient in Toronto Gen- eral Eye Clinic, where he is making good progress follow- ing an operation last week. Mr. Stephenson, popular crossing guard at Church and Lorne Streets. is missed by his many young charges, and every good wish is extended for a quick and successful recovery. III II! it! ill Mrs. G. A. Preston and Mrs. M. Melvin have returned to their home after a week's visit with Ruth McMullen at Camp- bellford. Last Sunday they attended the morning service at St. John’s Anglican Church, Lake- field, and had luncheon at the rectory with the Rev. and Mrs. Jas. R. Moore and family. During the afternoon they visited the Rev. and Mrs. John McDougall at Lakefield Pre- paratory School. a: i- a It The Richmond Hill Kinette Club held their first regular meeting and executive meet- ing at the home of Past Preside ent Jackie Bellamy, Birch Ave- nue, Richvale, on September 9th. The various committees and meetings for the coming year were planned. A com roast was scheduled for September 14th and a joint installation night with the Kinsmen will be held this Thursday (September 19th) at the Yangtze Pagoda. The Kinettes will hold all future meetings at the Legion Hall, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, on the second Monday of each month. II! it! It! III The Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club are starting the fall season with a swing! This Saturday, Stag Party will be held - lots of prizes for golf - special roast beef, Yorkshire pudding dinn- er - fun and fellowship after- wards and the annual prize presentation. luncheon snacks at noon - tee- off from 1 pm. Turkey dinner and free mixes from 7 pm. 'pius prizes. {cialists in Italian Cuisine are being “imported” (an Italian buffet you will never forget! Come out and join the fun! - tion, call the pro shop at AV. 5-3050. lI-U-t ! l .. - . Tim“ at l I Prospective members . Enquiries: Mrs. Joan l I September 215i, a Men’s Field Day and " On Sunday, September 22- '_ nd - Ladies Field Day. Special 1 Gay Nineties Special Dinner - Dance - September 281h. Spe- '» to prepare i For entry forms and informaâ€" r.--».«-«.«-».o.o-o.<>-o-o.<-4-.o.o-o.<.o.< RICHMOND HILL AND DISTRICT CHORAL SOCIETY Rehearsals commence 8:00 p.m. on SEPTEMBER 291b, 1963 at St. Matthew‘s Church Hall. Crosby Avenue, Richmond Hill Programme: “The Messiah" “Requiem” (Brahms) to attend. manomoco-ofio.-- -4--).4_ I, .09: ials will be supplied and the finished articles pick- ed up. Anyone interested is asked to call TU. 4-2425. (Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young of Don Mills wish to announcej the engagement of their daugh-l ter Betty Louise to Mr. Thomas, Duff, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne Duff, Port Perry. The wedding will take place on Saturday. November 2 at 4.30I pm. in Bethesda United Church, Don Mills. c1w12 a: it i- as Mr. and Mrs. Russell Eaton of Richmond Hill wish to an- nounce the engagement of their‘ daughter, Valerie to James Norman, son of Mr. and Mrs“ Albert Norman of Richmond Hill. The ceremony will be held at 2:30 pm. Saturday. October, 12, 1963 at St. Matthew's Un- ited Church. ill It! III II Mr. and Mrs. Grenville Lunau wish to announce the engage-I ment of their daughter Avril to Frederick Kirkham. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirkham, Perth, Ontario. The wedding, will take place in Richmondl l-Iill Presbyterian Church at 2 pm. on Saturday, October 19- th, 1963. clw12 fi'7-wliy WAIT 71.3150.” 55’ ‘ mater- { ‘rhea 884-5501 Mrs. Gordon l‘urves 297â€"1186 E d . Richmond Hill area l t r Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle o Margot CracIi 884â€"3348 Mrs. W. J. Lennox - . . . 884-4821 Mayor William Neal and Mrs: Richmond Hill Engineers Mrs. A Steen has returned to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Savage, M. g G Ph.” Neal entertained on ThursdaylWives‘ Club met last Thursday her home on Mill Street. fol- former residents of Lorne Av- 15' “ ‘ l lps 4 M ,last at a corn roast for mem- night for the first time this fall lowing five weeks in Europe. ‘enue. now living in Montreal, 88 '4 0 I139“ 0f counmi' department Wilh a WHO? Party at the lib- * * r * visited relatives and friends in Mrs- W: G Armstrong heads of the. local government. rary Members of York Central the Hill during the early part - 8844034 and their \vlves, at their cot-, At their ()clobor mcclinc, Hospital Auxiliary. central‘of the week. ThOI‘I‘IlUI ATM tage In BethGSda- :Librarian Fred Israel has pro- branch are urged to attend the 'I‘ 'l‘ * * MTS- E. Pel'CiVaI * =- t #- missed some interesting book first fall meeting at the home- Two very successful readings AV- 5-1339 David and Hayden Rabino- reviews. of Mrs. R. Siandficld. 