Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Sep 1963, p. 15

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VOLKSWAGEN SALES & SERVICE W.&P. SERVICE We personally handle all ule bills and advertlslnz PHONE Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience I78 YONGE ST. Richmond Hill Mi electrical repairs & wiring IV. - Antenna Repairs & New Installations - Refrigeration English car Bank of Nova Scotla Building Aurora Telephone Aurora PA. 7-9451 Appliance Servicing ALL MAKES Automatic Washer! Dryers Polishers Vacuums Irons 173 Yonge Street North (Opposite R. D. Little & Son) CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. RODENBERG Town Auto Body F.I.A. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 54531/2' YONGE‘ STREET ' BA. 5-4701 RELIABLE SERVICE APPLIANCE SALES & SERVICE AV. 5 - 3591 Free Estimates for Repairs to All Makes of Cars SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS Alvin S. Farmer EMERSON T.V‘. . HOOVER VAC. Free Pick-up 8; Delivery Telephone TU. 4-2283 Evenings TU. 4-3392 GUARANTEED WORK DAVE HAY BOB CURRINGTON British 8. Foreign Cars 20A Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill. Ontario Work Guaranteed Licensed Electrician MCHMOND MOTORS Auto Body Work NE 886-5311 GORMLEY. ONT. PHONE ROY THOMPSON Accountants 321 Enford Rd. at Industrial Rd Auctioneer PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ' __ W h car service centre for all makes. Appliances Richmond Hill AV. 5-2994 L. E. Clark TU. 4-3417 TU. 4-4745 Toasters Sump Pumps ‘H. D. Melsness, D.C’. X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gale & Bayview (1 block south Bayvlew Plaza) Phone TU. 4-1075 T.LeonardPinnegar GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building Repairs & Alterations Dnin and Concrete Work THORNHILL AV. 5-1413 465 MARAMAK RD. RICHMOND HILL opp. Bayview Sec. School By appointment FARM â€" HOME PUMP AND WELL REPAIRS Lumber - Trim - Panelling Paint - Hardware Phones 'l‘U. 4-1125 AV. 5-3506 191 Yonge Street. North Richmond Hill WELL DRILLING MYERS WATER SYSTEMS Dr. J. Perdicaris Arthur G. Broad Dr. J. M. Dryer MEDICAL-DENTAL CENTRE Fire, Auto. Liability BAYVIEW PLAZA Motor Vehicle Finance Service BEVERLEY ACRES TELEPHONE PA. 7-9488-9 PHONE Bank of Nova Scotia Bldg" OFFICE TU. (~35?! Aurora, Ontario 70 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Building Trades R. F. Challoner BUTLER & BAIRD [UMBER LTD. PLKSTERING D. Alexander 10 Lorne Avenue B)’ Appointment PHONE 884 - 5167 Deciantis-Rice Repairs â€" Houses COMMERCIAL AND Tulloch CHIROPRACTOR INDUSTRIAL Quick, Clean Service 21 Bedlord Park Ave. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-4251 ".8 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1462 Chimpractic Doughmg4Uen jchhitect 884-7322 DENTIST Open Evenings Gas Extractions K. KRUTZLER AV. 5-2666 By Appointment By Appointment Building Suppfies 884-3675 Architect AV. 5-5881 Dental 17 Queen St. E. Toronto 363 Formerly Bloor & Yonge Sts. Individual Attention Hair Styling Permanent Waving Air Conditioned Dryers 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill TU, 4-2321 Maple Plaza AL. 7-2590 114 CROSBY 884-3933 Flowers for all over the world Roses cut fresh daily Weddings - Funeral! Corsages Experienced designers The finest in floral designs and bedding plants. PHONE ALpine 7-1471 or AL. 7-1363 Keele Street Maple, Ont AV. 5-4865 â€" WA. 5-0532 H. J. MILLS LTD. “Flowers For All Occasions” Phones TU. 4-1812 AV. 5-1812 AT ALL HOURS HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY Member I Engineering GardenSupplies City Of Glass Garden Centre C orner Agency Limited We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Sellwood Salon Hair Styling & Beauty Salons RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE GROWER -- FLORIST lnsnunce - Mortgage- B. W. MILLER 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill AYenue 5-1379 Ph. HU. 5-1145 ‘Sprays and