THE LIBERAL, RichmondHill, Ont, Thursday, September 19, 1963 USED CARS 1956 Volkswagen, top condition. 884-7878. *lwlz 1957 MERCURY, good condit- ion. AV. 5-2303. c1w12 WE BUTcâ€"ars for cash or-we Wlll sell yours on consignment. TU. 4-4372. tfc8 WANTED to buy for cash IO; mileage north American car. 294-0378. *1w12 1959 RENAULT Dauphine. 5300. 884-7619, after 6 pm. *1w12 1957 MONTRCH, $10 down, take over payments. TU. 4-2563 c1w12 '59 FORD Station Wagon, autoâ€" “797mg,- WM. ‘ ‘ I ‘ i i _â€" #u ' ‘ CLASS,an ADVERTISING RATES tSALE MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED EQUIPMENT 232°i3°‘;eg92%“““g' “315,33 Ul’l inuec. â€"‘â€"‘â€"â€"â€"iâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€""â€"‘ ' ' ' - ‘ â€",____,______ SEPTIC TANKS THREE- ' ' l (Cont u d) ' *AsAâ€"â€"â€" CASH RATES- 1“ 11mm†5° "011 “mt min- sham MOST HOMES ARE LISTED PVMPED 20 $25 Hm wrigglfmeirngighmond pRICKLAYERs and labourer,i . . m e RENTALS 1953 MERCURY pickup truck. . . . . . . . . 75c. Second and subsequent insertions if wording WITH DAVID McLEAN LTD. . s - 3“ n v e 1 ’ m“ Class only- 835E5391llngOYS' w‘th blcydes' wanted for Wisï¬â€"Râ€"RENT 3135- 1950 Pontiac, uSEful for .. . . . . . . unchanged, 541 per word. min. charge 650 mm Eldfifriidsseic‘l'lcaged' FaSt' Clean. 52(3nlfintg; rSellrteégr'I‘glelnt‘le‘lrlflg'IWIIâ€"‘L “Change $90 for 4 lElghultlillga‘lgoolrglldzsaiid (gill: F 10"" sanders- SAWS and d‘I’ills- 3334-7635 chug [03 Box NUMBERS m “in charge per insertion 0‘ 50° RICH black loam, excellent for c STï¬NDEN E s-s ' ' , ' hqurs per week' Box 202' The[Ridges aired. TU. 4â€"7543. Hand sanders, jig-saws and nail 1958 FORD l-ton pickup, 31,000 top dressing lawns and gardens _' , C MENT MIXER, 3% cubic ft., leel‘al. C4w9 drivers AV 5-1109 tf 21 miles private at Tony's Esso COMING EVENT NOTICE: 5c per word; min. charge 75o Phone 2974326 C3w11- TU. 4-1245 Richmond Hill electric. Will deliver. Also m czw†' ‘ ' C Station Richmond Hill CARDS 0F THANKs, 1N MEMORlAMS, DEATHS, m3A36 tfc40 wheelbarrow AL. 7-3371 tfcll housework one day 5,26%; GIIRL for part time in cleaning Rill-rl‘l'l‘ ï¬O‘EELEVISISN v - c1w12 . ’ . e y ; â€"_â€"â€"â€" . . r - . ' . om . . _______â€"â€"- ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, gal. gas glassqmelzi hot water CONCRETE - MASONRY THREE-bedroom modern brick AV. 5-3355. c1w12 pant Thommu 285 6911'c1w12 deliver-v andapmiï¬p 1962 ONE OWNER Gordinl p" Insertion . . . . _ . _ ' I _ ‘ ‘ n . _ . . _ . . . . . _ . _ _ 1M tank. $20; electric car h0m’,CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS bungalow, _$125 monthly. 884- #ONE Doggy“ mechanic and ong,mVï¬â€"â€"lâ€"â€"-- Richmoni‘ hill TV. 34 Yonge s.iRenau1tl low mileage. like neW. I $2.50; child’s feeding chair, $4,lBuildin-g, alterations & repairs, 3030’ 3"" tlme' Clwm apprentice Apply CleaI‘VieW'week u u 1 ma e1; 5 (lay “L 4'745‘5 AV 5-3756 Sparkling red; White walls' 1" anglggogï¬ziï¬flï¬ï¬ï¬ghts?â€g; :smezrgywlndthe TU. 4-2472. c1w12 prompt service. 6 ROOM bungalow immediate Motors, TE. 3-6642. c1w12 age i5 :raoveenfggienzinialffé tfc28 13m TU- 4-‘380- c1w12 dam Send ad, by mail and enclose pa'ymeéty'or telegh‘m; NIGHT TABLES, unpainted, WALK‘A‘; &51;‘;2T6C“ELL $555510“- Ca“ AV~ 5-2951- T-DEHWASHER,â€"8i30-4:OO»?H1;:Liberal". ' “ 'clwlz TOOLS T0 RENTâ€" 1959 DODGE Custom Royal. 