Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Sep 1963, p. 11

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Christ Church. Dr. van der Bent is the son of Rev. and Mrs. William van der Bent, 54 Harding Blvd., Richmond Hill and a member of the Helse Hill Brethren in The annual rummage sale of the WA. of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church last Sat- urday was very successful. Good weather brought out a large crowd of shoppers. Monday evening Richmond 3111 Rotary Club had as guest speaker Dr. Tom DeGeer, a veterinarian in practice on Eg- linton Avenue, Ttn'onto. He is the son of Rotarian Walter De- Geer. entertained members of the Richmond Hill Lions Club and their wives. at a com roa§t held on Saturday at their home in Elgin Mills. _ The sympathy of the comm- unity is extended to Mr. Don- ald Plaxton, Sugar Maple Lane, on the death of his grandfath- er, Mr. Michael Brown, who passed away on September 23- rd. in his 88th year. Bob Manning Jnr.. returned to University College, Univer- sity of Toronto this weekend. where he is enrolled in second year Physics and Chemistry. Dr. DeGeer gave a most in- teresting and timely talk on “Rabies”, illustrating his re- marks with an excellent film. He stressed the fact that rabies is prevalent in this area to a high degree, and even though it is not compulsory. all anim- al owners, should have tneir pets vaccinated. This is quite painless and can mean the dif- ference between life and death if the pet comes in contact with rabid wild life. Dr. DeGeer's talk was foll- owed by a stimulating question and answer period. The Elgin Park Ratepayers Association held their general organization meeting on Mon- day evening at Beverley Acres School, when election of offic- ers was held, and a discussion of their aims and‘procedures discussed. Dr. David van der Bent Sailed from New York City on September 18 on board the MS. Berlin for two years of voluntary service in Algeria under the Mennonite Central Committee. His orientation program will take him to Germany and Swit- zerland. After a three month period of language study. he will begin to practice medicine in Constantine, Algeria. Rotary Club Elected to office were; pre-l sldent. Ivan Mansbridge: vice-1 president. Ed Wells; treasurer,‘ John McGaflney; secretary, Mrs. Lillianne Conway; enter- tainment chairman. Gary Greenwood; executive commit-1 tee of five. A. Hen-ler. J. Con- way. L. Ryan, T. Baker. B. Cflttcndon. Guest speaker was Mr. John Burton. vice-president of St. Mary’s Credit Union. who gave a most informative speech on the value of the credit union - as a single person, family. group or association. This was followed by a rapid question Ind answer period. Ratepayers will be notified of the next meeting. which will be held In a months time. Mr. and Mrs. Clm Bgnqett Goes To Algeria Mrs. Jean Langton (left) convenor and Mrs. Susan Baker review and arrange some of the interesting articles offered for sale at the treasure mart and “French Room” to be held September 27 at 8:00 pm. in Wrixon Hall, St. Mary’s Anglican Church. The evening women’s auxiliary is sponsoring this popular annual event. Treasure Mart Corner Mrs. De Geer has accepted the office of secretary on the resignation of Mrs. Ron Ry- land. A series of dessert bridg- es will take the place of the fall tea and bake sale. These will begin on October 23rd at the home of Mrs. Don Beau- mont. Please contact the con- venor, Mrs. A. Veyssiere at TU. 44215, or Mrs. Dixon at TU. 4-5560. mummmmumnmmuuI‘1nummmmm“mun\mmmmmuum 95 Years Young Miss Mary Lowe from Kap- uskasing is at present recuper- ating at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Coughlin, Kerry- brook Drive, following surgery at Branson Hospital. Lawrence Clarke, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Clarke, Rosemar Gardens, left recently for Oak Park, Chicago, where he is at- tending Emmaus Bible College. Lawi‘ence is a graduate of Bayview Secondary School. At Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church this Friday, Sep- tember 27 at 8 pm. a pre- communlon service will be held. There will be a Deception of new members into the church fellowship, to be followed by a social hour with members of the women's association prov- iding refreshments. mum“wIEmumuumum\uunmuuumlmmnunmumuumuuw The Inner Wheel of the Rot- ary Club held their first fall meeting at the home of Mrs. Gordon McIntyre on Septemb- er 17th. ‘ Elaine Rice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Rice, Leisure Lane, entertained on Saturday last on the occasion of her 8th birthday. ‘ During their stay on the The OC Pacific coast, visits were made held at ti to Vancouver and Victoria, B. Moebns. C., where friendships were re- and the newed with the Yerex family, will be h former xesidents of the Hill. E. Myers. Mr. Ernest Lowin. 