Materials Shrubs â€"- Tree: Garden Tools 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12. ONT. SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Complete Insurance Service Roy V. Bick Leno’s Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL AV. 5-1974 INSECTICIDES Ier - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association Insurance STEAMFITTING WELDING Retail Division Flowers Since 1880 363-3959 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-5829 Richmond Theatre Block Res. TU. 4-2117 17 Queen Street E., Suite 544 Toronto 1. Ontario EMpire 6-2363 Telephones PArkvlew 7-9488-9 Gariepy and Mann BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, AND NOTARIES PUBLIC Floyd E. Corner, Q.C. Elaine Knight Bernard R. Forgang 47 Yonge Street South Aurora, Ontario King City Barrister, Solicitor & Notary Public TU. 4-1219 Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass Automobile Financing etc. Office 15 Ynnge St. N. Residence 73 Leisure Lane Richmond Hill Donald M. Findlay Lawlor & LeClaire BARRISTERS-SOLICITORS 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill. Ontario TU. 4-4413 Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1551g Ernie Brock 8. Son Norman A. Todd 113 King St Savage Insurance Services TE. 3-6684 96A Yonge St. 5., Aurora PA. 7-9272 John S. Walkington ’1‘. C. Newman, Q.C. 6197 YONGE STREET WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO BA. 5-8806 ' Resldence TUrner 4-1863 By Appointment H errin gton Insurance Agency J. Rabinowitch, GENERAL INSURANCE BARRISTER 8; SOLICITOR FIRE - AUTO - LIABILITY 1 Sn"! 2‘ Lnern Rum"..- 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill. Ontario Office TUrner 4-1780 Barristers and Solicitors Plaxton, Deane & Drew Barrister, Solicitor, etc. LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Floyd E. Corner GENERAL INSURANCE Richmond Hill Office 15 Yonge Street N. AV. 5-5144 Kenneth A. Gariepy BA. 5-1557 W. 8. Neil Mum TU. 4-4618 RICHMOND HILL THORNHILL Barrister, Solicitor. Notary Bus Res. Thornhlll Office AV. 5-1197 A. Burnett General Insurance Insurance legal TE. 3-5283 ALpine 7-2621 ALplne 7-1224 Continued Richmond Hill TE. 3-5451 ABILITY ' suite 2, Lowrle Building In“ C", 15 Yonxe St. N.. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon TUmer 4-1551 supplies and social stationeryl Rentals, sales, ofilce machines Teacher of Singing Piano and Theory Enrol Now! Still Time to Register for Fall Term AV. 5-1477 NOTARIES K. M. R. Stiver, Q.C. Joseph Vale, Q.C. J. M. Pepplatt. B.A. . William Errington, B. Com. 195A MAIN ST. Ph. ’l‘W. 5-4571 Newmarket Stiver, Vale, Peppiatt, Errington Toronto Office - 7 Queen St. 15., Suite 151 Phone EM. 3-5877 Parker & Pearson Walrdell York Memorial Marguerite Boyle Office Supplies 4956 YONGE ST., WILLOWDALE Monuments and Markers of Granite, Bronze and Marble Cemetery Lettering Phone BA. 1-9777 Elocutlon. Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS ESTELLE MARKHAM A.R.C.T., R.M.T. James H. Timminsf 16 Yonge Street North Maple Marine STUART P. PARKER Q. C‘ JAMES H. PEARSON RICHMOND HILL 7 Duffel-in St. 467 Windhurst Gate "HOMEWOOD HALL” Thomhlll YORK OFFICE EQUIPMENT DIAL 257-1381 SCOTT - McCULLOCH Outboard & Chain Saw Sales and Service 125 Laverock Ave. TU. 4-3787 Monuments RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-4231 JOAN HALL Richmond Hill TU 4-1075 Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public THORNHILL AVenue 5-3165 Musical Marine 285-5729 Continued) Legal service TU. 4-1543 Business _;Eyes Examined RUMBLE TRANSPORT Antenna Installations and Kits Repairs to Electrical Appliances - Car Radios - Call Any Time - Free Estimates Jack Seaton REAL ESTATE BROKER BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Math’s TV - Radio Service & Parts DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling EYES EXAMINED hos GLASSES FITTED PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED ’“ REPAIRS 31 YONGE ST. NORTH [ Phone TU. 4-3962 I A. W. K irchen, J. C. Horvat,B.A., 0.1). OPTOMETRIST O EYES EXAMINED O PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED 0 CONTACT LENSES GLASSES MADE & REPAIRED IN OUR OWN LABORATORY By Appointment 15 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL P.C.V. Class A, C. and H )Paint-Wallpapel Air Condition, Room TV Telephone 7 Crown Motel '" AV. 5 - 1059 TU. 4-7903 MATH. M. ERKELBACH WINTER GARDEN F. L. Lowrie, NOW AT 3242 YONGE ST. In North Toronto Opposite Park Theatre mm. to 6 p.m. including Sat HU. 8-8949 Evenings by appointment Residential - Commercial Sales - Rentals - Leases INTERIORS LTD. Discount On All 15 Yonge Street North PHONE 285-1472 9114 Yonge St. Richvale FREE DELIVERY Real Estate TU 4-1013 EM 4-2625 PHONE 884 - 4491 3823 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 125 Pemberton Rd Richmond Hill Television Optometry Trucking Glasses Fitted TU. 4-4641 Motels Optical Repairs and 1 Office ‘Telephone 147 Yonge St. N WU. 4-1432 Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley VETERINARY SURGEON Globe Travel Service Reservations For Every Phase of Travel Without Charge 7728 Yonge St., Thornhill 285-4807 - 285-4808 63 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Lake Country Captivate: Littles The lakes district contains the most impressive scenery in England, the mountains, ris- ing steeply out of the low ly- ing valleys, the roads narrow but well maintained and one automatically puts a foot on an imaginary brake when round- ing hairpin turns. C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles which lies in Repairs to All Makes Sklddaw, and A Complete Line of John Peel cm Sporting Goods Magnificent in all dlrectlo: 25 Yonge Street South dotted expans Richmond Hill TU. 4-1213;tet._“e_S below Coaches for all Occasions Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill- Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 285-3642 Reservations for Sea-Air Tours and Cruises Res. George T. Yates. 0.L.S. We had a two day stay at the Old England Hotel in Bow- ness Windermere Lake District. R. D. Little with Mrs. Little is on an extended trip "over there" and is writing his reactions to the sights and sounds for the enjoyment of "Liberal" readers. In England Now The lakeland of England is now a national park and the large areas are in care of the national trust so that its beau- ties will be preserved for all to enjoy. UPHOLSTERY langdonk Coach lines Ltd Ontario Land Surveyors 53 Bedford Park Avenue Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2941 ‘5 Willowdale Ave.. Willowdale 0nt., 221-3485 CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTERING All Work Guaranteed Free Estimates RICHMOND UPHOLSTERK Transportation Phone 884-5127 Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Phone: 884-7851 or 285-5782 N0 BOOKING FEE NO SERVICE CHARGE TRAVEL AGENCY FOR INFORMATION Telephone TE. 3-5351 Sporting Goods Al’s Cycle and Sports Shop Yates & Yates 44 Levendale Rd. Richmond Hill MARIA'S Veterinary Specialists In Surveyors Travel THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday o hnunun The Markham Township Mu- ce nicipal Offices are here, but no 7 Yonge St. N.‘POSt Office. Richmond mm The police department Ind The Secondary school stud- ents attend Thomhill Second- ary School. or Markham Dist- rict High School. Telephone numbers are found in three directories â€"- AX. 3 (Agincourt) in the Toronto East Suburban book; 297 (Un- ionville) in the Auroraâ€"New- marketâ€"Richmond H111 direct- ory; and 285 tThornhill) 1n the Toronto North Suburban book. The elementary schools are Markham Township School Area No. 3. S. S. 4 and 5. Last week’s airshow, and some of the publicity about it. set me thinking. and I asked myself “Where do we live?" --â€" The answers are many. Buttonville is a small dot on a regional map, half a mile north of No. 7 highway on Don Mills Road. The