2 TU. 4-1105 or AV. 5-3316 and you will receive invoice brand “9Ԡ35 cash and “"y- ' ' ti 8 '-Efghyâ€"bmk$â€"râ€"CI“513 cafeteria, “Ve'day wee“ BA‘CASHIERâ€"m â€"f cement mixers' fl°°r sanders door hard top' fun power and ' North Park Furniture, 3368 c FURNISHED bachelor apart- 5-2361. c1w12 super “ ziperiggcee ggsï¬ï¬pd Edgers ramset guns, rote- radio, new tires, estate sale. 911. ROTOVATING ment With balcony; also partly WOMAN for housework, one working conditions. TU. 4â€"7201. tlllers' mtovators' also 500 AV. 5-6811. or BA' 1.81()4.tfc12 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7 ’ other tools. Willowdale Rental i tfc9'Lawns and gardens. Phone furnished l-bedroom apartment. FA:le FqgntlgléiILE . 884'7573' “63 A913†62 Hunt Ave’ “W†day per week can AV. 53:71: EXPERIENCED 't elm: it'llslales. 6026 Yonge St" BA' 1‘ ismâ€"Mkï¬Ã©m __.â€"__â€" SEPTIC tanks pumped. 24 hour 3-ROOM apt, stove and fridge . . wal ress wan ' ' “C12 C3511 down- Take 0V9? payment- EEP well pump and pressure A'1 BLACK mp 5011' 884-33586 semce- 0- an5- PR- 3503:}; 4 ilippliedb$85 a month, Bayview gaggï¬Rï¬cliakh‘llepeliveï¬ihd Al)If Pleasldngfi‘thittellyo EWIhmeVl/aii?‘ dcall Tw'i 5-2381. stem, $90, Av, 5.3550. __..___ c 328- ontact Supt, TU. 4- 5-3574, clwié 5-3197 ' ' ays'_' ‘ 1ve c1w12 HARD WOOD, $10 a cord de- EXPERT CHIMNEY repairsY 5669. c1w12 - ' CIWIz PRIVATE TYPIST, female, experienced, CLEANING women, day or 98 OLDS Sun-fire comet-time llvered. TU. 4-4966. new and old. Reasonable rates. CHRISTIAN home. Housekeep- DAY CARE good home fenced c1w12 _â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" †ELECTRIC stove, WANTED t0 rent by NOV- 1. part time for Sales Agency. evening work. Call after 6 p.m., Fair- all powered, low mileage, can ., , ; .Morse' in perfect com m house, farmhouse or bungalow, 334-7728- *1W11 ing room, close to Yonge. Share _ _ - in rounds R f, - “on; $75. €85.53â€. clwlz TU. 4â€"2563. c1w12 2 bedrooms (3 preferred). Write HOMEOWNERS fridge, grill, parking. Non- ignge‘laziï¬llialmlfvfosdlg HR??? 4mi- - e erences' 11’; $833111 atd92i511 :oEgedSt, 9. aura 5-. with removable BABY CARRIAGE. best offer $333353" Bales Ave-hwy; ForEavestroughing and Repairs “01“â€:- TU- “777- “W12 day my week, Bay“... 5..., Engageâ€"W71“, g5,â€- m â€"â€"ar‘ry-~av‘3-â€"â€"a “iiâ€"e“ ' takes. In good condition. TU. 4- ' ' w Call 334-5660. CZWlZ 6 ROOM house, 3 bedrooms, Steeles area. phone AV_ 5-7034.‘0pp0rtunities for advanc'emem home. 328 Neal Drive. Phone 1962 valkswagen' like new; can des like new. 884-1606. ' be seen at Bennett's Home Tex- c1w12 ’XX XXX 2000‘ i333 taxi-ital lOAN c4w12 00D used furniture for sale. and stove. Good condition, rea- sonable. TU. 4â€"4883. c1w12 all Frank's Movers and Stor- COMPLETE set of golf clubs, go. 28 Industrial Rd., TU. 4- Spa, Robert Jones Pro in- 613. tfc3 eluding bag, balls, etc. Apply Eâ€"â€"_‘SK and chain $15 bookcase. 21 Yongehurst Rd., Richvale. 3; white dinette suite, good “W12 Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. TU. 4-7902. tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. Ostergaard, 148 Yonge St. chen, suit two people. 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark’s Drug . . home in spare time. No sell- ï¬x Store at yonge' 2“"12 ing. Earnings to $1.25 per hour. FURNISHED room, cooking Apply Box 92, Station 413', Ha- facilities, parking, 16 Lorne, lst milton, Ontario," clwlz v. . ., afaffong: Clark†Drug LADIES interested in part or ' full time business, try the clwlz 4870. c1w12 3 OR 4 BEDROOMED house by pAINTING' pawl-hanging. Iii-Te gas heated, vacant Oct. 1. $105 1 12‘1 - _ 884-7922. 