453 Lyn- ett Crescent, is now in residen- ce at Wycliffe College, Umvers- ity of Toronto, where he is taking a four year course in preparation for the ministry of the Anglican Church in Can- ada. Attending the opening pro- duction of the Canadian Opera Company, “Der Rosenkavalier” at the O'Keefe Centre on Sat- urday night were Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redelme’ier, Mrs. G. Dearden, Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas-Crampton, Mrs. M. Appleton and Mr. and Mrs. 6. Holland. They joined the many guests at a curtain time party in the foyer, and then proceeded to the lower lobby where a buffet was served. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lynett, Starlight Crescent returned this weekend following a months motor trip to the West coast. Travelling via the Trans- Canada Highway, and in pass- ing through Alberta, they stay- ed with their daughter, Miss Margaret Lynett in Calgary on both outward and return jour- neys. A family dinner at her home will be held Septem- ber 26 in honour of the 95th birthday of Mrs. Thomas Moore, 9372 Yonge Street. A resident of the Rich- mond Hill area for 40 years, Mrs. Moore still re- tains an interest in every- thing that pertains to life in this community. She has served as president of the Richmond Hill Women's Institute and of women’s organizations of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church in which she still plays an active part. She is very alert, has an excellent memory and enjoys life to its fullest. “The Liberal" joins with her many friends. her five daughters, 11 grandchild- ren and 20 great-grand- children in extending the warmest birthday greet- ings to Mrs. Moore, with the wish that she will en- Joy many more such happy occasions. Richmond Hill Senior Citi- zens are very grateful to Mrs. Audrey Sykes who, although not a “senior”, is contributing her musical talent on the gui- tar to the newly formed rhythm band. “The Liberal” regrets that she was not identified properly in last week’s issue. Guest speakers included R. R. Jessup of Sudbury and W. S. Martin of Toronto, president and secretary of the Ontario Hospital Association. Long-time resident of Rich- mond Hill, Morley Beynon, has been hospitalized at York Coun- ty Hospital, Newmarket, since September 7 and expects to be confined to bed there for at least another month. During his stay abroad, John worked for eighteen months in London, England, and spent six months touring Europe. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kingston, Centre Street West, left on Tuesday for Montreal to meet their son John David, who ar- rived on Wednesday aboard the SS. Franconia. Although Mr. Beynon is not permitted visitors, we know he would like to hear from his many friends during his hos- pital stay. The address is room 143, York County Hospital, Newmarket. A meeting of the convenors for the 3rd annual fall bazaar for Our Lady Queen of the World Parish was held on Sep- tember 15th. The bazaar this year will take place on October 19th. Mrs. J. McArthur is the gen- eral convenor and each booth is being coâ€"convened by two members. Among those attending grand chapter sessions of the Order of the Eastern Star, held in Windsor, last week, from Richmond Hill Chapter No. 302, were Mrs. Eleanor Gates, worthy matron; Mrs. Al- ma Hill, past matron; and Mrs. Violet Birrell, Richmond Hill, Mrs. Cora Magee. associate matron and Mrs. Nan Simmons, conductress, Maple. York Central Hospital admin- istrator G. J. Chatfield, and Trustees James' R. Reycrafl and J. E. Smith attended a re- gional Hospital Association meeting at Wasaga Beach last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. G. Kingston returned to their Centre Street West home last week following a three month trip to Europe and Great Britain. Lunch