mailing address RR. 2 Gormley, Ontario Mrs. George Kelly. Mrs. Rus- sell Boyington. Mrs. James Rodick and Mrs. Ella Brown motored around the lakes last week. by way of Michigan and the North Shore. Where Do We Live? Last week, for the gala open- Mr. Crouter was commentator ing of the Royal Alexandra for the air show which includ- Theatre, the new owner’s wife, ed a thrilling performance by Mrs. Ed. Mirvish, wore antique RCAF Red Knight Wayne Mc- jewellery she purchased from Lellan, the RCAF "Chip- Molly Hood‘s brother, Victor munks”, water bombing by the Secrett, who has the Park Pla- Department of Lands and For- za Jewellery Salon. Last Wed- ests, two or three breath-atopp-. nesday, on One for the Sonins, ing parachute jumps and a dis- Channel 11, Mrs. Sonin related play of aerial antics by the Jo~ this interesting bit. She also celyn Air Circus in their World showed other antique jewell- War One biplanes. ery from the shop and gave its One of the most dramatic of history. the afternoon’s events was a Mr. and Mrs. Stan DeFoe ape holding a tea for Mr. Don- ald G. Plaxton September 22, from 3 to 5:30 pm. Those who would like to meet Mr. Plaxton are invited to Twin Streams Farm, Don Mills Road north of 17th Ave., to enjoy a cup of tea with him. Mrs. DeFoe will be assisted by the ladies of the Markham Township Women's Liberal Association. There were 40 young people at Brown's Corners United Church last Tuesday evening, when the Victoria Square Charge YPU began their year's work with a banquet and gen- eral good time. Catering group No. 2, con- vened by Mrs. H. R. Paterson and Miss M. Rodick, served dinner. The Explorers group for girls 8 to 11 years will com- mence shortly at Brown’s Cor- ners United Church. Any par- ents interested in their child-‘ ren joining should contact the leaders. Misses Margaret and Patricia Patterson and Miss Janet Craig. Alf Shenfield and his mother took a pleasant trip last week. Lake Placid was first on their itinerary, then skirting New York and Washington, they visited the beautiful Pennsyl- vania, Virginia and West Vir- ginia countryside, returning by the Pennsylvania Turnpike. The MasonickTemple at Alex- andria was of particular inter- est to Alf. Congratulations to John and Jeanette Craig, whose baby girl Joy Michele arrived at Branson Hospital early last week. This Is a first grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig and a niece for Janet and Fraser. l Neighbourhood Notes in Britain. Medieval in appear- ance but modern in outlook many of its relies dating back 2000 years. have been preserv- ed. The city walls built by the Romans in the 7th century, with their ancient towers and gates are now a popular place to walk (on top) and from We had two days at Chester. one of the most historic cities Magnificent wafks lead away in all directions and the Island dottgd expgnse of Derwentwa- We had lunch at Keswick. (so many like those in Ontario.) which lies in a valley below Skiddaw, and the area of the John Peel country. At Grassmere, we visited Dove Cottage where Words- worth spent a number of years of his married life and where his children were born: the original furniture is still there and up the steep bank at the rear is a “look-out" where he wrote some of his poems. We had lunch at Keswick, (so many like those in Ontario.) which lies in a valley below Qbhhlnm ....I ‘L, n .