1 12 . . PHEASANTS Refrigâ€"eraâ€"to_r’_Câ€"rosley, 10 Casi; business executive. Preferably estimates. Colour samples, A monthly in Richmond Hill. TU. -w 'G'A' FOOdlmer’ TU‘ 4 7:011'2 c w ï¬les. RIChmond “Eights Shopv m Rlchmond Hill or Thornhiu . _ 44511 *1 12 YOUNG lady required imme- c W __. ping Centre, or at 136 Laverock . en ready $325. stout-Wine. feet Cross-top freezer. Good ROUHISOH- TE- 3 6571- “C15 w d- t1 A 1 th NIG ’ 0-2780. ' tfch condition. TU. 4-7197. c1w12 Rent up to $150. monthly. Call W ATTRACTIVE three mom Ti; 6 yï¬a kpplfi N: magnate;- gT foremacii general work- ROOM d BOARD Ave-v after 6 P-"‘- Terms- ,_BOOKCASE n “d b er. Hunter, office 285-5445, A. MILLS & SON LTD apartment. Fridge, stove and e ,n o _ va co ,er. ear roun work. 2 room an 1961 AUSTIN-HEALEY Sprite. ,‘ OLEMAN space heater. 51.000 , 11 pa n e , ran resmence 834-2318_ - , , Thornhill, AV. 5 4961. c1w12 cottage for rent on premises. â€"â€" H b 11 d M t .. n w am D Stew rt heat included. $75. Busmess . - ROOM and board for “if as een m 8 over' 0 or T 1k 6 . $7 cash and car . North J es . a J v 1 co . . . .U., ie new. TU. 4-2365. ry RECEPTIONIST 3-4 ihts 05’ aley Greenhouses Pine - d t i 11 t 1 12 Park Furniture 3368 Yonge St 6 ROOM HOUSE must be reas- TU. 4-2201 tfc43 couple 8841728- clw12 ' n g Gro AT 3 0432 2 Wu“ “(1195- home conveni- a" ransmlssm" " me e" ' c w ’ " onable. Location not im ortant â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"~â€"aâ€" weekly~ Ad alternate Saturday ve' ' - ' c “’12 C l ' Shape' $5004 0" beSt Offer' 257‘ THAM raspberry canes Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 PO B 172 R. h pd H.11' JESSIE’S CLEANING SERVICE THREE and 4 room apartments Apply Box No 225 “The Liber_ HANDYMAN for machine Sho ences' 31 evemngs 01†week- 1090 clwlz I. one garage dom- with’ FOR SALE 03 RENT ‘ ' 0x ' 1c mon *lwllz‘ Floors, walls, windows. paint- Wif“! 3 lt’iece bath]: stow; anld al" I c1w12 to learn operations on variou: - . ’ _ ’ - - _ in , ’anitor service, etc. Rea- 1'9 Flgel‘a 01‘ SUPP 19 - PD 1’ ' ' ‘ - room for tea- ardware. ATlas 8 0220. c1w12 Spagé‘icgbég trailer, AV. CENTRAL self contained warp 508131318. 25743969. “C46 Fred Hare. PR. 3_5841_ PLEASANT woman.“ ne'at ap_ Starch11:1:infigi’mosndogillolocz- chef, business or 01 der woman. A'IgliJR softenlelr ftor saleailiea- t L ment, reasonable. October lst. PAINTING & PAPER tfcnc Eggrif‘cei fg‘; Dtadss 3r1§f1:"terv}ew ' c2w12 Home PriVilegeS. meals and gaâ€" ‘ 118 e, exce en con ion. 0 space ca er, TU, 4.1504_ c1w12 ' onge “39 0“ r 10 ' ' rage t‘ 1. . - H ‘ . 4-7983 after 5. c1w12 large. 45 gallon, tank included HANGING TWO ROOM cottage, oil heat, mond Hill. Apply to Mrs- COUV‘ LICENCED MECHANIC op Iona TU 4 1450. O O ‘ $50 Av 54855 (31le â€"'â€""‘_ R E Dunn TU 4-2798 gas Stove‘ fudge and water' rette after 6 pm c1w12 ONE tune up man with GM _â€"___fl " ALUMINUM' ._ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' Chemical toilet. Suit couple. ' ' r ROOM and board for one gent- V ' are, windows awnings and FULLY paid single debenture PUBLIC A “c AV 53681 i 12 MATURE person aptitude for expenence' Straight hourl5’1 - llngs Ron Wo'ods TU 4-1514 in Richmond Hill Curling Club H LLS CONCRETE and carpentry ' ' ' c w 'figures for pricir’ig and costing rate plus