was under the direct- ion of Mrs. C. Parke. social convenor. Mrs. E. Carter, membership convenor, reported that the an- nual membership drive would begin on September 22nd, and continue for two weeks with members of the C.W.L. visiting every home in the parish. After several more reports, the re- mainder of the meeting was taken up with discussion of the bazaar, to be held on October 19th. The monthly meeting of the C.W.L. of Our Lady Queen of the World Parish was held on September 18th in the new church hall. Mrs. H. O’Toole presided. Seventeen members and guests of St. Paul’s Lutheran; Church Women met on Wed: nesday evening last at the home of Mrs. Erika Kuznicki, 263 Alsace Road, for their first regular meeting since June. The October meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Erna Moebus. 243 Zelda Crescent. and the Bible study program will be held by Pastor Albert‘ The program was a Bible study led by Mrs. Ev. Miller, on the lst and 2nd chapters of the book of Colossians. A dis- cussion followed the question and answer period. The business was then con- ducted, and L.C.W. President Betty HarveY, presented Mrs. Sophie Kovacs with a "Descen- ding Dove” pin as a farewell gift in appreciation of her years of service. Mrs. Kovacs is moving from the Hill to Oakville, and will be greatly missed by the members. Later in the afternoon the s guests were entertained at the ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bin-ell. Tyneview Lane, when the guests of honour were pre- sented with several beautiful gifts. I Requirements for the degree included successful completion of two years of graduate study, together with annual attend- ance at college clinics. Mr. Kirchen has been practicing for a number of years at 31 Yonge Street North. Delta Lambda Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi celebrated “Be- ginning Day" on September 8, with a luncheon at the home of M“. M. F. Thomson, interna- tional honorary member and social sponsor of Richmond Hill Chapter. The husbands of the ‘members were also invited for this occasion. Audley W. Kitchen, O.D., was among 30 Canadian optome- trists awarded the “Doctor of Optometry" degree at a recent convocation at the College of Optometry, St. George Street, Toronto. The Couples Club of Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church will hold a corn and wlener roast as its first meeting of the season Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Tilt, 25 Bridgeford Street. This social group meets the fourth Saturday of each month from September to May. Mr. and Mrs. James McAlister are this year's presidents. On September 10th the first meeting of the season was held at the home of M16. Alice Smith. Mrs. Jean Perdicaris convened the programme for the evening on the topic of “Happiness”, and what it means to the individual. During the discussion which followed, Mrs. Thomson felt that to obtain true happiness it was necessary to follow the quotation “To Thine Ownself Be True”. Drama for Teenagers The Curtain Club is very pleased to announce that they have signed Richard Howard for a course in drama instruc- tion for young people 14 years and over. Mr. Howard won best director award at last year’s Central Ontario Drama League Festival for his production of “Our Town". He was the direc- tor for a successful season of summer stock this year with his own company at Sarnia. As part of the Rally Day of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Sunday School. teach- ers and officers attended the morning church service in -a group. Rev. J. N. Hepburn con- ducted a service of dedication, assisted by Sunday School Su- perintendent George Francis and members of the session. Marylyn Clarke, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 1). Clarke. 