18 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, On’fl HOLLAND BULBS WWW J E'GBEFEOEy‘ï¬nTp? Fdzu‘bfl) . q 6 for 51¢ l CHEERFULNESS “W3? 6 for 47c HELIOS J. Cuv HI and Red 6 for 47c KING ALFRED CARLTON Golden Yellow MEIEH'MdND HEIGHTS CENTRE Open Daily 'Til 6â€"Thurs. 8. Fri. TN 9 ‘_____â€"â€"â€"-â€" ““““““““' Daffodil \Hyucinih Blile ‘ Bulbs Gardenia Yellow Trumpet Pride of Haarlemâ€"Cerise Red Rose Coplandâ€"Rose Pink Wm. Pittâ€"Deep Red Queen 013 Nightsâ€"Black TRIUMPH TULIPS SCILLA SIBERICA Edith Eddyâ€"Red and Yellow ORCHID TULIPS 6 for 57¢ MENDEL TULIPS Van der Eerdenâ€"Brlght Red Weberâ€"Pinkâ€"Whlte MUSCARY GRAPE HYACINTHS White triumphatorâ€"Pure White Golden Harvestâ€"Golden Yellow DIllenburgâ€"Orange Princess Margaret Roseâ€"Yellow and Rose COTTAGE TULIPS Fantasyâ€"Pink and Green Sundewâ€"Deep Red Blue Parrotâ€"Heliotrope Blue FRINGED NOVELTY ORANGE TRIUMPHâ€"ORANGE RED MAY WONDERâ€"PINK GOLD MEDALâ€"YELLOW ANGEL’S CASTLEâ€"WHITE Yellow Assorted blue, white, yellow and striped. SEPTEMBER 19, 20, 2| GOLD MEDAL CROCUS English Bluebells 'I'IILIP BULBS 12 for 81¢ 8 for 25¢ 8 for 25c 8 for 25c Blue Flowers 6 for 67c} 6 for 67c 6 for 91¢ Victory Redâ€"Scarlet City of Haarlemâ€"Yellow L’Innocenceâ€"White Queen of the Pinksâ€" Rose Pink King of the Blues- Deep Blue Specially treated to bloom ‘or Christmas BOXED GIANT CHRISTMAS HYACINTHS BOXED RED EMPEROR Packed 10 in box 87c 87c Thursday, September 19, 1963_ Major |.ex Mackenzie Campaigns Throughout York North†Riding Richmond Hill Police are investigating a weekend robbery at the S. S. Kresge Company, Richmond Heights Centre in which this huge 1,900 pound safe was blown apart with nitroglycerin with damage to the safe and its contents estimated by Kresge Manager Thomas Mills to be between $1,000 and $2,000. Sorting out coins from plaster after the robbery was discovered Monday morning is Kresge secretary Nettie Winterbottom. Richmond Hill Police Chief R. P. Robbins said the remainsof a small bottle of nitro was found in an office at the rear of, the building. He said the safe was A “Lex Mackenzie Night" in Newmarket, a reception and dance in Aurora, and a corn roast in Vaughan Township are the big “meet the candid- ate" events this week in Prog- ressive Conservative Major Lex Mackenzie’s bid for re-election as MLA for York North. UJ..I.A\4v wv v..‘., -V..- so badly mangledvthetv some c5ins were fused to the metal of cash drawers. The room containing the safe is at the rear of the building and not visible from the Last week, he visited Pef- ferlaw, Sutton, Georgina Is- land. He also attended a coffee party in Aurora at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Ralph, Holman Crescent. On Saturday, he was present for the official opening of the Buttonville Airport, and also campaigning in Markham and Milliken. Monday saw him in Richmond Hill and the H01- land Marsh. In the Gordon Maclaren Aud- itorium of the library, interest- ed panents were able to receive first-hand information at the current child guidance course, “Pre-Teen and Teen Years". Mrs. G. C. V. Hewson, con- ducting the first of the six- week series, pointed out that} early adolescence is the train- ing period for what comes next.‘ When parents find their auth- ority being challenged by, per? haps, “big talkâ€, they might re- member that such outbreaks are normal and not necessarily an indication of the behaviour to follow. Much of this talk is testing the possible reaction “Big Talk" Normal Parents Learn At Child Guidance Library Course Tuesday took him through Newmarket again, and Wed- of the parents. Mrs. Hewson asked that family discussions not be conducted on an argu- mentative basis, but more on a give and take discussion of problems. opened two years ago. She administered the buying and outfitting of the home and teaching of its staff in fund- amental hospital routines. There were 62 on staff at Brucelea including kitchen and mainten- ance help. In her work as a V.O.N. nurse, she has been in Wood- stock, Chorley Park in Toron- to, Vancouver and with the Canadian Army at Camp Bor- den. As a former nursing lis- Do the “square†or old-fash- ioned parents keep up with the times? Times are changing so rapidly that children express their doubts as to their par- ents‘ ability to understand or New V.0.N. Nurse Assumes Duties Ho-pes Branch Soon Increased Mrs. Patricia Stockdale. for- mer superintendent of Bruce- lea Haven home for the aged in Walkerton has been appoint- ed Victorian Order of Nur- ses’ representative in Rich- mond Hill. She joined the unit August 29 succeeding Miss Hayward who left to be married and work in Scarborough. Mrs. Stockdale interupted her V.O.N. caneer begun after she took the nursing course at the University of Manitoba to supervise the Brucelea home which has 