bonus. Group insur- eman- 91â€â€œ “Ome- AV- 5-4313- . I I “(:35 Reduced price BA 2-4707 . LARGE public hall Yonge Sleork recreation rooms floors MODERN 3 room apartment department usual company ance and Other beneï¬ts' Apply I . c1w12 Thornhill suitable, for meet: and ,walls tiled at reaSonable over Store' Yonge St" RiChvale‘ benefits Bbx 226 “The Lib- to Bill Benfield' Mcpherson ROOM and board available for H EDROOM suite, 4-piece wal- __________. . . _ ’ . Heat, water, electricity, $85 .. ‘ ’ Motors, Aurora. c2w12 tWO. Twin beds. clean home “t, matching set; also kitchen 1956 INTERNATIONAL % ton ings, dances, special ev- prices. TU. 4 5482. tfc33 month] 285_2813 c1w12 eral . c1w12 h f - ble and 4 chairs. AL. 7-2483 truck, in good condition and entsl Spac‘ous’. With parking for CARPENTRY & CONCRETE y' ' . WOMEN with sales ability. KITCHEN HELP W T further details c1w12 two side tool boxes for 34 ton 500 cars' Avallable days or ev‘ C t b '1d' dd't'ons EXTRA LARGE housekeepmg Steady income pleasant work To Prepare menusv meals and mnw‘m'wmï¬ow , » -â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" ' truck AL 74400 c1w12 enings. For full particulars ap- “5 10m “1 "ti; a J1 l w’ r001“. 01056 to Yonge. Grill, chance for advancement writé light lunches. Also assistant ALOW-1105']?LIFE-11131133 - 0 single foldaway beds, $10 _ ' ' ply to B, G_ palmer’ R_ R, 3 rePaFSvA‘lI'ensovziézns- - tf 50' fridge, parking conveniences. Avon Mgr Miss Zieglér Box wanted. Phone 884-4566. '. agilciyéewï¬ginéumiiggg. $10; l brown umeftal. King, phone 773-5102. c4w11 cums' ' ' ' c Non-smokers. 70 Arnold. c1w12 141 Guelp'fl Ont ’clwlz The Richmond Hill Curling XX xxx gxxxxxxx ‘ . , . . . ve amp, sma rig RALPH ELMS DECORATING â€"_â€"-'-â€"â€"-_._’___’__.'â€"â€"â€"â€" Club E ‘ BED SITTING ROOM and klt “LADIES required to assemble x32 g S g xx . , t small Bath Mat type rugs a COUPLE to work on horse farm. Wife for part-time house- y hold duties. House provided. PAINLESSLY DESTROY†Phone Nobleton 859-3806, or (by approved S.P.CA method) or no COST To You SALESMAN wanted for appll- TROYER NATURAL WANTED WANTED; dress form, prefer- ably adjustable, size 16. Gorm- 1ey, 886-5485. c1w12 GOOD HOUSE for three kit- ndltion, $12. 884-4227 FORCED air oil furnace with tens black and white 6 weeks Richmond Hill phone TU. 4- an . - i t ' - ce st e. M - no THE BANK or E. w. PAYNE W e y°“ eam' “ a n "g able Service. 884-2283. c1w12 YONGE ST. - OAK RIDGES USED FURNITURE WANTED â€" pianos and used furniture. Cash prices paid Call NOVA SCOTIA Call TU. 4-4856. . c2w12 WOODWORKING plant in Thornhill requires Male Help. ESK' (om. drawer, Brand new room house or summer cottage} "painted $19.50 cash and Reasonable. Phone AV. 5-2829 arty. North Park Furniture, after 6 p-‘"- Cl‘Vlz , to businesswoman. Call evenin Drainsi sept‘c Links All types or weekend. TUrner 4-5600. g programme. of concrete work. c2w12 PR 3â€"5071 -‘W agilyonge St" Tomm’ HU’ CHEST 9f drawers’ ‘0‘" draw‘ Frank's Movers ind Storage" 285-5762 FREE ESTIMATE? FOUR ROOMS in private home, RICHMOND HILL CURLING Sorne previous woodworking ex- tfc9 er, Unpalnted_ Brand new, $15. TU. 4-2613. AV. 5 5101. tfc7 “03 - d - - CLUB perience preferred Please INGER SEWING MACHINES cash and carry. North Park USED CEMENT mixer, 216 or CARPENTRY WORK. additions, Mt lselicrgngagégo' ï¬lm 7qulet Requipes caretaker to assist phone AV. 5-4907 Mr. Ots for epossessed. take over pay_ Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Tor- 31.5 cubic feet. Must be reason- renovations, garages, recreation coup 8' ' - a er ice maker, No previous exper- further details. c1w12 ents. $5 per month. Washers, onto. HU. 8-7911. “09 able. Also skill saw. 884-4953. roomS. tile floors- No job t°° ience- necessary. Phone 834- ‘ Yers, vacuum cleaners. polish- ONE Imed. green spring-fall c1w12 sn‘iIalls. Egree estimates. T. Ptlf-icze. 5332151331131 guilt; $3112? 