227 Rosemar Gardens. is attending the MacDonald Institute in Guelph, where she is taking a home economics course. The classes will be held Tuesday evenings, 7.30 to 9.30 commencing October 15th at the Curtain Club Theatre, Yonge Street North, the fee for ten lessons is $7.50. Registra- tion is limited and those young people who are interested should get in touch with Mrs. J. Jackson, TU. 4-3557. Marylyn is a graduate of Thornhill High School, and an Ontario scholarship winner. Mr. and Mrs. Tom. J. M. Birrell, Baker Avenue, were very happily surprised last Sunday afternoon when Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birrell and Mr. and Mrs. Torn. Birrell Jr. held a reception and family dinner at the Summit View Gardens Restaurant in honour of their pamnts 40th. wedding anniversary September 26th. It was an especially happy occasion as among those pre- sent were five of Mr. Birrell's sisters, Mrs. D. Cox. Mrs. K. Thorpe and Mr. Thorpe of London. Ont. Mrs. Birrell and Mr. Bin-ell, Windsor, Mrs. R. Annable and Mr. Annable, Lambeth and Mrs. N. House and Mr. House, Toronto. his brother Mr. James Bin-ell and Mrs. Birrell, London. Also pre- sent were Mrs. Birrell’s sister Mrs. J. Henderson and Mr. Henderson, Lambeth and two sisters-in-law Mrs. W. H. Brett and Mrs. J. McGngan and Mr. McGugan, London. With the fall season fast approaching, various com- munity, social and bridge clubs are holding their or- organizational m e e t i n g 5. “Life in the Hill’ is always pleased to receive news items regarding your club activities â€" the service is free â€" just call the social editor, Margot Crack, at TU. 4-1105, or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. Editor Margot Crack Mr. and Mrs. Keith Carson of Richmond Hill entertained Mrs. Carson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Burr on the occas- sion of their 25th wedding an- niversary September 21. The party was a surprise for Mr. and Mrs. Burr and included 15 family members. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jam- es Grainger and Janice, Mrs. John Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rowntree, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allen, Mr. Cline Burr, Mr. Murray Carson, Mr. N. Burt and Miss Sandra Burr. Miss Shirley Greenhead. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Greenh'ead of Richmond Hill was among the 55 graduates of Brantford General Hospital's School of Nursing when she was presented with diploma and pin at recent graduation ceremonies. Miss Greenhead began her nursing career at Brantford recently. i Staying for a week with Mr. and Mrs. A. Haworth of Dris- coll Road were Mr. P. W. Price of Surrey, England, and Mr. H. W. Marshall of Edinburgh, Scotland. They are both in this country; doing post graduate work at the University of New Bruns~ wick and were in Ontario to at- tend the centennial meeting of the Entomological Society of Canada. The sympathy of the commu- nity is extended to Mr. P. A. Limpert, South Taylor Mills Drive, on the sudden death of his mother, Mrs. John Limp- ert. who passed away on Sept- embc: 15th in Tillsonburg. Mrs. M. Appleton left by air on Wednesday for London, England, following an extended stay with her daughter, Mrs. D. Douglas-Crampton, at her home in Maple. Members of the W. A. of the Church of St. Gabriel are busy with preparations for their fall rummage sale, to be held on Saturday. October 5th, at 10 am. at the church. Plan to at- tend, bargains for everyone! The AOTS Men’s Club of the Richmond Hill United Church will be holding a dinner meet- ing on October 16th, with Mr. J. Beatty as guest speaker. His topic will be “Christianity in Business - A Lawyer’s View- point." The Couple's Club of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will open the season with a corn roast and sing-a-long at the Atkinson Farm on Yonge St., at 8:30 p.m., Saturday, Sept- ember 28th. There was an excellent att- endance at the University Women’s Club’s first meeting of the year - a dessert and coffee party - held on Monday evening at the N-ewmarket home of Mrs. Keith Norris. Guest speaker was Mrs. M. J. Sabia of St. Catharines, first vice president of the C.F.U.W. Attending from the Hill were President Edna Izzard, Dr. Lillian Langstaff, Mrs. F. A. Lindars. Mrs. J. Langstaff and Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle. LET US GET AT THE CAUSE AND CORRECT IT Recent Graduate COOK'S BP Auto Service Complete Service to All Makes of Cars ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-3151 ! Emergency Prescription Service Approximately 100 people attended the Monday evening meeting of the Pleasantville Home and School Association. The candidates for York North were invited to present their “Views on Education”. Mr. Donald Plaxton and Mr. Robert McVey attended in person, while Mrs. M. Comessiong. chairman of the Newmarket