92 residents and opened two years ago. She administered the buying and outfitting of the home and Nitro' Blasts Safe nesday to Markham for the opening of improved Highway 48 through the village. Wed- nesday evening he was in New- market for the “Lex Macken- zie Night", at dinner organized by his supporters at the legion hall. Thursday takes him back to Richmond Hill for a reception at the Cappy home at Jeffer- son, and Friday, to King City for coffee at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Saunders, 5th concession. Friday evening he is in Aurora, with a reception and dance at the legion hall. Saturday means coffee par- ties in King Township and an evening corn roast at the Bath- urst St. farm of Milton Savage i1. Vaughan Township, sponsor- ed by the Young Progressive Conservatives. An interesting aspect of last evening's session developed showing the concern of parents when questions were asked ab- out: family “bickeringâ€, res- ponsibilities, allowances, strong language and other subjects for which there was no more time. It was evident that for the remaining five weeks, many subjects would be a forthcom- ing source of information and exchange of ideas. have sympathy with they see it. There is still time for par- ents, and teachers, to come and help themselves as well as the children about whom they are concerned, and participate in getting information in an en- joyable way. The informal at_- mosphere and coffee time does make the scene right for a re- laxed evening. For information and registration, please call TU, 4-2442, Mrs. J. Downey. See you in the library auditor- ium, Monday evenings at 8 pm. The annual V.O.N. blitz can- vass will be held September 30; more details will be pub- lished later this month. ‘ As well as their own care, the V.O.N. nurses also give instruction to the families of patients in an effort to have the care more home-centred. “‘ï¬Ã©Ã©'g’anTEor’ ï¬eitRe’ek; i’er-; sonality Development During Teen Years. ' In 1962, V.O.N. here made 1,500 Visits and it is expected the 1963 calls will be well above that. In July for example, the two unit nurses made 217 visits with general nursing care as recommended by doctors, fam- ilies or public health author- ities. ter, she was the first woman re-called by the army to work in the public health field fol- lowing her marriage in 1950. In the course of a day here. she makes nursing care visits in the mornings and follows through with the rehabilitation program in the afternoon, which involves exercise classes with polio or multiple sclerosis vict- ims for example. life as WAREHOUSE CLEARANCE AM. - F.M. RADIO AUTOMATIC RECORD PLAYER BUILT IN ANTENNA FOUR SPEAKERS priced from HAND WIRED CHASSIS DUAL SPEAKERS HEAVY DUTY TRANSFORMER GOLD CONTACT TUNER priced from RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE SPARTON 23" T.V. SPARTON STEREO IAdvance Polls Open Advance polls for the September 25 provincial el- ection in York North open- ed at 8 am. today and will continue through tomorrow to Saturday . ' Times will run from 8 a.- m. until 5 pm. and from 7 to 10 pm. Standard Time (9 am. to 6 pm. and 8 pm. to 11 pm. daylight saving to l( (9 a.r to 1] time) Following are the location of polls in each voter’s part- icular district. Richmond Hill district: Polls 131-164, at 8 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill Markham district: -Polls 89-101, 102-109, 239-254, 255-256, at 26 Parkway, Markham. $259.95 $209.95 $2.50 WEEKLY WITH TRADE $2.25 WEEKLY Check our low introductory prices on Canada's best value in a 4-ply Nylon tire MYZZWfl/Eï¬ 0 4 full plys of Sam)“ Forfified Nylon 0 Husky 7-rib non‘skid freed s O Firestone Rubber-X, the longest mileage rubber ever used in Firestone ï¬res. 6.70:15 TUBE TYPE AS LOW AS EXCHANGE north district: Polls 177, 179-181, 184-189. 191-2, 194- 206, 210. at 4 Richmond Street, Maple. Vaughan south and Wood- bridee district: Polls 178. 182-3. 190, 193, 207-209. 227-238, at Concord Garage, Highway No. 7'and Keele Street. The ballot boxes will be opened and the votes count- ed at 7 pm. Eastern Stand- ard Time on September 25 at the above named places. The polls are open to all eligible persons who expect to be absent for voting on September 25. For further information voters are ask- ed to phone Returning Off- icer Donald M. Findlay. Vaughan Centre and @@@srones 3 HEAT SELECTOR 9 lb. CAPACITY SAFETY DOOR OVEN BROILER APPLIANCE OUTLET 0 SEVEN HEAT CONTROL WITH TRADE REMOVABLE OVEN DOOR STORAGE DRAWER $125 WEEKLY 3% 155 Yonge St. N. - Richmond Hing ‘cw ~Nâ€"A4W WW»\.Â¥V\,\'V WVV\rV\/WW\MAMA McCLARY EASY DRYER McCLARY EASY RANGE Junior Leagues Start Saturday, September 14 PHONE AV5-5329 A.B.C. BOWLING 884-4401 9 REGISTER g NOW FOR >‘ALL LEAGUES $149.95 :ZZIEE'A; LARY $1.50 WEEKLY Attention Bowlers