4566 or write Box No. 1. “The r I I A . '3 . 8 I ' ’ - n rs and typewriters. Terms. coat 511° 14 Wlth Scarf “1131'- .__â€"â€"â€"â€"-.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"53 6 house east Clarke's Drug Store Liberal ' Windows & Doors U- “931- 18A Yonge St. N.. Turqu°ise Kenw°°d Winter ‘CHIMNEYS *2w11 SANTA CLAUS: Applications tY . â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" a “g9 ON YONGE Street, close to ' chinond Hill. tfc48 coat, size 10. Navy blue brocade Business Chimneys built and repaired - . ' _ now being received for Santa _ ABY’S PLAYPEN, wooden, fzggssue 16' Reasonable' O t 't- Free estimates Expert W0rk- EEEFISSIEEEM zic2$grbu:?:gs Claus to be at shopping centre Summit Golf and public school. I and new' Gendron’ $800 caSh ’ w mianshlp‘ Phone Walker and gentl’emen AV 5_3993 or after for three weeks in December, 2 storey bl‘le home, four bed- . . . d carry. North Park Furni- DINING ROOM Slate- Chlppen' SERVICE station, and snack Mitcheu’ AV' 5-2526‘ tic†5.00 pm, 'Av, 5-4373, ’ ’ tfcll Write BOX 213 “The Liberal"- moms and doable car garage' .. c3w12 Very reasonable rent. J. A. ONE-bedroom apartment, sec- . Willoughby & Sons, phone H. ond floor, private bathroom, MOTHER'S HELPER, four chil- 1:, Charles, Av, 5-3391_ c1w12 completely furnished. AL. 7- dren, highest wages for right 2070. mm person, every modern conven- KING CITY WELL DRILLING CO. LTD. Pump equipment installed and serviced. George Adams, Box e, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, dale. walnut. 2 buffets. one bar, excellent ara e and lar e ‘ tfc9 China cabin“: table, 6 Chairs- volume from gservigce bay agd . 8-7911. Made by MCLagan- Excellent snack bar. Excellent location ii cDOUGALL deep well pump, - ,4 h.“ motor. pressure tank gaggltlon- 395‘ Often Av. 5' on busy highway. Please phone Closed In Patios dhrods, also 18" jigsaw, C2W12 for details. PA. 7-6433, Aurora 192, King CitY- Phone King TE- BEAVERTON CENTRE AREA lence automatic washer dryer , 4 .1). motor, like new, Av, KITCHEN SUITE, arborite, or HU. 5â€"7601 TorontO. 3-6321. tfc13 - ’. . . ’. I P d . 2590. mm brand new, 5 pieces, $29.50 cash c2w11 m Furnished room in quiet adult :ggeglshyggggafgwgg $8333; EMPLOYMENT "a lty [0 “(ts UNK BEDS' red mama Brand and carry. North Park Furnl- ï¬ll, top soil and black loam: home- Parkmg- $8 “’99le TU- ' ' ' czwli . ew. 36†size Spring filled ggé‘gggfilYonge St" Torogtcoé Prompt delivery. Reasonable 4'3801' ' 1w†m EXPERIENCED stenographer attresses. $49.50 delivered. ' rates‘ ‘1' 3' DeFenan' Maple' OFFICE SPACE for rent’ 700 male for cashier and conces- requires home typing- Write orth Park Furniture. 