Public School Board, spoke on behalf of Major Lex Mackenzie. The next meeting at Pleas- antville will be October let. Guest speaker at this time will be Dr. E. Wyborn who will speak on “Education With A World Wide Outlook.” All young people of the pa- rish are invited. BROWN, Michael â€" On Mon- day, September 23, 1963, Mi- chael Brown, father of Mrs. Frank Plaxton, Thornhill, and Dr. F. M. Brown. Van- couver; grandfather of Don- ald Plaxton, Richmond Hill and Nancy (Mrs. Eric Bird), Toronto; great-grandfather of Stephen, Julie and Debbie Bird and Douglas. Dana, Drew and David Plaxton, in his 88th year. A private fun- eral was held on Tuesday, September 24. Interment Thornhill Cemetery. Arrange- ments Pipher’s Funeral Home 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Twenty five years ago on September 21st, Ross Stephen- son and Laura McConnell were married in a quiet ceremony at the McConnell home on Ba- thurst Street. On Thursday, September 19‘ th, friends and neighbours gathered at the home of Mrs. B. R. Book to celebrate the occasion and make a present- atlon. Next Sunday evening at St. Mary's Anglican Church is Students Night. At Evensong at 7 pm. coll- ege and high school students will take part in the service. Afterwards the youth council of the parish will sponsor a special speaker, Dr. S. E. Jen- en, director of the York Coun- ty Mental Health Clinic. He will show a film and lead a discussion on the subject of ‘Sex, Christianity and the Atomic Age’. HARRISON â€" Edith and Roy are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Heather Elaine, at Branson Hospital, September 12, 1963. a sister for Cathy and Russell. c1w13 DOWDALLâ€"John and Sheila are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, at Bran- son Hospital, Sept. 23, 1963, a sister for Susan and Steven. c1w13 BEYNON, Eva Kathleen â€" Suddenly, at her home, on Monday evening, September 23, 1963, Eva Kathleen Mur- phy, beloved wife of Morley Beynon, of 33 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill; dear sister of Estelle, Marjorie, Winnifred, Harold, Harry and Clarkson. Resting at the Pipher Funer- al Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Requiem mass at St. Mary Immaculate Church, Richmond Hill, on Thursday, 10 am. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. ‘ During the weekend out of town friends and relatives call- ed on the couple to congratulâ€" ate and wish them well. NEILL, Hazel Ruth â€" At the Princess Margaret Hospital, on Saturday, September 21, 1963, Hazel Ruth Poapst, be- loved wife of Lawrence A. Neill, Richmond Hill; dear mother of Jean (Mrs. R. J. Dawson), Norma Grace (Mrs. N. G. Potter), Carol Dianne and Ronald. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. c1w12 Hill. When your physician leaves a needed prescrip- tion late at night, call or have your physician call directly to TU. 4-4683 TU. 4-7204 Your prescription Will be called for, filled, and returned to you without delay and AT NO EXTRA CHARGE. DURING THE DAY (9 a.m.-9 pm.) Call TU. 4-4461 for the same quick service. ALLENCOURT PHARMACY LIMITED WM. C. LAZENBY, B.Sc., th. ALLENCOURT CENTRE, RICHMOND HILL lambs AFTER HOURS “ One of the Many Services of c1wl3 c1w13 to me Like that wonderful mother of mine, Too dearly loved ever to be forgotten. â€"Sadly missed, Audrey and family. 7 c1w13 RUSSELLâ€"Roy and Fern wish to announce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Sharon Fern. sister for Brian. DUNSEITHâ€"In loving memory of my dear mother, who passed away September 28, 1962. “Always smiling, happy, con- tent, Loved was my mother wherever she went; You hold a spot deep in my heart, There the sun will always shine. For there will never be another MANLEY â€" In loving memory f of a dear father and brother- " in-law. John Manley, who passed away October 2, 1957. Thinking of the thoughtful things That you have said and done, And loving you a little more . Dear Dad with each and every one. â€"â€" Sadly missed by children Freda and Douglas and broth- er-in-law Frederick. ch13' In memoriam her hand, Her happy face to see, To hear her voice, and see her DUNSEITH â€" In ever loving memory of our precious “mother” (Alice Dunseithâ€" nee Jarvis), who passed away Sept. 28th, 1962. What We would give to clasp not find A heart so wonderfully kind. So soft of voice, so