85 Law-‘l'ol‘ the Agatha Christie's “Ten Victoria Square area , witch. sons of Mr, and Mrs, ‘ " * " _ rem-c .-\\cnuc September 25 athittle Indians" were held at Mrs. C. Nichols Joseph Rabinowitch. Kerry- The Chancel Guild of St. 8 pm. (the Curtain Club Theatre on 386.5525 brook Drive. left on Sunday for MBI’Y'S Anglican Church will * * * * Sunday and Tuesday last. Uniommg A,” gLondon‘ there they win he apihold an afternoon garden tca Pro-Warrant Training I'Iass- Directing this mystery-thril- Mrs E {fiver tending Western Universiin ,at the home Of Mrs. H. C. Pca- cs for prospective GIIIdCl‘S willllcr is Dagmar Matyas, assisted . ' L 207-1585 Royden is taking his BA, incock, Gormlcy Sidc Road, from‘bcgin at Richmond Hill Unitcd‘by producer Esther Postleth- M kl A K .Music, and David has enrolled.3 10 6 [MIL this Saturday. SCPI- Church on Saturday morning Waite. and award winning set l‘ M mm: “’3 _ in Pig Med, ‘ember 21st. All are invited. September 28th, at, ten o‘clock, designer, Ann Featherstonh- “5‘ 0' " Stan” o _ _ v s in a Support this in aid of the is'announccd by Division Com- augh. 2‘4-1400 Mr. and Mrs. James Norton, gmlds funds- ,m'55i0“°“_ M”- MCTagflal‘t-I The cast for the play. which. Gormiey Ar” 6th Concession [Kennedy Road). . '* * * .* "Cowan. )ork Central Division‘is to be presented in Novemb- Mr‘ George Brand Markham Township at 18th Miss Judit Bubik announcediof the Girl Guides. lei; is to be announced next 886-5200 Avenue, are holding a Wiener-“1'5 “'e‘ek We I'Copcmng in}-.-hk-_ _L_,W 7* week. roast on Saturday evening RIChmond Hl“_0f “19 BUb'kI K '11. . if fihi» ‘Am i . (September let) in honour ot‘scg‘l’o‘ 02035:??? “33";‘I- I m m S! SALES - SERVICE - RENTALS N.D.P. Candid te Bob M v , 33595 or“ “3" ' years . and Mrs. McV:y_ c eyiand 8-18 years will commench Sewers "Ianted L H . Everyone in the riding 0flon Saturday; September 21 in‘ Attention: . . . York North is cordially iii-,St‘ Matthews Umte‘i Chum", If you have time on your Typewriter, - Adding Machine, 92 2233.2» vited to attend. Commenc'flfi 3 1”“- l “21:51 and are reasonably i Your Office Machine Specialist ' * * * * i . h j s i u at knitting or sew- I 88 Baker A - -L The Near“ farm wag me‘ The first meeting for the; ing with those same hands. ‘ See nggienfim‘fndtm' ‘ ‘. fall and Winter season of thel Richmond Hill Red. Cross ‘ s a scene of the annual Kinette University women.s Club of w M . . ‘Wight‘s Pharmacy’ ' corn roast on Saturday even- Y R C t .11 k I 0“ apprec'ate beam“ A” WWI“ makes 0“ hand ing. for foundv WIt f1; 6 ftfhei from you. Day or Evenings. TU. 4-1745 special students: Rates About thirty persons with orm 0 a esser an CO ee WOO] and Other BOOK NOW merelch Room NOW OPEN Weddings? Sales Meetings ? Get - Togethers? Bridge Parties? Banquet Facilities Up To 50 People I THE EMERALD ISLE MOTELâ€"AV.5-54II ~ / .\ I RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 DEPENDABLE AND MORTGAGE HERBERT 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill 6 Widths Fully NOW ONLY‘ B .4 (Handel) ha's Weddingr Feast“ (Coleridge-Taylor) (all voices) are Invited Flynn. TN. 88-1-2067 (a Phone 285-1073 WALL - T0 - WALL DRAP‘ERY SALE . 144” x 95” long Reg. $59.98 MANY DESIGNS TO CHOOSE FROM Other widths and lengths available WYN - THE LADIES’ SHOP AYVIEW PLAZA W Esalishd 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond, Hill TORONTO. ONT. EMpire 2-3456 SERVICE R. BUTT 2 Carlton St Toronto "\’.7\.’\c MMM‘WWVMWVWV Lined Covers $49.95 DOT Wmm‘wmmx TU. 4-2214 FRESH 0d and SAVINGS Pork Shoulders lb. 39¢ BRISKET POINT Corned Beef lb. 49¢ N; Minced Beef 3 lb. 95¢ SCHNEIDERS CRISPY FLAKE ’ 'â€" Shorlening 2 lbs. 49¢ BAYVIEW PLAZA C. NELS GAGE IU. 4-7691

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