336311 NATIONAL Triplex 90" cut ALpine 7-8876. onge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 EAUTYREST, Marshall, Sim- ons, Serta, Heely and other prlng mattresses repaired, re- urned just like new, medium rm, extra ï¬rm. Two-day ser- ' ce. Eiderdowns recovered. On- rlo Bedding Co. AV. 5-1591. tfc44 OVING â€" Frigidaire deluxe utomstlc washer; McClary 4- urner 30" electric stove; Ar- rlte extension kitchen table, b; matching chairs; Electrohome umidifier; walnut console ra- dio; folding golf cart; end table: lamps. TU. 4-1349. c1w12 reel mower. Excellent shape. Reliable Mower 8: Equipment Centre 16 Industrial Road, 884-1124 c1w12 8 DRAWER dresser, brand new, unpainted, sell for $18 cash and carry. North Park Furniture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 BALL OF FIRE HEATERS Portable (stove oil). no pipes, no smoke, no Odour. From 6,000 - 12,000 BTU. See them at Carl Walker Sales. Don Mills Road, Victoria Square. Phone 886â€"5413. tfc11_ CRAFT SUPPLIES METRO WREEHING CEDAR AVENUE, RICHMOND HILL New 8: Used Materials - Plumbing - Doors - Pipe Clearing NEW Glazed Sash 50c and Up OPEN DAILY UNTIL 8 pm. SATURDAY UNTIL 5 p.n1. ' 1A Mile East of Yonge South Of Markham Road AV. 5-3942 FREE DELIVERY tfc2 SPRING filled mattresses: Double bed size. Brand new, cottage. North Park Furniture, 8368 Yonge St., Toronto, HU. 8-7911. tfc9 TRADE IN your old furnitUrC for new, with highest allowance ment. Free estimates â€" tl‘e. 85 Yonge Street North, ichmond Hill, TU. 4â€"2922. FRESH FRUIT WPLES. all varieties, hides: also Bartlett bun 1% d an Winter now, by the or bu51191: cold storage wiles; free delivery. Drop It!“ phone after 4 pm. and Ill†Saturday. Manning and , OFChal'dS. Dufferin St., Millie Smith of Maple Side- .mmple. AL. 7-8972. all pears, tfch l $15. cash and carry. Perfect for - 01' â€" we will buy your fur- niture for our trade-in depart- no Obligation. Call Powell Furni- tfc48 50“ and Prune plums, and‘ Y. Order your apples for / Groups and individuals can now Obtain supplies-for a wide variety of crafts, locally, at city prices, from A1 Steel's Gift & Craft Shop. 72 Yonge St. South. TU. 4-3980 SPECIAL - FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY Emerson stereo set $159.50. Also Corvette and Blaupunkt. Other used appliances are available. Reliable service. 20A ‘Yonge St., Richmond Hill. c1w12 WILL tutor grade 4 to 8 in all c1wlZx subjects, and grade 9, 10 and 11 French. TU. 4-5079. clw12 SPANISH conversation group class now forming. Also private tutoring and translations, nat- ive experienced teacher. TU. 4â€"3284. AV. 5-2964. c4w12 GARDEN SUPPLIES TOP SOIL for sale. Located in Oak Ridges district. Phone RU. 2-8646, Toronto. c3w10 BAYVIEW GARDEN surrï¬ A-l black top soil loam and manure for lawns and flower beds. We deliver. For sodding, grading and paving your drive- way. Free estimates. TU. 4- 2538. tfc50 ELGIN MILLS LOAM and SOD CO. LTD. Top Soil, Loam, Cultivated Peat Loam, Sandy Loam, Well Rot- ted Manure, Special Mixed Loam, Field Sod, Cultivated Seeded Sod, Nursery Sods. AV. 5-1514 ROLLAWAY BED, Aluminum. $35 00. Brand New, $20.00 cash and carry. North Park Furni-jquamy‘ sandy loam enriched, ture, 3368 Yonge St., Toronto, tfc40 Spring filled mattress. worth‘CEDAR HEDGES’ nice 3 to 4‘ ft. cedars for hedging. Top with rotted manure. tfc7 SPECIAL Chesterï¬eld sets recovered â€" 2 piece $69.00. Nylon freize $99. 5 years guarantee. Terms if de- sired A. Smith, Upholstery, phone AV. 5-1682. tfc43 CHESTERFIELD suites, and chrome chairs recovered and rebuilt, at a reasonable price. No job too small. Free estim- square feet, heat, light supplied, with parking facilities. Mark- ham and Yonge. 