sweet a smile That meant so much to us. For in all the world we shall READ â€" In loving memory of a dear husband, Adam J. Read, who passed away Sep- tember 25, 1957. We do not need a special day, To bring you to our mind. For the days we do not think smile, Inspiration so worthwhile. A sympathy so sure. so deep; A love so beautiful to keep. Always remembered by Marj- ory, Ralph, Sharon, Alice, Billie and Buster. DUNSEITHâ€"In loving memory of my dear mother, who pass- ed away Sept. 28, 1962. The cup was bitter, the sting severe, To part with a mother we loved so dear; The trial is hard, but we'll not complain. But trust some day we’ll meet again. ‘ â€"â€"Lovingly remembered. Bon- nie, Joe and family. of you Are very hard to find ~vi6vingly remembered by his wife Carrie and family. You haven’t to go to To- ronto to enjoy the excite- ment of an opening night! This year being the Curtain Club’s 10th anniversary - on October 9th, first night- ers at “Angels in Love" can look forward to part- icipating in a memorable milestone in their local theatre. Guest celebrity will be Larry Mann, mod- erator of the Midnight zone on CBC, radio per- sonality and distinguished actor. with performances in London, New York and Toronto to his credit. Following this show a buf- fet supper will be served, all for an inclusive charge of $2. Prices' for the remaind- er of the run will be at the usual price of $1.25 - how- ever tickets are selling fast for this entertaining racy comedy, and if you have not already reserved your seat - either for the open- ing night, or for the re- maining nights - call to- day, TU. 4-1280. ADOPTION THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 26th. 1963 c1w13 *1w13 clw13 c1w13 Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Davies of MacKay Drive wish to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Diane Inez to Mr. Ronald Leslie Coons. The mar- riage will take place at St. Mary's Anglican Church. Rich- mond Hill. Saturday, October 12. 1963, at 4 pm. c1w13 CARD 0F THANKS (Engagements Mr. Jim Stephenson, 86 Church St. South, wishes to thank his relatives and friends for their many cards, gifts and flowers during his recent stay in hospital. c1w13 CARD 0F THANKS The Victoria Square and Dis- trict Lions Club wish to thank everyone who helped to make the rummage and auction sale of September 13-14 such a suc- cess. To the ladies who sup- plied baking, to everyone who supplied articles to be sold. and the people who patronized the sale. Proceeds for community betterment, a large part of which will be used to pay for the new entrance to the Vic- toria Square Community Hall. c1w13 III-IIIIH Phone 285-1073 Typewriters - Adding Machines Your Office Machine Specialist 88 Baker Ave.. Richmond Hill See Portable Models at ‘Wight’s Pharmacy’ SALES . SERVICE - RENTAE Day or Evenings. TU. 4-1745 THE EMERALD ISLE MOTELâ€"AV. 5-541] The Emerald Roam legs & Breusig lb. I Rib Roast - lb. Margarine 5 lbs. mm Shoulder Roast lb. 2% NOW OPEN Weddings ? Sales Meetings ? Get - Togethers? Bridge Parties ? Banquet Facilities Up To 50 People ELGIN MILLS GENERAL STORE YONGE ST. NORTH AT ELGIN MILLS THIS WEEKS SPECIALS York Ice Cream, 1/2 Gal. . . . . . . 79c Bacon, Lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c Mother Parker Tea (100 Bags) 79c Ladies Seamless Nylons Pr. . . 49c Free Delivery 3333:1333“ TU. 4-5155 fEAN PORK STANDING CHICKEN TULIP BAYVIEW PLAZA 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1312 C. NELS GASE .. H. SIMS Hours 9 am. to 11 pm. 7 Days A Week MORTGAGE SERVICE INSURANCE HERBERT R. BUTT DEPENDABLE Established 1878 126 Yonge St. N., Richmnnd "ill BOOK NOW AND On Orders Richmond Hill area Mrs. D. C. F. Fayle Thornhill Area Mrs. E. Percival Mrs. Gordon Purves Mrs. Mrs Mrs For Services We Render &' General Information Ca‘ Mr. A. T. Crosier Victoria Square area Mrs. C. Nichols Unionville Area Mrs. E. Stiver Markham Area Mrs. O. S. Stalter Gormley Area Mr. George Brand RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT UNIT CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY AT: popular makes on hand Special Students’ Rates W. J. Lennox S. G. Phillips W. C. Armstrong TORONTO. ONT EMpire 2-3456 TU. 4-76 2 Carlton St Toronto 294-1450 886‘ 297-158 888-5200 r552 183 1034

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