- r ....... nucnulc. sue ouHKCS' peare Hotel where we stayed is very old and quaint but very cheery and comfortable with its cherry red carpeting through- out. Guide Like Garbo We went to Warwick Castle where the present Earl of War- wick is still in residence but a great part of the castle is open to the public. It has many hist- orical rooms and furnishings ‘after several hours drive from Carlisle near the border. Car- lisle has seen much strife. par- ticularly in the struggle against the Scots. Until the last cent- ury. there were only three en- trances, all barred at night‘ where no Scotsmen were all- owed out. The hotel which fac- es the cape at Windermere has a most attractive setting, gard- ens, beautifully kept and att- ractively planted. The streets of Bowness run up and down hill and in this country there are miles of stone fences. In the Anglican church at Bow- ness. there is a list of direct~ ors since the 13th century and it contains a small Bible one and a half inch by one-half inch, dating back to 1795. Driv- ing along the Windermere lakes, one passes through vil- lages with such quaint names as “Aubleside”, “Grassmere”, “Rydel Water". BUTTONVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. K. LEAF R. R. 1 Gormley Phone AXmlnster 3-6188 found RENTAL TYPEWRITERS xx. 31 AVAILABLE NOW E HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS f The show, to mark the offic- ‘ial opening of Toronto Airways Limited, started off with To-. ronto radio emcee Wally Crout- ‘er arriving via helicopter. !Buttonville Air Show Saturday iDraws Crowd 88 Baker Ave. - Richmond mu One of the most dramatic of the afternoon’s events was a glider display. When the glider pilot, after taking his craft through several loops on the strength of the wind gusts, came in for a landing. he' brought his craft within about 10 feet of a parked gasoline refueling truck; this brought a concentrated “Ahhh!” from the huge crowd and provided the only incident of the other- wise well-organized show, al» though it appeared to be deâ€" liberately planned. Mobile canteens and portable washrooms were scattered over the grounds to facilitate the crowd. A crowd estimated at \bet- ween 20,000 and 30,000 people packed in behind snowfenceax at Buttonville Airport last Sat- urday under clear blue skies to watch a dazzling display of aerial acrobatics. Looking the situation over, it would seem this is a prime place for some enterprising young business 1nd profession- al men to set up shop. The village is without a hair- dresser and local ladies must travel at least five miles for I hair-do. ‘ There an three antique deal- ers, but no grocery or drug stores, unless you count Dick Jones' Groceterla which is a mile south of the village. There is an airport for pri- vate planes, complete with re- fueling and customs clearance facilities for those entering Canada from another country. but you cannot buy a magazine in the village. the local jail are here. but no medical doctor within fivo miles. Practically everyone owns a' car and many have two or, more. but while there are gar~ age; within easy reach, rtherb‘ are no car dealers. ‘73:.VSeptember 19. 1963 15 In recognition Bf {fierhcornr-i tributions from Canada, there is a bronze maple leaf in thq floor of the nave. including the saddle used by Queen Elizabeth I. Our guide was an elderly woman with the voice of Greta Garbo and a great flair for the dramatic. We drove to Coventry to see the new cathedral which is most overwhelming in its beau- ty. Hundreds come every day from various parts of England and as we came out there was a queue blocks long to greet us. From Chester. we drove to Stratford on Avon and saw "The Tempest" at the Shakes- pearean Theatre. The Shakes- The river Dee. “where Mary called her cattle home" and the miller “worked and sang from morn to night" passes picturesquer through Chester with its brooks and swans. The main streets of Chester have double row: of shops. one at street level and one above. covered over and connected with stall-ways. Curfew rings eVery night at 10 and one can tell the date by the number of times the clock strikes. which one gets a good view of the Norman Cathedral (12th century) and among its treas- ures are the organ played at Queen Victoria‘s coronation and an age-worn flag in which the body of General Wolfe was wrapped after the Plains of Abraham. PHONE 884-1745 Special Student Rates Blank Keys If Desired And So To London LH. SIMS

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