285-2564. c1w11 TWO ROOMS, equipped for light housekeeping, furnished and heated. Available October lst. Adults only, 884-2196. tfcll 2-BEDROOM apartment, newly decorated, wall to wall broad- loom, frig., stove, clothes dryer. 100 Markham Rd., 257-1229. YOUNG congenial business wo- man wishes to share her small bungalow with same, close to‘ transportation, reasonable. AV. 5-4445. c1w12 192 BAYVIEW AVENUE RICHMOND HILL LARGE 3-bedroom apartment, fully equipped, balcony, close to all conveniences. Call AV. 5-1472 or TU. 4â€"7755. tfc12 THORNHILL Modern Ravine Cottage. Basic Furniture. Suit business couple or family up to ates. Murray Upholstery. AV. 5â€"4767. tfc51 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. TU. 4â€"2838. tic-45 FLOOR COVERINGS All types tiles and sheet vinyl for rec. rooms, kitchens, entries, baths, etc. Also ceramic wall tiles. Free estimates. Reid and Sons, Flooring Contractors, AV. sion booth attendant; also stud- ents for ramp duty. Apply in person to the manager, Odeon Dufferin Drive-In Theatre, af- ternoons or evenings. c1w12 Box No. 212 The Liberal. c3w10 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salva- tion Army. 285-4869. tfc52 FEMALE assemblers and testers required for production of heating and cooling controls. Some experience preferred. Make application with recepti- onist, White Rodgers Ltd., just north of Markham on Highway 48. c1w12 MAN or woman to supply es- tablished customers with fam- ous nationally advertised Wat- kins Products. No investment. Earnings of $75.00 and up week- ly possible. Full or part-time. Write to J. Gathier, 350 St. Roch Street, Montreal 15, Que. c4w10 STENOGRAPHER WANTED: - Qualified in shorthand and typing to the extent of at least 80 and 30 words per minute. Good knowledge of English is 5-1960. tfc32,one child. J. R. Sumner. Days ROger 6-8181, evg. AVenue UPHOLSTE“ 5-1438. c1w12 Recovering and repairing of any kind of furniture. Experienced on Scandinavian furniture. Free estimates. Reasonable prices. Call anytime. TU. 4-4813 resi- 1 and 2 bedroom apartments __ idence- busmessv Av- 5‘5345- pool elevators, FM music, large “C44.balconies, intercom, parking, TV outlet. AV. 5-2303. tfc3 lRichmond Hill, 6 room brick SIALE‘two storey older home. Central. WENMAR APARTMENTS IN RICHMOND HILL COLBOURNE AVE. HU. 8-7911. - i . . assesses“... room-e 41:43:28.3.3553 23.1.0833: PROPANE GAS & c. L. Knappett, Landscaping,’§§r"icej TU- 41713 “W†D Carter ' ' ' . APPLIANCES 334.3039 tfc9 PEKINGESE puppies. register-t ' J. A: WILLOUGHBY SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. ed, 773-5595, c1w12 Ltd Realtors MAPLE PLANT EVERGREENS NOW‘CTAIRNjerriers and WE " 7 The only AUTOMATIC Propane Gas Service from New Bruns- wick to Manitoba. For informa- tion, call AV. 5-1145. tfc29 TYPEWRITERS l ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer ,All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- ?els. Special rental rates avail- ,able to students. Sabina Hicksi 18-24. lHetzi (blue), $3 each. $3.25. 75 cents. 18, $1.00. Balled and Burlapped. Juniper Sabina 18'“ Juniper‘Haired Fox Terriers 886-5526 Junifert ' ' ’ Phitzer 13-24, Juniper Phitzer' Juniper Phitzer Golden 15-18, Pyramidal Cedar, 3-4 ft. $3.50. Juniper Skyrocket, 3-4 ft., $6.00 B&B Red Leaf Barberry, 15â€"18, B&B Golden Mock Orange 15- Full line of perennials, shrubs THORNIâ€"IILL APT. clwlziSllO MONTHLY; spacious com- fortable five-room self-contain- ed apartment with private gar- tFREE to good homes, part Per- izgagléiklttens’ bOth sexes" c3181?) den, steps to village centre; 2 ‘ "A! _ 7- responsible adults only. Mr. ‘PART German shepherd and McLean. AV- 5_1175 or Av. 5. collie pup. 13 weeks old. TL‘. 3419. c1w12 4â€"5435. . c1w12l KING CITY DALMATIAN puppies for salewz Bedroom 115 storey house, Six “'eeks Old; 515 and 520- large lot, attached garage. Close 2856022; C1“'12,t0 schools and shopping. Newly ‘,HOUND PUPS. 3 months old; decorated. $110. Call Mr. Jack- male hounds, 15 months. 825; son. TEmple 3â€"5076. L. H. SIMS and trees. 88 Baker Ave. JONES GARDENS, 'German short haired pointer. T. L. FRASER LIMITED Richmond Hill TU. 4-1745 18 Elgin Rd. W. TU. 4-1662 female, 13 months, ready to Real Estate “C49 tfcll train $100. 833-6326. tfcll RU. 3-9425 also required. Apply in writing to R. N. Johnston, Research Branch, Department of Lands and Forests, Maple, Ontario. c1w12 REAL ESTATE SALESMAN - SALESLADY .DAVID McLean Ltd. has an immediate opening for one salesman at their Richmond Hill office. This busy location offers the opportunity for a permanent, better-than-average income to an acceptable appli- cant. Please call Mr. Shields, AV. 5-1164 or TU. 4-3805. STENOGRAPHER required for duties in Bayview Secondary School. Duties include typing, filing and general office duties. This pOSition requires someone who enjoys working with young people in pleasant surroundings. Applicants should have some business experience, and be able to produce references. Please apply, giving full details of age, marital status, qualifications and experience, to D. J. Ash- worth, Business Administrator, c1w12 EXPERIENCED legal secretary requires permanent position. PR. 3-5470 evenings. c1w12 YOUTH 18 would like appren- tiship in carpentery trade. Wil- ling to learn. Chauffeur’s lic- ence. AV. 5-3645. *1w12 YOUTH 18 would like job as truck driver. Chauffeur’s lic- ence. AV. 5-3645 after 5 pm. *1w12‘ GARDEN CONSULTANT, re- tired nurseryman, gardens de- signed, plants and shrubs sup- plied. Plans and estimates very reasonable. 884-7953. *8w5 MAN with 15 years’ experience as security officer wishes steady year-round employment. Write Box 223, “The Liberal". c2W11 # Transportation Available from Maple to St. Clair and Keele area. Leaving 7.30 am, returning 5 p.111. Phone AL. 7-1100. c1w12 AVAILABLE from Summit .Golf Club to Church and Carl- ton area. Via Yonge St. arriv- ing 8:30-9. Leaving 5 pm. TU. 4-2340. c2w12 RIDE wanted from Levendale & Yonge to University & Col- lege arriving 8:30 am. Return- ing around 4 pm. TU. 4-5310. c1w121 DEAD STOCK lWANTED all kinds of (lead an- imals. For fast service call TU. 4-2538 or ZEnith 32800. License‘ No. 204-62. tfc3] MORTGAGES __‘_____â€"_ MONEY available for good first and second mortgages, reason-‘ 25 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill, AV. 5-4949. c1w12 able rates. Medcof, Lawlor and, I... Claire. TU, +4413, tic2 All Materials & Workmanship Fully Guaranteed REGLAZED Phone For F ALI. MAKES OF WINDOWS # 8r REPAIRED ree Estimates TORONTO WINDOW MFG. CO. ND. 165 CENTRE ST. E. RICHMOND HILL lending the ’ Fol! Stretchy Slims Glenella Plaids $3.98 Acetate & Viscose Checks (American) $4.95 Plain Stretchy Slims $8.95 Wool Worsted $12.95 " SIMPSUN’SDRYGOD 12 Yonge St. S. 285-1471 884-2873 spot-live life. with - A Richmond Hill